Facial crypt. Why do you think the importance of this subdivision

2010 rіk for fahivtsіv, yakі vyvchayut Old Rus', and just lovers of history marked by an important podієy: on the Internet, people have access to Litsov's lithographic crypt (among the people they call it the King's Book). Representatives of the Association of Lovers of Old Letters have placed it at the All-World Merezh.

What is the importance of tsієї podії?

Wait, what is the most important thing in the robotic skin historian - tse pershogerel: letters, works of art, architecture, objects and other artifacts. It's a pity that our hour is not so full of the past, the survivors of the past turn themselves to them. Most of the time they stink and quote the robots of other historians, and those of the third only. As a result, even though it was often disassembled, most of these scholars were by no means chivalrous, and they created all their practices on the basis of other people's words and thoughts. Come out, that these robots can be equal with a filthy copy of a copy of such a "blockbuster". If you look at what is written in an old document, then sort out the information about those who are written by modern historians, you can often reveal not only insignificant inaccuracies, but sometimes the same facts. The axis is so, and similarly trapleyaetsya often-densely.

Ancient artifacts of Russia

It’s a pity, to this day, not so richly correct pershogerel was saved, as it would have been. If you look at the architectural monuments, then they were left with a lot of them, and before that, most of them lay until the 18th-19th centuries, even in Russia the main building material is whole, and regular wars and later do not mess up so much. If you take objects and decorate them with jewelry, then everything is not so simple here: those that were saved far away - all the artifacts of the 15th-19th century. І tsezh zhіlkom ozumіlo, аdzhe expensively thrown that kamіnnya zavzhd were the method of a different kind of lovers to gain those black archaeologists. Mayzhe all the ancient burial mounds (mounds and others) on the territory of our country were looted during the hours of Catherine the Other.

Sleep retelling

Most of the historical information about the history of our land was preserved in the memory of the people - legends, fairy tales, bilini, etc. something that is connected with the past Russia, if you are ready to accept the legends of, let's say, the Scandinavian and British peoples. Adzhe in our fairy tales and sayings saved a lot of facts, the interpretation of which confirms one of the most popular modern theories (A. Sklyarov "The population of the island of the Earth"). For example, we all know about such a kazkov divina, like a charming saucer with a pouring apple, who can see the whole world - why not "iPhone" with its logo - a bitten fruit? And kimimi-litaki, and choboti-walkers? But little else...

Vіm, we were very excited, the hour has come to turn to the head with those of our stats, and tse, we guess, the face of Tsar Ivan (iv) the Terrible.

Letters dzherela

Head letters of the dzherel of Old Russia - whole litopisi. As early as the 19th century, more and more Russian chronicles began to be seen. The leathery bazhayuchy moment will be recognized by other people, having turned to the library. Works are being carried out all the time within the framework of the project "Manuscripts of Ancient Russia" to have it translated into digital format, and the next hour, like Ivan the Terrible's Face Crypt, will be posted on the Internet for public coronation. Pochatkіvtsy doslidniki trace the nobility that ancient manuscripts have a text like a text, and th little ones. Look for illustrated documents. The head of them is the Litsove crypt. There are ten thousand arches and seventeen thousand illustrations.

Litsove Litopisne Sklepinnya

This document is to the largest chronographic crypts of Old Russia. Vіn svoryuvavsya on the king's prayer in the period from 1568 to 1576. Face star to avenge the history of the world before the 15th century and Russian history until the 67th of the 16th century. Amosov A.A. added that this ancient artifact is composed of ten volumes with a total number of 9745 arcades, 17,744 embellished with color miniatures. Historians are aware that the King's Book avenged the eleventh volume. Ninі він intracheny, i tse zrozumіlo, even in the new it was about the most ambiguous period of Russian history - until 1114.

Facial crypt: zmist

The first three volumes contain the texts of biblical books, such as the Pentateuch, the books of Suddiv, Joshua, Kings, as well as the books of Ruth, Ester, the prophet Daniel. In addition, they contain more texts of Oleksandriya, two descriptions about the Troyan war (“A story about the creation and death of Troysky”, taken from the “Russian Chronograph”, that “History of the ruin of Troy” - a translation of the novel by Guido de Columna) and the robot of Josip Flavius ​​“ History of the Jewish War". For distant light sources, the robot “Chronograph of Illinsky and Rimsky” and “Chronograph of Russia” served as dzherel otrimannya vіdomosti.

As the successors (for example, Klos B.M.), starting from the year 1152, are confirmed, in the document, the additions of the dzherel are written, such as the Novgorod star (1539), the Resurrection litopis, “Christian of the ear of the kingdom” and others.

Ancient editing

The tsar-book can be edited low, vvazhaetsya (proving it, it’s true, it’s not) that the stench was broken around 1575, following the introduction of Tsar Ivan the Terrible himself. The rewriting of the already finished text was important for the period from 1533 to 1568. Nevidomy editor scribbled postscripts in the margins of the document, deyakі zvіstі zvuvachennya zvinuvachennya against osіb, retaliatory and strachenih pіd hour oprichnina.

Unfortunately, the work on the Face Crypts was not completed: some of the miniatures were painted only in ink drawing, they were not caught.


The face crypt of Ivan the Terrible is no less than a monument to the bookish art of Russia, but it is also an important treasure of historical legends: miniatures, unimportant to all intelligence and to achieve a symbolic character, provide rich material for surviving the realities of that hour. In addition, the editorial corrections made in the remainder of the volume (The Tsar's Book) give the opportunity to take more in-depth information about the political struggle of the epochal period. The stench allows you to judge about the assessments of the king, what have changed, the activities of those of his other associates. And also about the new things, look at your own undertakings in the period of the 1st rule.

At the end

Zavdyaki diyalnosti Fellowships of lovers of old history, now the skin willing can be recognized from this priceless artifact. Even earlier, in order to gain access to this document, it was necessary to report a lot of evidence, and only the historians could take it away. Proteo is available to the skin. All that is necessary is access to the all-worldly measure, and you can leave the groaning light of our past past. Keep everything in your eyes, put down your thoughts about those others, and do not read ready-made stamps of historians, as if, perhaps, they didn’t exclaim pershodzherel.

