Health and Fitness The main thing - sleep! How to return cheerfulness and desire to work productively? How to get enough sleep in a short time

What you need to do to adjust your sleep?

Good sleep is just as important for your health as good nutrition. Given the intense rhythm of modern life, there is very little time for sleep. As a result, many people suffer from lack of sleep and insomnia. Let's see what needs to be done to quickly fall asleep and feel fresh and refreshed in the morning.

Why can't a person fall asleep? The reasons

  1. State of the nervous system. Impressive and overly emotional people are more prone to insomnia
  2. Stress.  Problems at work or in a family are very difficult to drive out of my head. As a result, you think about it all before bed and instead of sleeping.
  3. Health problems.  If a person has a malfunction in the cardiovascular or endocrine system, in the urogenital area, there are any injuries or inflammations, this can all cause sleep disturbance.
  4. Mode change. Long moving, work at night or change, change of time zone adversely affect the human ability to fall asleep.
  5. Improper diet at bedtime. If late in the evening to use strong coffee or tea, spicy dishes and alcohol, then insomnia is assured.
  6. External factors. This includes a new place to sleep, noise in the street or at the neighbors, too much temperature in the room, a bright light outside the window and so on.

Sleep Medicines: Pros and Cons

It would seem, why make any effort on yourself? You can not sleep - take sleeping pills. But not everything is so simple. Drugs are aimed at eliminating insomnia itself, they will not affect its causes. In addition, there are a number of drugs that are addictive, and soon you will not be able to sleep at all without them.

The most effective drugs for insomnia, which are not addictive:

  1. Melatonin  - chemical analogue of the sleep hormone. Adjusts the sleep-wake cycle, has a sedative effect
  2. Donormil  - sedative and hypnotic, makes sleep more long and quality. A person wakes up fully rested.
  3. Melaxen  - often assigned when changing time zones. It normalizes biorhythms, helps to fall asleep quickly and not wake up all night
  4. Imovan - used to treat chronic insomnia. Normalizes mental state, relaxes muscles and nervous system, helps to quickly fall asleep

Doctors warn that taking sleeping pills can only be prescribed by a doctor. Only the doctor will understand the reasons for lack of sleep and prescribe the right medicine.

The most safe are herbal sedatives. This infusion of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, hop cones.

Safe ways to fall asleep

It is quite possible to get rid of insomnia without chemicals, it is enough to turn to traditional medicine. But here it is important to understand that traditional methods are effective for short-term problems with sleep.

  • Compliance with the mode of the day.  If every day you go to bed and get up at the same time, then the tuned biological clocks themselves will contribute to falling asleep.
  • Aromatic oils. Lavender, chamomile and hop oil help to sleep. For the effect enough 1-2 drops of oil in the oil burner
  • Herbal cushions.  They can be made independently. Take hop cones, pine needles, fern leaves, mint, geranium, oregano. You can use one type of plant, and you can combine several. Dry the greens and tamp pillows with it. You can place them on the battery, and you can put small bags of fragrant herbs right under your pillow
  • Tincture and decoction of valerian or hawthorn.  Tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy. To prepare the broth, take 1-2 tablespoons. valerian root, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it infuse for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. several times a day after meals. With this broth, you can also take a bath, but then the grass should be poured 2 liters of boiling water. Similarly, you can cook and decoction of hawthorn fruit
  • Milk with honey. A warm and sweet drink instantly relaxes the nervous system and sets you up for the right mood.

How to prepare a room for bed correctly? What determines the quality of sleep?

In order to get enough sleep, it is important not only to know how to sleep, but also where to sleep. What should be the bedroom to sleep was as healthy and full as possible?

  • Well, if the bedroom is located away from the noisy roads and excessively active neighbors
  • In the bedroom, there is no place for flowers and pots with a sharp obsessive smell.
  • The color scheme of the room should be calm, pastel, without bright and large ornaments.
  • It is advisable to hang blinds or thick curtains on the windows, neither street lighting, nor the morning sun or the full moon will disturb you.
  • The most suitable temperature for sleep is 18-21 ° C. Before going to bed, be sure to air the room. Fresh air contributes to good sleep, and your body can recover in a shorter time. In the warm season, the window can be left open all night, but only ensure that there is no draft.

What should be the perfect bed for sleeping?

  • After the bedroom it was the turn of the bed. Let it be of high quality, made of natural wood. On this piece of furniture is better not to save
  • It is advisable to choose the width of the bed based on the size of the room, but it is worth considering some standards for your convenience. If you choose a bed for one, then it will be enough for you to be 1 m wide. If you sleep with your half, choose a bed at least 180 cm wide
  • Mattress choose for personal feelings, but it should not be too hard or too soft. Such extremes can cause back pain. The same with pillows, choose those that are comfortable for you. Ideally, an orthopedic mattress and pillows
  • Bed linen buy natural, pleasant to the touch, with beautiful patterns, but without bright color spots. Aggressive colors in bed will only annoy

How to prepare for sleep yourself? What not to do at bedtime?

