Dosing of folic acid in the early stages. The Role of Folic Acid During Pregnancy

Vitamin B 9 plays an important role in the body. This is especially true for pregnant women. Therefore, doctors often prescribe folic acid (this is a synonym for vitamin B 9), which is so necessary for expectant mothers. This happens in almost every case when a woman is carrying a child. Vitamin B 9 is involved in many important processes. So, he is responsible for the formation of blood cells, participates in the structure of DNA, helps to strengthen the immune system. Its use is necessary for the formation of a neural tube without pathologies. In the event of violations in the development of the embryo, very negative consequences can appear, leading to difficulties in the physical and mental activity of the unborn child.

With such an extensive value of the drug and its frequent use, many have a lot of questions about how to drink this vitamin. In this article, you can find detailed instructions for use, learn about the required dose, how much you need to take the drug in time, and what precautions to follow.

What does the lack of vitamin B 9 lead to?

According to statistics, about 20% of the total population experience group B hypovitaminosis. However, acid deficiency is not always acutely noticeable. As a rule, only a doctor can reliably establish the lack of this substance.

An insufficient amount of folic acid during the period of gestation responds, first of all, to violations in the correct formation and development of the nervous system in the unborn child. Due to this factor, the following defects may appear in the fetus:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • anencephaly (lack of brain structure);
  • cerebral hernia;
  • difficult mental and physical development.

In addition, the insufficient content of B 9 in the body during gestation contributes to the development of the so-called "open back" syndrome. This implies non-closure of the spine. Other defects of the spinal column are also possible. With a lack of folic acid, there is a high risk that the child will not be able to bear, since the deficiency increases the threat of premature termination of pregnancy.

Severe folate deficiency is rare. But its consequences are very grave. So, a lack of B 9 can cause irritability and impaired appetite. Further, the negative consequences progress, and in addition to rapid fatigue, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract appear (they are expressed in the form of diarrhea and vomiting). Hair may fall out and small ulcers appear in the mouth. The result of a prolonged and acute lack of acid can be fatal, which is caused by megaloblastic anemia.

Normally, a healthy human intestine can independently produce small amounts of vitamin B 9. However, due to the abundant use of strong tea, various drugs (such as oral contraceptives, antacids, drugs that have an anticonvulsant effect, as well as those containing zinc as the main active ingredient), its leaching is accelerated. Also, an unnecessarily rapid excretion of folic acid from the body is provoked by the pregnancy itself.

Therefore, doctors prescribe vitamin B 9 to future women in labor as an additional therapy. This avoids the risk of developing many pathologies and brings the content of this substance back to normal.

When is folic acid needed?

Every person needs this vitamin. It becomes especially acute while carrying a child. At the same time, folic acid is, perhaps, the only drug, the need for additional intake of which is not opposed even by the most convinced fighters against artificial vitamins.

It is worth increasing the content of folic acid in your diet even at the stage of pregnancy planning, because in most cases, the mother is not aware of the onset of pregnancy for the first few weeks.

Already 16 days after the fact of conception, the formation of the fetal neural tube begins. Here folic acid is essential. It plays an equally important role in the formation of the placenta in a woman's body. In case of any violations, the risk of early or urgent termination of pregnancy increases. Therefore, it is extremely important that vitamin B 9 is in the required amount in the body during the first 12 weeks of gestation.

But even if it happened that the woman found out about the fact of pregnancy later than it would have cost to start taking it, you still need to drink folic acid. This is due to the fact that in the first trimester the neural tube undergoes significant changes, for the successful course of which vitamin B 9 is also needed.

Particular attention should be paid to taking this drug in the presence of the following risk factors that can adversely affect the development of the child.

  • diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman,
  • epilepsy,
  • malformations in the next of kin.

What is it forB 9?

Folic acid plays a significant role for the baby. Despite the fact that it is normally produced by the intestines in small quantities, this may not be enough for the development of the fetus. There are a number of important processes that require vitamin B 9 to be involved.

  1. Hematopoiesis. This acid is needed for the formation of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.
  2. Formation of DNA and RNA. It is with them that all genetic information is transmitted.
  3. Together with vitamin B12, acid is essential for successful cell division, which is so important for the growth and development of the future baby.

It is also worth noting that the pregnant woman herself suffers from vitamin B 9 deficiency. The deficiency causes anemia, acute toxicosis, depression, and pain in the legs.

