Test on language theory. Check test at the rate "General Linguistics

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Olesya Vladimirovna Yudayev
Tests on the discipline "Introduction to Linguistics"


The course "Introduction to Linguistics" is a propaedeutic linguistic discipline designed to give a starting methodological and general-life base for the formation of a wide philological horizon of future translators. Giving learners scientific ideas about the essence of the language, its place in the system of cultural and significant means of communication, about the method of scientific presentation and description of the language, the ratio of the history of society and history of language, language and thoughts, language and culture, revealing application issues of linguistics, this course contributes Development of the scientific worldview of trainees as a result of the assimilation of theoretical knowledge of the language and development of practical skills of ownership of foreign language speech.

Thus, the course "Introduction to Linguistics" is closely related to the study of private linguistics (theoretical phonetics, lexicology and phraseology, theoretical grammar, history and stylistics of the language studied) and the practical development of foreign languages, and this connection is bilateral. The course "Introduction to Linguistics" at the initial stage of training creates the theoretical base for studying the theory and practice of foreign languages \u200b\u200band creates prerequisites for further linguistic development and professional improvement of students.

A modern education system implies constant monitoring of the learning process by students theoretical foundations of the disciplines under study. As practice shows, in many educational systems not only our country, but also abroad today is actively used such a control method as a test. Its undoubted advantages should include efficiency in use, relatively small labor costs in the processing, the objective nature of the evaluation criteria, etc.

This manual is a collection of training tests on the discipline "Introduction to Linguistics".

Test tasks are designed to meet the structure and content of basic textbooks and textbooks on the discipline under study.

Using the collection by teachers and trainees makes it possible to solve specific learning tasks:

- diagnostic, which manifests itself in obtaining primary information about the quality of knowledge, skills and skills, psychological qualities of students for the adoption of the right decisions;

- training, which is implemented when using tasks in a test form to identify gaps in knowledge, their fixing, gaining the ability to work with tests;

- developing, which is manifested in additional reflection and motivation of learning based on the results of intermediate testing;

- organizing, which manifests itself in a change in the teacher of the structure of the educational process with a support for test methods;

- educational associated with an increase in learning motivation, the formation of both responsibility for the results of study and cooperation, self-organization and self-treatment;

- Management, which is associated with analyzing the results of testing and decision-making to increase the level of training achievements.

The tasks are given in a formalized form, they offer three options for answers. It is right only one.

The manual includes tests on the main sections of the introduction into linguistics and keys.

These tests can be used by both teachers and students.

Topic 1 General information on linguistics and language as a means of communication

1. Linguistics is

1) science about the dictionary composition of the language, his vocabulary

2) the science of human natural language and all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world as specific representatives, the general laws of the structure and functioning of the human language

3) Integrative Science, studying mechanisms for generating and perception of speech

2. Interest in learning language arose in

1) Germany in the XIX century.

2) Russia in the XVIII century.

3) Ancient India 3 thousand years ago

3. Scientific relations originated in

1) The beginning of the XIX century.

2) III century. BC e.

3) Middle Ages

4. The section of linguistics learning a specific language in order to use it as a means of communication - this

1) Private Linguistics

2) theoretical linguistics

3) practical linguistics

5. Section Linguistics learning the theory of language: the essence of the language as a system, language units and relations between them, the rules of combinatorics, etc., is

1) Applied Linguistics

2) theoretical linguistics

3) practical linguistics

6. The section of the theoretical linguistics engaged in the study of one language or group of languages \u200b\u200bis

1) Private Linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

7. The section of the theoretical linguistics engaged in learning a language in general, its nature, origin, functioning, is

1) Private Linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

8. The section of the theoretical linguistics engaged in the study of the state of the language system at a certain moment of its development is

1) diachronic linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

9. The section of the theoretical linguistics studying the development of the language system in time is

1) diachronic linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

10. Speech is

11. Language is

1) Specific speaking flowing over time and clothed in a sound or graphic form

2) a sign system serving the main means of communication

3) the intentional construction of artistic narration in accordance with the principles of organization of language material and characteristic external speech signs

1) Material, Correen, Reaen, Dynamin, Individual

2) Ideal, abstract, potential, conservative, social

3) dynamic, individual, ideal, abstract, potential

1) material, specifically, real, dynamic, individual

2) ideal, abstract, potential, conservative, social

3) dynamic, individual, ideal, abstract, potential

14. Language - means of coordination of people's activities is

1) Cognitive function

2) Metyasic function

3) Communicative function

15. Language - a means of obtaining new knowledge about reality - this

1) Cognitive function

2) Metyasic function

3) Communicative function

16. Language - a means of describing the language itself - this

1) Cognitive function

2) Metyasic function

3) Communicative function

17. Language - the means of expressing emotions is

1) expressive function

2) Emotive Function

3) Communicative function

18. Language - a means of regulation of people's activities is

1) Cognitive function

2) Regulatory function

3) Communicative function

19. Language - means of expressing creative potencies of man, correlated with aesthetic categories beautiful- ugly, -this is

