As with exercise. The magical effect of physical exertion! Lose weight correctly

Old jeans are buttoned with difficulty, and your favorite dress was not enough for you. Perhaps it's time to think about losing weight and restoring the old look. You begin to search the Internet for some super-effective diet, but the thought that you have to give up your favorite food and constantly starve, you are stopped. No diet will help to maintain the result, if it does not play sports. We will understand what should be losing weight through exercise.

The safest way to fight obesity without hunger strikes is a combination proper nutrition  with exercise. But this method should be a way of life for you, which you should stick to all your life, not just a few weeks.

When choosing training with the help of which weight loss will take place, women often face difficulties. What kind of sport to choose: running, aerobics or yoga? Each of these workouts promises weight loss, but how to do it right?

  Identify the causes of completeness

Before you begin to exercise, you should be screened for hormone levels. Perhaps the cause of excess weight was the failure of hormonal levels. You also need to be tested for blood sugar. Sometimes an increase in body weight indicates the development of diabetes mellitus, while the other symptoms have not yet manifested themselves. It is necessary to conduct an examination of the work of the kidneys, because of the violation of their functions, “imaginary fullness” can occur, i.e. retention of excess fluid in the body, resulting in edema, which is impossible to get rid of with the help of sports.

In the case of dependence on sweets, you first need to look for methods to combat it. After all, any training will be useless if you do not cease to absorb sweets and cakes. Do you notice that every time you feel depressed or when you are upset, your hand reaches for chocolate or cookies? The fact is that you lack positive emotions. Learn to cope with stress, talking with friends, reading interesting books, find a hobby for yourself. Discard the sweet, replacing it with dried fruit, nuts or fruit.

Slimming through exercise should begin visiting a nutritionist. He should make you a meal plan, adjust your previous diet. After all, while maintaining old habits, like chips in front of the TV or pastries for dessert, your chances of losing weight are practically nil.

  Slimming exercises

So, you decided to fight with extra pounds with the help of sports. You must be prepared for the fact that exercise does not give quick results. Indeed, unlike other methods of losing weight, sport does not lead to kidney subsidence or dysfunction of the internal organs.

The main rule of sports is systematization and regularity. It is impossible to lose weight in any one part of the body, performing exercises on some specific muscles, you use the whole body. Therefore, it is necessary to train not only problem areas, but all muscle groups. The body should receive a uniform load.

Very effective in dealing with overweight cardio exercises. These include aerobics, running, walking, swimming, cycling. Slimming is also possible with the help of Arabic dances, aqua-gymnastics, fitness classes. The advantages of each of these systems can be talked about for a long time, but they all have the same set of exercises. The list of such exercises must include: warm-up, raising the legs in the supine position, standing; raising the body in the prone position (work on the press), squats, bends.

Slimming with aerobics is quite effective. With its help, you gain lean muscles and strengthen your health. Occupation aquagymnastics are great for very full people, since the load on the joints decreases and the risk of injury is reduced. This method allows you to avoid stretch marks and sagging of the skin after losing weight, tighten muscles and restore joints. Eastern dances help not only to overcome excess weight, but also to gain grace, ease.

If you decide to practice at home, but squats and press exercises seem very boring to you, get yourself a step platform (but you can do it yourself) and do video tutorials. This type of exercise will not let you be bored, because the exercises are performed with energetic music, and the movements themselves resemble dance.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of physical exercise depends on the consistency of nutrition and exercise. Sport makes the process of losing weight easier, and also helps avoid stretch marks and sagging skin.

The basic rule of shaping - do not expect that by performing certain exercises, you will lose weight on a certain isolated place. First of all, exercises with such selectivity simply do not happen. Secondly, any program of shaping or simply improving, includes not only a complex of exercises, but also a diet and the general change of a way of life. To solve your problems, you will have to analyze all these components. The most mistakes people make when choosing a diet. A person is justified by eating “the most useful”, and this is true, I have no doubt, but in 9 cases out of 10 this “useful” is eaten too much. And no matter how natural and useful and nutritious this food is, if there are too many calories, they will settle on you in the form of excess weight, no matter how hard you train. Suppose you eat four times a day, and a couple more protein shakes in between, not very much, but how small are these four portions and how fatty are these shakes? Count your daily amount  calories, and I'm sure that it will be more than your body burns. Another moment - goodness. Unfortunately, tasty food is usually the most fat and calorie. So, if you want to lose weight, goodies will have to be sacrificed.

