Who is Valery Bolotov? What did Valery Bolotov remember - one of the leaders of the Donbass militia

All this time, residents of Donetsk, Lugansk and dozens of other Donbass cities have been going through a real war, in which rallies that seemed completely fearless in the main squares have spilled out. Those people who called for the storming of officials no longer play a significant role in the "DPR" and "LPR". A whole line of "commanders" also changed. Komsomolskaya Pravda figured out who they were, where they came from in Donbass and where some of them disappeared.

Photo: Victor Huseynov

, "people's governor", 31 years old

What do I remember. It can rightfully be called the first "DPR" leader. In early March last year, at a rally, he proclaimed himself "people's governor". Then he led the assault on the local regional administration. Before the spring events, the "governor" managed to graduate from the Donetsk History Department, organize an event agency and work as Santa Claus. However, the career did not work out right away with politics - the "people's governor" was in public for only a week. Then he was taken to a pre-trial detention center. Gubarev spent two months behind bars, after which he was exchanged.

Where now. For the "honorary people's" in the "DPR" they organized a non-dusty post of "the leader of the" Novorossiya "movement and prefer to invite them to the public less often. I did not find it even among the "DNR" members.

Photo: Victor Huseynov

, "head of the DPR", 38 years old

What do I remember. For the first time in public, the future head of the "DPR" appeared on April 16. During the period of the general seizure of administrative buildings in Donetsk, the commander of the "Oplot" raided the local mayor's office. However, unlike many institutions, these fighters entered the officials quite peacefully - they opened the doors to the City Council ladies, did not interfere with their work, and the head himself was remembered by going to the mayor's canteen. There he dined with a "complex" and paid honestly.

Where now. Among the supporters of the "DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko is a vivid example of an almost real "American dream". For several months in the "young state", his career has rapidly stepped from an unknown miner-commander to - no more, no less - the head of "all DNR".

Photo: Wikipedia

, leader of the People's Militia of Donbass in Horlivka, 48 years old

What do I remember. “Bes” was criticized more than once even by “brothers in arms” - sometimes for staged videos of the execution, sometimes for insubordination, sometimes for disrespect for the “republic”. The residents of Gorlovka, where he "dug in" for several months, have also suffered from Bezler. Little is known about the leader himself - he was born in Simferopol, several years ago he was transferred to the reserve from the Russian Armed Forces.

Where now. In Gorlovka, Bezler has not been seen or heard since the end of October. During this time, the press buried the leader twice. However, then Igor Strelkov said: according to his information, the Gorlovka leader "resigned and is in reserve in the Crimea," and Bezler himself got in touch via YouTube.

Photo: Konstantin Bunovsky

Alexander Borodai, former "Prime Minister of the DPR", 42 years old

What do I remember. The mysterious Muscovite - a political scientist, journalist, entrepreneur, publicist, philosopher - first "appeared" in the "DPR" in mid-May. The "republic" declared in plain text: "Borodai was discharged from Moscow to strengthen the newly assembled government." The new "prime minister" of the "DPR" was strengthening for almost three months, during which the crash of the Malaysian "Boeing" fell, among other events. However, at the first opportunity, the "prime minister" immediately resigned. He stated: as an anti-crisis manager, he fulfilled his task and was not at all interested in further leadership.

Where now. For some time Borodai supervised the "republic" from afar, and in the middle of autumn he finally abandoned his "eastern fellow citizens". However, he does not stop talking about the "DPR". More and more often on Russian television.

Photo: kp.ru

, former "Minister of Defense of the DPR", 44 years old

What do I remember. They first heard about Strelkov on April 12, when he, together with his fighters, entered Sloviansk, which he left after almost three months, moving the troops to Donetsk. However, in Donetsk, Strelkov did not lead for long - about a month. In mid-August, he resigned as "Minister of Defense" and disappeared. The "DNR" explained vaguely: went on vacation, tired. The commander never returned from vacation.

Where now. He "surfaced" in Moscow, where since then he regularly gives interviews, meaning that they are completely contrary to the "policy of the party." He says about himself: he is engaged in military reconstruction for the soul, writes books, including children's books. He recalls that he had a penchant for this even "before the war."

