Kazkovy piven. Folk fairy tale "pivnik - golden comb" - tvir about friendship

> Tales about Pivnya and about Pivnik

A selection of fairy tales about Petushkov by the Russian language is presented at this branch. Happy reading!

    Alive-buv pіvnik that chicken. Pivnik mustache hurried everything, hurried everything, and the hen, know yourselves, says: - Petya, do not hurry. Petya, don't hurry. Beaking like a pivnik bean grain, that hastily and choked. Choking, do not breathe, do not feel how to lie dead. The chicken squirmed, rushed to the master, ...

    Pivnik in the yard rushed and knew the bean grain. Hotіv prokovtnut, she choked. Having choked, she fell, and lie down, do not breathe! The hen patted, pidbіgla up to the new and feed: - Ko-ko-ko! Pivnik-pivnik, why are you lying down, are you not quiet? Pіven vіdpovіdaє: - Choking on a bean... Go to the cow, ask for an olive - a bean...

    Once upon a time there lived a whale, a drіzd and a pіvnik - a golden comb. The stench lived at the fox, at the hatintsy. A whale and a drіzd go around the woods to cut firewood, and they deprive one of the pivniks. Іdut - suvoro punish: - We are far away, and you stay home, don’t give a voice; if the fox comes, do not look at the end.

    Once upon a time there lived an old one with an old one. Or they stink like peas and let in one pea for a trial. The pea squatted softly and huddled in podpilly. Chi dovgo, chi briefly lay there a pea, raptom began to grow. She grew, grew and grew to the point. Stara pobachila and it seems: - Old man, you need to cut through something: ...

    A grandmother lived with a grandfather. And they had a piven from a cock. Like a grandmother with a didom cooked. And the grandmother seems to be didovі: "Take it, didu, take your pіvnya, and give me a chicken." From living did iz pivnem, and it became nothing for him. And the grandmothers are good with the chicken, the chicken is carrying the egg. Did it to a pivnyuk: "Pivnik, pivnik! I don't want to...

    Once upon a time there lived a cat and a pivnik. We lived well, together. The cat went for a watering, and brewed a pivnik, sang a hut, sang a song. Pishov the cat for watering, and the pivnik, having closed the doors behind him, and becoming a cook of offense. The fox lives, shakes the hut and - until the end: - Hey, who is the master here? - I, - seem to be a pivnik. - Let me go to the hut. ...

    Sobі dіd and that woman lived, and in them there was a hen and a pivnik. The grandfather and the hen died, and the hen and the hen all ate without them - and the blizzards and everything was clean. Power on the seat. Pivnik: "Crow!" - shopiv kaminchik, she choked. From the hen wept and wept, then we ran to the sea for some water, ask: - Sea, sea, give me some water! ...

    A pivnik from a chicken is alive. Pivnik p'yany got drunk and got drunk on pants. The hen went down to the river. She hushed, hushed, and a bump on her forehead and flew out of her trousers. Vaughn ran home, the pivnik lay on the rough floor. "Pivnik, what do you know?" - "What do I know?" - that one. “Ah, - it seems, - the Germans invaded Rus'!” ...

    Once upon a time there lived a cat and a pivnik and fraternized. The cat needed to drink firewood, from the same wine to the pivnik: - You, pivnik, sit on the stove and rolls, and I'll go for firewood, and when the fox comes, don't worry. Pishov. The fox came running, began to pivnya z hati vimanyuvati: - Brother pivnik, vіdkriy! Brother pivnik...

    They sent a pivnik from a chicken for peas. The hen climbed on the wood, on the very top, and the hen stood below, check. Zirvav pіvnik one gorіh - throwing it on the ground, zіrvav another - throwing it, and like a third one throwing it, then right the chicken in the eye. - Axis grіh yakys! - the pivnik was embarrassed. - How did I knock A...

    Once upon a time, that chicken pivnik lived, lived, did not grieve, cooked porridge. That treba was famously trapitis: like a chicken was called in a mountain worker from porridge. Vityag її pіvnik, having hung on the street to dry, and he himself began to cook porridge again. The beagle raised the fox and sipped the hen. Having sipped the pivnik at the end, harnessed six more...