1) Cognitive function

2) aesthetic function

3) Emotive function

20. Language - a means of establishing a contact is

1) Cognitive function

2) Communicative function

3) Fatic Function

21. Language - a means of accumulation and transmission of information from generation to generation is

1) accumulative function

2) Cognitive function

3) Communicative function

22. The hypothesis of the origin of the language according to which the language originated from the imitation of the sounds of nature is

1) theistic theory

2) Onomatopoietic theory

3) Interdudice theory

23. The hypothesis of the origin of the language according to which emotional shouts from joy, fear, pain, etc. led to the creation of the language,

1) theistic theory

2) Onomatopoietic theory

3) Interdudice theory

24. The hypothesis of the origin of the language according to which people agreed on the designation of objects with words - this

1) theistic theory

2) Onomatopoietic theory

3) the theory of employment contract

25. The hypothesis of the origin of the language, according to which the language appeared during the collective work from rhythmic labor shouts, is

1) the theory of labor shouts

2) tie theory

3) Interdudice theory

26. The hypothesis of the origin of the language according to which the work created a person, and at the same time there was a language, which is

1) the theory of labor shouts

2) tie theory

3) labor theory

27. The hypothesis of the origin of the language, according to which the language arose with a jump, immediately with a rich dictionary and language system, is

1) the theory of labor shouts

2) tie theory

3) Scrolling theory

28. The hypothesis of the origin of the language, according to which the language is a natural organism that occurs spontaneously, has a certain period of life and dies as an organism - this

1) the theory of labor shouts

2) biological theory

3) Scrolling theory

29. The hypothesis of the origin of the language, according to which the language - the act of creative activity of God, is

1) theistic theory

2) Onomatopoietic theory

3) the theory of employment contract

30. Adherents of the onomatopoietic hypothesis of the origin of the tongue were

1) Stoiki, Labitz

2) E. De Kondillak, J.-H. Rousse

3) A. Shleyher

31. Adherents of the intermediate hypothesis of the language of the language were

1) Stoiki, Labitz

3) A. Shleyher

32. Adherents of the biological hypothesis of the origin of the language were

1) Stoiki, Labitz

2) Sh. De Chose, E. De Kondillak, J.-zh. Rousse

3) A. Schleiher, T. Gobbs

33. Adherents of the gesturing hypothesis of the origin of the language were

1) Stoiki, Labitz

3) A. Schleiher, T. Gobbs

34. Adherents of the hypothesis of labor shouts of the origin of the tongue were

1) L. Noyare, K. Bucher

2) Sh. De Chose, E. De Kondillak, J.-zh. Rousseau, V. Wyndt

3) F. Engels, K. Marx

35. Adherents of the labor hypothesis of the language of the tongue were

1) L. Noyare

2) Sh. De Chose, E. De Kondillak, J.-zh. Rousseau, V. Wyndt

3) F. Engels, K. Marx

36. Adherents of the hypothesis of the spontaneous jump in the origin of the tongue were

1) L. Noyare

2) V. Humboldt

3) F. Engels, K. Marx

37. One of the main concepts of the nature of the language, according to which the language - the innate physiological property of a person, due to the presence of specialized nerve centers in the cerebral cortex, as well as speech and hearing bodies, is

3) sociological concept

38. One of the basic concepts of the nature of the language, according to which the language is a natural phenomenon that does not depend on the will of the speaker is

1) Anatomy-physiological concept

2) Naturalistic concept

3) Psychological Concept

39. One of the main concepts of the nature of the language, according to which the language is an individual mental act, the phenomenon of psychological activity of people - this

1) sociological concept

2) Naturalistic concept

3) Psychological Concept

40. One of the main concepts of the nature of the language, according to which language - social phenomenon is

1) sociological concept

2) Naturalistic concept

3) Psychological Concept

41. The form of the existence of a language in the era of the existence of a nation, complex systemic unity, including different forms, is

1) National Language

2) literary language

3) Spacious

42. The processed form of a nationwide language, which has a greater or lesser extent in writing by the fixed standards; The language of all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form is

1) National Language

2) literary language

3) Spacious

43. The main signs of the literary language are

1) availability of writing; normalization, codification, stylistic manifold, relative stability; Comething and societulence

2) availability of writing; Nonormality, Singleness, Stylistic manifold

3) stylistic manifold, dynamism; Unchecifying and necessary

44. The historically determined set of common language products, as well as the rules for their selection and use recognized by the society most suitable in a particular historical period - is

