A small message about the migratory bird. Mysteries about birds for children: about migratory birds, about domestic birds

Consolidation of children's ideas about birds, their way of life and behavior, about communication with the environment, about the role of man in the life of birds. To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about migratory birds; introduce the concept of "migratory birds"; learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships: birds fly away, where it is warm, where food is; to acquaint with the concept of flying "wedge", "jamb", "flock".



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GBOU school №364 of Moscow (pre-school department №1205) "Migratory birds" Prepared by: Korchevaya A.Kh. Novikova V. B. Group №7


Objective: to consolidate the ideas of children about the birds of Moscow and Moscow region; their lifestyle and behavior; about communication with the environment; about the role of man in the life of birds. Objective: to consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about migratory birds; introduce the concept of "migratory birds"; learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships: birds fly away where it is warm, where food is; to acquaint with the concept of flying "wedge", "jamb", "flock". Expected outcome: can keep the birds talking; actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers in solving play and cognitive tasks.

Lark the Little bird living on the earth. Painted dull - brown with motley specks feathers help to hide in the grass. On the ground, they do not jump, but run. On the ground, they also nest, laying eggs in the nest. Eat seeds of plants and insects.

DUCK A medium sized bird with a relatively short neck. The color of the plumage is different. The toes are connected by a swimming membrane. They feed on seeds and bulbs of aquatic plants, insects, mollusks and small crayfish.

GRACH The first migratory bird informs us of the onset of spring. Feathers are black with a purple tint. Nest colonies in gardens, trees, near the dwelling of people. They feed on worms and insect larvae.

CRANE Large, long-legged and long-necked birds. The plumage is gray, large wide wings. Arriving from the south, they inform about their return by smoking. The nest is built on a swamp among reeds and sedges. They eat worms, bugs, frogs.

SWALLOWS One of the fastest birds. The shape of their body is ideal for flight, the wings are arrow-shaped, and the tail is a fork. The paws are weak, so they never walk on the ground. They are all the time in flight. Drink on the fly. Build nests of clumps of clay, connecting them with saliva.

SWAN The largest aquatic bird. The plumage is white, gray and black. Long neck, allowing in deeper waters to search the bottom in search of food.

STARLING Warbler. Black plumage with a metallic sheen, sometimes with a violet, greenish or bluish tinge. In winter, white spots appear on the body. Able to imitate the singing of other birds.

THE NIGHTINGARE The inconspicuous gray warbler. Winters in Africa. Inhabits shrub thickets in the river valleys. Nests are built on the ground or very low in the bushes. Eggs are greenish or bluish speckled.

HERON Leggy, long-necked bird. Color feathers white. It has a long, powerful black beak. On the head, neck or back there is a peculiar mane of long feathers. Nests are arranged on trees. Eat fish, worms.

STORK A large white bird with a large red beak, long legs, large wings. He lives near people, on rooftops and other hills. It feeds on frogs, snakes, large insects, fish.


By topic: methodical developments, presentations and notes

"Poultry", "Migratory Birds" - methodological material on the development of speech and speech creativity for older children of preschool age with ONR.

Abstract of artistic and creative activity. Application (collective work) "Birds at the feeder" Subject: "Feed the birds in winter" Age: senior group

This material is an abstract of artistic activities of children of senior preschool age. The tasks solved in the course of activity are painted on the educational areas in the frame ...

In the spring, children often see birds that have returned to their homes. In order to acquaint children with the bird world, you can hold a conversation about migratory birds, tell which birds are returning to their homes in spring, learn their names, and learn to recognize birds in nature.

Migratory birds in spring. Children about birds

Today I offer you a selection poems for children about migratory birds. Poems are easy to read, you can learn a small poem with a child, and on a walk, upon seeing a familiar bird, the child will remember and tell a verse about it. Poems will help children develop speech, learn the names of familiar and unfamiliar birds, get acquainted with their distinctive features.

A selection of poems about migratory birds will be useful to parents, educators and primary school teachers when familiarizing children with the outside world.

Singers come back

From the midday rays

I ran from the mountain stream,

And a small snowdrop

He grew up on the thaw.

Starlings are returning -

Hard workers and singers,

Sparrows by the puddle

Noisy flock whirl.

