Storage of cable lines in operation. Acceptance of cable lines

Cable lines up to 35 kV

Addendum No. 1 to the order of the MKS branch of the VAT "MOESK" dated 03.09.2009. No. 824

Zagalnі vymogi until priymannya cable line yak on the balance (at authority) MKS - branch BAT MOESK, so and pіd hour of laying the contract for operation
The main documentation that is presented at the hour of transmission of the cable line

1.2.1. Cable line project.

At the warehouse of the project, you can use the technical skills of the MKS-filia BAT MOESK, on ​​the basis of such wines, all the weather, including those at the entrance to the project, the paperwork on all engineering disputes on the highway - bridges, tunnels, peddals, pierce it what. P.

1.2.2. Inventory description of all elements of the line.

1.2.3. Vikonavchiy's armchair trasi. It is displayed on a scale of 1: 500 (or 1: 200) from the designated place of installation of all couplings and of all types from the designated (attachment) of all reperives. On the vikonavchy armchair, the binding of the red lines is fenced. Added: profile of puncture by direct drilling method for all voltages, expansion of refining with other engineering communications, and with refining with heating mains, with the designation of additional elements of thermal insulation.

1.2.4. Protocols of factory testing of drums with cable. Factory passport, certificate or other document conforming to the standard protocol for factory testing drums with cable. For an import cable, the document is due to the Russian language, or it is the translation of the Russian language, the assurance of the cable maker.

1.2.5. The act of examining the cable on the drum and the protocol for the selection and follow-up of the cable at the ISS is the file of BAT MOESK. The cable drum is looked at by a representative of the MKS-branch BAT MOESK district, in particular the master, as a cable installation at the laying site, a representative of the Cable Inspection Service (SVIKS) at the SMO warehouse. At this fall on the highway, the area is to be re-examined before laying. Protocol on cable attachment before laying for 3 months. It is allowed to switch in other areas of the MKS-filia BAT MOESK over the cable on the drum with the following documents:

  • an act on the presence of an excess of cable on the drum, warehouses with an assembly organization and representatives of the district, it was done before laying,
  • a copy of the factory passport for the cable,
  • a copy of the protocol for arranging and completing the cable section,
  • a copy of the act of the old inspection of the drum and cable on the new one.

1.2.6. The act of breaking the axes and the bottom of the trench. Signed by a surveyor and viconrob of the SMO, and when connected, trace to the "red" lines - by surveyors of Mosmiskgeotrest. In the act, it is written that the trench marks are to be given to the project (no. number of application, name of the project, release date.).

1.2.7. Act and chair on the docking of robots with traces. It is indicated that all the places are changed and that the cables are close to the usma underground communications and roads (zonkrems and trams).

1.2.8. The act of readiness (acceptance) of the trench for laying the cable. The act states the readiness of pipe transitions, channels, blocks, consoles at the spores, the service and electrical parts of the substations, which allow the laying and installation of cable couplings. The act is written by the general contractor, subcontractor, deputy and part of the technical supervision of the ISS - branch BAT MOESK. For consumption, you can get the author of the project.

1.2.9. Protocol for heating cables before laying due to negative temperatures of the superfluous medium. Temperatures and hours of heating and gaskets div. SNiP 3.05.06-85 clause 3.86-3.91.

1.2.10. The act of technical supervision over the laying of cables and the installation of couplings. In the act, indicate, on the same date, the laying and installation of the couplings was carried out, for whatever the weather.

1.2.11. The act of inspecting the cables before their sipans, and the channels before their blockages. In the act, indicate how the cable is protected at the trench (ceglins, concrete tiles, stitching, PZK 24x48 thin plates).

1.2.12. Journal of cable laying and installation of good couplings and terminal couplings. For a magazine, krіm type of couplings, indicate a factory-manufacturer of cable fittings.

1.2.13. Dovіdka z viddіlu underground spores (OPS Mosmіskgeotrest). About the delivery and re-verification of the chairs on the laying of the line and the application of them on the geo-basement of the place. Such dovіdki mayut buti vіd Vlasnikіv іnzhenernih spores, de pass part of the highway (for example, Moskolektora).

1.2.14. The protocol of testing the cable line with a forced voltage. Following the re-installation of the line.

1.2.15. The protocol for reversing the integrity and phases is alive for the cable (for cold, for colors).

1.2.16. Control - oblіkovі passports for rozdіlovі stopornі mufti. Іz zaznachennyam zrobleno "rozryv" shells chi grounding. Zapovnyuetsya only for nayavnosti, for example for STP Metropolitan.

1.2.17. Guaranteed goiter by the term three rocks. It is seen by the deputy or the general contractor (as the deputy of the ISS branch of the BAT MOESK) about those that all the cable lines have been interrupted by the robot (as it has not been carried out on the route, it has not been carried out at the locality, earthlings robots or to the line are not connected to third-party navant zhenya) are usuvayutsya by him with a stretch 'yati dіb z moment poshkodzhennya, for rahunok koshtіv zі their materials. At more than three times, it will be possible to extend the warranty term for one future guarantor of goiter and replace this lifetime cable.

1.2.18. Document on the transfer of the cable line into operation. Or an act of balance sheet transfer, agreement on rent and agreement on operation.

Name all the documents of the guilty mother clearly before pointing them to the list. The participants in the folding of the document may be re-arranged with decryption: the name of the organization, its suborder or reliability, telephony (fax), put that name, date, sign and decrypt it. The object, until which the document is to be kept, may have names at the same time, before the project, it is duplicated by the address. All documents are due to the mother, the date of signing.

Hot spots

2.5.1. Laying, installation and testing of new cable lines with a voltage of 0.4 - 35 kV at the ISS trusses - branches of the VAT MOESK (distributed by the ISS) and certificates (incl. and subcontracting CMOs).

2.5.2. CMO personnel who carry out the installation of cable lines (electrical fitters, electricians, viconrobi, maistri) are allowed to work only after passing through a special training and commissary training at the MKS training and training center - branch of the VAT "MOESK".

2.5.3. ITP (viconrobam, maistram toshcho) after folding is seen “Permission” for the right to lay and install cables in the ISS with a voltage of up to 35 kV, without inserting the term “Permission”. The re-certification is carried out in the same way as viconrob (master) of the rights of laying and installation for gross violation of the installation technology.

2.5.4. Electricians from cable lines and electricians from the installation of cable lines after the folding of the water are given the "Certificate" for the right to install in the MKS spoluchnyh and terminal couplings. Re-testation is carried out through the skin three rocks.

2.5.5. For damage to the technology of laying and installation of cable lines, as well as the technology of installation of cable fittings viconrobi, maistri, electricians and electricians are entitled to the rights of vikonannya work in the ISS. Allowance for the right to work in the ISS meshes is presented to the Cable Monitoring Service (SVICS) for the submissions of the districts, the UCB and for the results of rechecks for the participation of SVICS representatives. Reinstatement of the right to work and work can be carried out after the re-adjustment of meals to commissions at the training and training center of the ISS.

2.5.6. The commissioning of cable lines for the operation of the ISS is consummated by the organization, as it worked for the installation of cable lines. If, for whatever reason, the personnel cannot carry out the commissioning of cable lines, then the commissioning is to be carried out by a representative of the installation department, the head of the PTO, the head engineer. In vinyatkovyh vpadkah it is allowed to carry out the assignment of cable lines to maisters and viconrobes, if they did not carry out the laying and installation, but the obov'yazkovo may be connected to the vikonannya robit near the ISS.

2.5.7. The task is to be carried out in stages, starting from the agreement with the project and other documentation and completing the execution of documents on the transfer of the cable line to the balance, lease or operation of the ISS.

2.5.8. A technical overview at all stages is being worked out by the operational personnel of the regions and the Design Bureau of the MKS.

2.5.9. Individuals, yakі zdіysnyuyut tehnіchnіchny vgljad, zobov'yazanі znayomiti s project and keruyuchis normative documentation, designated in the division "Normative documentation when acquiring CL" and the project, vikonuvati priimanya cable lines.

2.5.10. The operating personnel, which is a victorious technical sight and the acceptance of goiters, informs the maisters and viconrobіv of the assembly organizations about all the defects and compliance with the project, normative documentation and vimagati їsunennya.

2.5.11. For the presence of differences with representatives of the installation organizations, individuals, as a technical visualization, are obliged to inform the district and UKB about the construction. And at the time of the distribution of electricity, the district and the UKB with representatives of the electrical installation organization, it is necessary to inform the SVIKS for their decision.

2.5.12. In the process of step-by-step preparation to the end of the building, the representatives of the electrical installation organization will inform the representatives of the electrical installation organization about the work in the ISS area and, in case of mutual housekeeping about the work in the building, they will call the representative of the area by telephone.

2.5.13. In quiet situations, if the MKS region cannot send a representative to carry out a technical supervision of the work of the electrical installation organization, representatives of the district are responsible for faxing or a telephone message about the electrical installation organization.

