Map file generation key. Minecraft code for village

The keys to the generation of light are either simpler than Sidy, one of the most important functions in Minecraft, with the help of which we can choose the place of our life, whether it’s an island, a village, a jungle, or a wilderness, and skin updating MSR bring us new generations. At this article, we can see that they plan to add retailers at the borders of seats.

Otzhe, maybe the most expensive price is new, see the data among them. .0), what is the Temple in the jungle, we have already said more than once about the new one in the front statues, in the future, which consists of three rooms, 2 of them on the surface, and one more is found under the ground.

For this dungeon, you need distributors, which will be added in 0.14.0, and pistons, which are planned for 0.15.0.
If you add Ender light at 0.15, then it will be more popular to sit with underground fortifications, so that only there you can know the portal to the End, at the same time sit already available, but the portal cannot be activated without an ender, the retailers suggested that you add yoga in 0.15.0. Well, now let's take a look at the skin of Danzha Okremo, and we know the most popular sit for this generation.

Forge (First appearance 0.9.0) - Forge is generated in villages, in one village there can only be one forge, but it’s not possible. The smithy can be called Dange, to that in it there is a screen. He may have different objects in the form of men, up to the armor, and in some places diamonds are trapped.
1) 999
2) slots
3) nargiz

Pyramid or Temple near the desert (First appearance 0.13.0) - One of the richest Dungeons, at the pyramid you can find 4 screens and the knowledge of diamonds is far from rare among them. The pyramid itself can be found at the desert, before speech there is pasta, be careful.
1) geography
2) 111
3) 124201

Underground Fortress (First appearance 0.9.0) - Underground Fortress can also be called a dungeon, because there you can find it in all forts from 4 to 11 screens with brown resources, the fort also has a portal to the edge, which, unfortunately, remains for us unavailable .
1) village pls
2) mimi
3) robot

Mine NPS (First appearance 0.9.0) - Mines are one of the most secure dungeons, there are also a lot of monsters, pastures and other unsafe ones, and even more, graves knew up to 15 screenshots with different resources.
1) bank
2) 82093
3) NPC

Underground dungeon (First appearance 0.9.0) - Underground dungeon is stacked with stone, as a rule, in the middle there is a spawner of monsters and 1-2 screens in which there is nothing brown: gunpowder, thread, wheat, etc.
1) tsubasa
2) 1982
3) oops

Temple at the jungle (First appearance is scheduled for 0.15.0) - The temple at the jungle is a unique dungeon, at the new one there is one pasta at the entrance, a secret room and a sprinkling of screens with valuable resources, such as salt of zlivka, emeralds and diamonds.

Pekelna Fortress (First spawn 0.12.0) - Pekelna Fortress is generated by the world under the name of the Lower World. It’s even richer and at the same time it’s not a safe dungeon, here it’s an impersonal screen with gold, armor, armor, diamonds and other items. Ale on the way you will be hit by the most safe mobiles - Ifrit, Lava cubes, Pig-zombies. We are glad to prepare you well, first of all, to break things.
1) lololowka
2) 1884928367
3) 108685930

Once again, we will repeat before the dungeon only those generations of buddies, de e screens. Khatina witches, Kolodyazi and Saly dungeons are not є.

- Creation of the world with the most manipulative biomes, such a large number. The main tool for generating keys is to be entered into special fields for logging. Another name of the keys - sit.

In order to enter the keys correctly, you need to switch to the "Single Player" mode:

We create a new world by pressing on the button:

We enter the name of our new world in Minecraft and press the button "Additional adjustment of the world ...":

At the field for entering keys, we enter the very ones that we need. After the introduction is pressed, “Create a new world”:

Keys for creating the world in Minecraft:

  • -7913242515578862597 - you will appear in the jungle near the temple of that village. There you will know the screens, in which the book will be enchanted with the power of III and magic III, as well as one diamond and gold armor.
  • 1711734982989244509 - lean on the beach near the village, the ravine and the zanedbano mine.
  • biome— white village with snowy light.
  • 404 - Not far from you Dirk to the administration.
  • Winter- Snow map.
  • 616263 - a deserted island with water.
  • Ar- Marine map.
  • maxi- Snow map with mountains.
  • Civilization- a map with a lack of resources and trees.
  • 6533320452545774686 - A collection of islands for survival.
  • yogtowers- map-ocean with small islands.
  • 3657966 — map, de є NPC village, 11 diamonds, mushroom biome and underground mines.
  • 2466194839641607740 - the chalet behind the temple that NPC sat down.
  • -6537646629406718267 - You appear not far from the village in oak forests with acacia biomes and empty biomes. There will be enchanted books, emeralds and richly others.
  • 109269902 - a large map with a lack of resources, a creature that is richly different.
  • Theworstseedever— an abstract light from the impersonal green jungle, swamp biome and two canyons.
  • Artomix- Jungle Island.
  • f99t- Map with unlimited resources.
  • Glacier- A world with a majestic number of flying islands and waterfalls.
  • gargamel- You appear in the middle of the girsky ridge.
  • kedengkedeng- Near the village there was a river.

