Runic formula guilt reviews. Suggestion of guilt

One man called his mother. She answered in a very weak, barely audible voice. Concerned, thinking that she was ill, he asked her:

And how else should it sound, - she answered. - if since the children left the house, they hardly remember me.

In the arsenal of a person who is inclined to influence others in some way, there is no stronger weapon than the suggestion of a feeling of guilt. People with poorly developed barriers almost always fall into this trap; they obey guilt statements. Think about these phrases:

“How can you do this to me? And that's after everything I've done for you! "

“It seems to me that once in your life you could think of someone else, not just yourself!”

“If you really loved me. I would have fulfilled my request. "

"I think you could take more care of the family."

"How can you treat your family like that?"

"Do you remember what used to happen when you didn't listen to me?"

“You never care about us. I think it's time to do it. "

"If you turned to me with such a request, I would certainly have fulfilled it."

"You have no idea what sacrifices we made for you."

"Maybe when I'm gone, you'll regret it."

Sometimes such statements are clothed in a "Christian" form:

"After that, how do you turn your tongue to call yourself a Christian?"

“Doesn't the Bible say,“ Honor your parents? ”

“You're not too submissive. I am convinced that this is how you grieve the Lord. "

"And it seemed to me that a Christian is supposed to think about others."

"Does any religion teach you to leave the family in which you grew up?"

“It looks like you have a serious spiritual problem. Otherwise you would not have behaved this way. "

People who say this are trying to make you feel guilty about your choice, about the decision to independently manage your time and resources. In this way, they hinder your independence from your parents, friends, or Church leaders. Remember what the owner says in the parable of the winegrower:

"Am I not competent to do what I want in mine?" (Matthew 20:15). The Bible says that we should give and help, not be selfish. However, it does not say that we must give whatever we want at the first request. We ourselves must decide what we want to give and what we want to keep for ourselves.

Probably anyone, to some degree, is able to recognize these hidden suggestions aimed at them. But if, while setting up barriers, you feel discomfort and guilt, then it is possible that false attitudes were imposed on you by relatives or other people who previously had power over you. It was so convenient for them, and you unconsciously succumbed to them. Here are some tips on how to best respond to these suggestions:

1. Recognize the suggestion of guilt. Some people accept them. not realizing that this is a time bomb, Make the person feel guilty, and it will be possible to twist ropes from him. This does not mean, of course, that you do not need to listen to any advice at all. Of course, one must be open to constructive criticism, listen to the opinion of others, even if it is negative. You should definitely know that sometimes you act selfishly. Only taking into account the reaction of other people, you can form an objective opinion about yourself. However, the suggestion of guilt is by no means intended for your development and good, it tries to make you an easy prey to subjugate to its power.

2. Suggestion of guilt - it is anger in disguise. People who try to make others feel guilty fail to openly admit that they are angry with them for their actions. After all, if they openly show their anger, then their desire will become more obvious, but they do not want it. Therefore, they prefer to shift their attention from their feelings to your behavior. This is easier for them, because the recognition of their feelings inevitably entails responsibility for them.

3. Suggestions of guilt hide sadness and pain. Instead of expressing these feelings and taking responsibility for them, people try to shift the focus back to you and your actions. Remember that suggestion of guilt is often an expression of a person's sadness, pain, or an unmet need.

4. If someone close to you is able to instill in you a feeling of guilt, then know that this is your problem, not his. In this case, the problem is within you. Only by realizing and feeling this, you will be able to solve external problems. You can love and set limits at the same time. By accusing other people of “making” you feel guilty, you are proving to them that they still have power over you. You implicitly tell them that you will only feel good if they stop doing it. You give them control of your life. Stop blaming other people.

5. Don't explain or make excuses. Only the guilty are justified. By doing this, you are pouring water into the mill of someone who wants to make you feel guilty. You don't have to explain anything. Just let him know about your choice. It's okay if you want to tell him why you made that particular decision, but only if you are motivated by the desire to help him understand.