1) Synchrony

3) Okkazionalism

45. The type of this language used as a means of communication with persons associated with close territorial generality is

1) Purpose

3) dialect

46. \u200b\u200bSocial dialect, differing from the sedentary language with specific vocabulary and phraseology, expressiveness of revolutions and the special use of word-formative agents, but not possessing its own phonetic and grammatical system - this

1) dialect

2) literary language

47. Expressions, grammatical forms and structures, common in non-model spoken speech, characterized by low-educated native speakers and clearly deviating from existing literary language norms -

1) Purpose

3) dialect

48. Special languages, in contrast to natural languages, designed targeted; Used to perform certain functions of the natural language, in information processing systems, etc., is

1) live languages

2) artificial languages

3) sign languages

49. A language that does not exist in lively use and, as a rule, known only by written monuments or in artificially regulated use, is

1) sign language

2) dead tongue

3) agglutinative language

50. The language used to express the judgments about another language, the object-object is

1) hyperrayas

2) Meta language

Topic 2 Phonetic and phonological level of language

1. Section Linguistics, studying speech sounds and sound structure of the language (syllables, sounding, patterns of connecting sounds in a speech chain) - this

1) Phonology

2) Phonetics

3) Psychophone

2. The sounding speech has two main levels.

1) segment and supersegment

2) phonetic and phonological

3) Common and Private

Units of segment level are

1) intonation and emphasis

Units of the super-segment level are

1) intonation and emphasis

5. Three aspects of phonetic studies stand out.

1) anatomy-physiological (articulation), psychological, functional

2) acoustic, cultural, psychological

3) anatomy-physiological (articulating), acoustic, functional

6. Anatomy-physiological aspect explores speech sounds in terms of

1) their creation

2) physical characteristics

3) Functionality

7. Acoustic aspect explores speech sounds in terms of

1) their creation

2) physical characteristics

3) Functionality

8. The functional aspect explores the sounds of speech from the point of view.

1) their creation

2) physical characteristics

3) Functionality

9. The minimum unit of the speech chain, which is the result of a complex articulation of human activity and characterized by certain acoustic and perceptual properties, is

3) Morfone

10. The combination of human organs necessary for speech production is

1) Pronuncable

2) mouth cavity

3) speech apparatus

11. In the speech apparatus, all organs are divided into

1) open, closed

2) active, passive

3) perceiving, generating

12. Active speech authorities include

13. Passive speech bodies include

3) teeth, alveoli, solid sky and all upper jaw

14. The complex of work of speech bodies in a certain sequence is

1) Lancture

2) acoustics

3) Articulation

15. A combination of the usual movements and states of the speech bodies necessary to pronounce the sounds of this language - this

1) Articulation base

2) Articulator Correlation

3) Articulating Paradigm

16. The main phases of the articulation of sounds will be the following

1) breathing, breathing delay, exhale

2) Excursion, Exposure, Recursion

3) resonance, duration, recursion

17. The correct phase sequence in the articulation of sounds is next

1) Excursion, Exposure, Recursion

2) Excursion, Recursion, Exposure

3) Recursion, Exposure, Excursion

18. The position in which the organs of speech are moving from a calm state or articulating the preceding sound to the position required to pronounce this sound - this

1) Exposure

2) Recursion

3) Excursion

19. The situation in which the speech bodies go into a quiet state or in the attack to the articulation of the following sound - this

1) Exposure

2) Recursion

3) Excursion

20. The position in which the position required to pronounce the sound is saved - this is

1) Exposure

2) Recursion

3) Excursion

21. All sounds are divided into

1) vowels and consonants

2) solid and soft

3) ringing and deaf

22. The combination of vowels is

1) Conncence

2) Vocalism

3) Palamatiable

23. The totality of consonants is

1) Conncence

2) Vocalism

3) Palamatiable

24. The basis of the classification of vowels is

2) the genus of obstacles that form speech organs for air flow coming out of the lungs

3) row and lifting language, as well as lips

25. According to the position of the lips, vowels are divided into:

1) noisy and sonorn

2) labialized and non-bias

3) nasal and unplaced

26. Horizontal displacement of the language in the front or rear part is

3) Affricat

27. The following rows of vowels differ

1) front, medium, rear

2) upper, medium, lower

3) front, medium, lower

28. The degree of highlightness of the language in the formation of this vowel is

3) Affricat

29. The following lifts of vowels differ

1) front, medium, rear

2) upper, medium, lower

3) front, medium, lower

30. A vowel forming the top of the syllable is

1) Conncent

3) Affricat

31. Publications with complex articulation, pronounced in one syllable and protruding as a single sound of speech - this

1) Diffongoid

3) Diftong

32. Impact vowels, having at the beginning or at the end of the call of another vowel, close to shock, is

1) Diffongoid

3) Diftong

33. The following features are the grounds for the classification of consonants:

1) the obstacle that form speech organs for an air flow coming from the lungs, row and lifting language

