Marine le pins policy. Biography

Marine Le Pen(FR. Marine Le Pen, birth name - Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen, FR. Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen; born August 5, 1968, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France) - French politician. The daughter of the French nationalist politician Jean-Marie Le Pen. Leader of the ultra-right nationalist political party National Front (from January 16, 2011 to the present). She was her party's candidate for the presidency of France in the 2012 elections, finishing third in the first round.

Marine Le Pen fr. Marion anne perrine le pen
President of the National Front party since January 16, 2011
Member of the European Parliament from July 14, 2009 July 20, 2004 - July 13, 2009
Citizenship: France
Confession: Catholicism
Born: August 5, 1968 Neuilly-sur-Seine, (France)
Party: National Front (1986 - present)
Academic degree: Master of Law
Profession: lawyer

In 1991 (according to other sources, in 1990) she graduated from the Pantheon-Assas University with a master's degree in law, and the next year she received an additional master's degree in criminal law. In 1992 she received her legal certificate and until 1998 worked as a lawyer in Paris.

Political career
In 1986, at the age of 18, Marine Le Pen joined the National Front party, founded in 1972 by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen. Since 2003, she has served as Executive Vice President of the National Front. In January 2011, she was elected to the post of head of the National Front, which her father had held for thirty-eight years.
Since 2004 Marine Le Pen - Member of the European Parliament, in 2009 she was re-elected for the next term. Since March 2008, she has also been a member of the Henin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais) municipal council and since March 2010, a member of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais regional council.

She was nominated as a candidate for the presidency of France in the 2012 elections from the National Front, which is France's far-right nationalist political party. In her election program, Marine Le Pen spoke about her condemnation of the military campaign of NATO and the EU countries in Libya, advocating a multipolar world, France's withdrawal from NATO, for deepening cooperation with Russia and against "demonizing Russia by the EU countries at the suggestion of the United States."

As shown by opinion polls conducted by the Ifop agency commissioned by the France Soir newspaper and the Harris Institute commissioned by the Le Parisien newspaper, from 20 to 23% of the French were ready to vote for it in the 2012 presidential elections in the first round, which resulted in she is one of the three most popular politicians in France. In fact, according to the results of the first round of the 2012 presidential elections, she received 17.9% of the vote and took a confident third place. Her result was higher than Jean-Marie Le Pen's record, who received 16.86% of the vote in the first round in 2002.

After the elections Le Penstated that "the battle for France has just begun," and the fact that 20% of voters voted for it means that the nationalists managed to undermine the "monopoly of the party of financiers and supporters of multiculturalism."
At a May Day demonstration ahead of the second round of the 2012 French presidential election, Marine Le Pen declared that she would not support either Nicolas Sarkozy or François Hollande, but would drop an empty envelope into the ballot box.

Marine Le Pen believes that the system of a united Europe "was created on the deliberately pernicious ideology of globalization", that "it must be destroyed and a free Europe, whose members are truly sovereign states". She advocates the withdrawal of France from the European Union (EU) and the holding of a referendum "so that the French themselves can answer the question of leaving the EU."
According to the results of the municipal elections in France, held on March 30, 2014, the National Front party, led by Marie Le Pen, became the third political force in the country, gaining 7% of the vote.

On May 25, 2014, the far-right National Front party led by Marine Le Pen won the elections to the European Parliament in France, gaining 25.4% of the vote, bypassing the Union for a Popular Movement (20.6%) and almost twice ahead of the ruling Socialist Party (14.1%). This is the first election in the history of France in which the "ultra-right" won first place. French journalists called the success of the National Front a "political earthquake." The party won 24 out of 74 seats assigned to France in the new European Parliament. Immediately after the first data on the election results appeared, Marine Le Pen demanded that French President Francois Hollande "dissolve the National Assembly (parliament) and dismiss the cabinet of ministers."

