How to optimize the page fails. How to optimize a page for a key request

In the first case, the page address is understandable for the robot and for humans, therefore it is called a human-readable url (CNC). When creating a new page, give it a name that people understand. It is desirable if it includes a search query. In the example, the page address contains the "fishing rod" key. It is immediately clear what the user will find on the page.

URL name.It is not necessary to create a page address from a single word. Let's say the page contains the article "How to choose a winter fishing rod." Name the page the same: Many CMSs automatically name pages based on the descriptions in the title and h1. If your site is different, assign a name yourself.

Case and symbols.Write the page address in capital letters. Do not use capital letters even at the beginning of the name and in proper names. If you see capital letters in site addresses on the search page, be aware that these are advertising urls to attract attention. The real ones are written in a different way. Do not use underscores and pluses in url, as well as continuous spelling. Connect words only with a hyphen.

  • no:,,
  • yes

Nestingshows how many links the user needs to click to get to the page. Sometimes the navigation is so confusing that it requires a lot of pointless transitions. This can be seen in the address bar. Strive to ensure that all sections are accessible from the main page If there are too many categories, then it is permissible to nest up to 3 user clicks, including the main one:

Renaming.If you have an old site and the urls on it are not readable, carefully change the page URLs. Old urls are in the index, they are referenced by third-party resources. If you just replace the address with one another, then the optimized page will drop out of the index and will no longer be shown for search queries. The robots will treat it as a new page and be indexed in the same way as the newly created site. Therefore, when changing the url, set up the 301 redirect of the old address to the new one. It is configured through the Yandex.Webmaster panel. Then robots and users, when clicking on the old link, will automatically go to the new url of the page.


Location.Title - the title of the page, what is written in the browser tab. In the page code, it is in a block. The site admin panel usually has a field with the same name. Write Title into it. For search engine optimization, it is desirable that the title and h1 of the page do not match. Sometimes they are copied automatically to the CMS. It is allowed to rename them manually.

Length limited by the length of the snippet. The page title can be of any length, but then it will be shown cropped on the search page. Observe the following header sizes:

  • russian-speaking - 55-60 characters;
  • english language - 65-70 characters.

Submit your application

H1-h6 headers

H1 heading - the main text title on the page. It shouldn't be the same as title. It is allowed to use only one h1 heading, the rest, if not necessary, do not use. Include the main clue in the heading in the correct spelling. The content of the title should be clear to users and interest them in reading the material.

Numbering.Divide all text on the page into subheadings. Then it will look structured and easier to read. Use descending headings, do not skip the numbering. If there is no h2 on the page yet, do not put h3 or lower.


Keywords necessary. If they are not there, the robot will not be able to determine the subject of the text and show the page with a relevant request. Insert keys naturally and evenly across the text. Use the main key in the first paragraph, preferably in the first 100-150 characters. Replace keys with synonyms whenever possible. Make your keywords sound natural. This will help search engines rank texts in voice searches. At the end of 2017, the share of voice search in Google was 20% and will continue to grow.

Uniqueness content is important, but it's not worth pursuing by any means. On the sites of medical, legal, and economic topics, there are texts where common terms are replaced with complex verbal constructions. This is done in favor of the uniqueness of the text, but at the same time the simplicity of presentation and the benefit to the reader are completely lost. When choosing between uniqueness and usefulness, choose utility. Unreadable text, but with 100% uniqueness nobody needs it. Check the uniqueness using the service.

Volume... The required volume depends on the type and subject of the content. For a product card, text up to 1000-1500 characters is enough. For informational articles, the appropriate volume is until the topic is fully disclosed. To find out the required volume, generate an automatic technical specification for texts using TZ Monster services and the like. The program will analyze the top results for the main key and calculate the number of keys, occurrences and word forms and the required amount of text.


Pictures and videos attract attention and keep users on the page. This improves the behavioral factors of the site and increases its position in the search results. Insert photos by topic. They should illustrate the content of the article, reveal more deeply the essence of the material. Sometimes it is appropriate to insert funny pictures or stills from a movie. Watch out for copyright on images. Take photos from free photo stocks, buy them on photo exchanges or directly from authors. If possible, add your own copyright photos.

