Stop stress for dogs side effects. Stop stress for dogs and intestines

for stop-stress tablets 2 and 5 for reducing anxiety and correcting psychogenic behavioral disorders in dogs and intestines
(Organization-retailer TOV "Api-San", Moscow)

Trade name of the drug: Stop-stress tablet 2 and 5 (Stop-stress tablet 2.5).
The international non-patented name of the fluffy speech: phenibut (aminophenilbutyric acid), Baikal sage extract, hop suplіd extract, motherwort extract, beef extract.
Dosage form: tablets.
Stop-stress tablets are available in two forms: Stop-stress tablets 2 - weight 200 mg i Stop-stress tablets 5 - weight 500 mg. The amount of intoxicating and additional speeches in 1 tablet in a medicinal preparation Stop-stress tablets are listed in Table 1.

components Zmist in 1 tablet
Stop stress pills 2 Stop stress pills 5
Phenibut, mg 100,0 250,0
Slowberry extract, mg 10,0 30,0
Hop extract, mg 10,0 30,0
Motherwort extract, mg 10,0 30,0
Pivonia extract, mg 10,0 30,0
Lactose, mg 20,0 50,0
Cyclamate, mg 0,067 0,167
Saccharin, mg 0,067 0,167
Aspartame, mg 0,067 0,167
Carboxymethylcellulose, mg 37,8 74,5
Calcium stearate, mg 2,0 5,0

The drug is dispensed in blister and glass-free packages, as well as in polymer or glass jars with screw-on lids. Banks and contour packaging are placed in cardboard packs.
Stop-stress tablets should be taken in a sealed package of a virobnik, in a dry protected place in the light of the world, okremo in the form of food products and food, at a temperature of 0 ° C to 25 ° C.
The term of the drug's admissibility in case of dormant savings is 2 days from the day of testing.
It is necessary to stop the zastosovuvaty of the medicinal preparation after the completion of the term of admissibility.
Stop-stress tablets are kept out of the reach of children.
A non-specific drug should be disposed of in accordance with the law until the end of the legislation.

Pharmacological authorities
Stop-stress tablets are included in the group of combined sedative drugs.
Phenibut, which is included in the warehouse of the drug, is phenyl-like GABA and phenylethylamine (γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride). Strongly galmuyut GABA-ergic processes, influencing the functional camp for the normalization of metabolism and influencing cerebral blood flow. Volodiyuchi vrazhenim stress-corrective diabetic, ensuring the normalization of the processes of awakening and galvanization in the central nervous system.
The complex of extracts of medicinal roslins hopes for the creatures of mild peace. Hop cones may have a calm, pain-free, snoodiynym and anti-inflammatory action. Neurotropic power, which influences the biological activity of hops, is combined with lupuline, which manifests a calming effect on the central nervous system. Canine altered alertness of the central nervous system, exhibiting spasmolytic, anti-sudomatic diarrhoea; upovіlnyuє rhythm and zbіshuє the strength of the heart rate, maє hypotensive diyu. Extract of pіvonії vindicate phenols, tannins, organic acids, which in totality increase the body's resistance to hypoxia, may have spasmolytic, proptonic, anticonvulsant, antimicrobial powers. The sage extract gives a calming effect, improves sleep, and by its sedative effect, reverses motherwort and valerian.
Combination of active components Stop-stress tablets hope for calmness, change tension, fear, improve external and adaptive processes, increase resistance to unacceptable influxes of the healthy environment.
Stop-stress pills after a step infusion on the body are introduced to mildly unsafe speeches (grade 4 of non-safety according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in the recommended doses do not cause mutagenic, carcinogenic and sensitizing diseases.

