1 day of fertilization. Can a girl feel sick in the first days after conception?

Every woman, if she wants to give birth to a baby, or, conversely, to avoid an undesirable conception at the moment, must have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after menstruation. There is no definite answer to this question, since it depends on many factors. This means that it will not be superfluous to consider them in more detail.

Both professional gynecologists-endocrinologists and women themselves have made sure in practice that it is quite possible to become pregnant after menstruation and even during it.

The ability to conceive after menstruation is determined by many factors. Experts consider the following to be the main ones.

  1. Cycle duration. The average, but conditional duration of the monthly cycle is from 28 to 30 days. This duration is considered optimal, but in fact more than 57% of women have a shorter cycle - 22, 24 or 26 days. If the cycle is too short (from 18 to 21 days), then the egg release phase (ovulation) shifts from the middle of the cycle to the last days before menstruation. Therefore, if during this period a woman with a short monthly cycle had unprotected intimacy, then the likelihood of conception immediately after menstruation is very high with the normal functioning of the ovaries.
  2. Sperm viability. Many believe that fertilization of a woman's sex cell occurs during or a few minutes after an intimate act, if it occurs on the day of ovulation. Contrary to this opinion, spermatozoa in men with high sperm quality are able to maintain their activity for a fairly long period - from 2 to 6 days. Therefore, if at the time of sexual intercourse the egg is in the ovary or in the expanding (ampullary) part of the fallopian tube, then in the next few days it can be fertilized by the most viable and active sperm.
  3. The duration of your period. A very long (more than 7 days) flow of menstrual blood creates conditions under which there is a possibility that in the last hours of menstruation a new egg will mature, ready for fertilization.
  4. Disrupted monthly cycle. Irregular menstruation means that the egg leaves the follicle on different days and therefore, in women with a disturbed monthly cycle, conception often occurs after menstruation. In this condition, it is very difficult to guess when ovulation will occur and to calculate the days for a possible pregnancy.
  5. Spontaneous ovulation. The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been identified, but experts call heredity and hormonal instability in the body among the main factors. Therefore, with the spontaneous release of an egg after sexual intercourse during menstruation, fertilization can occur.
  6. Ovulating multiple eggs at different times. Such a phenomenon is quite rare, but it is quite possible if two oocytes emerge from two dominant follicles at different stages of maturity. Since the sperm remain viable for several days, they can easily fertilize both eggs.

In obstetric practice, there are cases of birth of fraternal twins with different skin colors, whose fathers were different sexual partners of a woman (black and light-skinned). After the study, it turned out that the conception of children occurred during the fertilization of two gametes that left two follicles with a difference of 2 days.

In addition, one should not forget that the following factors affect the menstrual cycle, and therefore the possibility of conception immediately after menstruation:

  • the state of the hormonal system and diseases that affect the balance of hormones;
  • period after childbirth or abortion, feeding the baby with breast milk;
  • the period before menopause in women over 40;
  • chronic pathologies of the reproductive organs;
  • sexual activity;
  • transferred or existing genital infections;
  • stressful situations;
  • change of the climatic zone;
  • methods of protection.

Abnormal bleeding, which is not associated with menstruation, but arises with various pathologies of the uterus and ovaries, can also affect conception. A woman can take such a condition for menstruation and miscalculate "safe days".

One of the factors that can affect the development of an unexpected pregnancy is the treatment of amenorrhea (the absence of monthly discharge for six months). Provided that the imbalance of hormones is eliminated, the pathology of the uterus, ovaries and endocrine glands is cured, conception against the background of a cure can occur at any time.

What is the probability of getting pregnant on days 1, 2, 3?

The likelihood of conception occurring 1-3 days after your period is quite high. Previously, the days following the end of menstruation were considered completely safe from the point of view of the possibility of conception. This opinion was based on the fact that in the early days the gamete either had not yet matured, or had not left the follicle into the fallopian tube, and therefore the fusion of the female and male reproductive cells is simply impossible.

