The results of the Russian Star Olympiad. Specialized Engineering Olympiad "Zirka" (technics and technologies)

For a student at the University, there will be cikavі іntelektualnі zmagannya, take the fate of those who can schoolchildren from 1st to 11th grades. Pomozhtsі and prize-winners will take the pills for an hour to enter.

9-11 class

1-8 class

When you enter the 2020/2021 initial stage to RTU MIREA for training in advanced training courses for bachelors, or with specialties, you will learn more and winners of the final stage (profile "Natural Science" and "Technology and Technology") points in EDI in mathematics (no less than 75 points in recognition of the clarity of results in EDI in mathematics). Peremozhtsi, winners and participants of the Olympiad (profiles "Natural Science", "Technique and Technology" and "Social Science") also may have the right to the appearance of the results of the Olympiad as an individual achievement for earning additional points.



leaf fall 2019 - lute 2020 pp.

lutey 2020 r.

pr-t Vernadsky, 86

Wash away the fate

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. The passport;
  2. signed by the fathers, signed especially
  3. signed by the fathers, as a non-full participant; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. pens.

lutey 2020 r.

pr-t Vernadsky, 86

Wash away the fate

The following are allowed to participate in the final stage: winners and winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad;
- Winners of the Olympiad 2018/2019 rock;
- winners of the state stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren of streaming rock;
- in due course with the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, we will be able to win prizes of other olympiads.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. The passport;
  2. Dovіdku іz zagalnosvіtnої organіzatsії;
  3. A year for the collection of personal data for the Olympiad "Zirka", signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incomplete period; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  5. pens.

The final stage on Technitis and technologies

lutey 2020 r.

pr-t Vernadsky, 86

Wash away the fate

The following are allowed to participate in the final stage: winners and winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad;
- Winners of the Olympiad 2018/2019 rock;
- winners of the state stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren of streaming rock;
- in due course with the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, we will be able to win prizes of other olympiads.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. The passport;
  2. Dovіdku іz zagalnosvіtnої organіzatsії;
  3. A year for the collection of personal data for the Olympiad "Zirka", signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incomplete period; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  5. pens.


Tournament im. M.V. Lomonosov

Tournament named after M.V. Lomonosov - a richer subject matter of mathematics, mathematical games, physics, astronomy and sciences about the Earth, chemistry, biology, history, linguistics, literature. Meta-tournament - to give the participants material for reflection and pidshtovhnut quiet, hto zakavitsya serious busyness. The program for all stages of the tournament is the same. Competitions for all subjects are held one hour at different audiences for 5–6 years.

When it starts at 2020/2021, the world's mouthpiece for the mouth of the world preparations for the Vіdpovіdnimi direct preparations of the Bachelor's Bachelor's ASBI Spetsі alphabetry to the prisoner Etupi Mathematics, f ... ) or chemistry (dependingly) not lower than 75 points) or on the basis of accrued points for individual achievement.



Final stage

pr-t Vernadsky, 86

Wash away the fate

To pass to the final stage, it is necessary to become a winner or a winner in one of the selected stages and register on the site According to the regulations, registration for the final stage takes place from 01/20/2020 to 02/02/2020 (until 23:59 Moscow time)

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  2. Handles of blue-black color, olive, line;

The participant is allowed to bring along a plastic bowl with non-carbonated mineral water.

Zgornuti, on the side




breast 2019 – birch 2020

Official site

Correspondence examination stage

Wash away the fate

To participate in the Olympiad, it is necessary to register in the system of that vikonaty zavdannya. .

Full-time theoretical tour

pr-t Vernadsky, 86

Wash away the fate

  1. Winners of the final stage of the Olympiad 2019/2020 of the initial year are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad, as well as winners of the final stage of the Olympiad 2018/2019 of the initial year
  2. Register on the site.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  2. Non-programming calculator.

Full-time hands-on tour

pr-t Vernadsky, 86

Wash away the fate

Participants are allowed to the face-to-face practical tour if they scored enough points on the theoretical tour. For the practical tour, the participants bring an abstract (10 sides A4) and drafted forms from a special office.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Distribution of a set of scanned forms for the appointment of the head of the full-time theoretical tour from a special office;
  3. Abstract;
  4. Robe;
  5. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  6. Handles of blue chi black color;
  7. Non-programming calculator.


