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Boris Viktorovich Kolesnikov (Ukrainian Boris Viktorovich Kolesnikov; October 25, 1962, Zhdanov, Ukrainian SSR) - Ukrainian politician and statesman. Secretary of the Presidium and de facto head of the Party of Regions.

People's Deputy of Ukraine, Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Transport and Communications, ex-Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, responsible for the preparation and holding of the European Football Championship in 2012 (Euro 2012), philanthropist.

In 1991 he graduated from the Donetsk College of Soviet Trade with a degree in commodity science. Since the same year - director of the trading company "Yug"; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of CJSC Production Association Kiev-Konti (later - Konti).

In 1997, he graduated from the Donetsk State Academy of Management with a degree in economist-manager. Since 1998, he has been vice-president of Donetsk FC Shakhtar. Since 2002, he headed the Football Federation of Donetsk region.

In 2001-2006 - the chairman of the Donetsk regional council. Since 2001, the press secretary of Boris Kolesnikov was Elena Bondarenko, who eventually grew into an independent major Ukrainian politician.

Since the end of 2003 - chairman of the Donetsk regional branch of the Party of Regions. He is known as one of the organizers of the Congress of Deputies of all levels in Severodonetsk on November 28, 2004.

In the parliamentary elections of 2006 and 2007, he was elected to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the list of the Party of Regions (both times he was number ten on the list).

In 2010, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister for Euro 2012. On December 9, 2010, he was appointed Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

In the 2012 parliamentary elections, he was elected on the party lists of the Party of Regions (No. 8).

Political activity

Boris Kolenikov's political activity began in 1998 from the moment of his election as a deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council. At the same time, he headed the standing commission on socio-economic development, foreign economic and investment policy, development of small and medium-sized businesses.

In May 1999, he was elected deputy chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, and a year later became its chairman.

In March 2002, Kolesnikov was re-elected as a deputy of the Donetsk regional council from the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region.

In November 2004, at the height of the "presidential race", the chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, Boris Kolesnikov, was one of the organizers and an active participant in the All-Ukrainian Congress of People's Deputies of all levels in Severodonetsk. At the congress, he called on the audience "to decide on the creation of a new Ukrainian South-Eastern state in the form of a federal republic", for which he subsequently "fell under the gun of the political opponents who came to power" and became "the first prisoner of the Orange Revolution."

According to the official version, announced in the press, Boris Kolesnikov was arrested on charges of extortion of shares in the Donetsk shopping center "White Swan", but a few months later the politician was released, and the "Kolesnikov case", initiated by Boris Penchuk, corpus delicti. Boris Kolesnikov himself commented on the situation as follows: “.. Half a million dollars were found in the Penchuk's accounts a month and a half after I informed the prosecutor's office about it. It's so good that they, the "smart" guys, put the money in the same bank where they received it, otherwise we would have had much more difficulty».

As stated in the summer of 2009 by Renat Kuzmin: "The Kolesnikov case was falsified, and by high officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the GPU."

In 2006, Boris Kolesnikov - became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Party of Regions (No. 10).

State activity

On March 11, 2010, Boris Kolesnikov was appointed Vice Prime Minister for Euro 2012. And in December, he also took office as Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

Kolesnikov became the first statesman to bring the Ukrainian-language Euronews to Ukraine. On October 21, 2010, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Borys Kolesnikov and General Director of the Euronews Executive Board Michael Peters signed a Memorandum on the creation and dissemination of international news Euronews in Ukrainian.

Thus, Ukraine became the first country in the world to receive the right to produce local Ukrainian news and distribute this news on a regular basis as part of the broadcast of the Ukrainian version of Euronews.

The head of the Ukrainian branch of Euronews Walid Arfush wrote on his Facebook account: “... This project would not have been possible without the will, support and persistence of Boris Kolesnikov and Anna German, for which many thanks to them !!!».

Nestor Shufrich in July 2010 noted about him: "Kolesnikov is really a very great innovator. He is ready today to make decisions on the liberalization of the economy, on reducing tax pressure - and he really sees the mechanisms for this."

Euro 2012

Boris Kolesnikov got the ambitious and large-scale project of Euro 2012 in a very deplorable state.

According to UEFA estimates, in January 2008, Ukraine's infrastructure remained in the same form as when the country was proclaimed the host of Euro 2012 (April 18, 2007). The UEFA leadership, led by President Michel Platini, has warned Ukraine about the possible hosting of the tournament in another country, if the pace of preparation for the Euro does not increase during 2008.

The number one task for Kolesnikov - as a curator of preparations for Euro 2012 - was to defend Ukraine's right to host the European Football Championship.

In June 2010, the UEFA Supervisory Board decided to approve the right to host the 2012 European Football Championship in all four Ukrainian cities - Kiev, Donetsk, Lvov and Kharkiv, in this regard, Borys Kolesnikov told the press: “ Ukraine can no longer fear that any of its cities will be excluded from the list of host cities for the 2012 European Football Championship».

Boris Kolesnikov's subsequent work in preparation for the Euro was associated with the construction and reconstruction of Ukrainian stadiums and airports, as well as the development of the country's infrastructure.

According to the data voiced by Boris Kolesnikov, the total cost of preparation for the European Football Championship was about $ 5 billion.

« We built 4 international standard airports in just 18 months. In Kiev, we have completed the construction of the runway and a new terminal. Fifty million euros were spent on operating costs, including translators, staff recruitment and training", - said B. Kolesnikov in an interview with the Italian edition Ilsole24ore.

The UEFA President and the Executive Committee of the Union thanked Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Boris Kolesnikov for the flawless organization of Euro 2012 in Ukraine. " The euro has been an astounding success at all levels. As Deputy Prime Minister, you have played a decisive role in ensuring that matches in Ukraine are held to high standards. I am very grateful to you for your valuable support in the preparation process.", - said in a letter of gratitude from UEFA President Michel Platini to the Deputy Prime Minister, according to the website of the information center" Ukraine-2012 ".

Assessing the work of organizing for Euro 2012, UEFA COO Martin Kallen said: “ It was a great tournament that set new standards for the future of the organization.».

According to the French edition Lecercle.lesechos, a huge number of tourists visited Ukraine during the tournament, who were satisfied with the organization of Euro 2012. The championship made it possible to attract the attention of foreigners to a previously unknown country, which will allow developing the tourism business in the future.

According to a survey by the Research & Branding Group, almost two-thirds of Ukrainians received a positive impression of the championship. Three-quarters of Ukrainians believe that Euro 2012 was organized at a high level in their country, and only 12 percent think otherwise.


« When I go to Boris Kolesnikov's office, I see that he has all the construction sites displayed on his computer, and he is monitoring them online", - said Mr. Tigipko, adding that he highly appreciates the efforts of Mr. Kolesnikov in preparing Ukraine for the European Championship. " It is very good that we are included in the UEFA schedules, and now we are fulfilling our obligations, the implementation of which previously had serious concerns. I believe that this is the personal merit of Boris Kolesnikov, since it is he who is actively involved in the issues of Euro 2012", - notes Serhiy Tigipko.

For the rapid pace of construction and renovation of stadiums and airports, UEFA Secretary General Gianni Infantino nicknamed him Super Boris.

According to the newspaper "Comments" " After Euro 2012 Kolesnikov may become the most popular "blue-white" politician. The assessment of all activities of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure Boris Kolesnikov for the entire period of his work in the Cabinet of Ministers will depend on how successful Euro 2012 will be in Ukraine.».

Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

Having headed the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in 2010, Borys Kolesnikov outlined the main priorities for activities and infrastructure development in the following areas:

Public relations

During the period of work under the direction of Kolesnikov, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine has increased its presence in social networks: since June 2011, the Ministry has been an active user of the social network Facebook.

The ban on filming at railway stations and airports has been lifted.

A single ticket is being introduced: for Euro 2012 in Ukraine, it will be possible to purchase a ticket for any type of intercity transport.

Since June, it has become possible to pay for train and bus tickets purchased via the Internet through payment terminals.

Insurance payments to passengers from accidents in transport increased 2 times, in 2011 the insured amount increased to UAH 102 thousand. In 2011, a contract was signed with the leasing company CJSC Ilyushin Finance for the supply of the first An-158 aircraft.


Speaking about the reform of Ukrzaliznytsia, at the reporting press conference on the topic “Results of the work in the first half of the year. Industry Development Plan ", Boris Kolesnikov identified three priorities. " The first is to completely get away from night trains within six years: within Ukraine, it will be possible to reach any point during the day. Again, thanks to new trains. The second is the electrification of traffic (“Now half of the 22 thousand kilometers of roads are electrified, we need to bring this figure to 15 thousand”). Third, modernization of the locomotive fleet: the morally obsolete fleet of the Soviet period is still used».

To implement the planned plans - to unite Kiev and the Ukrainian cities that host Euro 2012 by high-speed trains, at the end of December 2010 a contract was signed with the Hyundai Corporation for Ukrzaliznytsia to receive 10 new interregional electric trains.