Photo: Vadim Sherstenikin

Valery Bolotov, ex- "head of the LPR", 44 years old

What do I remember. The former "head of the LPR" told about himself: a senior sergeant in the reserve, he served in the 130th Guards Airborne Division in Tbilisi, Yerevan and Nagorno-Karabakh. Luhansk heard about Bolotov on April 5. In a video message, he urged local residents to attend rallies. The next day, armed men flying the flag of the Airborne Forces seized the building of the SBU administration in the Luhansk region, and Bolotov was appointed "people's governor". And on May 18 - "the head of the LPR". In mid-August, he announced his "temporary resignation" with reference to the consequences of his injury.

Where now. Since then, no one has seen Valery Bolotov.

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Biography, life story of Valery Dmitrievich Bolotov

Bolotov Valery Dmitrievich - statesman, military and public figure of the South-Eastern regions of Ukraine. Since April 2014, he has been the leader of the unrecognized state entity "Luhansk People's Republic".

Childhood, youth

Valery Bolotov gave birth on February 13, 1970 in Stakhanov (Luhansk region, Ukraine). He received his secondary education at the local school number 18.

In the late 80s of the last century, Valery Dmitrievich was drafted into the army. The young man served in the Vitebsk airborne division. During his service he took an active part in armed conflicts on the territory of Yerevan and Nagorno-Karabakh (in 1989 and 1990, respectively). At the end of his service he was promoted to senior sergeant in the reserve of the airborne troops.

After Valery Bolotov returned to "civilian life", he came to grips with his education. Valery Dmitrievich managed to master two specialties at once - "process engineer" and "economist".


In March 2014, several videos circulated across the Internet, in which an unknown masked man urged everyone to take up arms and protect their homes from the nationalist militants of the Euromaidan. The man and two of his assistants did not give their names. Instead, they named themselves the Army of the South East. For a long time, none of the journalists could find out what kind of person he was and what his real interests were regarding the current difficult situation on the territory of Ukraine.

On April 5, 2014, a new video with the participation of the Army of the South-East hit the network. This time the man took off his mask and said that his name was Bolotov Valery Dmitrievich. Bolotov said that the Security Service of Ukraine, opposing the Kiev authorities, was detained. However, at the same time, he still urged his compatriots to confront injustice and continue to defend their lands. On April 6 of the same year, the local administration of the Security Service of Ukraine was captured in the center of Lugansk. The activists took to the streets, armed with the flag of the Russian Airborne Forces. Valery Bolotov was one of the activists of the seizure.


On 21 April 2014, residents of the city of Luhansk elected Valery Bolotov as people's governor of the Luhansk region. Having assumed this position, Valeriy Dmitrievich first of all said that in the shortest possible time he was going to re-subordinate the judicial system and law enforcement agencies of the Luhansk region to the people's council.

Valery Dmitrievich Bolotov is actually considered the commander of the Army of the South-East.

Valery Bolotov's deeds did not go unnoticed. The General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine awarded him the status of a terrorist.

Sanctions against Bolotov

On April 29, 2014, the European Union included Bolotov in the list of persons against whom sanctions were imposed, that is, Valery Dmitrievich was banned from moving around the world and freezing assets in the European Union. On May 13 of the same year, similar sanctions against Bolotov were imposed by the Canadian authorities.

Attempted murder

On May 13, 2014, at about eleven o'clock in the morning, Ukrainian time, an attempt was made on Valery Dmitrievich. Bolotov received a gunshot wound to the chest. The bullet hit the lungs. After the incident, the politician was taken to a private clinic, where experienced doctors did everything to keep him alive and healthy. Many are inclined to believe that the attack was carried out by representatives of the Kiev junta.

Personal life

At one time Valery Bolotov got married. Children appeared in the marriage. Due to the safety of the Bolotov family members, their names and ages were not disclosed. Only approximate dates of birth of children are known - 2001-2002 and 2007-2008. From the very beginning of his social activities, Valery Dmitrievich preferred to keep the rest of the details of his private life in strict confidence.

Valery Bolotov was born on February 13, 1970 in the city of Taganrog. In April 2014, at the people's gathering of residents of Lugansk, Valeriy Bolotov was elected as the interim “people's governor” of the Lugansk region.

Later it became known that Bolotov met with the former “speaker of the People's Council” of the LPR Alexei Karjakin and Valery Alexandrovich (“Sanych”), while during the meeting he went to fetch the child. In March 2014, Bolotov anonymously published videos where he, hiding his face under a mask, called for the creation of an "army of the South-East" to "protect against nationalists." On April 29, sanctions were imposed on Bolotov - a ban on entry and freezing of assets in the EU countries.