    A long time ago, if a camel was a barker, and a flea was a barber, so long ago, you can’t guess, what’s in the sieve, what’s in the straw, if I’m an uncle’s cradle - creak-creak! - hitala, here and kazochtsі began. The rippled pivnik is alive at those ancient hours. Have pivnya like turboti? Hotch rudiy, hotch ripple, hotch sizzle, hotch...

  • Walk around the yard pіvnik: on the head - a red comb, under the nose - a red beard. Nis at Petya with a chisel, a whip at Petya with a wheel, on the tail there are vizerunks, on the legs there are spurs. With the paws of Petya, the kupu is roaring, the chicken from the chickens is calling out: - Chickens-tufted chickens! Klopotunі gentlemen! Strokatenkі-ryabenki! Black-white! ...

  • Alive that buv sobі old zі old, bіdnі-bіdnі! There was no bread in them. The axis of the stink went to the fox, they collected acorns, brought them home and began to eat. Chi dovgo, chi short stench їli, only the old one let in one acorn at pidpіllі. Having let the acorn parostok і in a small hour, doris to pіdlogi. Stara primitila and it seems: ...

    Once upon a time there lived a fox and a bunny in the fox. The stench lived close by, one kind of one. Autumn has come. It became cold in the forest. Virishil stink hut for the winter zbuduvat. The chanterelle made her hut from the barnacle snig, and the bunny made her hut from the barnacle dog. The stench overwintered at the new huts. Spring has come, the sun has warmed. Chanterelles-on...

    The grandfather of the woman is alive. And they had bottoms - didova's bottom and a woman's bottom. Didov's daughter's name was Galya, and the babina's name was Yulia. Baba loved her mother's daughter, that pestil, and didov's in black teal, she tried everything to save her life. Pishov once did go to the fairs, having bought a tricycle whip. Instilling home and telling the donkeys: - You will ...

    Once upon a time there lived a hen and a pivnik. The hen was laying eggs, and the pivnik got a grain and treated the hen. Vigrebe with fossae grain and cry chicken; - Ko-ko-ko, Chubatka, I know grainy! Axis of time, the great bobok wins a piven. "Well, - I think, - don't shove a chicken grain, I'll do yoga, maybe, myself." Forged...

  • Nowhere, in the distant kingdom, In the distant realm, The glorious king Dadon is alive. From the young buv grіzny vіn І susіdam time and again Having applied the image boldly, Ale wants to get old in old age In order to fight for the rights of the І calm sobі vlastuvati; Here judges to disturb The old tsar have become, Creators of terrible mischief. Sob kіntsі their ...

  • Beat, drum: ta-ta! tra-ta-ta! Play, blow: labor-tu! Tu-ru-ru! .. Let's play all the music here - today Vanka is a birthday boy! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-ru-ru! Vanka walks in a red shirt and says: - Brothers, we kindly ask you ... ...

  • Bula was a widow's daughter, a former stepchild. The headdress is diligent, the garne, but the bottom is not good for the guise, and the ice is terrible. The widow loved her Donka more than ever and forgave everything, but she scorned her stepdaughter too much and treated her rather nastily. Shoranka is small padchera to sit and spin the well.

(Marvel at the darkness: trigger)

Pіven uvі snі is a shanuvalnik for a woman, a supernik for a person and a competitor on the right. Once in a while, a dream about a pivnya will strike you from a swaggering and pihaty people, as if you would be unacceptable. Zarіzati yoga - a sign of discord on the right. Let yoga out of the house - the movement of swedish friends. Півні, scho b'yutsya uvі сні - a sign of welding or chvar.

A little cry of pіvnya vі snі vіschuє otrimannya podomlenya, yakі tell you that the moment has come, which you are not guilty to miss. To marvel at the darkness: a cry.