6. Get in the habit of evaluating other people's statements based on their feelings. “It looks like you are angry because of my decision”, “I see you are upset that I didn’t go, didn’t, didn’t say, etc.)”, “I understand that you are very unhappy with my decision. I am very sorry that this upsets you so much, ”“ I understand that it disappoints you. Can I somehow alleviate your condition? ”,“ It's hard for you when I have other things to do. I'm right?"

The basic principle is this: Empathize with other people's experiences. However, make it clear that these are their experiences.

Remember, only love and limitations can help you form the truly right barriers. If you easily succumb to someone else's influence, then in their formation you may have serious problems. “As a city is destroyed without walls, so is a man who does not control his spirit” (Prov. 25:28). If other people can make you react, then they are inside your walls, inside your barriers. Stop reacting. Show compassion: “It looks like you are having a hard time in your life. Tell me what's the matter. " Sometimes people, when trying to instill guilt in others, actually make it clear that they are having a hard time. Listen to such a person, but do not take the blame on yourself.

Remember the mother who tried to make her son feel guilty? A mature man with formed barriers will sympathize with his mother: "Mom, from your voice I feel that you are lonely." He will definitely let her know that he understands her feelings.

Mental influence on another person allows you to get consent or support from him. The suggestion of thoughts by runes occurs with the activation of special signs. For influence, staves are used - this is a combination of several powerful symbols at once. Formulas have a limited duration and have certain consequences for the conspirator or victim.

The impact of runes on a person

The strong impact is not limited by space. The only framework for using runes is time. With their help, it is possible to inspire simple attitudes or complex conclusions. The number of signs used directly depends on the goals of the conspirator.

With runic conspiracies, it is possible to create the following effect:

  • complete obedience of another person;
  • partial suggestion - a person will do what you say and order;
  • coercion in certain situations, but such a slander does not affect the general perception of reality.

The power of suggestion is determined by the strength of a person who has decided to take such a radical step. For a simple effect, runes are used and Together the symbols create a brutal submission. It is allowed to do it on a person nearby. At a great distance, becoming ineffective.


The Isa rune affects the person first. It looks like the Latin letter I. It has a strong effect on any person, even on the owner of a mental body with powerful protection. Refers to and the meaning of the symbol does not change in the upright and inverted position.

The translation of the symbol is ice. The rune describes cold and alienation. Suggestion with the help of a sign occurs gradually. First of all, the victim forgets about the things that bring pleasure and joy. She is obsessed with thoughts. Not only the train of thought changes, but also the perception of reality.

Isa allows you to launch the program: a person is told what to do, and he does so without thinking. Ensures Isa obedience without resentment. The victim does not worry about himself, does not think about the future. What you say to her, she will take for her own conclusions. The rune freezes any extraneous processes. This type of compulsion is hardly noticeable to the people around.


The main effect of the stav is provided by the Futarka Nautiz rune. It creates as a powerful message, as a result, an inspired thought for a person. He is unable to get rid of the idea, replace it with other thoughts. Nautiz creates real submission. The more often people collide, the stronger their bond becomes.

For a person, a strong effect is manifested in poor health. Headaches and confusion are the first symptoms of a working rune conspiracy. The suggestion of thoughts takes place during the activation of the stav.

The rune Nautiz has an unusual appearance. It is drawn after Isa, using the first symbol as a basis. Nautiz looks like a cross with an offset horizontal line. Forcing such a rune works from the second day. After that, it is difficult to instill a new attitude in the victim.


The final rune for the violent implantation of thoughts is Fehu. The symbol closes by becoming, making it complete. Fehu works to strengthen the effect so that it is prolonged. Fehu is used to protect the conspiracy from outside interference.

The inverted negative symbol position is used. After its application, becoming is activated.

Impact through the runes of Isa, Nautiz and Fehu lasts at least a couple of months, and the suggestion does not lose its power throughout the entire period.

To inspire thoughts, use the runes of becoming the Rod of Compulsion. The combination is capable of making a person obey the will of the conspirator without the desire to get rid of the influence. This formula allows you to gain control over the thoughts and actions of another person.

Stav action:

  • suggestion of an obsessive thought;
  • feeding negative thoughts that benefit the conspirator;
  • substitution of concepts or principles;
  • suppression of will.