Both robin and thrush

Engaged in device nests:

Worn, worn in houses

Birds on a straw.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

This week the rooks flew.

Though the road was difficult.

Senior rook prikrikul strictly:

"For work! A lot of things!

Remember yourself, teach others

Yes, for real:

Our black rooks -

Working birds! ”

(A. Prokofiev)

Rising dining room

In the birch grove - fun.

Respect the rooks housewarming.

The grove rustles and worries,

As if at the festival area.

Long fun lasts

In the green rook capital,

And nests. how caps take off

And there, on the branches, hang.


The grass turns green.

The sun shines.

Swallow with spring

In the shadow of us flies.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is dearer ...

Cheek off the road

Hello to us soon.

I will give you grains,

And you sing a song.

What of the far countries

Brought with me.

(A. Plescheev)


So carefree, on the fly

He generously spills trills,

Stealing steeply in height

From the ground - your bed.

Among the ears he lives.

His little house is small,

But we need the whole vault of heaven

Him for ringing songs.

Like a flute gentle.

Song diligent.

Who lives in the wilderness.

And sings there from the heart?

This oriole is a songworm,

Cheerful, laughter.

Golden yellow

Breast from the artist.

I am an important bird, though small.

I gave answers to hundreds of questions!

Ask me: "How long to live forever?"

And I will answer you: “ku-ku-da-ku-ku ...”

Sometimes I lurk in bright foliage,

So much so that you will not notice me.

Forest fortuneteller sits on a bitch.

And hear again: "Koo-ku da-ku-ku ..."

Nightingale (excerpt)

On a hill, through a green grove,

With the brilliance of the light brook,

Under the shelter of a quiet May grove,

In the distance I hear the nightingale.

By the light winds, fragrant,

That whistle, the ringing flies,

That is drowned out by the noise of water

Sigh sweet tomit.


Flying Crane

To the old places:



Ivushka over the backwater

Sad - sad!

And water in the backwater


And the dawn over willow


Fun Crane:


(E. Blaginina)

The sun is hot,

In the courtyard murmur streams

And at our window

A flock of swallows screams.

Flew ... Hush. hush ...

With a cry curl around the porch.

These are the swallows under the roof

They build nests for chicks.

Soon variegated testes

Will lie in the nests.

The birds will warm them,

Small kids wait.

(N. Zabila)

From africa in the spring

Swallows are flying,

Under clay roofs

Nests make.

They fly like airplanes

Elegant and light.

Split tails,

So small.

Triangular beak

Enough on the fly

Midges and mosquitoes,

Carry yourself home.

Similar to notes

Sit on the wires

And fun chirp.

About the sun and rain.

(V. Miryasova)

Song thrush

Even the sky is tired from the cold,

Snow fell doomed.

Suddenly with old sprawling pear

Blackbird I started singing about spring!

And flocked to the neighborhood tits

Under the merry song of the thrush,

Snow melted on my eyelashes

And shone like raindrops.

The trill to the neighbors pounded on the windows,

And the cold drove under the bushes.

Only morning in the garden comes,

Before I wake up, I hear

On a branch, then louder, then quieter

Without restraint finch sings.

Basking in the scarlet dawn

Snap the tongue.

Like the best in the world

He had breakfast


Poems about migratory birds are short


Field Lark!

No singer is more wonderful!

In the open field your house,

In the clear sky - the song!

(V. Berestov)

Aist- debt

The stork is thin

The house was built without a porch.

Look - aistenok

He was born all in his father.

He still looks like mom,

She bothers late.

Day, woodpecker, telegram.

Congratulations on your housewarming!

(V. Bokov)

Barefoot heron

In the swamp in the evening

Heron walks barefoot.

For such long legs

Find nowhere boots!

(V. Lancetti)


Rain, rain pour everywhere.

Happy chicks in the nest:

Mom sit at home,

Will not fly anywhere.

(Grigore Vieru)

Read and learn with children poems about migratory birds.

See the tables.

