What can and can not be eaten with gastritis? - food rules. Useful recipes for gastritis: diet food for the patient Menu for stomach inflammation

Treatment of gastritis of the stomach after undergoing rehabilitation measures is carried out at home. Please note that stressful situations, alcohol abuse, frequent smoking and unhealthy diet can provoke the development of the disease.

Different types of gastritis can be treated by following a special diet formulated by qualified nutritionists. Strict diets are prescribed only by the attending physician and with the need for full adherence to the diet.

What can you eat with gastritis

If the stomach is acidic or too acidic, the diet prescribed will differ. A mandatory requirement for determining the level of concentration of the secret is the delivery of the necessary tests.

With increased acidity of the stomach, three basic rules should be followed:

  1. Mechanical rule... Do not eat foods fried in oil, bran, rutabagus and muesli, which can damage the sensitive and irritated stomach lining.
  2. Chemical rule... Be sure to exclude soda, citrus fruits, alcohol, coffee, white bread, cabbage and fish broths from your diet.
  3. Thermal rule... It is strictly forbidden to eat hot and too cold foods that irritate the intestines. The optimum temperature is considered to be up to 60 degrees.

What can be done with increased acidity? Include in the diet dishes from river fish, boiled meat, soft-boiled eggs (you can still omelet), spinach, carrots and beets. It is also allowed to eat some sweet fruits.

If you develop gastritis with low acidity, then you should definitely stimulate the normal production of acid. Patients with such a problem should eat for at least 30 minutes: chew food thoroughly... You can drink a small amount of slightly carbonated mineral water.

What to do during periods of exacerbation of gastritis

Diet for gastritis (menu for every day) is compiled on an individual basis. During an exacerbation, diets are very strict, and food should be regular. The interval between meals is no more than 3 hours.

On the first day of exacerbation of gastritis, it is recommended to completely refuse food. You can drink sweet tea and mineral water. After that, gradually include porridge and vegetable soups in the diet. Fatty foods are strictly prohibited, because they can only aggravate your situation.

Diet number 1

Diet number 1 is considered by many to be tough, since its main purpose is to restore the functioning of the intestinal tract. Only cooked and steamed food is consumed... Salt intake is limited. The total calorie content of meals per day should not exceed 3000 calories.

Eat vegetables, noodles, soups, and small rice. Be sure to consult with a dietitian about taking other foods, because in each case, certain foods and their groups are prescribed.

Nutrition for chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis often develops into a painful stomach ulcer, so this disease should be treated responsibly. In addition to malnutrition, external factors can also be irritants and provocateurs of the disease: kidney disease, failure or burns.

During chronic gastritis, the following rules should be followed:

  • food should be nutritious, but at the same time gentle;
  • eat only warm food (for a long time);
  • complete cessation of smoking, alcohol;
  • frequent use of cereals and cereals.

Menu for the week

Here is a possible menu option for a week with gastritis.

Monday and Wednesday

  • Oatmeal and warm jelly are suitable for breakfast.
  • For the second breakfast, you can cook steamed cheesecakes.
  • For lunch, make vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, or boiled fish.
  • The afternoon snack includes sweet tea and biscuits.
  • Dinner consists of pasta and meat cutlet.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

  • For breakfast, baked apples or cheesecakes, tea.
  • For the second breakfast, only jelly.
  • For lunch, boil vegetable broth and steamed fish, lightly carbonated drinks.
  • The afternoon snack consists of sweet tea and buns (biscuits).
  • Dinner - curd casserole and tea.

Friday and sunday

Inflammatory diseases of the stomach can only be cured when the sick person follows a certain strict diet. It is necessary in order to facilitate the work of the damaged digestive organ.

Experts, when giving their patients recommendations on the complex therapy of pathology, be sure to talk about which menu for a week with gastritis is best made at one stage or another of the disease. They necessarily take into account the acidity with which the pathology proceeds, and at what stage of development it is.

The need for nutritional correction

If a person is diagnosed with gastritis, he should pay special attention to the diet. One drug treatment for this pathology is not enough. Only a properly formulated diet can maintain the functioning of the digestive tract in a normal state. Thanks to a properly composed menu, you can achieve the following positive effects:

  • normalize the motility of the digestive tract, thereby improving the digestion of food;
  • reduce the inflammatory process;
  • remove negative symptoms.

The most important thing is that from the meager amount of foods allowed for inflammatory pathologies, you can prepare a variety of dishes and distribute them on the days of the week in such a way that the sick person does not feel disadvantaged due to the monotony of dishes (liquid porridge, mashed or slimy soup , soft-boiled egg).

Principles of drawing up a weekly diet

Gastritis in each individual patient proceeds with its own individual characteristics, therefore there is no single menu for people suffering from this pathology.

For each person, the attending physician selects acceptable dishes based on the results of diagnostics, but a person combines them in his diet based on his own desire and needs.