Be that as it may, Bolotov returned to Lugansk. The GPU qualified Bolotov's actions as terrorism. In a conversation with Russian journalists, Valery Bolotov on June 17 at 13:05 announced the capture of a “female sniper”, meaning Nadezhda Savchenko. Subsequently, Bolotov's conversation was published, presumably with Pavel Karpov, an assistant to Vlidaslav Surkov, in which Savchenko recognized one of her kidnappers.

While already in Russia, Bolotov said that in the summer of 2014, Luhansk was fired upon by a battalion of Zorya militants, headed by the so-called head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky. Valery Bolotov left his post on August 14, 2014, citing the dire consequences of his injury.

On January 27, information was received from Bolotov's relatives about his death in their apartment in the Moscow region. The reasons for Valery Bolotov's death are being specified. In April 2014, Bolotov called for an open confrontation with the Ukrainian authorities, participated in the armed seizure of the building of the SBU Office of the Luhansk region.

LPR head Valery Bolotov resigns

Valery Dmitrievich Bolotov, the first leader of the self-proclaimed Luhansk republic, was born in February 1970. The place of his birth was the city of Taganrog. The division in which Bolotov served is sent to Georgia, and then to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Two weeks later, an open meeting took place, at which Valery Bolotov and his team called for the creation of an independent people's council in Luhansk.

This did not prevent him from taking over the duties of the head of the LPR at the first meeting of the Republican Council a week later, after which Bolotov was put on the wanted list by the Security Service of Ukraine. But already in mid-August, Valery Bolotov withdraws his candidacy from the post of head of the Republic due to the consequences of his injury and resigns. After some time, Valery Dmitrievich leaves for Moscow with his family.

The fate of the leaders of the "DPR" and "LPR": Girkin writes fairy tales in Moscow, and Bolotov disappeared somewhere

Two years later, Valery Bolotov, in his video speech, expressed his mistrust of Igor Plotnitsky, who took his place. In the last interview in his biography, Bolotov spoke unequivocally that he suspected him of betraying the ideals of the popular movement. At the end of January 2017, Valery Bolotov died suddenly in his home near Moscow. Yesterday, news about the death of ex-chairman of the Luhansk People's Republic Valery Bolotov appeared on the Web.

When Valery was only four years old, he and his parents moved to the territory of Ukraine and lived in the city of Stakhanov, not far from Luhansk. In 1988, Bolotov went to serve in the Soviet army. During his service, he actively participated in hostilities in the territory of Tbilisi, Yerevan, Nagorno-Karabakh. In the army, he received the rank of senior sergeant. After military service Bolotov returned to Lugansk and entered the institute.

Bolotov became famous in 2014, when a coup d'etat took place in Ukraine. Three days later, the Lugansk People's Republic was created, and Bolotov was proclaimed its chairman. Bolotov moved from LPR to Moscow. There was also information that Valery Bolotov would be buried on Tuesday January 31 in Moscow or the Moscow region. He was proclaimed "people's governor", and then he was elected the first head of the LPR. However, a few months later, Valery Bolotov resigned due to the injury.

According to RIA Novosti, a source close to the LPR leadership, Bolotov died in his apartment in Moscow. On the websites of the MIA "Russia Today" media group, comments can be edited, including preliminary. An RBC source close to Bolotov confirmed the death of the ex-LPR head on Friday, January 27. According to RBC, the causes of Bolotov's death are being investigated.

Died former leader of the militants "LPR" Bolotov. Biography

He took part in the armed seizure of the building of the SBU Directorate in the Luhansk region, was one of the commanders of the "army of the South-East". On August 14, 2014, he resigned after being wounded. Bolotov is a native of the city of Stakhanov, Luhansk region. He served in the Vitebsk Airborne Division, participated in the 1989 and 1990 conflicts in Yerevan and Nagorno-Karabakh, was the chairman of the Union of Veterans of the Airborne Forces of the Luhansk Region.

Valery Bolotov gained prominence in April 2014 during protests in southeastern Ukraine, calling for open opposition to the Kiev authorities. On May 13, an attempt was made on Bolotov, a bulletproof vest saved him from a sniper's bullet.