However, conception, although in very rare cases, can occur under the following set of circumstances:

  • with spontaneous release of a mature egg from the follicle on days 1-3 of the cycle;
  • with prolonged presence of active sperm in the fallopian tubes.

That is, if a man and a woman were close before menstruation or during it, then the most "resistant" sperm is able to "wait" for the release of the gamete for 5-7 days and fertilize it. As a result, a woman will be pregnant during or immediately after her menstrual bleeding.

Is pregnancy possible on days 4-9?

As mentioned above, male germ cells are able to maintain their functions for several days. Therefore, if unprotected intimate contact occurred 3-7 days before the exit of the female cell into the fallopian tube (for example, immediately after menstruation), then the probability of conception on days 4-6 is quite high, especially with a short monthly cycle (19-21 days). And the chance of getting pregnant 8-9 days after menstruation reaches 85-90%.

How many days after menstruation can you get pregnant?

To say exactly how many days after menstruation you can become pregnant is difficult even for a doctor, since the maturation of the follicle and the moment of ovulation are individual.

With strong feelings, illness or changes in the secretion of hormones, the egg may not form at all. And, for example, with hormonal treatment, ovulation can occur earlier than average. The more regular and constant in duration the cycle is, the more likely it is to determine the days on which conception is possible.

Correct calculation of favorable days for pregnancy

The ovulation phase lasts 12-48 hours and theoretically falls around the middle of the cycle. It is at this time (the so-called "fertile window") that the chance of conception is especially high. However, in fact, in order to correctly calculate the time a female cell leaves the follicle, it is necessary to take into account the duration of the cycle itself and the time that sperm cells can "hold out" in the genital tract in order to fertilize the gamete.

To get pregnant quickly, you should choose the most accurate method for determining the favorable period for conception. For this, it is very desirable to keep a calendar for at least 3 months, where the days of monthly bleeding and the duration of the cycles are recorded.

But it must be borne in mind that the calculation of such days is most accurate with regular cycles with the same duration.

Regular cycles

The well-known Ogino-Knaus method takes into account that ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, sperm are viable in the female genital tract for 3 days (in fact, up to 6-7 days), and the life of the egg is limited to 2 days.

With such initial parameters, the most favorable days will be the day of ovulation, 2 days before and 2 days after. Calculating such a 5-day period is easy. For example, with a cycle of 26 days, ovulation is most likely to occur 13 days after the start of your period. Therefore, days from 11 to 15 will be the most "fertile".

Very important! All days are counted from the onset of monthly bleeding, not after it!

Cycles of different lengths

However, counting can also be performed for cycles whose duration varies. The main thing is that the woman should register their duration in the menstruation calendar.

Calculation: from the longest menstrual cycle subtract 10, and from the shortest - 19. Take, for example, the longest cycle of 28 days, and the shortest - 24. So: 28 - 10 \u003d 18; 24 - 19 \u003d 5. It turns out that with such fluctuations, pregnancy is most likely to take place from 5 to 18 days inclusive. It turns out that with a short cycle, it is easy to get pregnant on the 5th day of the cycle, that is, at a time when bleeding may still continue.

If a woman is not planning a pregnancy, then the days on which protected sex is necessary coincide with the time when conception is most likely. However, in order to increase the reliability of the calculation according to Ogino-Knaus, one should take into account the "vitality" of the spermatozoa and make the correction upwards.

We calculate the days of protected sex for a constant cycle of 28 days:

The ovulatory phase or the most "dangerous" time for unwanted conception is the 14th day of the cycle. Around this day, taking into account the survival of sperm, a zone of high probability of conception is formed, which includes 6 days before and 6 days after ovulation. We count 14 + 6 \u003d 20, 14–6 \u003d 8. Thus, the period from day 8 from the onset of monthly bleeding to day 20 will represent the time when contraception will help to avoid unplanned conception.