It is not at all necessary to eat only porridge in the morning. It can be replaced with eggs or cottage cheese, only you need to take into account the permissible rules for cooking.

The doctor also talks about them, giving the patient general recommendations. We should not forget about the principles on which nutrition is built for gastritis:

  • Breakfast should never begin with coffee, juice or yogurt. These foods and drinks, consumed on an empty stomach, can provoke a relapse of the pathology. It is also unacceptable to eat sweets on an empty stomach, since sugar, instantly absorbed by the body, will cause disruptions in the work of the digestive tract.
  • Lunch should be complete (consisting of the first course and the second). A thin soup will prepare your stomach to digest denser foods. For the second, it is imperative to serve a sick person a meat or fish dish, which is prepared in compliance with all the rules (crushed, boiled or baked).
  • Dinner should by no means be dense. It can consist of a light vegetable stew or a curd dish. Also for dinner, it is permissible to cook a steam omelet or fish casserole with some kind of cereal. The portion intended for the patient at this time of day should be the smallest so as not to overload the sick stomach with unnecessary work.
  • 2 hours after dinner is over, experts recommend drinking a glass of kefir, milk or fermented baked milk. He will not allow hunger to arise until morning.

A weekly diet with low acidity

An approximate menu for low secretion of gastric juice should consist of dishes that are prepared from products that enhance its production, but do not require prolonged digestion. The basis of the diet is based on the patient's use of well-cooked liquid cereals and pureed soups. Also allowed are low-fat types of fish and meat, baked without a hard crust or steamed, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. An approximate weekly diet might look like this:

  • Monday. In the morning, you can eat diet cottage cheese and cocoa in milk. For lunch, vegetable soup in chicken broth, the boiled breast from which can be used for the second, accompanied by a garnish of vegetables. For dinner, a vegetable stew with baked fish. Snacks between meals can include baked fruit, curd soufflé, compote, light brewed tea and crackers, or savory cookies.
  • Tuesday. It's good to cook a steam omelet for breakfast, cereal soup and meatballs in milk sauce for lunch, and potato casserole with meat in the evening. Snacks are approximately the same as on the first day. You can also add fruit puree or yogurt to them.
  • Wednesday. Breakfast can be made more nutritious. In addition to porridge on this day, you can cook steam pancakes with fruit jelly. Soup with meatballs and steamed fish cakes with a cereal garnish will add variety to your lunch meal. For dinner, you can use a cottage cheese casserole with fruits or berries.
  • Thursday. In the morning, it is recommended to eat a couple of soft-boiled eggs, you can dine with fish soup with some kind of cereal and meatloaf baked without a crust, and in the evening you can eat steamed potato cutlets with milk or sour cream sauce.
  • Friday. Breakfast can consist of cereal casserole with berries or fruits, lunch - vegetable soup (you can cook borscht) and meat or fish balls, and fish dinner on a vegetable "pillow".
  • Saturday. Rice cakes can be prepared for breakfast, cereal soup and meatballs with boiled potatoes for lunch, and a steam omelet with vegetables in the evening.
  • Sunday. Wheat or oatmeal porridge is recommended in the morning, fish soup and vegetable casserole with meat in the afternoon, and rice pudding for an evening meal.

Despite the meager list of foods allowed for this stomach disease, many dishes can be prepared from them that will not damage the digestive organs affected by the disease and at the same time make the human diet quite diverse.

A weekly diet with high acidity

The weekly menu with increased secretion of gastric juice is compiled according to the same rules as with a reduced one. The only difference is that all meals should be prepared from products that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid. A list of them is always given to their patients by the attending physicians. The list of allowed dishes, from which you can make up a weekly diet, with this pathology will be as follows:

  • liquid cereals cooked in water or diluted milk from cereals permitted for consumption;
  • steam omelets with vegetables, as well as soft-boiled eggs (no more than 2 pieces per day);
  • low-fat cottage cheese, or cheese cakes, casseroles, souffle made from it;
  • vegetables allowed by a specialist in a boiled and baked state, as well as in the form of mashed potatoes;
  • cutlets, meatballs, meatballs and meatballs from lean meats (veal, rabbit, chicken) or fish (cod, pollock, hake, pike perch, pike);
  • side dishes are served with pasta or cereals, as well as vegetables.

Drinking with gastritis with high acidity can be compotes from fresh or dried fruits, rosehip decoction, weakly brewed tea, milk and lactic acid drinks.

With gastritis, the diet menu for a week is not so difficult to compose. It is only necessary to take into account that only those products are included in the diet that are allowed for a certain form of the disease diagnosed in a person.

Also, one should not deviate from the technological rules for preparing dishes that are allowed for this disease. If you show your imagination, then the menu for gastritis for a week will be not only useful, but also very attractive, from a gastronomic point of view, even for a completely healthy person.