At the same time, the first six trains will allow organizing high-speed travel between Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkov and Lvov. For example, it will be possible to get to Kharkov in 3.5 hours, to Lviv - in 4.5 hours, to Donetsk - in 5.5–6 hours.

High-speed trains purchased from the South Korean company Hyundai do not withstand the freezing winter, break down and stand idle for hours.

Former Minister of Infrastructure Boris Kolesnikov calls the problems with high-speed trains a technical misunderstanding, because of which he is ashamed and unpleasant.

Also in the focus of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Boris Kolesnikov - the maritime industry of Ukraine, roads and cars.


According to official data, the assets of Boris Kolesnikov are APK-Invest and ZAO Konti.

In 2006, Borys Kolesnikov took the 24th position in the Top-100 of the most influential people in Ukraine, which are annually determined by the Korrespondent magazine.

According to the Focus magazine, in 2006 Boris Kolesnikov took the 10th position in the rating of influence among representatives of the Donetsk region.

In 2007, Boris Kolesnikov took the 20th position in the Top-100 of the most influential people in Ukraine by the Korrespondent magazine.

In 2007, he took 20th place in the rating of the Focus magazine "200 Most Influential Ukrainians". In April 2011, Forbes magazine, when compiling a rating of the 100 richest Ukrainians, estimated Kolesnikov's fortune at $ 230 million, which caused his indignation. " Why did they indicate my fortune in the amount of $ 230 million, if I only spent $ 200 million on animal husbandry! And "Conti" - what doesn't count ?! And we are also opening a factory in Kursk for $ 250 million.", - said Kolesnikov.

The total turnover of "Konti" and "APK-Invest" in the past year exceeded 4 billion UAH. And the state of Boris Kolesnikov himself is estimated at $ 810 million.


In 2008, Boris Kolesnikova founded a personal charitable foundation.

Prior to this, charitable activities were carried out in the form of personal donations. So, since 2004, on his initiative, the best students were rewarded with trips to Disneyland Paris, foreign trips for veterans were organized, and the reconstruction of the Olympic Sports Complex in Donetsk was carried out. Significant funds were invested in improving the health of children in need, supporting the country's cultural heritage.

According to the press service of the Foundation, today the organization's activities are carried out within the framework of programs aimed at developing education, identifying and supporting talented and active youth, promoting a healthy lifestyle, preserving the country's cultural and historical heritage and creating new historical, cultural, scientific values. ...

In 2010, the Kolesnikov Foundation spent over UAH 8 million on charity. ... In 2011, the foundation spent over UAH 11 million for the implementation of charitable programs. Including funds were directed to support the Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Solomiya Krushelnytska, the best Ukrainian athletes, health protection. In 2012, the amount of charitable investments exceeded 18 million hryvnia, of which more than 10 million hryvnia was spent on the development of sports. In 2013, the Boris Kolesnikov Foundation was recognized as the leader of the National Rating of Philanthropists in the nomination "Support for the Sphere of Sports and Physical Education".

Boris Kolesnikov speaks very modestly about his contribution of the patron: “ I think that the activities of the fund will be useful for Ukrainians. It will be public, understandable and hopefully effective. But I won't speak for myself. I want people to appreciate my work».


Kolesnikov is married (wife Svetlana Kolesnikova), has two children - daughter Ekaterina (born in 2004) and son Konstantin (1992).


Among the hobbies of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine football and hockey. Due to his passion for hockey, in 2010 Kolesnikov bought the Donbass hockey club.

« I became 100% owner of the club last July. I have always loved hockey since childhood. I remember hockey from the first USSR match against Canadian professionals on September 1, 1972, from the first puck that was thrown to us in the first minute. Then the USSR national team won 7: 3", - Kolesnikov shared with the journalists of Ukrainska Pravda.

Awards and titles

  • Deputy Chairman of the Party of Regions.
  • Member of the Political Council of the Party of Regions.
  • Deputy Chairman of the Party of Regions faction in the Verkhovna Rada.
  • Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy.
  • Member of the Temporary Special Parliamentary Commission for the Processing of Draft Laws on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine.
  • Member of the Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the Verkhovna Rada and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
  • Deputy Head of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
  • Member of the parliamentary group for inter-parliamentary relations with Japan, Germany, France.
  • President of the Football Federation of Donetsk region.
  • Awarded the Order of Merit I, II, III degree.
  • Honorary Citizen of Donetsk

Boris Viktorovich Kolesnikov was born in the Donetsk region in the city of Mariupol, October 25, 1962.


In 1991 he graduated from the Donetsk College of Soviet Trade (specializing in commodity science). In 1997 - Donetsk Academy of Management (specialty - management in the industrial sphere).


  • 1980-1985 - the seller of the Kuibyshevsky department of working supply of PO Donetskugol. 1985-1986 - the seller of the Donetsk wholesale and retail plant. 1986 - carpenter of Donetsk metalworking equipment maintenance center. 1986-1992 - purveyor, seller of the Donetsk city association of collective farm markets.
  • 1992-1993 - Deputy head, head of the trade and procurement enterprise in Donetsk. 1993-1996 - General Director of the Collective Trading Firm Yug.
  • 1996-1999 - General Director, Chairman of the Board of CJSC Firma Yug. At the same time, Kolesnikov held the post of Chairman of the CJSC PO Kiev-Konti, which belongs to him, specializing in the production of confectionery products (since 2006, the company has been called KONTI; today it controls significant shares of the Ukrainian and Russian confectionery market; person).
  • In 1999, businessman Kolesnikov came to power. Until May 2001, he was the deputy chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council. Then another five years - the chairman of the regional council.
  • In 2006 and 2007. becomes a People's Deputy of Ukraine from the Party of Regions. He worked in the BP Committee on Economic Policy.
  • Since March 2010 - Deputy Prime Minister for Euro 2012 in the government of Mykola Azarov. On December 9, 2010, as a result of the administrative reform that began, he became Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.
  • Since December 2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation from the Party of Regions (No. 8 in the list). Head of the VR Committee on Transport and Communications.

About person:

Among the hobbies of Boris Viktorovich is his passion for hockey and football. During a certain period of his career, he was seriously involved in the management of FC Shakhtar Donetsk. And in 2010 he acquired the Donetsk ice hockey club "Donbass".


Svetlana's wife.

Son Constantine (born 1992)

Daughter Ekaterina (born in 2004)

Compromising evidence and rumors:

On May 9, 2016 it became known that Kolesnikov and his wife took the Conti confectionery company offshore. The confectionery company "Konti", whose beneficiaries are Rinat Akhmetov's brother Igor and an ex-deputy, a member of the opposition bloc, which they call "opposition prime minister" Boris Kolesnikov, was taken offshore. She was registered in December 2014 in the British Virgin Islands.

On July 28, 2016 it became known that the ex-Deputy Prime Minister Kolesnikov probably joined the ranks of the Ukrainian "diaspora" in Moscow. And it is likely that he has very good reasons for emigrating. Some media outlets write that Kolesnikov simply broke his leg and allegedly this happened a month ago. If so, the trouble happens to him for the second time, the first time Boris Kolesnikov already had such an adventure in 2007, while skiing. However, as it became known from a trusted source, the former Deputy Prime Minister has been absent from Ukraine for almost two months, so he left for Moscow. And he has no desire to return to his homeland. The expert of the European Council on Foreign Relations, Andrew Wilson, in his blog on the website of the Financial Times, argued that only for the execution of work for Euro 2012 "kickbacks" reached 40%. Domestic media called other figures - from 60 to 80%. "White" flows are also impressive: the National Agency for the preparation of Euro 2012, controlled by Kolesnikov, in 2011-2012 approved 304 purchases carried out according to the non-competitive procedure "from one participant", for a total amount of 18.8 billion hryvnia. According to one version, Kolesnikov himself “rolled back” only a part of the promised pie. Therefore, someone probably asked a simple question: where are the others? There is no money, and therefore Boris Viktorovich is selling his business. The source claims that in the friendly environment of the ex-Deputy Prime Minister, they reacted with understanding to the unpleasant turn in his fate. Someone, perhaps, felt sorry for him, but did not dare to intercede. In addition, the positions of the business group, to which Kolesnikov belongs, have been preserved. Assets are even increasing - recently Akhmetov bought Ukrtelecom.

In 2011, journalist Sergei Leshchenko published information about Kolesnikov's involvement in non-transparent construction tenders in preparation for Euro 2012.

At the end of December 2010, a contract was signed with Hyundai Corporation for Ukrzaliznytsia to receive 10 new interregional electric trains. High-speed trains purchased from a South Korean firm do not withstand the freezing winter, break down and stand idle for hours. Kolesnikov calls the problems with high-speed trains a technical misunderstanding.

In October 2010, in Lviv, 49 buses with the tournament symbols were handed over to the first host cities of Euro 2012. During the ceremony, a high official initiated an accident - Kolesnikov suggested that representatives of city administrations get behind the wheel of buses painted with Euro 2012 symbols and make a circle of honor around the plant. The Deputy Prime Minister himself got behind the wheel of a bus intended for Donetsk and, having traveled several tens of meters, at the turn, crashed into a traffic police escort car that was standing on the side of the road.