Joint Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad for Schoolchildren (OMMO)

Since 2009, for the 11th graders with the initiatives of the group of Moscow students, an inter-university olympiad in mathematics will be held. Since 2011, the Olympiad will also take place near St. Petersburg and other places. The translation of the Olympiads may have a different date.

When joining the 2020/2021 initial stage to the RTU MIREA for training for higher directives of bachelor's degree training or specialties, the winners of the final stage may have the right to enter without passing the entrance tests (for obviousness, you cannot enter lower than earning points for individual gains.



Full-time stage

Wash away the fate

  1. It is necessary to register on the site of the Olympiad.

Final stage

pr-t Vernadsky, 78

Wash away the fate

To pass the final stage, it is necessary to become a winner and winner of the selected stage.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. 2. Dovіdku about the place of education from its initial mortgage (withdrawal not earlier than the leaf fall of the stream initial rock);
  3. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. The title page of the participant of the Olympiad, which confirms the success of the first round;
  5. Designed forms, on which the robot is written.


All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Chemistry

Vserosіyska hіmіchna olіmpіada shkolyarіv natsіlena on viyavlennya that rozvitok in zagalnoosvіtnіh zakladіv CREATIVE zdіbnostey i іnteresu to naukovoї dіyalnostі, stvorennya neobhіdnih minds for pіdtrimki obdarovanih dіtey, propaganda NAUKOVO knowledge stvorennya Minds for realіzatsії mozhlivostey maintained upstream uchnіv i pedagogіv for plіdnogo, CREATIVE spіlkuvannya. The Olympiad is aimed not at magic, but at creative work, the formation of new knowledge, the consolidation of knowledge, the fundamentalization of knowledge. Compilation is the most important aspect of the Olympiad.

When joining the 2020/2021 initial stage to the RTU MIREA for training for the advanced direct training of bachelors and specialties, the winners of the final stage may gain the right to enter without passing the entrance tests (for the profile of the Olympiad). Pomozhtsі and winners of the regional stage can claim the right to receive points for individual gains.



Official site

theoretical tour

pr-t Vernadsky, 86

Wash away the fate

At the regional stage of the Olympiad, students of 9 - 11 classes take part:
- participants of the municipal stage of the olympiad of the streaming primary rock, who scored the necessary number of balls, established by the organizer of the regional stage of the olympiad in the subject of that class;
- wins and winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of early primary education, as they continue education in organizations, as a result of coverage of activities for the coverage of programs of the main and middle schools;
- gromadyani Rosіyskoї Federatsії, SSMSC navchayutsya 9 - 11th klasіv organіzatsіy, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut osvіtnyu dіyalnіst for osvіtnіmi programa osnovnoї zagalnoї that serednoї zagalnoї osvіti, roztashovanih for mezhami teritorії Rosіyskoї Federatsії, that zakordonnih SET Mіnіsterstva zakordonnih ref Rosіyskoї Federatsії, SSMSC toil in svoїy strukturі special structural lighting projects.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. a document certifying a person;
  2. black gel pens;
  3. non-programming calculator.

Practical tour

pr-t Vernadsky, 86

Wash away the fate

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. a document certifying a person;
  2. black gel pens;
  3. non-programming calculator;
  4. laboratory coat and gum gloves.


Rich profile Olympiad of RTU MIREA

The rich profile Olympiad of RTU MIREA in mathematics, physics, chemistry and informatics is held with the initiative of MIREA - Russian Technological University. Zmagannya first for everything is aimed at stimulating the interest of those who are learning to a scientifically significant activity. The Olympiad may form an early professional orientation among schoolchildren, as well as an interest in the future profession. The Olympiad is held for low-level lighting subjects and on the basis of high-level lighting programs of medium-high level lighting. For a long time, it is more important that the number of participants of the Olympiad from different regions of Russia successfully enter the MIREA - Russian Technological University. Bagatorichny partner of the Olympiad is NPP “Istok” im. Shokina is the leader of new developments and serial development of current and promising developments in low-frequency electronics for all types of communication and radiolocation.