Descriptions.Fill in meta tags for images: title and alt. Image title - title. Write the name of the picture in it. In the alt tag, include a description of the photo. If the image does not load, the user will be able to read which particular photo should have been on the page. Title and alt can be the same, include keywords wisely.

Social media buttons

Add links to social networks. Users will be able to share their favorite publications or products. Many CMS social network sites have pre-installed functionality. If not, install a special plugin. The mandatory minimum includes Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram. Additionally, put a link to share in Telegram and a link to a YouTube channel if you are shooting a video. If the site is content, open a channel in Yandex.Zen and post new articles on it via RSS.


    The page address must be a human-readable url (CNC). Name the page according to its content, write words separated by a hyphen in lowercase letters. Get nesting on the site up to 3 clicks. On old resources, rename pages through a 301 redirect. Write the name of the page in the title tags through the page code or CMS site. Create a title up to 55-60 characters long with keywords and user-friendly wording.

    Only one h1 heading should be present on the page. It shouldn't be the same as title. Include the master key of the page in h1. Use the rest of the h2-h6 headers in turn: from large to small.

    Write interesting and useful texts for your readers. Add keywords in natural word forms, distribute them evenly. Place the main key in the first paragraph, preferably within 150 characters. The amount of text depends on the type and subject matter. Calculate the required volume with the help of automatic TK services - TZ Monster and the like. Or write until the topic is fully disclosed. Strive for uniqueness without sacrificing ease of presentation.

    It is necessary to optimize images by reducing their weight. To do this, use images of a suitable size, compress them using the services Imagify, Compressor, Optipng, etc. Fill in the title and alt tags, their content may match.

    Place social media buttons. Be sure to add VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. Desirable - Telegram, if there is a video - YouTube. Information and content sites can duplicate publications in the Yandex.Zen feed using RSS.

The material was prepared by Svetlana Sirvida-Llorente.

Product sections generate the lion's share of organic traffic. This is their main value in terms of SEO optimization. Clicks from search engines are equally important for any online store - they generate the most converting visits and serve as the foundation for stability in eCommerce. At the same time, promotion of category pages has many pitfalls. It is important here to be extremely careful with the keys, carefully place the text content, correctly design the headings, and much more. Failure to comply with these rules will, at best, push the section to the margins of search results, at worst - will lead the page or the entire site under the filter. In this article, we will share our knowledge on how to properly optimize directory partitions, avoiding critical errors.

Where does category optimization begin?

Sections of the catalog are pages containing thematic groups of goods. With a competent approach, they are created, guided by data from the semantic core. The matrix of keywords helps to make the most thought-out structure of the catalog: to highlight the most popular categories, to form a hierarchy of sections and subsections. In addition to organizing the site architecture, the semantic core allows you to identify the most promising categories and focus on them as a priority when promoting. And finally, semantics is the matrix that you will constantly refer to when optimizing pages for specific queries.

Texts for catalog sections. What are the dangers?

Text in product categories - their quality, size and location - play a very important role in the SEO optimization of these pages. To a greater extent, this applies to stores focused on traffic from Yandex. The era of aggressive promotion with key queries, which spammed a long footcloth of text at the end of the page, ended in 2017, after the launch of the Baden-Baden algorithm. Today, they work with the text content of the sections as carefully as possible. Otherwise, there is a high probability of falling under the filter, which can be applied both to the entire site and to individual pages. Under "Baden-Baden" fall not only for openly "black" manipulations, such as the use of hidden text on the page, but also less serious violations - over-optimization or just long footcloths at the bottom of the page. The algorithm focuses primarily on online stores.

Even if your text is well structured, bulleted with lists, etc., but remains long and over-optimized, this does not in any way reduce the likelihood of a filter. Taking into account these realities, today optimizers either completely abandon the texts in the product sections, or use extremely short descriptions - one or two paragraphs - in which they accurately enter 1-2 key queries. The rest of the semantics is divided into subsections, pseudo-categories (tag pages) and product cards. As for the text itself, we recommend placing it at the top of the document - between the H1 heading and the directory. This is important not only for the convenience of users, but also for the search robots that index the page.

It is noteworthy that only Yandex conducts such a tough policy regarding text footcloths. Google, on the other hand, has no particular claims to them, at least in Runet. If traffic from two search engines is important to you, texts in catalog sections can be hidden from Yandex using the tag ... However, Google will continue to rank these pages along with the text. At the moment, this strategy is not a forbidden technique, and it works great when promoting in runet.