Thus, folic acid during pregnancy is necessary in order to create conditions for the active growth and development of the unborn baby.

Folic acid dosage

For normal health and the course of natural processes, there is a certain rate of this substance in the body. So, for an adult, 2 mg per day is enough, for a pregnant woman, this dose doubles to 4 mg per day. If we talk about the presence of folic acid deficiency, then it is replenished with therapeutic dosages - 5 mg per day.

You can provide the required amount of acid in your body in two ways:

  • taking special drugs;
  • balanced diet.

Folic acid is found most in plant foods. Coarse flour is especially rich in it. Oranges, lemons, avocados are no less valuable in this respect. A lot of B 9 is also found in greens: parsley, spinach, asparagus, onions and green onions. Among animal sources, a large amount of this substance is found in the liver. Less in fish, meat or cheese. As a rule, those who adhere to a vegetarian diet do not experience a lack of folic acid in their bodies, but the classic menu can cause vitamin deficiency. This is especially acute in the winter season.

The most effective and accurate is the replenishment of the B 9 deficiency with the help of special vitamins and drugs. The most popular are folate tablets. The content of the active substance in the preparation may vary; therefore, it is better to check the dosage with your doctor. Much depends on the general picture of the health status of the future woman in labor. If the deficiency is pronounced, then the daily dose may be increased or another drug may be prescribed that contains a high concentration of vitamin B 9.

If the health of the expectant mother is normal, she is not in a group at risk (these are diabetics and those who suffer from epilepsy), then it is quite possible that there will be no need for increased intake of folic acid. The dosage contained in special vitamin complexes will be enough. They are prescribed by many pregnant doctors. At the same time, while taking certain drugs containing only B 9, it is worth considering its amount in other means that the expectant mother takes. This vitamin is found in the complexes "MultiTabs", "Pregnavit", as well as specially developed "Vitrum Prenatal", "Materna" and "Elevit".

How to take folic acid

The instructions for using this drug are very simple. A doctor can also tell you how to drink vitamin B 9. Also, this information is spelled out in the attached description.

It is best to take folic acid as a stand-alone tablet. A small dosage is sufficient to replenish the daily requirement. The tablets should be drunk in the specified amount after meals, washed down with water.

Overdose and side effects

Like all medications, folic acid during pregnancy can cause allergic reactions. But this phenomenon is extremely rare, as well as drug overdose. For the latter, daily consumption should exceed the required dose by tens of times - twenty-five tablets per day or more.

In other cases, an excess of this substance in the body is unlikely, since it is easily excreted naturally. It should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, this process is significantly accelerated.

There are no precise studies on whether complications are possible with increased intake of folic acid. However, in Norway, it was found that women who took this drug with a significant excess had children suffering from asthmatic diseases. If you are confused by the amount of folic acid that your doctor has prescribed for you, you can always consult another specialist on this issue.

Folic acid is part of the B vitamins family. It is referred to as B9 and is used by the body to create cells. Any person has a need for this vitamin, and the body needs external inputs. Consider why women need folic acid.

Folic acid and its significance

Vitamin B9 is vital for body functions such as:

  • synthesis of DNA and RNA;
  • rapid cell division and growth;
  • production of red blood cells;
  • brain health.

Separately, it must be said about the need for a vitamin for women. During pregnancy, a sufficient level of folic acid in the body prevents serious congenital pathologies of the baby's brain or spine - neural tube defects:

  • spina bifida - amenable to correction;
  • anencephaly is a fatal vice.

In addition, according to research, if there are these pathologies in a woman's medical history, then taking the right amount of folic acid can reduce the risk of developing a neural tube defect in a fetus by 70% during subsequent pregnancy. Also, taking vitamin B9 before and during carrying a baby can prevent such pathologies:

  • cleft lip or palate;
  • premature birth;
  • abortion;
  • a delay in fetal weight and growth;
  • manifestation of preeclampsia.

How much folic acid do you need during pregnancy? This is a question, the answer to which the fairer sex should know without fail. Women of childbearing age, and not only those who are planning a pregnancy, should receive 0.4 mg of folic acid per day or consume foods containing it in the right amount.

The positive effect of folic acid during the period of bearing a child has been proven by research. Enriching the body with vitamin before conception and during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of various congenital pathologies in a baby, including defects in the neural tube - the precursor of the brain and spinal cord.

