Nightingale bird description interesting facts. "Kursk nightingale"

Latin name:


English name:






Body mass:

22 - 27

Appearance:Common Nightingale , or - sparrow-like bird of the order, family of fly-catchers, looks very similar to sparrow. Nightingale is considered the most famous songbird in our countries. According to his habits, he is rather shy bird and can be heard more often than he is seen. He lives in cities with a man, and leads a rather alienated lifestyle. The nightingale does not have a pronounced sexual dimorphism, as a rule, the male and the female do not differ from each other. There are differences, but they consist only in the size of the wing, which can only be seen in flight, and an inexperienced person is not noticeable at all. The color of the feather of the covering body of the songbird is single-colored, brown-brown. The head, back and wings have a dark shade, but lighter tones dominate on the belly. The nightingale has long paws, brown in color, and a small beak, which is often ajar, as the bird sings, the bezel of the inner side of the beak is yellow. The male is slightly larger than the female, but it is very difficult to notice. The average weight of adult birds is from 22 to 27 grams. In the nesting period lives together, and at other times it is a single bird.

Nutrition:The nightingale is an omnivorous bird, but it prefers food of animal origin. It is especially important to feed the younger generation of food with protein content, since it is important for chicks to grow quickly. Nightingale catches various insects, both in the air and on a tree or on the ground. Often catches flies, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, mollusks, worms, larvae, caterpillars, ants, spiders. Nightingale helps vegetation very much, because it eats a large number of harmful insects that harm both nature and man. In extreme cases, can eat fruits, berries, because in the autumn period the number of insects decreases significantly.

Reproduction:Like most birds, the nightingale is a migratory bird and immediately after arriving, trying to find a mate and build a nest. A very important factor is that nightingales do not have enough males for all males, so during this period they have desperate fights and division of territory. If the male managed to attract a female, then his further task is to protect the female from other males of his own species. The male protects the territory, and the female is engaged in building a nest. The nest is made either on the ground or on stumps, bushes, low from the ground. The nest is made of twigs, foliage, grass and other dry materials. Before the eggs are laid, the female prepares a rug that makes of down, feathers and moss, and only 5 eggs are laid on it. The female sits on eggs for about 2 weeks, the male protects her during this period and brings in food. The first time after hatching chicks, parents only do what they feed the younger generation. And the chicks at one time very quickly mature and in a month live completely independent lives. The following year, the chick will create its own family. They do not live long, up to 5 years, because the nightingale has a lot of dangers around, one of which is a bird of prey and the other person.

Habitat:A nightingale settles both near the person and separately from him. He lives in the trees, because there you can be invisible to those who hunt them. They live in warm countries with a temperate climate. Dislikes neither great cold nor high temperatures. It is important for him to have a water source in the vicinity of the nest. Nightingale is one of the most popular and famous birds in Europe. There are also large populations of these birds in Asian countries. The migratory bird, therefore, when winter comes here, the nightingale prefers to fly to the countries of Africa.

Interesting fact: Nightingale not only sings beautifully, but also plays an important role in the ecosystem, eating a large number of insects.

Message quote Nightingales, nightingales ...

The Nightingale is the herald of the May days, the singer of the renewal, the morning, the singer of the gardens.

Morning singing of a nightingale on the Vorbiev Hills

Nightingale (lat. Luscinia Luscinia) family flycatcher - a singing bird with a rather ordinary-looking plumage .. The main species of the nightingale are southern, western, eastern, ordinary, Chinese and others.
  The habitat of the nightingale is quite wide: it is found in all countries of Eastern Europe, in Western Siberia, for wintering flies to East Africa. For nesting, nightingales choose forest edges, thickets of shrubs near reservoirs, parks, groves, and gardens.

In nature, the nightingale makes a nest in the roots of trees or shrubs, it is built from thin twigs, leaves, grass stalks, roots. In one laying from 4 to 6 eggs of brownish color, without mottling. After 14-15 days, chicks are born; both parents feed them. Parents are still in the nests teach their kids singing.

The nightingale is a small bird, and the forest sings. The nightingale song is very beautiful, nightingales not only derive intricate trills, but also know how to imitate other birds and animals. About the famous nightingale voice many sayings. “Lastivka is the day of the beginning, and the nightingale kincha,” they say in Ukraine because he sings at night.
  To hear the song of the nightingale is a good omen. Different nations interpret the cause of virtuoso bird singing in their own way: love, longing for paradise, loss of a loved one, or (in Japan) the prophecies of holy spirits.
   The Poles see in him God's creation, the nightingale refers to the "divine", "holy", pure birds. Killing nightingale sin is because it sings beautifully to people and enjoys the special love of God and the Mother of God.