In order to fall asleep every evening, try to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Always stick to the regime. On both weekdays and weekends you go to bed at the same time.
  2. An hour before sleep, spend without a computer, TV or tablet. This will give your nervous system time to calm down.
  3. Do not fill up before bedtime. After eating well, you will ensure that your body is busy digesting, instead of recovering.
  4. An hour before bedtime you can take a warm, not hot bath.
  5. Do not drink refreshing drinks in the evening. This is not only coffee, but also black and green tea. It is better to prepare herbal decoction or milk with honey.
  6. Before going to bed it is forbidden to think about problems and remember the bad. Your brain will digest and contemplate these situations all night, which may be the cause of a very early rise.

Yoga for good sleep: maximum relaxation and sleep

Regular yoga classes help a person to control his emotions, increase stress tolerance and teach him to get rid of the accumulated negative.
  In yoga, there are several asanas that contribute to the normalization of sleep and relaxation of the nervous system.


  1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Pull the socks toward you, and press the bottom of your knees to the floor.
  2. Grasp the shins with your hands, keep your back straight
  3. Pull the back forward and up. Help yourself with your hands if necessary.
  4. Now relax your back and lower it to your feet. Pull the top of the head
  5. Breathe free 30-60 seconds
  6. To get out of the asana, take the lower back, bend in the chest and back, raise your head. Very slowly lift your back to the upright position.


  1. Lie on the floor, on your back
  2. Hands stretch a little along the body palms up
  3. In this position, spend 10-20 minutes
  4. During the run, focus on breathing. First, breathe deeply, and then - easy and calm

Reading and sleeping. Why is reading important before bedtime?

  • Reading before bed is a good habit that makes you fall asleep soon. But not all books are suitable for good sleep. For example, thrillers, horrors, books with a tense plot are best left for the daylight. Before going to bed, do not overload yourself with negative emotions.
  • While reading, the nervous system calms down, and the soft light of the lamp illuminates. The night light should be behind your head, so it will not blind your eyes, but the pages will be well lit
  • It is better to read sitting, lean on a pillow, so eyes and a back will not be overstrained
  • Separately, we note the need to read fairy tales to children before bedtime. This not only teaches children to books, but also helps to establish a close emotional connection between parents and children.

When do you need to go to bed to get enough sleep? What time is easier to fall asleep?

  • People used to live by the sun. We lay down at dusk and rose at dawn. Scientists have proven that such a rhythm of sleep is optimal for the human body. But, given the characteristics of modern life, this mode can be adapted to your personal needs.
  • Many biological processes in the body are repeated cyclically. Many scientific studies have established that our body is most active from 8 am to 18 pm. Then begins the decline of activity, the lowest level of which is achieved at 21-22 hours
  • Therefore, it is best if you manage to go to bed at 22 o'clock. At this time, you are the most relaxed, you will fall asleep quickly and by morning you will feel fully slept.

Ivan: “When I was a student, there was no regime. I fell asleep and got up, as it happened. Sometimes I could suffer from insomnia at midnight, but I couldn’t really sleep off. Everything tuned in when I went to work. Permanent regimen helped to cope with insomnia. Now I go to bed at 10 pm, I get up at 6 in the morning full of strength and energy. ”

Maria: “I had a habit of carrying problems from work home. I spent the whole evening thinking about them, looking for solutions. Often, and lay without sleep for a long time. As a result, she walked forever irritated and tired. Even with her husband scandalous. But on vacation, everything was fine, no problems disturbed me, the sleep was fine, and my husband made up. Therefore, now I leave work at work, and in the evenings I enjoy socializing with my family. ”

Natalia: “I am a very emotional person, and I have always had difficulty falling asleep. Different ways help me: the husband makes a light relaxing massage, sometimes I take valerian or motherwort, and warm milk with honey helps me. ”

Video: How to quickly fall asleep? Says expert

We love to relax on a grand scale - no one denies this. So that the body and the soul feel the taste of the festivities, and even more during the New Year holidays, when, after the works of the righteous, God himself commanded to rest.

SPA and other

And we have a lot of holidays, and there is plenty of entertainment today: if you want, on a skating rink or on a ski run, if you want, in a swimming pool or on a treadmill. We are waiting for theaters and concert halls, stadiums and greenhouses, as well as aquariums, cinemas, clubs, restaurants, etc., etc., and so on. On the abundant feasts, gift sweets and endless high-calorie sweets do not even speak - all this goes without saying.

And someone dreamed of finally getting on holidays in America or South Asia, changing the situation, making the New Year exotic - why not?