2.5.14. Laying and installation of cable lines with a voltage of 0.4-35 kV, which are arranged by organizations of other departments and are transferred to the operation to the ISS, may be subject to technical supervision of the ISS regions.

2.5.15. During the reconstruction of the substations (RP, TP, SP, RTP), he rebuilt the end sleeves on the main cable lines and fenced. It is necessary to install new cable inserts (inserts) in the substation and install a suitable and end sleeve. Installation of suitable couplings at the pits of the substation is fenced.

Normative documentation, upon acceptance of CL

2.5.16. In the process of installation, that acceptance of cable lines is necessary to be trimmed, in the future documents, which may have a directive (obv'yazykovy) character:

  • "Rules for the power of electrical installations" as of April 15, 2009, 6th and 7th edition with changes and additions, KnoRus, 2009,
  • "Instruction for the operation of power cable lines" Part 1. Cable lines up to 35 kV. Soyuztechenergo. 1980
  • "Budivelni norms and rules. Electrical appliances. . SNiP 3. 05. 06 - 85. Derzhbud SRSR, 1986.
  • "Technical documentation for couplings for power cables with paper and plastic insulation up to 35 kV." Energovidav 1982 and Energoservis 2002
  • "Collection of key materials of the Golovtekhupravlinnya Minenergo SRSR" ORGRES 1992.
  • Rules for the technical operation of electric stations of the Russian Federation. 2003
  • Obsyagi that normi viprobuvan elektroobladnannya. 34. 45 - 51. 300 - 97, RD 34. 45 - 51. 300 - 97. 6th view. z izm. that dod. on 01.10.2006.
  • "Instruction for laying power cables with insulation of cross-linked polyethylene for a voltage of 10, 20 and 35 kV." ABB - 06/18/2001
  • Instructions for the operation of cables with insulation from cross-linked polyethylene for a voltage of 10 kV. IE - K10. 1997
  • Technical mind. “Power cables with insulation from cross-linked polyethylene for a voltage of 10.20.35 kV. TU 16.K-71 - 335 - 2004.
  • Safety of work at everyday life, part 1. BNiP 12 - 03 - 99 2000
  • “Mijgaluzev rules for the protection of work and the hour of operation of electrical installations. (Safety rules) RD 153-34.0-03.150-00.
  • Instructions for the laying and installation of cable line plants (firms) - assemblers of cable products.

2.5.17. Krіm vymog, vykladenyh in the listings of other documents, it is necessary to look after the internal documents issued from the roki and obov'yazkovymi for vikonannya.

Wimogi to cables that are laid in the ISS fences

2.5.18. At the ceremonial supplement to the information notice No. 492 dated 05/11/99, permission was given to laying cables of the 1-10–20–35 kV brand at the ISS strands. Cables with copper cores can be blocked in vinyatkovy slopes and only with the permission of the head technical engineer of the enterprise.

2.5.19. Cables with single strand cores (OJ) for laying in the ISS fenced fences.

2.5.20. It is allowed to lay cables of out-of-band production, designated in the information notice No. 492 issued on 11.05.99 and supplemented to the new one, prepared in accordance with Russian GOSTs or TU, which may be Russian "Certificate in іdpovіdnostі" аnd suprіvіdnu dоkumentаіyu russian movoy.

2.5.21. All cables 1-35 kV are allowed to be laid only for the presence of factory passports, protocols for factory testing, protocols for examining the cable on the drum, and the protocol for sorting out the cable at SVIKS.

2.5.22. Prior to laying, cables are accepted, which can be termed from the moment of their release by the plant until the drum is looked at no more than 2 years. A look at the drum with cable is installed on the route before laying a representative of the ISS area. In case of big commitments (more than 4 reels) a look-around is carried out by a representative of the CВіKS at the CMO warehouse. After looking around the drum and zvіrennya yogo data from the factory documents, the drum is stitched and the cut of the cable is no less than 800 mm long from the factory kappa. On one end, the factory cappa is to blame, on the other end, it is necessary to put a timchas cap, and also seal the end of the cable on the drum. Zrazok, ensuring the explanatory documentation (brand, drum number, retin, dozhina, preparation, name of the organization), an act of looking around the drum with a cable on a new one with a factory passport straight through 3 days to SVIKS. A positive SVIKS winding gives the representative of the ISS area the right to inspect the cable on the drum without interruption before laying it and make a second inspection report.

2.5.23. New brands of cables are allowed to be laid by the less technical ISS. The laying can only be carried out under the control of SVIKS and the plant - manufacturer of cable products or its representative in Russia. Qi cables in the period of pre-industrial operation are subject to special control of districts, UKB and SVIKS. SWICS collects all the considerations regarding the quality of these cables, the time required for laying, installation and operation.

Vimogi to cable lines

2.5.24. Before the earthworks or workdays, representatives of the assembly organization are responsible to submit a project to the ISS area to clarify the details of laying cables, so that during the period from the design to the laying, changes could occur on the territory, according to which it is necessary to lay the cable. To be specified:

  • the month to avenge speeches, to ruin the sheathing of cables,
  • dіlyanki, on some lines to transfer the route or to protect cables from mechanical, thermal and chemical inlets,
  • space for re-tuning and proximity to the laying of cables and various engineering spores,
  • preparation of the mine for the red planning vіdmіtka before digging a trench on a normal clay.

The districts and UKB MKS are entitled to give proposals on how to change cable routes and put in place supplements for further changes to the project by representatives of the design organization.

Wimogi to the trenches

2.5.25. A look at the trench is consummated after submitting the SMO to the project of that geodetic act about those that the route is vikonn strictly from the geodetic markings to the maximum vertical marks of the bottom of the trench, with the trench bindings to various landmarks. At the same time, give respect to the planning marks on all roads.

2.5.26. Depth of the trench in the form of planning markers may be not less than 0.8 m. When the ceiling is a street, with an area of ​​​​not less than 1.1 m. It is allowed to change the depth to 0.5 m on the plots of the planting up to 5 m with the introduction of cable lines in the wake, as well as in the places of the ceiling їх іz underground spores d mechanical poshkodzhen ( for example, laying at pipes).

2.5.27. The width of the bottom of the trench for cables with paper-leaked insulation for a voltage of 1-10 kV and cables for a voltage of 1 kV with insulation from SPE is due to buti:

  • for one hour of laying one cable - not less than 150mm.
  • when laying two cables - not less than 330 mm.
  • 3 hours of laying three cables - no less than 500mm.
  • half an hour for the laying of several cables - not less than 660 mm.
  • five hours of laying five cables - no less than 830mm.
  • under an hour of laying six cables - not less than 1000mm.

Single-core cables with insulation from SPE for a voltage of 10-35 kV are laid only “in a tricutnik”, with which the width of the bottom of the trench can be:

  • when laying one cable line - less than 200mm.
  • when laying two cable lines - not less than 400mm.
  • when laying three cable lines - not less than 600mm.
  • when laying several cable lines - not less than 800mm
  • when laying five cable lines - not less than 1000mm.
  • when laying six cable lines - not less than 1200mm.

2.5.28. Without being in the middle before the laying of cables near the trench, representatives of the district, as if they have a technical view, look at the readiness of the trench:

  • validity of the project in the plan - confirmed by the act of splitting,
  • the depth of the trench along the entire route in the form of red (planuvalny) signs,
  • the width of the food pillow of the breakfast bag is not less than 100mm,
  • dusting with sand or rough earth (when protecting mechanical damage with solid or tile, the thickness of the dusting can be no less than 100 mm, with cable protection with mechanical strength with a signal line, the thickness of the dusting may be not less than 250 mm ),
  • laying and fixing (if necessary) pipes,
  • diameter of pipes and їх vіdpovіdnіst for the design brand of the cable,
  • I will procure sand from dry land, with solid inclusions with a diameter of not more than 5 mm, along the entire route for a distant attachment of cables to the system of the route. In times of imported soil and land, they can be given sanitary and epidemiological visnovok, a certificate of quality and data on radiation, environmental and agrochemical characteristics,
  • I will prepare chains of concrete tiles or slabs for mechanical cable protection (PZK) according to all dates (or the presence of a signal line *),
  • the presence of water in the trench,
  • act on the receipt of a work,
  • presence of stones and other objects near the trench,
  • radii of the turns in the trenches, one hundred marks of the brand and the outer diameter of the cable,
  • laying of pipes during the introduction into service through the foundations of that wall,
  • arranged along the whole length of the line and hood rollers (the hood rollers can be fastened). Between the rollers for cables made of paper-leaked insulation, make 3-5 meters, and for cables made of insulation made of SPE, no more than 2 meters.

* Zastosuvannya obmezhene, only posture zones of frequent growth

After the completion of all transfers, it could be necessary to draw up a final act and allow the laying of the cable.