List of migratory bird species

1. Gray Heron - Ardea cinerea

30. Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris

2. Buzzard - Buteo buteo

31. Deriaba - Turdus viscivorus

3. Field harrier - Circus cyaneus

32. Belobrovik - Turdus iliacus

4. Checkpoint - Falco subbuteo

33. Song Thrush - Turdus philomelos

5. Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus

34. Blackbird - Turdus merula

6. Quail - Coturnix coturnix

35. Meadow chisel - Saxicola rubetra

7. Crake - Crex crex

36. Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus

8. Coot - Fulica atra

37. Zaryanka - Erithacus rubecula

9. Chibis - Vanellus vanellus

38. Common Nightingale - Luscinia luscinia

10. Tie - Charadrius hiaticula

39. Varakushka - Luscinia svecica

11. Chernysh - Tringa ochropus

40. Garden Slav - Sylvia borin

12. Woodcock - Skolopax rusticola

41. Gray Sly - Sylvia communis

13. Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus

42. Slavka-curvy whistle - Sylvia curruca

14. Common tern - Sterna hirundo

43. Black-headed Slavka - Sylvia atricapilla

15. Clintuh - Columbia oenas

44. Bubbler - Philloscopus trochilus

16. Common cuckoo - Cuculus canorus

45. Chiffchaff - Philloscopus collibita

17. Ordinary nightjar - Caprimulgus europaeus

46. ​​Rattle gummy - Philloscopus sibilatrix

18. Black Swift - Apus apus

47. Green stump - Philloscopus trochiloides

19. Vertexiska - Junx torquilla

48. Swamp warbler - Acrocephalus palustris

20. Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica

49. Garden warbler - Acrocephalus dumetorum

21. City Swallow - Delichon urbica

50. Badger warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

22. Beregovushka - Riparia riparia

51. Ordinary cricket - Locustella naevia

23. Field Lark - Alauda arvensis

52. River cricket - Locustella fluviatilis

24. Forest Horse - Anthus trivialis

53. Gray Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata

25. White Wagtail - Motacilla alba

54. Pied Flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca

26. Common Shrike - Lanius collurio

55. Small flycatcher - Ficedula parva

27. Common Oriole -   Oreolus oreolus

56. Chaffinch - Fringila coelebs

28. Wren - Troglodytes troglodytes

57. Common lentils - Carpodacus erythrinus

29. Forest Accent - Prunella modularis

58. Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniculus

Birds. Ornithology in pictures.

Invitation to the world of birds. Why do birds need feathers and beaks? Why do they fly to distant lands? How to take care of birds in winter? This book was created by people who sincerely love nature: the wonderful writer Nikolai Sladkov and the artist Ruben Varshamov.

Animal world. Migratory and wintering birds of Russia. Thematic dictionary in pictures.

Didactic cards.

Birds of the world.

Dear book.

The book is dedicated to birds living on different continents of the planet.

The book is on a thick cardboard with opening windows, funny drawings and details from the life of birds.

Book from AST.

Encyclopedia from Rosman.

The book tells about the diversity of the world of birds: from the huge ostriches who have lost the ability to fly, to small inconspicuous birds that fascinate us with their singing. Birds have mastered all the continents and oceans, all earthly elements and landscapes. You will learn many interesting things about the lifestyle, characteristics and habits of many members of the class of birds.

Birds. Full encyclopedia.

This book is about loving parents and faithful spouses, skilled builders and thrifty masters, ruthless predators and connoisseurs of nectar, great singers and amazing dancers, about knights and pirates - about those who millions of years ago conquered the sky.