Stop-stress pills are used to reduce anxiety and correct psychogenic behavioral disorders in the intestines and dogs with stress, phobias, aggression without apparent reasons and with advanced state anxiety (in combination with contraceptive medications).
Contraindications before use - increased individual sensitivity of the creature to the components of the drug (including in the anamnesis), disease of the sebaceous system, swelling and diabetes.
Do not follow Stop-stress tablets for pregnant and lactating females.
Stop-stress tablets should be administered to the intestines and dogs orally, primusovo on the root of the tongue or with a small amount of salmon, twice on the doba, the dose is selected individually according to the level of the animal’s body, the type of nervous activity and the degree of awakening of the animal, the average therapeutic doses:

masa of the creature single dose of the drug
Stop stress pills 2 Stop stress pills 5
up to 5 kg 1/4 tab.
vіd 5 to 10 kg 1/4 - 1/2 tab.
vіd 10 to 20 kg 1/2 - 1 tab.
vіd 20 to 30 kg 1 - 1 1/2 tab 1/4 - 1/2 tab.
vіd 30 to 40 kg 1 1/2 - 2 tab. 1/2 - 1 tab.
vіd 40 to 50 kg 1 tab.
type 50 and more 1 - 2 tab.

The course of zastosuvannya drug to become 15-20 days. If there is a sign of strong agitation and psychogenic disorder of behavior (aggression, fear, hyperactivity, transcendental vocalization (bark, nagging), hypersexual behavior, targeting of the cut), the course can be continued up to 4 days.
In case of repeated manifestation in animals of a sign of disorder and / or disorder of behavior, the course of drug administration is repeated in the same doses according to the same scheme.
In order to prevent stress (transportation, arrival of guests, change of situation, departure of the ruler, fate at exhibitions and shocks), the drug should be stopped 3-5 days before the scheduled arrival and for 1-4 days after the end of the day ) .
To correct behavior in case of increased state activity, stop-stress tablets should be taken in the same doses in combination with contraceptive drugs.
Trivality to the course of likuvannya to fall due to the individual sensitivity of the creature and the level of yogo awakeness, but it is not guilty to exceed 4 tyzhniv.
With a significant overdose, the creature may experience drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, decreased arterial pressure, impaired function of the intestinal tract. In these cases, it is necessary to clean the tubes, sign of enterosorbent and symptomatic symptoms are evidently before the instructions for stopping.
In rare cases, when the first drug is taken, the creature may experience drowsiness and tedium, which will pass without a hitch and not be affected by the blockage of drug effects.
If one or two doses of the drug are missed, the same dose should be taken in the same dosage according to the same scheme.
As a rule, side effects and complications in case of drug use are not expected. With the rise of individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the medicinal preparation, in a few cases, drowsiness or arousal, irritability, boredom, allergic reactions can occur. In such cases, the drug is prescribed for symptomatic and desensitizing medical problems.
Stop-stress pills in case of chronic congestion support and prolong the effect of tranquilizers, neuroleptics and anti-seizure drugs.
Stop-stress pills are not intended for use by productive creatures.

When working with the Stop-stress drug, the tablets follow the tough rules of special hygiene and safety techniques, transfer when working with medicines.
Under the hour of work, fires are littered, drink and take food. After the completion of the work, the next step is to bring your hands with warm water with sweetness.
People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should not have direct contact with Stop-stress tablets. At times, allergic reactions appear, or when the drug enters the body, the person should be negligently turned into a medical doctor (if you collect the instructions from the drug or the label).
It is conserved using empty containers for the preparation for by-butovyh purposes, it is not used for disposal with by-butovyh vіdkhodami.


Warehouse for medicinal products

Stop-stress drops in 1 ml can be combined with 100 mg of phenibut (gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid and hydrochloride), as well as a complex of water extracts of medicinal dews (pivonia, Baikal skullcap, hops, motherwort, mint and valeriana medicinal) and additional components . They are 10% of products for internal zastosuvannya, with a weak specific smell. The drug is packaged in 10 ml (for intestines) and 15 ml (for dogs) in dark-coloured polymer bottles, which are packed in cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological authorities