In August 2005, the head of the Donetsk Regional Council promised to put the "orange" people behind bars, who set the law enforcement officers on him (first of all, the ex-Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko). Nevertheless, having come to power in the 2006 parliamentary elections, the Party of Regions did not jail any of its high-ranking "orange" competitors. And Kolesnikov himself was not against the creation of a "broad coalition" with pro-Yushchenko's Our Ukraine.

Since 2005, Boris Viktorovich has been an ardent opponent of Yuri Lutsenko. One of the reasons is that Kolesnikov considers the Minister of Internal Affairs to be the initiator of his arrest, therefore he is not shy in his expressions: “Lutsenko is a cynical bastard. In the summer of 2007, before the early parliamentary elections, we met with him in Viktor Baloga's office. The head of the secretariat asked our headquarters not to destroy Lutsenko in the elections. The minister, frightened, drank a bottle of cognac in the president's break room and cried for forty minutes, asking to forgive him. He asked for forgiveness from me and my wife. I then asked him about only one thing: once to apologize publicly. He replied: "Then how will politics come to an end to me." I said: “Yuriy Vitalievich, you will come to an end one way or another” (“Ukrainska Pravda”, March 4, 2009). Yuri Vitalievich refutes what Boris Viktorovich said: “The scenes described by Kolesnikov did not exist and could not exist in principle. I knew that Kolesnikov was a six, but I did not know that he was also a fraudulent six ”(“ Focus ”, March 20, 2009).

After the 2004 presidential elections and the Orange Revolution, Kolesnikov fell under the gun of political opponents who had come to power. Within the framework of the implementation of Viktor Yushchenko's pre-election slogan "Prisons for Bandits!" law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case against the chairman of the Donetsk regional council. In particular, he was charged with taking possession with extortion of shares in the fashionable Donetsk shopping center "White Swan". The politician spent several months in jail. Eminent foreign and domestic lawyers, with the support of authoritative regional politicians, have achieved the release of Kolesnikov from custody and the closure of the criminal case "in the absence of corpus delicti." And later the victim in the "Kolesnikov case", the former co-owner of "White Swan", himself came under investigation - "for perjury."

Since a young age, Kolesnikov has been friends with Rinat Akhmetov, the richest Ukrainian, the owner of SCM, and one of the few heaviest figures in the Party of Regions. It is no coincidence that the oligarch entrusted Kolesnikov with the post of vice-president of the Shakhtar Football Club - not the most profitable, but one of his favorite business projects.

In November 2004, at the All-Ukrainian Congress of People's Deputies of all levels in Severodonetsk, the then chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, Boris Kolesnikov, called on those present to create a South-Eastern state in the form of a federal republic.

After the end of the presidential campaign, Boris Viktorovich was forced to testify about this in the General Prosecutor's Office. And in the spring of 2005, Kolesnikov was arrested on suspicion of extortion. Actually, then Kolesnikov's career began as a politician of an all-Ukrainian scale.


Boris Kolesnikov says that he does not aspire to the executive branch. According to him, he is completely satisfied with the current status.

When asked if he is ready to head the Party of Regions, Kolesnikov replies: “Our leader is in excellent shape, there are no prerequisites for aging, to the deepest regret of some of his opponents” (Correspondent, September 28, 2007).


Boris Viktorovich has known Rinat Akhmetov for 27 years. They have a long-standing friendship.

“Rinat Akhmetov is my close friend. He is a courageous and decent person ", - this is how Boris Viktorovich characterizes Rinat Leonidovich (Today, August 8, 2005). At the same time, Kolesnikov says that “Akhmetov has a“ colossal intellect ”and he“ made himself ”.

In August 2005, it was Akhmetov's company, System Capital Management, that posted a bail of $ 10 million for the release of Boris Kolesnikov from the pre-trial detention center. “Rinat gave me friendly support, I don't see anything wrong with that,” explains Boris Viktorovich.

Kolesnikov refutes rumors about Rinat Leonidovich's alleged criminal past. “Rinat Akhmetov does not have, did not have, and cannot have any criminal past. And it’s time for these failing political strategists to focus on something more relevant to our country, and not on finding a black cat in a dark room, especially since it is not there, ”says Kolesnikov (Correspondent, September 28, 2007).

Boris Kolesnikov and Rinat Akhmetov are old friends


He began his career in 1980 at the Kuibyshev ORS of the Donetskugol Production Association.

Graduated from Donetsk State Academy of Management with a degree in economist-manager.

Since 1991 - General Director of the Yug trading company.

In 1997 he became the general director of the Kiev-Konti production association.

Since 1998 - Vice President of FC Shakhtar.

In 1998 he was elected a deputy of the Donetsk regional council. He headed the permanent commission on socio-economic development, foreign economic and investment policy, development of small and medium-sized businesses.

In May 1999, he was elected deputy chairman of the Donetsk regional council, and a year later - its chairman.

In March 2002, he was re-elected as a deputy of the Donetsk regional council from the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region.

In 2006 he received a deputy mandate in the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Party of Regions (No. 10).

In 2006, Borys Kolesnikov took the 24th position in the Top-100 of the most influential people in Ukraine, which are annually determined by the Korrespondent magazine.

According to the Focus magazine, in 2006 Boris Kolesnikov took the 10th position in the rating of influence among representatives of the Donetsk region.

Since August 2007 - head of the electoral headquarters of the Party of Regions.

In 2007 he was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Party of Regions (No. 10).

In 2007, Boris Kolesnikov took the 20th position in the Top-100 of the most influential people in Ukraine by the Korrespondent magazine.

Boris Kolesnikov is one of the influential figures in the Party of Regions. Photo: TabloID

On March 11, 2010, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed Borys Kolesnikov as Vice Prime Minister for EURO 2012. In December 2011, he took over as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure.


Boris Kolesnikov for:

  • business legalization;
  • preservation of the status of a non-aligned state for Ukraine;
  • change of the president of the Football Federation of Ukraine;
  • the adoption of a law on lustration;
  • so that the decision on Ukraine's entry into NATO should be made by the Ukrainian people in a referendum.

Boris Kolesnikov against:

  • Yuri Lutsenko;
  • reprivatization.

Business empire

According to Boris Kolesnikov himself, he started his business with the wholesale trade in fruits. “Since the times of the USSR, my friends and I have already had experience of working with Soyuzplodoimport, and after the liberalization of foreign trade in 1990-1991 - directly with the largest fruit producers in Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Egypt,” says Boris Viktorovich (“Correspondent ", June 24, 2005).

According to him, Kolesnikov started his confectionery business in 1992 with tolling schemes, when he and his partners received a large batch of sugar and were forced to look for an application for it. They traded white gold for cookies. Since this all started. After that, we rented several lines in Donetsk, then - in 1997 we bought our own factory, then we built two more, bought a factory in Russia.

When asked how he started his business, Kolesnikov replies: “Listen, in the early 90s there was no business, especially in the late 80s. The law "On cooperation" in the USSR was adopted only in 1988 "(" Observer ", May 26, 2006).

According to Boris Viktorovich, he and Akhmetov have only a few enterprises. “My package is not big at all. Stocks are managed by experienced managers, we only participate at the level of idea generation. But this collaboration did not begin in the 90s, but already in the 2000s. In general, for Rinat Leonidovich and me, these are not some global, vital things, I would not focus on this, ”Kolesnikov concludes (“ Observer ”, May 24, 2006).

According to proUA, Boris Kolesnikov exercises control over the following companies:

  • CJSC Production Association "Konti";
  • CJSC Yug;
  • Group "Conti".

According to the Internet edition, Kolesnikov is involved in the enterprise DP "Conti-Invest".

Compromising evidence

All incriminating information about Kolesnikov concerns his Donetsk past. Associated, of course, with primary capital accumulation.


On April 6, 2005, after interrogation, the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine detained Boris Kolesnikov on suspicion of extortion. It was about obtaining shares of the Donetsk shopping center "White Swan". Former deputy director of the center Boris Penchuk said that under the threat of death coming from Kolesnikov, he and his family members were forced to sell their shares for a pittance.

Boris Viktorovich denied these accusations. According to him, he paid Penchuk $ 500 thousand.

During his stay in the detention center in 2005, Boris Kolesnikov
supported by Raisa Bogatyreva. Photo: TabloID

“I am his (Penchuk. - S.R.), if you want to know, I saw for the first time in prison at a confrontation. Personally, he did not sell a single share to me. Half a million dollars were found in the Penchuk's accounts a month and a half after I informed the prosecutor's office about it. It’s so good that they, the “smart” guys, put the money in the same bank where they received it, otherwise it would have been much more difficult for us, ”says Kolesnikov (Observer, May 26, 2006).