How to identify "dangerous" days with an irregular cycle

If the cycle is irregular, it is dangerous to rely on calculations to prevent pregnancy. In such cases, the best option is to measure the basal temperature. Of interest is the lowest, which is recorded during nighttime sleep and which changes in different phases of the cycle due to changes in hormonal status.

To do this, it is necessary every morning immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, to measure the rectal temperature. During menstruation, this indicator after sleep is in the range of 36.7-36.9 degrees. By the time of ovulation, it decreases slightly, but after the release of the gamete, ready to meet with the male reproductive cell, it sharply "jumps" to 37.2-37.3.

The dangerous period in this case, taking into account the vitality of the sperm, includes 6 days before the maximum indicator and 6 days after that.

For example, the peak temperature falls on the 14th day (ovulation), which means: 14 - 6 \u003d 9, 14 + 6 \u003d 20. It turns out that the days on which protection is required are in the range from 9 to 20 days inclusive.

It is advisable to record the basal temperature values \u200b\u200bfor 4-6 cycles.

If with the onset of menstruation the temperature does not drop to 36.9-36.7, then, most likely, fertilization and conception have occurred.

It should be remembered that there is a specific chance of conception even when the male reproductive organ was not “inside the woman”. To penetrate the uterus, "strong" sperm is quite enough if a microscopic volume of sperm (even a drop) fell on the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina or labia.

Feelings in the first days after conception do not always appear. Often, pregnant women do not understand what is happening to them, mistaking them for symptoms of the premenstrual period.

The first signs of a successful conception

In the body, after conception, there is a suspension of menstrual flow. Indicates the onset of pregnancy, a feeling of discomfort, heaviness in the uterus.

This is due to the increased blood flow of the genital organ and its readiness to accept the embryo.

In the first days after conception, the mammary glands swell. Due to hormonal changes, hypersensitivity appears, the breast enlarges, becomes taut and dense. Pain may occur when touching or wearing underwear.

In the first days of fertilization, the composition of vaginal secretions changes. They become plentiful and take on a pinkish tint. Similar symptoms appear 5 days after conception.

Sometimes there is a discharge with impurities of blood, reminiscent of the beginning of the menstrual period.

This signals the attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity. During the process of fixing the ovum, part of the endometrium is slightly damaged and comes out with vaginal discharge. If they are not abundant and after 1 - 2 days are over, then do not worry.

Feelings on the 5th day after conception are more like mild premenstrual pain.


If the discharge continues and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Symptoms may indicate detachment of the ovum due to rejection of the embryo by the uterus. This occurs at the physiological level, when the body perceives the embryo as a foreign body.

Already in the first days after conception, hormonal changes occur in the body. The female body begins to actively develop - a hormone for the maintenance, safety of pregnancy. A sharp change of mood is observed, and special gastronomic preferences appear.

Progesterone is produced by the body to prevent uterine contractions. If this hormone is not enough, then there is a high probability of miscarriage.

On the 8-10th day in women, the basal temperature rises. If it is more than 37 degrees, then this is a sure sign of the implantation period.

After ovulation, the basal temperature drops to 36.6 degrees. Until the next menstruation, in the absence of pregnancy, it is first up to 35.5 degrees.

On the 9-10th day, a slight lifting of the abdomen is observed due to changes in blood circulation in the pelvic organs, as a result of which the blood stagnates in the venous system.

For 2 weeks, a woman feels weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness.

In the first trimester, blood pressure may decrease, constipation may occur. Often women are faced with increased urination due to improved blood flow, which contributes to the rooted work of the kidneys.

Other symptoms:

  1. The appearance of pigmentation.
  2. Runny nose.
  3. Increased salivation.
  4. Emotional instability.
  5. Tingling in the lower abdomen.
  6. Increased appetite.
  7. Heartburn.
  8. Aggressiveness.
  9. Absent-mindedness.
  10. Darkening of the areolas.