All this is excellent and wonderful, if not with more than one, not too much.

And we get used to the work after all these joys slowly - almost the whole of January, still continuing to celebrate the old New Year, then the Chinese, and God knows what else.

It is impossible to fall asleep with a load of salads, chicken legs and the fact that it is in glasses. What to say about awakening! The body from hibernation is difficult to pull out - in the morning, lethargy, fatigue, weakness.

And if the time zones are changed, the climate and the kitchen are hard at all.

And the work, she does not wait, give her the staff gathered, with a quick response and preferably a sweet smile on a fresh face. Sleep - medicine

“If you sleep, you will be a man,” says the proverb. Everyone knows this: if you haven't slept enough, it won't be settled during the day, what can we say about the night shifts!

How to wake up from endless holidays and return the vigor and desire to work productively?

It is very important not to fill up at night and to refuse tonic drinks - herbal tea or kefir is an excellent substitute for them.

It will be good if in the evenings you give up on gadgets and TV screens, and go to bed early, without making exceptions even on weekends.

Great thing - evening walks in the fresh air, as well as a bath or swimming pool.

Many are saved by meditating before bedtime or quiet music, listening to it with eyes closed.

It is very important not to scroll through the "plate" in your head - about plans for tomorrow, upcoming talks or meetings. Find the “button” that temporarily disables all this.

It is better to fall asleep on the back, while hands should not touch the body.

Reliable, time-tested method - a glass of milk with honey, of course, not hot, but warm - we are not talking about a cold.

But if all this has been tried and does not help, and I really want to fall asleep and really need it, then we can temporarily resort to using medications. Only they will help to cope with exhausting insomnia, the main thing is to choose the right ones that are not addictive and addictive and will help to return to the working rhythm. For advice, you can contact the experts. Restored healthy sleep is the best medicine.

   How tempting you are to stay up late, watch your favorite movie or read a book, or maybe you often get attractive offers to go to some trendy club or go on a night walk through the glittering city. Agree, there can be a huge amount of attractive ideas for the whole night, however, you should think about how often we can afford such liberties so as not to harm our health and extend the time in which many more attractive adventures can take place.

9 reasons to go to bed in time

1. Observance of biological rhythms. On the one hand, the achievement, of course, does not have one hundred percent result, since each person lives according to his biological clock. In addition, every year we are increasingly moving away from following the sunrises and sunsets, which is immensely grateful to civilization and the appearance of electric light. This, in turn, determines the discrepancy between natural biological rhythms and rhythms that have been imposed on us by the achievements of the modern world. However, despite all this, it is safe to say that timely bedtime (from 21:00 to 23:00) allows you to adhere to a relatively correct biological time, which generally only benefits the person, as in terms of physical health, so in terms of mental development.

2. More chances to sleep. Of course, the statement sounds doubtful, if you remember how often, even after 10 hours of sleep, we wake up and realize that we cannot open our eyes. And yet, the full time (7-9 hours), spent in the process of sleep, significantly increases the chances to sleep and feel much better during the day.

3. Strong full sleep. Not always, but for the most part, if you regularly go to bed at the same time without staying up late, then most likely your dream will be exactly as it should be - full!

4. The absence of heavy dreams, nightmares. And this is practically proved by the scientific community - people who do not allow themselves to often stay up late at night or arrange large-scale events at a given time, sleep better because they rarely have nightmares or dark dreams.

5. Easy awakening and good mood in the morning. If you have slept well, have not seen nightmares, and your body is fully rested, then it is logical to assume that your awakening will be as positive as possible. But all of the above is not the only reason. The fact is that with good sleep, our brain produces more “positive” hormones, which make us happier and ready for new challenges.

6. Positive thinking always and in everything. Even if you are a pragmatist and a skeptic to the bone, a timely bedtime will help you look at this world differently, namely in brighter and lighter tones, when everything depends more on you than on fate.

7. 100% uptime. If you are not sick or you didn’t have a very difficult day yesterday, then you will be active and cheerful. And, the longer, the more regularly the rule of timely bed care is carried out, the better your condition will be and the higher will be your performance. In the end, for the day you can do as much as you did in three days, subject to late bedtime. Of course, here it is worth noting that in combination with this it is better to use various methods of periodic relaxation.

8. Increased immunity and good health. If you get enough sleep, your immunity will only strengthen, and minor injuries and ailments in the body will be quickly eliminated. Even if you are unlucky and you get sick, then recovery and rehabilitation will be much easier if you have followed a sleep pattern before.

9. Slimness. It has long been no secret that a full-fledged sleep will determine how complete a metabolism will be, its activity, how it will go through the process of regeneration, the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and other substances, their distribution throughout the body and much more. All this in one degree or another affects the formation of our figure. If you break the sleep mode for a long time, you can very easily gain a few extra pounds. As they say, the best diet is a strong full-fledged sleep!
  Useful dreams to you!


