Is there a tank biathlon? International federation of tank biathlon How to pass the tank biathlon near Russia? De bude tank biathlon

"Tank Biathlon" - to the international vіyskovym zmagannyi, in which take on the fate of rich countries from all continents. With skin rock, Tank Biathlon is gaining more and more popularity, and new countries have updated the lists of participants. In 2018, 23 countries applied for their fate, the middle people of the country take the fate more stubbornly and by themselves expand the boundaries of the competition.

"Tank biathlon" will be sold on 28 days and trivatime until 11 months 2018 on a rock. A handful of such victories took part in only 4 lands, now the third riche of the Tank Biathlon will come to 23 counties, so that we can tell you about the pattern of bagates of the lands in other visits. In addition to the number of participants, the scale of the competition will also increase.

In 2018, there have really been a lot of land-participants who will come from other continents to take part in the "Tank Biathlon" 2018 rock.

Lands-participants, which are located on the Eurasian continent:

  • Azerbaijan;
  • Vіrmenіya;
  • China;
  • Syria;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Bilorus;
  • Russia;
  • Serbia;
  • V'atnam;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • India;
  • Mongolia;
  • Laos;
  • Kuwait;
  • Іran;
  • M'yanma;
  • Kyrgyzstan.

Lands-participants, which are located on the African continent:

  • Uganda;
  • Angola;
  • Zimbabwe.

Lands-participants, which are located on the American continent:

  • Nicaragua;
  • Venezuela.

Tank biathlon allows you to reveal the character of the skin participant zmagan.

Already with a stretch of six years, the organizers of the magazine from the "Tank Biathlon" need to bring in more sophistication, to make sure that they are good for participation. 2018 is also not without change the stench of walking in the larger folding viprobuvannya for eksipazhiv pіd hour combat shooting. The price is tied together, so that fate will take care of a great number of lands; But in principle, all the rules are overwhelmed, and practically not to be changed, a tank biathlon can become less successful than a tank, which will show a good and useful robot.

Ale hoch zmagannya priznacheni for eksipazhiv, prote "Tank biathlon" reveals the character of a skin participant. And even if you try to lay down the robot's spine, and then you will actively assess the robot of the skin tanker, as it’s wise to start looking at folding situations and show yourself on the international market. "Tank Biathlon" takes place on the territory of 7 winter lands, the participants can show themselves in a whole world. Kozhna kraina-participant can get 4 copies for zmagan, 1 of them is a spare. "Tank Biathlon" will be built from three stages, de naprikintzi, there will be a land that will become a winner of the US tour.

The country-members of NATO have decided to share the fate of the Tank Biathlon

At the request of organizers, they ask for the countries that are working with NATO, but they might smell the smell without giving any information about the requested. Since the "Tank Biathlon" gained wide popularity, then the lands in Western Europe were organizing the organization, and in any case the fate would be deprived of 8 lands on the territory of Nimechchin. For organizers, it’s unreasonable to think that countries, such as joining NATO, would not accept anything requested on the international market.

Zmagannya in Nimechchin went not so well, as they wanted to go to the lands, as they were going to work with NATO, constantly spurring problems from the technologies and the very organization of the bullet on the back, not in the original version of the “Tank” version. The Russian Federation has been requested for a sale, the Ale Bula will be ready for them. Major General Roman Binyukov was not worthy of being a bagatel, and Major General Roman Binyukov recommended, in the regions, like staying with NATO, to take part in the original version of "Tank Biathlon" and show all his goodness there.

At the same time, everything is carried out at the international level, and in the vicinity of Nimechchina there is no special excitement and going to be carried out at a low level. For everything, as meaning Binyukov, the trial version of the copying of such a character will not be successful, even though the country should not take part in the international competition, and because of the many rockets of "Tanky Beauty", the idea of ​​its development is so widespread. The first organizers plan to accept even more countries from the other continents. All the more fate will be taken to the Tank Biathlon for the first time: PAR, Myanma, Syria and V'atnam. The organizers are fascinated by the great achievements and by the visit to the lavas of the country-participants at the tourney with the "Tank Biathlon".