Attitude towards Russian politics
During her visit to Moscow in June 2013, Marine Le Pen, leader of the French nationalist party National Front, supported laws passed by the State Duma on the prohibition of homosexual propaganda in Russia against minors and the ban on adoption of children by same-sex couples, as well as the law on non-commercial organizations ".

Le Pen also stated the need for a strategic partnership with Russia:

“The Russian model is an economic alternative to the American one. Together we could better defend our strategic interests and fight against the global financial system, which is based on the exorbitant privileges of the dollar. ”
The party led by Marine Le Pen is the only one in France to support Russia's point of view against any intervention in the Syrian conflict:
“I am glad that Putin is showing an example of firmness and adherence to international law. Otherwise, we may again make the same mistake as in Libya. Arms supplies to fundamentalists could pose a great danger to the whole world in the future. "
On March 17, 2014, Marine Le Pen recognized the legal results of the all-Crimean referendum on the status of Crimea held on March 16, 2014, stating:

“In my opinion, the results of the referendum do not cause any controversy. This was expected. And the people (of Crimea), who lived in fear, threw themselves into the arms of the country they came from, because you know that Crimea has been a part of Ukraine only for 60 years. "
On April 12, 2014, during a meeting in Moscow with the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Sergei Naryshkin, during her second visit to the Russian capital as leader of the National Front party, Marine Le Pen condemned the tough position of Western countries towards Russia in connection with with the situation in Ukraine and the policy of sanctions against Russia, introduced, in particular, by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). She called the deprivation of Russia's vote in PACE "counterproductive and unnecessary."

Earlier, Le Pen repeatedly spoke about the unwillingness of the French to see Ukraine in the EU. She made it clear that the blame for what is happening in Ukraine lies with the European Union:

“The fault lies with everyone, if I may say so. First of all, because the European Union added fuel to the fire by taking part in the fact that the uprising turned into a revolution. Because they made some Ukrainians believe that Ukraine can enter the European Union, which is absolutely wrong ... It must be said for sure: the Europeans do not want to see Ukraine in the European Union. By the way, they also do not want Albania, Macedonia, or Turkey. "
It supports Russia's proposals on the Ukrainian crisis, advocating the federalization of Ukraine as the only solution acceptable in the current conditions, pointing out the need for the presence of “historically significant in this region” interested parties in the negotiations. On the issue of Russian-French relations, the leader of the National Front, in particular, notes:

“There is an impression that Russia is treated worse in France than during the Soviet era. It seems to me that slamming doors in front of Russia is not an option to negotiate with this great nation, great economic power. This must be taken into account. And France has strategic interests in this regard, it is necessary to strengthen our contacts in the energy sector. And we have one civilization, I do not see why we could not trust each other. "

Allegations of racism
In 2010, at a rally in Lyon Marine Le Pen made the following statement: "I am very sorry, but I will remind those who like to grovel about the Second World War: if we talk about the occupation, one could compare this with the current situation, because all this is also the occupation of the territory." Thus, she compared the German sentinels to devout Muslims with prayer rugs that they spread near mosques. The politician tried to sue the Movement Against Racism and Friendship Among Peoples, as well as the Union against Islamophobia in France. However, the politician has repeatedly refused to appear before the investigator to bring charges against her, citing parliamentary immunity in the European Parliament.

Marine Le Pen (French Marine Le Pen), birth name - Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen (French Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen). Born August 5, 1968 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. French politician. The daughter of the French nationalist politician Jean-Marie Le Pen. Leader (since January 16, 2011) of the ultra-right nationalist political party National Front.

She is the youngest of three daughters of Jean-Marie Le Pen and his first wife Pierrette Lalanne.

Four years after Marin was born, her father founded the Front National (FN) party in France. Marine Le Pen herself joined FN in 1986 - as soon as she turned 18.

In 1991 (according to other sources, in 1990) she graduated from the Pantheon-Assas University with a master's degree in law, and the next year she received an additional master's degree in criminal law.