In July 2005, the Prosecutor General's Office closed the criminal case against Kolesnikov “due to the lack of corpus delicti,” and in November 2006, a criminal case was opened on the fact of falsification of the criminal case against Boris Kolesnikov.

Boris Viktorovich claims that he learned about his possible detention from one of the politicians who offered him "barter": inclusion of some people in the list of the Party of Regions in exchange for: closing the case, actions of TV channels TRK "Ukraine" and NTN, as well as - part of the property of Rinat Akhmetov. According to Kolesnikov, this offer was made to him in the building of the Presidential Secretariat, but he refused it.

On March 2, 2009, Boris Penchuk was sentenced to 8 years in prison with confiscation of property under two articles - part 4 of Art. 189 (extortion) and part 2 of Art. 383 (knowingly false message about committingand crimes) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

"I want it to be clear: not Penchuk should be convicted, but those who executed and ordered this case ... The role of the president is not visible there ... But many law enforcement officials of that time will feel uncomfortable as a result of these investigations," - this is how Boris Kolesnikov commented on the court decision (UNIAN, March 23, 2009).

Death of Sergei Roman

The media circulated rumors about the possible involvement of Boris Kolesnikov in the death of his business partner, Sergei Roman. Boris Viktorovich denies these rumors: “My friend and partner Sergei Roman has never been the general director of Kiev-Konti for the simple reason that he died six months before its foundation. He died on May 23, 1997, and the company appeared only on November 22, 1997. Moreover, it was not a legal successor of any structure, but “rose” from “scratch”. So they shouldn't be convincing that Kolesnikov’s affairs went up only after the death of his partner, ”Kolesnikov says. ("The Observer", May 24, 2006).

Boris Kolesnikov was one of those representatives of the Party of Regions who, in January 2009, spoke out very harshly against the so-called "Firtash group" (Sergei Lyovochkin, Yuri Boyko), which tried to "make the weather" in the party.

Boris Viktorovich said without curtsy that such people have no place in the party.


Since 2005, Boris Viktorovich has been an ardent opponent of Yuri Lutsenko. One of the reasons is that Kolesnikov considers the Minister of Internal Affairs to be the initiator of his arrest, therefore he is not shy in his expressions: “Lutsenko is a cynical bastard. In the summer of 2007, before the early parliamentary elections, we met with him in Viktor Baloga's office. The head of the secretariat asked our headquarters not to destroy Lutsenko in the elections. The minister, out of fear, drank a bottle of cognac in the president's break room and cried for forty minutes, asking to forgive him. He asked for forgiveness from me and my wife. I then asked him about only one thing: once to apologize publicly. He replied: "Then how will politics come to an end to me." I said: “Yuriy Vitalievich, you will come to an end one way or another” (“Ukrainska Pravda”, March 4, 2009).

Yuri Vitalievich refutes what Boris Viktorovich said: “The scenes described by Kolesnikov did not exist and could not exist in principle. I knew that Kolesnikov was a six, but I did not know that he was also a fraudulent six ”(Focus, March 20, 2009).

Financial situation

In 2011, according to the official declaration, Kolesnikov's income amounted to UAH 166 million 437 thousand 638, and his family members - UAH 3 million 576 thousand 999.

Boris Viktorovich owns land plots (45,600 square meters and 4448 square meters), a residential building (5,581 square meters), Bentley Mulsanne cars, Bentley Continental, Mercedes Benz S-600 L, and a C-43 boat.

Members of his family have land plots (2287 sq. M. And 60 sq. M.), A residential building (421 sq. M.), An apartment (227. 3 sq. M.), Two garages (56.1 sq. M. And 30, 6 sq. m), Mercedes Benz S-500 L.

On the bank accounts of Boris Kolesnikov there are 141 million 878 thousand 207 hryvnyas, the par value of the securities belonging to him is 13 million 505 thousand 780 hryvnias. Members of his family keep UAH 52 million 308 thousand 904 in banking institutions, the par value of securities belonging to them is UAH 13 million 505 thousand 710.

In 2011, the Focus magazine estimated the fortune of Boris Kolesnikov at $ 292.5 million (No. 59 in the rating of the 200 richest people in Ukraine).

In 2010, the Korrespondent magazine estimated the capital of Boris Kolesnikov at $ 231 million (48th place in the Golden Hundred rating).

In 2009, the Focus magazine estimated the capital of Boris Kolesnikov at $ 189.7 million. The publication claims that over the past year he lost $ 280.3 million.

According to the magazine "Correspondent", in 2009 the businessman's fortune amounted to $ 80 million.

In 2005, according to Boris Viktorovich, he earned UAH 16 million.

In 2006, the magazine "Focus" estimated the fortune of Boris Kolesnikov at $ 220 million. In the list of the 100 richest Ukrainians, he took 72nd place.

“Only the market can accurately assess personal wealth. In general, I am not a poor person, ”says Boris Viktorovich (Korrespondent, June 24, 2005).

He has a house in the center of Donetsk, which, according to Kolesnikov, is located on a modest 20 acres.

According to the magazine "Focus", in 2006, Boris Kolesnikov declared income in the amount of 5 million 416 thousand 866 UAH.

Wears a Lange & Sohne glashutte / SA watch.

According to the income statement, in 2007 Boris Kolesnikov earned 38 million 373 thousand 968.71 UAH. At the same time, royalties, dividends and interest amounted to 38 million 95 thousand 704.77 UAH. At the same time, Kolesnikov's deputy salary was 278 thousand 263, 94 UAH.

In addition, the deputy's family owns an apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b201.9 sq. m, a house of 540.7 sq. m, a garage of 20 sq. m.

Kolesnikov also has two cars at his disposal - "Mercedes-S500" and "Mercedes-S600L".

In 2008, the Korrespondent magazine estimated the fortune of Boris Kolesnikov at $ 271 million.


As a child, he dreamed of becoming a football player. “But I don’t think that even in the best shape any of the coaches of amateur teams would like to see me on the field,” says Boris Kolesnikov (Correspondent, September 28, 2007).


He is friends with Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Yanukovych, Raisa Bogatyreva, Tatyana Bakhteeva, brothers Vasiliev, Sergei and Andrei Klyuev, Sergei Larin. He closely communicates with former footballers - Igor Petrov, Viktor Grachev and composer Igor Krutoy.


Deputy Chairman of the Party of Regions.

President of the Football Federation of Donetsk region.

Awarded with the Order of Merit, II degree. As Boris Viktorovich says, he received this award from President Viktor Yushchenko in connection with the 10th anniversary of the Konti factory, which he built from scratch.


Married. As Boris Viktorovich says, his wife, Svetlana, is exclusively engaged in raising children.

The Kolesnikovs are raising their daughter Ekaterina (born in 2004) and their son Konstantin (born in 1992).

Boris Kolesnikov with his wife and son baptize their daughter. Photo: TabloID

The son is in the eleventh grade at the Moscow School of Economics. “He himself chose where he studied. We offered him different options, but he wanted there, ”says Kolesnikov (UNIAN, March 23, 2009).


In September 2008, Boris Kolesnikov called his fellow party member Dmitry Tabachnik "a cheap clown" and "embezzler". Boris Viktorovich explained why: “For speaking at the congress in Severodonetsk. Remember: businessmen in the southeast are trying to negotiate with Yushchenko, because money loves silence. Who is speaking?! An embezzler who has not created any business in his life? How can he even judge? What can he do in general, besides how to scribble books and pictures from, and so poor, Ukrainian museums? We will definitely insist on tough measures against Tabachnik! This is my opinion, Rinat Akhmetov's and all businessmen of the southeast - members of the PR ... Dmitry Tabachnik and corruption, thefts from museums are, yes, compatible ”(“ Observer ”, September 4, 2008).

True, the story with Tabachnik did not find its continuation.

Dmitry Vladimirovich said that he handed Viktor Yanukovych a "solid statement" in which he "reasonably stated" his opinion about the statements of Boris Kolesnikov.


As Boris Kolesnikov says, he cannot boast that he knows Tymoshenko well. At the same time, Boris Viktorovich claims that Yulia Vladimirovna really likes him as a woman. “As a politician - a moot point” (Forum, November 28, 2006).


He is fond of football. Favorite football player - Diego Maradona.

Favorite performers - Bon Jovi, Queen, Rolling Stones, Makarevich, DDT, Italian singers of the early 80s.

Likes to relax in the United Arab Emirates.

Wears clothes from Hugo Boss, Zilli and Brioni.

In his free time he goes to the theater.

Likes to ski.

Airplane man

In August 2005, the crew of the Airbus A320 of the Donbassaero company asked to name it Boris Kolesnikov.


As Boris Kolesnikov says, he is in normal relations with Viktor Yushchenko.

Boris Kolesnikov in a "star" environment - Viktor Yushchenko, Yefim Zvyagilsky and Rinat Akhmetov. Photo: TabloID


Boris Kolesnikov worked together with Viktor Yanukovych for many years.