Bolotov left Ukraine in August 2014 and then claimed that he was ousted as a result of a conspiracy

The user undertakes to speak out respectfully towards other participants in the discussion, readers and persons featured in the materials. One of the commanders of the Army of the South-East. Boroday told RBC that his relatives reported about Bolotov's death, specifying that he did not know the details. Bolotov was the first leader of the Luhansk People's Republic and was a member of the Donbass Volunteer Union. As the head of the union, I express my deep condolences to his family and friends, - the ex-prime minister of the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic told RBC.

They explained to me that it was Bolotov in the Krasnoy Luch region, where Efremov had a machine-building plant, where he was the “overseer” of the copanks, the head of security and the driver. Information about the death or attempt on Bolotov's life has been circulated several times over the past three years, starting in May 2014. But the rumors turned out to be false.

Luhansk military republic

On April 21, 2014, Valery Bolotov was elected “people's governor” of the Luhansk region. In May of the same year, Bolotov and Mozgovoy, in the presence of Oleg Tsarev, concluded a truce, but clashes of interests continued.

For the last year, Bolotov lived in the Moscow region and periodically appeared in various media outlets, made publications on social networks, and actively criticized Plotnitsky. In the regional and in the city "Union of Veterans of the Airborne Forces" everyone instantly falls silent when it comes to Bolotov. On October 10, the Trinity District Court of the Luhansk Region released from custody Sergei Korsunsky, who was at the origins of the creation of the "LPR" and was an assistant to its first leader Valery Bolotov.

Bolotov was one of the active participants in the capture. Valery Bolotov previously died of a heart attack in his apartment in Moscow two hours ago. He suddenly felt bad, ”said the agency's interlocutor.

In the spring of 2014, Valeriy Bolotov took part in the seizure of the SBU building in the Luhansk region. On May 19, Valery Bolotov was elected head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic.

On the untimely death of the first chapter of the LPR

“Something happened, everyone is leaving us ...” - there is such a line from the famous front-line poet, a young man who went through the Great Patriotic War. In addition to the young fallen at the fronts, we also remember those who died young in the post-war years, both from battle wounds and from mental ones; and this, too, is the mournful harvest of war ...

The current war in Novorossia, it seems, has not yet been called great in scale, and in general its significance is still little understood. But it should be remembered that a new stage in Russian history begins in the Donbass.

Again, like a hundred years ago, it was paid a lot with Russian blood. And not only is there no longer the “old Ukraine”, which had been under construction for a hundred or a little more years, especially the last three decades, but the former Russia is no longer there either. In the sense that the Russian Transfiguration will begin (has already begun!) Precisely in Novorossia, from Novorossia, from Novorossia.

Bitter news: on January 27, the first head of the Lugansk People's Republic, Valery Bolotov, unexpectedly died. As reported, according to the wife of the deceased, - in her home in the Moscow region, presumably from a heart attack.

For everyone who took to the streets and squares of Russian cities of Ukraine in February-April 2014, with the flags of the Russian Spring, it was a great joy: suddenly Luhansk television commercials began to appear on the Internet, where a man with a gun, wearing a mask began to clearly explain the horror of the situation , to formulate the words that the Kiev junta, neo-Bander coup d'état are bringing death to Russian citizens of Ukraine and that one should protect their families, their homes, their lands from the brown misanthropic hassle. In fact, these were the words spoken in a new way "Get up, the country is huge!"

At some point, namely on April 5, 2014, the Luhansk resident took off his mask and said: “I, Bolotov Valery Dmitrievich, head the public association“ Union of Veterans of the Airborne Troops of the Luhansk Region ”. Then he appealed to the employees of the "bodies", in which, as he believed, "there were people of honor." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dy9dkS-qVz3c

Bolotov seemed to be the first to rise from the trench to attack under Nazi armored personnel carriers and bullets.

It was the actions of Valery Bolotov and his associates that made it possible to keep the SBU building first captured by the militias, and then the whole of Lugansk in the first weeks of the siege.