List of wintering bird species

1. Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos

26. Magpie - Pica pica

2. Zimnyak - Buteo lagopus

27. Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris

3. Goshawk -   Accipiter gentilis

28. Blackbird - Turdus merula

4. Sparrowhawner -   Accipiter nisus

29. Trigger - Aegithalos caudatus

5. Fritillary -   Bonasia bonasia

30. Goldcrest - Regulus regulus

6. Rock Dove -   Columba livia

31. Great tit - Parus major

7. Gray Tawny -   Strix aluco

32. Blue Tit - Parus caeruleus

8. Little Owl -   Aegolius funereus

33. Blue Azure - Rarus cyanus

9. Little Owl -   Athene noctua

34. Moscow - Parus ater

10. Sparrow owl -   Glaucidium passerinum

35. Puhlyak - Parus montanus

11. Gelna -   Dryocopus martius

36. Crested Tit - Parus cristatus

12. Gray-haired woodpecker -   Picus canus

37. Ordinary nuthatch - Sitta europaea

13. Three-toed Woodpecker -   Picoides tridactylus

38. Common Pika - Certhia familiaris

14. Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major

39. Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis

15. White-backed woodpecker -   Dendrocopos leucotos

40. Ordinary greenfinch - Сarduelis chloris

16. Little Spotted Woodpecker -   Dendrocopos minor

41. Siskin - Carduelis spinus

17. Gray Shrike -   Lanius excubitor

42. Redhead - Carduelis flammea

18. Ordinary waxwing -   Bombycilla garrulus

43. Schur - Pinicola enucleator

19. Common Starling -   Sturnus vulgaris

44. Crossbill - Loxia curvirostra

20. Raven -   Corvus corax

45. Cleists-pine - Loxia pyttyopsittacus

21. Hooded crow - Corvus cornix

46. ​​Ordinary bullfinch - Purrhula purrhula

22. Rook - Corvus frugilegus

47. Common Hawfinch - Coccothraustes coccothraustes

23. Common Jackdaw - Corvus monedula

48. Field Sparrow - Passer montanus

24. Nutcracker - Nucifraga caryocatactes

49. House Sparrow - Passer domesticus

25. Jay - Garrulus glandarius

50. Common Bunting - Emberiza citrinella

Migratory and Wintering Birds  . 50 didactic games dedicated to the lexical theme "Migratory and Wintering Birds". Color illustrative material is contained in the middle of the manual, can be easily removed from the book and can serve as a demonstration or handout.

Is the migratory bird a bullfinch?

No, not migratory!

Although we constantly see bullfinches only in winter, they are not migratory. In the summer, they live in forests where there is a lot of food. In winter, bullfinches begin to fly long distances from the forests in search of food, they spend the winter in the urban strip. Also in winter, bullfinchs peck at the remaining berries in the trees, such as hawthorn or mountain ash.

The mentality of the people, its uniqueness, is expressed in language. How fully a person is familiar with his own linguistic culture, so much it can be called a representative of this culture.

Folklore in education

Familiarity with folklore is laid in early childhood. Mother, rocking the baby, sings him a folk song. Grandma expresses thoughts with sayings and jokes. The grandfather sings chastooshkas with an accordion, and the father - bard songs, accompanying himself on the guitar.

In childhood, the concepts of "good" and "bad." What can, what can not, that taboo.

The little man absorbs the sounds around him. Learning to respond to the outside world. How exactly the rooster crows, what the cat says. In different nations, these animals make different sounds.

Children ask a lot of questions. So they fill their "intellectual piggy bank", from which they will then follow the way of life. They like to guess mother’s riddles about birds and animals and to compose their own.

Character Traits in Birds in Folklore

In fairy tales, certain character traits are attributed to each animal. This is no accident. The man watched them before giving this or that name.

If you turn only to the world of birds, you can see a rich palette of bright characters:

  • The eagle is proud.
  • Kite - cruel.
  • Falcon - Valiant.
  • Swan - the right one.
  • Chicken - caring mother.
  • Cuckoo is a bad mother.
  • Goose is stupid.
  • Raven is wise.
  • Owl - wise.
  • Stork - loves children.
  • Woodpecker - treats trees.
  • Vulture - unscrupulous, mean.
  • Magpie - curious, thief and talker.
  • Parrot - has no opinion.
  • Nightingale is a singer.
  • Turkey - inflated and important.
  • Ostrich - hiding from the problems.
  • Peacock - smug handsome.

This list can be continued. But how to explain these concepts to a child? Comes to the aid of the mystery about the bird for children. They understand the characteristic behavior of one of the representatives of the avian breed. The riddle ascribes to the feathered features inherent in people.

Poultry yard

The puzzles about domestic birds were composed by people who closely watched them in their lives. In the poultry yard, several species and breeds of them sometimes gather.

Rooster announces the arrival of a new day. Fishermen go to the morning fishing. Chickens come out, breeding chickens. Behind them geese, smooth formation. Turkey does not allow to pass, it is bypassed.


He is a little light getting used to.

Everyone will wake him scream.

Very important fisherman

Hear: "Kukareku."

Chicken with Chickens

First sat in a basket

Warmly warming children.

Then she took the path,

Looking for a worm fatter.


An important step walks,

Notices anyone.

Beak in the coral from him.

We must go around it.