Fetal development in the first month

Before the active growth and formation of the embryo in the uterine cavity, the embryo is in the fallopian tube for a week. After conception, the embryo begins to slowly move towards the genital organ for anchoring.

This period in medicine is called implantation, that is, the period of time when, in fact, pregnancy has already begun, but the embryo has not yet attached to the uterus.

The first month is important for the fetus. During this period, the ovum is attached to the endometrium and the main organs of the future crumbs are laid.

Feelings of a woman can vary greatly due to changes in hormonal levels and stages of development of the embryo, so it is especially important for a woman to know what happens to the body after conception by day.

Knowing this information, it will be easier to interpret the causes of discomfort or minor pain.

There are no sensations on the first day after conception. An increase in vaginal discharge is sometimes observed.

On the first day of the fusion of the egg with the sperm, the division of the zygote (cell) begins, then morula appears - a multicellular organism. This process is called crushing.

On the 3rd day after conception, morula is transformed into (early stage of embryo development). The cell migrates through the fallopian tube, constantly dividing.

On the 4th day after conception, the blastocyst transforms into a fertilized egg. During the day, the embryo descends into the uterine cavity. On the 5th day after conception, the ovum is attached to the endometrium. The joining process takes 40 hours.

On the 7-10th day after conception, an active production of progesterone occurs, preventing the possibility of abortion. Then, within 2 days, a neural tube is formed.

Within 2 weeks, the embryo is completely immersed in the endometrium. From the moment of attachment, it ceases to use its own resources for life, and "feeds" through the mother's blood.

At 15-16 days, the formation of the placenta begins, which will last the first trimester of pregnancy.

At the 3rd week, the organs of the future crumbs are laid, the chord forms in the baby - the future spine.

By the end of the first month, the embryo has the rudiments of arms and legs, heart, respiratory system and liver.

False pregnancy symptoms

False pregnancy signs are more common in women who are unable to get pregnant.

Psychologists assure that this problem lies in the psycho-emotional mood of the fair sex.

Signs of a false pregnancy are:

  1. Fast fatiguability.
  2. Lack of menstrual flow.
  3. Mood swings.
  4. Flatulence.

Recognizing false symptoms is easy. It is worth contacting a gynecologist, taking a pregnancy test or conducting an analysis for hCG (chorionic gonadotropin).

If the level of this hormone rises, then this means that there is an interesting situation. In the first week of pregnancy, hCG ranges from 25 IU / ml to 156 IU / ml. In non-pregnant women, chorionic gonadotropin does not exceed 5 IU / ml.

Possible individual sensations

Each woman suffers pregnancy differently. For many, the next day after conception, sensations do not appear, and some note that already on the first day the lower abdomen begins to hurt, mainly on one side.

A woman can partially feel the advancement of the embryo along one of the fallopian tubes, therefore, tingling pains or slight discomfort may occur in the left or right side of the hip region.

For 2-3 weeks, the body temperature may rise and weakness appear. Often many women confuse these symptoms with the onset of development.

In the first trimester, many pregnant women face toxicosis. It goes away after 3 months of pregnancy.

Also, women have an increased libido - the attraction to sex life, or vice versa, there is complete apathy and indifference to the opposite sex.


The first sensations appear on the 5th - 6th day, when the ovum is attached. More severe symptoms appear after 10 days.

Many pregnant women become irritable, fastidious, their taste preferences change, and a metallic taste may appear in their mouth.

Gynecologists recommend listening to your own body, but not jumping to conclusions. It is better to take hCG tests or do a pregnancy test after a week of delayed menstrual flow due to a sharp increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, so it will be much easier to diagnose an interesting position.

Video: 1 week of pregnancy: signs, sensations, discharge, what happens to the fetus

12 days after your birthday is a great time to form new events or correct unwanted events in your life. This is the time when it is recommended to start working on your changes. How to spend these days correctly?


Pay attention to all 12 days after your birthday. Because they show the upcoming events of this year that are trying to break into your life. And also each of the 12 days characterizes all 12 months after the date of birth.