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Diet for gastritis of any form is an important component of complex therapy and a powerful preventive factor, in most cases preventing the occurrence of a relapse of the disease. Nutrition for gastritis with high acidity will differ from that for chronic gastritis with low acidity, therefore, in any case, you must first undergo a comprehensive examination and consult a gastroenterologist and nutritionist.

Basic principles of how to eat for gastritis and stomach ulcers

  1. In acute gastritis or during an exacerbation of chronic gastritis with high acidity, as well as peptic ulcer disease, a strict diet is recommended, which gradually expands to tables number 1 and 1a according to Pevzner.
  2. In the case of chronic gastritis with low acidity, table 2 is shown.
  3. Table 5 is recommended if stomach inflammation is accompanied by diseases of the liver, pancreas or gallbladder.

General characteristics of the diet for gastritis:

  • Diversity. The daily diet must necessarily include all food groups and cover the body's daily needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and also correspond to the energy expenditures of a particular patient.
  • Baking or steaming food is preferred. In this case, food retains more nutrients and minimizes irritation of the inflamed stomach lining, which greatly facilitates digestion.
  • Any food should be taken warm. In this situation, the body does not need to expend additional energy by heating or cooling them to the optimum temperature.
  • Prohibited foods should not be included in the diet. These are all kinds of pickles, marinades, hot and hot spices, smoked meats, fatty and spicy dishes, alcohol. With increased acidity, too acidic foods, carbonated drinks, coarse fiber and bitterness are also prohibited.
  • Fractional meal plan without snacks. This means that food should be taken 5 - 6 times a day, at approximately the same time. Between these meals, it is advisable not to eat anything at all, and also not to drink anything, except for unsweetened tea or ordinary water. The fact is that the human digestive system adapts to a specific diet, and snacks can cause a malfunction in its work and significantly impair digestion.
  • With increased acidity, dishes are included that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, and with low or zero acidity, foods that stimulate its formation are included.
  • Chew food thoroughly. Remember: the better it is crushed in the mouth, the easier it is for the body to digest it in the future.
  • Always eat in a good mood, don't eat in a hurry. Negative emotions and haste when eating significantly impair digestion and require the body to waste additional resources, which slows down recovery.
  • In children, the diet should be selected with great care. Among other things, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors as the colorful design of the dish and the pleasant taste. Children should definitely like what they eat in appearance and taste.

Proper nutrition for patients with gastritis with high acidity

Food is taken warm, during an exacerbation, it is recommended to wipe all products through a sieve and grind. You can eat the following foods:

  • steamed omelets;
  • eggs, boiled in a bag or soft-boiled;
  • cottage cheese casseroles, low-fat milk;
  • dairy products;
  • jelly, tea, non-acidic compotes;
  • mashed potatoes.

As the aggravation subsides, baked vegetables and fruits are introduced into the menu.

An approximate menu for a week after the exacerbation subsides.

First day:

  1. You can have breakfast with mashed potatoes with steamed meatballs and drink tea diluted with milk.
  2. Skim milk (glass).
  3. Milk noodles soup is suitable for lunch, and meat potato casserole for the second. For dessert - croutons and apple compote.
  4. During an afternoon snack, you can have a snack with biscuits, washed down with jelly.
  5. For dinner - a small portion of pureed buckwheat porridge and steamed curd soufflé. From fruit - banana.
  6. At night: 1 cup of milk.

Second day:

  1. Semolina porridge, as well as sweet cheese (or cottage cheese with sugar) are well suited for breakfast. You can drink it with the same tea with milk.
  2. For lunch, a baked apple and a glass of milk will be enough.
  3. A hearty lunch that will not cause increased acidity: the famous barley (pearl barley) soup, steamed meat patties with beetroot garnish and berry jelly.
  4. During an afternoon snack - jelly with crackers.
  5. Oven-baked rice, steamed omelet, and a small amount of non-acidic yogurt is dinner.
  6. At night: 1 cup of milk.

Third day:

  1. You can start this day with oatmeal in milk, eggs, boiled in a bag, and sweet tea with milk.
  2. During your second breakfast, eat 1 - 2 bananas, wash down with a glass of non-acidic yogurt or skim milk.
  3. For a change for lunch, make any vegetable soup, mashed through a sieve, rice porridge with steamed chicken chops, and pear and apple compote.
  4. Traditional afternoon tea is jelly with small croutons.
  5. Curd casserole with yogurt - for a light dinner.
  6. At night: 1 cup of milk.

Fourth day:

  1. Banana with milk rice porridge and sweet chamomile tea - breakfast 1.
  2. A glass of skim milk with a baked apple - breakfast 2.
  3. Oatmeal soup, carrot puree with steamed fish cakes and compote - lunch.
  4. Already a traditional afternoon tea is jelly with biscuit biscuits.
  5. For dinner - baked noodles with cottage cheese and non-acidic yogurt.
  6. At night: 1 cup of milk.