It is also important that the first dream is ahead of the deceit, and also about those that the hour has come for the praise of an important decision. As soon as you feel the cries of pivniv, then you should follow the uniqueness of weldings and sorting out, as they can harm you. Sometimes the cry of a pivnya uvі snі zastorіgaє vіd pardons аbo ahead of the zrada.

If you dream that the egg was laid in an egg, then you will be checked for inconsistencies, for which the arrival of host guests may be on the way, or the reception of the receptions. Sometimes such a dream conveys an inability to take away the recession. Marvel at the darkness: a feast, an egg, in which you pluck a flicker from a bee tail, see misfortune.

Yaskrave plumage pіvnya uvі dream bachiti - a sign of a swedish radio call about the arrival of a friend of a kohany, whom you haven't been bachiti for a long time.

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About the fairy tale

The Russian folk tale is part of the cultural recession of the nation. It is necessary for children of a different age to read and create fairy tales. Through the children of fairy tales, a child can learn about the beauty of the great and mighty Russian language. Through acquaintance with the characters of the tales, a little listener (reader) step by step enters the world of mutual intercourse between people.

A good butt is the mutual tale “Pivnik is a golden comb”. Heroes of fairy tale history are representatives of the creaturely world. Prote all podії, scho vіdbuvayutsya in kaztsі, zavzhd can po'yazati z real life. Usy vіdnosin mizh kazkovyh heroes as a whole is possible as a butt vіdnosin mizh people.

Later, in one enchanting kazkovy fox, three inseparable friends lived and lived: a whale, a drіzd and a pivnik - a golden comb. Kit and Drizd were busy with everyday work. Today friends went to the forest house for firewood. Pivnya, like the youngest, was taken away at home, near the khatintsy, scurrying about the state. And for a long time, suvoro was in front of Yogo, who is guilty of sitting quietly at the hut, not looking at the end. And when a shahrai fox appears, then don’t give a voice.

Everything that the whale and the eagle were afraid of, became a pivnik of the first day, if the stench went for firewood. The cunning fox found out that that blackbird would not be at home. She came before the friends settled, and began in an affectionate voice to entice the pivnik to look at the windows. She promised to give him peas. Hanging out at the end. The ore of the shakhrayka hoarded her zdobich and sipped it to her home.

Zlyakavsya pіvnik, starting to loudly click on the help of their friends. Kit and Drizd heard calls for help. They came and vryatuly their unruly comrade. The next day, they began to go to the forest hut for firewood. I again got ahead of the pivnya, so that they did not hear the cunning fox. Pivnik radiy buv bi listen to your friends. Ale, the ore of Shakhrayk again outwitted the pivnya. A new whale and a thrush came to help their feathered friend.

On the third day it all happened again. The whale from the thrush went to the forest for firewood. Pivny was given a suvoriy order not to hear the fox's messages. Pivnik told senior comrades to sit quietly and not hang out at the window. Ale's natural cuckoo overcame caution and prudence. The fox came and again with deceit and calmness beckoned the pivnya. Vіn having looked at the end and the ore of the beast, mіtsno vchepivshis at the new one, sipped yoga at the bik of his life.

Daremno pіvnik calling for help to his faithful friends. The stench was already far away from the house and did not smell yoga. The next time the cat and the thrush had a chance to denigrate their unreasonable friend. They rushed off in the wake of the ore villains and knew the hole. They gave me good cuffs. The whale was tearing with її pazuras, and the drіzd beak was її sore. They took away the stench of the pivnya and went home all at once.

This fairy tale can become a good example of what happens with unheard children, if the stench does not hear the elders. And also in the world of history there is an example of true friendship and mutual hands. The friends themselves came to help the pivnik with the twisted plumage.

The latest text of the fairy tale for children, written in font, can be read below.

Read the Russian folk tale "Pivnik - the golden comb" free of charge online and without registration on our website.

Once upon a time there lived a whale, a drіzd and a pіvnik - a golden comb. The stench lived at the fox, at the hatintsy. A whale and a drіzd go around the woods to cut firewood, and they deprive one of the pivniks.

Idut - Suvoro punish:

We are far away, but if you don’t stay at home, don’t give a voice; if the fox comes, do not look at the end.