If your birthday is in August, then 1 day will metaphorically describe the month in which you were born, that is, August. Day 2 will indicate significant events in September, 3 for events in October, and so on.

Watch your life closely during this period. What happens every day? Signs from above will surely come to you, which will give answers to many questions. Let's take a look at how to properly spend the days after your birthday.

1 day. Personality

The first day in this cycle is your birthday. This is the time of expression of a person as a person. During this period, you need to think and take care of yourself.

What do we have to do:

  • to imagine yourself in the future as the person you want to become;
  • understand how you want to express yourself in life;
  • to please yourself with gifts, useful procedures or trips;
  • write 12 wishes for yourself.

2nd day. Finance

The second day after your birthday is responsible for your material side and prosperity for the next year. It is on this day that you can work with any limiting beliefs that prevent you from earning a lot.

What needs to be done:

  • work with your abundance beliefs;
  • give someone a gift or send money to charity;
  • monitor nutrition: do not overeat or go on a diet;
  • you cannot lend or borrow.

3rd day. Relationship

In the first days after your birthday, you need to pay attention to the people around you. On the 3rd day after your birthday, you need to be careful in communicating with loved ones, colleagues and friends. There should be no quarrels, claims and omissions.

What can be done:

  • make peace with someone who is in a quarrel;
  • build relationships with relatives, friends and colleagues;
  • have a romantic dinner or date with your loved one;
  • attend courses, webinars, seminars, etc.
  • wash, repair or purchase a car;
  • travel short distances.

4th day. House

How to spend 12 days after your birthday correctly? We need to remember the purpose of the days and try to fill the holes in those areas in which life is still sinking.

4th day after your birthday is associated with your home, family and family. Observe what happens to you on this day? Maybe some family thing will reveal many secrets to you.

What is desirable to do:

  • to fully devote this day to the family;
  • arrange a family dinner;
  • if possible, it is advisable to visit the Motherland or places of childhood;
  • see a family album;
  • you can visit departed relatives in the cemetery;
  • make a general cleaning or cosmetic repairs in the apartment;
  • buy decorative elements for the house.

Day 5. Self-expression

Life after a birthday on the 5th day should be in full swing. This is a real day of relaxation and recreation. Anything that relaxes you and brings joy will do here:

  • spa, yoga, fitness;
  • massage;
  • country trips;
  • travel to warm countries;
  • creative self-expression;
  • hobbies;
  • any favorite entertainment;
  • and also a good day for conceiving children.

6th day. Work and health

On this day, you should pay attention to 2 things: work and health. Are you overworked at work? Working hard? Are you a real workaholic? Stop and think a little: are you doing your true business?

What you can do:

  • ask the authorities for bonuses;
  • draw up a business plan for your project;
  • visit spas and beauty salons;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

7 day. External world

Well, a week has passed since the birthday. On this day, you should observe your relationship with the outside world. How do you show yourself in society? Do you have enemies and ill-wishers? And also the day is good for building relationships with a partner or for finding him.

What can be done:

  • it is desirable to be socially active on this day;
  • visit a concert, exhibition, any event;
  • treat colleagues with a cake just like that;
  • arrange a romantic evening with your loved one;

Day 8. Withering away of the old

12 days after your birthday will lay down your entire next year. If on the 8th day after your birthday something breaks, collapses, some connections are cut off, someone breaks up - then it should be.

It is on this day that you can part with bad men, change your worldview, throw away old things, pay off all debts and pay off loans. If your business or business is not going well, then on this day you can revise your plans and radically change them.

Day 9. Learning and spirituality

The 9th day after your birthday is directly related to your learning. Also, this period covers issues of religiosity and philosophy. This is a spiritual time for each of us.

  • read lectures, notes;
  • on this day you can get lucky on exams;
  • meditate;
  • plan your travels for the year;
  • turn to the guardian angels for support.