Fifth day:

  1. Boiled potatoes with butter and herbs, served with boiled chicken breast under sour cream, as well as compote - this may be the first meal of the day.
  2. The second meal is a banana with a glass of skim milk.
  3. Vermicelli soup, oatmeal with steamed meatballs and compote for lunch.
  4. Kissel with crackers - for an afternoon snack.
  5. For dinner, you can use a steam omelet, pearl barley porridge and non-acidic yogurt.
  6. At night: 1 cup of milk.

Sixth day:

  1. For the first breakfast - classic mashed potatoes with steamed fish cakes, as well as weak tea (with milk).
  2. The second meal is a baked apple with a glass of skim milk.
  3. For lunch, soup with mashed vegetables, noodles with baked skinless chicken thighs, and fruit jelly are suitable.
  4. Compote with croutons - afternoon tea.
  5. Sweet cottage cheese with fruit salad of banana and non-acidic berries, sweet yogurt for dinner.
  6. At night: 1 cup of milk.

Seventh day:

  1. Meatballs with Bechamel sauce, some rice pudding and milk tea make a good first breakfast.
  2. Later, it is enough to drink a glass of skim milk and eat a banana or a baked apple.
  3. Dine preferably with mashed potatoes, steamed beef patties with carrot and beetroot garnish and jelly.
  4. Kissel with biscuit biscuits - afternoon tea.
  5. For dinner - a small chicken roll with rice casserole and steamed omelet, as well as non-acidic yogurt.
  6. At night: 1 cup of milk.

Dietary advice for those with low or no acid gastritis

The list of foods recommended for compiling a weekly menu should include those that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice in general. In this case, wholesome dietary recipes would include rich broths, salted fish, bitter herbs, sour vegetables and fruits, soda, and kvass in moderation. At the same time, you can take the food menu for gastritis with high acidity as a basis, but change the type of cooking:

  • steamed cutlets and meatballs can be replaced with the usual cooking method, but without breading in breadcrumbs;
  • it is advisable to bake or stew vegetables;
  • instead of milk, you can use mainly fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, sourdough, etc.).

Cocoa and rye bread is also allowed for an afternoon snack. With hypoacid gastritis, for better stimulation of juice production, experts recommend drinking 1 glass of highly carbonated mineral water, 100 ml of cabbage juice or a decoction of bitter herbs 20-30 minutes before a meal. And in the case of gastritis with zero acidity, if prescribed by a doctor, it is necessary to take gastric juice or drugs that replace it. As the general condition normalizes, the diet gradually expands: legumes are included, the list of grains, fruits and vegetables expands. In case of stomach inflammation, it should be remembered that absorption of certain vitamins and minerals will almost always be impaired. For this reason, it is important to check your levels of iron, vitamin B12, and several other vital nutrients. Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of pregnant women suffering from gastritis with high acidity, since during this period a relapse of the disease may occur. The menu of the expectant mother should contain all the necessary nutrients, but at the same time it should not cause excessive acidification. In this case, it will be useful to remember about broths of oats, flax seed, as well as freshly prepared potato-carrot juice. These foods should be taken on an empty stomach.

A business person has no time to think about proper nutrition. An unhealthy lifestyle, lack of a full-fledged diet, abuse of fast food, nicotine, alcohol, stress, in the end, end with gastritis.

The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa. There is a sharp or pulling pain, flatulence, nausea, belching and often vomiting. Appetite disappears, weight decreases.

The course of the disease "gastritis of the stomach" is divided into stages, respectively, the diet will depend on how much the course is running. In the acute form - it will be a strict diet, which is called: diet for gastritis number 5. A lighter form or remission of the disease allows you to slightly diversify the diet.

The disease is classified according to:

  • acidity level: with increased, with decreased.
  • type of flow: exacerbation or chronic stage.

There are several basic general dietary rules for gastritis and what you can and cannot eat for any form of the disease.

  • food is served to the table extremely warm. It is forbidden to take cold food, it irritates the stomach;
  • you need to eat food at least six times, the one-time portion size should be small;
  • all food must be rubbed, especially for patients with a high acid content in the stomach;
  • it is unacceptable to eat smoked, salted, fried foods and preservatives;
  • the consumption of alcohol, coffee, spices is excluded and the intake of chocolate is minimized.

The dietary food is varied, it is designed to correct nutrition in food pathology: gastritis, pancreatitis. Only the attending physician should prescribe a diet.

  1. Mechanical - excluded dishes containing coarse fiber (radishes, turnips, rutabagas, bran bread, muesli, etc.).
  2. Chemical - beverages with gas content, any citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, white cabbage, black bread, strong fish and meat broths are prohibited. Such food is very irritating to stomach secretions.
  3. Thermal - the permissible temperature of food intake is not less than 15 and not more than 60 degrees, because the esophagus is greatly irritated.