Vimogi to the pipes

2.5.35. For laying cables at pipes in the ISS, it is allowed to block:

  • asbestos-cement pipes with an internal diameter of 100 to 150 mm for laying cables with paper-leaked insulation, as well as for laying cables with insulation from CPE with a length of pipes no more than 8 m.
  • HDPE pipes with a diameter of 160mm. and the torso walls are 8-10mm. for laying cables with SPE insulation, as well as for cables with paper-leaked insulation, so that the length of the pipes should be from 8 to 25m.
  • when laying pipes using the HDD method, HDPE pipes with a diameter of 160 mm for cables with a span of 120-240mm2 and a diameter of 200-220mm for cables of 300-500mm2 are used.
  • zastosuvannya steel pipes for cable lines from SPE fenced.

When designing cable lines, you can transfer the reserve of pipes **:

  • when laying 1 pipe, 100% reserve is transferred
  • when laying 2 pipes 50% reserve
  • when laying over 3 pipes, the reserve is liable to become at least 30%

** On folding routes, the amount of the reserve can be increased.

2.5.36. When accepting pipes, it is necessary to visconate such vimogi:

  • trumpet the guilty buti laid on the food pillow that earth,
  • the ends of the pipes are not guilty of the mother of the best edges,
  • between the pipes in the areas of their joint, it is necessary to increase the spacing in the center of the pipes,
  • trumpet due to guilt, but the contribution was not less than 2%;
  • trumpets are guilty, but they are closed with pipe plugs,
  • when laying pipes for cable lines without intermediary in the ground, the least distance between light pipes and between them and other cables and spores is to be taken as for cables laid without pipes ~ 100mm.
  • it is necessary to trim at the light 50mm between the pipes vertically and horizontally (please note or concrete),
  • with the introduction of asbestos-cement pipes at the RP and TP, it is necessary to stand between the pipes along the axes for pipes with an internal diameter = 100 mm - 150 mm, for pipes with an internal diameter = 150 mm - 200 mm,
  • the installation of asbestos-cement pipes can be used for additional couplings with distant layings of concrete rozsin (concrete-laying by rozshina is guilty on the length of not less than 2 external diameters of pipes near the skin side of the pipes), and the connection of HDPE pipes to the vicon єtsya zvaryuvannyam or for help 'one-way clutches.

2.5.37. When laying pipes at the blocks, the lower pipes to the block were to be laid on a great ditch with such a riser, that the upper pipes of the block were in the form of a planning sign at a depth of 0.7 m (when passing through engineering communications and entering the building up to 0.5 m). a row of pipes near the block is to blame for the ones that were at the top.

Wimogi to happy muffs

2.5.63. When accepting the clutches, it is necessary to take care of the corrections for the given hour with additions to the information notice No. 492 dated 11.05.99 and such as:

  • for the installation of cables with paper-leaked insulation 6 - 10 kV, which are laid in the ground, in the ISS lines, it is to be blamed for the successful coupling of the STp type - 10 (ISS) *
  • for the connection of cables up to 1 kV with paper-leaked and insulation with SPE, to install a successful muff type 4STp - 1 (ISS)
  • for the installation of cables with paper-leaked insulation of 6 - 10 kV, at cable spores (collectors), a muff of the STp ng (MKS) brand is installed, which does not support the mountain
  • for the connection of single-core cables 10 kV with insulation from SPE with cables with paper-leaked insulation, transition sleeves of brands SPtP - 10 (MKS), TRAJ (TYCO) are installed.
  • for the connection of single-core cables 10 - 35 kV with insulation from SPE, a good coupling type PSTO - 10-20 (MKS), POLJ (12 - 42), and PSTO ng - 10 (MKS) at the collectors,

* The presence of the index (MKS) shows that the complete set of this type of couplings is allowed before being stuck in the MKS-filia of the MOESK. Index (MKS) can be used in the instructions for installation, accessories and on the label of the box.

2.5.64. The installation of cable cores for all types of connecting and transitional couplings is carried out only by connectors (sleeves) with visible bolts, which are included in the coupling kit.

2.5.65. The technology for the installation of couplings of the type STp - 10 (MKS), STpng - 10 EM (MKS) SPtP - 10 (MKS), PstO - 10 (MKS) and 4STp - 1 (MKS) is obliged to comply with suvoriy vіdpovіdnosti up to the level of "Technical documentation ..." and the instructions of the factories - virobniki.

2.5.66. Couplings type STp - 10 (MKS), SPtP - 10 (MKS), STp ng - 10 EM (MKS) STp ng - 10 (MKS) and 4STp - 1 (MKS) are locking. Vimogi to the protipozhzhnyh zhisnih kozhukhіv.

2.5.67. When accepting cable lines from collectors, tunnels are too thin. it is necessary to vikonate such a vimogu:

  • for zahistu spoluchnyh muffs, which are mounted in cable boxes and in the surrounding minds, as well as on earlier installed and working cable lines with paper-leaked insulation, next to zastosovuvat steel roses of the KSR.

2.5.68. Casings of the KSR are of pink construction with a length of 1250 mm, an internal diameter of not less than 150 mm, a thickness of the wall of not less than 5 mm, made of steel pipes and with plugs on the ends.

2.5.69. At cable spores on a good clutch of the brand PstO ng, mounted on cable lines with insulation from SPE at a voltage of 10-20 kV, the installation of a KSR casing is not required.

2.5.70. At the collectors, when standing near the light between the police, it is not allowed to install standard anti-burning casings of the KSR on the coupling STp and STp ng, non-standard casings of the KSM are installed with a long upper casing 750mm formational notification of the ISS on February 28, 1983.

Wimogi to end couplings

When accepting end sleeves, they were followed by additions to the informational notice No. 492 dated 11.05.99 and such as:

2.5.71. At the MCS railings for terminating cables at a voltage of 1 - 10 kV, end sleeves of the internal installation type should be installed:

  • 4KWtp (ISS) on cables with paper-leaked insulation and insulation from SPE up to 1 kV
  • KVtp - 10 (MKS) KVtp ng - 10 (MKS) on cables with paper-leaked insulation up to 10 kV

2.5.72. When installing end sleeves on cables with paper-leaked insulation for a voltage of 1-10 kV, the length of the wire was guilty of such a thing, so that it was possible to rearrange them on the busbars of all phases for an hour of operation. Through the Great Dozhina lived the guilty mothers of the virgins. The radius of the inner curve of the curve is alive according to the diameter of the wires for cables with paper-leaked insulation and insulation from the SPE, but not less than 10 diameters lived. Dіlyanki, scho mayut vigin, povinnі roztashovuvatisya more by mittens (mufti cases) by 100 mm.

2.5.72. For ends of single-core cables with insulation with SPE voltage of 10-35 kV due to zastosovuvatsya end sleeves type: PKVtO 10-20 (MKS), POLT 10-42. The termination of the cores of cables at all types of terminal couplings is carried out only with tips with visible bolts, which are included in the set of couplings.

2.5.73. When choosing brands of terminal couplings for the middle of a small-sized device that is installed in the MCS, it is necessary to insure the size of the connection of terminal couplings, which is indicated in the middle of the opening to the contact . The fastening of the end sleeves of all types in the middle is allowed only for the sheathing of the cables, the fastening of the sleeves for the mitten, the cuff and the tube are fenced.

2.5.74. In the middles of SM - 6, ABB and similar small-sized middles in cable outlets, for the minds of the mind, it is the responsibility of the last muffs of the brand POLT. Cable terminations are carried out with bolt lugs, which are included before the set of couplings (EXRM - 1235). Weaves of wires of the conductor to the screen are due to insulation with a heat-shrinkable tube along the whole length of the bandage on the sheathed cable to the tip. Screen Explorer can be ok. The growth of the screen explorer is fenced. The space for the exit of the screen dart of the z-pid tube to the body of the mufti may be insulated with a cuff that can be seated, with a length of not less than 100 mm.

2.5.75. When installing end sleeves of various types on a single-core cable with insulation from SPE in blocks of KRUE RM-6, only bolt lugs of EXRM 1235 brands or similar GPH-Progress are to be installed.

2.5.76. The technology for the installation of end couplings of all types of overhauled types is due to be developed in accordance with the requirements, published by the "Technical Documentation ..." and instructions to the manufacturing plant.

2.5.77. For the end of the middle conductors of the cable screens with insulation from the SPE, the middle lugs are to be fixed, which are included in the coupling kit: bolts, screws, and pressurization.