In 1992 she received her legal certificate and until 1998 worked as a lawyer in Paris. In the same 1998, she was elected to the council of the region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais; she was re-elected to the council until 2004.

In 1986, at the age of eighteen, Marine Le Pen joined the National Front party, founded in 1972 by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen. In 2000, Le Pen began to enter the leadership of FN: she became a member of the party's Politburo. Since 2003, she served as Executive Vice President of the National Front.

In January 2011, she was elected to the post of head of the National Front, which her father had held for thirty-eight years.

Since 2004 Marine Le Pen is a member of the European Parliament, in 2009 she was re-elected for the next term. Since March 2008, she has also been a member of the municipal council of Henin-Beaumons (Pas-de-Calais) and since March 2010, a member of the regional council of Nord-Pas-de-Calais.

She was nominated as a candidate for the presidency of France in the 2012 elections from the National Front, which is France's far-right nationalist political party. In her election program, Marine Le Pen spoke about her condemnation of the military campaign of NATO and the EU countries in Libya, advocating a multipolar world, France's withdrawal from NATO, for deepening cooperation with Russia and against "demonizing Russia by the EU countries at the suggestion of the United States."

As shown by opinion polls conducted by the Ifop agency commissioned by the France Soir newspaper and the Harris Institute commissioned by the Le Parisien newspaper, from 20 to 23% of the French were ready to vote for it in the 2012 presidential elections in the first round, which resulted in she is one of the three most popular politicians in France. In fact, according to the results of the first round of the 2012 presidential elections, she received 17.9% of the vote and took a confident third place. Her result was above the record of Jean-Marie Le Pen, who received 16.86% of the vote in the first round in 2002.

After the elections, Le Pen said that "the battle for France has just begun," and the fact that 20% of voters voted for her means that the nationalists managed to undermine the "monopoly of the party of financiers and supporters of multiculturalism."

At a May Day demonstration on the eve of the second round of the 2012 presidential elections in France, Marine Le Pen announced that she would not support either Nicolas Sarkozy or François Hollande, but would drop an empty envelope into the ballot box.

Marine Le Pen believes that the system of a united Europe "was created on the deliberately pernicious ideology of globalization", that "it must be destroyed and a free Europe, whose members are truly sovereign states". She advocates the withdrawal of France from the European Union (EU) and the holding of a referendum "so that the French themselves can answer the question of leaving the EU."

According to the results of the municipal elections in France, held on March 30, 2014, the National Front party, led by Marie Le Pen, became the third political force in the country, gaining 7% of the vote.

On May 25, 2014, the far-right National Front party led by Marine Le Pen won the elections to the European Parliament in France, gaining 25.4% of the vote, bypassing the Union for a Popular Movement (20.6%) and almost twice ahead of the ruling Socialist Party (14.1%). These were the first elections in the history of France in which the "ultra-right" won first place.

French journalists called the success of the National Front a "political earthquake." The party won 24 out of 74 seats assigned to France in the new European Parliament. Immediately after the first data on the election results appeared, Marine Le Pen demanded that French President Francois Hollande "dissolve the National Assembly (parliament) and dismiss the cabinet of ministers."

“Yes, I am a presidential candidate in the 2017 elections. I am a candidate who will defend the truth, ”Le Pen said.

But she conceded: he got 23.82 percent of the vote, while Marine Le Pen - 21.58 percent. At the same time, she entered the second round.

On May 7, Macron also won. The leader of the Vperyod movement received the support of 66.06 percent of the vote, the leader of the National Front Marine Le Pen, respectively, gained 33.94 percent of the vote.

Marine Le Pen and Russia:

During her visit to Moscow in June 2013, Marine Le Pen, leader of the French nationalist party National Front, supported laws passed by the State Duma on the prohibition of homosexual propaganda in Russia against minors and the ban on adoption of children by same-sex couples, as well as the law on non-commercial organizations ".