Reminders, winners and participants of the Olympiad can earn up to 7 additional points when entering MIREA - Russian Technological University in 2020/2021 for the first degree, as well as memorable souvenirs.



leaf fall 2019 - birch 2020 rock.

Official site

Correspondence tour

Wash away the fate

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  3. Letters are attached.

Final tour

pr-t Vernadsky, 78

Wash away the fate

To participate in the final round are allowed the winners of the winning rounds, as well as the winners of the final rounds of the Olympiad of the past years.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Dovіdku іz initial mortgage;
  3. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. Letters are attached.





Official site

Vidbirkovy stage

Wash away the fate


Wash away the fate

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Robe;
  3. Letters are attached.

Wash away the fate

Winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Letters are attached.

86 Vernadskogo Ave, Budova 2.

Wash away the fate

Winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Letters are attached.

86 Vernadskogo Ave, Budova 2.

Wash away the fate

Winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Letters are attached.


Interregional Olympiad of Schoolchildren named after I.Ya.Verchenko in computer security (informatics profile)

The main goals of the Olympiad are the development of the development of creative talents that are being developed, and the interest in scientific activity, the creation of minds for intellectual development, the encouragement of gifted children, including those of professionals; expanding that popularization of scientific knowledge about mathematical ambush for the protection of information among young people. The subject matter of the Olympiad is based on the subject areas of "mathematics", "informatics" and other branches of "computer security". The Olympiad is held for students of grades 9-11. The fate of schoolchildren up to grade 9 is allowed for options for grade 9.

The Olympiad will take place in two stages:
- Vіdbіrkovy (in the remote form). Evaluation criteria, passing score, lists of participants who passed to another stage, are published on the official website of the Olympiad. The turnaround stage will be from 01 to 20 June 2019.
- Final (in full form). Winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage. Peremozhtsі she medalist Olіmpіadi poperednogo The Teaching rock, SSMSC prodovzhuyut navchannya in organіzatsіyah, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut osvіtnyu dіyalnіst for osvіtnіmi programa osnovnoї zagalnoї that serednoї zagalnoї osvіti and takozh in formі sіmeynoї osvіti chi samoosvіti to uchastі in Olіmpіadі dopuskayutsya, minayuchi її vіdbіrkovy Etap.




Official site

Vidbirkovy stage

Wash away the fate

To participate in the selection stage, participants need to register on the official website of the Olympiad. Learners have the right to take the fate of the chosen stage only once.

Final stage

pr-t Vernadsky, 78

Wash away the fate

Winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. A set of materials for a participant in the Olympiad (the possibility of developing a set is hoped for the knowledge of a successful passage of the selected stage). In times of technical capacity to develop a set of materials, the participant is responsible for informing the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad. For those who did not pass (or did not pass) the qualifying stage, participation in the full-time stage without the possibility of inclusion to the winners of the Olympiad is allowed;
  3. Years for the production of data from an adult individual or from a father (legal representative) of an inferior individual, yak declared his fate in the Olympiad;
  4. Letters are attached.


When joining the 2020/2021 initial stage to the RTU MIREA for training for higher directives of bachelor's degree training or specialties, the winners of the final stage may have the right to enter without passing the entrance tests (for obviousness, you cannot enter lower than earning points for individual achievement.


Final stage

lutey 2020 r.

Prospect Vernadsky, 78

Wash away the fate

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. Dedication of an individual;
  2. Letters attached;


XXIII Vіdkrita Olympiad “Two-two” of the pochatkovo school (grades 1-4)

First, at the birch of 1996, the Olympiad of cob classes of the Small Mechanics and Mathematics was held. The Olympiad was held in oral-written format. Gurtok giblets ris, turning slowly not on one, but on a sprat. More than 9,000 young schoolchildren from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Bilgorod, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Novocheboksarsk, Magadan, Samaria, Tver, Tuli, Ufa, Yakutsk, Kiev (Ukraine), Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Leninskoy took part in the Minulor Olympiad. Buryatia, Khakassia, as well as Serbia, Bulgaria, Estonia and Japan.

For the results of the Olympiad, the participants are awarded with diplomas and prizes.