2.5.78. The use of the pressing method for terminating medium-sized rich conductors of wires and cables is allowed only in such conditions:

  • at the end of the screens of single-core cables with insulation with SPE for voltage up to 35 kV,
  • when preparing flexible grounding jumpers to the internal grounding circuit of the transformer substation,
  • when preparing flexible busbars of transformers 0.4 kV, AVR-0.4 kV and assembling PN at 2BKTP and when reconstructing transformer substation with wires of the PV3 brand with a span up to 300 mm 2 or with cables of the VVG brand with a span up to 300 mm 2

For terminating, he lived by the method of pressurizing due to vicoristing of copper tips according to GOST 7386-80 (with cover and marking, which means a conductor cut). The pressure can be pressed by the method of single-tooth pressing with a HІOM tool (a set of tools for pressing midi), when pressing it becomes no less than 20 tons (hydraulic press with a wine head PG - 20/240). Zastosuvannya іnshih ways іv opresuvannya fenced. Pressurization is allowed to the installation personnel, which has undergone special training and may confirm the badge in the service.

For the safety of the above work of the contact tasks during the operation process, it is necessary to check the quality of the pressure in the offensive communication:

  • indentation in the areas
  • indentation of the surplus to the material in the areas of indentation, indicated in table 2

Peretin mm 2 Tip GOST 7386-80 Marking of the matrix and the punch NIOM TU 36-2083-77 Zalishkovy typing of the material in the area of ​​pressing h ±0.2mm 16 6-6;6-8 16 4.3 25 8-6;8-8 ;8-10 25 5.0 35 10-8;10-10;10-12 35 5.5 50 11-8;11-10;11-12 50 6.5 70 13-10;13-12 70 7 ,3 95 15-10;15-12 95 8.5 120 17-12;17-16 120 11.0 150 19-12;19-16 150 12.0 185 21-12;21-16 185 13 240- 300 24-16; 24-20 240 15.0

Wimogi to mark cable lines

2.5.79. When accepting cable lines on all cables, as well as not all cable and end sleeves, marking tags are installed. On the cables laid, at the trenches, the tags are to be installed at the good cable and end sleeves, at the wells. On the cables laid near the channels, at the ducts, at the collectors, tunnels, the tags are installed at the end and at the end couplings, at the places, change the straight line, from both sides of the passages through the inter-overhead overlaps, walls and partitions, at the entrances and exits in the trench , channels, tunnels, trumpets, blocks and other cable spores, as well as on straight boards through leather 50 - 70 m.

6 40 10 100 150 ASB-10? 4? 4 3x120x35 120 60 10279 A 10 100 Small.1 Small.2? 4? 100 8 Small 3
Birki is small. 1 and 3 are recognized for marking cable lines in RP, TP, SP and are installed in the places of fixing the end cable laying. At tunnels, collectors, wells, there will be tags for rice. 3.
Tag - fig. 2 is recognized for naming the cable line number 6 - 10kV at the transformer substation and it is fixed to the bar'єrі against the line's connection. Possibility of zastosuvannya on the bar'єрі tags for rice. 3.
Birki is small. 1 and 2 are made of plastic, white color or plywood. Markovanі inscriptions on them are engraved with black farboi or markers.
Birki is small. 3 are made of plastic in a white color, marking inscriptions are engraved with farboi or markers of a different color are matched with the markings of the tag.
At tunnels, collectors, wells, it is possible to install straight-cut tags with a size of 100x100 mm, a thickness of at least 0.8 mm, and a galvanized hall (on ASB brand cables).

Defender of the head engineer for the repair and operation of cable and repair lines A.M. Nikulin

Head of SVIKS A.Ya. Tutin

Deputy Head of SVIKS V.A. Tracks

Head of the sector R.G. Penziv

6.1. The skin cable line may be marked, mother's own number is that name.

6.2. Tags are installed on cables and cable boxes.

On cables laid at cable spores (tunnels, channels), the tags of the faults are installed no less than lower through the skin 50-70 m, and also at the places, change the straight lines, from both sides of the passages through the inter-overhead crossings, walls and partitions, at the places of introduction ( vedennya) cable in the trench and cable spores.

6.3. On the laying of cables at pipes or block sewers, tags should be installed at the end points at the end couplings and mortgages, at the wells of the block sewer, as well as at the skin of a successful muff.

On the cables laid at the trenches, the tags are installed at the end points and at the skin of the lucky muff.

6.4. Labels should be fixed: for dry applications - made of plastic; in the orphans, the posture of buds and in the ground is made of plastic; on cables made of insulation from cross-linked polyethylene - from non-magnetic materials. The designation on the tags of the underground cables should be stamped, cored, or plucked. In RP, TP, PS, the designation is allowed to be applied with farboi, which does not sag.

The tags are guilty but fastened on the cables with a kapron thread or galvanized steel rod with a diameter of 1-2 mm or with a plastic string with a button. The place of fastening the tags on the cable with a dart and the self-drіt at the other locations (RP, TP, PS) and the land is covered with bitumen from the vlogs.

In the near slopes near the CS near the ground, lead tags are fixed at the good couplings, which are secured with a middle dart.

On a cable with insulation made of a sewn polyethylene tag, it is recommended to fasten with kapron, plastic threads or with a wire made of non-magnetic metals (for example, from midi).

6.5. The COP adopted the designation (write) on the tags:

At end couplings and mortgages - straight (name), nominal voltage, brand and pereriz KL;

For good couplings (near the ground) - the nominal voltage of the cable, the number of the mufti and the first letter name the district (South - Pivdenny district, N - Nevsky toshcho);

At successful muffs at canals, wells and tunnels - straight ahead (naming) that inscription, like a subterranean mufti;

On cables at channels, wells, tunnels, at subpills of RP and SS, at places where cables are laid at trenches and cable lines, at places passing through intersections and partitions - straight (name), nominal voltage, brand and cable span. The name of the electrical installation organization may be indicated on the tags at the couplings and the mortgage, installed by the electrical installation organizations.

6.6. After the marking of the cables, the folding of the vykonavchy chair (eskіzuvannya) of the cable (near the earth) and cable spores that are transferred to the operation and to the balance of the COP by the personnel of the districts (CL 0.38 kV) and SKT (CL 6-10 kV) is carried out.

The middle of the rozpodіlnyh outbuildings (RP, PS and іn) vykonavcha documentation vykonuєtsya vydpovіdny REM KS.

CS vikonu also eskіzuvannya cable lines of various Russian organizations, independent of their balance sheet belongings, which can be passed by the ksy routes together with the cables of the CS.

6.7. The rules for folding sketches of laying cables near the ground (trenches), at cable engineering spores and outbuildings are included in the instructions of the COP for the folding of the documentation.

6.8. On the unforgotten territory, along the entire route of the sporudzhennoy cable line, there may be installed protective signs on concrete pegs (benchmarks). When laying trenches, the benchmarks are placed at the turns of the road, in the places of the ragging of the couplings, on both sides of the crossbar with roads and skin 70 m on straight plots.

Fig.14. Construction of a security sign for a cable line

1 - sheet steel with a size of 280 x 310 mm from the name of the sign (orange field, write in red); 2 - a support (a bridge of reinforced concrete for residential and community life according to GOST 948-84); 3 - cross (coil 50 x 50 mm, channel thin); 4,5 - fastening of the sign behind the additional clamps and bolts

At the block sewer, security signs are installed at the entrance of cables from

earth in a pipe block, against hatches of cable wells and wells of the drainage system.

One of the options for the design of the protective sign of indications in fig. 14.

6.9. The order of acceptance into operation of objects of general recognition

SNiP 3.01.04-87 "Acceptance of the completion of life objects. Basic provisions" was introduced.

The main provisions for taking the CL into operation are changed from the offensive one.

After the completion of the work, the transfer of design and construction documentation, as well as the contract of a daily contract (with a contract method of life), the participants of the life for the participation of government authorities and (or) self-regulation, promotion by these bodies of organizations, bodies of state control (visual s) zdіysnyuyut final assessment of the validity of the completed budіvnitstvom ob'єkta at the form priymannya that putting yoga into operation.

Representatives of the deputy manager (otherwise, representatives of the technical supervision service), the general contractor, subcontractor organizations, the operational organization, the design organization (the design organization takes part in the acceptance, in the object of the object zdiisnyuvavsya author's vision), representatives of the organs of the sovereign control (at a glance) that mistsevoy samovryaduvannya and іn.

Warehouse of the participants in the committee and the procedure for assessing the validity of shoes and viscosities are determined by the relevant technical regulations, and before they are accepted by the applicable norms and rules, including the territorial ones and the leading ones, which are at the time of taking the roses on the territory tashuvannya object.

Depending on the value of the cost of the property, the assessment of the reliability of the object can be subject to the state primal commission, depending on the specific technical regulations, the rules and regulations and the rules of the territory.

6.10. Priymalna komіsіya revіraє usunennya nedolіkіv, vyyavlennyh robočoy komісієyu, that the readiness of the object before the commissioning.

Incompletions may be left out of work and seasonal in nature.

The work of the seasonal nature of the planting of green plantings, the laying of the upper pavements of roads and sidewalks can be transferred to a larger date, depending on the sovereign authorities.