The formula looks like a wand, pointed upward. Runologists deciphered becoming and divided it into runes such as Nautiz and

The rune Turisaz looks like a pointed letter R. It is the prototype of the god Thor and symbolizes the power of lightning. It has a strong effect. In the stav, the Rod of obedience plays a major role - it completely suppresses the will of a person. He loses the ability to independently and critically assess the situation.

The victim accepts the instilled concepts as their own personal conclusions and fiercely defends them. The rune is used in the stave for a long-lasting effect. During its activation, the validity period of the formula is stipulated.

Turisaz is supplemented with the Nautiz rune and the formula is activated.

Suggestion of guilt

To instill a sense of guilt, they use becoming a Coercer. It allows you to inspire a person with any thought and any accompanying feeling.

To make the victim obey and feel guilty, use a formula of the following components:

  • Nautiz;
  • european glyph.

A point is located in the center of the stave. It symbolizes the object of future coercion. Runes of Salt, located around, strengthen the work of the formula. The inverted position of Ansuz is responsible for the weakened will of the victim. Submission strengthens Nautiz. The final part of the formula is the European glyph Will over man. He makes a slave out of the full personality.

Symbols activation

Suggestion with the help of strong runes will pass faster if used For this, they use a stipulation or connect one of the natural elements. The staves are spoken in order to direct their action and create the right feeling in the soul of another person.

The clause is created for themselves. First of all, the conspirator turns to the runes, after which he forms his request to them - clearly and briefly. The clause ends with words of gratitude.

The mother regularly makes it clear to the child that it was because of him that she did not arrange her personal life: “I could get married more than once, but I was afraid that my stepfather would treat you badly” or “Who needs me with a child, there are so many free women ". Seeing in the child the cause of her troubles, the mother gives him an enduring feeling of guilt in front of her. This greatly traumatizes the fragile child's psyche.

The Infallible Parent Manipulation

Some parents strive to create their own image of a "superparent" - a person who is never wrong and is always right.

What is the manipulative nature of this parental position? She is comfortable for the parent, since the consciousness of his own infallibility flatters his pride. But comparing oneself with the “infallible” parent causes a heightened sense of guilt in the child for being so helpless, and this prevents him from becoming a person. That is, the parent receives positive emotions, causing negative ones in the child. The one-sided nature of the parental benefits is clear.

As a result, the child will either fight for himself, or submit, or pretend to submit. In the first case, an incessant conflict arises, in the second, an uninitiated person will grow up, in the third, a child, obedient in the family, will compensate for this with aggressiveness outside the family (how can you not recall the saying: “There are devils in a still pool” or the surprise of others: “From a prosperous family - and into criminals ").

The fact is that the manipulative nature of the impact is revealed over time. The teenager sees that the mother, who blames him for her "ruined life", actually has such a character that no one will marry her even without a child. And the "infallible parent" is as wrong as anyone else.

Feeling the power of manipulations, the victim of which he was, the child understands that they can achieve (at least in the short term) their goals. But it is the immediate goals that are dominant for him! So parents, without knowing it, raise manipulators by their manipulations.

Manipulation "Imaginary victim"

If desired, it is not difficult for parents to organize a "resentment" against their children in order to use it to cause them to feel guilty.

Here are some key phrases that are spoken in situations like this, since a suffering facial expression alone is not enough:

"Go and rejoice, and don't think about my headache."

"Do not worry about me. Why would you think about such trifles. "

"I'm glad it happened to me and not to you."

Manipulation "Abuse of Inhibitions"

Bans are intended to create guilt when they are violated. When there are too many of them and they are far-fetched, the prohibitions become manipulative: adults get additional opportunities to punish the child. However, childish spontaneity often overturns the most ingenious tricks of adults.

A girl on a visit asks for supplements. The hostess remarks to her:

- Dear girl, didn't your mother tell you that well-bred children don't ask for supplements?

- Of course she did, but she didn’t know that you would cut the cake into such small pieces.

The hostess chose the child's guilt for violating the "norms" of children's behavior as the target of the influence. The girl forwarded the reproach to the owner herself (counter-manipulation).