Litsove litopisne zvedennya of the other half of the 16th century - the pinnacle of the achievement of the ancient Russian book art. There are no analogues for you and in the light culture of its history. The face crypt is the most grandiose literary tvir in ancient Russia.

Illuminated (ilustrated) manuscripts depicting images of people - “in disguise” were called faces in Serednyovichchi. Litsovoi has close to 10,000 hand-written arches and over 17,000 miniatures. The crypt of the face has long been entrusted with respect and mysticists, book scholars, and historians - it is especially quiet, who continues to develop problems of supremacy, the history of spiritual and material culture, state-political and history of the hour of Ivan the Terrible. This is a valuable memento of culture, rich in information and for the special features of historical gerels of various types - verbal, written (and there, de є postscript, verbal, yakı without intermediary fixed the roman language), image-creating, speech, behavior kovih.

The work of folding the Facial crypt was fully completed. The piles of arkushiv were abandoned in the 17th century. not intertwined. Not later than the first half of the XVIII century. massifs of arkushivs of a colossal lithographic vault were already rose-earthed. They intertwined them independently one kind of one; and deyakі z tsikh folios, scho hid, took away the name of the vlasnik in the name of the vlasnik (or one of the vlasniks in the stretch of the XVII-XIX century). Step by step, the Litsove crypt began to take on the form of a monumental corpus of ten great volumes. When it was done, it was said that the arches were built and the arrays of arches were drawn in, and when they were bound into books, the order of the arches was destroyed.

Mentally, this ten-volume manuscript corpus can be subdivided into three parts: three volumes of all-world history, seven volumes of country history; їх five volumes - literary writings of the “old fates” (for 1114-1533 years), two volumes - literary writings of the “new fates”, tobto. hour of reign of Ivan IV. It is worth considering that the leaves about the pochatkovu іstory of Vіtchizni (before 1114) did not reach us, it is possible, and about the all-world history of the X-XV centuries, until the hour after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, as well as the leaves with the vіklad podіy vіtchiznyano ї histories of the rest of the second decade of the reign of Ivan IV (or prepared before them), shards in the middle of the 18th century. the leaves about the crowning of the kingdom of Fyodor Ivanovich were still saved.

The firm "AKTEON" jointly with the custodians first produced a scientific facsimile of the "Facing Literary Building of the 16th Century".

So the title of "people's knowledge" is to supplement the scientific apparatus of a visceral facsimile. Vono will repeat the miniatures and the old Russian text of the skin arkush to the manuscript. At the same time, a transliteration was introduced in the modern field and a translation into the current Russian language. Arkush roztashovani in chronological order of opovіd.

First division:

Bible history in 5 books. All the historical books of the Old Testament: Buttya, Vihіd, Levіt, Numbers, Repetition of the Law, the Book of Joshua, the Book of Judgments of Israel, Ruth, Chotiri of the Book of Kings, the Book of Tobit, the Book of Esther, as well as the Bachenya of the prophet Daniel, including the history and history of Ancient Rome.

Litsove litopisne zvedennya of the XVI century. Bible History - Weekly data by volume

  • Litsove litopisne zvedennya of the XVI century. Bible history. Book 1. - M .: TOV "Firm" AKTEON ", 2014. - 598 p.
  • Litsove litopisne zvedennya of the XVI century. Bible history. Book 2. - M .: TOV "Firm" AKTEON ", 2014. - 640 p.
  • Litsove litopisne zvedennya of the XVI century. Bible history. Book 3. - M .: TOV "Firm" AKTEON ", 2014. - 670 p.
  • Litsove litopisne zvedennya of the XVI century. Bible history. Book 4. - M .: TOV "Firm" AKTEON ", 2014. - 504 p.
  • Litsove litopisne zvedennya of the XVI century. Bible history. Supporting volume. - M .: TOV "Firm" AKTEON ", 2014. - 212 p.

Facial lithography of the 16th century - Biblical history - Collection of volumes

  • Bible history. Book 1 to revenge the collection of Bible books: The Book of Butt; Book 2 - Departure; Book 3 - Leviticus.
  • Bible history. Book 2 to revenge the collection of Bible books: Numbers; Deuteronomy; Book of Josus Navin; Book of Judgments of Israel; Ruth book.
  • Bible history. Book 3 to avenge the collection of Bible books, named Chotiri of the Book of Kings.
  • Bible history. Book 4 to avenge the collection of Bible books: Book of Tobit; The Book of Esther; The book of the prophet Daniel; History of ancient Persia and Babylon; The beginning of the kingdom of Rome.

Facial lithographic vault of the 16th century

Litsoviy (to be illustrative “in the guise of”, from images of people) lithographical crypt, created in a single copy for Tsar Ivan the Terrible, this legendary book collection is a book monument, which occupies a special place in world culture tse. On 10,000 arcades from more and more, 17,000 barvy miniatures - “a vicon in history” - present the earliest historical and literary encyclopedia. Together with them, the first words of the Jansk my іlustrovana the Bible, such artistic historical creations like the Troyan war, Oleksandriya, the Jewish war of Josip Flavius ​​and other, as well as the weather (behind the rocks) articles, sayings, lives of Russian literary history.

Facial crypt - the largest chronographic tvir of middle Russia. Vіn dіyshov up to now in 10 volumes.

In Denmark, the volumes of the Facial Crypt are found in various Russian book collections: three volumes (Museum Collection, Synodal Volume and Tsar's Book) - at the manuscript of the Sovereign Historical Museum (Moscow), chotiri volumes (Face Chronograph, Golitsinsky Volume, Laptivsky volume, Shumilovsky volume) at the Russian National Library (St. Petersburg) and three volumes (Chronographic collection, Osterman's first volume, Osterman's other volume) from the manuscript of the Library of the Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).

The first three volumes of the Facial Crypt tell about biblical and all-world history, which go in chronological order, and include prominent creations of secular literature, which form the basis of book culture. The stench was recommended to readers for the average Russian people.

Volume 1 - Museum collection (1031 sheets) to avenge the sacred and all-world history, starting from the creation of the world: the wordy text of the first seven books of the Old Testament, the history of the legendary Troy in two versions. Persha part of the Museum of the Zbirnik є UNIKALY ROSISHOOSOYA BIBLIYAYA, ShO VIDRIZHISTELATED THE BREATIONAL NOTEN OF THE SLART IN ILUSTRIYA, I VIDPOVIDAITAYAKHICH INONALICH INDIVALIKOVO BILLARY 1499 ROKE.