Creating Title for categories of online stores

Title is the most important tag. For large online stores containing a large number of categories, it is usually created automatically using generation templates. Optimizing the main headline obeys a number of rules, we will highlight the main ones.

It is highly undesirable to duplicate the title on different pages of the site. This problem is not so urgent for partition optimization, since categories are usually not repeated. But, for example, in commodity cards, such a miscalculation is found all the time. It is advisable to always include tracking and correcting duplicate tags in your search audit program.

The most frequent query is always entered in Title. It should be placed closer to the beginning of the title. It is allowed to sacrifice readability in favor of direct key occurrence. Looking ahead, we note that this is not recommended in H1; word forms and the most natural constructions are used in it. Example:

Title: Buy plastic containers for dairy products Moscow

H1: Production of plastic containers for dairy products

The question of whether it is necessary to enter the same or different keys in Title and H1 has become the talk of the town among SEOs. Over the years of our work, we have tested different options, and settled on the scheme when we use the same occurrences in Title and H1, but adjusted for word forms and readability, as in the example shown above.

The optimal Title length is 60-70 characters with spaces.Since the title of the snippet is formed from the title, it is important that it is not cut off and looks as attractive as possible in the SERP. Google and Yandex are pulling a different number of characters into the browser. The size of the header, which will be fully displayed on both systems, is 60-70 characters.

H1 tag assignment

The H1 document title is a less demanding tag, but its design is subject to a number of rules, the observance of which is important for the correct promotion of sections, as well as other pages of the store. For search engines, this is the second most important tag after Title. It should also contain the main key of the promoted page, but, as mentioned above, in the most logical and readable word form. You can refuse to use place names in Н1 if they are indicated in Title.

Unlike a title, where a combination of several entries is allowed, only one key (the highest priority) is entered into H1, and the rest are distributed over the text and / or subheadings - Н2, H3, etc. In addition, it is highly undesirable to make occurrences of spam words here: "cheap", "best", etc. This is reasonably allowed in Title, but search engines don't like it in page titles.

The heading is placed as close as possible to the beginning of the document - above the product catalog. This is needed not so much for user convenience as for search crawlers that will crawl an HTML document. There should be only one H1 on the category page. If the section provides for text, the headings in it are put down without H1, and they begin with H2 further by nesting. As with the title, it is advisable to avoid duplicating H1 on different pages. This can make it difficult to rank.

Description. As short as possible

Description is a meta tag used by search engines to form a snippet - a small piece of information describing a site in the SERP. The quality of its writing is a significant factor affecting click-through rates in Google and Yandex.

SEO Requirements for Creation Description:

  • informativeness and good readability;
  • entry of key queries (without spamming);
  • uniqueness of Description for each page;
  • volume - on average 160 characters with spaces.

Snippet design

Writing the Description meta tag is just one of the steps in creating an informative and structured snippet. Its competent and attractive design directly affects the percentage of referrals from search engines.

Requirements for creating a clickable snippet:

  1. Informative and concise Description (160 characters).
  2. Correctly formed Title.
  3. No spamming in Title and Description.
  4. The presence of the organization in Yandex.Directory will allow displaying contact information in the snippet, which will make the preview more informative and clickable. Online stores that do not have an actual address are added to the Directory as online organizations.
  5. Connecting markup - thanks to it, in the snippet of the catalog page, you can pull up actual information about the number of products, maximum and minimum cost, currency, etc. Semantic markup also affects the processing of information by search robots, which affects the quality of ranking.

Using additional navigation. Bread crumbs

The main navigation tools on category pages are menu sections and internal links that are put down from filter parameters or text on the page. It is better to supplement them with one more element - the so-called. bread crumbs. This is an auxiliary menu in the form of a navigation chain, thanks to which it is clearly visible in which section or subsection of the store the user is at the moment. The click-through rate of each bread crumb allows you to go back the required number of steps, which is very important when searching for products manually.