Moscow Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Chemistry (MOSH)

Chemistry Olympiads have a glorious history and tradition. The best chemists adopted the formation and development of the Olympiad movement in Russia, clearly understanding the important role of the Olympiads in early self-appointed students, educated, gifted, zatsіkavlenih in science. The first chemistry olympiad of schoolchildren was held near Moscow Leningrad in 1938, and the fate of the participants was far away from the present. Correspondence olympiads were the main form of theirs. Beginning in 2010, the Moscow Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Chemistry will be held at the 2nd stage.
І stage - vydbirkovy, correspondence "Internet-stage". Conducted remotely in all of Russia. Stage II - full-time, for which winners of the selected stage are allowed to win (35% of the total number of participants). The full-time stage is composed of two rounds: theoretical (lyuty) and experimental (birch). Before the experimental tour for the decisions of the jury, scientists are allowed, yakі successfully completed the task of the theoretical tour. The participant should use the papers for writing abstracts with the method of preparation before the appointment of the experimental tour. Those abstracts and results of the full-time theoretical round are published on the website, on the side three days after the full-time theoretical round. On the day of the experimental tour, a review of the date is held, the reconsideration is robit. The sub-bag result is formed from the sum of the balls of the full-time stage: theoretical and practical rounds.

When it starts in 2020/2021 in the afternoon roots to the mouth of the world for inching for vіdpovідними підина підопровая бакалаврів Abo, the specialities of Vizhio Ospiti Pozhtiі Ta wiring to the prisoner (full-time practical tour) Majut the right to entry without incurred ) ) or for nakhodzhennya z narahuvannyam balls for іndivіdualnі achievements.



Official site

Vidbirkovy stage

Full-time theoretical tour

Wash away the fate

  1. Become a winner and a prize-winner in one of the victorious stages.
  2. Register for the full-time stage of the Moscow School Olympiad on the website of the Olympiad.

Zmagannya will be on February 16, 2020 from 11:00 to 15:00, registration on the ear at 10:00; Addresses Vernadsky Ave., 86.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Responsible for a special office for a set of scanned forms for the appointment of the head of the full-time theoretical tour;
  3. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. Black and blue handles;
  5. Non-programming calculator.

Full-time hands-on tour

Wash away the fate

Participants are allowed to the face-to-face practical tour if they scored enough points on the theoretical tour. 6. Zmagannya will be on March 22, 2020 from 11:00 to 15:00, registration on the ear at 10:00; Addresses Vernadsky Ave., 86.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. For the practical round, participants bring abstracts and drafted forms from a special office. The topics of the abstracts are determined by the organizing committee personally for the skin participant of the practical tour;
  3. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. Black and blue handles;
  5. Non-programming calculator;
  6. Robe.


High profile engineering Olympiad "Zirka"

The high-profile engineering olympiad "Zirka" was held in 2015 after the joint Olympiad of schoolchildren "Zirka - Talents in the service of defense and security" and the high-profile engineering olympiad "Future Russia". Zmagannya is carried out for the encouragement of the Speech of machine learning in Russia, to enter the Perelika of Olympiads of schoolchildren of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation. The main method of the Olympiad is the development and stimulation of interest among students of grades 6-11 to scientific and advanced work, their early professional orientation and development of interest in the future profession. The Olympiad is held for low-level lighting subjects and on the basis of high-level lighting programs of medium-high level lighting.

When you enter the 2020/2021 primary roci to the RTU MIREA for training in higher directives for the preparation of bachelors, or in specialties, you will be able to learn more and winners of the final stage (the profile of "Natural Science" and "Technology and Technology") may be deprived of the right to acquire, points in EDI in mathematics (no less than 75 points in recognition of the clarity of results in EDI in mathematics). Peremozhtsi, winners and participants of the Olympiad (profiles "Natural Science", "Technique and Technology" and "Social Science") also may have the right to the appearance of the results of the Olympiad as an individual achievement for earning additional points.



It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A year for the collection of personal data for the Olympiad "Zirka", signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incomplete period; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  2. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  3. Dovіdka zі school;
  4. pen.

Full-time sightseeing tour

leaf fall 2019

Wash away the fate

Zmagannya is carried out at the leaf fall of 2019. at the address: 86, Vernadsky Ave.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. Passport (certificate of nationality for students up to 14 years of age);
  2. A year for the collection of personal data for the Olympiad "Zirka", signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incomplete period; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  3. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. Dovіdka zі school;
  5. pen.