The diet for gastritis with high acidity should contain lean meat, eggs, various cereals, seafood, milk. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten without a peel and always in a pureed state. Small amounts of sugar, honey, marshmallow, cocoa and lightly brewed tea are acceptable.

In this form of the disease, it is important to stimulate the stomach to produce more acid. Food should be taken in a calm state, not less than half an hour, with thorough chewing of each piece. Water with weak gas formation is very useful for the stomach, you must drink it before every meal.

Fruit should be eaten along with the main meal, and cottage cheese, jelly, unleavened cheese should be left for snacks. Moreover, the peel from apples and pears should be removed, and the fruits themselves should be baked. For vegetable dishes, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower are excellent solutions.

Fermented milk products are allowed.

It is unacceptable to eat chocolate, alcohol, muffins, any fats, vinegar dressings, unripe fruits.

It is difficult to compose a diet, because its task is not to provoke an attack of the disease, but to provide the body with adequate nutrition. Food must not only be cooked, but also chopped. Up to three hours should pass between meals, and portions are made small - overeating is strictly not recommended.

The diet for gastritis in the exacerbation stage does not contain fats, it is strictly prohibited!

On the first day, you cannot load the stomach with food, using only still water or lukewarm tea. The next day, not thick porridge or highly diluted mashed potatoes, vegetable soup, jelly are allowed in the diet.

Diet for gastritis of the stomach: menu for a week

Monday diet:

  • Breakfast: porridge, dried fruit drink.
  • Second breakfast: scrambled eggs or cottage cheese, steamed.
  • Lunch: vegetable-based soup with breadcrumbs, mashed potatoes, steamed fish fricassee, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: biscuits, warm tea.
  • Dinner: mashed meatballs with pasta, warm tea.

Menu Tuesday:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, baked apples, compote.
  • Second breakfast: fruit mousse.
  • Lunch: vegetable broth, steam cutlets, still mineral water.
  • Afternoon snack: biscuits, tea.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, berry jelly.
  • Repeats the Monday menu
  • The Tuesday menu is repeated.

Friday - menu:

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, compote.
  • Second breakfast: warm tea, cottage cheese pancakes.
  • Lunch: mashed potato soup, mashed vegetable stew, berry jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: mashed fruits, kefir with breadcrumbs.
  • Dinner: boiled fish with porridge, rosehip drink.
  • The Thursday menu is repeated.


  • The Friday menu is repeated.

Chronic gastritis

It is impossible to cure gastritis without adherence to dietary nutrition.

The task of food for chronic gastritis is aimed, first of all, at normalizing the properties of the digestive system. Thanks to gentle methods of nutrition, it should contribute to the fastest recovery of the damaged gastric mucosa. The chronic course is accompanied by pathology, so you need to follow a diet that is indicated for pancreatitis and gastritis.

Meat products are allowed with preliminary cleansing of fat and tendons, and poultry meat should be freed from the skin. Meat dishes must be steam-cooked or boiled. It is unacceptable to eat duck and goose meat due to their fat content, smoked and canned products.

  • The fish is also steamed. Fish excluded in fried, salted, smoked form.
  • Vegetable soups need to be cooked, adding cereals or noodles is allowed. Dairy soups are sometimes allowed.
  • Eat soft-boiled eggs (or scrambled eggs). Vegetables are used in a wide variety of forms: mashed potatoes, stews, puddings, casseroles. Barley, millet, yachka and legumes are prohibited from cereals.
  • Fruits can be boiled, baked, rubbed with anything other than sour fruits.

The diet of a patient with gastritis at any stage should be abundant in protein foods. The diet must be coordinated with the doctor; vitamin complexes must not be neglected.

The correct approach to nutrition is the surest way to a speedy recovery.

Diet for gastritis accelerates the restoration of the lining of the stomach. It also increases the effectiveness of treatment, prevents recurrences of inflammatory processes in the organ, complications of the disease. What diet is needed for gastritis of the stomach?

Since the pathology is acute, chronic, several stages, and the acidity level differs in patients, the medical nutrition also has differences.

With gastritis, the diet is strict, gentle and prophylactic (daily during remission). The type of food is selected according to the established form and stage of the disease, as well as concomitant pathologies (diabetes, heart attack, obesity, and so on). Professor M.I. Pevzner developed treatment tables for gastritis and other diseases back in 1929. Today, in connection with new research results, his diet system has been slightly supplemented, and some products have been excluded, since their manufacture does not comply with the USSR GOSTs.

What medical food is used for gastritis according to Pevzner:

If there are concomitant pathologies, then it is recommended to choose food for the diet with the help of a doctor. It will make up food on Pevzner's tables, which is based on a diet for gastritis, but with adjustment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, other internal organs, metabolic disorders and the work of the hormonal system.