Following the biblical books, the Trojan history is included in two versions: the first one is one of the largest early lists of the middle Latin novel “The History of the Ruining of the Great Troy”, creations of, for example, the 13th century by Guido de Columna. Another variant of the Troyan history is “The Tale of the Creation and Commemoration of Troysky,” compiled by Russian scribes on the basis of more early literary works on the theme of the Troyan war, to give a different version of the main characters.

The “Makariev school” of painting, the “School of Grozny” - understand that three more than three decades of the life of Russian art of the other half (more precisely, the third quarter) of the 16th century can be grasped. Numbers are full of facts, rich in works of art, characteristic of new settings to the beginning of art, yoga roles in the global way of life of a young centralized state, and, nareshti, stench is suitable for settings to the creativity of an artist and attempts to regulate yoga yalnіst, more nizh be-if you order її zavdannyam polemical, get to the point of participating in the strained dramatic action of sovereign life. For the first time in the history of Russian artistic culture, the food of art became the subject of debate at two church councils (1551 and 1554). First of all, the plan of creation of numerous works of various types of art (monumental and easel painting, book illustration and applied art, wood carvings) was named by those, plots, emotional interpretation and, meaningful world, serving the basis of a folding complex of images, calling for pіdkrіpity, priming, to glorify the reign of the first “crowned autocrat”, who ascended the throne of the central Russian state. At the same time, a grandiose artistic project is being launched: the face of the lithographical element of Ivan the Terrible, the Tsar-book - the lithographical element of the light of the world, and especially of Russian history, which was written, ymovirno in 1568 -1576 pp., specially for the royal library in a single copy. The word "facial" in the name Zvodu means illustrations, from images "in disguise". It is made up of 10 volumes, which is close to 10 thousand. arkushіv ganchіrkovogo paper, embellished more nizh 16 yew. miniatures. Ohoplyuє the period of "the creation of the world" until 1567. The grandiose "paper" project of Ivan the Terrible!

Face chronograph. RNB.

Chronological framework of these phenomena in the artistic life of the Russian centralized state of the other half of the XVI century. are assigned to one of the most important pods of those years - to the crowning of the kingdom of Ivan IV. The wedding of Ivan IV (September 16, 1547) ushered in a new period of assertion of autocratic power, being a kind of result of a trivial process of forming a centralized power and fighting for the unity of Russia, under the rule of Moscow self-government. For this very reason, the very act of crowning the kingdom of Ivan IV, which served as the subject of repeated discussions among the future participants “for the sake of it”, like the middle of the nearest honour, Metropolitan Macarius, buv, as it has been said more than once by historians, furnishing with vinyatkovy writing. Spiraling on the literature of the nineteenth century, Macarius developed the ritual of the royal wedding, introducing into it the necessary symbolism. Perekonaniy, the ideologist of autocratic power, Macarius, having grown a mustache, was able to speak out on the vinyatkovnost (“God-bearing”) of the power of the Moscow sovereignty, the peace of the rights of the Moscow sovereign by sending on historical analogies in the Galuzi Gromadyanskoy istor ії that nasampered the history of Byzantium, Kiev and Volodymyr-Suzdal Rus.

King's book.

Ideology of the united state was due, according to the idea of ​​Macarius, to reflect the letters of the epoch and nasampered litopis, the books of the royal genealogy, kolorochny reading, which were folded under the yoga ceramics of the Holy Mine, and also, maybe, turn around and up to the creation of decent vipadkіv creations of figurative art. Think of the beasts to all types of artistic culture on the cob of the cob grandiose, showing the range of literary practices for that hour. It is important, however, to show that such forms would be taken by the design of these ideas at the gallery of the image-creating art and, in the same terms, the stench would be realized, yakbi did not burn the red 1547 r., as it devastated the majestic territory of the city. As a rozpovidaє litopis, 21 chervnya at vvtorok "on the 10th anniversary of the third day of the month of Peter's Lent, the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross behind the Neglimnaya on Arbatsky Vulitsa caught fire ... And the storm is great, and the fire will flow, like a bliskavka, and the fire will be strong ... І the storm turned to the great city, and lit up in the city of the white of the Cathedral Church of the Most Holy Top, and in the royal court of the Grand Duke on the ceilings, and wooden huts, and chambers, painted with gold, and the State door with the royal treasury, and the church courtyards of the king’s treasures of the Annunciation of the golden dome, the deisus of Andreev leaves of Rublov, with gold cladding, and the images, adorned with gold and beads of the bagatocinna of the Greek letter of the great-grandfathers of yoga, in the eyes of rich rocks, were chosen ... igoryaє, and the door of the metropolitan. “... And in the city, all courtyards and chambers are higher, and the Chudovsky monastery is vigori all, the only relics of the holy great miracle worker Oleksiy God’s mercy preserve the buti ... I Voznesensky monastery is also the whole vigori, ... the church and the lives of people are rich, only a single image of the Blessed Archpriest Vinis. And all the yards in the city burned down, and on the city the protection of the city, and the sound of harmatne, deb on the city, and this month the city walls were torn... h grieving the people for Tfersky ulitsa, and along Dmitrivtsi, and on Veliky Posad, along Illinskaya ulitsa, in the gardens. After 21 chervnya 1547 p., which started in the first half of the day, thrived until night: “And on the third year of the night, the half-light was on fire.” As if weeping from the cited literal record, the life in the royal court suffered greatly, the works of art suffered greatly, and partly zipped by numbers.

Lloyd's massacre. Litopisna miniature from the front vault of the 16th century.