Shanovnі vіdvіduvachі and guests to the park "Patriot"!

З 28 lime trees 11 serpnya each at the Alabino polygon go through the podium - "Tank Biathlon - 2018". The most popular ones are found within the framework of the Armenian International Mountains and some of the most popular.

For two polygon Alabino to re-create on the sports field in the battle, from 23 countries to fight for the victory.

ІІІ stage of the competition:

ІІ stage of the competition:

Stage I competition:

One hour at the competition "Tank Biathlon", passing through the middle of the most beautiful cooks in the world -. The whole fate of the national strains of the native lands is possible from the period from 31 lime to 9 sickle.

Also, on the territory of the polygon, there will be games zones, attractions and meister-class, sports competitions, interactive and virtual games in Maydans, and an intellectual quiz for guests of a different occasion! Installed great screens and zones and made for peering.

The program for the competition at the ALABINO VISKOV polygon:

28 linden (Saturday)

    10.30 - Lesson ceremony of introduction to the competition "Tank biathlon". "Tank Ballet" on the territory of the Alabino polygon.

    12.30 - FIRST ETAP competition "Tank biathlon" ─ "Individual overtake". Two tank trips. At a skin visit for a number of tankers from a country-participant.

    12.00-14.00 Cup of DTSAAF Russia z tіyalu (Federation of Cynological Sports).

    12.00-14.00 Aviamodelniy sport (showings in performance).

29 lime (not_lya)

    10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-vistavka, assigned to the 100th Army of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF ZS).

    11.00-14.00 FIRST ETAP competition "Tank biathlon", "Individual overtake". Two tank trips. At a skin visit for a number of tankers from a country-participant.

    16.00-17.00 FIRST ETAP competition "Tank biathlon", "Individual overtake". One trip of tank eksipazhiv.

    10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-vistavka, assigned to the 100th Army of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF ZS).

    11.00-14.00 FIRST ETAP competition "Tank biathlon", "Individual overtake". Two tank trips. At a skin visit for a number of tankers from a country-participant.

    16.00-17.00 FIRST ETAP competition "Tank biathlon", "Individual overtake". One trip of tank eksipazhiv.

    10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-vistavka, assigned to the 100th Army of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF ZS).

    10: 00-13: 00 The first stage of the competition "Polish Cuisine". Zmagannya from the fire training.

    11.00-14.00 FIRST ETAP competition "Tank biathlon", "Individual overtake". Two tank trips. At a skin visit for a number of tankers from a country-participant.

    16.00-17.00 FIRST ETAP competition "Tank biathlon", "Individual overtake". One trip of tank eksipazhiv.

    10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-vistavka, assigned to the 100th Army of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF ZS).

    10: 00-13: 00 Another stage of the competition "Polish Cuisine". Zmagannya from the fire training.

    11.00-14.00 FIRST ETAP competition "Tank biathlon", "Individual overtake". Two tank trips. At a skin visit for a number of tankers from a country-participant.

    10.00-16.00 All-Russian competition "Vidkritiy Cup of DOSAAF Russia in paintball" (gra 5x5, 7x7)

05 serpnya (week)

    11.00-14.00 FIRST ETAP competition "Tank biathlon", "Individual overtake". Two tank trips. At a skin visit for a number of tankers from a country-participant.

    10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-vistavka, assigned to the 100th Army of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF ZS).

    10.00-16.00 All-Russian competition "Vidkritiy Cup of DOSAAF Russia in paintball" (gra 5x5, 7x7).

    12.00-14.00 Show of DTSAAF Russia.

07 serpnya (vivtorok)

    11.00-13.00 ANOTHER ETAP competition "Tank biathlon" ─ ESTAFETA, PIVFINAL *. * The commanders of the chotiroh land-participants (three tanks each from the skin land-participant) will take part in the financial sector.