Given that the formation of the neural tube in the fetus occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, the lack of folic acid must be replenished even before the moment when the woman knows about conception. That is why emphasis is placed on the proper supply of folic acid to the body by all women of childbearing age, since pregnancy does not always occur as planned.

The daily intake of vitamin B9 for women:

  • 400 mcg is the required dose of folic acid when planning pregnancy;
  • 400 mcg - the volume of the vitamin during the period of gestation;
  • 500 mcg - The level of folate intake during breastfeeding.

Folic acid sources

Among the natural sources of folic acid are vegetables that are dark green in color. However, over-cooking food during cooking lowers vitamin levels.

So, let's list vegetables, fruits and other foods rich in this vitamin:

  • asparagus beans and other legumes;
  • baker's yeast;
  • broccoli;
  • brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower;
  • egg yolks;
  • jacket potatoes;
  • lentils;
  • salad;
  • liver (should not be included in the diet for pregnant women);
  • fruits - papaya and kiwi have a high vitamin content;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • citrus;
  • spinach;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • wholemeal bread.

Medicines containing vitamin B9

The folic acid medications below are:

  • "Folic acid" - tablets of 0.001 g, in a package of 10 or 30 tablets;
  • "Folacin" - tablets containing folic acid, 5 mg, blisters of 10;
  • "Angiovit" is a combined vitamin preparation in tablets containing 5 mg folic acid, 60 tablets in a jar.

Folic acid preparations are prescribed both for the treatment of diseases associated with vitamin deficiency and for prophylactic purposes. The most commonly recommended vitamin complexes containing folic acid are:

  • "Duovit";
  • "Gendevit";
  • Vitrum Kids;
  • Vitrum Centuri;
  • "Multi-tabs classic";
  • "Supradin";
  • "Centrum";
  • "Terawit".

Currently, on the market you can find so many multivitamin products, multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements containing vitamin B9 that their listing will take a lot of time and space. Their general purpose is prevention, which can be seen even from the volumes of the components that make up the preparations.

Let's listen to the opinions of women

Having set a goal, you can find a large number of reviews about folic acid, its need for women, the names of vitamin complexes, the purposes of intake. Mostly women talk about the benefits of the vitamin and leave positive reviews. Most of the questions are related to dosage. The name of the diseases for which vitamin B9 was prescribed is also relevant. Many reported a low incidence of side effects and good drug tolerance.

Almost all of the fair sex talk about the need for prior consultation with a specialist before starting taking medications containing folic acid.

The appointment of vitamin B9 to women of childbearing age has a clear and significant advantage - a decrease in the frequency of pregnancy pathologies. Its use is evidence-based, and its use in the treatment of selected diseases is quite effective.

But some sources draw attention to folic acid as a primary prevention drug, the results after which are not so clear. In children, and in males and females beyond childbearing age, vitamin B9 supplementation in the absence of a deficiency has not shown any health benefits. There are even some warning signs of an increased risk of cancer. Thus, these categories of people are better off relying on food sources of folate. Take care of yourself!

Folic acid is vitamin B9, the lack of which in the body of the expectant mother threatens with many unpleasant consequences. Vitamin B9 is involved in DNA synthesis, in the process of hematopoiesis, in the process of cell division and growth.

Also, this vitamin is necessary for laying the nervous system of the unborn child, prevents the appearance of defects in the brain, neural tube, etc.

Folic acid deficiency in pregnancy

It is estimated that folate deficiency occurs in 1 in 2 pregnancies. And this is dangerous not only for the unborn child, but also for the mother. Folic acid deficiency can cause:

  • the formation of defects in the nervous system (cerebral hernia, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, etc.);
  • defects of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of the development of the placenta;
  • an increase in the likelihood of spontaneous abortion, premature birth, abnormal development of the fetus, stillbirth, placental abruption, etc.

With a lack of folic acid, women are more likely to experience symptoms of toxicosis, depression, anemia, pain in the legs.

Folic acid dosage during pregnancy

To maintain pregnancy, to ensure the health of the unborn child and mother, this vitamin should be taken when planning pregnancy and throughout the entire gestation period. However, you need to be very careful here and observe a strict dosage. Overdose can also be dangerous.

It is believed that the adult requirement for folic acid is 200 mcg (0.2 mg). For pregnant women, the dosage is increased. The minimum dose is 400 mcg (0.4 mg) per day, and the maximum dose is 800 mcg (0.8 mg). When a pregnant woman is at risk (vitamin B9 deficiency is pronounced), the dosage rises to 5 mg per day.