You need to know exactly what is in the consumed food. The content of fat and their caloric content does not depend on the naturalness of the products. Natural products can also be very fat. But we must not forget that low-fat does not mean non-nutritive. Some fruits are not fat, but very high-calorie. The packaging of yoghurt and ice cream often says “natural” and “low-fat”, but this does not mean that they do not contain, for example, sugar. The picture turns out to be gloomy, but here is a pleasant moment. If you train hard for a year, but in some places there is still fat, then your problem is only in the diet. You have a good tone, your muscles are developed and are just waiting to be opened. All you need now is to burn your fat with a proper diet. Now consider your workout. If you spend three hours a day in the gym, but do only on simulators, do not wait for the results, you only maintain the tone of your cardiovascular system. If the exercise is given to you without difficulty - tighten the nuts, add weight, etc. Your muscles must work, and for this you have to puff and sweat. Switch to work with free weights. Be sure that the area that you need to work out really works all, not just those hillocks that stick out of it. The most common example is an exercise bike. Women with problem hips are pedaling for hours, thinking that they are training hips. In fact, they train their legs. To get a real result, legs and hips need to be trained together, at the same time, and the best exercise for this is complete squats with free weight, i.e. with a barbell on his shoulders. No leg presses, no exercise bike, no hook squats, no “ladder”, only squats with a barbell in full amplitude. I know that you don’t want to hear about it, but this is the only exercise that does the work with noticeable results. Do not complicate your program. The idea is simple: count calories and do basic exercises with full amplitude with enough weight to failure. Make it a base. And now get off the fashion simulator and get into the real business!

Problem areas

tells Sharon Bruno (Muscle & Fitness, 1995)

Muscles and woman Women often ask me the same questions: how to shape the general problem areas (these are the places that form a beautiful female silhouette - hips, pope, stomach, chest and arms). The answer is always the same: attack them, using in the complex three main components - exercises with weights, aerobics and diet. It’s not worth counting on one or two of the three, the result will be only an integrated approach. Exercises with burdens tighten and tighten muscle tissue, aerobics burns excess fat, and diet does not allow these surpluses to form.

Identify some common areas for all women who react poorly to diet and exercise. This is usually the buttocks, the back of the thigh, the chest, the triceps, and the abdominal muscles. Based on my many years of experience, I can recommend specific exercises for each of the difficult parts. You need to use these exercises based on your own level of physical development. Do not be afraid to experiment with different types of exercises to determine which one is best for you. By combining strength exercises with a healthy diet and persistent aerobic work, you will find the recipe for turning places you are embarrassed into your decoration.


Hip area

Despite the fact that this area is formed by two independent muscle groups, I suggest working on them together, since most very good exercises load them at the same time.

Straightening legs

Perfect exercise for shaping the front of the thigh. Exercise is very simple, it makes it ideal for beginners. Weights are fixed on the ankles, we sit on the bench, one hip completely lies on the bench. Slowly straighten the leg. When the leg is fully stretched and the muscles are fully tightened, we hold the leg in this position for half a second, then slowly return to the starting position.

Leg press

Performed on a special machine, can be found in a decent room.
To work the buttocks, the quadriceps (the muscles that make up the front of the thigh) and the biceps of the thighs (the muscles that make up the back of the thigh from the knee to the buttock), we put our legs wide on the platform. Inhale, hold your breath. Slowly bend the legs at the knees until the knees almost touch the chest. Hands can not help, so hold on to something. Slowly squeeze the weight to its original position. Exhale The speed of movement is chosen so that the breath is enough for one repetition.