    09.00–13.00 The third stage of the competition "Polish Cuisine". Vipikannya khliba according to the recipe.

    10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-display, assigned to 100 rubles of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF ZS).

    11.00-17.00 Show of DTSAAF Russia. 12.30-14.00 The restaurant is organized in the middle of the Vyskovo-patriotic clubs (13-15 years).

    14.30-15.00 Acceptance of the oath of the youth by the members of the Patriotic Clubs. Nagorodzhennya winners and prize-winners of the estafet.

08 serpnya (middle)

    11.00-13.00 ANOTHER ETAP competition "Tank biathlon" ─ ESTAFETA, PIVFINAL.

    10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-display, assigned to 100 rubles of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF ZS).

    11.00-17.00 Show of DTSAAF Russia.

    12.30 -14.00 Military establishment of the middle of the military-industrial complex (16-17 years).

    14.30-15.00 Acceptance of the oath of the youth by the members of the Patriotic Clubs. Nagorodzhennya winners and prize-winners of the estafet.

09 serpnya (four)

    11.00-13.00 ANOTHER ETAP competition "Tank biathlon" - ESTAFETA, PIVFINAL.

    15.00-16.00 CEREMONY OF THE NATIONAL PERFORMANCE and winners of the first stage of the competition "Tank biathlon" - "Individual overtake".

    10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-vistavka, assigned to the 100th Army of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF ZS).

    10.00–14.00 Lesson closing ceremony for the competition "Polish cuisine"

11 serpnya (Saturday)

    16.30-17.30 ANOTHER ETAP competition "Tank biathlon" ─ ESTAFETA, FINAL.

    10.00-18.00 Reconstruction-vistavka, assigned to the 100th Army of the Red Army (SA and Navy, RF ZS).

    10.00–14.00 Meister class Preparing food for an hour, we will establish an administrative competition "Polish Cuisine".

    10.00-15.00 Vidkritiy Cup of DOSAAF Russia in motorcycle sport (motobіathlon) ".

    10.00-16.00 The Russian DOSAAF Cup for sports shooting bagato-fighting.

    10.00-16.00 The Russian DOSAAF Cup with a crossbow with a crossbow (AP-35).

    15.00-16.00 Vistup of the piloting groups of the VKS Russia "Strizhi" and "Russian Knights".

  • Urochista ceremony of honoring the winners and closing of the competition "Tank Biathlon".
Scheme of a bunch of busless buses to the ALABINO polygon.
  • Art. Golitsyno - Park "Patriot" - the interval is from 10 to 20 hvili.
  • Park "Patriot" - polygon Alabino
  • Park "Patriot" - a route through the objects of the park "Patriot"

Dodatkovo you can use the routes through the Selyatine station.
  • Art. Selyatine - Parade Maydanchik, interval to ruch from 10 to 15 min.
  • Parade Maydanchik - Mound of Slavi, interval to ruhu from 3 to 5 min.

The parking fee is fixed - 200 rubles for a supplement for a passenger car, the first year is without a shipment.

Scheme of the Alabino polygon for an hour of holding ArMI-2018

Bags for the 1st stage of the competition "Tank biathlon" - individual drives

Bags of the II stage of the competition "Tank biathlon" - "Estafeta"

Bags for the third stage of the competition "Tank biathlon" - Final

Video call:

Like a vaping name, suspected by the beloved bagatma lzhnoy discipline, tank biathlon - tse zmagannya mіzh іpazhami in the mystery keruvannya vіyskovy machine, as well as the accuracy of the shooting installed on the new defensiveness. For the official data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as I will name it, as and the format itself, proponuvav Sergiy Shoigu especially. I, as a name, better for everything, thanks to the merit of the Minister of Defense, the format of the entry was born in the very cold weather.