To understand these dosages, you should carefully read the instructions for the folic acid preparation and listen to the doctor's recommendations.

The most commonly found folate tablets are those that include 1,000 mcg (1 mg) of folate. During pregnancy, it is recommended to take one tablet of this drug per day. In this case, an overdose is impossible.

But with a strong deficiency of vitamin B9, a drug with a higher dosage can be prescribed: Folacin or Apo-folic... One tablet of these drugs contains 5000 mcg (5 mg) of folic acid. This dosage is not prophylactic, but therapeutic.

It is also extremely important to consider the composition of the vitamin and mineral complexes that you are taking.

Often, all of these complex preparations contain the required prophylactic dose of folic acid. For example, a drug capsule Folio contains 400 mcg of folic acid, in preparations Materna and Elevit is 1000 mcg each, Pregnavit - 750 mcg, Vitrum prenatal - 800 mcg, Multi-tabs - 400 mcg.

Thus, when taking any of these or other preparations containing vitamin B9, and in the absence of a deficiency, additional intake is not required.

Folic acid overdose in pregnancy

Folic acid is non-toxic to the body, its excess does not linger and is excreted on its own.

However, an overdose of it in the case of prolonged use of higher doses leads to adverse consequences. Namely, as a result of this, the content of vitamin B12 in the blood decreases, which can lead to anemia, gastrointestinal disorders, and increased nervous excitability. Changes in kidney function may also occur.

What dosage will lead to such consequences? This is possible if you take 10-15 mg of folic acid every day for three months or more. Of course, this is almost impossible. The human body does not synthesize folic acid, but can only receive it with food or through the synthesis of the microflora of the large intestine. Therefore, those with bowel problems may need to take this vitamin supplement.

Folic acid foods

Those women who prefer, instead of taking synthetic vitamin complexes, to "lean" on natural vitamins contained in food, should pay attention to the list of foods that have a high content of folic acid. These are walnuts, cereals - oat, rice and buckwheat, sunflower seeds, kefir, milk powder, cottage cheese, egg yolks, vegetables with dark green leaves - beans, green peas, green onions, soybeans, beets, carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, wholemeal flour products, beef liver. That is, this vitamin is found in many foods that can be consumed daily.

Author of the publication: Alexey Kulagin 

During the planning period and already at the onset of pregnancy, doctors prescribe a woman to take many drugs. One of the practically mandatory during this period is the intake of vitamin B9 or folic acid. A deficiency of this substance, according to the WHO, in different age groups is experienced by 40 to 90% of the population, while pregnant women, almost all have a folate deficiency in the body.

The role of folic acid in pregnancy

Folic acid is involved in metabolic processes in the nervous tissue, derivatives of this substance are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, the formation of white and red blood cells. Folate deficiency, along with many other substances, leads to the development of anemia, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

In addition, folic acid derivatives - folates, also have the ability to stimulate the formation of RNA and DNA, which carry hereditary information in all cells of the body. Therefore, a large amount of folic acid is consumed during the synthesis of new cells, including in the growing embryo.

Also, it regulates metabolic processes, and maintains the constancy of the internal environment of the body.

According to doctors, every pregnant woman has a more or less pronounced deficiency of folic acid, every second pregnant woman suffers from a pronounced lack of it.

It is for this purpose that when planning and the onset of pregnancy, an additional amount of folic acid is prescribed in order to cover its deficiency and constant costs for the growth and development of the fetus.

Folic acid deficiency in the mother's body during pregnancy can provoke serious violations in the development of the fetus:

  • spinal hernias, anencephaly, spina bifida, hydrocephalus and other malformations of the nervous system are formed
  • defects of the heart or blood vessels, cleft lip and hard palate occur
  • when the placenta is formed, problems arise with the size and structure
  • the risk of improper attachment of the placenta, low placentation, placental abruption, miscarriage or premature birth, bleeding during pregnancy increases
  • there may be delays in the mental or physical development of the fetus, problems in its health,
  • maternal health suffers, and with severe deficiency of folic acid, megaloblastic anemia can develop, which is difficult to treat, unfavorable for pregnancy.

Folic acid during pregnancy: dosage and overdose

It is important to remember the importance of folic acid during pregnancy, and not to take the information about its deficiency superficially.