Le Pen also stated the need for a strategic partnership with Russia: “The Russian model is an economic alternative to the American one. Together we could better defend our strategic interests and fight against the global financial system, which is based on the exorbitant privileges of the dollar. ”

The party led by Marine Le Pen is the only one in France to support Russia's point of view against any interference in the Syrian conflict: “I am glad that Putin is showing an example of firmness and adherence to international law. Otherwise, we may again make the same mistake as in Libya. Arms supplies to fundamentalists may pose a great danger to the whole world in the future. "

On March 17, 2014, Marine Le Pen recognized the legal results of the all-Crimean referendum on the status of Crimea held on March 16, 2014, stating: “In my opinion, the results of the referendum do not cause any controversy. This was expected. And the people (of Crimea), who lived in fear, threw themselves into the arms of the country they came from, because you know that Crimea has been a part of Ukraine only for 60 years ".

On April 12, 2014, during a meeting in Moscow with the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Sergei Naryshkin, during her second visit to the Russian capital as the leader of the National Front party, Marine Le Pen condemned the tough position of Western countries towards Russia in connection with with the situation in Ukraine and the policy of sanctions against Russia, introduced, in particular, by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). She called the deprivation of Russia's vote in PACE "counterproductive and unnecessary."

Earlier, Le Pen repeatedly spoke about the unwillingness of the French to see Ukraine in the EU. She made it clear that the European Union is to blame for what is happening in Ukraine: “The fault lies with everyone, if I may say so. First of all, because the European Union added fuel to the fire by taking part in the fact that the uprising turned into a revolution. Because they made some Ukrainians believe that Ukraine can enter the European Union, which is absolutely wrong ... It must be said for sure: the Europeans do not want to see Ukraine in the European Union. By the way, they also do not want Albania, Macedonia or Turkey. ".

She supports Russia's proposals on the Ukrainian crisis, advocating for the federalization of Ukraine as the only solution acceptable in the current conditions, pointing out the need for the presence of “historically significant in this region” interested parties at the talks.

On the issue of Russian-French relations, the leader of the National Front, in particular, notes: “There is an impression that Russia is treated worse in France than during the Soviet era. It seems to me that slamming the doors in front of Russia is not an option for negotiating with this great nation, great economic power. This must be taken into account. And France has strategic interests in this regard, it is necessary to strengthen our contacts in the energy sector. And we have one civilization, I don't see why we couldn't trust each other. ".

Marine Le Pen. Interview to Russian journalists

Accusations of racism against Marine Le Pen:

In 2010, at a rally in Lyon, Marine Le Pen made the following statement: "I'm sorry, but I will remind those who like to grovel about the Second World War: if we talk about the occupation, one could compare this with the current situation, because all this is also an occupation of the territory.".

Thus, she compared the German sentinels to devout Muslims with prayer rugs that they spread near mosques. The politician tried to sue the Movement Against Racism and Friendship Among Peoples, as well as the Union against Islamophobia in France. However, the politician has repeatedly refused to appear before the investigator to bring charges against her, citing parliamentary immunity in the European Parliament.

In June 2013, the European Parliament's Legal Affairs Commission, at the request of French Justice Minister Christian Tobira, voted for the removal of Marine Le Pen from her immunity as a member of this body by a majority vote due to a “call for racial hatred”. In July, the European Parliament lifted the immunity of the right-wing politician.

Marine Le Pen's height: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Marine Le Pen:

Marine Le Pen is divorced twice. She has three children from her first marriage (Joan, Louis and Matilda). In 2002, she divorced her first husband and married a second time to Eric Iorio, but soon divorced again.

In 2011, the press mentioned that Marine Le Pen lives with a "companion" - the vice-president of the "National Front" Louis Alio.

Bibliography of Marine Le Pen:

Through hostile waves
In the name of France
Level up with Putin!