Depending on how to perform them, the attacks are worked out almost everything, from the side surfaces of the hips, to the buttocks and biceps of the thigh. We take a light dumbbell in each hand, keep the back upright. Keeping the position of the back, do lunges with one foot forward, 10 times, then with the other. A correct movement is considered in which the knee at the end point is above the toe of the foot, and the body does not lean forward. Remember, the further the lunge, the more heavily loaded the buttocks and biceps of the thigh. The shorter the lunge, the more heavily loaded the quadriceps are. Beginners better not to do long lunges. The length of the lunge must be chosen so that the exercise is comfortable, and you can monitor the correctness of the performance.

Walking lunges

My favorite exercise for the muscles of the thigh, it can be done anywhere, using as a burden all, up to the package with milk. The ideal exercise to maintain the overall shape of the muscles, without a strong increase in the volume of the buttocks and biceps of the thigh. To get started, just choose a level place without obstacles, and take 12-20 long, deep steps forward with each foot. Turn, another 12-20 steps.


Regardless of how to do squats, this is one of the few exercises that effectively rounds your buttocks and hips. Legs shoulder-width apart, back straight. On the shoulders - gymnastic stick or lightweight fingerboard. Inhale, hold your breath. Bending the legs at the knees, we descend until the angle between the thigh and the lower leg is 90 degrees. We try to keep our knees above the toes. Slowly get up. Exhale

Ballet squat

A squat option, but the legs are wide apart and the toes are turned outwards. Strongly loads the inner thigh and buttocks.

Leg flexion

Performed on a special machine, can be found in almost any gym.
Great exercise for the biceps of the thigh. You can work with one or both feet, respectively, standing and lying, depending on what machine you have at hand. Rather, under the foot. Care should be taken that the foot works on the entire trajectory of movement.

Thrust with straight legs

One more good exercise  for thigh biceps. We become on a low platform or bench. Legs slightly bent at the knees. In the hands - a bar, grip shoulder width. Slowly lean forward until we feel how the hamstrings tightened, the barbell at this moment is approximately at the level of the knee. Just slowly straightening, straining the buttocks. This exercise can also be done with a block.

Abdominal Press

Regardless of what you do - gymnastics or bodybuilding, you absolutely do not need to pump huge muscles in this area. Therefore, I propose to work out a press with small weights, or even completely without them. Below are a few exercises that will make your stomach flat and slim.

Pelvic elevations

Great exercise for the lower abdominals. We lie on the floor, legs bent, heels lie on the bench. First, we move the pelvis forward, straining the buttocks and the abs. Then slowly raise the hips up. At the top point they lingered and counted to three. Slowly lower the hips.

Exercises on the simulator

In many halls there are simulators specially designed for training the press. It is very simple to use them: we sit down comfortably, hold the handles and bend in half, simultaneously lowering the torso and lifting the legs upwards. For best results, do not use large weights, but follow the movement slowly so that the press remains in tension all the time.

If there is no such simulator in the hall, it is possible to do body lifts lying down. We lie down on the floor, legs bent at a right angle and lie on a bench. Without lifting the waist from the floor, we try to reach the knees with our shoulders. Fold does not occur in the hip joint, but approximately in the middle of the body, where the ribs end.

Leg lifts

No matter how this exercise is performed, whether you are hanging or sitting, you need to remember three main points:

1) Carry out the movement slowly enough for the press to work, not inertia;
2) Knees half bent, this will relieve the load from the adductors of the thigh;
3) As in any exercise on the abs, at the point of maximum contraction of the press, exhalation and additional muscle tension are made.


Many women are mistaken in the belief that strength training increases the breasts (ie, mammary glands) by themselves. Unfortunately, this is not true, since the mammary glands consist mainly of adipose tissue. However, it is possible to develop the pectoral muscles lying under the breasts. This achieves a general increase in size, the clavicle does not protrude so much, the breasts receive support, they rise and become more expressive. Exercises that are used for this are very simple and effective.