In 1963, such a change among tankers was first completed in Zakhidniy Nimechchin for a prize awarded by the Canadian district (only the 4th mechanized tank brigade of the Canadian Army was fired on the territory of the FRN). The main trophy in the trophy of the bull is a miniature copy of the British tank "Centurion", which was standing on the border of the 20th country of the world. With a head mark, zmagan, which was carried out right up to 1991, was conceived without any changes, the partnership of the country-members of NATO was boosted, as well as the stimulation of competition in the tank industry and the development of defense technology. Continuing participants in the battle of the bullets of Canada, USA, Great Britain, Western Nimechchin, Netherlands and Belgium, and in the course of the battle at all the beauty, you can beat the American tanks M47 Patton II and M1 Abyram. tank of the US Army), the famous "Leopard 1" and "Leopard 2", as well as the British "Centurion" and "Chiften".

Krim declared meti, zaid vikonuvav іnshі zavdannya. The most of the tanks for their scale, as they were also focused on the demonstration of vital capabilities.

In addition, as the 4th mechanized brigade of the Army of Canada deprived of the territory of the united Nimechchini in 1991, the operation was completed. Similarly, this year is being conducted without both Canada and the United States and not of such a large-scale character. On the thought of the bagatokh of ancient experts, the format of the transfer of the transfer of the sutta of the financial vitrati to the transfer of technology and equipment, the same cannot be realized in the modern society.

In Russia, the decision to go beyond the framework of simple tank forces was praised by the Ministry of Defense in 2013. In minds, I’m not calling for a simple call, but also for the fight against youthful ties in the modern Ukraine by the main employers, which was set before itself by the government, bullying the popularization of service in the Russian Thai army for the people sp_vdruzhnost_.

The first tank biathlon has already been completed in 2013 rock. According to the rules, the first step is to be seen in all districts (since 2010, in Russia, chotiri: Zakhidny, Skhidny, Pivdenny and Central). After a series of teams, which showed the best results, I come to the village of Alabino in Moscow on the territory of the primary-trenuval complex of the 2nd Guards Motor-building Tamanskoy Wonderful. And most of them take the fate of the international stage. Tanks, who want to compete at the international championship, may need to create standards for training, nobility, history and tactical and technical characteristics of their cars. Bygone fate, Russia took up tanks from the War, Bilorus and Kazakhstan (so our zbirna made a lasting difference). And for the whole period of time, the participants of the show were from Angola, Ukraine, Belarus, Venezuela, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Kuwait, Mongolia, Serbia and Russia. At this request, 41 powers were sent, but at the link with the tense political situation, many of them were aware of their fate, and 20 powers sent their own favors.

Seriously namiri Russian military leaders, as well as an application for the maybutny demeanor confirmed the fact of restructuring by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of the International Community Organization "Federation of Tank Biathlon". So, behind the words of Sergiy Shoigu, the organization will give an impulse to the development of the tank biathlon and its popularization.

The very organization of the arrival of a certain fate in the next rank: ekipazh, as soon as they arrived (according to the dermal state, three main ones and one reserve) go for the trip to the Moscow field of Golovinka 4th Guards Tank War The boys' cars of the teams are loaded in a chotiri type of camouflage barn with red, red, blue and green colors. On the tanks of the new barn you will see the commanders of Angola, Kuwait and India, on the blue - Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus, on the chervony - Mongolia, Russia and Venezuela, on the greens - Serbia, China and Kyrgyzstan. For the words of the organizers in the call, the price is necessary in order for the eyes of the participants to be able to distribute.

The championship starts with 4 sickles and includes chotiri stage. The first of them - individual distillation. In nіy ekіpazhі lands break up into three trips on the chotiri tanks at the skin. Russian zbirna played in another trip at once from teams to China, for those who have the most recent moment of evil caterpillar, Kuwait and Virmenia. The length of the route of the individual race is seven kilometers including three stakes. Sered pereshkod, like podolali tanks, bully brid, slope, escarp (steep inner ukis ditch), anti-tank ditch and іnshі. On the lines of fire, shooters from the harmatis behind the "Tank" meta, the anti-aircraft gun behind the "Guintokril" meta, and the coaxial mule-gun behind the "RPG" meta were showing up. For misses that close maneuvers (hitting the "mine", breaking the interim stops), the passengers have a penalty hour.