Marine Le Pen is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, an organizer of the far-right National Front party, and is currently the party leader and presidential candidate in the 2017 elections.

On August 5, 1968 in the family of Jean-Marie Le Pen and Pierrette Lalan, a girl was born in Paris, who was given the name Marion Anne Perrin Le Pen. The couple were already growing up two elders - Marie-Caroline and Jan. Father Jean-Marie is a charismatic and nationalist politician who was brought up in a Jesuit college from childhood, after losing his parents at the age of 14. Educated at the Law University of the French capital, Le Pen began his political career early, becoming a Member of Parliament in 1956. The young politician took part in the military operations of the French Republic, which took place in the waters of the Suez Canal and in Algeria.

When Marin was 4 years old, his father created the ultra-right party "National Front". Soon Jean-Marie became the heir to a large fortune and, together with his wife and children, moved to the elite district of Paris, Saint-Cloud. Le Pen had a whole palace at his disposal, and the children had a servant and a personal chauffeur. But the situation in the house remained tense, as due to the political views of the father, the family was repeatedly assassinated.

The attempt on the scandalous politician in 1976 is still considered the most destructive terrorist attack in France. After the 1983 elections to the Paris parliament, in which Jean-Marie's party won 12%, an intensified information battle unfolded against Le Pen. And between the parents quarrels begin, which lead to divorce in 1984. Marin and her sisters stayed at their father's house, ending their relationship with their mother.

Since childhood, Marin felt the influence of politics on her life, so it was a natural step for a young girl to join the ranks of her father's party. After graduating from the Lyceum Florent-Schmitt de Saint-Cloud, Marin entered the law faculty of the University of Paris II Pantheon-Assass. She mastered the disciplines of civil and criminal law and received a master's degree. Having acquired a lawyer's certificate a year later, the girl began her advocacy in the capital of France. Le Pen held this position for 6 years.


Marine Le Pen's political career is associated with the activities of the national party. In 1993, Le Pen won her first victory as FN representative in elections to the lower parliamentary chamber in the 16th arrondissement of the French capital. The third place among all candidates was a great success for Marin, despite the fact that she did not get into parliament.

Before her political career, Marine Le Pen was a lawyer

Five years later, Le Pen is appointed head of the party's legal department, and Marin ends his career as a lawyer, completely immersed in political struggle. From the same year, the young woman was elected to the regional council of Nord-Pas-de-Calais. She successfully handles civil matters up to 2004.

Since 2000, the party career of Jean-Marie's daughter begins. Having proved his viability as a regional statesman, Le Pen is elected to the leadership of the party, and three years later he becomes an assistant to the president of the National Front. In addition to legal activity, daughter Jean-Marie begins to deal with issues of education and PR-campaign of the organization.

As a leader of the National Front, Marin again participates in the parliamentary elections in France. In 2004, Le Pen manages to take the deputy chair in the European Parliament. At the end of the 2000s, Marine Policy's ratings begin to rise. It is part of the municipality of Henin-Beaumont, re-receives the mandate of a deputy from Nord-Pas-de-Calais, since 2009 has been working on social issues in the new convocation of the European Parliament.

"National Front"

The National Front Party was founded in 1972 by the father of Marine Le Pen, who proclaimed the ultra-right ideas of socialism as his slogans. The permanent leader of the organization, until 2011, was its founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, but since 2011, power passed into the hands of his daughter Marin. The politician was elected with 70% of the votes within the party. The party's movement is based on the propaganda of nationalism, countering the dominance of emigrants in France.

Because of his irreconcilable views, Jean-Marie was often accused of racism, his ideas did not gain popularity among the globalist-minded population. But now, as it has grown from Africa and the Middle East, and the new inhabitants of France are promoting their own religious beliefs, the party has more supporters among the indigenous citizens. The party proposes to introduce an increase in the tax part for foreigners, and allowances from the country's budget to be paid only to citizens of the state.