Rules for eating food for gastritis

Proper nutrition for gastritis of the stomach consists in adhering to such principles as food processing technology, regimen, frequency, selection of foods and calories, food temperature control, duration of use. They must be adhered to not only during treatment, but also at home to avoid re-inflammation of the stomach lining.

Food processing technology

For any type of disease such as gastritis, the diet should include boiled, passaged, steam, baked in foil or sleeve dishes... In the period of exacerbations of gastritis, food (all food) should be wiped until puree. Do not fry food until crisp.

For gastritis, you cannot use bread crumbs or flour before frying. During cooking, they form a rough crust on food, which, when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, is poorly digested and can increase inflammation and pain.

Mode and frequency

How to eat with gastritis of the stomach? With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and other digestive organs, a fractional meal is necessarily prescribed so as not to burden the stomach with a large amount of food. Therefore, the entire daily diet is divided into 5-6 times: 2 breakfasts (morning, lunch), lunch, dinner, snacks (afternoon snack, before bedtime).

The diet for gastritis implies the consumption of high-quality, properly prepared food at a certain time of the day. A person needs to eat in small portions on a set schedule. This makes it possible for the stomach to work in a sparing mode, and for the body to receive all the necessary substances in a timely manner.

Selection of foods and calories for gastritis

According to Pevzner, the energy value of treatment tables is designed for patients in a hospital or a sanatorium. Therefore, in everyday life, when a person needs to work a lot and move, it is necessary to adjust the calorie content of food according to his physical needs. The table below shows the types of products on which the diet for gastritis of the stomach is based, what you can eat, it is forbidden to eat.

Food type Nutrition table for gastritis
What food can you eat What food should not be eaten
Flour Premium white bread and 1 grade (dried), not rich baked pies with filling (fish, fruit, cottage cheese, jam, rice and egg). Fresh bread of all sorts, rich, spicy or puff pastries, pancakes, any product made from rye flour, bread crumbs.
Cereals Semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. You can not make side dishes or soups from barley, legumes, millet, corn, barley, durum wheat pasta.
Meat Boiled, baked or steamed lean fillet of rabbit, beef, veal, young lamb, as well as chicken, chicken, turkey (the poultry is cooked without skin), liver and tongue. Cutlets, meatballs, pates, meatballs, soufflés are made from dietary meat. Stew, fried meat dishes, pork, as well as fatty, sinewy or sinewed meat of poultry, lamb, beef.
A fish Without skin, boiled or steamed fish of low-fat varieties. Canned food, herring, smoked, fried and fatty fish, caviar.
Milk and fermented milk products Acidophilus, acidophilus milk (purchased or prepared at home with Acidolact VIVO ferment), cottage cheese, kefir, cream, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt. Products should not be greasy, sour in taste. Syrniki, lazy dumplings, casserole, pudding are prepared from fermented milk products. Hard cheeses with the addition of spices, spices, feta cheese, sour-tasting dairy products.
Eggs Soft-boiled chicken, quail eggs. Fried or hard-boiled eggs.
Fats Refined vegetable oils, unsalted butter or ghee. Unrefined vegetable oils, pork, chicken fat, margarine, lard.
Vegetables Green peas, boiled, stewed and baked potatoes, cauliflower, beets, carrots, pumpkin, squash. You can eat non-acidic tomatoes (yellow and pink), as well as baked vegetable cutlets. All pickled, pickled, canned, salted vegetables. Fresh cucumbers, onions, turnips, radishes, horseradish, sorrel, radish, garlic. White or red cabbage, spinach, as well as fried potatoes, mushrooms are excluded from the menu.
Fruit Mashed non-acidic fruits (bananas, pears), raisins, thermally processed apples, sweet jellies, mousse and jelly. A little berry puree with sugar (black currant, strawberry, blueberry). Sour in taste, unripe and without heat treatment berries, fruits, fruits. You cannot eat pomegranates, citrus fruits, dates, grapes.
I dishes Soup-puree (with mashed ingredients): vegetable, milk, cereal, meat in the second broth. Mushroom soups, okroshka, rich borscht, pickle, kharcho, cabbage soup. Dishes prepared on concentrated vegetable, meat, fish broths.
Garnish Porridge is boiled in water or milk. It is allowed to eat cereal fried cutlets, vermicelli, small shells, soufflés, puddings. Garnishes from cereals, pasta, vegetables not recommended for consumption.
Snacks Vegetable, fruit salads, grated mild and unsalted cheese. Lard, smoked meats, sausage, boiled pork, canned food and canned food, pickled dishes.
Sauces Dairy, sour cream fillings and sauces. Mustard sauces, adjika, mayonnaise, vinegar.
Juices and decoctions Sweet non-concentrated (diluted) fresh juices from non-acidic berries, fruits, fruits, as well as a decoction of wheat bran, wild rose, herbal infusions. Sour types of juices, decoctions.
Sweets Jam without sourness, marshmallow, honey, Uzbek navat, butter cream, white marshmallow. Ice cream, halva, chocolate products, pastry creams, pastries, muffins.
Beverages Unconcentrated black, green tea and coffee with milk, cream, milkshakes, jelly, cocoa. Mineral, medicinal and table water without gas (Polyana Kvasova or Kupel, Borjomi). Beer, alcohol and low alcohol drinks, all carbonated sweet or mineral waters, concentrated cocoa, strong coffee and tea without milk or cream added.