In Ukraine, it was believed that nightingales start singing when the water from birch leaves is drunk. In early summer, when early bread is poured with grain, their roulades cease. Hence the proverb: "The nightingale has calmed down, it is strangled by the barley ear." Singing late in the summer was considered a bad omen.
  In Ukrainian folklore the nightingale is often mentioned in love songs. It is generally a bird of lovers. This tradition has gone, apparently, from ancient Greece. There, the nightingale was considered an oracle in the affairs of love red tape, he trusted the most intimate secrets.
  In the Russian folk song, the nightingale is a ringing song beginning. His symbolism is associated with youth and fun. The “Word about the regiment of Igor” says: “Nightingales will tell the light with cheerful songs”. And in ancient Rome, the nightingale, as a singer of mourning songs, was often depicted on tombstones. Later, the Christian church borrowed this symbolism of deep mourning. The souls of the righteous were compared to the nightingales with their desire to heaven.

Only males sing, the main role of the song is the designation of the territory and attraction of the female. As soon as the chicks appear, at the end of June, the songs will stop: at this time, the male will help the female to feed the young.
  The most common species is the common nightingale. Externally, it resembles a sparrow, small, weighing about 25 grams, with modest plumage.

Below you will see how to draw a nightingale with a pencil.

How can you decorate a nightingale? Take some red paint ...
Luscinia calliope

Now add the blue:
  Varakushka Luscinia svecica

Red-breasted Nightingale (lat. Tarsiger hyperythrus) is a bird from the family of fly-catchers of the passerine-like order. The head and top of the male, the wings and tail are bright blue, the throat and belly are orange. Inhabits the Himalayas: India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar and the PRC.

But the blue nightingale lives by the way in our Siberia, inhabits the taiga with fallen trees and windbreaks.

Cherry in bloom in winter and a backpacker nightingale
  Japanese artist Rakusan Tsuchiya (1896 - 1976)

See photos of the species of nightingales and listen to the great trills of the nightingale to the brilliant music of Beethoven.

Thanks to his delightful singing in ancient Rome, the nightingale cost more than a slave and even a squire. Emperor Claudia Agrippina’s wife once had to buy a white nightingale for a present. He cost her 300 gold coins.
  Fishing for nightingales in Russia was considered a lucrative industry, so at the end of the 19th century laws were banned in some gubernias for catching birds.

In captivity, nightingales are often kept, but it is worth remembering that these birds are very shy. Caught the nightingale at first strongly beats in the cage, because loves freedom very much: in one song a monk-cherk, from whom the nightingale flew out of his cage, asked him to return, and promised salt and water from the cleanest key, but the nightingale agreed to drink water from the river, just to stay free.
  So, the nightingale is a symbol of freedom, a “free bird” of fun, pleasure.
  The Nightingale is a symbol of talent, singing gift, purity, torment and ecstasy of love.

In China, "the nightingale and the rose" mean the harmony of the beauty of the three: sound, visual image and smell. In the East, the nightingale singing was highly valued, it was considered an omen of happiness, these birds lived in the palaces of emperors and nobles.

It is about such a nightingale who refused to live in the imperial apartments - the tale of Hans Christian Anderson "The Nightingale."

   ALEXANDER BENOU Sketch for the scenery for the opera Nightingale by I. Stravinsky.

The libretto of the same-name opera-tale by I. Stravinsky is based on the story “The Nightingale” by Andersen. In the opera, the action takes place at the court of the Chinese emperor, and his main intrigue is the contest of the living nightingale and artificial.
  Opera "Nightingale" is put on the best venues in the world.

The legend of the nightingale is contained in the “Golden Legend” of Jacob Voraginsky in the section “On Holy Varlaam and Josaphat”. It says that one hunter released again the nightingale he had caught; he, being in the air, shouted to him: “A great treasure eluded you; I have a pearl more than an ostrich egg. " The hunter wanted to lure him back, but he only called him a fool: “You actually believed that I had a pearl more than an ostrich egg in my body - but I’m not as big as this egg!” Those who give their faith to idols. They worship what they have done, and call their guardians what they themselves must guard. "

In the medieval collection of short stories “Gesta Romanorum” the nightingale is also mentioned in connection with the jewel. A knight for his crime was imprisoned. He listened to the nightingale who visited him in the dungeon, was comforted by his sweet singing and fed him bread crumbs. The nightingale flew away and brought a small gem in his beak, and “when the knight saw the stone, he was amazed. Immediately he took a stone, touched it to his iron chains, and they slept from it. ” He was also able to open the prison doors for them and flee - a good deed is rewarded.