6.11. The deputy (general contractor) submits documentation to the acceptance commission, transferred by SNiP, PUE and PTE (addition 20).

The acceptance of the cable lines into operation is formalized by an act of commission, until which the documentation is finalized, which is transferred after the acceptance of the cable lines from the approved REM KS.

Forms of assets of the working commission on the commissioning of the completion of the life of the objects approved by BNiP 3.01.04-87.

6.12. When the CL is accepted into operation and on the balance sheet, SNiP 3.01.04-87 "Acceptance into operation of the completion of the life of the facility. Main provisions" and the statutory "Regulations on the procedure for the acceptance and transfer of electrical installations into operation and on the balance KS".

6.12. Guarantee crops and warranty terms for cable lines are established by contracts in a row, up to proper legislation.

6.13. Zabudovnik (deputy), who has accepted the CL without carrying out the procedures for evaluating the validity, according to the lawfulness of the law, the right to apply for nedolyki is allowed, as it could be shown after the end of the appointed procedures (obvious nedolіki).

6.14. CL cannot be accepted on the balance of CC, as follows:

The cable line route is not planned;

CL may ushkodzhennya;

Є access to the project, weathered from the COP;

The transfer of limits on labor to the payroll fund was not carried out, and for industrial enterprises and organizations of ministries and departments - depreciation payments.

6.15. When accepting CL in operation, maintenance of REM KS goiter:

Immediately lay down a contract for the maintenance of a cable line without delay and draw up an act on the inter-life distance;

Indicate at the contract the type of obsyag services, which are hoped for by the caretakers of the COP;

to conduct the form, registration and collection of contracts;

Follow the terms of the contract;

In accordance with the established procedure, draw up an agreement for the maintenance of cable lines from the emergency, which does not win contract goiters, or attributions to the COP for damages, repair and reconstruction of cable lines;

to keep the shape of the earliness of the cable lines, accepted for service, and to get them to the repair of the head of the cable lines;

To present to the CCL CC promptly the information about the commissioning of new cable lines from the designated service forms (balance sheet, service under the contract), as well as about all changes (acceptance to the balance sheet earlier than the service line, termination of the service contract);

At the merging characteristics, it is precisely to show the correct number of CL, which is rebuyed by the operational service under the contract.

Addendum 1

Perelіk speechovin, scho shkіdly dіyut on the sheath of cables with insulation from zі zshitnym polyethylene

1. At the retransmission, the data of resistance (advantageous, shortened or non-adjustable) to the infusion of various speech materials into the material of the cable sheath (high-width polyethylene) were induced for the density of the internal pressure and the external pressure mechanical stress and temperature 20 0 С and 60 0 С.

2. Material of cable sheath may unsatisfactory resistance at temperatures of 20 0 С and 60 0 С to the infusion of advancing speeches:

Bromine (a rare gas), iodine in alcohol grade in potassium salt, fluorine (gas);

Halogenated speech: methyl bromistium, bromoform, dichloroethylene, dichlorobenzene, dichloropropylene, methylcyclohexane, propylene dichloride, tetrachlorethylene, trichlorobenzene, trichlorethylene, tribromomethane, chlorobenzene, chloroform, chlorosulfonic acid, chlorine, chlorine, chlorine

Aromatic in carbohydrates;

Dipentene, tetradecane, tetrahydrofuran, sulfur trioxide, diethyl ether, dipentene, isopentane, isopropylamine, isopropylamine, ethyl mercaptanate, nitrobenzene, nitrotoluene, N-pentane, oleum, furfural, cyclohexane, O-Zylene, P-Zylene , R-;

Nitric acid (95% i more), "royal gourd" (HCl / HNO 3 \u003d 3/1), sulfuric acid (boiling), gas, turpentine (gum).

3. Material of the cable sheath may intermediate stability at a temperature of 20 0 С and unsatisfactory stability at a temperature of 60 0 С to the infusion of offensive speeches: ethyl acrylate, decane, dibutyl amine, carbon disulfide, xylene, ligroin, lysol, methylcyclohexane, N-gentan, ozone, styrene, carbon tetrachloride, titanium tetrachloride, carbon tetrachloride, trichloride ), alilu chloride.

4. The material of the cable sheathing can be moderately resistant at a temperature of 20 0 C and unsufficiently resistant at a temperature of 60 0 C to the infusion of offensive speech: isoprylovy ether, nitroethane, octyl alcohol, olive oliya, octyl alcohol, water peroxide (9 in ID 80 to 98%, perchloric acid (70%), ethyl acetate.

5. Material of cable sheath may exchanged resistance at temperatures of 20 0 С and 60 0 С to dії offensive speeches: acetone, amyl acetate, benzene, gasoline, diacetone alcohol, diethyl kenone, hexachlorophene, camphor oil, calcium sulfide.

6. Material of cable sheath may normal resistance at a temperature of 20 0 С and intermediate resistance at a temperature of 60 0 С to the infusion of offensive speeches: aniline, hexane, diesel fuel, isooctane, butyric acid, furfural alcohol, ethyl alcohol and other speech.

(The translation is compiled on the basis of data presented by the company "Borealis" (polyethylene supplier), information reference - ISO / TR 7472, 7474, Carlowitz "Kunstofftabellen-3 Auflage").

Addendum 2

The order of selection of samples to the soil

1. In the quarters of the new forgetfulness, as well as in the ordering areas, samples of the soil are taken when laying cables behind a new skin trench at a distance of 100-150 m along the highway.

2. On the new routes and on the routes of rotting CL, samples of soil should be taken at quiet points of the route, near those on the vіdstanі up to 10 m, it was detected that the place was suspected for the presence of rotting organic speech, slag, vapn, budeli smіttya, vіdhodіv that zlivu undertakings of chemical industry is too thin. P.

3. Two samples are taken from the skin point of the trench: from the surface and from the bottom of the trench.

4. Probe the soil with a mass of about 1 kg with clean hands and a tool near the clean glass of dishes or a plastic bag.

5. The bank or the package is secured with a note indicating:

a) the name of the organization that directly samples the soil for analysis;

b) name and number of CL;

c) the address of that month of taking the land, assigned to the sketch;

d) date of sampling;

e) planting that name of an individual, yak took a sample of the soil.

6. A sample of the soil is submitted for chemical analysis to the Service
vimiryuvan ta viprobuvan (СІІ) COP not less than two deb after її selection.

The Budіvelna organization transmits the protocol with the results of testing the soil before the cob of earthworks from digging the trench in the vidpovidny area of ​​the REM KS.

Addendum 3

The procedure for preparing a cable for opening a cable and looking around

1. The cable, which should be taken for inspection and inspection, is responsible for the mother’s certificate of integrity. The certificate for the cable is based on a valid cable. Cables that do not have a certificate are not accepted for selection and re-verification.

2. Zrazok cable, scho vіd_zaєtsya vіd vіdіvelnoї dovzhina, is not guilty of the mother of zvnіshnіh poshkodzheni. Offset ends of the cable are super insulated.

3. The length of the gap for cables with a voltage of up to 10 kV may not be less than 0.8 m.

4. The skin is secure with a tag, it is required:

a) the name of the organization that directs the cable;

b) brand and peretin cable;

c) drum number, cable length on the drum;

d) planting that name of an individual, as if preparing a cable.

5. Testimonials for inspection and inspection are delivered to the cable laboratory of the SKL KS, where the results of their analysis are to be carried out with the drafting of the protocols on the quality of the cable to the GOST or TU and the possibility of yogo zastosuvannya at the KS.