“I worked with him for many years. You, for example, worked with some colleague. Would you support him if he went to the presidential elections? Most likely they would. I voted for Viktor Fedorovich, and I do not hide it. "

“I believe that Viktor Yanukovych will be a successful prime minister, this is unambiguous. I think that the transparency of the economy will be put in the main place. "

“We have a prime minister. This is Viktor Yanukovych. And I am sure Viktor Yanukovych will be Prime Minister next year as well. This is the most rated and most popular politician in Ukraine. "

When asked how he sees the role of Viktor Yanukovych during the 2010 presidential elections, Borys Kolesnikov replies: “Not only me, but all sociological polls show that Viktor Yanukovych has the highest rating in the next presidential elections” (Ukrainska Pravda, March 13, 2009).

“I, of course, understand: this is journalistic work, all that ... but, you are already crossing all the boundaries of decency. I'm just shocked! "

"I am for justice."

"I'm not an irreplaceable person."

“I see myself in the ranks of forces that can benefit Ukrainian society.”

“I don’t think the new government wants to make it worse for Ukraine. It's just that not everything works out for them. I want the "regionals" and "our Ukrainians" to reach out to each other. "

“I have worked all my life in business, in tough competition, so I am interested in ideas. Our opposition does not have them yet ”.

"I have lost faith in the honesty, impartiality and fairness of law enforcement and the court."

"I understand that it is necessary to" mock "me, as a representative of the old government, but I hope for a fair trial."

"For 6 years of work I have not spent a single liter of state gasoline."

“I believe that he (Shokhin, ex-Deputy Prosecutor General. - S.R.) he offended me with his words about "typical racketeering".

“I do not think that Lutsenko considers me to be his blood enemy. What kind of information was given to the minister - I read this one. If he had read the di-agnosis of Penchuk Sr., he would have understood how he lost his legs - certainly not because of the explosions. If he knew that Penchuk Jr. was shot in 1999, a few years before the history of the White Lebe-Dy shares, he would not have made such statements. I think that the minister was simply set up by his subordinates. "

"I understand the president in a purely human way."

“I always felt confident, even in the Lukyanovka SIZO, because they had zero chances! Complete zero!"

"I go to parliament in order to defend the interests of local self-government."

"I am grateful to all residents of Donbass for the fact that, despite all the statements of the authorities, they did not even find the bandits in the lists of the Party of Regions under a microscope."

“I would like to ask Lutsenko, who, just like me, has a teenage son ... He goes to school every day, where they tell him that on TV they constantly say that his dad is an extortionist? And they declare this without proof! And when will I say with the documents that the minister is a swindler? Well, how can the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs explain such a degree of falsification of criminal cases? "

“I am in custody on a case fabricated by my political opponents, and the way these people today manage law enforcement agencies, I have reason to fear for my life and health.”

“I think that Yuri Vitalievich (Lutsenko. - S.R.) will not be able to work in any government. "

"I replied that Surkis really disgraces football when he runs after the Spanish referee with fur coats."

“I do not persecute the Surkis brothers. And even more so, Dynamo Kiev.

"I would like all of us to learn how to define sins not by principle, I believe or not, but by the decision of the courts."

“I am not an avenger and I am not going to take revenge on anyone, but if we manage to punish the falsifiers, primarily from the leadership of the prosecutor’s office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will be a good lesson for politicians who like to give instructions to law enforcement agencies by phone, and for the security officials themselves. No matter what political force they represent. "

"I have never lobbied any laws in favor of any companies."

“I didn’t work either in the Presidential Administration or in the Presidential Secretariat, so formally I don’t know what the appointment of Yuriy Lutsenko as an adviser to the President may mean. But according to the methods by which Lutsenko acted, he should not be an advisor to the president of a democratic country, he would look good in dictatorial countries as an adviser. "

"I am not afraid of tomorrow and I am confident in the successful future of Ukraine."

“I think we need to have our own Marshall Plan. But not only external assistance, but the accumulation of their resources. And I have reason to hope that the program, which is being prepared by the order of Mr. Akhmetov, will become the Marshall Plan for Ukraine. "

"I have already said several times that no politicians have the right to interfere in the election of the mayor of any city."

"I treat any phenomena that fit into the legal field, quite positively."

“I believe in God, I am Orthodox. I have a positive attitude to religion. "

“I don't get paid at all. I have a fairly high income from the business that I own. "

“I consider it quite normal that MPs have their own business if it is legal with income and spending. Since they were able to create working companies, to employ citizens of Ukraine, then these are quite worthy people and their ideas in the form of bills should be implemented in the Verkhovna Rada. Another thing is that if these adoption of laws will develop their personal business, then this is already pure crime. "

"I consider only those who are convicted by the court verdict to be criminals."

"I believe that plebiscites should become the norm in our society in order to get answers to these or those questions."

"I believe laws should not be ambiguous."

"I thought that Arseniy Yatsenyuk was Obama, but he turned out to be Gorbachev!"

"I don't believe in the possibilities of the current government."

“I really think that any format of a coalition in this convocation is a cynical deception of voters. Everyone went to the Rada with their own principles, and now I don't see how a coalition can be dazzled. "

« I am ready to pay any taxes ”.

"I'm not a barometer, that's for sure."

“I would not say that we have an intensive dialogue with Baloga. There are some situational moments in which representatives of different parties can consult. We have a more intensive dialogue with the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and during the last crisis with the leadership of Our Ukraine, but not with Baloga. "

“I don't want to control anything. I have a certain part of the work on a voluntary basis, which was entrusted to me by Victor Fedorovich. And I do it. I do not receive any bonuses or benefits, I have never been a member of the government ”.

“I am far from a fan of Kravchuk, but he must be given his due - he was the first in the post-Soviet space to democratically transfer power. And also one of the first in the post-Soviet space to ensure the election of regional governors and thus gave more power on the ground. Here, of course, he deserves respect. "

“I don’t think the Party of Regions hit the bar.”

“I can responsibly declare to you -“ RosUkrEnergo ”has never financed the Party of Regions, and the party has never received a penny from RUE”.

"I would not say that the presidency in Ukraine is all the fullness of power."

« I do not want to assess the heads of the presidential administrations, neither Medvedchuk, nor Baloha. This is the weakness of the one who gives such an assessment. Presidents should be assessed ”.

“I don’t want the Constitution to be adopted for some kind of elections, as it was last time, when amendments were adopted 20 days before the third round, and not in the final version, they began to bargain, and as a result, the Constitution collapsed.”

“I can name dozens of deputies from“ Our Ukraine ”or BYuT who attend every session of the parliament, but their efficiency will be zero!”

"I'm sure the police are hiding 9/10 of the crimes committed by their colleagues."

« I would protect any person from whom party members tried to take away his enterprise by means of blackmail and threats. "

“I want the Ukrainian people to know the truth, and Lutsenko was held accountable for his actions. If you speak without emotion ”.

“I cannot say that the 90s was the Wall Street of Ukraine. I would not say that everything was absolutely transparent then, but all state assets were sold in accordance with the laws that were in the country at that time. Therefore, it makes no sense to return to this issue today ”.

"I don't fly for government money."

"I love political memoirs."

"I am far from being a supporter of Kravchuk, but he found the courage to go to the early presidential elections in 1994, at the same time as the parliamentary ones, although he could not have done so."

Sergey Rudenko

In 1991 he graduated from the Donetsk College of Soviet Trade (specializing in commodity science). In 1997 - Donetsk Academy of Management (specialty - management in the industrial sphere).

Career.1980-1985 - the seller of the Kuibyshevsky department of working supply of PO Donetskugol. 1985-1986 - the seller of the Donetsk wholesale and retail plant. 1986 - carpenter of Donetsk metalworking equipment maintenance center. 1986-1992 - purveyor, seller of the Donetsk city association of collective farm markets.

1992-1993 - Deputy head, head of the trade and procurement enterprise in Donetsk. 1993-1996 - General Director of the Collective Trading Firm Yug.

1996-1999 - General Director, Chairman of the Board of CJSC Firma Yug. At the same time, Kolesnikov holds the post of CEO of the Kiev-Konti CJSC, which he owns, specializing in the production of confectionery products (the company has been called since 2006; today it controls significant shares of the Ukrainian and Russian confectionery market, including three factories with a staff of 9 thousand ).

In 1999, businessman Kolesnikov came to power. Until May 2001, he was the deputy chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council. Then another five years - the chairman of the regional council.

In 2006 and 2007. becomes a people's deputy of Ukraine from. He worked in the BP Committee on Economic Policy.

Since March 2010 - Deputy Prime Minister for Euro 2012 in the government. On December 9, 2010, as a result of the administrative reform that began, he became Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

From December 2012 to November 2014 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation from the Party of Regions (No. 8 in the list). Head of the VR Committee on Transport and Communications.

On May 27, 2016, at the congress of the Opposition Bloc, Boris Kolesnikov and the head of the Opposition Bloc faction in parliament were elected as party co-chairs.