Manipulation "Trade in love"

“I don’t love you like that”, “I won’t love you if you don’t obey” - how often children hear this from their parents!

The manipulative nature of this technique is obvious: only the parent benefits from what has been said - he makes it easier for himself to manage the child. But these words are very painful for the child. After all, the love of parents is extremely necessary for children! And the threat of losing this love causes their inner discord (frustration). This negative experience is subsequently transformed into a kind of revenge on the parents in the form of reciprocal manipulation "You do not love me."

About her - in the next paragraph. For now, let's get back to parental manipulation.

Manipulation "Buy off the child"

Wealthy parents from among those who are busy with themselves or their own business do not find time for the child and, as "compensation", charge him with expensive gifts, toys, fashionable clothes, and generously allocate pocket money.

The manipulative nature of these actions is determined by the fact that the parents receive one-sided advantages: not wanting to waste time with the child, they create the appearance of love for him. The child is deprived of the most necessary things - the attention of parents, their love and affection. In fact, by such actions, parents expect to get rid of the feeling of guilt before the child.

Manipulation "Eternal Children"

Parents can make their already grown children feel guilty about little boys and girls all the time. Many people know too well their reactions to their mother's meaningful silence on the phone, or their father's frowning eyebrows, or the disapproving look of their mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

Power is delightful, and I still want to drink from this heady spring!

Abuse of parental power can rob an adult child of their privacy and family. The next two stories are about this.

Manipulation "I feel bad ..."

The daughter lives alone with her mother. And whenever she goes on a date with a young man, the mother "gets sick." Dates break down over and over again. Boyfriends marry others. The girl is left alone ... with her mother.

The target of the impact on the daughter is fear for the mother's life and the associated feeling of guilt if something happens to the mother due to the absence of the daughter.

And here is how it can happen with sons.

Manipulation "She's Not Worth You"

The son is accustomed to listen to his mother in everything. She subjects each of his chosen ones to devastating criticism, proving: "She is not your match." As a result, the son remains an old bachelor.

Obedience instilled in childhood leads to feelings of guilt whenever a person disobeys (as discussed in Chapter 1). This is precisely what serves as a target for influencing the adult son.

In this and the previous cases, mothers provided themselves with care and attention in their declining years, and their children got a lonely old age.

Manipulation "Home Sage"

A family member (usually the oldest) constantly lectures others on any occasion. In the event of any failure of one of them, he necessarily makes a remark: “It was necessary to act wrong ...” When people turn to him for advice, he answers: “Ah! What can you say, you will do it your way anyway! "

This manipulation is aimed at achieving a psychological advantage over those who, according to the manipulators, are “guilty” of “not respecting them”, “not listening”.

This is how elderly parents, mother-in-law, mother-in-law and other relatives extend the power they had over young children.

Consequences of child manipulation

The harm done to children is twofold. On the one hand, children are capable students and grasp manipulation techniques on the fly. This is how manipulative parents nurture new manipulators.

On the other hand, a deeply ingrained feeling of guilt (which is most often the target of exposure) will make an obedient child an indecisive person who wants to please everyone.

The mask of obedience is also manipulative, since an obedient person relieves himself of any responsibility for the decisions he makes. He just doesn't make any decisions! The film "Autumn Marathon" eloquently testifies to the feelings of others. The hero of the film, Buzykin, does not refuse anyone, and as a result, both he himself and those close to him suffer.

Manipulations have become such a common and daily part of our life that we often do not notice them. They are like many birds around us, which we do not see and do not think about.

The main reason for all manipulations lies in the eternal human conflict between self-reliance and reliance on the external environment. The problem of trusting yourself and trusting other people arises.

For example, self-distrust prompts you to seek support from authority figures. A person does not try to prove his innocence at a meeting, but refers to authorities and seeks support from the strong.

A skilled player, through manipulation, constantly seeks to hide his empty card from others. The manipulative player lives and acts by deception. A person who once lied does not understand what burden he has taken upon himself. He will have to lie twenty more times to support his first lie and then pass it off as the truth.

The manipulator, in his striving to control himself and those around him, does not use even a small fraction of the opportunities that life gives him. Instead of being genuinely happy, he just smiles sourly. He will never take responsibility for his actions and mistakes and will therefore endlessly blame everyone and everyone.