Bench press on an inclined bench

The back of the bench is set at an angle of 30 degrees. They took a dumbbell in each hand and raised them to the level of the collarbone. Straining the pectoral muscles, straighten your arms up. Bending the arms in the elbows, slowly lower the weight to chest level. Straighten your arms again. This exercise can also be done with a barbell or on a simulator.

Simulator layout

This exercise improves your neckline visually, as it develops internal bundles of the pectoral muscles. We sit on the bench, grab the handles, bend your elbows, and bring our hands inwards to touch. The movement is performed by constant muscle contraction, and not by inertia. At the end point, lingered and slowly returned. Performance may vary depending on the type of simulator. The same exercise can be performed lying on a bench with dumbbells.

Cross flattening hands on the block

Another great exercise for the inside of the chest. We stand between two tall blocks, take the handles and bring our hands in from top to bottom, to the hips. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Bench press

This exercise develops almost all bundles of pectoral muscles, requires a good preliminary warming up. We lie down on the bench for bench press so that the neck is right above the eyes. The grip is wide, we remove the barbell from the racks and slowly lower it to the chest, touch the chest approximately in the middle of the chest. Slowly return the bar to its original position.


Unlike biceps, which work every time you pick up a child, or carry a string bag with potatoes, triceps in everyday life are resting almost all the time. As a result - loss of form, flabbiness and inexpressiveness. Fortunately, if you choose the right curriculum and apply diligence, your triceps will stop flapping in the strong wind like flags, they will become strong and distinct, and will give your hands a beautiful rounded shape.

Lowering hands on the block

This is a very effective and simple exercise that is good for beginners. We become close to the vertical block, grasp the handle with our hands (or with one hand, depending on the design of the simulator). Grip straight, palms turned outward. Hands in the starting position are in front of the chest, the cable of the simulator is stretched. Keeping elbows motionless, slowly, without jerks, we unbend hands. At the lowest point, they were delayed, then slowly returning to the starting position.
This exercise can be performed on a special simulator for the extension of the arms.

French bench press

We lay down on the bench, the bar in the arms straightened up, the grip is straight, narrow. Without moving your elbows, bend your arms until the neck touches the forehead. We return the weight to its original position. The movements are smooth, without jerks. This exercise is well complemented by a bench press with a narrow grip.

Push ups from the bench

This exercise works well all three heads of the triceps. Starting position: become between two benches, facing one, back to another. Lean hands on the back, and feet - on the front bench. Hands at shoulder width. We lower the case as low as possible. From the bottom point, squeeze yourself hands up to the starting position.

Bench press reverse grip

This exercise is similar to a regular bench press, but is performed with less weight. We lay down on the bench, the bar in the arms straightened up, the grip is reverse (palm to yourself) wider than the shoulders. We lower the barbell down, elbows move along the body, until the neck touches the lower edge of the chest. Squeeze the bar up, to its original position.

Arm Extensions

This exercise is used to give the triceps form, for "grinding". We sit down on a bench, a dumbbell in a straightened up arm, an elbow pressed to the ear. Bend the arm, drop the weight to the opposite shoulder. Then straighten the arm, return to the starting position. Instead of a dumbbell, you can use a block or even a small barbell with a “curved” neck (EZ-neck).

Possible training options

I give approximate versions of building lessons for the week for beginners and more experienced people. Please note that in a more complex version, each part of the body is trained twice a week. If you do not have enough time during the week, or if you have an excess of energy, you can do two sets to choose from in one workout. For your safety, always warm up and stretch for 5-10 minutes before training. To strengthen the heart and better burn excess fat, immediately after a workout 30 minutes exercise aerobics, if you can of course. Also note that the complexes are not designed for other parts of the body, pay attention to them yourself.