The fox saw that the cat and the thrush didn’t have a booth, ran to the hut, the strength fell in the end and fell asleep:

Pivnik, pivnik,

Golden comb

butter head,

Shovkov's beard,

Look at the end

I'll give you peas.

Pivnik and putting the head at the end. The fox snatched yoga in pazuru, carried it to her hole.

Shouting pivnik:

Carry me fox

For dark foxes,

For swedish rivers,

Burn for the high.

Whale and thrush, lie to me!

The whale and the drіzd smelled, rushed in pursuit and picked up the fox's tree.

At the same time, the whale and thrush sent firewood into the woods to cut and punish again:

Well, now, pivnyu, don’t look at the end, I’m farther away, we don’t hear your voice.

The stench came, and the fox again came to the hut and fell asleep:

Pivnik, pivnik,

Golden comb

butter head,

Shovkov's beard,

Look at the end

I'll give you peas.

Beagle lads,

Rozsipali wheat,

pecking chickens,

Do not give pivnyam ...

Ko-ko-ko! How not to give?

The fox snatched yoga in pazuru, carried it to her hole.

Shouting pivnik:

Carry me fox

For dark foxes,

For swedish rivers,

Burn for the high.

Whale and thrush, lie to me!

Kit and Drizd smelled, rushed in pursuit. The whale lives, the eagle fly ... They caught up with the fox - the whale on the tree, the eagle peck, and they blew a tree.

Chi for a long time, chi briefly, the whale and drіd were picked up again from the woods to cut firewood. Iduchi, suvoro punish the pivnik:

Don't listen to the fox, don't look at the end, we're farther away, we can't hear your voice.

I sent a whale and a drіzd far into the woods to cut firewood. And the fox - here it’s like here: she sat down at the end and spivaє:

Pivnik, pivnik,

Golden comb

butter head,

Shovkov's beard,

Look at the end

I'll give you peas.

Pivnik sit down to speak. And the fox - I call:

Beagle lads,

Rozsipali wheat,

pecking chickens,

Do not give pivnyam ...

Pivnik mustache. And the fox - I call:

People were begging

Gorikhiv piled up,

smoke peck,

Do not give pivnyam ...

Pivnik and putting the head at the end:

Ko-ko-ko! How not to give?

The fox hoarded yoga in the sky blue, carried it into its hole, behind the dark foxes, behind the swedish rivers, behind the high mountains... And if they turned back home - there is no pivnya.

A whale and a thrush were killed by fox tracks. The whale lives, the dread fly...

They came to the fox nori. Kit nalashtuvav guseltsі and let's nashtovhuvati:

Rubbish, rubbish, geese,

Golden strings.

Still at home Lisafya-kum,

What about your warm nest?

The fox heard, heard and thought:

"Let me wonder - who is so kind on the harp, sing licorice."

I took that vilizla with nori. Kitty and Drizd її ​​shopili - and let's beat-beat. They beat and beat, the docks didn’t take their legs.

They took the stench of a pivnya, put it in a goat and brought it home.

From that hour, those buti began to live, and now they live.

Reading, marveling, hearing childish fairy tales:

Fairy tales, foreshadowed by the people themselves, lead us to children. Chi mom, chi granny tell the little ones for nothing, reading little books for the little ones. And then, three to the elder vіtsі, a lot of children themselves will read them and rozfarbuyut behind the contours. For forgiveness, those wise creations are often known for cartoons, as well as for the satisfaction of loving the marvelous lads. The folk fairy tale “Pivnik is a golden comb” can be compared to similar masterpieces. Let's read it again together.

Fairy tale "Pivnik - golden comb". Characters

Golovnym є Pivnik, which is constantly viruchayut іz bіdi. The song of Russian folk tales is a special kind of courage, openness, but also simplicity, trustfulness and instill singing foolishness. Fox, now, sound cunning and greedy. Vaughn is constantly provoking Pivnya to the “feat”, with her dogs, zmushuyuchi yoga, to drink in her paws and be taken out of the house. Like bi other heroes - Kit and Drozd, the ale stinks of the Kazakhs play the main role in the poryatunka and the turned Pivnya.