2) row and lifting language, as well as lips

3) the method of articulation, active organ, place of articulation, work of voice ligaments

34. The nature of overcoming barriers and passage of the air jet when creating noise necessary for the formation of the consonant is

1) method of education

2) place of education

35. The consonants formed by the explosion of the air jet of the barrier are

1) worm

2) Sonorno

3) Sloves

36. The consonants formed by friction of the air jet about the wall of the passage created by the convergence of organs of the voice of the oral cavity is

1) worm

2) Sonorno

3) fricative

37. According to the active authority, the consonants are divided into three kinds:

1) lump, paternal, string

2) garbage, loving, pagan

3) Cakuminal, apical, dorsal

38. The consonants articulated by the convergence of the front back of the tongue with the upper teeth and the front sky is

1) Cakuminal

2) apical

3) Dorsal

39. The consonants, articulated by the convergence or contact of the tip of the tongue with the upper teeth and alveoli, is

1) Cakuminal

2) apical

3) Dorsal

40. The consonants, articulated by raising the tip of the tongue bent upwards, is

1) Cakuminal

2) apical

3) Dorsal

41. Articulation of speech sounds, consisting in an additional raising of the back of the tongue to a solid sky, is

1) Labelization

2) Palamatiable

3) Vevey

42. Such pronouncement of the consonant, in which he is accompanied by a lousy noise is

1) Labelization

2) Palamatiable

3) Vevey

43. Articulation of speech sounds, consisting in the movement of the posterior wall of the language in the direction of the soft sky, is

1) Labelization

2) Palamatiable

3) Vevey

44. Articulation of speech sounds, consisting in lowering the sky curtains and the simultaneous outlet of the air jet through the mouth and nose, is

1) Labelization

2) Nasalization

3) Vevey

45. The unit of language by which morphemes differ and are identified and thereby words - it is

3) Morfone

46. \u200b\u200bFamons perform the following functions:

1) semantic, morphological, syntax

2) Delimitative, perceptual, ingnecical

47. The term "Fonmem" introduced into scientific

1) I.A. Boduen de Courtee

2) A. Schleiher

3) V. von Humboldt

48. Individual, a single phoneme representative in speech is

1) Option

2) Syntagma

49. opposition to the phone game to each other in the phonological system of the language - this

1) Opposition

2) Position

3) Transcription

50. Allocation of a certain unit in a number of homogeneous units with the help of intensity (energy) of sound - this

1) intonation

2) Lancture

3) Emphasis

51. Allocation of one of the syllables in the Word and submission to him all other unstressed syllables is

1) phrase emphasis

2) logical stress

3) verbal emphasis

52. Emphasis that performs phonetic and semaitics-syntactic role, combining the words in the tact and phrases, is

1) phrase emphasis

2) logical stress

3) verbal emphasis

53. Emphasis, allocating words and tacts with current membership of the sentence, is

1) phrase emphasis

2) logical stress

3) verbal emphasis

54. The type of stress characterized by the unity of height, but by changing the strength and duration of the sound, is

1) political imagination

2) dynamic emphasis

3) monotonic stress

55. The type of stress characterized by changing the height of the tone, its musicality, is

1) political imagination

2) dynamic emphasis

3) monotonic stress

56. The type of monotonic stress in which the syllable is highlighted by the power of the air jet - this

1) political imagination

2) dynamic emphasis

3) Quantitative stress

57. The type of monotonic stress in which the syllable is allocated to the duration - this

1) political imagination

2) dynamic emphasis

3) Quantitative stress

58. At the place of emphasis in the word distinguish

59. According to the degree of fundhood in the word distinguish

1) Lottable and movable stress

2) Fixed and free stress

3) phrase and logical stress

60. The set of sound tongues that, imposing on a number of pronounced and auditions, phonetically organize speech, dismembering it in accordance with the sense on phrases and significant segments - syntagma; set between parts of the phrase semantic relationships; They communicate phrase, and sometimes significant segments narrative, questionative, imperative, etc. Values; express various emotions - it

2) intonation

3) Emphasis

61. Elements of intonation are

1) Speech melody, pause, stress, speech tempo, voice timbre

2) noise, volume, welirization

3) tact, sound, phonetic word

62. In the letter, intonation is usually expressed

1) punctuation marks, text membership on paragraphs, varying fonts

2) spelling

3) lexicial


1) integrating, segmenting, emotive, differentiating, communicative

2) semantic, morphological, syntax

3) Communicative, Perceptive, Cognitive, Meta-Language

64. Loss of sound in a complex combination of sounds is

1) Dieca

2) Epenteza

3) metathemia

65. Partial change in the articulation of adjacent sounds - vowels and consonants is

1) Assimilation

2) reduction

3) Accommodation

66. Replacing one of two identical or similar (at the place of education) sounds to others, less similar to articulation with the one that remains unchanged is