First day (monday)

- lifting legs, three sets 20 times (3 × 20)
-lifts of the pelvis lying, 3 × 20

Third day (Wednesday)

-zhim bar lying on an inclined bench, 3 × 12
-zhim rod lying, 3 × 12
-rush in the machine, 3 × 12
- hands on block 3 × 12
- pushes from bench 3 × 10-12
-triceps on spec. simulator (if any) 3 × 12-15

Fifth day (Friday)

Hips and buttocks
- breeding / dilution of legs on the simulator 3 × 12-15
dips with dumbbells or barbell 3 × 12-15
-zhim kicking or squat with a small weight of 3 × 12-15
exercise ladder

Average level

First day (monday)

-press on the simulator or lying on the floor 3 × 15-20
- lifting legs 3 × 15-20
-lifts of the pelvis lying, 3 × 15-20

Second day (Tuesday)

-zhim bar lying on an inclined bench, 3 × 8
-Drawing on a 3 × 8 block
-zhim bar lying, 3 × 8
-French bench press 3 × 8
-zhimny lying reverse grip 3 × 8
- arm extension above head 3 × 8

Third day (Wednesday)

Hips and buttocks
leg extension 3 × 12-15
- leg bending 3 × 12-15
-squats in the wall Hakkenshmidt 3 × 12-15
- ballet squat 3 × 12-15
- draft with direct legs (with a bar or the block) 3 × 12-15

Diet to complete the picture

It does not matter how much you load yourself in the gym. If the muscles are covered with fat, you will look just fat. Here diet and aerobic exercise come on the scene.

Proper nutrition is the easiest way to get rid of fat. Note - you need to eat properly, and not enough. Many women are simply undernourished. When they feel that the tummy or hips begin to go beyond the limits of what is permitted, they stop eating altogether, hoping to lose weight where needed. This is the worst idea of ​​all.
Do not be afraid to eat, it is unreasonable. The fastest way to lose weight and stay healthy is to eat in small portions 4-6 times a day. Products must have high energy efficiency, bread and whole-wheat flour pasta, fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. These foods cause the body to speed up metabolism, burning calories, and protect your body from depletion. In exhausted condition, your body extracts energy not from fat reserves, as many people think, but from the decomposition of muscle tissue.

The daily rate of calories depends on the mass of factors: weight, height, type of addition and fat reserves. The average number for women is 2000 calories per day, more with high activity, less if you burn fat. If you don’t know how many calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats you eat, consult your nutrition guides. Stick to proper dietand you will have enough energy and enthusiasm to fight your problems.

The second component is a good aerobic program. Work at a pace that loads your body, but allows you to talk. 4-5 half-hour workouts a week is enough.

Why is aerobics important for women? First, aerobic work helps the body burn fat as fuel. Since women have a higher percentage of fat, there is also more fuel for work. Secondly, aerobics regulates metabolism. Aerobic work accelerates sluggish metabolism and increases the number of calories you can burn. And finally, aerobics speeds up blood circulation, it clears muscles, strengthens the heart and increases endurance.

How to perform an aerobic program? Do aerobics after strength trainingwhen the heart is working harder. Accordingly, fat burning will begin earlier. If you need to put your workout in an hour and a half, buy a bicycle ergometer and pedal at home. Or go to the gym later, if you have enough strength.

Special circumstances

Lack of protein

Most women prefer to eat snacks, chocolates, ice cream, etc., and not something protein. And in the end there is a suicidal lack of protein. As a result, the body begins to process muscle proteins to replenish its other internal needs, and the muscles are transformed from strong and rounded to flabby and shapeless.

How much protein do we need? The average non-athlete with average muscles needs 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight per day. The higher the proportion of muscle mass in total body weight, the longer the protein is needed to keep the muscles in order. I take one and a half grams per kilogram even when I do not train. It is very important to have additional special food in the form of protein cocktails.

Bo-oh big mistake

Many sometimes hesitate to ask for advice in the gym. Because of this, performing movements incorrectly, they do not achieve the expected result. You need to ask, no matter how much you do. Knowledge is the fastest way to achieve success.

Flat ass / Thick hips

Women often ask how to round the ass, not pumping too thick hips. Beginners, I advise you to do lunges, four approaches deep attacks with light weight. This will round the bottom and emphasize the shape of the hips, without much of a size increase.
More experienced ones can try my favorite precompetitive exercise, at least twice a week, I do about an hour on the “ladder” simulator. To properly work the buttocks, thighs, and legs, I take long “steps”. This exercise gives my legs relief, which cannot be achieved by doing strength exercises. In addition, this exercise rounds the bottom, improves heart tone and burns fat.