“… All manipulators believe that life has cheated them unfairly, so they try to“ get ”from others, at every opportunity playing themselves a victim of the injustice of fate and human cruelty. The manipulator gets incomparable pleasure from pushing people around.

Manipulators always consider themselves smarter and more cunning than everyone else and believe that they have every right to dispose of "close" loved ones, the whole raison d'être of which is to listen to the manipulator with his mouth open and rush to fulfill his whim at his first squeak. And, I must say, they do it well, because manipulators are by nature good psychologists.

The manipulator ... needs attention. He longs to be in the spotlight, longs to feel and see that he is loved and adored, that his word is an unshakable law for those around him. His own “I” is the highest value for himself and for those around him. To achieve this goal, he can resort to the most disgusting blackmail, for example, to staged suicide ...

The manipulator's policy is blackmail: "do as I want, otherwise I will do something that you will be very ashamed of later." The manipulator balances on the brink, each time putting you in a position in which your retaliatory step will already be beyond the bounds of decency ...

It is very difficult to muster the courage and raise a rebellion against the manipulator, because he is speculating on the most sacred: on self-love ...
The exposure causes such an attack of aggression in the manipulator that not everyone can withstand this onslaught purely psychologically. Be prepared to hear a lot of interesting things about yourself. But still you can advise something ...

... the manipulator must be rebuffed immediately. It's easy to get to know this person - he tries to get you to do what he needs the first time. Having yielded to him only once, you will find yourself in addiction, from which it is more difficult to get out, the longer you endured and resigned yourself in the hope that the impudent one would someday wake up a conscience. The main rule of communicating with a manipulator is not to play by his rules. This is called breaking the pattern of behavior ... "


Learn to say no

One of the easiest prey for a manipulator is a person who is embarrassed to say the word "no" in time. Better to be wrong sometimes than to doubt all the time. If you don't like the interlocutor, “no” should be said decisively.

Keep your distance

The most valuable information about a potential victim is given to manipulators by excessive trust and closeness. Mikhail Bulgakov did not write in vain: "Do not talk to strangers."

All scams - from small to global - usually use:

- desire to get rich quickly;
- curiosity, in particular, the desire to know your future, destiny;
- thirst for thrills;
- desire to impress, show off;
- indecision.

Awareness of external control attempts

An essential sign of manipulation is an emerging feeling of discomfort. You do not want to perform any actions, but due to some moral circumstances you are forced to perform them: otherwise it will be “inconvenient”, “selfish”, “boorish”, “ugly”, “awkward”, “You will not justify someone’s trust "," You will look in a bad light ", etc.

Verbal signs of manipulation

The following are invariably present in the statements of manipulators:

You are solely responsible for the proposed action;
-Your "fee" outweighs your benefit;
- the presence of elements of compulsion or compulsion;
- a mandatory preparatory preamble before the seemingly non-coercive words of the manipulator;
- lack of time to make a decision.


"Only fools and the dead never change their minds ..." J.R. Lowell

One of the means of manipulation is the formation of a sense of guilt. Traditional upbringing instills a way of life according to certain rules, the violation of which is blamed.

The most dangerous (manipulatively) of these unwritten zombie programs are:

A person is obliged to respond to the speech of the interlocutor and answer the questions asked;
- everyone is charged with the desire to improve themselves, to work on themselves.

For example, a person should try to “be good”, tactful, accurate in everything, follow the rules, etc .;

Everyone should adhere to the decision made and not change their opinions;
- a person is obliged to be understanding, lack of understanding is condemned;
- a person should not be mistaken, and if he was mistaken, he is obliged to realize and experience his guilt;
- a person must be logical and predictable.

A person who blindly obeys the above rules is the best target for manipulation. Formulating appropriate counter-rules can help protect against guilt.

So, you don't have to:

Answer the question if you don't want to;
- try to always seem attractive;
- to be a slave to the words you previously uttered;
- to understand everything.