And even more the Moscow residents suffered. The next day, after the death of Metropolitan Macarius, the tsar and the boyars were taken “to the thought” - the mindset of the people was discussed, and the tsar’s confessor, Fedir Barmin, having talked about the broadness a bit about the reason for the burn, like the black people explained by the chaklunism of Ganni Glins koi. Ivan IV was embarrassed to recognize the consequence. Krim F. Barmina, Prince Fedir Skopin Shuisky, Prince Yury Temkin, I. P. Fedorov, G. Yu. Zakhar'yn, F. Nagoi and "інії bagato". Shvilyovani later, Moscow black people, as if roz'yasnyuє hіd podіy podіy. , as it is said more, the Glinskys were swaying). Yuri Glinsky tried to hide himself at the Dmitri botsy of the Assumption Cathedral. They entered the cathedral, without attending the divine service, and at the hour of the "Cherubic song" Yuriy was victorious and beaten against the Metropolitan's seat, vityagli beyond the city and threw the villainous strata on the mіstsі. The people of the Glinskys are "indefinitely beaten and live by the prince's rozgrіbіsha". One could think that Yuri Glinsky's driving in became a "stratum", dressed up in the form of "traditional" and "lawful".

Mityai (Mikhailo) and St. Dionysius before led. book. Dimitry Donsky.

Miniature from the front lithographic crypt. 70th rock. XVI Art.

About tse to note the fact that the body of Glinsky was brought up for auction and thrown "before the kill, de strachuyut." Tsim vistup of black people did not fold. 29 worms, fires, in battle order, stinks (for the “click of the kat” or “bіrich”) were demolished to the royal residence near Vorobyovo. These rows were filled with dirt (the stench was filled with shields and scribbles), so that Ivan IV “wanders and flies”. Black people saw the sight of Ganni Glinskoy and її son Michael. The scale of the black people's outcrop appeared to be great, the readiness to the military ledge testified to the strength of the people's anger. The rebels were blown away by the unsatisfied with the places (the Novgorod pishchalniks marched in 1546, and the 3 chervnias of 1547 - Pskov, slashed at the tsar’s monk Turuntai), and it’s clear that the people’s troubles could be dealt with Ivan IV. It is not enough for them to rahuvatisya closer to the youth of the king, as it was the policy of the 30s - 50s. The organization of the rebellion of the Moscow lower classes was mainly directed against the boyar tyrant and svaville, especially in the fates of the youth of Ivan IV on the shares of the broad masses of the people, and a little singing influx on the further development of domestic politics.

One of the books of the Facial crypt of the XVI century.

Nayіmovіrnіshe, mаut ratio tі z іstorikіv, hto vvazha Moskovskoe insurrection after 1547 іnspіrovanim by opponents of the boyar self-ruler. Do not hesitate to try to find out the rebels of the closest otochenny Ivan IV. Protested by the instigation of calls, out of the way, protesting the protest of the broad masses of the people against the boyar duck, as it seems, there was a wide range of disagreements, wanting to get ahead of their directness with new trends in the order of the 50s. And at the same time, the scale, speed, and strength of the people's reaction to the subsidence were such that it was impossible not to take into account the significance of the speech and quiet deep social causes, like, independently of the influx of the ruling political parties, called out to the life of the people yuvanya. Everything helped the folding of the political situation, and richly in which it took on the breadth of thinking and searching for the found ways of ideological infusion, in the midst of which significant place they occupied new places for their own creation of image-creating art. One can think that expanding the plan of political and ideological approaches to the wide national stakes, it was possible to turn around and up to one of the most accessible and most virtuous achievements - to the standing and monumental painting, by virtue of the multiplicity of its images, building ї Vіd zvochnі pochalіnї topics lead to more wide historical background. Pevny dosvid of a similar family was already famous for the kingship of Ivan III, and later Vasil III. Crime on the black people of Moscow, and inspire the boyars and people who served, create a painting, and put pressure on the young tsar. Like a lot of literary initiatives that were created in the time of Metropolitan Makariy that “recovered for the sake of” - and cherish the role of Makariy, as an ideologist of the sovereign power, do not apply Varto, - create painting in the essence of your part she "truthful policy" of the king, and th they revealed those main ideas, as if they were small nadihati of Ivan IV himself and signified a direct yogic activity.

Ivan the Terrible at the ballroom of Simeon Bekbulatovich.

It was important that Ivan IV's zatsіkaviti was inspired by the plan of the inspiring robots of the flooring, so that the idea of ​​​​their bula, as if it had been appointed by the sovereign himself, looked like a new one (we guess that it was similar to organizing the Stoglavy Cathedral). The initiative for the remembrance of the robots was shared between Metropolitan Macarius, Sylvester and Ivan IV, who, naturally, maw officially panuvati. All these things can be mutually scribbled at the very beginning of the podia, as if they were laying down a litopis, and more smut - to certify the materials of Viskovaty's reference. Vigorilo vnutrishne ozdoblennya temples, but did not spare the tsar's life and tsar's treasury. Leave the temples without shrines Bulo not in the name of Muscovite Russia. Ivan IV persh for everything "glorified by the holy and holy icons, at Veliky Novgorod, and to Smolensk, and to Dmitrov, and Zvenigorod, and from the bagatyoh bagatyoh mist bagato and wondrous holy icons were brought and placed on veneration of the tsar and all Christians ". After that, the resurrection works began. One of the active participants in the organization of commemoration works is Father Sylvester, who himself served at the Cathedral of the Annunciation, - as it seems, one of the most pleasurable fiends "for the sake of". Sylvester reported about the progress of the work at his “Skarzhnitsa” to the “consecrated cathedral” of 1554, you can get information about the organization and vikonavtsiv work, and about the dzherel iconography, and about the process of closing and “accepting” the work, and also about the role of that mutually Metropolitan Macarius, Ivan IV, that same Sylvester, was the hour of the creation of new memos to painting.

Shholkanivshchina. People's rebellion against the Tatars near Tver. 1327.

Miniature from the front lithographic vault of the 16th century.