Addendum 4

Wash away the closeness, crossover and transition

cable lines laying hour

1. Parallel gasket
Foundations The distance from the light to the cables must not be less than 0.6 m. When laying cables of 6-10 kV and cables of 1 kV, cables of 1 kV are laid closer to the foundations.
Power, control and cables of various organizations Vіdstan mіzh: a) control cables are not standardized; b) power cables up to 10 kV - 100 mm; c) power cables up to 10 kV and control cables - 100 mm; d) cables 35 kV and between them and others - 250 mm; e) cables of various organizations and between power cables and cables for connection - 500 mm. It is allowed for the weather from the operating organizations with the improvement of the minds of the minds of the change of the authorities assigned to paragraphs. g and d, up to 100 mm, and between power cables up to 10 kV and communication cables (cable cables with lanyards, reinforced by high-frequency telephone communication systems) up to 250 mm laying along the path at the pipes, installing fire-fighting partitions is too thin.
Green zone The distance between the cables and the tree trunks must not be less than 2 m. digging. Changes up to 0.75 of the m-code are allowed up to chagarniks in the designation.
Pipelines - water supply, sewerage and drainage Stand near the light between cables up to 35 kV and pipelines, but not less than 1 m high-pressure gas pipelines (up to 1.176 MPa) - not less than 2 m. In tight spaces, it is allowed to change the designation up to 0.5 m without special cable protection and up to 0.25 m when cables are laid at the pipes. Parallel laying of cables over both pipelines is not allowed.
Heat conductors The distance from the light between the cable and the wall to the channel of the heat pipe must not be less than 2 m. at the place of passage of cables at the time of fate without exceeding 10 0 C for cables up to 10 kV, 50C - for cables 20-35 kV.
Zaliznytsya Vіdstan vіd kabelі to osі kії vіznіznitі: elektrif_kovanої - no less than 10.75 m; non-electrified - not less than 3.75 m. If the designation of the cables is changed, the cables must be laid in pipes or blocks. When electrifying the air curtain on a permanent stream, pipes or blocks are made to be insulating (asbestos-cement, seepage by tar or bitumen, etc.)
Tram The distance from the cable to the axis of the tramway can be no less than 2.75 m. With smaller distances, the cables must be laid in insulating pipes and blocks.
Automobile roads of I and II categories Cables should be laid from the outer side of the ditch, or lay down on the wall not less than 1 m from the beam or not less than 1.5 m from the curb stone. Changes in prices are allowed due to the weather from the road authorities.
High voltage lines Stand up to the cable up to the vertical plane, which can pass through the outermost wire of the 110 kV substation and more, but not less than 10 m. 5 m at pressure up to 35 kV, 10 m - at a pressure of 110 kV and more. At the intermediary minds, the distance from cable lines to the underground parts and the earthing supports of the substation above 1 kV is allowed no less than 2 m; when you go through the cable to the vertical plane, which should pass through the outer edge of the substation, it is not standardized. Stand at the light in the cable line to the support of the submarine up to 1 kV must not be less than 1 m, and when the cable is laid on the distance of the approach in the insulating pipe - 0.5 m.
2. Peretina
Cables When the cable lines are interrupted by other cables, the stench may be separated by a ball of the earth, not less than 0.5 m; tsya vіdstan at the intermediary sockets for cables up to 35 kV can be changed to 0.15 m for the socket of the cables on the entire distance span plus 1 m at the skin side with slabs or pipes made of concrete or other equal material; with this cable, the tie is to be blamed, but it is better to install it for the power cables.
Pipelines (including naphtha gas pipelines) The distance between the cable and the pipeline can be no less than 0.5 m. It is allowed to change the length of the distance up to 0.25 m for the installation of the cable in pipes on the span of the span plus no less than 2 m lower at the skin side of the pipeline.
Heat conductors Between the cables up to 35 kV and the overlap of the heat conductor in the light may not be less than 0.5 m, and in the surrounding minds - not less than 0.25 m. such thermal insulation, so that the temperature of the earth did not drop more lower by 10 0 С by the date to the highest summer temperature and by 15 0 С by the date to the lower winter temperature. In times of impossibility, the following is allowed: a) buried cables up to 0.5 m instead of 0.7 m; b) fixing the insertion of a large overcut; c) laying cables under the heat pipe at the pipes on the top of the pipe no less than 0.5 m, with which pipes are to be laid in such a way that the replacement of the cables could be done without breaking the earthworks (for example, the introduction of pipes near the chamber).
Zalіznitsi and avtomobilnі roads Laying in pipes, blocks and tunnels at a depth of not less than 1 m from the roadbed and not less than 0.5 m from the bottom of the water ditches: b) for the width of the guard zone - on the span of the peretina plus 2 m in the edge of the sides of the canvas. Electrified zaliznitsi - trumpets and blocks can be insulating. The place of relining of the wall buti on the stand is not less than 10 m from the arrows, the crossings are connected to the cable rails, which are visible. Crossing of cables with paths for electrified transport can be carried out at a cut of 75-90 0 to the axis of quantity. The ends of the blocks and pipes are made of buti reinforced with cords made of cable yarn, smeared with water-resistant (crumpled) clay to a depth of at least 300 mm.
Tram Cables are laid in insulating pipes and blocks. The place of relining of the line buti on the stand is not less than 3 m in the direction of the arrows, the crossings are connected to the cable rails, which are visible.
V'їzd motor transport at the yard, garages and іn. Laying cables at pipes at a depth of 0.7-0.5 m.
Small rivers, strings, floods, ditches Laying cables at pipes. At the rivers and streams, the pipes are fixed with anchors.
3. Move on
Bridges a) Kam'yanі, zalіzobetonnі, metalovі Laying is to be laid under the pіshohіdnoy part of the bridge in the channels or in the pits for the skin cable of fire pipes; it is necessary to come in to protect the runoff of ominous waters with pipes. It is recommended to lay cables in asbestos-cement pipes along metal and concrete bridges and when approaching them. All underground cables when passing through metal and concrete bridges are to be electrically insulated from the metal parts of the bridge. b) Wooden bridges, piers, piers
Rowing, damby, piers and moorings Cables are laid without a middle in earth trenches for an earth ball not less than 1 m.
Yestakadi The laying of cables along wooden racks is carried out at steel pipes, and along metal pipes - fallow from workers' minds.
Aggressive soil and areas of glaring streams Change the cable line route in order to bypass unsafe areas. In times of impossibility to bypass the area with soils, how to avenge the speech, how to ruin the cable shells (salt marshes, swamps, bulky soil with slag and budding scum, rot, fungus, etc.), as well as zones with it is necessary to block the cables with increased resistance to corrosion.
Swamp The cables are to be selected according to the improvement of geological minds, as well as chemical and mechanical injections.
Grunty It is to blame for the installation of cables with quarry armor, or to live in when you put in the zusil, so you can run on the cable when the soil is fixed (to replace the soil with sheet piles or palm spores, then).

Tiporozmіri cap

1.1. Caps for sealing cable ends are selected after the dimensions, depending on the outer diameter of the cable, which is transferred to install the cap. It is necessary to vicorate caps with an adhesive (adhesive) warehouse, apply to the inner surface of the cap, or with special tabs for adhesive material.

1.2. For sealing ends of cables with insulation over cross-linked polyethylene, it is recommended to use caps from Raychem with reinforced indentations 102L (with hot melt adhesive), point at table 1.7.

Table 1.5

1.3. It is allowed to vikoristovuvat capi, prepared in a suitable way to technical minds TU 16 K71-051-89 "Kintsev cable heat shrinkage".

Rozmіri kap (kіntsevyh kіtsevyh kіtsevyh kabelnymi teplosadzhuvanih) with an adhesive liner (pokrittami) middle, prepared for given technical minds, induced in table 2.6.

Table 2.5

1.4. Due to weather conditions, the cable is allowed to be twisted with other caps, equal to the quality and dimensions.

Cap installation technology

2.1. Vimiryati dozhina of the cylindrical part of the kapi.

2.2. On the sheathed cable with a winding view of the tip, moving the length of the cylindrical part of the capi by 15-20 mm, indicating between the installation of the capi.

2.3. For the presence of ribs on the sheathed cable, take out the ribs on the installation site of the capi along the entire stake.

2.4. Clean the surface of the shell in the place of installation of the capi with a scouring pad and degrease with acetone (it is allowed to use aviation gasoline, oil or white spirit).

2.5. Take a mouth guard that matches the diameter of the cable sheath without ribs, and put it on the end of the cable (a glue ball is to blame between the cap and the sheath of the cable).

2.6. Light half-lights of the gas burner lay down the cap, starting from the butt (when the cap is heated, the shrinkage on the free sheath of the cable is to blame for the adhesive warehouse near the visible roller).

2.7. Date to cool down the installation to a temperature lower than plus 350C; until reaching be-yakі mekhanіchі dії at the place of installation are not allowed.

Replacement of a badly worn capi

To replace a worn capi, you need to:

3.1. take an ushkodzhenu kapa;

3.2. clean the surface of the shell near the zone of the cut cap with a scouring pad;

3.3. degrease the surface of the shell with acetone (it is allowed to use aviation gasoline, oil or white spirit);

3.4. take a cap that matches the actual diameter of the shell to the cable and mount it on the end of the cable for the technology introduced in the distribution of the 2nd addendum.

The acceptance of cable lines into operation is the final stage of work for installation. After the work is completed, if the power cable and the back couplings are no longer available for a direct look, the cable lines will be taken only in the process of electrical testing. It is not possible to detect defects in the laid line using the scientific methods of electrical testing. Therefore, the reliability of the robotic cable line in operation

take care less in that case, as if the line was ordered, the rules for laying and installing couplings were not violated.

The laying of the power cable according to the design, which is accepted for operation, is due to the minds of the minds of the most common medium and the accepted method of laying. Uninterrupted operation for an hour of operation of the cable line with a significant world to lie in the correctly selected type and brand of the laid cable.