Look for time instead of making excuses

Women all the time give a lot of excuses like “I work”, “I have a child”, “I have classes at school, college, etc.”. The only thing I can say to this is: “We are given only one body for the rest of our lives until the end.” No time - stop sitting by the TV or chat with your buddies. Need to focus on work or school? Twenty minutes on the “ladder” - and you have a completely clear head. Want to spend more time with the kids? Try classes that will lengthen and improve your life, and your children will thank you for it. And if you are sitting with a very small child, then it is generally best time  in order to take care of yourself.

Enthusiasm and stimulation

I have big posters on my wall with Jane Fonda and Rachel McLeish. When I want to understand how reluctant I am to do, I look at the photos and think “NDA, but still it’s nice to have such legs”. And I go and get to the gym, and do everything to achieve this.
If you are one of those who consider the day successful or unsuccessful, depending on the numbers on the scale of scales, hide the scales, otherwise you will go crazy. Muscle weighs more than fat. even if you are working on fat reduction, weight will increase at first. Therefore, do not dwell on the indications of the scales, feel better how clothes are sitting on you and how you look in the mirror. Believe me and stick to the program, the result will not linger.

"Heads" muscles

“Make your deltas open up, like parachutes, attack them from all sides” (Erica Kern, Flex, 1998)

Girl bodybuilderFor 12 years of work on the delta, I have tried almost everything: small loads, heavy loads, free weights, simulators, machines, supersets, trisets, combined sets - just do not count. I consciously and consistently experimented, because this is the only way to know what is best for you, what works and what doesn't. I have several degrees in exercise physiology and nutrition, so I don’t need a mentor who shoved pills with the words “Awesome Diet Pills”. And I have never resorted to help personal trainers. Everything that I know, I learned myself.
Muscles tend to grow in response to ever-changing stimulation. And all my improvisations are moving along several main guides. The deltoid is divided into three heads - front, middle and back, so I try to work them out separately during the training of the delta. Usually the delta workout includes one press movement. The press allows me to “get” more than one head at once in one exercise, and gives me the opportunity to work with a large weight, this is important for increasing the size of deltas.

The following complex gives an idea of ​​my delta training in general. What is important - the exercises are performed only with dumbbells, it allows you to perform them at home. As an experienced bodybuilder, I train deltas once a week, with no more than one more muscle group. If you are a beginner bodybuilder, then you can train the delta twice a week, but with a small load.
Before every delta workout I have a five-minute warm-up to warm up. Taking very light dumbbells, I do various exercises on the delta, strictly controlling the technique of execution. I want to be sure that my bundles were fully prepared for the subsequent load.

Dumbbell bench press sitting

I often start training with a bench press, this exercise is working through most of the shoulder, in particular the front and side heads of the delta. For this exercise, I prefer dumbbells, because the neck makes this exercise very uncomfortable. Dumbbells, on the contrary, allow me to regulate the nature and amplitude of movement, it is more comfortable and gives better results.

If I work with a lot of weight, I sit on a bench with a high vertical back, for support. If with a little - on an ordinary bench, trying not to load your back and perform the movement slowly and with maximum precision. I start by holding dumbbells at shoulder height, palms looking forward. The back is straight, the feet stand so as to maintain balance. When I get ready, I inhale, hold my breath and start simultaneously pressing the dumbbells up, trying to keep them in a straight line. For many, the trajectory is more like an arc, but in this case, part of the load falls on the trapezium. When the dumbbells have passed the most difficult part of the way, the last quarter, I exhale. At the top, I concentrate on straining the deltoids, after which I slowly lower the dumbbells to their original position. I stop the dumbbells a little before reaching the end point and do not put them on the shoulders, this is necessary so that the muscle constantly, without interruption, is in tension.