“Monotonous, a bit sleepy speech,” blogger A. Nikitin writes in the obituary “To the death of Bolotov,” “Even in an interview where Bolotov will say that“ we are getting more and more every hour ”- not a single emotion. In front of the crowd - too. Only one calm and firm determination of the person who made the choice. The complete absence of "playing on the camera" and generally any "media positioning". Bolotov had some sort of special non-charisma. Not "anti", namely "not". Unlike Strelkov or Mozgovoy, and even Borodai, he gave the impression of an emphatically ordinary person. "

This man was really "ordinary": he was born on February 13, 1970 in Taganrog, since 1974 he moved with his parents to the city of Stakhanov, Luhansk region, where he graduated from school No. 18 and from where he was drafted in 1988 to the Vitebsk airborne division. ; participated in the conflicts of 1989 and 1990 in Yerevan and Nagorno-Karabakh, at the time of the start of the coup d'état in Kiev was the chairman of the Union of Veterans of the Airborne Forces of the Luhansk Region.

However, let us think and take a look at the surroundings: is a person “usual” in public activities whose beliefs do not disagree with words, but words with deeds? Is a man of conscience common in public life? Isn't that why the "ordinary" Bolotov became the people's governor of Lugansk, and then was elected head of the Lugansk People's Republic?

Some consider Bolotov, in contrast to Mozgovoy, a supporter of the moderate actions of the Russian Spring, which were supposed to indicate resistance - with the hope of further appearance in Donbass of "polite people", as in Crimea. The expectation of the "polite" had its own reasons, and this is exactly how the citizens of the South-East of Ukraine behaved in many cities. In this, unfortunately, the "temptation of Crimea" was manifested. Then it turned out, with dramatic and even tragic consequences, as in Kharkov and Odessa, that "no one promised anything to anyone." Or, as Comrade Kurginyan now ironically says in political talk shows on the main TV channels of Russia, "on your own."

Bolotov's position, however, did not prevent the Luhansk militias from quickly putting under control, disarming and destroying the formations in the Luhansk region that had sworn allegiance to the coup.

Already in May 2014, an attempt was made on "ordinary Bolotov", and a little later he resigned - as they put it, due to injury. He resigned from his post on August 14, 2014, on the same day as I. Strelkov in the DPR.

Some consider this day "the beginning of the end of the Russian Spring and the broad general civil movement."

After partial recovery, V. Bolotov was engaged in humanitarian aid to his own, Luhansk republic.

He clearly stood for the national format of the republics. And in December last year, the ex-head of the LPR continued to assert the idea of \u200b\u200bNovorossiya, as well as the fact that a broad movement against the current government is possible in Ukraine. He predicted the departure (by the spring of 2017) of his "successor", Mr. Plotnitsky, and thought about creating a movement that would fight the authorities in Kiev.

Bolotov was a supporter of a united Novorossiya. “My opinion is this,” he wrote in his last message on Facebook on January 11, “the first thing to do is to return the borders of the former Luhansk and Donetsk regions to the LPR and DPR. I also think that the unification of the republics is necessary. They ask if I want to lead the united republics? At the moment, I think the most suitable candidate is Alexander Zakharchenko, since he has the most control over the situation and enjoys authority among people. As a soldier, I am ready to serve where I am most useful. My main task is to finish what I started, to defend the interests of our population. "

He agreed when they said that he had been "drained" from the post of head of the LPR, although he officially left for treatment after being wounded. In particular, in a recent interview with Marina Vorontsova, Bolotov said: “When I left Luhansk, and they planned to take some places and get their“ cheesecakes, ”all of them were also removed. From the former, with whom we started, no one is left in power. "

When asked whether ex-prime minister of LPR Gennady Tsypkalov could have committed suicide, Bolotov replied: “We were together with Tsypkalov for more than one day, he was one of my deputies, I knew him well. And the fact that he committed suicide is a lie. Tsypkalov, of course, could say something wrong, do something, he could know something and could tell it, so he was removed. In addition, he had authority, and people could reach for him if he began to deviate from Plotnitsky's course. Even Bednov had an authority that Plotnitsky did not and does not have. And in general, a lot of unwanted people have disappeared, you only see vivid examples, such as Tsypkalov. Bednov, Mozgovoy, Dremov are credited with different things due to the fact that even after death they have great authority among people. Of course, the current leadership of the LPR does not like this, because none of them took part either in the hostilities to defend the LPR or in protests. But some of them participated in the ATO - from the other side. They have a different task - to rock the republic and show that it was better under Ukraine. Their task is to return Donbass to Ukraine as soon as possible, because it suffocates without us. They are opponents of the ideology with which we rose. We see that the revolution turned out not for people, but against people. In addition, representatives of the Party of Regions and local oligarchs are now returning to Donetsk and Lugansk. ... If Plotnitsky is not removed from office now, then we will completely lose the LPR. "

Many were waiting with hope for Valery Bolotov's return to the creation of Novorossiya.

