The stroller is lightweight compact. Stroller for travel and the plane. How to choose a stroller on vacation?

I can’t imagine how we would fly and go on our travels without our carriages. And airports for 2 hours check-in, customs and landing, and there are still flight delays or transfers. Here you will not manage with hands and slings. Yes, and I didn’t go with somehow sling after 3 months 🙂 We usually have with us another bag of children's and our belongings on the plane, a bag with a laptop and a big heavy backpack with a second laptop and other equipment. When the child asked for his hands, almost all things moved into the stroller and we almost did not get tired. In addition, it is convenient to put any small change in a pram, such as children's toys or bottles, it is convenient to feed and put to sleep, or just sit the child in the pram and turn on cartoons on the tablet while waiting. So we immediately decided that the wheelchair should be taken exactly. But which one?

Differences between some brands and models of each component are usually quite nominal, but can vary significantly depending on the price. Baby car seat compatible with stroller. As with the purchase of any other product, you will find so many options at your disposal - especially when you buy components separately! Here are the classic styles of strollers that you will look at. These 3 strollers below are your standard. Just as choosing between them, these strollers are not so much separated from features, but there are certainly aspects that will be more attractive to you, individually.

First you need to decide for what you need a stroller. If just for a short flight with a child of 2-3 years, so that it was where to sit him at the airport, then the easiest option will do. But if you are expected to fly with a small child, and even more so there will be transplants and a wheelchair is also needed for exploring the resort town and traveling to all sights, then you need to choose seriously. I needed a carriage for everything, since we flew to Tai for at least six months and there are no normal carriages.

Available models: black, red, sandstone. Pros: Significantly light frame - Smooth stroller, good for tougher terrain - Strong foot brake - Easy fold - Highly rated for safety - Good sun protection. Pros: Cute design - Large canopy - Easy to fold - Easy - Good cushion support - Easy frame removal - Pleasure walks.

Pros: Easy - Easy to clean - Robust construction - Simple on one side - Easy assembly - Cute design templates - Large storage space for the basket. Minuses: Difficult release of the frame buckle - Shallow cup holders make for easier spilling - Not adjustable handles for height - Not good on bumpy roads - Handle for the tray is not suitable for a smartphone.

Note that they all look alike, so which one do you choose? You prefer a particular look that you would like to drop your lower storage compartment. Are you physically active and prefer to take your child with you? Maybe you have a controversial landscape for a walk to your park?

Stroller for 3-wheel and 4-wheel wheels

The differences between each of these two styles of travel systems are not so far apart, and only a few defining characteristics. 3-wheel wheels have a sharper turning radius and better overall maneuverability, but are less stable than the 4-wheel version, but should not be confused with unstable.

  • With an attached carrier, the center of gravity is higher and obviously less stable.
  • The tricycle is easier to operate with one hand.
  • Four wheels usually fold easier and better when they fold.
In addition, you will notice that rubber air-covered tires, as commonly seen on strollers, add more suspension and are generally better suited for a child, while plastic tires eat bumps and cracks when carrying a shock through a wheelchair.

Which model to choose? Often the eyes run away from diversity. But if you know exactly what you expect from the stroller and compare it with your budget, then there will be few options. My information will be useful mainly to those who are gathered with the baby in warm countries. So, let's begin.

  1. Very important, that the back was displayed in horizontal or almost horizontal position. Even if you are not going to put the child to sleep in a wheelchair, then nobody canceled the force majeure. The banal delay of the aircraft and the beginning of your journey will turn into hell. Especially important is the presence of this function for children up to a year who may want to sleep earlier than the set time according to the time regime simply from overexcitation.
  2. Check out with airline rules  about the carriage of carriages. There are features. For example, most often allowed to carry only a stroller with the addition type "cane" weighing up to 7-10kg. As my experience has shown, they do not pay attention to weight, since our Inglesina Zippy, with which we are now traveling, weighs almost 10 kg. And most airlines have a weight limit of about 7kg, no one checked. A couple of times I saw how flew with a fairly large stroller with the type of addition “book” and with big wheels  and this carriage was allowed to carry. Much depends on the airline's loyalty, look for reviews in advance.
  3. Check also with airport rules. For example, in the United Arab Emirates, it is forbidden to take passenger carriages to the airport, and in the transit zone they will give you free wheelchairs. This is inconvenient in fact, since it is also necessary to get to the transit zone and, in my opinion, the strollers did not fold out into a horizontal position. For us it was a surprise at the first transplant in the UAE with a child, as we calculated that the child would sleep sweetly in a wheelchair while we rest. Perhaps some other airports also have similar surprises.
  4. Keep in mind, on sand strollers canes do not ride. Do not drive at all. Pushing them in the sand is harder than pulling a child in your arms. For this, wheelchairs with large wheels may be suitable (for example, Jane Slalom), but some airlines will take the aircraft only as baggage and you will most likely have to pay a lot for the weight (some airlines will have such a sum that it is more profitable to buy a new one). On the advertising, where some kind of stroller is riding nicely on the tamped sand, do not react joyfully, even if you have a loose one, you have to pull large ones. So, it’s most likely that it’s impossible to walk around with a stroller along the beach. And how I wanted! 🙂
  5. Do not buy a very expensive carriage on the road, as the probability that it will be broken or stained on the way is rather big. Before departure, remove everything fragile, we somehow broke the cup holder, we forgot to remove it. I can say the same about the color of the stroller, I do not advise taking a very light one. In Koh Samui, after 2 weeks, the stroller began to attack mold. A month later, there were a lot of mold stains. Washing and cleaning did not help. But the expensive branded stroller is better because they are stronger, better materials and everything is reliable and thought out. Our Inglesina has already experienced many flights and is still in good condition, I am delighted with it. But last time was Espiro Metro and for its price it was quite a good option. From inexpensive models I like Polish carriages, from options more expensive carriages-canes are good for Inglesina and McLaren.
  6. If you are going to a warm country, then be sure to choose a stroller with a big hood. If you like the pram, and the hood is not there, then look in your city where you can buy it or a visor, it is very interesting options  are sold. But without a big hood in hot countries is difficult. He will save both from the sun and rain.
  7. If you plan to carry a child in a stroller not only at the airport and supermarket, then you should pay attention to the wheels, their size, stability, reliability, shock absorption, brakes, ease of lifting, maneuverability. Keep in mind that not all warm countries wheelchairs are common and not everywhere they are able to repair. So if you plan to use the stroller regularly, then learn about the reliability of the wheels of your chosen model.
  8. Then everything depends on your budget and wishes. It is very desirable to have a five-point safety belt, a shopping basket and toys under the stroller, a pocket for trifles on the stroller, a cup holder (for a water bottle), a height-adjustable handle, a convenient system for folding the stroller (ideally with one hand), a bumper, raincoat, mosquito mesh.