1) Assimilation

2) Dissimization

3) Accommodation

67. The emergence in the word of additional sound is

1) metathemia

2) Epenteza

3) Prostène

68. The appearance in the absolute start of the word of consonant sound (in other languages \u200b\u200balso vowel), not justified by these etymologically, but caused by phonetic reasons is

1) metathemia

2) Epenteza

3) Prostène

69. The permutation of sounds or syllables in the composition of the words on the soil of assimilation or dissimulation is

1) metathemia

2) Haplology

3) Prostène

70. The loss in the word of one of the two next to the same or close to the meaning of the syllables is

1) metathemia

2) Haplology

3) Prostène

71. Unstressed words adjacent to the following word -

1) Enclitis

2) Interclitics

3) Probletics

72. Unstressed words adjacent to the preceding word is

1) Enclitis

2) Interclitics

3) Probletics

73. Weakening and changing the quality of the sound of a vowel sound - this

1) Sigarmonicism

2) reduction

3) Alliteration

74. Reduction is two types:

1) high quality and quantitative

2) full and incomplete

3) regulatory and uzual

75. The procedure for phonetic member of the sounding speech:

1) phrase, speech tact, phonetic word, sound, syllable

2) phrase, phonetic word, speech tact, syllable, sound

3) phrase, speech tact, phonetic word, syllable, sound

76. The relatively finished speech segment in the mean and intonational relation is

2) speech tact

3) phonetic word

77. More or less completed part of the sentence - this

2) speech tact

3) phonetic word

78. The segment of the sounding speech united by one verbal emphasis is

2) speech tact

3) phonetic word

79. Various supreme, substitution, less frequent signs used in letter-type letters to change or clarify the value of individual characters - this

1) diacritical signs

2) descriptive signs

3) derivative signs

80. Supported comma, consumed in an alphabent letter in different functions, is

1) apocrypha

2) Assonance

3) Apostrof

81. Translation of one graphic alphabet system to another (i.e., the transmission of letters of one writing letters of another) is

1) Transcription

2) Transliteration

3) Transpositia

82. The conditional transmission of the speech of the word with the help of specially accepted signs is

1) Transcription

2) Transliteration

3) Transpositia

83. The set of norms of the national language providing the unity of its sound design is

1) spelling

2) Orphoepium

3) Ortology

84. The set of features of the articulation of sounds in each specific language is

1) spelling

2) Orphoepium

I option

1. The study of common problems associated with the device and the functioning of any language in society is engaged

A) Language studies

B) Private linguistics

C) Philology

D) general linguistics

2. Cognitive language function - this ability

B) express the inner state of the speaker

C) serve as a means of communication

3. Relationships that bind the units of the language of one level in the system are called

A) Linguistic

B) paradigmatic

C) stylistic

D) syntagmatic

4. Elementary minimum part of the value, its component is

D) Archishama

5. Unfolotiable (non-discrete) units of the language belong

C) quasomorfem

D) free phrases

6. Grammar Panini sets out

A) Grammar Sanskrit system

B) Sanskrit lexical system

C) Ponetic Sanskrit system

D) stylistic features of Sanskrit

7. The first centers of Arab linguistics appeared in the bass and the cabin in

B) VII - VIII century.

8. Paradigmatics is

9. At the sources of domestic psycholinguistics stood

A) I. A. Boduen de Courta, S. Kartsevsky

B) V. V. Vinogradov, L. V. Shcherba

C) F. F. Fortunatov, F. I. Buslaev

D) L. S. Vygotsky, A. M. Leontyev

10. Language signs are the following type of semiotic units.

A) copies or images

B) signs or symptoms

C) characters characters

D) actually signs

11. The complex essence of the language represented in general a number of antinomy (dialectical contradictions)

A) V. von Humboldt

D) Shthantal

12. Representatives of the Bihewic Direction in Psychology

C) have nothing to do with the formation of psycholinguistics

13. "The general rational grammar", developed by the monks of "Pore - Royal" based on

B) philosophy

C) Psychology

D) natural science

14. National Bilingualism is characteristic of such a linguistic situation when

A) Citizens of the country use a conversational and literary language

B) Citizens of the country know their native dialect and national language

C) people in different nationalities live in the country

D) two languages \u200b\u200bare used in the country as state

15. Merit of youngsters is

A) the opening of the linguistic law

D) empiricism and indvision

16. Among the founders of the sociological direction in the linguistics were

B) A. MEY, L. Bloomfild, A. Bergson

C) F. de Sosuryur, V. von Humboldt, L. Yelmslev

17. The thesis "The Language, considered in itself for himself, is the only and true object of linguistics" belongs to the famous linguist