Obviously, this element is useful for both users and search engines. Breadcrumbs not only improve on-site behavioral factors, whose value is always a top priority for search engines, but also provide a number of other SEO benefits. First, breadcrumbs often end up in a snippet, replacing the page address. This makes the description of the site in the SERP more accurate and attractive to the user. Do not forget that bread crumbs are a full-fledged linking element, thanks to which static weight is redistributed between pages.

The navigation capabilities of breadcrumbs can be greatly expanded by providing each item with a drop-down menu.

The proposed optimization scheme for category pages is universal. It works for all online stores, regardless of their size, assortment, average check. Carrying out a technical audit on the points described above will allow you to get more traffic from Google and Yandex and effectively convert it into income.

All owners of information sites should remember that the success of their site depends on the introduction of keywords. To promote a resource, it is necessary to compile a semantic core in advance and use the selected keys in order to collect as much search traffic as possible.

Optimizing a page for several requests, all bloggers think about it, and some even use it. In general, promotion for several queries is no different from standard page optimization at once. The only difference is that several requests are used at once.

How to optimize an article for 2-3 keywords?

Before doing this, you need to understand that it makes no sense to optimize the material for high-frequency queries. The fact is that in order to advance on high frequency, you need to use one key and optimize the entire page for it. Due to the high competition, you simply will not have a chance to reach high positions using several queries.

In addition, you need to choose thematically related keys, otherwise your material will not be informative enough. Finding similar keys is not so difficult, WordStat immediately displays several suitable queries that you can use:

When promoting an article for several requests, you need to do everything exactly the same as when you use one key with several blurry shapes. Simply put, you need to maintain a concentration of keys and each of them must be with direct entry, otherwise nothing will work. From the selected keys, you will need to choose the main one, let it have the largest number of requests (in comparison with the rest).

When choosing words, use not only Yandex statistics. There are other sources of information that will be useful to you for the selection of queries. For example, you can use dictionaries, all kinds of forums, and even competitors' sites. Using the TextusPro program, it is easy to determine for which additional words the material has been optimized.

How to place multiple keywords in the text?

First, let's talk about the Title tag, you need to include all the selected words in it. In most cases, it is almost impossible to do this, because search engines take into account only the first 70 characters, and they are displayed in the search results. Therefore, try to come up with the most meaningful title for the page.

A great way to optimize your page for multiple requests is to use subheading tags. For this, tags h1, h2, h3 and so on are used. Put in the first subheading the main key phrase, in the second and third, put the direct forms of the rest of the selected queries. Thus, you will increase the optimization for all selected phrases at once.

Do not forget about compilation, because your page is optimized for several requests, and the snippet should contain relevant information for all keys.

For example, there are many different queries for the keyword "Earn Money on the Internet", but writing articles for each of them is too long and laborious. You can use multiple keys and thus take a leading position on each request. It is impossible to promote several pages of the site by one request, and it is quite possible to optimize an article for several keys.

Hello! Today I am publishing a translated article. But not because I myself have nothing to write, but just for a change, because everything goes to us from the bourgeoisie. And therefore their experience is advanced. We read!

How many keywords is each page of your site optimized for? One? Two? Our friend Mark Nanni will show you today how to optimize one page for more than 10,000 keywords.

FocusSEOpages for primary and secondary keywords

To get started, you need to identify the primary and secondary keywords of the page. Don't make the common mistake of targeting several different pages for one keyword.

In order to identify primary and secondary keywords, you have to go through a difficult process from keyword research to developing an SEO strategy. You should also think carefully about the layout of the content on the page and publish content by adhering to this plan.

The two keywords of yours that the page targeted will be the starting point.

Your page can easily be optimized for 10,000 keys or more if you follow the guidelines below. Let me show you that this is actually possible ...

The image below is a Google Analytics report for the business site page. The page contains a SWOT analysis. As you can see, users came to this page for more than 10,000 different requests

Amazing tail of requests

Strikingly, a big part of a page's success is not how it ranks for top keywords, but how rich it is and how deep the tail of queries is.

So, the page doesn't rank for just one HF “swot analysis”, it ranks well for a lot of niche keywords related to SWOT analysis.

Enter keywords inWordtracker

On the page below (see image), the main keywords are “business strategy” and “business continuity strategy”.

You can see these keywords in the page title, which is shown at the top of the browser.

Let's introduce the main keys into the Wordtracker keyword tool. We look at the images below ...