Phenibut is a nootropic drug that facilitates GABA-mediated transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. The drug has a tranquilizing, psychostimulating, antiaggregant and antioxidant effect, improving the functional state of the brain for the normalization of tissue metabolism and a positive effect on cerebral blood flow, a way to improve the stability of blood flow and change the tone of the vessels. Sprijaє iznizhennu or zniknenny vydchutya anxiety, restlessness, fear and hyperactive behavior in creatures, normalize sleep, rob a deaky antisudomno dia. Chi does not flow into cholinergic and adrenoreceptors. Change the manifestation of asthenia and vasovegetative symptoms (drativism, aggression, sleep disturbance), give a corrective and regulatory influence on the process of galvanization and awakening in the central nervous system. The complex of water extracts of medicinal plants increases the adaptive capacity of the organism to the stress factors of the natural environment. Beyond the stage of injection on the organism of warm-blooded creatures, the drug is applied to the peacefully unsafe speeches and in the recommended doses does not repair macular, resorptive-toxic, mutagenic, teratogenic and allergic diseases.


Prescribed to dogs and intestines for reduction and correction of psychogenic behavioral disorders (increased anxiety, alertness to fear, drativity and aggression, disturbed sleep). For the improvement of the adaptive capacities of the body and the prevention of stress during various visits and manipulations with the animal (transportation, exhibitions, grooming, diagnostic follow-up, change of place of residence and diet of the year). Prevention of pest infestation in vehicles.


Stop-stress drops are given to creatures individually primus in the middle in protective spaces or on the root of the tongue with a small amount of food 2 times a day in doses, according to the table:

A correctional likuvalny course in case of psychogenic behavioral disorders and developments of edginess should be established on average 15 - 20 days, in the presence of a creature and individual features of the body, but no more than 4 days. With the method of improving the adaptive capabilities of the body and preventing stress during the conduction of daily visits and manipulations with the animal (insertion, transportation, diagnostic follow-up, grooming and in.), The drug is prescribed 3-5 days before the transfer of manipulations, in fallow land according to the type of the nervous system of the creature. In order to prevent the infection of the animal in vehicles, the drug should be taken before the trip in higher doses. To reduce elevated state activity (superior vocalization, targeting, restlessness and aggression), the drug is recommended to be taken at the same time with hormonal contraceptive methods for animals. The validity of the course is established by a veterinary medicine individually for this creature.


In some rare cases, with an increase in individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, the animal may show vomiting, drowsiness, or, on the other hand, increased alertness and drastiness, allergic reactions to skin. In the event of the appearance of a sign of congestion, the drug should be given immediately.


Individual sensitivity to drug components increased. Do not try to test women and females, creatures up to 1 year. It is not recommended to zastosovuvat dogs and intestines, if they are ill with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the sechostatic system, as well as creatures with plump lesions.


Especially foreigners do not come in.


With protection (list B). In dry, protected from direct dormouse exchanges and inaccessible to children and creatures of the world, okremo from grubs and fodder at temperatures from 0 to 25 ° C. The term of applicability - 1 r_k.

In the article, I will describe the form of release and storage of medical care for the intestines and dogs. I pererahuyu show to zastosuvannya lіkіv і mehanіzm yogo dії. I dwell in detail on the rules for choosing pharmaceutical products and dosing for home brewing. I will clarify the contraindications for the drug to be taken and possible side effects. Let's talk about the rules for choosing the term of affinity of faces. I will name approximate variety and possible analogues.

Stop stress is carried out at the sight of tablets and drops. Drops must be taken in the middle. The stench has a weak specific aroma.

Packed in a glass jar of dark color 10 ml for cats and 15 ml for dogs. Tablets are released in different doses: 100 and 500 mg of oral speech.

Can be packed in blister packs or in a glass jar.

Phenibut acts as the main speech agent in the medical field.

In the capacity of additional components, vicorous extracts are found:

  • m'yati;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • skullcap;
  • hops.