Everyone has the right:

Errors (except in cases of official negligence);
- to be dull or not know something;
- be illogical;
- to say "I don't want";
- change your mind, change your mind;
- to perceive yourself as you are, not to force yourself.

Whether we like it or not, education lays a program in us: we need to seek the benevolence of others. The costs of this program are manifested in the fact that we are embarrassed to say "no" so as not to offend someone.

Saying yes, a little later we hate ourselves for weakness.

How to tell if you are being manipulated ...

A distinctive feature of manipulation is that a person succumbs to psychological influence unconsciously and not of his own free will. In order not to become a victim of manipulation, it is necessary to detect the presence of such an impact in time, and then find out for what purpose it is being started.

In almost all cases, when they try to manipulate you, there is a feeling of discomfort, so it is worth listening to your feelings, do not allow yourself to be manipulated. The victims of manipulators are more often people who are insecure and overly trusting. However, people who want to appear strong, noble, or generous can also fall into the trap.

Remember that the manipulator deftly plays on your weaknesses and the most psychologically vulnerable places (habits, desires, advantages and disadvantages).

How to protect yourself from Manipulation

To avoid manipulation, you need to follow a few simple rules.

1). Do not be afraid to refuse and firmly say no! A person who is embarrassed to say the word "no". - the easiest prey for the manipulator. You need to understand that anyone has the right to refuse, you have the right to say no. “No” must be pronounced decisively. 2). Maintain psychological distance. Manipulators easily get useful information for them about the "victims" not because of their imaginary "genius", but only because of the excessive gullibility of people and their negligence. 3). Refrain from bragging, which is one of the best ways to create envy. To a man. who has set himself the goal of manipulating someone. it is a clear indication of a potential victim. 4). You cannot show your weaknesses. Using the interlocutor's weaknesses is at the heart of any manipulation. Everyone wants to appear worthy, noble, significant, superior to others in some way. Your desires and aspirations can become targets of "puppeteers". 5). Be unpredictable. Unpredictability in dealing with a manipulator guarantees a person invulnerability. It is impossible to win if the rules of the game are constantly changing, if you are absolutely impossible to "calculate". 6). Remain calm and hesitate to answer. Try to pause. This will calm down and. focusing on the correct answer. You can train yourself to answer only after you mentally count to ten. - this is. by the way, he will speak of you as a person who knows the value of his word. 7). Try to dot the i's. Tell the manipulator everything that confuses you and does not like. make him explain. For a manipulator, this will be a rather difficult task, because “opening cards” is not in his interests. 8). Asking direct questions will immediately discourage the manipulator. He will guess that his goals have been solved, and the cunning manipulation has failed.


"Domkom activists demonstrate to us a fairly widespread method of manipulative influence, and today it is actively used both in business and in everyday communication. Moreover, professional salespeople are specially trained in this method for communicating with intractable customers.

Its essence lies in the fact that at first the manipulator makes a certain offer to the victim, and after being refused, he tries to interpret its reason. And, of course, the interpretation he proposes puts the interlocutor in an extremely unfavorable light (this is how the professor instantly appeared before us as a miser, indifferent to the suffering of children).

In the case of sales, its application may look something like this: - Do you want to include our products in your assortment? So you are not interested in women (children, pensioners, etc.) as your target audience? ”. On an interpersonal level, this can manifest itself even more straightforwardly: - Do you want to buy me this ring? Do you love me at all?

What is the insidiousness of such questions? If you think carefully about the meaning of the dialogue, it will become obvious that two unrelated moments are imperceptibly linked here: a high motive (sympathy for children) and the need to perform some action.

That is, if you sympathize with starving children, you will have to buy several crumpled, wet magazines at an inadequate price. At the same time, any other possibilities to help children are not considered in principle. Such questions are often accompanied by powerful non-verbal pressure (a demonstration of surprise, contempt), so that a person can go on about the manipulator just to maintain their reputation.

And in the same dialogue, we can observe an effective example of opposition to this technique. Professor Preobrazhensky clearly remembers that he is not obliged to account for his actions to the members of the House Committee. Therefore, he politely but firmly rejects all attempts to drag him into dialogue. All the pathos of unlucky salespeople breaks down on his ironically polite "I don't want".