In the current television broadcasts of the Russian Federation - not a word about the death of the hero of Novorossiya, a Russian man Valery Bolotov.

But the surprising hysteria of expectations from the "coming of Trump", which the "Russian ruminant civilization" associates, first of all, with the "lifting of sanctions", does not subside and, it seems, is not interested in anything else.

Moscow archpriest Vladimir Gamaris bitterly writes about the realities of our life on Facebook: “When an actor who played the hind legs of a horse dies, all TV channels mournfully announce this every half hour ... When real heroes or great workers die, sometimes briefly in three seconds will report. And again they will begin to rattle about the seventh husband or the twentieth lover of some "star". ... This shows what kind of TV we have. "

And what kind of society we have today, we add.

Therefore, let us turn to the Internet, which breaks through the deaf wall of the silent officialdom and the current information doctrine of the Russian media.

Former Speaker of the Parliament of Novorossiya Oleg Tsarev, who maintained friendly relations with Valery Bolotov, expressed his views in connection with the death of a colleague: “Now my friends have gone to his family to help. This is not an attempt, but the state of health failed. Most likely, this is the heart, but it is still unknown for sure. " Tsarev also noted that he met Bolotov in 2014 in the seized headquarters of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Luhansk region, and since then they have been friends. “From that moment, all the time that he was in Luhansk, we worked shoulder to shoulder. I sent his family to Crimea, where they lived with my family. Our children were friends, our wives were friends. This is not just a comrade. This is a very heavy loss for all of us. He is survived by a wife, a wonderful woman, and two children, ”Tsarev said.

The head of the press service of the DPR Ministry of Defense, Vladislav Brig, claims that “according to information from Bolotov's relatives, he had problems with blood pressure and heart for the last year; firstly, he had three concussions - a consequence of his service in the Airborne Forces and participation in hostilities, and secondly, he took everything that was happening in his homeland to heart. He had a bad heart the night before, they did without a doctor, and in the afternoon he died when no one was at home. No conspiracy theories. Moreover, no special groups of the SBU; it's a bullshit".

Analyst Lev Vershinin writes pessimistically but soberly in his blog: “Those who are inclined to mysticism will most likely see a symbolic meaning in his departure, and some symbolism is undoubtedly visible: who was the first to raise the banner of Resistance to Nazism in Donbass, the first to leave, without waiting for the banner to slide down the shaft officially, and this, of course, is something, but nevertheless, without absolutizing the symbolism, I will say that death closes small accounts, and whatever is in the shadow of the “first stage”, and whatever nuances were behind this death, it doesn't matter. It is important that the first head of the LPR, not of his own free will, but for his own good luck, having dropped out of the game long before the collapse of hopes, entered History as the Man Who took off the Mask. It seems to many still alive, it does not shine ... "

The blogger "Donetskiy" in his own way expressed himself extremely in connection with the untimely death of Valery Bolotov: “I don't even want to put forward versions. A soldier has died, and now he will be judged by the court where there is no corruption or partiality, and everyone is rewarded according to his deeds. For me, he is the creator of the LPR and the person who called Lugansk to arms, the person whose death is the end of yet another chapter of the Russian Spring, with all its heroism and betrayal. Any versions are still meaningless, simply because after a series of deaths of iconic figures of the Russian Resistance, NOBODY will believe in natural death, well, except for professional propagandists; “UkroDRG” was not accused, and thanks for that ... And the curators themselves are to blame for this - with their extrajudicial reprisals against the commanders, they created such a situation that ANY death of a person involved in the Russian Spring will be perceived as a murder and cause another surge of disappointment in RF, and in the Republics. But this is truly sad and tragic, because without faith and ideas, we have nowhere. "

According to Roman Manekin, a political analyst living in Donetsk, “the same Motorola was a field commander, a brave and cheerful guy, but he was a commander. As for Bolotov, he is, first of all, a political figure. The views of those who were not satisfied with the situation were drawn to Bolotov. I'm not talking about how justified these hopes were, but it was the center where all those who were devoted to the idea of \u200b\u200bpeople's republics and at the same time were not satisfied with the situation converged. Today, in this part of the political spectrum, I do not see a figure who could replace him. "