This article shows the TOP 5 most popular seeds for survival in Minecraft 1.2. We will tell you about them. Not less tsіkavi, but y vіdminnі keys for survival. Some generations have rich resources, and in other amazing reliefs.

Let's move on to the right side and take a look at the five keys of generation. Let's check out our list of types of the most recent generation key.

Ocean Monument and Underwater Fortress

How can I know the monument and the fortress? As soon as you create the world with this key, then you will appear on a tree near the forest biome. I bіlya you can be a desert biome. Nareshti, schob distatisya legendary spores, you are guilty click on the menu to add cheats. Send a command to the chat: /tp 1258 75-1827 then lean on the same roztashuvannya tsikh structures. Ale chi, obviously, you can just collapse on the given coordinates.

Generation key: 702642131

We think that this generation key will be especially dark for you. Even if you can save an hour and see your mansion in the forest.

Chastkovo vy z'appear before the appointment, but you will need to walk close to 100 blocks before the month of recognition. Shvidshe for everything, you are not guilty of causing problems, it is easy to know that it is easy to do it. And so, in order to get to the next day, you need to turn right hand and walk through the dense forest. So you lean on the fox mansion.

Generation key: -518068014

The village of bіlya yaru

This time you have been lucky, if you will, show up near the gorge near the village. Yar covered the village with pivkol. Without a doubt, these are the results of a greedy catastrophe. And yakby yar zgeneruvavsya closer to us, then it would be tse tsikavіshe?

Generation key: -1000

Two villages and an underground fortress

It's just marvelous to have a check on you in the same generation, so that you appear in the middle of two forces, so move in the center of the floor. This generation key is just perfect for your life, to the fact that the first and other villages have a farrier, and that means you won’t be left without bonus speeches.
If you are already ready to raise the price of an underground fortress, then you need to go to an empty village. I gave to know the well of the village. After that, as you know the well, go down the water and break the bottom of the well. So you will get to the underground fortress.

Generation key: -200889213

Yar beat you and not only

Gorges or gorges, natural reliefs, can be found in numerical biomes, but there are also vines in a mushroom-like and deserted biome. Gorges are exclusive and available only for versions no lower

Generation key for Minecraft PE

25.12.2018 17.02.2020

General language assessment of the article:

Skin from minecraft PE gravel, when creating a new world, spodіvsya on the side of generation: a village, a temple, a native biome, or even cooler. Some madness to turn over a dozen lights, checking for good generation, and some to introduce seed when the light is turned.

What is Sid? This is the root of the generation, with the introduction of any type you like, the same generation, like in a different grave. If you choose to use the latest version (0.9.0), it is suitable for introduction and for the rest. And today we have selected for you a selection of the best seeds that work on the larger versions of Minecraft Pocket Edition and Bedrock Edition.

Majestic mountain biome and 5 forces

Do you love burning that village? Todі tsey іd for you! Introducing this seed, you can see the majestic mountain biome, on which one view of one is not far away, 5 forces are sown.

For the bajan you can unite all the villages in one There are not many resources on the chain. You show up on the hillock. In order to get to the strength, you need to go straight, go around the gorge and the river, after which you can see the plateau with the villages, in which life will be full of life.

Moreover, in many villages there are forges, you can take it off in the early stages of GR.

Generation Key: 1235045255

Island of mushroom biome

Mushroom biome is the most important biome in grі. Chance to know yoga less than 1%, vіn roztashovaniya on okremomu ostrovі and know yoga in the region smoothly. Behind some (non-confirmed) bits, there is only one mushroom biome per generation. In this rank, doing yoga at the spawn will be a great success.

It is helpful to know the mushroom biome, growing in the fourth month. If you take yoga, you will lean on the island, and if you have drunk the trochs evenly forward, you will lean on the mushroom island, in which there will be a large number of great mushrooms, as well as mushroom cows.

Mushroom Island is good not only for those who have mushrooms in the new, but also for those who cannot be spawned in the new by evil mobs: zombies, skeletons, creepers and so on.

In this manner, having awakened the houses on this island, you will secure yourself from the attacks of evil mobs.

Generation key: 320439

Two villages with a portal to Ender Mir

Dzhe vіdomy svogo sid, which will give you two links of the village: the song is that zvichayne. One settlement smoothly flows into another one, in order to rob the sight of the one who stinks mutually, but there are two different villages.

The leather one has its own forge, and in the forges there is a lot of cinnamon loot. Having scoured the forges, you will take your own set of salvage armor. Bad start, wait?

Moreover, there are few inhabitants in the villages, but if all the cities grow more, then you will have a lot of wheat, carrots and potatoes.