Many women believe that they are quite healthy, and do not take additional portions of vitamins, do not drink medications prescribed by a doctor. But many, having found out that folate deficiency is harmful, take high doses of vitamins without consulting a doctor.

A balance is needed in everything, and taking medications should only be carried out under medical supervision.

For the most part, folic acid during pregnancy will be required in higher doses, which will require the intake of multivitamin complexes with folates or separately folic acid preparations.

Can folic acid overdose develop during pregnancy?

It is worth knowing that this substance is not toxic to the body, an overdose can occur in cases of taking drugs that many times exceed the daily requirement, at least 20 tablets per day.

Excess folic acid will be excreted from the body of pregnant women by the kidneys, but, nevertheless, the doses should be adequate to the needs.

Long-term intake of high doses can be fraught with such troubles for the body as a decrease in the amount of vitamin B12, which also leads to the formation of anemia (B12-deficiency), and digestive disorders, impaired renal function, a feeling of heat and increased nervous irritability can also develop.

How to take folic acid during pregnancy

According to doctors, the daily requirement for folic acid is 200 mcg per day; during pregnancy, this need doubles and is approximately 400 mcg.

With an initial deficiency of folic acid in the body, doses of up to 800-1000 mcg and higher may be needed to saturate all organs and systems, if the pregnant woman is at high risk for anemic and deficiency conditions.

How to take folic acid, and what the drug will be, the doctor should tell you at the consultation.

Today, the most common drugs are “folic acid tablets” 1000mcg (0.1g).

With a pronounced vitamin deficiency in a pregnant woman, higher, therapeutic doses of the drug - folacin 5 mg or apo-falk 5 mg may be recommended.

Such doses are taken strictly under the supervision of a physician with a further transition to maintenance doses.

When calculating the doses of folic acid during pregnancy, for the daily dosage, take into account the intake of multivitamins for pregnant women, which also usually contain folate. Many modern drugs usually contain a daily dosage of folic acid:

  • elevit Pronatal - 1000mkg
  • materna - 1000mkg
  • multi-tabs 400μg
  • vitrum prenatal - 800mkg
  • pregnavite - 750 mcg.

Usually, if a woman is prescribed to take multivitamin complexes, and she does not have a pronounced deficiency of folic acid, an additional subsidy of drugs is not required.

Short courses of additional intake of folic acid can be prescribed at critical stages of development - these are the first 10-12 weeks of pregnancy with further discontinuation of the drug and the transition only to taking a multivitamin complex.

Women planning to get pregnant should carefully and consciously prepare for this period: lead a healthy lifestyle, please themselves, not get upset over little things. In addition, you need to start taking special medications. One of these is folic acid for pregnant women.

When is folic acid supplementation indicated during pregnancy?

Folic acid or vitamin B9 plays an important role in the formation of new blood cells. The lack of such a substance often leads to anemia, and the use of the drug is also important for replication, cell growth, and antimicrobial therapy. Often, at a gynecologist's appointment, when prescribing a substance, women are interested in why they should drink folic acid during pregnancy? According to experts, every pregnant woman needs B9, because it is able to prevent some defects in the development of the baby's central nervous system.

It is advisable to start using the drug even during pregnancy planning, because all processes involving the drug that occur during the formation of the fetus take place at a short time - that is, when the expectant mother does not even know about the child. It is necessary that folic acid enters the female body during pregnancy in the first weeks, since this period is the main one in the formation of a neural tube in the embryo.

Why folic acid is useful for pregnant women

Vitamin B9 stimulates the formation of nucleic acids, which are the basis of all cells in the body. The drug is essential for all rapidly dividing tissues in humans. In addition, the beneficial properties of the substance are that it:

  • stimulates hematopoiesis;
  • blocks the formation of cancer cells;
  • restores muscles during pregnancy;
  • participates in the creation of the placenta;
  • contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive tract;
  • participates in metabolism.

How to drink folic acid during pregnancy

It is advisable to use Vitamin B9 for all expectant mothers to prevent anemia (up to 12 weeks). The decision on how to take folic acid during pregnancy is approved only by a gynecologist. In our country, the norm for women expecting a baby is set at 1000 mcg - this is one pill, but some mothers may be prescribed high doses based on the results of tests. This applies to patients in whom the examination revealed defects in the development of the fetus.