“Bolotov was a man from whom they somehow did not expect feats and heroism, and he himself did not at all try to get into anyone's hearts. That is why his sudden death looks more tragic, - blogger A. Nikitin concludes. - The man lived his own life, a trouble happened - he took responsibility. Without smug walking in front of cameras with a rock star face. Times have changed - he left Donbass, gave up his place, did his job. And now he's gone altogether. And only God will judge him now. "

Valery Bolotov will be buried in Moscow on Tuesday 31 January. Farewell will take place at 13.00 in the Troekurovsky hall on Ryabinovaya street. The funeral itself is between 15.30 and 16.00 at the Mashkinskoye cemetery in Khimki. The funeral organizer is the Union of Donbass Volunteers.

In blissful dormition, give eternal rest, O Lord, to Your deceased servant Valery and create for him an eternal memory!

As a postscript: on January 28, in Donetsk, "one of the organizers of the 2014 Referendum in Donbass", forty-year-old Sergei Tretyakov, "died of a heart attack."

Especially for the "Century"

The article was published within the framework of the project using state support funds allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.04.2016 No. 68-rp and on the basis of a competition held by the National Charitable Fund.

Promoting the independence of the South-East region of Ukraine. Bolotov's face is familiar to everyone who has a finger on the pulse of the world, since his actions directly affect the fate of Donbass. And yet, where did Valery Bolotov come from? What is his life path? And what does he want to achieve?

Bolotov Valery: biography

Valery was born in 1970 in the city of Taganrog, in the Rostov region. However, soon, due to circumstances, his family was forced to move to Ukraine. Here they settled in the city of Stakhanov, which is located near Lugansk.

In 1988, Valery Bolotov was called up to serve in the army. He was assigned to the Vitebsk Airborne Division of the Soviet Union. It should be noted that during his service, Valery Bolotov took part in hostilities many times. In particular, he was in Yerevan, Nagorny, Tbilisi and Karabakh.

Upon returning home, he began to rebuild his personal and professional life. He entered the Lugansk Institute, thanks to which he received two higher educations in the specialties "economist" and "engineer-technologist".

Unfortunately, there is no publicly available information about his professional career. At the moment, it is only known that Valery Bolotov worked for a long time for a current member of the Region party. According to the documents, he was listed as a regular driver and security guard for the deputy's son.

In the ranks of the Army of the South-East

The change of power in Ukraine led to the beginning of its own revolution in Donbass. Residents of Lugansk and Donetsk did not want to recognize the powers of those who made their way to the political levers of Ukraine. And so, in March 2014, videos began to appear calling for the protection of Donbass from potential aggressors.

At the same time, initially, the audience could not identify the identity of the speakers, since their faces were hidden under masks. But a month later, the head of the new Army of the South-East tore the veil of secrecy and revealed his personality to all viewers. This was Valery Bolotov.

From that moment, the military leader began to fight for his convictions and beliefs. The first victory came pretty soon. So, on April 21, 2014, he was proclaimed the governor of the Lugansk People's Republic. However, despite all his merits and achievements, on August 14, 2014, Valery Bolotov left his post and for some time disappeared from the field of view of the lenses.

Fighting for your own life

The new governor's rule was not to the liking of many people. On the one hand, he clearly interfered with the Ukrainian authorities, on the other hand, he was disliked by those whose place he took. This was the reason that an attempt was made on May 13, 2014.

Valery Bolotov received a through wound in the chest. The life of the new LPR governor hung in the balance, but he survived. Thanks should be said to the doctors who mastered the super-difficult task and pulled the fighter from the other world.

The further fate of Valery Bolotov

For some time Bolotov was away from political intrigue and military action. It was rumored that he was killed by the Ukrainian authorities, or at least taken prisoner.

However, in October 2014, he was spotted in Moscow. After a journalistic investigation, it turned out that he had merged with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Together, they led a public fundraising program for Donbass residents.

In April 2015, Bolotov was captured at the Forum of Hero Cities, Military and Labor Glory. There he, along with other veterans, received an award from the hands of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov.

Persona non grata

On April 29, 2014, Valery Bolotov was added to the list of persons who are prohibited from entering the territory of the European Union. In addition, the European Parliament has frozen all assets that fall under their authority. A month later, Canada introduced similar restrictions to Bolotov.