If for some reason you cannot afford the “Preobrazhensky method” and are forced to enter into a dialogue with the manipulator, then you can clearly separate the manipulator's proposal and his interpretation of your actions: I sympathize with hungry children, but I know other ways to help. And given the possibility of more sophisticated variations of this technique, you should immediately be wary if you are persistently asked questions regarding the motives of your actions. After all, the best way to interact with a manipulator is not to get out of his traps, but to bypass them in a timely manner. "

Defense of Professor Preobrazhensky


When we talk about unrequited love and Magic, various love spell rituals first come to mind. But not every person decides on such a strong magical effect. And then the runes will come to our aid, the action of which can be terminated at any moment, simply by destroying the formula that has worked or is no longer needed. Runic becoming "Induce melancholy" belongs to the same category of lungs, which we will now talk about.

In what situations can you use bets to challenge melancholy?

Unrequited love

We have already mentioned the first case - this is unrequited love, when we so unrestrainedly want the object of our affection to think about us, notice, pay attention. If we do not want to bind him to ourselves with powerful magic spells, we can use the simplest rune becoming. Of course, it cannot cause a strong melancholy, from which a person can climb the wall, but, nevertheless, a slight "therapeutic" effect still takes place. The person you are interested in will often return to you mentally, but whether or not this awakening of any serious feelings will be caused is unknown, it all depends on the person's initial disposition towards you, on the presence of at least a little sympathy.


This is another sphere of action of such formulas - a situation when partners quarreled, parted for a while, quarreled and do not talk to each other. An offended person can use runic becoming to cause guilt in his other half, whom he undeservedly offended. In this case, thoughts about his beloved person will constantly come to him, he will begin to remember all the pleasant moments associated with their relationship and as a result he will feel guilty and will be the first to agree to a truce. Do you feel the difference with the first option? Here we already have a certain love relationship between people, implying the presence of feelings, therefore, most likely, in this case, the rune ligature will work more effectively.

Make a connection

And, finally, the third option is to use it to make a person call, write or somehow make themselves known. In our life, it happens that we lose touch with those who are close to us, we disagree because of some disagreements, or just for some reason we swirl in the maelstrom of life events, forgetting about people important to us. And it is especially offensive in such situations when we ourselves do not know how to find the one we are looking for, because a person can change their phone number, delete their page from a social network, or move to another address. Here, too, runes come in handy - you can use them to cause longing for yourself in the thoughts of another person. But let's get down to practice.

Becoming "Induce Longing" from the Trap

Runic becoming "Induce melancholy" from the Trap (a practicing runologist, known under the nickname lov_ushka) has proven itself to be used in all of the above cases.

It includes the following working runes:

  • Nautiz makes a person need the company of an operator
  • symbolizes his thoughts related to him
  • Mirrored Vunyo adds "tragedy" - makes a person yearn, sad, be in a bad mood until he keeps in touch with the operator
  • Laguz attracts dreams, premonitions and various omens associated with the person who causes him longing
  • In the background, another Nautiz and Teyvaz are forcing him to take real action - to call, write, talk, make himself known to the one he yearns for.

It is important to apply the runes in "Induce melancholy" from the Trap with your blood to a photograph of a person. If you draw them with a marker or paint, then he will simply yearn for no reason - blood is needed specifically for binding to the operator. It is activated by becoming in any convenient way, it is negotiated depending on your desire - you can stipulate a challenge to strong melancholy, you can - light.

Runic becoming "Snowflake" on the call of longing from the author Zver

This ligature is most suitable for situations when a couple fell apart, the lovers had a falling out, or for some reason they were separated by kilometers (business trip, moving due to life circumstances, etc.). Here runes specifically work to cause longing in a loved one at a distance. Effective and at the same time not too difficult to become.

If he uses the runic becoming "Induce melancholy" with an exclusively egoistic purpose, just like that, out of nothing to do, as an experiment - and does this constantly, updating the formula as it weakened, and causing a person to become depressed for life - then this is already an intervention into his destiny. And such an act can be subsequently punished. Therefore, before any magical ritual, think carefully whether you really need it, and what goals you are pursuing.