Most bodybuilders change the intensity of the load due to the weight, the number of approaches and repetitions, but I change the load due to the pace of the exercise. Thus, doing the exercise more slowly, I make it more difficult, and the load on the muscles more intense.

Alternate lifting arms with dumbbells in front of you

Regarding the rest, the front deltas have always been the weakest part of my complexes. Raising hands in front of you is probably best exercise  for their isolation. To get started, I take a pair of light dumbbells in my hands. The body is straight, legs slightly bent at the knees to maintain balance. Before lifting the dumbbell, I slightly strain the deltoid, which I am going to use. This means that the muscle during movement will move the weight, and not vice versa.

From this point I lift the weight forward-up, in front of me, my arm is straight, with a slight bend in the elbow. At the moment when the arm becomes parallel to the floor (this is the end point), I feel an intense contraction in the front head of the delta. After that, I give the muscle (and not gravity!) Slowly lower the weight to its original position. The movement is repeated with the other hand, and so, alternately, I perform 10-15 repetitions per side.
Note that I use light dumbbells for this exercise. The biomechanics of this movement is such that it is simply impossible to use large weights without losing control. And besides, it is not necessary. If you do the exercise accurately and correctly, a pair of 4-pound dumbbells will completely empty working muscles.

Side wiring

This exercise shifts the stress on the side deltas. Just as in the previous exercise, I stand and hold dumbbells in my lowered hands, but this time I lift them simultaneously and through the sides. The elbows are also slightly bent, the arm in the initial position is held so that the muscle is already strained before the start of the movement. Movement occurs only in the shoulder joint.

Lifting the dumbbells, I bring them slightly (but not very far) in front of me. And if you take a smaller weight, you can lift the dumbbells and strictly through the sides, in the plane of the body. When the arms become parallel to the floor, the movement ends. The negative part is performed slowly and without losing control, I resist the force of inertia, which will throw the dumbbells down and help me start the next repetition.

When performing this exercise, it is helpful to look at yourself in the mirror to control movement. If it is not possible to do an exercise cleanly, without moving your upper body, you need to take a lighter weight.

Tilt layout

If my front heads are my weak part, then the rear ones are my pride. Probably due to the fact that they are located next to my back, which I have always been proud of, the rear heads always responded well to everything that I did with them. Therefore, I always put them in the final part of the Delta workout.

Layout in the slope is similar to the usual layout, the only difference is that the knees are bent more and the body is not straight, but tilted forward. Keeping my back straight and my elbows slightly bent, I lift a pair of dumbbells at the same time, just like in the previous exercise. But due to a change in the position of the body, the load is shifted from the side to the rear heads of the deltas. I concentrate my attention on them, raise my arms with the dumbbells up until they become parallel to the floor, then slowly lower it back.

If you feel uncomfortable with this exercise, try to breastfeed on an inclined bench as a support. Another trick: ask someone to hold your fingers on your back delta heads while you are lifting dumbbells. So you will know exactly where the tension occurs during this exercise.
Remember, what you do is very important, but how you do it is the real key to success. Having learned to focus on working muscle fibers, and not on how much weight you work with, you will pave your way with a stunning body.

Complex exercises erica core for the deltoid muscle

Dumbbell bench press sitting 4 sets of 8-12 reps
Alternate lifting arms in front of 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions
Wiring 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions
Tilt layout 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions


We found out that you don't have to worry. Create your own ideal and strive for it. The goal of bodybuilding is not to look like someone, but to show the best of what you are capable of. You yourself can choose how strong you want to become, and this is the beauty of bodybuilding. Of course, bodybuilding will not solve all your problems, but it will strengthen your health and help you feel better. Muscles are movement, this is our life.

This article will focus on the importance of physical activity, with which you can speed up the process of losing weight several times. Just eating vegetables and fruits, as well as a cup of kefir for dinner is not enough to lose weight. It is necessary to monitor muscle tone and take care of your skin.

In this article I will talk about sports. Only thanks to the sport all your muscles will be in excellent condition, and your skin will become elastic and elastic. As in nutrition, in sport there are also certain rules. In this article I will give a few very useful recommendations  and tips to help you lose weight quickly and with health benefits, without painful heavy load on the body.