He and his wife in the morning

Come out to pinch the grass.

And one by one guys

They are called ... (goslings).

These birds are easy for a child to show in the summer for a walk. They can feed, calling: "Chicken-chick-chick", "Tag-tag." In winter, reading fairy tales and riddles about domestic birds, these summer walks will be especially expensive.

In zoo

In the zoo on the pond live swans. What a pleasure to feed them and tell your baby Andersen's fairy tale “Wild Swans”! Or the tale of Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray neck". And then he wondered riddles about migratory birds.

Migratory birds

Going squad,

He is fearless and winged.

In the winter he flies,

And spring is flying back.

Wild duck

So her name is not in vain.

She says: "quack-quack."

And when the ponds are frozen,

Flies over the sea.

The outlines of a swan resemble the figure "2".


Floating on the pond sedately,

And behind it comes a wave.

This bird will certainly

You will be reminded of the number "two."

In the zoo you can see a heron. She has an interesting feature to stand on one leg.


In the swamp amid girlfriends

On one leg costs.

For lunch, eat frogs

And the stomach is not sick.


There are many sounds in the forest. You can hear the cuckoo, woodpecker, owl.


Who in the forest shouts "Ku-ku"

Answering the mushroom picker?


Who knocks on the tree?

Knock - and shut up.

An owl is a nocturnal animal, it cannot be met on a walk. But the mystery about the bird for children will be informative.


She has big eyes

She sits in the hollow of the day.

Night flies through the woods

And "y-gu" says to everyone.

Swallows and swifts fly over the field. They build nests under the roofs of houses and sit beautifully on wires. In swallows, the tail is narrow and strongly forked, and in swifts, as in herring. Swifts are larger, and the swallows sing beautifully.


Along the road, on the pillars,

On the elastic wires,

As if notes, birds sat down

Music in heaven.


Beautiful tail fork,

Diving flight.

Nest their kiddies

Under the roof soviet.

In the town

City birds have developed their tactics to feed themselves. They have a characteristic behavior that was the reason to write puzzles about birds.


Lost hairbrush

And say goodbye to the head.

And then your hairstyle,

Like a bird's nest.


He walks on the pavement,

Helps head.


We will feed the pigeons.

Fly quickly!

Dragged them a piece

Brave guy ... (sparrow).

When it’s winter outside, it’s not up to walks. But you can hang the feeder and watch the guests flock to the treat. Pigeons on a small trough will not be able to stand steadily, and tits and bullfinches will arrive.

Tits can simply hang a piece of bacon on a string. They will peck at it, hanging upside down. How can you not guess the child riddles about birds!


Flew to rowan

Red berries ate

He has a red tummy

I saw it today.


Beak at the window is knocking

White-eyed girl,

Flies to feed

In the yellow scarf ... (tit).

Bird in a cage

Children always want to have a pet. Not every parent dares to a dog, but you can even agree to a bird. Buy a cage, a bird and make a surprise by making puzzles about birds in rhyme.

A bird boy came to us.

It's blue ... (parrot).

Birds flew to us,

To wake us up in the morning.

Little family songs

Performed ... (canaries).


Two lumps, blue with yellow,

In a cage sitting by the window.

They sing songs to each other,

That in a friendly silent.

Riddles as a didactic material

In working with children, puzzles about birds for preschoolers are excellent didactic material that develops analysis and abstraction:

  1. Children are well aware of the characters.
  2. Do not be distracted by emotional attachment (as in the case of dogs and cats).
  3. Argue and draw conclusions without fear of the character (as in the case of a bear, a wolf, a snake).

Game tasks about birds:

  • Swan geese.
  • Finger games.
  • Dance of little ducks.

Costumed scenes:

  • Fox and Crane.
  • Two cheerful geese.
  • Thumbelina.
  • Ugly duck.

Artists tell a fairy tale, adding to the story riddles about migratory birds. It is very interesting.

After the performance, the presenter asks the children riddles about the birds, and they answer in unison. Then the game tasks. Such an event will be remembered for a long time.

The benefits of classes with a baby is obvious. To help him enter the world, to find his place in it is the responsibility of the parents. In simple, child-friendly language, the main learning takes place in a playful way. Relationship with the native nature, folklore will leave a mark in the heart of the baby and make him kind.