For misses that close maneuvers - hitting the "mine", breaking up the interdepartmental stoppages - for the miscarriages of a penalty hour.

Another stage is sprint. For a new student, pass two stakes, three kilometers each. For misses and damage to the distance, the distance is 500 meters. The third stage - the race of peresliduvannya - pass 11–12 sickles. A whole type of biathlon race will be held for the sprint bags. First, at the end of the 16th leg of the first chotiri, the commanders, who were determined to follow the results of three stages, will be able to survive every hour of the event, as there is a very new part of the tour. Commands start at once and go through three stakes along a chotiri kilometers from two lines of fire: a gunman from a gunner from a mission and a gunman on the move through the main battle, while the stage does not pass three times.

Following the results of the first stage, the magan was leading the Russian report, and at once the super-circle of the experts winked at once. So, on the thought of some bloggers, the tank of the Russian commander T-72B3, due to the old-fashioned modification of the T-72B, on which one will be asked to participate in the championship (in China), is much shorter. Ale for the minds of a zmagan is spelled out, that the skin command will be able to drive on quiet tanks, to stand with her on the ozbronny. So, for example, Kuwait is planning to bring American M84 or M1A2 Abrams, or all the same, having entered the T-72B. Chinese - Edin, hto brought his tank - Type 96A, the protein didn’t show himself a proper rank: on one of the stages the car had a track, and it was quickly brought to replace it.

The Russian T-72B is a modification of the T-72 tank, which has been playing since 1985. The T-72 itself was released from 1973, and it was the main tank that was used by the SRCP. For the head plant T-72 є 125-mm smooth-bore harness D-81TM. Also, a 7.62-mm Kalashnikov machine gun was installed on the tank, and the NSVT-12.7 "Kruta" machine gun was installed on the tank with an aiming distance of 1.5 to 2 kilometers. On the T-72B, the 9K120 "Svir" complex of kerovized reloading was also introduced (the protein is not installed on all tanks of the series of modifications). And the T-72B3 axle is equipped with a new system of forged fire, a dynamically driven "Contact-5" engine, a pulling force of 1130 hp. with., as well as powerless electronic gadgets - a digital balistic sensor, a large-channel sight "Sosna-U", a wind-up sensor, a new connection, a complex stabilizer for energy recovery

At the development of the championship, according to the words of the representatives of the Ministry of Defense, it is more important to show the level of preparation of tanks in the Russian lands. In the case of China, Russian fahivtsi can assess the specifics and technology of our cross-sectional system. Also, on the dummy of security officials, such a format, you can visit the new buyers of our tanks on the market. However, not all representatives of the Vyskovo profession are positively aware of the West. So, for example, it is a lot of experts to scold at inconsistent distances in the fire lines in order to be able to be in a real battle. And by themselves, those maneuvers are morally outdated.

On the dummy of security forces, such a format, you can visit the new buyers of our tanks on the global market.

We have no claims to the new sports discipline. We are in the editorial office, navpaki, vazhaєmo, so that there are some ideas for promoting and developing and promoting the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation there are more ideas for sports activities that can serve as a demonstration of our beauty. Otzhe, the list:

Rodeo in Polish Kitchen

Strylyanin on tarilochki from the system and salvo fire "Grad"

Bobsleigh on artillery harmatas

At first glance, a tank biathlon will be built in the edge of an uninvolved, it is possible to navigate a piece of sport, we will come up with a whim on the occasion of the publication. However, as soon as you think about it, everything is just as simple and logical. Need a tank now? On a high level of performance, you must go overboard and be hostile to a target. The axis of this is tanking biathlon and taking care of it. I don’t care about the kind of sport. Classical biathlon is also a show from a team of priest-runners and overtakes of military patrols. It is possible, іmagannya tankіstіv in the near-future maybutniy find such popularity.