The tale "Pivnik - a golden comb" can finish a simple plot. Kit, Drozd and Pivnik live at the same time with the fox at the Khatintsy. Live together, helping one to one. And if Kit and Drozd go to cut firewood, then they will deprive Pivnya of the state, stay at home, sit quietly and do not hang out, as if the cunning Fox will come.

The pivnik is left alone, and the Fox sees about it and goes under the hut. Vaughn sings a manly dog, zmushuyuchi ugly Pivnya look at the window. Todi The fox yogo wistaches and takes it from its hole. Ale, the hero did not break down and shout, spodіvayuchis but we will honor our friends, blessing them about salvation. Friends can smell the Pivnya.

Similar history, like in folk tales, trichs are repeated. Kit and Drozd are constantly fighting and standing up for their friend. And wake up to go to the singing cunning, foolish Fox with methods. The whale takes the harp, sitting in front of the fox burrow, we begin the battle. The fox comes out and takes it for merit. And three friends turn to their huts.


The fairy tale “Pivnik is a golden comb” can give an awkward moral: always help a friend, ryayuyuchi yogo z bidi. And yet: friendship is over everything, and that cunning strong enemy can be overcome by picking up at once. It’s like a miracle, if you have friends, give them to you for a feat.

Tale of Pushkin

Fairy tales, written in verses, as a rule, attract more respect to themselves, less stinks are considered authorial, or they can be based on folk stories. Singing, it is easier to remember them, and the language looks rich, and the main characters are described in an original way. Pushkin's fairy tale "Pivnik - a golden comb" can be compared to similar masterpieces. Today, this tvir is in the skin Russian schoolboy. A short summary of the plot fit on one zoshit arch. And yet the simplicity is replaced organically by the genius of the movie and the heaviness of the descriptions of the characters. And laying the potential to put tver at the top to the level of the light masterpieces of the great kazkars. Let's guess, about the fairy tale "Pivnik - a golden comb", written by Pushkin.

Trochs about a fairy tale

Її zmіst, without a word, vіdrіznyaєtsya according to the plot of the Russian folk tale, everyone knows. And the dzherel for її creations, in the thought of deyakyh slednikiv, served as the Arabic folklore of the Copts and the legend of Irving “About the Arab astrologer”. I Pivnik - a golden comb performs here as a positive hero. Shvidshe, tse sword of payment, an instrument of share, exclamations to punish the unfortunate, without streaming your obityanka and driving in a star.

The old child lived, and the stench lived near the great vigil. Their bellies only had a bulo, like a piven that dog, that stench was quiet and rotten. Axis dog and seem to pivnyu:
- Come on, brother Petko, let's go to the forest: here we have a bad life.
- Let's go, - it seems like a piven, - you won't be worse.
The stench came from me, where you can marvel. They gave birth to a whole day; it became a pimp - an hour to pester for nothing. Zіyshli stinks from the road to lіs i chose a great hollow tree. Piven angry at the branch, the dog crawled into a hollow and fell asleep.
Lies, the dawn began to take care of it, singing and shouting: “Ku-ku-re-ku!” The fox smelled a pivnya; I wanted to nibble on the meat of the pivnyachim. The axis of the van went up to the tree and began to praise the pivnya:
- Axis pіven so pіven! I have never dreamed of such a bird: and the birds are beautiful, and the crest is red, and the voice is resonant! Fly to me, little one.
- And for what right? - Ask for a piven.
- Let's go to me as a guest: I have a new year, and a lot of peas are in store for you.
- Good, - it’s like a pіven, - only I can’t go on my own: I’m a comrade with me.
“From the yak, happiness has come down! - thought the fox. “There will be two replacements for one pivnya.”
- Where is your friend? - Ask out. - I'll call Yogo as a guest.
- There, at the hollow, I spend the night, - the tree sings.
The fox rushed into the hollow, and the dog її by the muzzle - tsap! .. She caught and tore the fox.