Shown before zastosuvannya that mechanism of action

It is recommended to vicorate for household creatures in case of increased alertness, fear, unreasonable aggression, dramatization and disruption of normal sleep. It is recommended to stop for the promotion of adaptation and prevention of the stressful state during the transportation of home care, for the preparation of preventive and curative procedures before the departure, when changing the place of residence.

Moreover, for preventive purposes, the pharmaceutical product stop stress is victorious for colonization of the intestines in transport.

Drinking in the body, phenibut normalizes the exchange of speech in neurons. Vіn priyaє polypshennu blood flow in the fibers of the brain, lower znimaє aggression and drativity of the creature.

Plants of extracts from medicinal plants increase stress resistance and increase the adaptive capacity of the intestinal organism.

Stop stress instructions

Zgidno z іnstruktsiєyu іz zastosuvannya likarskogo zasobu stop stress per 1 kg of live vag home vihovantsa need to vikoristovuvat one drop of koshti. The procedure is three times a day.

How will there be victorious pills, bring them to dility:

  • for intestines with a vag up to 5 kg - a quarter;
  • for a creature's masa 5-10 kg - half;
  • more than 10 kg - 1 tablet.

Zastosovuvat likarsky zasib can be no more than one month. All fallow due to individual tolerance of the animal and yoga behavior. If necessary, the course of jubilation can be repeated, but in a day's time.

As a preventive measure, the procedures are repeated for 3-5 days. When pumping intestines, it is necessary to give drops a year before the trip.

Stop stress can also be used for dogs. Moreover, the dosing of the drug is not changed. All lie in the vіd vaga of a domestic love.

Contraindications for intestines and dogs

  • intestines during the period of pregnancy and the age of young animals;
  • creatures up to one fate among the people;
  • home visits with a diagnosis of cerebrovascular diabetes;
  • with oncological diseases of the cat;
  • as if the creature was diagnosed with a pathology of the sebaceous system.

Pobichna diya

In some creatures, after victorious medical care, stop stress manifests itself:

  • allergic reaction to other components of the drug;
  • drowsiness abo, navpaki, increased alertness;
  • vomit and boredom.

In these cases, it is necessary to take a prescription for a medicinal preparation and seek advice before fakhivtsya.

Wash away the savings and the term of appurtenance

The term of applicability of medical care at the moment of yoga selection becomes 1 rіk for the mind to complete all the rules of yoga saving. It is dry and protected from direct dormouse viprominuvannya place with a temperature regime of up to 25 degrees Celsius above zero.

Nebazhan sus_dstvo stop stress with foodstuffs and food for creatures. It is important to turn off children's access to liking.

By the end of the term of applicability, the drug is disposed of in accordance with strict legislation. Vykoristovuvaty box z-pіd drug or bottle z-pіd krapel in pobutovyh tsіlyakh fenced.

Price and analogues

Fall in the form of release and dosing of the stop stress preparation will cost you 130 and up to 220 rubles.

  • Fitex;
  • antistress;
  • Relax (GIGI).

Stop stress is a medical zasib, which allows you to adjust the behavior of the domestic creature and prepare yoga for juicy procedures or stressful situations, for example, moving.

The drug is just to increase the resistance to stress and adaptive capacity of the creature.

And save your nerves and home vikhovantsya, and yogo master.

on zastosuvannya nootropic drug Stop-stress drops for intestines and dogs (Guttae stop-stress)