A) Sh. Balley

C) F. de Sosurura

D) J. Vandrises

18. The Theory of Psychological Communication has advanced

A) A. H. East

B) A. A. Chematov

C) A. A. Phebena

D) F. I. Buslaev

19. Moskovskaya Linguistic School is a representative

A) logical direction in linguistics

B) formal direction in linguistics

C) psychological directions in linguistics

D) sociological direction in linguistics

20. Lingvodidactics is

II option

1. Different universals are

A) grammatical universals presented in ancient languages

B) general trends in the development of various languages

(C) The history of formation and development of one of the syntax categories

D) semantic universals lost their importance

2. Understanding the phoneme as a minimum unit of psychodenecia associated with the name

A) Bodouen de Courta

B) E. D. Polivanova

C) N. V. Kruzhevsky

D) V. A. Bogoroditsky

3. What is the essence of the concept of N. Khomsky?

A) the transition of a language from the subject form in the form of activity

B) Nadindividualization of speech activity

C) an idea of \u200b\u200bthe universality of congenital operating rules of the language

D) speech activity as one of human activities

4. Footage arises as a result

B) the disappearance of any language to replace it

D) mass inter-ethnic contacts

5. "New language doctrine" has developed

A) V. V. Vinogradov

B) I. and trades

C) N. Ya. Marr

D) L. V. Shcherba

A) modality, time, face

B) time, face

C) modality, face

D) modality, time

7. Lingvodidactics is

A) Pedagogical discipline engaged in the development of the child's speech

B) Scientific discipline engaged in the description of the language system and its units for educational purposes

C) linguistic discipline engaged in the formation of language ability

D) discipline developing higher education problems

8. The emergence of nationalities is connected with

A) the development of the Company's productive forces

B) the replacement of previous tribal bonds with territorial relations

C) the appearance of private property and the collapse of primitive community relations

(D) The development of the productive forces of society, the appearance of private property, the decay of primitive relations and the replacement of previous tribal bonds by territorial relations

9. The division of mankind to race is fully connected with the division of the population

A) Territorial

B) ethnic

C) social

D) religious

10. Relationships that bind the units of the language of one level in the system are called

A) Linguistic

B) paradigmatic

C) stylistic

A) and Leontyev

B) J. Miller

C) L. V. Shcherba

D) L. S. Vygotsky

12. To unforeseen (non-discrete) units of the language belong

C) quasomorfem

D) free phrases

13. Moscow Linguistic School represents

14. Elementary, minimum part of the value, its component is

D) Archishama

15. The activities of the Prague linguistic mug associated with

A) descriptive linguistics

B) Gloosematics

C) Sociolinguistics

D) functional linguistics

16. The theory of psycholinguistic communication has advanced

A) A. H. East

B) A. A. Phebena

C) A. A. Chematov

D) F. I. Buslaev

17. Languages \u200b\u200bused for interethnic communication is

A) Afrikaans, Swahili

B) English, Russian

C) Lithuanian, Armenian

D) chinese, mongolian

18. The complex essence of the language represented in general a number of antinomy (dialectic contradictions)

A) V. von Humboldt

D) Shthantal

19. Cognitive language function is the ability

A) express the internal state of the speaker

B) serve as a means of communication

C) to affect the addressee of speech

D) serve as a means of knowledge of the surrounding world, express the activity of consciousness

20. Learning the general problems associated with the device and the functioning of any language in society is engaged

A) Language studies

B) Private linguistics

C) general linguistics

D) Philology

III option

1. The merit of youngsters is

B) individualism and psychologism

C) atomism underlined historicism

D) empiricism and indvision

2. The doctrine of the language as a category of living organisms belongs

A) Shthaintal

B) A. Prose

C) V. von Humboldt

D) kccius

3. The origin of any language must be viewed with

A) the culture of the media of this language

B) the mentality of the people

C) the socio-economic development of the people

D) the history of the people himself - the carrier of this language

4. Most domestic synchronies and diachronism researchers proceeded from the thesis

A) Sync and Dakhronia are in a sharp opposition to each other and therefore retain their specifics

B) synchronia and diachrony, constantly interacting, lose their specificity

C) synchronia and diachrony constantly interact, while maintaining its specificity

D) opposition of synchronous and diachronous points of view completely absolutely and uncompromising

5. Among the founders of sociological attack were

A) F. de Sosurur, A. Meiet, J. Vandrises, E. Benvienist

B) R. Scris, F. Bopp, V. von Humboldt

C) G. Steintal, A. Shleyher

D) A. A. Shamatov, F. F. Fortunate

6. Learning the general problems associated with the device and the functioning of any language in society, with the functions of the language, is engaged in