"Skarzhnitsa" allowed to judge about Kilkiy request Maustriv, yak about the very fact of the request of the Maystrin, and Golovna, about the art centers, the star was screamed by the Kadri painting: "Having sent the sovereign for the ikonochev і to Novgorod, I to Pskov, I. їhalisya, I tsar commanded them to write icons, to whom it was punished, and punishing others to sign the chambers and beaten the city over the temple of saints to write. In this rank, the spheres of activity of painters are singled out at once: easel painting (icon painting), the holy palatine sheet, the creation of over-the-branch icons (it is possible to understand them like murals and like easel painting). As the main artistic centres, the stars are rising majstry, two places are called Sylvester: Novgorod and Pskov, moreover, even more so, as the masters and the organizers of the engagement are added together. All s tієї f "Skarzhnitsa" by Sylvester, as well as the message of Yogo to the son of Anfim, one can judge about the first role of Sylvester in the organization of kerіvnitstv by the retinue itself, which was victorious by the robin's robots after the night of 1547 p. Zokrema, with the Novgorod maisters at Sylvester, perhaps, the zvichnі zlagodzhenі mutually formed for a long time. Vіn himself determines what to call for, de їm to take the dzherel of iconography: “I, povіdomlyayuchi tsar, having ordered єsi Novgorod іkonniki to write the Holy Trinity of the Life-Giving One in Dyannyah, that I believe in the one God, do not praise the Lord from heaven, that Sof yu, Wisdom God , so Worthy of it, and the translation of the Trinity had small icons, why write, that one on Simonov. Ale was repaired in that way, as if the plots were traditional. More folded bulo, if there were no translations.

Defense of Kozelsk, miniature of the 16th century from the Nikon Chronicle.

Another part of the work was entrusted to the Pskovites. Your request was not unacceptable. They turned to the Pskov mastrіv more like the XV century. True, they also asked for master budіvelniks, just like now - painters-horsemen. Macarius, in the recent past, Archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov, himself, apparently, a painter, imaginatively, tying his hour with the Pskov masters. Recognize, walking away from the vicons of the prayers, you can make visnovkas about the significant sizes of the maisterna at the archbishop's court of Novgorod. The thought is glaringly accepted that the whole masternya behind Makariy moved to the metropolitan court to Moscow. As a metropolitan, Macarius immediately greeted the Pskovites through the priest of the Annunciation Cathedral, the Pskovian Semyon, the same one who served the “consecrated cathedral” with his “Skarzhnitsa” at once from Sylvester. Obviously, for the vikonannja of such a folding prayer, the most beautiful masters of different places were called, which laid the foundation for the "royal school" of artists. The Pskovites, without explaining the reasons, did not want to practice in Moscow and went to the viscons and prayed at home: "And the Pskov horsemen of Ostanya, that Yakiv, so Mikhaila, that Yakushko, that Semyon Visoky Dієslovo with comrades, asking for Pskov and yalisya there to write Chotiri great icons":

1. Last Judgment

2. Commemoration of the Cathedral of Christ our God Resurrection

3. Passion of the Lord in the Gospel parables

4. The icon, holy on it: "I see God on the day of somie in the days of his deeds, let the only begotten Son of the Word of God, let people come to the three-component Deity, bow down, so do the carnal slaves"

Later, on the basis of the whole grandiose idea of ​​​​inspiring robots, the king stood, “adding” to someone or “drinking” such (partially nominally), Sylvester rozpodіlyav zamovlennya mіzh paintings, especially, as a result of the impossibility of koristuvatisya srazok.

Lloyd's massacre. The entry of the Swedes on the ship.

It was especially blatant that the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and Simoniv Monastery appeared as Moscow dzherels of traditional iconography. (Until the other half of the 16th century, letters about the artist’s workshop in Simonov were not mentioned in letters, not caring about the riddle about the names of how many masters who came from this monastery). It is also worth guessing that among the authoritative dzherel іkonografії zgaduyutsya and Novgorod and Pskov churches, murals of Sophia Novgorodskaya, the Church of St. kah, the Cathedral of Life-Giving Troy. pritamanno Novgorod zv'yazkіv і Sylvester і Macarius. Irrespective of those who would have been given to the natural and main thief of the piracy by Metropolitan Macarius himself, the text of the "Skarzhnitsa" is clear, that in the organizational battle of the engagement of wines, it should play a passive role. Natomist vіn zdіysnyuvav “accepting” the prayer, “prayer zdіysnyuuchi with us consecrated cathedral”, but the most important act of approbation from the point of view of church ideology, but the moment of consecration of finished works, for us before the works of the easel, and so Oh monumental painting. It did not happen without the participation of Ivan IV and at that stage - they rose up new icons at the temples. Resurrection robots after 1547 r. Ivan IV himself, Metropolitan Macarius and Sylvester, the closest to Ivan IV member of the “for the sake of the army”, were seen as if they were in power of a sovereign vag, as if Ivan IV himself, Metropolitan Macarius and Sylvester, were close to Ivan IV.

Ivan the Terrible and royal icon painters.

In the era of the Grizny mysticism itself is “deeply exploited by the state and the church”, and the role of the mysticism is being rethought, the meaning of which is like an ear of the ear, so that the inexhaustible emotional influx grows immeasurably, at one hour to change the primary way of artistic life. The possibility of a "free creative development of the artist's specialty" is changing. The artist spends simplicity and freedom in return as a patron-parishioner, a patron of the temple, or a abbot – a wake-up man of the monastery. Now the state significance is strictly regulated by the ruling stakes, which consider the art as a conductor of singing political tendencies. Themes, the plots of other creative works and whole ensembles are discussed by representatives of the sovereign and church authorities, become the subject of debates at cathedrals, and are discussed in legislative documents. In the circles, the ideas of grandiose monumental ensembles, cycles of easel works and illustrations in handwritten books are being developed, as if spili tendencies are fanned out.

Life of St. Basil's Cathedral (Protection on the Moat) on Chervoniy Square.

There is an exercise to show the history of the Moscow state in the light of the all-world history, to show the “development” of the Moscow state, which is the subject of “divine home life”. This idea is supported by numerical analogies from the Old Testament history, the history of the Babylonian and Persian kingdoms, the monarchy of Alexander the Great, Roman and Byzantine history. It is not for nothing that the chronographic volumes of the Facial Litographic Crypt were created with special respect and such a retelling among the Makaryev scribes. It is not for nothing that in the monumental ensembles of temple paintings and the painting of the Golden Chamber, such a significant place was given to historical and Old Testament subjects, which were chosen according to the principle of an unbiased analogy. At once, the whole cycle of works of figurative art was permeated with the idea of ​​divinity of the sovereignty of the sovereign, її divine establishment, її tranquility in Russia and the uninterrupted decline of tsarist renown in the Roman and Byzantine of these emperors and the perpetuity of the dynasty of "God-affirmed scepter-powers". At the same time, it’s not enough for the Uzyats on the basis of pіdkripiti and to prove the very fact of the crowning of the kingdom of Ivan IV, to oppose the further development of the single-power policy in the Moscow state itself, and in front of the “Orthodox Gathering”.