Food temperature control

Food for gastritis of all types should not be very hot or cold. For the stomach to work properly, the optimal temperature for food is 36─37 ° C, and acceptable - from 15 ° C to 60 ° C. Cold food is worse removed from the organ, additionally loading the antrum and causing a feeling of heaviness, and too hot food burns the inflamed mucous membrane, so wounds may appear on it.

Duration of use of medical food

How long does the diet last for gastritis? It directly depends on the type of pathology, the degree of damage to the membrane and the speed of recovery. Therefore, the duration of the diet is determined by the doctor. Usually, a strict diet lasts 5-7 days, a gentle diet - up to 21 days. The use of therapeutic nutrition for prevention can last up to 2-4 months. If the patient is diagnosed with an atrophic type of stomach disease, then it is likely that the diet will have to be followed for life.

Diet therapy for high acidity and gastritis

They select dietary food for gastritis and heartburn based on those products that do not cause an increase in secretory secretions, but help relieve inflammation and heal the mucous membrane.

With increased acidity, it is advisable to drink freshly squeezed potato juice every month for 7 days. It is taken 125 ml on an empty stomach before the first breakfast, and then eaten after 60 minutes.

What to eat with gastritis of the stomach with acidity above normal:

  • boiled dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, beef);
  • fillet of lean steamed fish;
  • vegetable puree with the addition of butter (ghee, butter);
  • steamed protein omelets, poached eggs;
  • milk, fermented baked milk, cream;
  • baked sweet fruits;
  • milk jelly, jelly;
  • biscuit biscuits.

Among cereals, it is advisable to use more buckwheat, and from dairy products it is better to choose products made from goat's milk. All of these dishes delay secretion and prevent heartburn.

Nutrition for gastric insufficiency and gastritis

The diet for gastritis of the stomach with acidity below normal should include bitterness that stimulate the formation of juice and induce appetite. But during the period of relapse, you can not eat a lot of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits.

What diet should be followed for gastritis with low acidity:

  • it is allowed to consume more meat and fish dishes, broths;
  • you can eat soaked herring, fried or baked cutlets, vegetables;
  • finely chopped greens, lightly salted cucumbers are added to food;
  • use vegetable, multifruit juices, herbal gastric tea;
  • diluted, boiled milk (whole milk is drunk only if it is well tolerated).

Gastric secretion improves if the meal starts with salads. During an exacerbation, it is advisable to consume warmed cabbage juice. It is drunk in 125 ml three times a day 60 minutes before eating.

Diet for acute development of gastritis

The list of foods that are eaten with gastritis of the stomach during the period of an intensely progressive disease is reduced to boiled liquid puree and low-calorie food. As the tissues heal, grated heat-treated vegetables, ground meat, and gruel are gradually added to the menu. When it can be done - the attending physician will tell. With exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane, the principle of nutrition is the same.

A strict diet for gastritis with acute symptoms is carried out in stages:

  1. First, complete daily fasting is shown. You can drink warm boiled water (1 tablespoon every 5-15 minutes until your thirst is quenched).
  2. After 24 hours, a strict diet for gastritis patients is supplemented with oatmeal (slimy) soup, herbal teas (gastric preparations), rosehip decoction, and unconcentrated chicken broth.
  3. On day 3, milk semolina and / or grated rice porridge, jelly, sweet compote, low-fat milk are added to the menu.
  4. After eliminating the pain syndrome, other acute symptoms of pathology, white crackers, steamed fish, omelets, meatballs are added to the diet for gastritis of the stomach.

As the inflammation subsides, grated food is included in the menu, and then the patient is transferred to a sparing diet. Usually, table number 1-b is assigned first, and then number 1.

Nutrition in the phase of attenuation of gastritis

A sparing diet is prescribed for gastritis in the case of a mild course of pathology, as well as after the removal of acute symptoms. The menu should be composed only of properly prepared, easily digestible dishes, but there should be a complete diet.

How to eat properly with gastritis every day during the period of a gentle diet:

  • energy value of food - 2200─2900 kcal;
  • salt - 6 g;
  • animal and vegetable fats - from 75 to 100 g;
  • proteins - 85-100 g;
  • carbohydrates - 250-400 g;
  • free liquid - 1─1.5 liters.