And the accepting bonus until the next sit will be those who, under the village, a fort is built, in find a portal to Ender World.

In this rank, you will have a very successful cob of life in Minecraft on Android, and closer to the end of the year you will not get a shukati portal, the shards of wine will be just under you.

Generation key: village pls

Mines for 25 diamonds

Diamond armor for 15 wins in survival in mobile Minecraft. Chi tse real? With our advancing seed so! Immediately after the spawn, designate a block on the one you appeared, after which you quickly see a stone pickaxe and start digging for yourself.

If you fall into the oven, go straight ahead and turn right hand at the first turn, you will find a lot of boogie there. I demo gave and we know water. I demo gave on the water and we know the zombie spawner. Yakshcho you did everything right, you know about it. Since, as you know the spawner, we turn around the axis and voila, mi know the first diamonds.

Troch polukavshis mines you can know more diamonds. Їhnya kіlkіst to become 25 pieces. As if my guide didn’t make sense to you, you can look at the video clip of one popular English YouTuber.

Generation key: S.W.A.T.

Biom empty in biom gir

Villages, burning, deserted - speeches that are regularly featured in the seeds in Minecraft for Android.

And now to show, what will be, if the village of roztashovuvatimes in the empty mountains?

So, so, for whom you sit biom empty, you know yourself on biomі gіr, and for that we can build marvelous structures, and as an addendum to this you can know a lot of strength with indestructible loot.

Generation key: 1822816731

Well, the last seed for Minecraft PE in our addon will give you a settlement and two empty temples with loot.

At the village there is a forge with garni loot, and in the temples you can find diamonds, gold, gold, kіnsk armor and enchanted books. Be careful, when you fall in churches, do not fall on the stove, otherwise the pasta will work and you will swell.

Generation key: 65368967

Vikoristovuy less than the best, it is recommended that you: download the coolest mods for minecraft pe.

Hello everyone, if you don’t want to get involved or you can’t know them for your version, then I’ll give you the keys to generate light for Minecraft. May all the keys (sit for Minecraft), for version 1.2.5 it's even better!

Uvaga: if you do not have a card to run, then re-dial the svіtu, so that there is a large biomi, flatness, for locking.

1711734982989244509 - You will appear to the ocean, in the distance there will be islands, and in the surroundings there will be a small village, the canyon instructed.

EGYPT - You will be, like Robinson, on a small island.

v42 - It's beautiful here, there are a lot of islands in the ocean.

Lost - I didn’t get it, I’m in the forest, I’m in the jungle, but not far away is the location with mushrooms.

biome - a village in Korenivska.

HLEBUSHEK - the village is in order, the river, the sky is black, and everything is yours.

404 - looks like a pardon, doesn't it? There is a lot of snow everywhere. At the coordinates x: 27.5 y: 65.6 z: 23.6 - gravel, as if in a new digging (carefully), you can eat on a bagat a family of emeralds and diamonds near the stove.

ARBUZIK - Appears in the jungle biome, not far from the village, the temple, the treasury is rich, but far away.

f99t - a great number of resources, such a map is similar.

herobrine - people stverdzhuyut, scho under the ground, stokaє, or traplyayetsya so, appearing on the ground, as if the hour is waking up, then the texture collapses and falls into the oven (bug?).

Artomix - the most beautiful map in Minecraft, I can’t describe it, to those who won’t sweat "ah".

Celestia - not far from the village i lіs, and in lіsі there is a majestic cave.

4764431971067435259 - Menі card to the soul, rich treasures.

999999999999999999 (18 digits) - You appear in the ocean, and there are less than 2 small islands nearby, you can see.

gold- There are great fires, there are dirks in them, and there are resources, only one minus, there are a lot of enemies.

Wasteland - You can see it in the mountains.

4 - the map is all from mushroom locations.

crafting - a map of true seed for Minecraft, like showing Steve, craft, craft and craft again.

8700829340959843130 - tsyu card especially I raju to you! Bіlya you majestic kіlkіst dіrok, tak vіdchuttya, meteorites were falling.

1711734982989244509 - a miracle map, є kanyoni, if you go beyond the forest, then there will be the first one, someone has a lot of resources, and in the other two treasury mines.

333 - there are a lot of spawners and mines.

What do you want get lost at zanedbanih places If there are zombies, then for the sake of seeing the Zombie Apocalypse hardcore server on survival minecraft.

These were the best keys (sit) of the light generator for Minecraft. If you want diversity, then randomly I will help you, so write to navit 241342, on it, there will be a flower.

How to recognize your sit in Minecraft?

As I understand it, if some versions of Minecraft removed the ability to look at your seed through F3, or you can use chat, you need to write /seed.

Where to enter the key to generate light in Minecraft?

Create a new world ---> Improve the world ---> Marvel at the picture.

All thanks for your respect, bov you On Off... As far as possible, popovnyuvatimu sit for Minecraft.