Asks: Helen (2016-07-07 14:34:13)

Good day! I am looking for help. From early childhood, I was tormented by bright and intense dreams. At first it did not bother me. Now I am 30 years old, I am married, two children. I'm so tired of dreams that I started to cry. In my life, there was never a time for me to just sleep, I would definitely dream of something. My brain stopped resting, hence the stress. Baths are different, massage, all this does not help. With two children, I can not cope. When I wake up ringing in my ears, and no mood. What to do? I am so tired...


From early childhood, I was tormented by bright and intense dreams. At first it did not bother me. Now I am 30 years old, I am married, two children. I'm so tired of dreams that I started to cry. In my life, there was never a time for me to just sleep, I would definitely dream of something. My brain stopped resting, hence the stress. Baths are different, massage, all this does not help.

- Dreams are all dreams and several times a night. Another thing is that not everyone remembers dreams. In most cases, the dream content is forgotten rather quickly - during the first minutes after waking up.

Therefore, the statement "the brain has ceased to rest, hence the stress" has no real basis.

Another thing is that you write off the problems that worry you in real life that it is due to dreams.

There are several options here. The first is to deal with the content of dreams. If these are some disturbing dreams, nightmares, then in order to get rid of them, you need to look for the cause of these dreams in your real life.

Since dreams are connected with the work of the subconscious, and the best tool for working with the subconscious is hypnosis, I recommend turning to a hypnotist to solve your problem.

Matveev Valeriy Anatolyevich Hypnosis Self-hypnosis Psychologist Tolyatti

Hello, Elena.

You started crying not because of dreams, but because you cannot cope with children, or for another reason. Dreams can not harm, they only help relieve stress, apparently not enough. In other words, you are confusing cause and effect.

Dealing with the cause, better with a psychologist, otherwise after a while there will be nothing to blame for tinnitus and bad mood.


Chvalun Evgeny, psychologist Ryazan

Hello. Helena. In vain, that you didn’t illuminate the dream content. Most likely their source is your chronic anxiety for your survival. You don’t believe in yourself, you are engaged in self-flagellation, life is dangerous for you, and this results in similar dreams that bring fatigue. But , at the same time, you cope and continue to live. Isn’t it easier to tell yourself STOP! and stop practicing self-criticism and self-reproach. And believe and appreciate yourself. You have already shown yourself that you are able to survive and bring up children. But in the case of a positive, you can still build your destiny with a man. Suppressing fears will not give you this option. Therefore, deal with the issue of self-sufficiency, believe in your strength and uniqueness. Being positive, you will get rid of dreams and you will have tangible benefits in your personal life. Change your view of yourself and your views on life will change.

Vladimir Karataev, psychotherapist-psychoanalyst Volgograd

Dear Elena!

Torment you   bright and intense dreams  since childhood. The most vivid and memorable are nightmareswhich do not give rest in the afternoon. They prevent you from getting enough sleep, because, due to increased anxiety, you most likely have increased the time of the so-called rEM sleep.

Normally, the fast sleep phase lasts 10-20 minutes, then it is replaced by the phases of slow sleep, during the night such cycles are repeated 4-5 times. REM sleep takes up only 20-25% of the time (90-120 "). However, if a strong hotbed of alarm, then, overexciting the brain, it increases the intensity of experiences and paints in the stage of fast sleep, after which the transition to the stage of slow sleep is disturbed or slowed down. And this   does not allow your brain to rest.

It turns out this vicious circle: You do not get enough sleep at night, and without a normal night rest in your sleep, your performance decreases, your mood decreases, emotional tension and anxiety increase. And this, in turn, gives the expectation of new restless dreams and, as a reaction to this increase in anxiety, increased sleep disturbance.

Contribute to the disruption of sleep and the emergence of hotbeds of anxiety nightmares, especially repeated and too intense in brightness and experiences. Usually nightmares appear in childhood. after chronic stress and severe psychotrauma.

Sometimes themselves   nightmares  due to the strong shocks of the child can cause stress and contribute to the "fixing" of nightmares for life. And it is very neurotic rights, reduces immunity, mood, performance and provokes psychosomatic diseases.

Psychotherapy aimed at overcoming bright and intense dreams usually involves the psychotherapy of your childhood experiences and psychotrauma, which provoke sleep disturbance.

Skilled psychotherapy with an experienced therapist will help you set up a dream  and then pass and all the negative effects of sleep disorders.

With psychotherapy of your condition and complaints, it can be successful in about 3-5 sessions of face-to-face meeting or via Skype. Drug treatment, which does not remove the causes of your sleep disorders, can only be effective for a while. You can contact me for help.

All the best!

Rimma Dyusmetova, member of the European Association of Psychotherapists Chelyabinsk