Warehouse for medicinal products
Stop-stress drops in 1 ml can be combined with 100 mg of phenibut (gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid and hydrochloride), as well as a complex of water extracts of medicinal dews (pivonia, Baikal skullcap, hops, motherwort, mint and valeriana medicinal) and additional components . They are 10% of products for internal zastosuvannya, with a weak specific smell. The drug is packaged in 10 ml (for intestines) and 15 ml (for dogs) in dark-coloured polymer bottles, which are packed in cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological authorities
Phenibut is a nootropic drug that facilitates GABA-mediated transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. The drug has a tranquilizing, psychostimulating, antiaggregant and antioxidant effect, improving the functional state of the brain for the normalization of tissue metabolism and a positive effect on cerebral blood flow, a way to improve the stability of blood flow and change the tone of the vessels. Sprijaє iznizhennu or zniknenny vydchutya anxiety, restlessness, fear and hyperactive behavior in creatures, normalize sleep, rob a deaky antisudomno dia. Chi does not flow into cholinergic and adrenoreceptors. Change the manifestation of asthenia and vasovegetative symptoms (drativism, aggression, sleep disturbance), give a corrective and regulatory influence on the process of galvanization and awakening in the central nervous system. The complex of water extracts of medicinal plants increases the adaptive capacity of the organism to the stress factors of the natural environment. Beyond the stage of injection on the organism of warm-blooded creatures, the drug is applied to the peacefully unsafe speeches and in the recommended doses does not repair macular, resorptive-toxic, mutagenic, teratogenic and allergic diseases.

Prescribed to dogs and intestines for reduction and correction of psychogenic behavioral disorders (increased anxiety, alertness to fear, drativity and aggression, disturbed sleep). For the improvement of the adaptive capacities of the body and the prevention of stress during various visits and manipulations with the animal (transportation, exhibitions, grooming, diagnostic follow-up, change of place of residence and diet of the year). Prevention of pest infestation in vehicles.

Stop-stress drops are given to creatures individually primus in the middle in protective spaces or on the root of the tongue with a small amount of food 2 times a day in doses, according to the table:

A correctional likuvalny course in case of psychogenic behavioral disorders and developments of edginess should be established on average 15 - 20 days, in the presence of a creature and individual features of the body, but no more than 4 days. With the method of improving the adaptive capabilities of the body and preventing stress during the conduction of daily visits and manipulations with the animal (insertion, transportation, diagnostic follow-up, grooming and in.), The drug is prescribed 3-5 days before the transfer of manipulations, in fallow land according to the type of the nervous system of the creature. In order to prevent the infection of the animal in vehicles, the drug should be taken before the trip in higher doses. To reduce elevated state activity (superior vocalization, targeting, restlessness and aggression), the drug is recommended to be taken at the same time with hormonal contraceptive methods for animals. The validity of the course is established by a veterinary medicine individually for this creature.

In some rare cases, with an increase in individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, the animal may show vomiting, drowsiness, or, on the other hand, increased alertness and drastiness, allergic reactions to skin. In the event of the appearance of a sign of congestion, the drug should be given immediately.

Individual sensitivity to drug components increased. Do not try to test women and females, creatures up to 1 year. It is not recommended to zastosovuvat dogs and intestines, if they are ill with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the sechostatic system, as well as creatures with plump lesions.

Especially foreigners do not come in.

With protection (list B). In dry, protected from direct dormouse exchanges and inaccessible to children and creatures of the world, okremo from grubs and fodder at temperatures from 0 to 25 ° C. The term of applicability - 1 r_k.

The loving Vlasnik always talks about his vihovantsya and, if I see it, he protects it from stresses, otherwise he tries to bring them down to a minimum. For such situations, the drug "Stop stress" for dogs and intestines was created. A negative impact on the psyche of domestic creatures can be given by moving to a new house, appearing in the homeland of a previously unknown person, or even one more vihovanets, the god's god. aje dogs like people can feel fear, pretentiousness, love and the image - the power of different emotions. And emotional experiences with negative influences can weaken the immune system and destroy the nervous system.

show stress

Stress is not just an internal experience. The organism of creatures looks like a whole series of specific physiological reactions in complex situations. Especially express the stress in the dog. The creature has an increased production of adrenaline, the hormone has a negative effect on various organs and systems. The bark of the supra-nural ulcers grows, blames the damage of small vessels to the mucus organs, the body becomes despondent, chronic illnesses develop, the risk of infection increases.