Acceptance of disputes by a cable line route before laying power cables in them. On the cob, the laying of cables near the underground spores will ensure the completion of all everyday work. When accepting the budding part of the underground spores, they distort: ​​the correctness of the distribution of the underground spores, the presence of their tricks for draining water, for example. it is necessary, electrical lighting, water pumping and ventilation, the water supply of the project, the supply of gas and water, as well as the installation of reinforced concrete structures. In addition, from the project, there is a lack of underground communication in third-party underground communications, and the correctness of the method of their interfacing with cable spores, for example, in additional pipes-cases, as well as the presence of thermal insulation for heat conductors. The correctness of laying the pipes of the block sewerage system is checked by a path stretching the metal of the cylinder with a diameter that is 5 mm smaller than the inner diameter of the pipes that are being changed.

The signs of the hatches of the wells are re-verified (as if the signs are fully covered, the passages are not guilty, the signs are larger than the lower by 1 cm), the presence of locking caps, embedded parts for fixing the cable under the hour of laying the cable. At the prozhdzhiy part of the chavun, hatches are laid down but laid on the lining of the reinforced concrete pillar.

Checking the viability of the robot at the laying process, it is necessary to lay the cable at the designated depth of cable laying, allowable radii of the guinea, penetration into the soil of the cavities, to lay out the sheaths of the cables, to stand between the cables at the light (not less than 100 mm), to stand on the crossbars and close to the power cable that is being laid, zaliznichnymi tram pipes, cables zv'yazku and іn.; the presence of a sleeping bed for a cable and cushions, zahisnih covers, reserves of a cable in front of the couplings to compensate for damage and weak reinforcement of the couplings in swampy and weak soils. Particularly often blamed are mechanical faults on cables for an hour of stretching them at pipes through the streets, as well as for an hour of introduction into the wake. Control over the strict requirements of the technology for the installation of couplings to change the twisting of the twisted twisted cores, the expansion of their fittings, the thickness of the winding of the insulation, the quality of the soldering, as well as the quality of the mounting material, the quality of the cable set, the tool that annex.

Technical documentation, which is transferred by the installation organization to the laid line, revenge:

technical design of the cable line with the weather on її laying and respite to the project from the designated ones, c kim and if the respite is needed;

the scheme of the vykonavchoi trace, zasvіdchenu tekhnіchniy visualization of the supply of electricity;

protocols of factory testing of the cable, necessary re-verification of the quality of the cable to the GOST standards;

acti zvn_shny to look at the cable on the drums, necessary for vpevnenosti in the fact that the laying of the cable will not be possible for an hour of transportation or saving;

results of testing and inspection in the laboratory for cables of foreign companies, as well as for cables, on daily protocols of factory testing;

protocol for testing all cable lines after laying.

To technical documentation is also included; inventory description of the used elements of the cable line; armchairs of weekdays; cable magazine; the act of transferring the project to the nature of the trace and the correctness of the vikonannya of the breaking robots; the act of accepting the trench and the life part of the cable spores for installation; protocol for heating the cable on drums before laying, as the work was carried out at temperatures below 0 ° C; protocol of vimir earthing support of terminal couplings; act on the attachment of a worker.

In the act on the attachment, the robots are shown as follows:

inspection of the laid cable;

budovu "lizhka", "pillows", zakhist cable line for mechanical poshkodzhen;

the consistency of the dimensions of the mutual proximity of the peretina with other underground communications;

installation of all couplings.

Just as the project on the cable line was transferred to the electric protection of the metal sheaths of the cable against corrosion, then when putting the line into operation, protocols may be transferred, which confirm the correctness of the operation of the protection of the anti-corrosion devices.

Before switching on, a cable line is laid, the minimum amount of starting testing is laid, which means that the conductors of the cable have a designated integrity, the insulation support between the conductors of the cable and between the conductors and the ground, at the test cable new lines of high elastic straightened strum and re-wiring installed on the lines of outbuildings of anti-corrosion protection of strum . At once, the correctness of the lineage was checked in phases from both ends of the line independently from the current congestion.

Side 2 of 14

After the completion of all routine and installation work, the cable line is delivered to the building. Depending on the SNiP, the acceptance into operation of the new lacework may be carried out under the acceptance of the electric merging after the presentation of the completed spore in full with the technical documentation from the side of the deputy, yakim є mіskrada, ministries, okremi departments and organizations that represent them. In case of a defective cable line due to defects in cable laying and installation of couplings, the fault of the buditel-assembly organization for the supply of electricity may have the right to submit a complaint to the replacement for a stretch of 3 years from the moment the cable line is received ї in operation. The repair of the cable line in this case is to be blamed for the efforts, with the help of that for the work of the buditel-assembly organization, because of the blame for the failure of the line due to the defect it made in the robot.
To take the lines and її disputes into operation, a commission is organized, to which representatives of the deputy, the assembly organization and operation, including the person who supervises the robots, are included. Priymannya budіvelnih spores of cable lines to go through with the participation of a budіvelnik specialist. The representative of the zamovnika submits that technical documentation is transferred to the undertaking of the electric power supply, the translation of which was induced more.
The acceptance certificate is issued after the adoption of the budivel-assembly organization of all the committees that have been identified for short periods of time and the preparation of the line before the inclusion.
In the act, they say:

the name of the organization, which viroblyal sporudzhennya that installation of cable lines, the name of the virobniki and the representative of the exploitation, which zdiisnyuvav technical vision;

naming and recognition of the line and space of the gasket; short characteristic of the line (brand of the cable, cut, voltage, type of suitable and end sleeves, their number and number);
the relevance of the vykonan line to the project and the visnovok about the applicability of the line for operation.
At the time of putting the cable line into operation, the personnel of the electric power supply, on their own side, draw up the following technical documentation:
cable line passport. Zrazkovyy in place of the passport of the cable line with a voltage of up to 35 kV is induced at the addendum 16 Instructions for the operation of power cable lines [L. 3];
Inventory plan of the cable line route, warehouses on the basis of high-quality documentation and drawings on the exact topographical plan of space in a scale of 1:500 or 1:200, fallow in the plan with airborne cable lines and electric lines.
For Zruchnost, the bristles of the Colds, the Viberian Vimiruvan that rose ilongers of the Inszhenerenny Zavdan on the topographic plan of the trash of the cable lines are deprived of the calls of the Conturi Budіel, the Yaki є post -nye oriynters. Cable lines, their muftis and spores are “attached” to these buds (Fig. 1).
The route of the laid cable is applied to the inventory plan with the greatest possible accuracy and detailing of the line of the vzdovzh contours in the main streets of the street, the passage on the road, which corresponds to the scale of the plan. As a rule, cable lines and other organizations are not shown in the inventory plans of the routes of cable lines for the supply of electricity. Skin cable line, laid in the ground in improved sewerage - blocks, channels, collectors are displayed with their mental designations (color) in the fallage in the form of voltage and recognition of the line (life-giving line with a voltage of 6-10-35 kV, rozpodilna tension line 6-10 to the line voltage up to 1000). The recommended mental designation of cable lines and their spores is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 1. Scattered view of the inventory plan. 1 - numbers of inventory plans; 2 - numbers of houses in the plan of the street; 3 - transformer substation from assigned number; 4 - a separate point; 5 - entry attachment from assigned number; 6 - route for laying cable lines; 7 - trumpets for crossing the streets with cable lines; 8 - notches that indicate directly the cable line:
- coordinates - "bindings" of the mufti and cables to the postal landmarks.

cable line 35 kV (chervona).
life-giving cable line 6-10 kV (zhovta).
Rozpod_lna cable line 6-10 kV (brown).
cable line in the block sewer, the number of pipes is indicated above the line (blue).
three-core cable line with a voltage of up to 1000 (red).
Chotirigilna cable line with a voltage of up to 1000 e (chervona).
cable line of other organizations (black).
cable line to lie down. The color of the line - for the pressure of recognition.
separate item. The color of the line of the stake is yellow, the cores are black.
transformer substation used in the middle of life (black).
transformer substation, which is worth it.
collector-tunnel (black).
cable well passing (black).
cable well kutovy (black)
cable well T-like (black).
cross-shaped cable well (black).
dead-end entry attachment on three- and two-wire cable lines of low voltage. The color of the line and the introductory building is red.
hinged attachment on three- and two-wire cable lines of low voltage. The color of the line and the introductory annex is chervoniy.

good points on two and three-cable lines of lower voltage (red).
transverse opening of the cables at the pipes at the wall of the substation, kolodyaziv and in. The color of the pipes is black, the colors of the cables are for recognition.
good clutch on cable lines. The color of the mufti is black, the color of the line is for recognition that it is elastic.
introductory coupling on three- and four-wire cable lines of low voltage (black). The color of the lines is red.
cable line at the pipe (black). The color of the line - for the recognition of that strain.
reserve pipe for cable lines (black).
the designation of the overhangs, the constructive stress and the materials lived around the cables in the bundle.
applied coordinates of a bundle of cable lines.
bypass the well with cable lines.
stovp that vіdstan vіd nygo to kabelіv.
cable that lies on an abnormal depth.

peretin power cable with heat flow.
tie the power cable with the telephone cable.