A) Linguistics

B) Private linguistics

C) Philology

D) general linguistics

7. Foreign psycholinguistics emerged in

A) the beginning of the XX century

B) 70s of the XX century

C) 50s XX century

D) late XIX century

8. Consciousness is

A) manifestation of language ability

B) the highest form of mental reflection of reality

C) one of the parties to the interconnection of the language and thinking

D) self-realization of the linguistic personality

9. What is the essence of thinking?

A) thinking is the essence of the human brain

B) the quality of any natural language

C) word meaning expression system

D) artificial language property

10. Elementary, minimum part of the value, its component is

D) Archishama

11. Understanding the phonemes as a minimum unit of psychophone is connected with the name

A) N. V. Krushevsky

B) V. A. Bogoroditsky

C) E. D. Polivanova

D) Bodoyna de Kounetne

12. Footage arises as a result

A) conscious human activity

B) mass inter-ethnic contacts

C) constant contacting of two languages

(D) Disappearance of any language to replace it

13. The division of humanity to race is associated with the division of the population.

A) ethnic

B) Territorial

C) religious

D) social

A) time, face

B) modality, face

C) modality, time, face

D) modality, time

15. To unforeseen (non-discrete) units of the language belong

C) quasomorfem

D) free phrases

16. Moscow Linguistic School represents

A) logical direction in linguistics

B) formal direction in linguistics

C) psychological direction in linguistics

D) sociological direction in linguistics

17. The founder of American structuralism (descriptive linguistics) is

B) E. Sepir

C) L. Bloomfon

D) Glison

18. Relationships that bind the units of a single level in the system are called

A) Linguistic

B) paradigmatic

C) stylistic

D) syntagmatic

19. Semantic classifiers (keys) indicated

A) which vowels are part of the word

B) how many syllables

C) to which sense sphere, the area of \u200b\u200breality belongs to this word

D) which consonants are part of the word

20. V. von Humboldt interpreted the language as

A) A combination of cultural, figurative and verbal signs

B) sign system

IV Option

1. Analogy is

A) grammatical changes in language

B) establishment between associative language languages

C) the likelihood of some elements of the language to other elements of the same level, more common and productive, or rapprochement of such elements

(D) Changing the semantics words on metaphorical type

2. The founder of Copenhagen structuralism (glossomics) is

A) H. I. Uldall

B) K. Togue

C) K. Werner

D) L. Yelmslev

2. The doctrine of the morphological structure of the word was developed in the writings of a representative of the Kazan Linguistic School

A) V. A. Bogoroditsky

B) N. V. Kruzhevsky

C) I. A. Bodouen de Kounetne

D) A. I. Alexandrova

4. The first centers of Arab linguistics appeared in the bass and the cabin in

A) VII - VIII centuries.

5. The theory of psychological communication has advanced

A) A. A. Chematov

B) A. H. East

C) A. A. Phebena

D) F. I. Buslaev

6. Communicative language function - this ability

A) serve as a means of knowledge of the surrounding world, express the activity of consciousness

B) serve as a means of communication

C) express the internal state of the speaker

D) influence the addressee of speech

7. The study of common problems associated with the device and the functioning of any language in society is engaged

A) Language studies

B) Private linguistics

C) Philology

D) general linguistics

8. Moscow Linguistic School represents

A) logical direction in linguistics

B) formal direction in linguistics

C) psychological direction in linguistics

D) sociological direction in linguistics

9. Relationships that bind the units of the language of one level in the system are called

A) paradigmatic

B) linguistic

C) syntagmatic

D) stylistic

10. Thesis "Language considered in itself and for himself is the only and true object of linguistics" belongs

A) Sh. Balley

C) J. Vandrises

D) F. de Sosyuru

11. Elementary minimum part of the value, its component is

D) Archishama

12. V. von Humboldt interpreted the language as

A) Signal System

B) a set of cultural, figurative, verbal signs

C) a semiotic system of verbal and non-verbal signs

(D) Spirit and the nature of the people

13. Unfriendly (non-discrete) units of the language belong

C) quasomorfem

D) free phrases

14. Representatives of the Bihewic Direction in Psychology

A) are the main critics of psycholinguistic theories

B) made a great contribution to the formation of psycholinguistics

C) have nothing to do with psycholinguistics

D) deny the possibility of the existence of psycholinguistics

15. The Historical and Cultural Area is

A) the same as the language union

B) Combining several language unions

(C) Combining the peoples and their languages \u200b\u200bon the basis of the community of cultural and historical traditions, the nature of writing, cultural formation of vocabulary, etc.