On early parliamentary elections 2019 ran in the 49th majoritarian district (Donetsk region). Lost in the constituency following the voting resultslosing to party candidate Valery Gnatenko.

Positions and ratings. For a long time Kolesnikov has been one of the most famous and respected businessmen and politicians of the Donetsk region. Recently, he has been an inhabitant of the political Olympus of Ukraine. He is one of the most influential members of the Party of Regions. In the early parliamentary elections of 2007, he was held under the same 10th number on the electoral list as in 2006, although, according to observers, this place does not reflect his real weight in the party. He headed the pre-election headquarters of the PR. Deputy head of the party and the faction of the regionals in the parliament. Member of the Presidium of the Political Council of the PR.

Scandals. After the 2004 presidential elections and the Orange Revolution, Kolesnikov fell under the gun of political opponents who had come to power. As part of the implementation of the pre-election slogan "Prison for the Bandits!" law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case against the chairman of the Donetsk regional council. In particular, he was charged with taking possession with extortion of shares in the fashionable Donetsk shopping center "White Swan". The politician spent several months in jail. Eminent foreign and domestic lawyers, with the support of authoritative regional politicians, have achieved the release of Kolesnikov from custody and the closure of the criminal case "in the absence of corpus delicti." And later the victim in the "Kolesnikov case", the former co-owner of "White Swan", himself came under investigation - "for perjury."

Coming out of the prison in August 2005, the head of the Donetsk regional council promised to put the "orange" people behind bars, who set the law enforcement officers on him (first of all, the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). Nevertheless, having come to power in the 2006 parliamentary elections, the Party of Regions did not jail any of its high-ranking “orange” competitors. And Kolesnikov himself was not against the creation of a "broad coalition" with pro-Yushchenko's Our Ukraine.

However, after the victory in the 2010 presidential elections of the leader of the regionals Yanukovych, some opponents of the "white-blue" still ended up behind bars - in particular, ex-prime minister and ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Lutsenko.

At the end of December 2010, a contract was signed with Hyundai Corporation for Ukrzaliznytsia to receive 10 new interregional electric trains. High-speed trains purchased from a South Korean firm do not withstand the freezing winter, break down and stand idle for hours. Kolesnikov calls the problems with high-speed trains a technical misunderstanding.

In 2011, journalist Sergei Leshchenko published information about Kolesnikov's involvement in non-transparent construction tenders in preparation for Euro 2012.

Condition.According to the Focus magazine, published in February 2008, Kolesnikov's fortune reached $ 470 million, an increase of $ 250 million over the previous year. In the ranking of the 130 richest Ukrainians, the co-founder of KONTI took 56th place. A few months later, experts from the Korrespondent magazine counted his assets worth $ 271 million, assigning 50th place in their rating of the richest compatriots.

Regalia. Honored Economist of Ukraine. Winner of the silver medal "Independence of Ukraine" and the insignia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Law and Honor". Awarded the Order of Merit, II and III degrees.

Family, social circle.The politician is married. He has a son (born 1992) and a daughter (born 2004).

From a young age Kolesnikov has been friends with - the richest Ukrainian, the owner of the company, and one of the few heaviest figures in the Party of Regions. It is no coincidence that the oligarch entrusted Kolesnikov with the post of vice-president of the Shakhtar Football Club - not the most profitable, but one of his favorite business projects.

2001-2006 - Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council. Since 2001, the press secretary of Boris Kolesnikov was Elena Bondarenko, who over time grew into an independent major Ukrainian politician.

Since the end of 2003 - chairman of the Donetsk regional branch of the Party of Regions. He is known as one of the organizers of the Congress of Deputies of all levels in Severodonetsk on November 28, 2004.

In the parliamentary elections of 2006 and 2007, he was elected to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the list of the Party of Regions (both times he was number ten on the list).

In 2010, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister for Euro 2012. On December 9, 2010, he was appointed Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

In the 2012 parliamentary elections, he was elected on the party lists of the Party of Regions (No. 8). Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Transport and Communications. As the secretary of the Presidium of the Party of Regions, in 2014 he refused to participate in the early parliamentary elections due to the war in Donbass.

In March 2015, he was appointed prime minister in the shadow cabinet created by the Opposition Bloc party.

Political activity

Boris Kolenikov's political activity began in 1998 from the moment of his election as a deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council. At the same time, he headed the standing commission on socio-economic development, foreign economic and investment policy, development of small and medium-sized businesses.

In May 1999, he was elected deputy chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, and a year later became its chairman.

In March 2002, Kolesnikov was re-elected as a deputy of the Donetsk regional council from the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region.

In November 2004, at the height of the "presidential race", the chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, Boris Kolesnikov, was one of the organizers and an active participant in the All-Ukrainian Congress of People's Deputies of all levels in Severodonetsk. At the congress, he called on the audience "to decide on the creation of a new Ukrainian South-Eastern state in the form of a federal republic", for which he subsequently "fell under the gun of the political opponents who came to power" and became "the first prisoner of the Orange Revolution."

According to the official version, announced in the press, Boris Kolesnikov was arrested on charges of extortion of shares in the Donetsk shopping center "White Swan", but a few months later the politician was released, and the "Kolesnikov case", initiated by Boris Penchuk, was closed due corpus delicti. Boris Kolesnikov himself commented on the situation as follows: “... Half a million dollars were found in the Penchuk's accounts a month and a half after I informed the prosecutor’s office about it. It’s so good that they, the “smart” guys, put the money in the same bank where they received it, otherwise it would have been much more difficult for us. " Due to his arrest, he gained special fame in the country.

As stated in the summer of 2009 by Renat Kuzmin: "The Kolesnikov case was falsified, and by high officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the GPU."

In 2006, Boris Kolesnikov - became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Party of Regions (No. 10).

State activity

On March 11, 2010, Boris Kolesnikov was appointed Vice Prime Minister for Euro 2012. And in December, he also took office as Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

Kolesnikov became the first statesman to bring the Ukrainian-language Euronews to Ukraine. On October 21, 2010, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Borys Kolesnikov and General Director of the Euronews Executive Board Michael Peters signed a Memorandum on the creation and dissemination of international news Euronews in Ukrainian.

Thus, Ukraine became the first country in the world to receive the right to produce local Ukrainian news and distribute this news on a regular basis as part of the broadcast of the Ukrainian version of Euronews.

The head of the Ukrainian branch of Euronews Walid Arfush wrote in his Facebook account: "... This project would not have been possible without the will, support and persistence of Boris Kolesnikov and Anna German, for which many thanks to them !!!"

In July 2010 Nestor Shufrich noted about him: “Kolesnikov is indeed a very great innovator. He is ready to make decisions today on the liberalization of the economy, on reducing tax pressure - and he really sees the mechanisms for this.

Euro 2012

Boris Kolesnikov got the ambitious and large-scale project of Euro 2012 in a very deplorable state.

According to UEFA estimates, in January 2008, Ukraine's infrastructure remained in the same form as when the country was proclaimed the host of Euro 2012 (April 18, 2007). The UEFA leadership, led by President Michel Platini, has warned Ukraine about the possible hosting of the tournament in another country, if the pace of preparation for the Euro does not increase during 2008.

The number one task for Kolesnikov - as a curator of preparations for Euro 2012 - was to defend Ukraine's right to host the European Football Championship.

In June 2010, the UEFA Supervisory Board decided to approve the right to host the 2012 European Football Championship in all four Ukrainian cities - Kiev, Donetsk, Lvov and Kharkiv, in this regard, Borys Kolesnikov told the press: “Ukraine can no longer fear that one of its cities will be excluded from the list of host cities for the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship. ”

Boris Kolesnikov's subsequent work in preparation for the Euro was associated with the construction and reconstruction of Ukrainian stadiums and airports, as well as the development of the country's infrastructure.

According to the data voiced by Boris Kolesnikov, the total cost of preparation for the European Football Championship was about $ 5 billion.

“We built 4 international standard airports in just 18 months. In Kiev, we completed the construction of the runway and a new terminal. Fifty million euros were spent on operating expenses, including translators, selection and training of service personnel, ”said B. Kolesnikov in an interview with the Italian edition of Ilsole24ore.

The UEFA President and the Executive Committee of the Union thanked Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Boris Kolesnikov for the flawless organization of Euro 2012 in Ukraine.

Assessing the organization's work for Euro 2012, UEFA COO Martin Kallen commented: “It was a great tournament that set new standards for the future of the organization.”

According to the French edition Lecercle.lesechos, a huge number of tourists visited Ukraine during the tournament, who were satisfied with the organization of Euro 2012. The championship made it possible to attract the attention of foreigners to a previously unknown country, which will allow developing the tourism business in the future.

According to a survey by the Research & Branding Group, almost two-thirds of Ukrainians received a positive impression of the championship. Three-quarters of Ukrainians believe that Euro 2012 was organized at a high level in their country, and only 12 percent think otherwise.