In tablets

A popular drug with a low price - folic acid for expectant mothers satisfies all the needs for vitamins. The remedy can only be prescribed by a doctor: based on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, it is necessary to drink 1-3 tablets one or three times a day. For the prevention of the disease, take only one capsule of 1 mg, the dosage of the drug in women with a vitamin deficiency is greatly increased - up to 5 mg.

Vitamin B9 is found in almost all multivitamins that a gynecologist prescribes during pregnancy. When taking such complexes, there is no need to separately use folic acid, if there is no indication for this. Folio is considered one of the most popular preparations for expectant mothers - this complex contains vitamin B9 (400 mg) and iodine (200 mg). It is necessary to take one tablet a day. Multivitamins that contain vitamin B9:

  • Multitabs-Prenatal contains 400 mg of the substance;
  • materna and Elevit contain 1 mg of the substance;
  • the composition of Pregnavit will provide 750 μg of substance;
  • vitrum Prenatal contains 800 mg of vitamin.

As a rule, vegetarians are not familiar with vitamin B9 deficiency. it is found in green leaves and vegetables. Other people, with insufficient intake of plant foods (especially in winter), must additionally take a vitamin complex. An important element is contained in:

  • green leaves of spinach, lettuce, onions, asparagus, parsley, cabbage;
  • green peas;
  • avocado;
  • cheese, kefir;
  • citrus fruits;
  • baked goods made from wholemeal flour;
  • pumpkin;
  • caviar;
  • fruits: apricots, melons, peaches;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • beans;
  • yeast;
  • egg yolk;
  • walnuts;
  • powdered milk, cottage cheese;
  • beef liver.

How much folic acid should pregnant women drink?

For normal functioning, an adult should drink 0.2 mg of vitamin B9, but when carrying a baby, the need for a substance increases. The daily dose of folic acid for pregnant women is 1000 mcg - this is one tablet. Many women are confused by such numbers, but there is no need to worry. An excess of the substance occurs only when a person drinks 25 tablets at a time. In other cases, the excess of the vitamin is excreted without any particular consequences.

In case of health problems (diabetes mellitus, intestinal diseases, epilepsy) and a pronounced lack of substance in a woman, the doctor may prescribe strong drugs that contain vitamin B9: Apo-folic (price 200 rubles) or Folacin (price 125 rubles). One tablet of such funds contains 5 mg of folacin, and this is already considered a therapeutic dose.

The rate of folic acid during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

The first months of embryo gestation is the most important period because further pregnancy, the formation and development of the fetus depends on it. In the 1st trimester, you should make sure that the female body receives the required amount of all minerals and vitamins. This is especially true of folic acid, which at an early stage can prevent the development of damage to the baby's nervous system. Only a small part of the substances can be absorbed with food, therefore it is necessary to take medications with vitamin B9.

When carrying a baby, the daily dose of the drug may be different, in the first 3 months it is necessary to use 0.4 mg 2 times a day. Often the substance is part of the complexes, but it is better to take it separately. The tablets should be taken at the same time and preferably before meals. They must be washed down with clean plain water. It is not recommended to use the drug with coffee, tea or packaged juices.

Until when to take

Expectant mothers are introduced to the drug, which contains a useful element, at the first consultation. Many doctors believe that as a separate remedy it should be taken only for the first 3 months, then you should switch to a vitamin complex for pregnant women. Although there are experts who claim that B9 is needed by the female body for life, and during pregnancy, you should not stop taking it after 12 weeks. In any case, only a gynecologist should prescribe the dosage and the time of application.

Side effects of taking folic acid

For humans, vitamin B9 is completely non-toxic, the drug practically does not give side effects. An overdose of medication during pregnancy can occur only if the daily dose is exceeded by 100 times. Rarely, the drug causes allergies, which may appear due to individual intolerance to the substance. Long-term use of high doses can negatively affect the health of the woman and the baby. The instructions for the medicine say that with a high concentration of it in the body, the following side effects occur:

  • the content of cyanocobalamin in the blood decreases, which can provoke anemia in a pregnant woman;
  • changes in kidney function;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • upset gastrointestinal tract.

Folic acid price during pregnancy

Preparations with vitamin B9 are sold in tablets without a prescription at any pharmacy. The average price for a medicine is from 30 to 80 rubles. Folic acid can also be purchased inexpensively in large supermarkets with a pharmacy, and in addition, the vitamin can be bought and ordered from an online pharmacy. In this case, the cost of the funds will depend on the firm of the country of origin and the form of release.