Ivan the Terrible sends an ambassador to Lithuania.

It was necessary, however, that the “confirmation” of the wedding of Ivan IV by the Patriarch of Constantinople was recognized, as, apparently, it was only 1561, if the “conciliar charter” was taken away. So the most important place in the sleepy mind was occupied by the idea of ​​magnificence of Ivan IV's victories. Yogo military speeches were interpreted as religious warfare on the purity and lack of torment of the Christian state in the case of the unbelievers, who call the Christian-branches and the peaceful population in the form of the Tatars-zagarbnikiv and utiskiv. Nareshti, the theme of religious and moral vihovannia was no less significant. Vaughn was interpreted in two ways: more to the ruined with a singing philosophical - symbolic point in the interpretation of the main Christian dogma and more without a middle - in the plan of moral purification and perfection. The remaining topic is smaller than the nature of the specialties - it was about the spiritual development and self-management of the young autocrat. All these tendencies or, to be more precise, all the facets of a single ideological concept were realized in different ways in the okremi vitvoras of mysticism by the protracted reign of Groznensky. The culmination of the development of the concept and the intellect of the concept became the period of inspirational work 1547-1554 pp. the other is wider - the hour of activity "for the sake of".

Battle of Kulikovo. 1380

After 1570, until the end of the reign of Ivan IV, as it seems, the work in the gallery of the image-creating art is sharply fastened, step by step the tension of the emotional zmist is extinguished, visibly the unity of that image. It will be replaced by another, suvorish, mournful, tragic hour. In the days of urological cleanliness, self-denial, the flooring is characteristic in the pores of the cob, less often signs are given in the other works, like a glimpse of the colossal, so that they will die out on the cob of the 80s. For example, the reign of Ivan the Terrible, first of all, applied art hangs in the artistic life. If it becomes impossible to stand firm and glorify the idea of ​​a united ruler like this, then it’s natural to give writing to the palace butt, palace stuffing, like and the royal robe, covered with ornaments and kostonesses, often transform into unique art of art. Zvertaє respect for the nature of literary practices, lived in as a "preparation" before the wedding at the time of Metropolitan Macarius. Among them, one can especially see the very rank of crowning the kingdom, with this uninterrupted link from “Tellings about the Princes of Volodymyr”. The rozpovid about Volodymyr Monomakh's taking away the Tsar's crown and the enthronement of "the kingdom" is avenged at the Stupin's Book and the Great Menaion of the Fourth, i.e., the literary monuments of the Makariev stake. Pochatkovi volumes of the chronographic part of the Face lithographic crypt, as well as expanded (aligned with other lists of the Nikonovsky lithopis) edition of the text of the first six arches of the Golitsinsky volume of the Face lithographic crypt, also to avenge the rozpovid about the cob to the prince the bath of Volodymyr Monomakh in Kiev and the wedding of yoga “on, inscribed by the Byzantine emperor. There are miniatures that embellish the chronographic part of the Facial Crypt, as well as miniatures of the first six arcades of Golitsinsky volume. In the miniatures of the chronographic part of the Litsovoy lithopis, one’s own cherished, one should know far away from the revelation of those gods of the establishment of a single sovereign power, the promotion of Russia at the global stage of the all-world history, and to instill the idea of ​​the appearance of a Moscow single power qia. Otzhe, it is signified by the song of literary memos. These are the ones to take away from the painting at the paintings of the Golden Chamber, at the reliefs of the tsar’s place (“Monomakh’s Throne”), which was placed in the Assumption Cathedral, at the painting on the portal of the Archangel Cathedral. Icons, vicons of Pskov, would have been given, purely dogmatic for their zmist, to carry a string in their own hands, and possibly, to reveal to them the sacred character of the wars led by Ivan IV, the godliness of the feat of warriors, honoring the princes with immortality and glory and what reach the climax in the icon The Church of the Warriors” and that of the depiction of Christ is an overcoming of death at the “Chotirichest” Cathedral of the Annunciation.

Battle of Kosovo field. 1389

This theme in its program, the most expanded form, was included in the first Russian "battle picture" - "The Church of the Warrior". Without intermediary disclosures to the text of the painting of the tomb of Ivan IV (at the deacon of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral), and the very system of painting the cathedral itself (as a reminder that I will repeat the painting again, I will write it in 1566). If you want to find yourself in the midst of the most shores of the allowance for saving more early painting, you can’t help but succumb to those who enter the warehouse of murals, without intermediary lead to the cycle of Old Testament battle scenes at the painting of the Golden Chamber, in which the moderns know there were direct analogies with the history of Kazan Astrakhan. take. To what extent should one add those special, “autobiographical”, as one can say so about the plots of the murals of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral (the head of the tomb of Grozny) and the Golden Chamber, and often the icon-painting “The Church of the Voyovnich”. Nareshti, the main christological, or symbolic-dogmatic, cycle of icons, vikonanikh for the "sovereign prayers", will be related to the main compositions of the painting of the Golden Chamber, being the primary example of the system of religious and philosophical views of that grouping, like accepted to be called "order of the 50s rokіv i yak included representatives of the "for the sake of" and the head of the Russian Church - Metropolitan Macarius. Being savage to an apparently wide folk stakes, its painting is small and even more meta - a constant guessing of the main religious and philosophical principles in the young tsar, whose governments took upon themselves the closeness of their members for the sake of it. It’s worth talking about the presence of the system of painting the Golden Chamber of compositions on the theme of the story about Varlaam and Joasaph, in which the schilnians were bachiting the history of the moral renewal of Ivan IV himself, and under Varlaam maw on the vazі all the same all-powerful Sylvester. Otzhe, maybe I’ll think of a single Lanka. Those, beginning in one of the monuments, continue to roam at the feet, read in direct succession in the creations of various types of figurative art.