The final stage of natural sciences

lutey 2020 r.

Wash away the fate

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. The passport;
  2. Dovіdku іz zagalnosvіtnої organіzatsії;
  3. A year for the collection of personal data for the Olympiad "Zirka", signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incomplete period; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  5. pens.

The final stage of social science

lutey 2020 r.

Wash away the fate

To participate in the final stage of the Specialized Engineering Olympiad "Zirka" in natural sciences, you must be a winner or a winner of the selected stage.

Without passing through the selection round, the following winners are allowed to reach the final stage:
- the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren of streaming rock,
- High-profile engineering Olympiad "Zirka" in 2018/2019.
Before the beginning of the final stage of the Olympiad on the Maydanchik, registration of participants is carried out.
Zmagannya we pass by the address: Vernadsky Ave., 86

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. The passport;
  2. Dovіdku іz zagalnosvіtnої organіzatsії;
  3. A year for the collection of personal data for the Olympiad "Zirka", signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incomplete period; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  5. pens.


Moscow pre-professional Olympiad for schoolchildren

The Olympiad is held in three directions: engineering and design, technology and science and technology. Schoolchildren of grades 8-11 are asked to participate. The Olympiad includes two stages: selection and conclusion. Vіdbirkovy stage є vіdkritim and remote. A skin participant needs to complete the task of three subjects: chemistry, biology, physics. The participants, having correctly completed the task of choosing the stage, can take part in the final stage. The final stage will take place in three rounds: Nullovy (sichen - lutiy 2020) - team decision of design (case) tasks, the whole tour is a distance one. The first and other rounds (March 2020) are full-time, and include both team and individual decision. The task of the final stage of life is direct for everyone.

When it starts in 2020/2021, the inhibition of Rotsi to the mouth of the world for the inhibition of the Vіdpovіdnimi direct preparations of the Bachelor's Bachelor's ABO SpetsInities of Vizhio Smeti Pozhtiі Ta Watch the prisoner Etpa Majut the right of Bouti navigate to Osisb, Yaki twisted 100 Ballіv єdі zhіmії, FIZIKI Abo іNformatics (with no lower 75 points) or to enter from the accrual of points for individual achievement.



breast 2019 - birch 2020 rock.

Official site

Full-time stage

Wash away the fate

To participate in the selected stage, it is necessary to register with the Unified Registration System.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Dovіdku іz initial mortgage;
  3. A year for the collection of personal data, signed by the fathers, as a participant of an incompetent; signed especially, as a participant in full;
  4. Letters are attached.

Technological direct. Biotechnology profile.

86 Vernadskogo Ave, Budova 2.

Wash away the fate

Winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Robe;
  3. Letters are attached.

Maydanchik for holding the final round of the pre-professional Olympiad for the profile "Biotechnological" - the Children's Technopark of the RTU MIREA "Altahir", in which the cluster of laboratories "Biomedical and chemical technologies" functions.

Technological direct. Profile Technological.

Wash away the fate

Winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Letters are attached.

Maydanchik for holding the final round of the pre-professional Olympiad for the profile "Technology" - the Children's Technopark of the RTU MIREA "Altahir", in which the cluster of laboratories "Biomedical and chemical technologies" functions.

Engineering design direct. Profile Engineering and Design.

86 Vernadskogo Ave, Budova 2.

Wash away the fate

Winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Letters are attached.

Maydanchik for holding the final round of the pre-professional Olympiad for the profile "Engineering and Design" - the Children's Technopark of RTU MIREA "Altahir", de-functioning cluster of laboratories "Radioelectronics".

Engineering design direct. Profile of information technology.

86 Vernadskogo Ave, Budova 2.

Wash away the fate

Winners of the selected stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. A document certifying a person;
  2. Letters are attached.

Maydanchik for the final round of the pre-professional Olympiad for the profile "Information Technologies" - Children's Technopark RTU MIREA "Altahir", defunctioning cluster of laboratories "Information Technologies".