“When I go to Boris Kolesnikov’s office, I see that he has all the construction projects on his computer, and he is monitoring them online,” said Mr. Tigipko, adding that he highly appreciates the efforts of Mr. Kolesnikov in preparing Ukraine for European Championship. “It is very good that we have entered the UEFA schedules, and now we are fulfilling our obligations, the implementation of which previously had serious concerns. I believe that this is the personal merit of Boris Kolesnikov, since it is he who is actively involved in the issues of Euro 2012, ”said Sergei Tigipko.

For the rapid pace of construction and renovation of stadiums and airports, UEFA Secretary General Gianni Infantino nicknamed him Super Boris.

According to the newspaper "Comments" "After Euro 2012 Kolesnikov may become the most popular" white-blue "politician. The assessment of all activities of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure Boris Kolesnikov for the entire period of his work in the Cabinet of Ministers will depend on how successful Euro 2012 will be in Ukraine.

Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

Having headed the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in 2010, Borys Kolesnikov outlined the main priorities for activities and infrastructure development in the following areas:

Public relations

During the period of work under the direction of Kolesnikov, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine has increased its presence in social networks: since June 2011, the Ministry has been an active user of the social network Facebook.

The ban on filming at railway stations and airports has been lifted.

A single ticket is being introduced: for Euro 2012 in Ukraine, it will be possible to purchase a ticket for any type of intercity transport.

Since June, it has become possible to pay for train and bus tickets purchased via the Internet through payment terminals.

Insurance payments to passengers from accidents in transport increased 2 times, in 2011 the insured amount increased to UAH 102 thousand. In 2011, a contract was signed with the leasing company CJSC Ilyushin Finance for the supply of the first An-158 aircraft.


Speaking about the reform of Ukrzaliznytsia, at the reporting press conference on the topic “Results of the work in the first half of the year. Industry Development Plan ", Boris Kolesnikov identified three priorities. “The first is to completely get away from night trains within six years: within Ukraine, it will be possible to reach any point during the day. Again, thanks to the new trains. The second is the electrification of traffic (“Now half of 22 thousand kilometers of roads have been electrified, we need to bring this figure to 15 thousand”). The third is the modernization of the locomotive fleet: the morally obsolete fleet of the Soviet period is still used ”.

To implement the planned plans - to unite Kiev and the Ukrainian cities that host Euro 2012 by high-speed trains, at the end of December 2010 a contract was signed with the Hyundai Corporation for Ukrzaliznytsia to receive 10 new interregional electric trains.

At the same time, the first six trains will allow organizing high-speed movement between Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkov and Lvov. For example, it will be possible to get to Kharkov in 3.5 hours, to Lviv - in 4.5 hours, to Donetsk - in 5.5-6 hours.

According to Novoye Vremya magazine, high-speed trains Intercity and Intercity + carried a record number of passengers. Now this is the largest indicator since the start of high-speed traffic in Ukraine.

Also in the focus of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Boris Kolesnikov - the maritime industry of Ukraine, roads and cars.


According to official data, the assets of Boris Kolesnikov are APK-Invest and ZAO Konti.

In 2006, Borys Kolesnikov took the 24th position in the Top-100 of the most influential people in Ukraine, which are annually determined by the Korrespondent magazine.

According to the Focus magazine, in 2006 Boris Kolesnikov took the 10th position in the rating of influence among representatives of the Donetsk region.

In 2007, Boris Kolesnikov took the 20th position in the Top-100 of the most influential people in Ukraine by the Korrespondent magazine.

In 2007, he took 20th place in the rating of the Focus magazine “200 Most Influential Ukrainians”. In April 2011, Forbes magazine, when compiling a rating of the 100 richest Ukrainians, estimated Kolesnikov's fortune at $ 230 million, which caused his indignation. “Why did they indicate my fortune in the amount of $ 230 million, if I only spent $ 200 million on animal husbandry! And "Conti" - what doesn't count ?! And we are also opening a factory in Kursk for $ 250 million, ”Kolesnikov said.

The total turnover of "Konti" and "APK-Invest" in the past year exceeded 4 billion UAH. And the state of Boris Kolesnikov himself is estimated at $ 810 million.

In 2015, the influential publication Forbes named the top 10 taxpayers of Ukraine, among which Borys Kolesnikov was in second place, who paid UAH 164,081 million in personal income tax.


In 2008, Boris Kolesnikov founded a personalized charitable foundation.

Prior to that, his charitable activities were carried out in the format of individual targeted assistance: for example, since 2004, on the initiative of Boris Kolesnikov, trips of veterans abroad were organized, the reconstruction of the Olympic Sports Complex in Donetsk was carried out, significant funds were invested in the rehabilitation of needy children, pensioners, and also support the country's cultural heritage.

By the end of 2010, the Boris Kolesnikov Foundation spent over UAH 8 million on charity. In 2011, for the implementation of charitable programs, the Fund allocated about 11 million hryvnia, including the funds were directed to support the Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Solomiya Krushelnytska, the best Ukrainian athletes, health care. In 2012, the amount of charitable investments exceeded UAH 18 million, of which more than UAH 10 million were invested in the development of sports. In 2013, the Boris Kolesnikov Foundation was recognized as the leader of the National Rating of Philanthropists in the nomination "Support for the Sphere of Sports and Physical Education".

Borys Kolesnikov himself speaks of his patronage very modestly: “I think that the activities of the Fund will be useful to Ukrainians. It will be public, understandable and hopefully effective. But I won't speak for myself. I want people to appreciate my work. "

Since 2014, the Foundation's activities have been focused on the implementation of charitable educational projects and competitions for students. Their goal is to support talented, active youth, develop the intellectual potential of society, and revive interest in engineering.

All-Ukrainian charitable programs "Aviator", "Zheleznodorozhnik" and "Architect" are held for the future elite of Ukraine - students of technical, aviation, architecture and construction and railway universities. The winners of these projects visit the best industry exhibitions in the world, where they get acquainted with advanced technologies and industry novelties, meet with experts, communicate with students from other countries of the world, and attend master classes. All this stimulates young people to acquire new knowledge and career growth.

The priority project of the charitable foundation is the annual all-Ukrainian open competition "Aviator". It is designed to support future Ukrainian designers and engineers, pilots and air traffic controllers; motivate and encourage talented children; help them realize the most original projects. The prestige and popularity of the competition is evidenced by its geography (all of Ukraine) and a huge number of student registrations in the project.

For the first time "Aviator" was held in 2012. Over the years of its existence, more than 11 thousand students of technical specialties from 44 universities and colleges of Ukraine took part in it. 300 of the most talented, creative and motivated of them became the winners of the project and, thanks to the Boris Kolesnikov Foundation, attended the world's leading aviation forums - Farnborough in Great Britain and Le Bourget in France. There they visit the stands of the giants of the world aviation industry, see new products and gain invaluable experience and knowledge, which they introduce in their native Ukraine. During visits to London and Paris, students also get acquainted with the sights of the capitals and visit the Amusement Parks - Disneyland and Thorpe Park.

"Aviator" lasts six months and consists of 5 stages: testing in English technical language, history and theory of aviation, exact sciences, presentation of a business case and own investment project. The jury of the competition includes the best representatives of the aviation industry, and is headed by the Hero of Ukraine, the legendary aircraft designer Dmitry Kiva.

The Railway Worker project was implemented in 2014 and 2016. 50 best students from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan and the State Economic and Technological University of Transport went to the Berlin International Exhibition of Transport Technologies InnoTrans, where they saw advanced technologies from ALSTOM Transport, Bombardier Transportation GmbH, Siemens AG , PESA Bydgoszcz SA and others, met with industry experts.

The Architect project took place in 2014, and 20 winners from the Dnieper State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kiev National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture attended the Design and Architecture Week in Tokyo. In addition to visiting the exhibition itself, the students went on an architectural tour of the city with the famous architect Ulf Meyer, who spoke about the peculiarities of Tokyo's urban planning and held a master class right on the streets of the capital of Japan. The guys also visited the best public university in Japan - Tokyo City University, talked with their peers and the dean Yoshiya Yamaoka.

Since 2014, the priority for the Boris Kolesnikov Foundation has been the Donbass restoration program. Within the framework of the program, support is provided for students of secondary educational schools in Donetsk region and boarding schools; restoration of the ice arena "Altair" and the organization of hockey and figure skating sections for children 5-12 years old; provision of material assistance to residents who suffered during the ATO.

Traditionally, on the Day of Knowledge and St. Nicholas Day, the Charitable Foundation, together with the Donbass HC, congratulates the children of the Donetsk region on the holidays, gives them branded backpacks, stationery, and sweets. Every year, philanthropists help 60,000 Donbass children and their mentors.

In 2016-2017, the Boris Kolesnikov Charitable Foundation supported several Ukrainian rehabilitation centers for children, regional hospitals, nursing homes, provided them with the necessary technical equipment and household items.