Litsove Litopisne Sklepinnya(Ivan the Terrible's front lithography, the Tsar-book) - a lithographic zvedennia inspired by worldly and especially Russian history, created in the 40-60s of the 16th century (imovirno, in 1568-1576) especially for the tsar ї libraries in a single copy . The word "facial" in the name Zvodu means illustrations, from images "in disguise". It is made up of 10 volumes, which is close to 10 thousand. arkushіv ganchіrkovogo paper, embellished more nizh 16 yew. miniatures. Ohoplyuє the period of "the creation of the world" until 1567. Litsove (tobto іlustrovane, іz izobrazhennyam "in disguise") litopisne zvedennia є no less than a monument to the Russian handwritten book and a masterpiece of old Russian bookishness. Tse is a literary, historical, artistic reminder of light significance. Nevipadkovo wine is unofficially called the Tsar-Book (by analogy with Tsar-Garmata and Tsar-Bell). The face lithographical element was created in the 2nd half of the 16th century at the orders of Tsar John IV Vasilyovich the Terrible in a single copy for his children. Metropolitans and "sovereign" masters worked on the books of the Facial Crypt: about 15 copyists and 10 artists. Zvіd is folded from close to 10 yew. arkushіv ta ponad 17 ths. illustrations, moreover, the image-creating material occupies nearly 2/3 of the entire monument. Little miniatures (landscape, historical, battle and butt genres) do not only illustrate the text, but also supplement it. Acts were not written, but only painted. The little ones tell the readers how they looked at the ancient times robes, military robes, church tents, armor, znaryaddya prats, objects will be taken otherwise. In the history of svіtovoї middle novіchnoї writing there is no monument, similar to the face lithographic vault, both for the breadth of the hoarseness, and for obsyagi. Sacred, old Jewish and ancient Greek stories, stories about the Trojan War and Oleksandr the Great, plots of the history of the Roman and Byzantine Empires, as well as litopis that are important 1114 to 1567 p. (It is admitted that the cob and completion of this litopis were not saved, and the Tale of the past years, a significant part of the history of the reign of John the Terrible, as well as other fragments.) look indistinctly at the all-world history.

Volumes are grouped in a clearly chronological order:

  • Bible history
  • History of Rome
  • History of Byzantium
  • Russian history

Collection of volumes:

  1. Museum Collection (DIM). 1031 arc., 1677 miniatures. Viklad of the sacred, ancient Jewish and ancient Greek history in the form of the creation of the world before the collapse of Troy in the XIII century. to the sound e.
  2. Chronographic collection (BAN). 1469 c.s., 2549 miniatures. Viklad of the history of the ancient Descent, the Hellenistic world and ancient Rome from the XI century. to the sound e. until the 70s. I st. n. e.
  3. Front chronograph (RNB). 1217l., 2191 miniatures. Book of the history of the ancient Roman Empire from the 70s. I st. up to 337 r. that Byzantine history up to the X century.
  4. Golitsinsky volume (RNB). 1035 l. 1964 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1114-1247 r. that 1425-1472 rr.
  5. Laptev volume (RNB). 1005 arc., 1951 miniature. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1116-1252 pp.
  6. Ostermanivsky first volume (BAN). 802 sheets, 1552 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1254-1378 pp.
  7. Ostermanivsky other volume (BAN). 887 sheets, 1581 miniature. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1378-1424 pp.
  8. Shumilovsky volume (RNB). 986 sheets, 1893 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1425, 1478-1533 pp.
  9. Synodal Volume (DIM). 626 l, 1125 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1533-1542, 1553-1567.
  10. The Tsar's Book (DIM). 687 sheets, 1291 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1533-1553 r.

The history of the creation of the crypt:

It was created, maybe, in 1568-1576. (started with some kind of robotic dzherel in the 1540s), for the prayer of Ivan the Terrible, in Oleksandrivsky Sloboda, which was the residence of the tsar. Having taken the fate of the robot, zokrema, Oleksiy Fedorovich Adashev. Litsove’s creation of litho-painting has been three times intermittently for over 30 years. The text was prepared by the scribes from the sharpening of Metropolitan Macarius, the miniatures were counted by the masters of the metropolitan and the "state" masters. Appearance in the illustrations of the Litsove lithographical image of life, spores, robes, craftsmanship and farming, objects that are similar to the skin type of the historical epic, tell about the use of more ancient illustrations іtopisіv, scho served as symbols. all obsyagu Litsove litopisne sklepinnya, to avenge the system of illustrating historical texts. At the borders of the illustrations in Litsove, one can speak about the origin of the formation of landscape, historical, battle and well-worn genres. Close to 1575, the text was amended to commemorate the reign of Ivan the Terrible (probably, under the tsar's own signature). The back of the head was not interweaving - the weaving was done later, at a different hour.

Save area:

A single original copy of the plant is taken okrema, from three places (from different "cats"):

State Historical Museum (volumes 1, 9, 10)

Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (volumes 2, 6, 7)

Russian National Library (volumes 3, 4, 5, 8)

The cultural impact is that significant. B. M. Kloss characterizing Zvid as “the largest literary and chronographic tvir of the Middle Russia”. The miniatures of the Zvod are widely known and zastosovuyutsya as in looking at illustrations, so in the art.

None of the history of Russia has already been created. Trying to get to the bottom of the truth, you know impersonal super-smart information. Understand, de truth is more complicated.

Falsifications occur every day of the century. Even in Katerina's hours, foreign "historians" have changed our entire history. That is why it is necessary to go to the early dzherel. One of these є few people know The face of the lithographic vault of Ivan the Terrible. Vin includeslithographic zvedennya podіy svitovoї i especially rosіyskoї іstorії.

The face lithographical element was created in the 2nd half of the 16th century at the orders of Tsar John IV Vasilyovich the Terrible in a single copy for his children. Metropolitans and "sovereign" masters worked on the books of the Facial Crypt: about 15 copyists and 10 artists. Zvіd is folded from close to 10 yew. arkushіv ta ponad 17 ths. illustrations, moreover, the image-creating material occupies nearly 2/3 of the entire monument. Little miniatures (landscape, historical, battle and butt genres) do not only illustrate the text, but also supplement it. Acts were not written, but only painted. The little ones tell the readers, as if looking at old clothes, military possessions, church clothes, armor, znaryaddya prats, objects will be taken otherwise.

In the history of svіtoї srednyovіchnoї writing there is no monument, similar to the Litsovoy lithographic vault, both for the breadth of the hoarseness, and for obsyagi. Before the warehouse was upgraded:

1.(C)(C) Museum Collection (DIM). 1031 arc., 1677 miniatures. Viklad of the sacred, ancient Jewish and ancient Greek history in the form of the creation of the world before the collapse of Troy in the XIII century. to the sound e.