"Moscow Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics (Mathematical Holy)"

Mathematically holy - tse zahіd for schoolchildren of 6th and 7th grades, like math. Vіn pass since 1990 at the houses of the Moscow Sovereign University named after. M. V. Lomonosov. Sacredly turn on the olympiad for schoolchildren, lectures for schoolchildren and fathers, mathematical games, showing cartoons, awarding the winners of the olympiad, etc. For 2 years, schoolchildren have been working on non-standard tasks. The organizers of the Olympiad should try to understand the task, for the accomplishment of which it is not necessary to have any knowledge that goes beyond the framework of the school program, but only to show that cunning.



United International Olympiad "Formula of Unity" / "Third Thousand Years"

The United International Olympiad "Formula of Unity" / "Third Thousand Years" will be held in high-profile subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry and English language. On the basis of the RTU MIREA what year is the olympiad in mathematics. The Olympiad is held for the zavdannyami, skladimy on the basis of the main global lighting programs of the main global and middle (new) global education, as a way of avenging non-standard tasks and nutrition of a significant character. To participate in the Olympiad, schoolchildren of grades 5–11 from Russia and high grades from the other countries of the world will be requested. I basic at Olіmpіdii є Wihanndda Tu Skolyariov, Skolyarіv Cottrices of Zd_TerosTi, the crewing of the need for Pіdtrimti, the junction of the punishments of Diski, the sewn of that popularity of science knowledge, galloped by Talanovito YOU. Rosії. The Olympiad is held in 2 stages: final (in absentia) and final (full-time). Vіdbіrkovyj stage є in absentia (participants virіshuyu zavdannya, published in the Internet, after which they translate their decision into an electronic view and force the jury with electronic mail, otherwise they force it with sizable mail). The final stage is full-time, tentatively, it will be at the fierce fate of 2020. Winners of the best stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in the final stage, as well as winners of the Olympiad of the first stage in different countries, so they continue to master the lighting programs of the main and middle (re) Before participating in the final stage, according to the decisions of the Organizing Committee, schoolchildren can be admitted to the competition, as they did not take part in the selected stage. The Olympiad is included before the transfer of the RZOSH (2nd day). The winners and winners of the Olympiad are given the priority right to secure the distance to the Distance Mathematical Group “Formula of Unity” and the International Summer Encampment “Formula of Unity”.


Final stage

lutey 2020 r.

Prospect Vernadsky, 78

Wash away the fate

Winners of the selected stage, as well as winners of the Olympiad 2018/2019 for the present, are allowed to participate in the final stage. fate.

It is necessary for the mother with her:

  1. Dedication of an individual;
  2. Dovіdka іz initial mortgage;
  3. Letters attached;
  4. Reminders and winners of the Olympiad 2018/2019 fate, as they did not take part in the selection stage 2019/2020 for the first time. fate, may give the Application for the collection of personal data of the participant of the Olympiad, filled in by one of the fathers (legal representatives) of the participant.


Protyaty five years of the Union of machine-building workers of Russia with the country's leading cities, the organizer of the large-scale engineering Olympiad "Zirka" (MIO "Zirka").

The “Zirka” Olympiad (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad) was created in 2015 as a way to anger two olympiads: the “Zirka – Talents in the Service of Defense and Security” Olympiad and the Russian Engineering Olympiad.

The main meta of the Olympiad - development and stimulation of the interest of students of grades 6-11 to scientific and advanced work, their early professional orientation and development of interest to the future profession.

Head of the Olympiad :

- practical development of the concept of uninterrupted lighting through the expansion of cooperation between lighting organizations and other lighting organizations;

- the creation of the necessary minds to promote creative abilities and interest in scientific activity in talented youth, wide
that popularization of scientific knowledge among young people;

- popularization of programs of higher education that are being implemented
at lighting organizations for the protection of the Russian Federation.

We will aim to achieve the goals of the Olympiad format. Examining the important subjects of the world (Russian language, physics, mathematics, modern science, history), the participants are working on projects in the classrooms that reflect the problems of the real sector of the economy, for direct training and specialties of higher education:

ü Machine-building;

ü Technologies of materials;

ü Aviation and rocket and space technology;

ü Nuclear power engineering and technologies;

ü Technics and technologies of shipbuilding and water transport;

ü Electronics, radio engineering and communication system;

ü Technique and technology of land transport;

ü Naftogaz on the right;

ü Life.