Day 10. Glory and honors

Day 10 is the day when you can and should think about your career and your success. A real day of glory, when you can represent yourself on the highest pedestal that you deserve.

What you can do:

  • set career goals;
  • draw up business plans for projects;
  • apply for a resume for a new job;
  • do rituals for success.

Day 11. Birth of a new

Day 11 is focused on creative energy. During this period, all female sexuality is perfectly revealed.

  • to engage in creativity or your favorite hobby;
  • women to reveal their sexuality: take care of themselves, buy cosmetics or a new dress;
  • communicate more with friends;
  • train your luck;
  • ennoble your space and the world around.

Day 12. Outcome

On this day, you need to take stock. This period is especially important for humans. Watch what events are happening today? If everything is going smoothly and calmly, it means that you spent 12 days after your birthday correctly and are moving in the right direction.

On day 12, it is better to be alone.

But if on this day minor troubles begin to happen to you, then just think: maybe you turned on some other path? And today the Universe is giving you signs that it's time to change your life.

On what day after conception do the first signs of pregnancy appear? This issue is of great concern to women, especially young people. Behind the seemingly solid and correct question lies a desire to calm yourself down and get an answer to the question - on what day after sex can signs of pregnancy appear?

The first difficulty lies in the fact that conception does not occur at the time of sex, but for 5-14 days. It is also worth noting that the hormonal background of the body changes for another 10 -12 days. This means that the first tests can show pregnancy no earlier than 15 - 20 days after intercourse.

However, the female body can give its own signals about whether the fertilization process has completed or not. We will talk about this and other issues related to manifestations in the first days after conception.

It is also worth making a reservation here that the process of conception means the completion of sexual intercourse. Do not forget that the period of precisely conception can reach several days. Expect the most accurate result no earlier than 4 - 5 weeks from the moment of coitus. Earlier attempts to conduct a test can lead to the so-called "false negative" result, when the test shows that there is no fact of pregnancy, but in fact it already exists or will occur in the near future.

How long does it take to get tested for hCG?

HCG or pregnancy hormone provides fairly reliable information about the fact of pregnancy in the first days after conception. In the body of a non-pregnant woman, such a hormone is not produced. According to the developed program for determining pregnancy with the help of the hCG hormone, an analysis for its presence / absence is submitted 15 - 20 days after intercourse, considered conception.

Does basal temperature change after conception?

The change in basal temperature in the first days after conception is that it remains elevated. However, there is a "window" in such a change, when the basal temperature drops during the period when the embryo is implanted into the uterus. This phenomenon has received the definition of "imposing sinking".

Can there be conception immediately after menstruation?

Yes, in the first days after the end of menstruation, conception is not only possible, but these days are considered favorable for him.

For information - the possibility of conception always exists, that is, on any day, even when menstruation occurs. It was written above that the process is not instantaneous and its effectiveness and duration depends on many factors.

Is conception after ovulation possible?

Actually ovulation (the fact that a mature cell leaves the ovary) is necessary for conception. Moreover, conception is impossible without ovulation.

However, the very first stage - fertilization occurs only on the first day after ovulation. If it does not happen, the egg dies. This fact helps to determine that the highest probability of conception is 1 - 3 days before the moment of ovulation, as well as directly on the day of ovulation.

If intercourse occurs 12 to 20 hours after ovulation or later, conception is unlikely.

Calculation of favorable days for conceiving a child

The main calculation criteria should be the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle. The most favorable is the day of ovulation and 1-3 days before it. Having counted on which days of the cycle this period teaches, plan conception.

Determining the due date by conception date?

It is worth noting that childbirth can occur earlier or later, even 2 - 3 weeks, since the body of every woman has soy features. This is not a pathology, only a feature. Many women instinctively sense the first signs of conception and can more accurately determine the date of birth.

Does the date of conception affect the sex of the unborn child?