2.(C)(C) Chronographic collection (BAN) . 1469 c.s., 2549 miniatures. Viklad of the history of the ancient Descent, the Hellenistic world and ancient Rome from the XI century. to the sound e. until the 70s. I st. n. e.

3.(C)(C) Front chronograph (RNB) . 1217l., 2191 miniatures. Book of the history of the ancient Roman Empire from the 70s. I st. up to 337 r. that Byzantine history up to the X century.

4.(C)(C) Golitsinsky volume (RNB) . 1035 l. 1964 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1114-1247 r. that 1425-1472 pp.

5.(C)(C) Laptev volume (RNB) . 1005 arc., 1951 miniature. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1116-1252 pp.

6.(C)(C) Ostermanivsky first volume (BAN) . 802 sheets, 1552 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1254-1378 pp.

7.(C)(C) Ostermanivsky other volume (BAN). 887 sheets, 1581 miniature. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1378-1424 pp.

8.(C)(C) Shumilovsky volume (RNB) . 986 sheets, 1893 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1425, 1478-1533 pp.

9.(C)(C) Synodal Volume (DIM) . 626 l, 1125 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1533-1542, 1553-1567.

10.(C)(C) The Tsar's Book (DIM) . 687 sheets, 1291 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1533-1553 rr.

Knowing that it is contagious, it no longer calls out the wonder why history does not follow these tributes. It is not your fault to know about our great glorious past, it is your fault to think. Let me rest in peace, ledars, leeches and mediocrity. And it doesn’t matter how great the number of svetovyh vіdkrittіv and vinokhodіv lie down with Russian, how impossible, just people - you can inspire everything that is always worth it.

At this hour, the crypt is saved in three places:State Historical Museum(Vomi 1, 9, 10), in Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences(volumes 2, 6, 7) and Russian National Library(Volumes 3, 4, 5, 8).

On the Internet, you can download yoga at once. But be careful, you can only trust facsimiles, for those that are already created on the Internet.

A copy of the full facsimile copy of the Litsevoy Litopisny can be found in the library of Viddilu Manuscripts State Historical Museum near Moscow in the Pushkin House in Saint Petersburg.

In this hour of the Litsove, the literary works are seen in the beneficial and enlightening purposes of the “Support of Lovers of Ancient Writing”. Expand without cost


Volumes are grouped in a clearly chronological order:

  • Bible history
  • History of Rome
  • History of Byzantium
  • Russian history

Face Chronograph

Tsar's book

  1. Museum Collection (DIM). 1031 arc., 1677 miniatures. Viklad of the sacred, ancient Jewish and ancient Greek history in the form of the creation of the world before the collapse of Troy in the XIII century. to the sound e.
  2. Chronographic collection (BAN). 1469 c.s., 2549 miniatures. Viklad of the history of the ancient Descent, the Hellenistic world and ancient Rome from the XI century. to the sound e. until the 70s. I st. n. e.
  3. Front chronograph (RNB). 1217l., 2191 miniatures. Book of the history of the ancient Roman Empire from the 70s. I st. up to 337 r. that Byzantine history up to the X century.
  4. Golitsinsky volume (RNB). 1035 l. 1964 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1114-1247 r. that 1425-1472 rr.
  5. Laptev volume (RNB). 1005 arc., 1951 miniature. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1116-1252 pp.
  6. Ostermanivsky first volume (BAN). 802 sheets, 1552 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1254-1378 pp.
  7. Ostermanivsky other volume (BAN). 887 sheets, 1581 miniature. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1378-1424 pp.
  8. Shumilovsky volume (RNB). 986 sheets, 1893 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1425, 1478-1533 pp.
  9. Synodal Volume (DIM). 626 l, 1125 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1533-1542, 1553-1567.
  10. The Tsar's Book (DIM). 687 sheets, 1291 miniatures. Viklad vіtchiznyanoї іstorії for 1533-1553 rr.

The history of the creation of the crypt

The miniatures of the Zvod are widely known and zastosovuyutsya as in looking at illustrations, so in the art.

Facsimile seen (2008)

A copy of the full facsimile copy of the Literary Literature can be found at the Library of Manuscripts at the Sovereign Historical Museum near Moscow at the Pushkin Budinok near St. Petersburg.

In this hour of the Litsove, the literary works are seen in the beneficial and enlightening purposes of the “Support of Lovers of Ancient Writing”. Rozpovsyudzhuetsya without cost.


  • Artsikhovsky O. V. Old Russian miniatures are like a historical treasure. - M., 1944.
  • Podobedova O. I. Miniatures of Russian Historical Manuscripts: Before the History of the Russian Face Litopis/AN SRSR, Institute of the History of Mystics of the Ministry of Culture of the SRSR. – M.: Nauka, 1965. – 336 p. - 1400 approx.
  • Pokrovska V.F. From the history of the creation of the Facial lithographic crypt of the other half of the XVI century. // Materials and information about the funds of the Viddel of the handwritten and the original book of the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic. - M.; L., 1966.
  • Amosov A. A. Ivan the Terrible's face lithographic crypt: Complex codicological research. – M.: Editorial URSS, 1998. – 392 p. - 1000 approx. - ISBN 5-901006-49-6(at prov.)
  • Litsove lithographic art of the 16th century: Methodology for describing the formation of a disparate lithographic complex / Order. Є. A. Bilokon, V. V. Morozov, S. A. Morozov; Відп. ed. S. O. Shmidt. - M .: Type of RDGU, 2003. - 224, p. - 1500 approx. - ISBN 5-7281-0564-5(at prov.)
  • Presnyakov A. Y. Moscow Historical Encyclopedia of the 16th century // IORYAS. - 1900. - T. 5, book. 3. - S. 824-876.
  • Morozov U. U. Litsove literary zvedennya about the death of Igor Svyatoslavich // TODRL. - 1984. - T. 38. - S. 520-536.
  • Klos B. M. Litopisne sklepinnya of the front // Glossary of scribes and books of Old Russia. Vip. 2, part 2 (L - Z). - L., 1989. - Z. 30-32.