Tank biathlon - the tse of the management of tank trips at the master of tank control and shooting due to the establishment of the new zeal. When it was building, it could only be seen in Russia, Ale ni, Idea, appeared, not ours. The analogous awards for the prizes of the Canadian Army were held from 1963 to 1991 between the Allies from the NATO territories. And in Russia, the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bcreating a tank biathlon literally appeared as a rock. Vvazhaєte, scho proposition by hanging especially the Minister of Defense Sergiy Shoigu, whichever in favor of promoting the prestige of the Russian army. Low internal awareness of little success, and even in 2013 rock on the polygon in the Moscow Alabino passed the essence of tanks. I will be able to get over tode at the baked goods.

2014 rock about tank biathlon was not forgotten. Navpaki, geography began to expand, and called for organizing a new championship for the whole type of sport. From 4 to 16 serpents, representatives of 12 powers at the polygon in Pidmoskov fight for the titles of the most beautiful tanks on the planet. Tsikavo, for the zmagannyakh brothers, the fate is not deprived of representatives of our friendly lands iz SND, but, for example, China, India, Venezuela and Angola. Planning to fall, to come and representatives of the provinces of the country, to enter NATO, the protest-political situation, which has changed, did not allow it to grow. All the participants are fighting for the victory on the Russian T-72B tanks, but the Chinese have brought their own technology: Type-96A, which will bring additional intrigue to the fight for Persha.

Yak і in the classic biathlon, in the tank transfer і in the іnіnіh disciplines. The first from them will become an individual race, within the framework of which, according to my biathlon, the athletes will have to finish three colas in seven kilometers and three fire boundaries. The sprint has been given two stakes, three kilometers each, and one zupinka for the shooter. Overtake peresliduvannya - tse three stakes for chotiri kilometers and again three frontiers. Zreshtoyu, є th tsikaviy sports stage. The members of the tank's history are not guilty of being guilty of a battle machine, but they are physically prepared, and they will be smashed one by one in the big, the security forces have the right to pass the code for the smog. The eyewitnesses, received by teams in all the descriptions of the stages, are forced to go out, and representatives of the most beautiful regions will have to share the fate of the final stage. The skin land was displayed one tank at a time and three flights, which could change one one along the way. The classmates of the best result for the school bags and become champions of the world of tank biathlon.

The organizers are more likely to try to keep everything going, so they can get the mind and mind up to the fighters. Moreover, the price appears at the drifts of dummy shells at the turn of the tank, and at the folding man-made crossovers, which add the tanks. In the first place, the boundaries between the routes are determined by the warriors, and the damage caused by the loss of additional seconds to a fine.

In other words, the athlete may not once do the wading, the slopes, the anti-tank ditch, the minnie fields and the escarpi. In front of the mechanic-water, it is not only necessary to rush the tank forward at maximum speed, but rather technically it passes through the crossroads, without affecting the safety of those other members of the economy. And it’s not so easy, yak to be built for the first glance.

On the lines of fire it is so very tricky. Not dynamically, like the classic biathlon, but more species-specific. Persh nіzh start to lead the fire, the destruction of the tank at the main warehouse can be seen from the combat vehicle and the supply of ammunition. As soon as possible, you can write to the shooter. There are three types of targets: "Tank", "Guintokril" and "RPG", naturally, if only dummies are given of objects. The fire can be conducted from an anti-zenith gun, paired with a gun, as well as from the main fire on the move or while standing. The skin type of shooting is suvoro accumulation in fallowness according to the type of mission and discipline. For misses, like і look, get punished seconds or a stake of 500 meters. In all aspects, tank biathlon is not a classic one.