(D) Combining peoples on the basis of ethnic kinship

16. Merit of youngsters is

A) the opening of the sound law

B) individualism and psychologism

C) atomism and emphasized historicism

D) empiricism and indvision

17. Among the founders of the sociological direction in the linguistics were

A) A. MEY, L. Bloomfild, L. Elmslev

B) F. de Sosuryur, V. von Humboldt, A. Bergson

C) F. de Sosurur, A. MEY, J. Vandrises, E. Benvienist

D) J. Vandrises, A. A. Chematov

18. Primary types of speech activities include

A) speaking and reading

B) reading, letter

C) letter and audience

D) speaking and listening

19. Language signs are the following type of semiotic units.

A) copies or images

B) signs or symptoms

C) characters characters

D) actually signs

20. Pragmatics is

A) A special area that studies the feasibility of using certain speech structures

B) section of linguistics in which the functioning of the signs of the language in speech is being studied

(C) Direction that studies methods of application in practice of achievements of sociolinguistics

D) discipline learning the rules of behavior of the individual in society

The right answers are marked "+"

1. Tatar language belongs to

a) Indo-European,

B) Turkic,

c) Altai languages.

2. For agglutination languages \u200b\u200bis characteristic

a) the multivalousness of affixes,

b) the lack of suffixes

C) unambiguous affixes.

3. Phraseeologism get to the knob - this is

a) a fight,

B) unity,

c) a combination.

4. Word zashkvar - this is

A) jargonism,

b) Professionalism,

c) dialecticism.

5. Japanese uses

a) Slave,

b) hieroglyphic,

C) Slave and hieroglyphic writing.

6. To the method of expression of grammatical significance does not apply

A) reduction,

b) Supploitism,

c) Reducing.

Test.7. Interfix serves for

a) links between the prefix and root,

B) compounds of two roots,

c) compounds of suffix and ending.

8. The meaning of the word plate 'Flying apparatus of aliens' is formed by

A) metaphorical transfer,

b) metonimical transfer

c) or is direct.

9. Highlight a number of only Indo-European family languages:

a) Greek, Armenian, Basque,

B) Greek, Latin, Sanskrit,

c) Latin, Aramaic, Gothic.

10. One of the theories of the origin of the tongue is called

A) the theory of labor shouts,

b) theory of joint activities,

c) the theory of ritual singing.

11. Unit of grammar is not

a) morpheme

b) phrase,

C) phoneme.

12. Marxist theory of origin of the language is associated with the name

a) Marx,

B) Engels,

c) Lenin.

13. Concept language family Characteristic for

A) genetic,

b) typological,

c) lingvogeographic classification of languages.

14. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe language as a sign system laid

a) Wilhelm Grimm,

B) Ferdinand de Sosurur,

c) Mikhail Lomonosov.

15. Linguistic relativity hypothesis involves addiction

a) language from geographic location,

B) thinking from language,

c) language from thinking.

16. The birth of comparative historical linguistics influenced the study

A) Sanskrit,

b) Chinese hieroglyphs,

c) languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Polynesia.

a) text,

B) proposal

c) phrase.

18. Problems of state languages \u200b\u200bdo

a) ethnolinguistics,

b) psycholinguistics,

C) sociolinguistics.

19 - Test. Eufemism is

a) geographically limited vocabulary,

B) neutral word replacing rude or inappropriate,

c) Antonym anachronism.

20. Along the dead include all languages \u200b\u200bin a row

a) Hebrew, Greek, Latin,

b) Sanskrit, Farsi, Hindi,

C) Latin, Gothic, Staroslavansky.

21. The main ways of expressing grammatical meanings for analytical languages:

A) the word order in the sentence, official words,

b) the order of words in the sentence, affixation,

c) affixation, suplotivism.

22. English refers to the number

a) synthetic,

B) analytical,

c) polysintytic languages.

23. In which representatives of structuralism are named?

A) Villam Mathezius, Roman Jacobson,

b) Eduard Sepir, Benjamin Lee Wharf,

c) Nikolai Trubetskaya, Alexander Plebnika.

24. The appearance of homonyms does not apply

a) the disintegration of Pollumia,

b) a random coincidence as a result of the word borrowing,

C) conscious replacement of borrowing to the original word.

25. Transliteration is an exact ratio.

a) between the sounds of two languages,

a) between the sounds of one language and the letters of the other,

B) between the signs of two languages.

Test - 26. Diacritical signs in writing is

a) signs specifying or changing the values \u200b\u200bof other signs, +

b) Synonym for punctuation marks,

c) only stagnation signs.

27. Do not belong to outdated vocabulary

a) archaisms,

B) neologisms,

c) historians.

28. Phraseology - unit

A) vocabulary,

b) morphology,

c) syntax.

29. Polycemia is

a) multisage,

b) multifaceted

C) Multivality.

30. Not generally accepted language family

a) Turkic,

B) nostratic,

c) Semito-Khamita.