In the Christian sense, the song of the nightingale was supposed to express longing for heaven and heaven. In "The boy's wonderful horn" says: "Nightingale, I hear your singing, the heart in my chest may break." Folk omen, often interpreted the nightingale trill as a cry for help "poor soul in purgatory" or as a proclamation of the near death of a person.

The Greek myth of Philomel and Prokne is associated with the nightingale.
  Philomela, the daughter of the king of Athens, was with her sister, Prokna, the wife of King Phocis, Tereus. Terey violently Philomela, and to hide his crime, tore out her tongue. Philomela told about her sister with embroidery on the fabric. Enraged Prokna killed her son from Tereya, Itis and fed her husband with meat. Zeus turned Philomela into a swallow, Proknah into a nightingale, and Tereya into a hoopoe. Later sources (Ovid, Hyginus and Apollodorus) state that Philomela was turned into a nightingale, and Procne was turned into a nightingale.

  Elizabeth Gardner. Philomela and Procne.

The most famous Russian composition about the nightingale is the romance of Alexander Alyabyev (17871851) - “The Nightingale”, created after the words of A. Delvig. He brought the author of his music worldwide recognition. Meanwhile, this song Alyabyev wrote while in prison.

In Russian folk songs and epics, among all the birds, the nightingale is in fourth place in terms of frequency of mention. In Russia in the XIX century, remember Nekrasov, the peasants even created special “nightingale reserves”.
  In Russian songs the image of the nightingale is directly associated with the theme of the Motherland. First of all, this refers to the Russian soldier's folk song, the words and motive of which are still widely known:

Hey, nightingale, nightingale, little bird,
  Canarechka sings plaintively.
  Hey, time! Hey two! Woe is no trouble
  Canarechka sings plaintively.

In the musical heritage of the old Russian army, this song was part of the regimental symbolism, as well as the famous song about the Great Patriotic War, the music for which was written by V. Solovyov Sedoy in 1944 (1907).

Spring came to our front,
  The soldiers were not up to sleep -
  Not because the guns beat,
  But because they sing again,
  Forgetting the battles here,
  Crazy nightingales sing.
  Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers,
  Let the soldiers sleep a little. (symbol)

Prepared by: primary school teacher

MSCU "Nizhnegridinskaya Secondary School"

Bolshesoldatsky area

Kursk region

Mukhina Valentina Aleksandrovna


Learn new about Kursk nightingales;

Develop a sense of responsibility;

To cultivate respect for nature, aesthetic taste.

Equipment : computer, task cards.

Event progress

Introductory word of the teacher

Nightingale is one of the most famous bird singers. Far bears his song in the warm spring twilight.

And the singer himself is a gray, inconspicuous bird, a little more than a sparrow. The color of feathers is brownish brown. On bright, in the "colored" spot. Eyes - black shiny "beads".

But to see the nightingale is difficult: it is a secretive and cautious bird. The wonderful song of the nightingale is both a sign that the territory is occupied and the invitation of the female to start a family.

The nightingale sings, sitting somewhere on a branch, not very high from the ground. While singing, he forgets about danger. Then you can get close to him and try to see.

Usually the nightingale song sounds on the morning and evening dawn. But in the first fine spring days the nightingale sings in the daytime.

Nightingales start singing when the first green leaflets bloom. According to folk signs, "when you drink water from a birch leaf." The ringing song of the nightingale is a variety of whistles, clicks, play. The sounds are abrupt, harsh, then gentle, melodic.

Young nightingales learn to sing from their elders, imitate them. In places where one skilled master of singing appears, and the other nightingales become excellent singers.

Nightingales arrange their nests on the ground or among the branches of low shrubs. But then the chicks appeared, and the nightingale songs cease. Nightingales now have no time for songs: you need to feed the babies.

And the chicks, not yet able to fly, have already left the nest. Like gray mice, they deftly run and hide in the grass, flashing from place to place.

Nightingales feed on ants, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies. Pecking seeds and berries.

And at the end these birds fly to winter in distant warm countries.