Obviously, tanking from even the youngest and only gaining its popularity. Already at the same time, the species is easily adaptable. Demand and flexibility - the axis is two factors, as there will be glances to screens, more so, and the quality of the picture is at the highest level. Patients can use cameras that are installed in the middle of the tanks. The information on the screen always allows for the intelligence, that is leading at a distance, but that is the enemy of all targets at the border, and the different colors of the tanks will not let the nationality get lost. Besides, the theme of ninety is becoming fashionable, and Russian tanks at the championship will be included until the number of favorites. Also get to the tank biathlon - don’t play!

Tank biathlon 2018 - the head start of the Maybutnіkh Virmensky іgor! At the Moscow polygon "Alabino" there will be tanks from some lands. Їm look forward to demonstrating the wonders of the day, in the light of the shooting, and the podolannya of the transitional transitions. The main pretenders for assistance are the services of Bilorus, Russia, China and Kazakhstan. The Russian people who have played all the last seen tournaments are still becoming more beautiful. As a result, fortune will not come from Russian tanks in 2018!

De i if you pass the Tank Biathlon 2018

Vіyskovo-sportivny zhіd will be seen at Lipni - Serpni 2018 rock. Fighting vehicles will be sent to the territory of the Alabino polygon. The information report can be found on the official resource

The polygon is located in Pidmoskov, in the order of the village of Alabino. Zmagannya tankistiv passes on specially owned ramps with ditches, ramparts and fire lines. Look at the power of the eyes to make the mark. The organizers were transferred to a number of special oglyadov maidanchiks.

Also on the territory of the Alabino there is a Viyisko-patriotic park. During the breaks between the tank runs, you can have a peek at the show of the latest technology and take part in the patriotic visits.

Tour program

Wonderful Tank Biathlon in 2018, the number of glazes will be great. The additional agiotage is not divine. Is it possible to get a profit on the right help cars ?!

Go through the walk at the stage of the stages. Breaking the rules.

Individual distillation

At the start, the teams will go, the skin will have three copies. Meta tanks - as quickly as possible to go through 3 stakes, adding all the piece crossings, and changing 3 special missions.

Relay race

In a number of rounds, the fate of 12 best teams, which showed the best result on the previous stage, was the same. The rules are the same as for the individual messengers. In addition, in the event, take part in 3 tank cases from the command on one tank from the change of the mission, and to get the demand 4, not 3 colas.


Chotiri tank teams, which showed the best results in the first round, to score the first medals for themselves.

Participants Tank Biathlon 2018

Gladachi will witness a supernatural performance of more than two dozen teams. 2017 roku їkh bulo 19.

  1. Azerbaijan;
  2. Angola;
  3. Vіrmenіya;
  4. Bilorus;
  5. Venezuela;
  6. Zimbabwe;
  7. India;
  8. Іran;
  9. Kazakhstan;
  10. Kyrgyzstan;
  11. China;
  12. Kuwait;
  13. Laos;
  14. Mongolia;
  15. Nicaragua;
  16. Russia;
  17. Serbia;
  18. Tajikistan;
  19. Uganda

The tourniquet has become aware of the services of such exotic powers as Uganda, Nicaragua and Zimbabwe.

Poki scho spravzhn_y list of countries-participants of the new release of the championship is not vidomy. Along with the tourney, the volunteers will definitely beat the Russians, Serbians, Chinese, Kazakhs and Bilorussians.

Persistence results

Tanks of Russia, China, Kazakhstan and Bilorus are fighting for medals. Likewise, non-fouling results and demonstrating indusi and vimmeni. Ale the most powerful command is the old Russia. Our boys leave the competition!

However, an hour is not worth it. Competition is gaining admission. It’s unbelievable that a check for glances at the final of the Tank Biathlon 2018.


With leather rock, Tank Biathlon is gaining more and more popularity. 12 lands took their fate from the first rik. The offensive release of їх has already become 13. In 2016 and 2017, the number of participants grew up to 17 and 19 by default. Quite a bit, how much more tank escapes can be played on the Maybut tourney!