The first thing that Wordtracker shows is up to 1,000 key phrases containing our primary keys. In the image below, you can see 12 of 1000 phrases

We then go to the Related Keyword Tool and search for up to 300 words and phrases associated with the primary key. The image below shows 20 of 300

If possible, try to use Wordtracker suggestions. Use singular and plural numbers, synonyms, and similar keywords. Note that our page contains keys like strategic, strategy, planning, plans and strategy models.

Use keywords in the following places

Use your main keywords in the following places on the page:

    Title tag

    Description tag

    Headings, subheadings and body of the article

Let's take a look at each of the points ...

Title tag

Take a look at the following example:

... whose code looks like this:

Business strategy | Business continuity strategy

The most important thing when working with a page title tag is to be sure to include the primary keyword first, followed by the secondary keyword.

I didn't do this in the example above, but I recommend that you include a small marketing message in this tag. For example, you can add “Profitable business insights from Robert Heller” to this ThinkingManagers page.

This tactic can increase your site's click-through rate in search results, but it will likely decrease the number of people who see your site, as these additional words will reduce the power of other keywords.

Personally, I use the title tag to get the attention of as many people as possible, and with the description tag I increase the click-through rate.

In addition, the brand name can be seen in the titles of many sites. By the way, a lot of interesting research has been carried out on the relationship between search results and the presence of a brand name. Popular brands in search results can significantly increase your click-through rates, but is your brand popular enough? Maybe. The presence of a brand name not only increases the click-through rate, but also influences backlink acquisition and SEO in general.

Description tag

The meta description tag will not improve your SERP rankings as it is not viewed directly by search engines. However, a good meta description tag will increase your click-through rate.

By the way, there is some evidence that increased click-through rates can help rankings.

Here's a simple description tag formula:

<основное ключевое слово><вторичное ключевое слово><некоторые выгодные предложения вашего сайта посетителям>

And (if you're smart enough) add a call to action. Below we can see an example from

“Business strategy & Business continuity strategy: Improve your business with advice and a free newsletter from leading business writer Robert Heller”

(“Business Strategy & Business Continuity Strategy: Improve Your Business with Tips and Free Newsletters from Leading Business Author, Robert Geller”).

The description code is as follows:

Headings, subheadings and body of the article

Below are screenshots of our site showing the title and subtitle containing our keys:

And the following screenshot is an example of an article body with underlined keywords:

Note that we did not use as many keywords as we could. However, you shouldn't be afraid to use them anymore, I don't think that will diminish the interest of your readers. But this does not mean that you can literally fill the page with keys. Sentences must be real and meaningful, and the keys must contain singular and plural numbers, contain synonyms and similar keywords.

It's important to use these variations, they do two things:

    Tell Google that the page is natural, relevant and not spammy.

    Allows you to focus on the wider tail of queries.

We can talk about hidden semantic indexing or even a hidden distribution condition, but you end up with: creating natural pages with a focus on specific keys.

Blue text on the screen of the body of the text are links leading to external resource pages. Pay attention to how keywords and their variations are used. This is a good technique to link to other sites, especially those that rank well for your keywords.

Image titles and attribute “alt

Use your keywords in image titles and alt attributes. However, the images must be relevant to them.

If you can, write 1000 words

Long, detailed, helpful, inspirational articles will allow you to expand the tail of queries relevant to your market. Thousands of keywords will appear that you could not even imagine, since about 20% of searches in search engines every day are new, never before appeared key phrases. Check and supplement your articles with such keys at least once every 6 months.

In addition, such articles will be very often referred to, and link building is the basis of SEO.

So, no matter what you write about, make the page as useful as possible for everyone and they will start to share and link to it.

Google helps us a little with this. On Google knol), Google describes a page that it considers ideal for the web. “… Any page that is longer than a standard web page is a good article, because a good article is aimed at readers who want more detailed information on the topic they are looking for on the Internet.”

You don't have to write 1000 words. Two pages with fewer words and more detailed information will be much better than one incoherent and unapproachable article. Online store product pages can barely be 100 words long. That's not bad either. If you can't write long articles, then add more pages for each keyword.

Now get some links

For real success, you still need external links. The more competitive a niche is, the more important links are.