The essence of the design work is based on the proposition and the rozrahunkovym priming one of the best design and technological propositions, which were set before the participant of the olympiad task.

Tsya Olіmpіada to enter the Perekolya's Persico PCOLOARIV for the 2018/19 in the afternoon RIK, Ichorichly Soliddzhuzu Skazo Mіnіstystevo Oktii і's science Rosіyskoji Federation, Scho Da'Mimati Scholam-d'ovoshimov olіmpіdi to go to the university on the first without entry tests, the right to receive 100 points for an outstanding single subject (for example, the result of ЄДІ 75 points and higher), the award of additional points for individual achievements (included in the sum of competitive points, as well as the result for entry to the lower score of 75). winners and winners of the final stage of the MIO "Zirka" are selected by a 4-year stretch.

At the link with the growing importance of the multi-profile engineering Olympiad of the MIO “Zirka” President V.V. Putin gave instructions to include the plan of financial financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. Pr-1344, p. 2b from 2018 to the date.

Within the framework of the Federal Law No. 273, the Olympiad promotes the development of a lace form in cooperation between businesses, lighting organizations, and lighting installations.

For five years, MIO "Zirka" has taken the fate of close to a million schoolchildren from over 80 regions of the country. From the largest number of participants in the Olympiad, over 80% of schoolchildren enter the university for their chosen specialties.

One of the coordinators of the MIO "Zirka" and FDAOU HE "Pivdenno-Ural State University (National Successive University)" on the corporate portal (website) to provide a single information space for the success of the participants and the organizer-mediators created:

The Olympiad has been scheduled for over 60 leading universities in Russia, which are included in the state program "Project to promote the competitiveness of leading universities in the Russian Federation among the world's leading scientific and lighting centers (5-100)". Conducting corporations of the defense and industrial complex of the region (TOV "Union of machine-building workers of Russia", Association "League for advancing defense approaches", State Corporation "Rostec", State Corporation "Roscosmos", PJSC "UAC", JSC "Roselektronika", JSC "OSK" and others. ) є organizers and take an active part in the evaluation of future fahivtsiv.

The first stage of the MIO "Zirka" in 2018/19 will start from the 5th leaf fall of 2018. The stage was carried out in full-time and Internet mode. The transfer of the subjects of the Olympiad to the current primary researcher was changed at the stage of employment.

Number of subjects/profiles of MIO "Zirka" for the first years of education in 2017/2018

Rocky 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017 2015/2016 2017/2018
Kіlkіst 9 12 14 15 16

Kіlkіst rіgіonіv, yakі conducted МІО "Zіrka" for the first years with improvements for 2017/2018.

Rocky 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017 2015/2016 2017/2018
Kіlkіst 74 79 80 82 84

TOP 10 universities / regions for the number of participants in the frill round in 2017/2018

VNZ-spіvorganіzator Subject of the Russian Federation Kіlkіst




FDBOU VO "Pivdenno-Russian state

Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I.





FDBOU VO "Don State Technical





FDAOU VO "Pivnichny (Arctic) Federal

University named after M.V. Lomonosov)



5. FSBEI HE "Sochi State University"



VNZ-spіvorganіzator Subject of the Russian Federation Kіlkіst

FDAOU VO "National Doslidnitsky

Technological University "MISIS"

Moscow 8206

FDBEI VO "Pacific State





FDBOU VO "Izhevsk state technical

University named after M.T. Kalashnikov"




Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara National Doslidnitsky"

University named after Academician S.P. Korolova"



10. FSBEI HE "Ulyaniv State University"




There is a large number of participants in the annual tours of the Olympiad for rock and success 2017/2018.

A large number of participants in the final rounds of the Olympiad for rock and success 2017/2018

A large number of winners / winners of the Olympiad behind the rocks, looking back at 2017/2018.

Opportunities and winners of the MIO "Zirka" regularly take part in various international forums and conferences, the largest Russian engineering and technical visits ( International Aviation and Space Salon "MAKS" For the participation of the participants of the Olympiad, profile changes will be held at the International Children's Center "Artek", the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyatko", which will be held jointly with the Joint Aviation Corporation and the State Corporation "Roscosmos".