How does stress manifest itself in a dog?? Symptoms are anonymous. creature:

Such behavior of a dog cannot be left without respect. But the symptoms of stress are more likely to be ahead of them, or try to smooth out the distance, until the stinks appear "in all beauty."

The drug "Stop stress": description

Release "Stop stress" in two medicinal forms: in tablets and droplets. The main speech of speech in that and in the second case is the chemical part, known in pharmacology as phenibut. Їm, before speech, rejoice at the nervous system of a person. Krym tsgogo, the warehouse is supplemented with extracts of medicinal herbs, leading to their calm action: valerian, motherwort, hops, beer, sholomnitsa Baikal.

Injection of drops and tablets "Stop-stress" on dogs is observed individually, the skin organism reacts to phenibut in its own way . Zgidno with instructions:

In the instructions before the drug, it is recommended to stop the faces of the two on the day before the day before and the first hour of the transfer, exhibitions, change the diet, carry out medical and watch over the manipulations, to reduce the superfluous state activity. "Stop stress" is quite reasonable for different breeds of dogs and intestines, but it doesn't matter. Required course of treatment - 15-20 days. At the discretion of the doctor, an hour may be extended up to 40 days.


The drug cannot be stagnant for the first hour of pregnancy and years, to give the creatures at the age of birth. It is not recommended to take yoga in case of circulatory diabetes and ailments, hypersensitivity to the drug, oncological ailments and hypersensitivity to components.

How long does it take to cure the drug you commemorated the dog's malaise, drowsiness, nervousness, vomit appeared, or an allergic reaction - taking a trace of negainity.

Come in later

Giving the dog or intestines the drug "Stop stress" is necessary to take it safely, even when working with other medical problems. At once, in the same place, take no fire, drink and fire.

After contact with faces it is necessary to keep your hands off the sweetheart, and those who have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, rather not contact him. A container of s-pid tablets can be vikoristovuvat for butovih needs, її disposed of in a dirty manner, with other inputs.


"Stop stress" some praise, others bark. Tse i understood. Some people have an instant reaction, like other people, who seem to be insufficiently effective. What do they say about the faces of real people?

My love, a French bulldog, has been living with me for a long time. We try not to be separated for a long time, but once I needed to vihati in terms of renewal. The dog had a chance to see each other at the familiarity. At the veterinary clinic, I was prescribed the drug "Stop stress" for prophylactic purposes. I started to give it to the dogs 5 deb before departure, one tablet each morning and in the evening, Dorothy willingly ate it like a lassoshchi. While I was gone, the admission scheme was not changed. The dog gave, obviously, signs of tightness and apathy, ale їla and in another way behaved decently. I respect that the pain in the preparation is є. The reaction to unknown people without him could be more sharp.

We live in a private booth and I can guard the Caucasians. We didn’t castrate the males, so we saved the natural aggressiveness and defensive qualities, but we didn’t get involved in zvezkaєmosya. The dog as a result of zasmikani, angry. There are no names, but the articles are present. The dog can bark at night, sometimes it can run around the aviary. We realized that the problem needed to be sorted out. Virushi to the veterinarian and vin prescribing us "Stop stress". They gave tablets according to the instructions. The effect did not appear immediately, but vin buv. Here, from the 4th day, the dog became quieter, calmer. I leaned on the night bark. We gave faces for about a month. At the same time, the effect is still being saved, the unfortunate side effects have not been commemorated.

We tried "Stop Stress" for epilepsy in our Dalmatian. Already after buying a puppy, we were told that this breed is capable of such a disease. Alemi called to the dog and fell in love with її. The first attack was close to fate at the vіtsі, then later. Confused, they took the dog to the vet. He immediately wrote us "Stop stress", saying that the drug will reduce the activity of the nervous system and improve the functioning of the brain. They gave the drug for recognition. Unfortunately, the diva was gone, the seizures were repeated periodically and the dog began to sound more nervous and lower. They came to Visnovka, because serious ailments and faces are not happy. Maybe it’s easier, it’s easier for you and it’s easier, but you didn’t help us.