The first links you can give to a page are links from your own site. The strongest ones will be from the home page of the site. It would be nice if links to new articles appeared on the home page automatically. This is normal for blogs, but not for commercial sites.

Then make sure your site has category pages (or tag pages are the same) and links from relevant categories to your page.

After that, you can go to search for links from other sites.

Checklist for page optimization:

    Start by developing keywords for your entire site

    Plan your content output structure

    Choose your primary and secondary keywords

    Type keywords into Wordtracker to find their tail of queries, similar keywords

    Write naturally and to the point, using singular and plural numbers, similar keys, etc.

    Page title tag

    Description tag


    Image titles and the "alt" attribute

    Links from other external resources

So, you have identified the semantic core and the suitable search queries for which you want to promote the page in the search: you have selected those of interest in Yandex.Wordstat, using the Key Сollector service or by analyzing competitors' queries. We also covered this topic in more detail. And now it is important to optimize the website pages in order to achieve high positions in the SERP for the keywords of interest. To do this, we recommend taking at least 7 steps.

Step 1: register the CNC (human-readable URL)

This is a URL that both robots and users can understand. Instead of a chaotic set of numbers and symbols, the address bar contains understandable words. Use important keywords in the URL of the page, but don't make the URL too long (2-3 words are enough). How much do you need to register on the CNC page? It is necessary, because this is how we emphasize the importance of the document for search algorithms, and representatives of search engines have confirmed this.

Google's John Mueller argues that this factor is taken into account in the ranking, but at the same time it is not the most significant (i.e. it counts with other factors in the aggregate):

Yandex also noted the importance of CNC: thanks to a human-readable URL, the Yandex search robot understands what the document is about and what query it is relevant to.

For example, the URL lets him know that the file can be downloaded, that it is a PDF. The robot also understands that the document is relevant to the query "literacy correction".

  • bad url:\u003d1298780#prise
  • good url:

Reflect the main thesis of the document in the URL so that not only search engines, but also the user immediately understands what material he will see through the link.

Step 2: optimize your tags and page titles

The main tag is Title. The title of the page is framed in it, it is displayed in the search results as the title of the snippet, the content of the tag makes it clear to the robot what the document is about. In addition, Title is the page's business card for visitors, as they also evaluate this tag and make the decision to navigate to the page.

Use meaningful keywords in the tag closer to the beginning of the sentence, so they appear at the beginning of the heading. This will have an impact on the CTR. For example, for the phrase “buy a coffee machine” we see that in all headings the key is used closer to the beginning.

Note that it makes sense to list a large number of requests, because the user will not see them. It is desirable that the title should contain no more than 10 words, or 60–70 characters. Then it will be able to display in its entirety. But it is not necessary to follow this recommendation. Any length header will be considered by the robot. Do not be afraid of truncated titles, the main thing is that there is a high-frequency request at the beginning of the title. Correct optimization of the tag will help to increase the CTR of pages and bring the site to the TOP.

Here's an example of a valid, but not very good title. This first contains an RF request, but the phrase is cut off. A more laconic phrase “Dacquoise coconut biscuit with berries recipe with photo” would have been better. In this case, the meaning of the title would still be clear.

An example of a good title. This contains the RF request, and all relevant information is available to the user.

To promote the brand, the title is sometimes included in the title or a simplified URL. Users pay attention to this because they are looking for familiar names. In this example, it is "Eat at Home ..."

Description is a meta tag that does not contribute to the ranking, but helps the search engine form a snippet in the SERP. Reflect the essence of the page in it and place the USP there. A good description will grab the user's attention and encourage them to follow the link.

Headings h1, h2 – h6

Mark up the main heading of the page text with an h1 tag. Search engines pay attention to it when ranking a site. In the heading of the first level, use the most significant keyword by which you are promoting the page. It must reflect its essence, be understandable and succinct. The h1 tag is used only once.

The h2 – h6 subheadings are used to structure text and markup. They need to include minor page requests. You should follow the hierarchy of headings and place them in order in the text. Here, too, meaningless words are not needed. After optimizing page titles and tags, along with other factors, the keyword rankings of the document improve.