The "National Front" under Jean-Marie Le Pen held radical views in relation to immigrants and non-traditional minorities, but after Marin came to power, the organization's policy softened somewhat. While remaining committed to secular values \u200b\u200bin French society, the National Front has become more tolerant of migrants.

Tolerance towards sexual minorities is also manifested: now the party is only in favor of banning same-sex marriages, without opposing relations. Marine Le Pen also stands up for gender equality, calling on the public to ban the burqa and burkini. The organization promotes itself as "a party for the French with any skin color." Le Pen calls for the return of the national currency and the independence of France from Brussels and the United States.

European Parliament

Marine Le Pen, increasingly establishing herself in the political arena of Europe, in 2014 became a member of the European Union Parliament. The number of deputies of the National Front party was 1/3 of the total number of seats for the French delegation.

In the European Parliament, representatives of the Le Pen party are engaged in promoting the ideas of the commonwealth of European states, which will be based on the principles of national security of each state. For these purposes, under the leadership of Marine Le Pen, the "Europe of Nations and Freedoms" faction was created, which united the deputies of the Netherlands, Italy, Great Britain, Belgium, Austria, Poland and France.

Foreign policy

In an interview, Marine Le Pen criticizes the policies of the German Chancellor. In particular, the migration policy of Germany, which is enthusiastically received by many French globalists, according to Le Pen, should have turned into a disaster long ago. Marin was right: in 2015, Germany was swept by a wave of the migration crisis, which revealed the weaknesses of the Chancellor's policies. Speaking to the European Parliament, Marine Le Pen always defends views on the national priorities of the French Republic, which, in her opinion, are often threatened by excessive lobbying of German interests in the EU.

Marine Le Pen has a positive attitude towards the new US President, the politician was one of the first to congratulate


Marine Le Pen is a French politician. Leader of the National Front political party since January 16, 2011. Candidate for the presidency of France in the 2017 elections.

She was a candidate for the presidency of France in the 2012 elections, in which she took third place in the first round. The daughter of the French nationalist politician Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Anne Perrin Le Pen was born on August 5, 1968 in the fashionable suburb of Paris - Neuilly-sur-Seine. The name Marin was given to her at her baptism. She became the third, youngest, daughter in the family of a former officer of the French Foreign Legion, politician, future founder of SF Jean-Marie Le Pena and a spectacular blonde - fashion model Pierrette Lalan.

She studied at the Florent-Schmitt Lyceum in Saint-Cloud. In 1984, the parents divorced. In 1986, at the age of eighteen, Marine Le Pen joined the National Front Party, founded in 1972 by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen. She graduated from Pantheon-Assas University in 1990 with a Master of Laws and received an additional Master of Criminal Law the following year. In 1992 she received her legal certificate and until 1998 worked as a lawyer in Paris.

Since 2003, she served as Executive Vice President of the National Front. In January 2011, she was elected to the post of leader of the National Front, which her father had held for thirty-eight years.

Since 2004 Marine Le Pen is a member of the European Parliament, in 2009 she was re-elected for the next term. Since March 2008, she has also been a member of the Henin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais) municipal council and since March 2010, a member of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais regional council.

She was nominated as a candidate for the presidency of France in the 2012 elections from the National Front. In her election program, Marine Le Pen spoke about her condemnation of the military campaign of NATO and the EU countries in Libya, advocating a multipolar world, France's withdrawal from NATO, for deepening cooperation with Russia and against "demonizing Russia by the EU countries at the suggestion of the United States."

As shown by opinion polls conducted by the Ifop agency commissioned by the France Soir newspaper and the Harris Institute commissioned by the Le Parisien newspaper, from 20 to 23% of the French were ready to vote for it in the 2012 presidential elections in the first round, which resulted in she is one of the three most popular politicians in France. In fact, according to the results of the first round of the 2012 presidential elections, she received 17.9% of the vote and took a confident third place. Her result was higher than Jean-Marie Le Pen's record, who received 16.86% of the vote in the first round in 2002.