The inventory plan of the cable line will sound on the armchair paper with tablets of 500 X 500 mm 2 in size. For work in the minds of the floor, copies of inventory plans are put in place, like they are drawn on linen calcium or light copies.
The operation of cable lines is impossible without proper inventory plans for cable lines and a well-maintained technical archive. Plans are to be blamed for the improvement on the level of modernity with the help of systematic and timely application of current changes on them, refurbishment of the cable and couplings, which are called repairs, reconstruction and capital construction of the network. Technical archives are compiled from archive folders on the skin line. All documentation is taken from the right skin cable line (acts, factory protocols for testing the cable, protocols for expanding the gaps, and other.). Documents are placed in chronological order of their occurrence.
After the acceptance of the cable line by the operating personnel, the following preparations for the inclusion of the line of work are carried out:
the most admissible rozrahunkov strums are being installed for the purpose of traveling with the greatest thermal minds;
a new cable line is given a dispatch number or a name.
The tags from the dispatcher number assigned to the name are displayed on both end connections at the separate outbuildings (CPU, RP and TP), between which the line is laid. On the tags, it is indicated that the line is also cut.
For the safety of the minds of the dispatcher management and the integrity of the operation, it is necessary to observe the following principles of cable marking:
the tag at the skin end sleeve is responsible for indicating a separate attachment to the living center (CP), a separate point (RP), a transformer substation (TP) or a possession, whichever cable is laid and delivered. In this order, the names of the cable lines in the measure are distinguished by two numbers, or by the names of separate outbuildings, between which the cable is laid, or by switching equipment, to which cable is connected with its end couplings.
Since two and more cable lines were laid between the separate outbuildings, then the skin of them is supposed to have the same number with the addition of letters A, B, C, etc.;
if a cable line enters and exits at an intermediate branch extension, where one bolt is installed without stopping the switching equipment, then the name of the cable may also include the number of the intermediate switchgear;
life-giving cable lines that enter the switchgear of transformer points without blocking the switching equipment are assigned the number of the first (head) transformer point (TP), to which the line enters.
With the upgrade of the assigned dispatcher number, the necessary changes are made to the inventory plans of the cable lines, the operational diagrams of the electrical installations of the dispatcher boards in the district, the plot, the tablets of the schemes of the operational teams, as well as the technical passports of the various outbuildings of the city. Prior to switching on the line voltage, the operating personnel will carry out the following additional testing of the cable line: checking the integrity of the strum-conducting cores; phasing lived behind the phases; vibrating an upstretched, straightened struma; mitigation of bloating streaks, rechecking of installed anti-corrosion protections (for evidence); vimir earthing support. For cables with a voltage of 3-10 kV, testing is carried out six times, and for cables of 20-30 kV - five times the value of the nominal voltage of the cable. Trivality of testing the skin phase 10 min.
For cables with a voltage of 20-35 kV, additional preparations are made:

a) the designation of the active support for the direct struma lived, as a rule, according to GOST 340-59, but not more than 0.0184 ohm (per 1 mm 2 of the cut, 1 m of length at a temperature of +20 ° C) for the cable with the mid-wire and not more than 0.031 for cables with aluminum core;
b) the designation of the electrical working capacity of the conductors. Vimiryan єmnіst, induced to petty values, can be adjusted according to the results of factory testing more than 5%.
In electrical installations with a voltage of more than 1,000 with small streaks, ground flickering (500 A and lower) is more acceptable, the value of the support of the grounding outbuilding in the period of the least conductivity
Gruntu is guilty of buti:

Р for a grounding outbuilding, one-hour vicorated for electrical installations up to 1000; 250
-y - for the grounding outbuilding, which only vikoristovuetsya
for electrical installation vishche 1000,
de I - rozrachunkovy strum zamikannya on the ground, a.
In case of inconsistency, or due to sumnivnіv at the station of isolation and other data, a new cable line can be tested for a special expanded program for the participation of the laboratory for the supply of electricity. With positive results, the testing of a new cable line should be installed from one side under the working voltage, and behind the auxiliary phase installation, the phases of the cable should be checked for the bus bar and the connection.
After the re-verification of the same phases under the voltage, a new cable line can be put into operation and switched on under the voltage.

The commissioning of cable lines is carried out after the completion of the work on the laying of cables and the installation of suitable and termination couplings. All works must be completed until approved and approved by the project, the instructions of the Derzhbud SRSR for laying cables with a voltage of up to 110 kV (SN 85 - 74) and ceremonial technical documentation for sleeves for cables with paper and plastic insulation yu.

Cable lines, when taken into operation, are subject to inspection and electrical testing. Cables of attached laying (at trenches, blocks, too thinly) cannot be looked back after completion of all work on the routes, and the main methods of electrical testing do not allow revealing all defects in the laying of the line. Therefore, in order to ensure a good quality of work, it is necessary to control the laying of the cable and the installation of the couplings under the hour of їkh virobnitstv, so that you can get a technical look.

To enter technically at a glance: re-verification of cable spores and trenches; knowledge of the factory protocols for testing the cable and yoga camp; reverification of the capacity of the robot for the hour of cable laying and installation of couplings; control over the attendance of the installation personnel on the basis of which they allow the appointed work to be done. Yogo zdіysnyuє that organization, yak exploitation of cable laying.

Trenches, channels, tunnels and other cable spores are designed to meet the minimum allowable radii and twisted cables, pointing at the table. 16.

Table 16

Note. DK is the actual diameter of the cable.

When looking at the cable spores, the faults are reversed: the presence of devices for water drainage, electrical lighting, ventilation and water pumping; - adequacy of internal rozmіrіv to the project, steel of concrete structures and other.

Checking the capacity of the robot during the laying of the cable includes: control of the dynamometer for the tension of the cable; designation of allowable radiuses of bends, laying depths and between lines laid in parallel with cables, as well as between extreme cables and walls of spores; vyznachennya v_dstaney on peretina and zblizhennyah cables with different spores; control over the presence of the food pillow under the cable, zahisnih covers, cable reserves in front of the couplings, marking tags.

Control over the installation of the couplings includes re-verification: presence of conditional and non-stitched (term of appurtenance) component materials; the presence of a viable tool and attachments; dotrimanny obov'yazkovoї tekhnologii and sequencing installation.

On the marking labels indicate the brand, the nominal voltage, the number of wires, the number or the name of the cable line. On the tags of successful couplings of power cables, in addition, indicate the date of installation and the name of the electrician-cable; and on the tags of the end seals - endpoints (stars and where the cable is laid).

Cables after laying, installation of cable couplings and end seals, installation of end seals (into the cable entry of the Republic of Uzbekistan and others) must be tested according to the standards, the transfer of PUE. At the same time, with tests, the conductors are checked according to the phases of both ends of the line independently from the current congestion: the PUE has established the order of dividing the phases of the switchgear busbars. Phase L \ of tires turns into a yellow color, phase Lg - greens, phase L3 - red, and the zero operating bus N - black color, insulation of cable lines lived - behind the colors of tires, such stinks come.

After switching on the cable line under the voltage, the phases are reversed with the help of the accessories, as if the cable and the connected bus lived at the same phases. If the voltage difference between the residential cable and the same phase of the RU bus is equal to zero, it means the phases are different, if it is not equal to zero, it means the phases are not correct and the cable is incorrectly connected. Including such a cable in the backbone circuit can cause a short flicker. For phasing cable lines with a voltage of 6 and 10 kV, install voltage indicators of 10 kV in the kit with an additional support (Fig. 112).

Rice. 112. Phasing of cable lines:
a - phase performance of the cable and busbar; b - inconsistency of the phase of the cable and shiї in the areas of the plant; 1 - voltage indicator; 2 - wire; 3 - tube support; 4 - tires; Zhovta, 3 - green, K - red shii

Documentation for the building of cable lines in operation. The technical documentation includes a project of a cable line with changes, steps and introductions, with which, if the stench is good.

On the plan of the cable line, laid in the trenches, there are: coordinates of good couplings, tying to the main permanent houses or special recognition signs; scheme of the cable line from the assigned factory numbers of the drums for laying cables and their length; the sequence of laying drums and the numbering of successful couplings when laying cables near the trench; materials for the weather, run the cable line. In addition, actions should be taken: priymannya trenches and cable spores for installation; on prikhovani work from laying pipes; I will look at the cables on the drums before laying and protocols of their factory testing; I will look around the cable sewers in trenches and channels before closing; magazines for laying cables and processing cable couplings with a voltage of 1000 V, as well as protocols for heating cables on drums before laying at low temperatures and testing power cables after installation is completed.

All the necessary acts and protocols should be entered in the official record, as at the same time from the documentation they are presented at the hour of the task. The acceptance of the cable line into operation is carried out according to the act.