Hockey club "Donbass"

In 2010, Boris Kolesnikov became the owner of the Donbass hockey club, which allowed the Donetsk region to become the real hockey capital of Ukraine. In the very first season, headed by Boris Kolesnikov, Donbass won the gold medals of the championship for the first time in its history, having issued a record winning streak for the country in 27 matches in a row in the regular stage, and then beat the capital's Sokol in the final (1: 0 and 3 : 2). Subsequently, Donbass twice in a row confirmed their title of champion of the country, raising the FHU Cup over their heads in the seasons 2011/12 and 2012/13. In the summer of May 31, 2011 in Moscow, at the general meeting of the Higher Hockey League, HC Donbass was unanimously accepted as a member of the non-profit partnership VHL. For the first time in the history of independent Ukraine, a domestic club went to Canada to prepare for a performance in the Higher Hockey League. And upon his return to Ukraine, he organized and held at the highest level the first international tournament "Open Cup of Donbass", in which three clubs of the Continental Hockey League also took part - SKA (St. Petersburg), "Dynamo" (Minsk) and "Dynamo" (Riga ). The Donetsk team finished the 2011/12 season in the VHL just a step away from the Bratina Cup final, losing to the future champion - Toros from Neftekamsk. In July 2012, by the decision of the leadership of the Continental Hockey League, HC Donbass was admitted to the list of the strongest hockey league in Europe. At the end of their first regular season in the KHL, the club finished 9th in the Western Conference and failed to make it to the playoffs, losing only one point to Atlant.

In January 2013 Donetsk Donbass became the first and so far the only Ukrainian club to win the prestigious European tournament under the auspices of the IIHF - the 2012/13 Continental Cup. In the Superfinal, the matches of which were held at the Donetsk Druzhba Arena from January 11 to 13, at that time he was still a two-time champion of Ukraine, defeated Metallurg Belarus (1: 0), Italian Bolzano (3: 0) and French "Rouen Dragons" (7: 1), gaining the maximum possible 9 points.

Donbass managed to improve their results in the KHL already in the next season. Having played 54 matches, the Donetsk team finished the first part of the championship in fourth place in the Western Conference, becoming the record holder for the minimum number of goals conceded in a season - 99. As a result, on March 7, 2014, the Druzhba Arena hosted the playoffs of the KHL round for the first time in the history of Ukrainian hockey ... At the quarter-finals stage, the Donetsk team knocked out Dynamo Riga from the further struggle, but in the semifinals of the conference, as a result of a six-match series, they missed the Prague Lev. It is noteworthy that then Donbass was able to play at home only once - due to the tense political situation in Ukraine, the KHL board banned the games at the Druzhba Arena in Donetsk.

Donbass set another KHL record already in the playoffs, having played the longest match against Prague Lion, which lasted 126 minutes and 14 seconds. Then the decisive puck was scored by the Donbass defender Andrey Konev, and the game itself went down in history as the Prague Marathon.

In 2013, HC Donbass created the largest school fan sector in the KHL, which consisted of more than 1,500 fans from 22 schools in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The members of the fan association, together with the Donetsk club, visited different cities of six countries - Russia, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia and Croatia.

In the summer of 2014, due to the complicated political situation in Donetsk, the club was forced to refuse to participate in the seventh season of the KHL, and the main team of the club was sent on “academic leave”. The same fate awaited the Molodaya Gvardia team, which took part in the Youth Hockey League, and Donbass-98.

In the same summer, Boris Kolesnikov made a decision to preserve the Ice Children and Youth Sports School, moving it to the city of Druzhkovka for training at the Altair Ice Arena. Since September 1, 2014, more than 900 children from Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka and Druzhkovka have been attracted to the Donbass Youth Sports School, who began to play hockey and figure skating for free. The club provided each young athlete with the necessary equipment, qualified coaching staff, as well as comfortable club buses that bring and take children to the Altair aircraft and back to their settlements. The enrollment of children continued in 2015.

In the 2015/16 season, three teams of the Donbass Youth Sports School were transported to the Terminal aircraft base in the city of Brovary. Such a change in the permanent training place was due to the participation of the teams "Donbass 2003", "Donbass 2004" and "Donbass 2005" in the championships of Belarus and a corresponding reduction in the time spent on visiting the tournament away matches. Most of the Ice School continued its activities in Druzhkovka, adding more than 300 pupils in the hockey and figure skating section with the new season. Today the Donbass Youth Sports School is the largest in Ukraine, with more than 1,100 pupils. In the summer of 2015, it was decided to revive the first team of HC Donbass, which applied to participate in the Ukrainian Championship of the 2015/16 season. In a short time, the club's management managed to assemble a team that took the second “gold” for itself at the traditional pre-season Donbass Open Cup tournament, adding to the triumph in 2013 a victory in 2015, and then won the fourth set of Donbass gold medals in national championship.

On the eve of the start of the 2016/17 season, Donbass won the Donbass Open Cup preseason home tournament for the third time in its history. Donetsk side beat Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih, Vityaz Kharkiv, Beliy Bars Beliy Tserkov and Kremenchuk in turn. Also, in preparation for the national championship, the Donetsk team took part in friendly tournaments in Kremenchug (Kremenchug Open Cup) and Zvolen (Pavel Zaboynik Memorial). In Slovakia, the Donetsk team met with the Belarusian Shakhtar (4: 7), as well as Slovakian Zvolen (3: 2 OT) and Detvoy (4: 3)

According to the results of the national Ukrainian championship of the 2016/17 season, Donbass became the five-time champion of Ukraine.

The 2016/17 season has become a new round of development for the Donbass club school - the children's and youth sports school has expanded its geography. On January 22, children from Bakhmut took their first steps on the ice. And on February 5, they were joined by young athletes from Pokrovsk and Myrnograd. The end of the season turned out to be especially successful for the team of the Youth Sports School of the HC "Donbass" born in 2004 - "Donbass 2004" became the champion of Ukraine, as well as the bronze medalist of the Open Championship of Belarus.

In addition to the sports component, the Donbass hockey club participates in various social and charitable projects. Beginning in 2014, in conjunction with the charity Fund Borys Kolesnikov club implements social project dedicated to the World Day of Knowledge. In 2014, first-graders from Slavyansk, Nikolaevka, Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka received 2,500 gift backpacks. A year later, 2,400 first-graders from schools in the Konstantinovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts, as well as in Druzhkovka and Konstantinovka received branded backpacks of the Donbass HC. Also, every year new backpacks and school supplies are received by the pupils of the Donbass Children's and Youth Sports School. On September 1, 2016, 2,300 children from Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, settlements of the Konstantinovsky district, Pokrovsky district, as well as from boarding schools in the northern part of Donetsk region received such gifts.

Every year on St. Nicholas Day and on New Year's Eve, the Donbass hockey club, together with the Boris Kolesnikov Charitable Foundation, congratulates the students and teachers of schools and boarding schools in Donetsk region on the winter holidays. This tradition dates back to 2013, when Donetsk HC Donbass began to congratulate its fan clubs throughout the city and beyond (Bakhmut, Druzhkovka, Zugres, Konstantinovka, Chistyakovo and Yasinovataya).

In 2014, despite the fact that the main team of HC Donbass; missed the sports season, this did not affect the project in any way. On the eve of St. Nicholas Day, ex-Young Guard players Ruslan Romashchenko, Vladimir Cherdak and Maxim Martyshko congratulated students and teachers of 11 educational institutions in Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk, Pokrovsk, Nikolaevka, Svyatogorsk, Slavyansk, as well as Konstantinovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts, 55,000 New Year's sweet gifts and souvenirs.

In 2015, the scope of the project grew, and for 60 000 children and teachers in schools, boarding schools and high schools of Donetsk region received presents from HC "Donbass" and the Fund. The players of the first team of the Donetsk club took part in the project, among them were repeated champions of Ukraine, hockey players of the national team, ex-players of the NHL, KHL and VHL. Official delegations of the Donbass HC and the Fund personally visited 43 educational institutions of Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, Pokrovsk, Kramatorsk, Svyatogorsk, Slavyansk, as well as settlements in Konstantinovsky and Pokrovsky districts.

In 2016, 58,000 children from 150 schools, orphanages and boarding schools in Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk, Nikolaevka, Pokrovsk, Slavyansk, Svyatogorsk, as well as Pokrovsky and Konstantinovsky districts received gifts. On December 19, official delegations of the Fund and the Donbass hockey club visited educational institutions in the Donbass region, where they presented sweet sets to children and teachers.


Kolesnikov is married (wife Svetlana Kolesnikova), has two children - daughter Ekaterina (born in 2004), and son Konstantin (1992).

Awards and titles

Deputy Chairman of the Party of Regions.

Member of the Political Council of the Party of Regions.

Deputy Chairman of the Party of Regions faction in the Verkhovna Rada.

Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy.

Member of the Temporary Special Parliamentary Commission for the Processing of Draft Laws on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine.

Member of the Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the Verkhovna Rada and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Head of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Member of the parliamentary group for inter-parliamentary relations with Japan, Germany, France.

President of the Football Federation of Donetsk region.

Awarded the Order of Merit I, II, III degree.

Honorary Citizen of Donetsk