Step 3: optimize the page text

  • The text must be unique. Don't copy someone else's text! A search algorithm (eg Google Panda) will gladly downgrade / exclude a plagiarized site from the search results. Write a unique text and rate it using the services, eTXT.
  • Search engines strive to ensure that the user gets what matches his request. Place useful and interesting text on the page that will be read. This will boost the rankings.
  • Structure the text on the page to make it easier for the user to read. Use bulleted lists to highlight important information.
  • Search engines do not like over-optimization, and pages with such texts fall under the filters. Therefore, avoid excess keys.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the text on the page must satisfy the user's request, give him an answer to the question. Search engines easily distinguish between useless articles for robots and content for humans. So think about quality first.

Step 4: filling the page with catalogs, pictures, other media content

Now that you've optimized your URL, wrote good text and optimized your tags, you need to fill the page with additional content. Dry text is not interesting to either users or search engines.

Here are some examples of the types of pages we are going to promote:

  • Online store page. Such a page needs a product catalog. The number of offers should not be inferior to the range of competitors who are in the TOP of the search results. Therefore, it is important to place a competitive number of positions. Placing 3-5 products on the page with a long-term prospect of further adding the rest is a bad option. A small number of products will not appeal to search algorithms that rank large catalogs, or users who will go to a competitor with a wider product offer.
  • Service page. Give your visitors a comprehensive amount of information. On the promoted page, place data on prices, portfolio, terms of cooperation, videos, documents for download, any other useful material. It is important that in the process of studying the information the user does not have any questions, and he leaves a request for the service.
  • Article. Decorate it with thematic images, tables, videos, infographics - anything that illustrates the content. This will make the text easier for the user to understand.

High-quality page content makes the text easier to read, reduces rejections, improves behavioral factors. Return - high positions in search engine results.

Step 5: optimizing images

We found that pictures make text easier to read. For the image to be optimized, you need to register the following attributes of the img tag and name the image:

  • alt. When the image is not loaded, the user sees text instead, which is enclosed in the alt attribute. It is taken into account by robots when assessing the relevance of a page. We recommend that you enter the keys into alt, because it is taken into account in the search results when searching for images;
  • title. When the user hovers over the picture, the text appears, which is enclosed in the title attribute. It must match the keyword phrase that the headline is promoting;
  • graphic file name. We recommend that you give the image file itself a meaningful name, for example, sposobi-zakladki-fundamenta.jpg. This will be taken into account when ranking images in Yandex and Google image search.

Step 6: speed up page load

Google Page Speed \u200b\u200bwill help you estimate the page loading speed. The service provides data on optimization, but not in all cases displays the speed. The faster the page loads and the site as a whole, the better for promotion. Pay attention to Google's claim that download speed has been a ranking factor in mobile search since July 2018.

To parse the page, go to and paste in the URL.

To improve the download speed, it is enough to follow the recommendations received, including:

  • use gzip compression. This will shorten the time it takes to transfer files to the browser;
  • optimize images. Use PNG for icons, JPG for photos. The correct format and compression of images can reduce their size;
  • optimize CSS and HTML;
  • enable data caching so that the browser does not waste time downloading on a return visit.

Please note that loading speed is affected by the number of scripts and flash animations, so do not overuse them.

As an example, we present the results of a check on the analysis of on the Google service.

We recommend checking the download speed for the entire resource using other services (for example, Optimal speed for the entire site is achieved through reliable hosting and optimization of loading on the resource side (scripts, images).

Step 7: optimize your site for mobile devices

It is important to optimize the site for mobile devices so as not to lose users who visit via smartphones.

Agree, browsing the desktop version of the site on a smartphone, constantly increasing the scale, is inconvenient and difficult. A good optimization should render the page correctly on mobile devices.

In the Mobile Friendly service, you can check the page for loading speed and other problems. Follow the link to the mobile fitness checker from Google and paste the URL. The results will show how the page is displayed and what issues the user might encounter. Usually it is small print, flash, closely spaced interactive elements.

Yandex promises that pages not adapted for mobile devices will not fly out of search results. After all, the suitability of a resource for them is only one of 1500 ranking factors, and there is also the originality of the content, ease of navigation, etc. But at the same time Yandex gives priority in mobile search to those pages that are convenient to use from a smartphone.

Optimization should be carried out in a comprehensive manner. Develop your resource comprehensively, and then it will work for you. The main thing is to remember that search engines love sites that are made for people.

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