After the elections, Le Pen said that "the battle for France has just begun," and the fact that 20% of voters voted for her means that the nationalists have managed to undermine the "monopoly of the party of financiers and supporters of multiculturalism."

At a May Day demonstration on the eve of the second round of the 2012 presidential elections in France, Marine Le Pen announced that she would not support either Nicolas Sarkozy or François Hollande, but would drop an empty envelope into the ballot box.

Marine Le Pen believes that the system of a united Europe "was created on the deliberately pernicious ideology of globalization", that "it must be destroyed and a free Europe, whose members are truly sovereign states". She advocates the withdrawal of France from the European Union (EU) and the holding of a referendum "so that the French themselves can answer the question of leaving the EU."

According to the results of the municipal elections in France, held on March 30, 2014, the National Front party, led by Marie Le Pen, became the third political force in the country, gaining 7% of the vote.

On May 25, 2014, the National Front party led by Marine Le Pen won the elections to the European Parliament in France, gaining 25.4% of the vote, bypassing the Union for a Popular Movement (20.6%) and almost twice ahead of the ruling Socialist Party (14.1%). This is the first election in the history of France in which the "ultra-right" won first place. French journalists called the success of the National Front a "political earthquake." The party won 24 out of 74 seats assigned to France in the new European Parliament. Immediately after the first data on the election results appeared, Marine Le Pen demanded that French President François Hollande "dissolve the National Assembly (parliament) and dismiss the cabinet of ministers."

On February 4, 2017, Marine Le Pen officially entered the election campaign. According to the published poll data, Le Pen won in the first round of voting, but did not gain an absolute majority of votes and in the second was inferior to the more moderate candidate. During the election campaign, she visited Russia, where on March 23, 2017 she had a meeting with President Vladimir Putin.

She took second place in the first round of elections (21.43% of the vote), which took place on April 23 and reached the second round, where she will compete for the presidency with Emmanuel Macron.

Allegations of racism

In 2010, at a rally in Lyon, Marine Le Pen made the following statement: “I’m sorry, but I will remind those who like to grovel about the Second World War: if we talk about the occupation, one could compare this with the current situation, because everything this is also the occupation of the territory. " Thus, she compared the German sentinels with the Muslim immigrants. The politician tried to sue the Movement Against Racism and Friendship Among Peoples, as well as the Union against Islamophobia in France. However, the politician has repeatedly refused to appear before the investigator to bring charges against her, citing parliamentary immunity in the European Parliament.

In June 2013, the European Parliament Commission on Legal Affairs, at the request of the French Minister of Justice, K. Tobier, voted by a majority vote in favor of depriving Marine Le Pen of her immunity as a member of this body because of the “call for racial hatred”. In July, the European Parliament lifted the immunity of the right-wing politician.

Le Pen herself said in an interview with Europe 1 TV channel that she considers the persecution for political views in a country where freedom of speech has been proclaimed outrageous. For Marine Le Pen, this is the first trial on charges of inciting racial or religious hatred. Her father, the founder of the National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen, was repeatedly tried under this article.

In December 2015, charges of “incitement to discrimination, violence and hatred against a group of people based on their religious beliefs,” brought in July 2014 on the basis of a 2010 statement, were dropped.

Personal life

Marine Le Pen is divorced twice. From her first marriage to businessman Frank Schoffroy, a member of the SF, she has three children: Jeanne (born 1998) and twins Louis and Matilda (born 1999). After her divorce from Choffroy in 2002, she married a second time, to Eric Iorio, an adviser to the NF in the Pas-de-Calais region, but soon divorced again. In 2011, the press mentioned that Marine Le Pen is living in a de facto marriage with a "companion" - the vice-president of the "National Front" Louis Alio.