Good the fate of the winners of the Olympiad has become a tradition at the International Youth Industrial Forum “Engineers of the Future”, which is held by the Joint Machine Building Workers of Russia for the support of the Rostec House of Culture in 2011.

Participants, winners and winners of the Olympiad, actively support the regional awards of the Union of Machine Workers of Russia and regularly take part in different visits, as they are held by the State Duma, the Ministry of the Interior, the State Corporations (DK "Rostec", JSC "OSC").

Translation of banners and advertising materials about the Bagatoprofile Engineering Olympiad "Zirka"

In order to see if you come to NINU MIFI, schoolchildren and yogo fathers are guilty of mothers with their own passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (certificate about the people for those who do not have a passport)

All participants of the final tour at the NRNU MIFI due to mothers with their registration card, assigned from a special office on the site

NІNU MIFІ jointly with low-level technical universities took part in the organization and holding of a rich-profile engineering olympiad "Zirka" for the profile "Technology and technology" for the direct "Nuclear energy and technology". The Olympiad "Zirka" (technique and technology) is the successor of the rich-profile engineering Olympiad "Forthcoming Russia". The Olympiad is to enter before Perelik Olympiad for Schoolchildren for 2017-2018, the beginning of the day, riven 3.


The Olympiad is held in two stages for schoolchildren of 7-11 grades.

The task of the examination of the stage is complex and it is to revenge the task of mathematics, physics, formal logic. Up to 45% of the best participants of the selected stage will be admitted to the final stage.

Final stage passed in full-time form (for schoolchildren of the current classes) at the 2018 year at the National Research Nuclear University MIFI.

The winners and winners of the Olympiad are awarded for the sub-bags of the final stage. No more than 25% of the best participants of the final stage can become winners and winners.

Protyag five years Spilka mashinobudivniki in Russia with the leading cities of the country, the organizer of the rich-profile engineering Olympiad "Zirka".

Vaughn was created in 2015 as a turn of anger for two Olympiads of schoolchildren: the High-profile engineering Olympiad “Forthcoming Russia” and the Olympiad for schoolchildren “Zirka - Talents in the service of defense and security”. The main meta of the intellectual magic is to bring out the best and most gifted schoolchildren, so as to become the future engineering elite of the country.

The organizers include the Zagalnorossiysk galuzev union of robots "Union of machine-building workers of Russia", the admission of the defense industry complex and the Russian vishi, including the Togliatti State University.

The Olympiad "Zirka" is aimed at developing that stimulation of interest in those who are learning to science and engineering activities, motivation to enter the engineering specialty.

Head of the Olympiad:

- A practical development of the concept of uninterrupted lighting for help

expansion of interdependence between lighting organizations and other lighting organizations;

- a creation of the necessary minds for the support of creative vibes that

interest in scientific activity among talented young people; expanding that popularization of scientific knowledge among young people;

- Popularization of the programs of higher education, which are implemented in the lighting organizations of the higher education of the Russian Federation.

We will cover important educational subjects (Russian language, physics, mathematics, modern science, history), the participants will work on projects in the classrooms that reflect the problems of the real sector of the economy, for direct training and specialties of higher education.

Tsya Olіmpіada to enter the Perekolyarіv Olіmp Skiyad for the 2018/19 Increases RІK, Schorafully Highlighted by Nazvom Milіsternship South School of Science of Rosіyskoji, Scho Daeє Mozhvyti Locks, Toschi Olіmpіdi, Klazchi Profіlnі іspiti at 75 Baliv І Werey, Entrive to Rosіyskiy, the appearance of the competition. Other scholars otrimuyut dodatkovі balls to ЄDI in the guise of individual achievements.

Within the framework of the Federal Law No. 273, the Olympiad promotes the development of merging uniforms in cooperation between enterprises and lighting organizations.

For five years, MIO "Zirka" has taken the fate of close to a million schoolchildren from over 80 regions of the country. From the largest number of participants in the Olympiad, over 80% of schoolchildren enter the university for their chosen specialties.

The first stage of the MIO "Zirka" in 2018/19 will start from the 5th leaf fall of 2018. The stage is carried out in full-time and Internet modes.