Each family really wants to give birth to a child of a particular gender, and sometimes two at once. Unfortunately, no modern family planning methods or calculators for calculating the sex of an unborn child work. The female ovum contains only YY chromosomes, that is, only female ones. The sperm carries the XY chromosomes, both male and female. The sex of the unborn child depends on which pair of chromosomes merge in unity in the first days immediately after conception. Man has not yet learned how to influence this process.

The huge amount of information presented on the Internet that there are techniques that can increase the likelihood of having a child of the desired sex is not true. The probability is 50 to 50.

The only way to predict the sex of a child is to conceive it in a laboratory during artificial insemination.

What processes occur in the female body in the first days after conception?

The body is actively rebuilding and preparing for pregnancy. The hormonal background changes, the uterus increases in size, its walls become thinner, the cervix closes. One of the ovaries turns into a hormonal generator, a corpus luteum is formed in it, which produces hormones to support pregnancy.

What are the feelings in the first days after conception?

A large number of processes occur simultaneously in the body that directly or indirectly affect our physical and emotional state. The fact of conception is not felt by a woman, although many do not think so.

Most of the symptoms presented as symptoms of conception (not to be confused with pregnancy), such as nausea, drowsiness, abdominal pain, mood swings, loss or increased appetite, etc., have nothing to do with conception. These manifestations would appear in any case, and the woman subconsciously or consciously attributes them to conception. Having studied in detail the process of conception and the first days of embryo development, you will understand that there can be no changes that could affect the state of the body and manifest externally or internally.

It is also worth noting that women often try to find signs of conception in themselves immediately after intercourse or in the first hours after it. It was written above that the period of conception from the moment sperm enters the vagina to the fact of fertilization and the movement of the egg can be several days. Therefore, any sensations associated with signs of conception are contrived or imposed from the outside.

The first signs of pregnancy (namely, pregnancy, when the hormonal background has already been rearranged) appear in most at 2 - 3 months, and many feel like expectant mothers when others notice a rounded tummy.

Could abdominal pain be the first signs of conception?

Pain in the abdomen within one or two weeks after intercourse has nothing to do with the possible conception and, moreover, pregnancy.

Two weeks later, in case of conception, when the embryo is in the process of implantation in the uterus, that is, it is looking for a convenient place for itself, some (not even most) women may experience weak, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of pain during menstruation.

Such pains, in a more vivid manifestation, appearing on the one hand in the ovarian region in the period 2 to 3 months after conception, may be evidence of an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo develops in the fallopian tube or miscarriage.

What does discharge after conception mean?

Discharge of a bloody nature, brown or pinkish colors, observed immediately or up to 4 days after intercourse, have nothing in common in conception. In this case, they are precursors of imminent menstruation or signs of gynecological diseases of a various nature.

If such discharge appears after 1 - 2 weeks, when the process of embryo implantation occurs, this is a consequence of this very process. Such discharge does not last long, 1 - 4 hours.

Brown or bloody discharge, observed between 3 and 12 weeks after conception, is most often a sign of a miscarriage. Most women do not pay attention to them, mistaking them for periods, because they have no idea about pregnancy.

Discharge of a bloody or brown type that begins after 8 to 12 weeks is most likely a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Such discharge may be accompanied by pain in the ovarian region on one side and pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

What does nausea and vomiting mean in the first days after conception?

Quite a large number of women, especially those who do not want pregnancy, feel nausea and sometimes vomiting within 1-8 days after sex. They consider these manifestations to be the result of pregnancy, or rather the toxicosis associated with it.

These manifestations have nothing to do with pregnancy or conception in the period from 10 to 40 days after sex. Most often these are far-fetched symptoms, sometimes food poisoning. It was described above why the manifestations of pregnancy cannot occur in the first weeks after sex.

For reference. Pregnancy toxicosis manifests itself at least from the 8th week of pregnancy. Many women may not experience it at all during the entire period, many feel it as a reaction to new foods they eat.

How to behave after conception?

There are some rules to follow after conception: