What birds fly to the warm edges. Swan migration routes

Before the onset of cold weather, some species of birds leave the Russian regions, flying away to warm countries. The most famous migratory birds of Russia are ducks, rooks, cranes, swans, starlings, swallows, blackbirds, larks, lapwing birds, finches, orioles, storks and herons.

What birds fly south?

According to statistics, more than 60 species of birds live on the territory of Russia, flying away to warm regions for wintering. Seasonal migrations are the prerogative of all migratory birds, without exception. Migrations take place both over long and fairly close distances. To understand what species of birds are migratory, it is necessary to understand that their migrations depend on what they actually eat. Most of all in nature of insectivorous birds. The balance of them are carnivorous and granivorous birds.

With the onset of cold weather, all insects, with which many birds eat with pleasure, disappear. In this regard, birds have to fly to where there is never snow, where the abundance of tasty insects does not end all year round. These migratory birds include charger, blackbirds, finches, jackdaws, rooks and, of course, “spring messengers” - swallows.

Swallows feed on rather large insects, among them dragonflies and may beetles. They catch them on the fly. They winter on the Mediterranean coast. It is curious that some of them even fly to hot Africa. Therefore, it is simply impossible to meet swallows in winter in Russia.

In winter, rivers and lakes freeze, which poses a great threat, for example, to carnivorous herons feeding on frogs and fish. They also have to leave their homeland. Vegetarians who eat herbs and seeds suffer as well, since in winter all this is covered with a white sheet of snow. One of the most famous “herbivorous” migratory birds are heat-loving cranes.

If you carefully observe the cranes, you can see that in September they are preparing for departure. At this relatively early time for relocation, they are already gathering in flocks. Cranes leave their homelands until the spring, saying goodbye to people with their beautiful guttural cry. For complete objectivity it is worth noting that not all types of cranes fly away. This is done only by those who are forced to nest and breed in the northern regions of Russia.

Who remains to winter?

Only those birds that managed to “find a common language” with a man remain to winter. They are called sedentary. The most famous of them are pigeons, sparrows, tits. The fact is that they have adapted to feed on waste found in landfills and garbage cans. In addition, a person feeds them, resorting to the help of special feeders.

Avian "compass"

Scientists have proven that migratory birds are well aware of the geography of their migrations. They can feel not only latitude, but also longitude, guided by the sun and stars. This is one of the versions of this avian phenomenon.

According to another version, migratory birds return to their permanent nesting sites, focusing on the magnetic field of the Earth. A related article was published in Nature magazine on this topic. In addition, it was documented by ornithological scientists who ringed migratory birds and then observed them in the same places for several years in a row.

However, despite this, there is still no consensus among birdwatchers and researchers on the work of the so-called bird compass.

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Swans fly south

Depending on the species and habitat, swans can fly to warmer regions for the winter, and they can stay and wait for the cold season in the nesting areas. But where the swans fly for the winter - depends not only on the species, but also on the specific population. The birds are very strong and can cover many kilometers during the day of the flight.

Ways of migration of different types of swans

Migratory birds - swans

Almost all types of swans are classified as migratory. The only exception is the black swan that lives in Australia, Tasmania and the New Zealand Islands. Representatives of this species are sedentary and leave their usual places only in the event of an acute shortage of food, threats from predators or pollution of the reservoir. Even in the case of forced migration, they do not fly over a distance of more than one hundred kilometers from their former habitat.

Wintering swans in the Altai

The rest of the species nest in northern latitudes, and with the onset of cold weather they fly away for wintering. Couples return to their nesting sites in spring or at the end of winter when snow melts and the first polynyas appear on the water. Terms of return depend on the climatic conditions of the region and the subspecies of birds.

Where does the black swan winter

For its breeding grounds, the black-necked swan prefers to choose the southern regions of Chile and Patagonia. Meet the individual populations can be on the Falkland Islands. Winter birds prefer to wait in a warmer and less windy Paraguay and in the south of Brazil.

Where the spines hibernate

Mute swan is one of the largest and rarest representatives of its species. Depending on the nesting area, the swans fly south or stay for the winter. Migratory include populations nesting in the countries of Northern Europe and the Baltic, in Russia, in the central regions of China. In winter, birds fly to the shores of the Black and Caspian Sea, to the south of Turkey and Greece, to the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

When migrating birds are combined in large flocks, numbering hundreds of individuals.

Each pack consists of several wedges, driven by experienced and adult birds. The flight of a swan is accompanied by a characteristic whistling sound of the wings. Birds are quite hardy and able to spend many hours in the air. There are cases when the day the swans flew away from the place of rest and feeding for more than 400 km.

Swan Lake in Altai

Sedentary populations include swans living in Central and Southern Europe, the USA, southern Australia and New Zealand.

Where the whooper swan winters

For the nesting swan, the Whooper swans have chosen the entire northern part of Eurasia - from Iceland to Sakhalin. The southernmost nesting sites reach Mongolia, Lake Ladoga, the Caspian Sea, the northern regions of Japan. Almost all populations are migratory. Only birds living in the Baltic and Central European countries, as well as in the Altai and on the shores of the Caspian Sea can stay for the winter with a warm and not snowy winter.

Where swans swears winter:

  • Mediterranean countries
  • Caspian coast,
  • Middle Asia,
  • South Asia
  • Southeast Asia.

Small northern populations often stop for wintering on the Altai lakes.

Where the little swan winters

For nesting small swans choose the northern latitudes of Russia. Conventionally, the species is divided into two subspecies: eastern and western. The nesting area and wintering place depends on which subspecies the birds belong to. Western swans choose a territory from the Kola Peninsula to Taimyr for breeding chicks. And winter in France, Holland, Ireland, Great Britain and Denmark.

Birds of the eastern subspecies nest in the coastal regions from the Chuansk lowland to the delta of the Lena river. Winter this subspecies spends in China and Japan, the countries of Southeast Asia.

Small swans return to nesting sites also depending on their belonging to the sub-species. The birds of the western subspecies arrive first: they can be seen already at the beginning of spring. The eastern subspecies returns to breeding sites closer to the middle of spring.

Ornithologists say that in the event of a long winter and high snow cover, the swans would fly back to warm countries or refuse to breed.

Where does the American swan winter

The American swan prefers to nest in the open tundra and forest-tundra from Baffin Island to Alaska. In Russia, individual populations can be found in Chukotka and the Commander Islands. Conventionally, they are also divided into two populations: eastern and western. Birds of the eastern population spend the winter on the Atlantic coast, and the swans of the western population fly to winter on the North American coast of the Pacific Ocean. In flight, American swans spend many hours each day and are able to make only one landing for a short rest, if there are many young individuals in a flock.

Where the trumpeter swan winter

The trumpeter swan breeds only in the circumpolar regions of the North American continent. The largest number of nesting sites is located in Alaska. Birds spend the winter in warmer areas of the United States and southern Canada. There are cases when swans flew for the winter period to Mexico and Central America.

Migration Features

Spring migration

Regardless of where the birds fly in winter, what species they belong to and where they nest, the spring migration usually takes place very intensively, and in a short time the birds return to their nesting sites. Each pair strives to occupy a better site and a large territory, and begin to build a nest earlier. Spring swans are more aggressive - tired of the tedious flight, they often fight with their neighbors for their territory and nest.

The most pronounced and intense migration is observed in the northern regions, since the summer there is very short and the time for breeding chicks is limited. Another reason is the rapid growth of plants and the ability to spend a lot of time looking for food. This contributes to the long northern light day.

The peak of spring migration falls at the end of February and the beginning of March.

Autumn migration

In the autumn, migration is not so noticeable. The birds reluctantly climb on the wing, form flocks and spend more time on their way to wintering grounds. Birds make more stops for feeding and resting. The answer is simple: there are many young birds in the autumn flocks, which are not able to take long flights. The exception is made only by small swans. They tend to quickly leave the cold nesting regions. Before the autumn migration, the birds spend a lot of time on training flights so that the young ones get stronger and learn how to use the air flow. The distance of training flights is several tens of kilometers. Most often the birds describe a circle above the resting place and the parking of the whole flock.

All children know that with the onset of cold weather many birds leave their native northern latitudes and go on long journeys to the south. Why is this happening? Yes, because under the thickness of the snow is more difficult to find food, bugs and ants, which you can enjoy in the summer, and the air temperature becomes too low. However, not all inhabitants of heavenly heights leave our latitudes. Which birds fly to the south, and which remain at home - we now consider in detail.

The reasons why birds change their home

Each bird is a representative of the fauna, and at the same time a separate kingdom among all animals. These creatures are warm-blooded, their body temperature averages 40 degrees. With the onset of severe frosts, birds begin to feel a lack of heat, feathers and down are not enough to cope with frosts. However, this situation is not inherent in every kind of kingdom. Sparrows, magpies, crows, tits remain in their places, in temperate latitudes, as the structure of their body, the number of feathers, as well as subcutaneous fat is much higher than that of nomadic celestial inhabitants. As a result, answering the question: “What birds fly to the south?” - we can say that, first of all, those who, for physiological reasons, cannot cope with severe frosts. By the way, if a bird lives in a more southerly region (Rostov-on-Don, Belgorod), then it does not leave its lands because of the cold. But if its homeland is Norilsk, the flight to the more southern region is an integral part of its life cycle.

Food - an important criterion in choosing a place of residence

Speaking about which birds fly to the south, one should not miss the nutritional factor. Most of them are insectivorous, therefore, in winter their diet is reduced to zero. Birds that eat only bugs and bugs get to those lands where snow does not fall at all, so that their food remains full. Among them are the finches, thrushes, jackdaws, rooks. Also actively eat insects oatmeal, warbler, zoryanka. Also, discussing which birds fly to the south due to the lack of their usual food, swallows cannot be missed here. In summer, they are able to eat such large insects as dragonflies, May beetles and the like on the fly. In winter, they are unreal in our latitudes.

What birds fly south in the fall?

With the first cold our most thermophilic inhabitants of the sky leave our country. Among them we distinguish the swallows, rooks, starlings, sneaks, buntings, cranes, thrushes, larks. Of course, such large birds as herons, cranes, storks, ducks, swans, hoopoes, orioles and cuckoos go to warm countries as well. The reason for the departure of these birds is the lack of food, in particular, hibernate or die all insects that lived in the summer. They are the first of all to fly to the southern regions and the last to return to their homeland. That is why the swallows can be seen on the street only from April. And returning to their lakes no earlier than May.

Consider which birds fly to distant countries in winter.

When the cold has already prevailed, the birds can leave our region only if the frost is too strong, or the food, such as crumbs, grains, seeds, will not be on the streets at all. Often tits, thrushes, woodpeckers go to warmer countries, sometimes bullfinchs leave our lands. Such inhabitants of the sky can easily tolerate frosts, so the only thing that can make them fly away is a lack of food.

Birds are interesting creatures that amaze with their abilities and beauty, disturbing human consciousness from the time of the philosopher Aristotle, and sung in verses of ancient Greek poets.

Interesting questions still concern many people: why do birds fly to the South, which birds fly there, how do they learn about flight time, and how do feathery friends find their way to warm countries?

1. Flights and their features

The study of birds has been under consideration for a sufficient number of years, including their annual migrations. The fact is that the main stimulus of the flight is reproduction and nutrition. In the fall, the places where you can get food are reduced, the day becomes shorter, the reservoirs freeze and these factors help to ensure that a certain group of birds migrate hundreds or even thousands of kilometers from home.

Depending on where the birds will nest, 3 groups of birds are distinguished:

  • sedentary are those who do not fly away from their territory during the year at all (for example, pigeons or sparrows);
  • nomadic - these birds fly away 100 kilometers from their home and nest in the same natural area (these are crows or tits);
  • migratory - they fly away thousands of kilometers from the usual territory in search of food and water bodies (these are cranes and geese).

The term and distance of the flight is influenced by the nature of the food: birds that feed on grain fly later and are not as far away as insectivorous. The most distant flights are installed near the Arctic Terns - it’s as much as 18 thousand kilometers, and during the year it winds as much as 80 thousand km!

It is believed that birds can complete the flight in a very short time, because the speed of swifts reaches 170 kilometers per hour, and the speed of the peregrine falcon reaches a record high of 450 kilometers per hour, but in fact their flights are delayed for 2-4 months.

There is also the sad side of flights - during the period of wintering and migration, tens of thousands of birds die every year. They die from snowstorms, from frost and from insufficient food.

2. Why do birds come back?

There are many guesses why birds do not lead a sedentary life where they fly every year. But one of the theories is the release of special substances into the body - hormones that set up the bird for reproduction and encourage them to fly to familiar territory. You can also take into account the fact that the climate, which is favorable for birds in winter, is absolutely not suitable in summer. For example, owls - they spend the summer in the tundra with high humidity and an abundance of lemmings that they feed on. In winter, they fly to the steppe and get food and heat there, but in summer they cannot stay there because of the arid hot climate. For the same reason, cranes do not nest anywhere in Africa.

3. Navigation

Researchers of the nature of bird flights have not yet fully determined all methods of navigation, but it is already known that they are guided by the sun, smells and landscape.

Also, Berlin scientists have determined exactly how birds are guided by the magnetic field of the planet. The fact is that in their beak there are some crystals that help the bird to find the exact reference point in space. The experiments performed showed that when this crystalline gland is removed, the bird is immediately lost and can no longer react to the magnetic field.

Bird flights occur both day and night — sparrows fly at night, but marsh chickens move on foot, regardless of the time of day or weather conditions.

4. So which birds fly to the South?

Having understood why birds fly to the South, how they orient themselves, and why they are so eager to get back, the main question is: which birds fly?

If we start from statistical data, in Russia there are more than 50 thousand species of birds that make annual journeys. During the periods of wintering, when the abundance of insects is reduced to zero - the birds tend to the edge, where food is all year round. Finches, swallows, blackbirds, jackdaws, rooks and rags fly there.

Cranes also fly - they feed on herbs and seeds, and in order to have food, they have to make long flights to a warm climate. The wagtail, the lapwort, the oriole and the robin fly away to warm places - there is also not enough food for them in their edges and they tend to leave their home as early as possible.

Ornithology is the science of birds, not fully understood and extremely interesting. Scientists build conclusions and guesses on assumptions and their personal observations, but in this natural phenomenon there is still a lot of unexplored and the most pleasant thing about this is that everyone can observe something amazing!