Guys, I suggest you go on a trip to the world of nature.And to make this fascinating journey into the world of nature we will be helped by the informative game “Everyone is more beautiful and full of Kursk nightingale”.

Our game is interesting contests, questions, these are your knowledge, resourcefulness.

After all, the more we learn about the nightingale, the better we can protect it.

    Competition "Game" Doskazhi word "

Who in the garden makes trills
On the horn and on the flute ?:
Know again among the branches
Settled ... (nightingale !)

I do not melt talent:
Great singing!
Hearing a song from the branches,
Know this ... (Nightingale ).

Birdie, seemingly inconspicuous,
Singing among the branches
So, what a gasp we are: “After all, this
Big voice (nightingale )».

This little bird
Sing great master
On the birch among the branches
Trill turns ... (nightingale )

Do you hear? In the grove of someone's trill,
That neither a violin nor a pipe:
Songs are not his mile -
This is a bird (nightingale )

More beautiful than the singerI have not heard in my life!He sings in my garden, friends.Favorite image of the trill, you, Navey!How to call him? Of course, .... ( ) .

2 contest “Continue Proverbs”

The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ...

The nightingale sings a month, and the crow ...

The nightingale is a small bird and the forest will sing ...

The dog barks, the nightingale ...

Migratory nightingale: now on the pine, then ...

When the barley spikes ...

Two nightingales on one branch ...

Chirps like a nightingale, and bites ...

A nightingale can grow in a crow's nest, but caw ...

3 contest "Quiz"

    When do nightingales fly into our area? (late April-early May)

    What can tell the first bird's trill, sounded at sunset? (that birds are beginning to gather in our area)

    What does the song mean to the nightingale? (means of communication)

    What places do nightingales choose to live in? (quiet forest rivers covered with willow, flood meadows with bird cherry bushes, willows, lowlands, swamps with dense bushes)

    Where do females nest? (on the ground from last year's dried leaves).

    When do nightingales stop singing in our area? (in the last decade of June).

    After the female has chicks, the nightingale continues to sing. What sounds makes famous singer? (PRRRRRR).

    What nightingales eat? (spiders, insects, worms).

    When do nightingales fly away? (early autumn).

4 contest "Solve the crossword"


1. Profession of this bird? (artist).

2. What does a bird trill look like? (patter).

3. When do starlings fly to us? (at night).

4. What is the tail of this bird during singing? (fan)


5. In which month do nightingales fly? (May).

6. How are “experienced” birds called? (old man)

7. He sang among the branches solo, he was called ... (nightingale)

5 competition "Nightingale history."   (the teacher reads the beginning of the story, the children continue)

The nightingale weaved itself a nest of thin stalks, blades of grass and roots in shrub thickets far from singing nightingales. She laid four eggs.

The time passed imperceptibly and the chicks were bred. Suddenly it began to rain heavily, and such that the water began to flood the entire swamp. The nightingale was terribly frightened. How to save their small children, because they still do not know how to fly?

The bird flew up to the branch and began to make alarming sounds. She thought she would be helped. Suddenly a nightingale flew out of nowhere - dad. Mama lay down on the ground, and her father, a nightingale, carefully placed the little bird on the back of her mother. She flew away with him, and soon returned for the others.

So the nightingales saved their babies. The birds did not die.

6 competition "Interesting facts about the nightingale"

Teacher. Not a single bird on Earth has so many songs, poems, and musical works as a nightingale for all of the nations of the world. But the museum dedicated to this fascinating bird singing with inconspicuous, but elegant color, the only one in the world. And it exists where the Kursk nightingales, the most famous on the planet, sing.

    The Kursk Nightingale Museum has been created in Kursk, which contains more than five hundred exhibits on the nightingale theme.

    The Nightingale is an unofficial symbol of Russia and a living symbol of the Kursk Territory.

    There is a company train "Nightingale" - the calling card of the Russian railway.

    There is an honorary national title "Kursky nightingale." Tsar Nicholas II called them Russian singer Nadezhda Plevitskaya.

7 competition « Take care of the birds "

What each of us needs to do in order to have more of these beautiful birdies in nature, so that they always delight us with a beautiful song. Let's solve it. Instead of dots, you need to put the words: it is impossible or necessary?

1. In nature ... (DO NOT) scream so as not to scare away the birds.

2. …( DO NOT) ruin the nest.

3. …( DO NOT touch the eggs of birds.

Summing up, rewarding.