You can not break the diet, give up soups. A gentle diet for gastritis of the stomach does not contain foods that mechanically load the organ or irritate the mucous membrane (coarse food, not chopped meat, raw berries, etc.).

An approximate daily diet for chronic gastritis in the exacerbation phase or acute gastritis after relieving the attack:

  1. First breakfast: pureed oatmeal in water, yogurt.
  2. Lunch (11: 00─11: 30): baked apples with cottage cheese, weak sweet tea, diluted with milk.
  3. Dinner: mashed potato and carrot soup, buckwheat porridge, meatballs, bread with rabbit meat pate, compote.
  4. Snack: milk jelly, pureed sweet cottage cheese.
  5. Dinner: semolina porridge with butter, herbal tea.
  6. Half an hour before bedtime: 250 ml of yogurt or yogurt.

Of all the products that are eaten with gastritis of the stomach, fried foods, spicy dishes, chopped cutlets are excluded during the period of sparing nutrition. Also limit salt intake.

Useful video

Proper nutrition can eliminate gastritis. Check out this video for important advice from your doctor.

Recipes and an approximate menu for a week with gastritis

The therapeutic diet for gastritis consists of soups, cereals, noodles, which are supplemented with other boiled, steamed or stewed dishes. Diet meat, vegetables, lean fish are suitable for their preparation. During the day, snacks for gastritis are made mainly from dry biscuits, sandwiches with pate, grated cheese tea, compotes, jelly... At night, it is advisable to use fermented milk products, milk.

Quick recipes that include a stomach for gastritis diet:

  1. Slimy soup... Ingredients: 40 g washed rice chaff, 200 g chicken broth, 400 g water. Preparation: On a low-intensity fire, boil cereals in water for 60 minutes, filter, rub the rice, combine all the ingredients, salt, boil again. Served with butter.
  2. Beef balls... Take 200 g of meat, 10 g of butter, 10 g of soaked crust, a little salt, milk per serving. Preparation: beef with a roll is passed through a meat grinder twice, the rest of the products are added, meatballs are formed, and steamed.
  3. Milk jelly... Take 150 g of milk, 25 g of sugar, 30 g of starch (diluted with water) per serving. Preparation: add the remaining ingredients to the boiled milk, stir, remove from heat. Chilled jelly is served separately with 100 g of non-concentrated berry juice.

The table below shows what you can eat with gastritis. This is an approximate menu for a week during the period of attenuation of the disease.

Diet food for gastritis
Clock Sample menu by day of the week
MON VT Wed Th PT Sat Sun
8:00 Milk-rice porridge, herbal tea. 2 poached eggs and oatmeal, jelly. Milk noodle soup, tea cutlets. Buckwheat porridge with boiled meat, compote. Rice, jellied tongue, jelly. Milk porridge with oatmeal, tea. Mashed potatoes, vegetable cutlets, jelly.
10:00 lunch Curd dessert with berry puree, sour cream, 250 ml of jelly. Applesauce with honey, compote Rice soufflé, tea. Stewed carrots, tea. Curd dessert, tea. Fruit salad, compote. Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk.
12:00 lunch Vegetable puree soup, steamed cutlet, buckwheat. Fish fillet soup, rice porridge, milk mousse. Chicken breast soup stuffed with peppers, tea. Vegetable soup with meat, stew, compote. Buckwheat soup, mashed potatoes, cutlet, compote. Pumpkin puree soup, baked meat with carrots, tea. Fish soup, buckwheat with salad, compote.
14:00 250 ml rosehip broth, navat Cheese casserole, compote. Marshmallow, apple compote. Lazy dumplings, acidophilic milk. Cheesecakes with tea. Casserole, tea. Krupenik, herbal tea.
16:00 Apple pie, milk tea Galette cookies with herbal tea. Curd pudding, milk. Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. Milk soufflé with tea. 250 ml of kefir. Acidophilus, pudding, tea.
18:00 dinner Steamed fish, baked potatoes Noodles with cottage cheese, compote. Semolina in milk, tea. Boiled potatoes with vegetable salad, tea. Rice with apples, compote. Boiled fish, potatoes, tea. Stewed vegetables with meat, compote.
20:00 before bedtime 250 ml yogurt 250 ml milk 250 ml fermented baked milk 250 ml milkshake 250 ml of kefir 250 ml acidophilus milk 250 ml milk jelly

What kind of nutrition for gastritis and accompanying pathologies will be correct - the attending physician will tell you. If the inflammation of the stomach lining is not complicated by other diseases, then the daily menu is based on tables of Pevzner No. 1, 2... When choosing dishes, you also need to remember how to eat with gastritis of the stomach at each stage of the course of the disease.