The Fuse summer stroller was designed with a 5-point safety belt, height-adjustable steering wheel, parent cup holder, folding child seat cover and ample storage under the carriage. Available models: Floral Minnie, Alice in Wonderland, Bambi, Dumbo, Winnie the Pooh. Pros: Easy to assemble - Easy - Cute design - Great value - Easy fold - Soft and comfortable for the child.

Cons: material can get hot - cheap plastic wheels wear out quickly - May quickly expands a removable child seat

It is noteworthy: some wheelchairs barely have enough space for one diaper bag, not to mention a wallet room, toys, or even a convenient place for your smartphone. Energy absorbing foam protects against side impact. . Many reviews around the Internet have recurring complaints about some products.

Some strollers may be a bit heavy to move and get out of your car - especially for new mothers. Strollers are bulky and can be a struggle, trying to fit into a compact car. Strollers for walking  usually not very good for terrain outside smooth sidewalks and in shops. Not enough space for diaper bags!

  • You sometimes get what you pay for.
  • Cheap parts are guaranteed for cheaper transport systems.
The standard of part 211 213 provides requirements for child safety systems in order to reduce the number of children injured or killed in car accidents.

Of course, to combine everything in one will not work. Choose what is more important to you. Most often, the main problem is to find a middle ground between low weight and good maneuverability. This year we chose Inglezinu Zippi, since we are actively traveling and we need a stroller that is reliable and sometimes we roll the child along bad roads. Despite the high price, we have never regretted it. Experience has shown that the strollers are not weighed at the airport, but they are looking at the type of addition, so they chose the most reliable cane. Although Inglesina Zippy is a large stroller, there are no drawbacks besides weight. And the weight is not so terrible, because almost always we travel and walk together with my husband, and my husband is strong

As you can see, there are a number of options available, but these are the best children's travel systems available today. Since all the car seats on the market have been thoroughly tested and approved for safety, you really need to determine whether you prefer a 3-wheel or 4-wheel carriage. But, with these reviews, you now have a basic level to look for - do you appreciate the best maneuverability in the store, a large storage room, a convenient folding wheelchair? Perhaps you are only interested in the safest car seat?

In any case, now you are told that you are making the best decision and much less likely to get this “lemon” with cheap plastic wheels and a slot for cup holders that holds a cup of water. In recent years, products for children have changed a lot! Brands spend more time creating convenient products for parents who are on the go and need to save space. These strollers and strollers are currently developing in the industry and offer the millennial mother exactly what she needs! 😉.

More stringent guidelines have recently been adopted to further improve the safety of railcars and wheelchairs, which reduces a number of potential hazards caused by consumers. This includes travel systems and strollers.

The stroller is equipped with an adjustable seat, all-wheel suspension, a large storage basket, rear brakes, holders for children and parents, and a 5-point safety belt to ensure your child’s safety. Strollers are built standard with pneumatic tires, durable suspension for all landscapes, adjustable steering wheel, 5-point suspension, swiveling front wheels, rear brakes, total folding seat back and much more. Available models: orange, blue, black.

That's all. If you forgot something, add in the comments. Maybe someone will advise best stroller  or tell the secret how to move on loose sand. I heard that there are such strollers in which the wheels can be replaced with special skis. But I have never seen one like this in person. But it will be more convenient to drag one in the sand 🙂

Standard strollers Strollers Tourist systems Tandem or double strollers. Car Seat Mode - This mode is designed for use in a car. Pull mode - this mode is designed for walking and maneuvering in difficult or crowded rooms. The wheels are missing, and the handle extends at an angle of 45 degrees to the parent.

It fits perfectly into my mini cocoon, and it is very easy to clean!

Disadvantages: some accessories sold separately - Heavy car seat - The adjustment of the shoulder strap seems limited. Having strengthened more than half a century ago, from the very beginning, they took off to become one of the leaders in their field. In addition, it comes with the highest car seat, built-in standard with energy absorbing foam, 5-point safety belt and level gauges as an extra measure. Pros: the base fits comfortably in compact cars - Easy assembly - Easy walking  stroller - Easy maneuverability in narrow situations - Light exhaust frame - Extended canopy - Additional storage.

May 12, 2013 Anna