It is not necessary to overload yourself with physical exertion, because your main goal is to gain a more slender and fit figure, and not to become a bodybuilding world champion. You should evenly distribute your workouts. Namely, daily lessons of 30–40 minutes  will have a more beneficial effect on your body than the exhausting hours in the gym 2-4 times a week.

To avoid severe pain  in the stomach and sides, you need to start the exercises 1.5-2 hours after the last meal. And also, for a full hour, after the end of the workout, it is better to refuse to eat. During classes you can drink plain non-carbonated water, but drinking Coca-Cola or juice is strictly prohibited.

We now turn to the workouts themselves. Today, there are many sports that you can do. Choose and practice the sport you prefer the most. You can practice at home, and you can work out in the gym and play those sports games that you like the most. This may be basketball, volleyball and tennis, and more.

Let's deal with home workouts. Everyone understands that doing their own home sports, he loses weight and at the same time, does not allow his wallet to lose weight. What are the effective and useful exercises for your figure you can do at home? A hoop lesson is the best and shortest way to a beautiful slender waist. Jumping over the rope, push-ups from the floor, abdominal exercises, swinging your legs and arms through the air - all this will lead your body to a complete order and without extra money.

But in order to work out in the fitness club, you have to spend a little bit of money. But then, wise and experienced instructors will show you how and what to do in order for you to get the figure you want.

One of the most popular sports is. Running not only contributes to rapid weight loss, but is also used for recreational purposes. If you do daily jogging, you will very quickly improve your body shape. Thanks to the run, all your muscles will significantly strengthen, and the skin will become more elastic and taut.

One of the great ways to not only significantly reduce your weight, but also to relax - is swimming. Take a look at the trimmed figures of swimmers and you will understand everything yourself! , aerobics, shaping and even yoga itself will help you create the shape of your dreams, as well as enhance your health.

Sport games  - also very helpful. But there is a big risk of sprains, fractures, dislocations or concussions. But if difficulties do not frighten you at all, then feel free to take up the sports games that are closest to you (football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc.). In addition to sports, you can do martial arts: karate, boxing and much more.

Remember that calories are consumed not only during sports, but also when kissing, as well as ... at home cleaning. In this case, you will be useful to the world around you.

It does not matter what your physical activity will be, the most important thing is that it always will be. No beer in the evening at the TV, dinners at the computer, passive recreation on the beach. Only active pastime, active rest, active life.

You will succeed!

The principle of losing weight is simple - spend more energy than you get. For these purposes, you can simply stop eating, and you will definitely get less than you spend. But will it be great? Another option: start spending more. For this, of course, we need at least minimal constancy of character. We mean exercise for weight loss. Having included sport in your weight loss program, you will definitely start spending more than before, which means you will not have to declare a hunger strike at all: it is quite enough just to “remove” products that spoil the figure.

The benefits of exercise for weight loss

First, exercise is effective for losing weight, at least, because after morning exercise, your whole day will pass under the auspices of health. It will spread to food (you will be offended to spoil your later achieved results with a useless bun), and to your communication with people, work, personal relationships. After the first workout you will feel cleansing.

Secondly, sport disciplines, and this means that you will manifest, hidden earlier: punctuality, diligence, constancy. Force yourself to study, even when laziness drags you back to bed with all your strength.

What is needed?

To perform a set of physical exercises for weight loss, you will need a free half hour a day. But it is important that you have to do every day, otherwise you will quickly get rid of your hands.

In addition, you need a comfortable sportswear, and if you are going to aggravate the process of losing weight, you can wear pants with a thermal effect. We also need dumbbells (for starting with 0.5 - 1 kg), an exercise mat on the floor, free space (preferably in front of a mirror) and, of course, a program of physical exercises for weight loss. On the latter and talk further.

Set of exercises

Slimming exercises alone will not be enough. But it all depends on your goals. Want to tighten the stomach - do exercises for the press, want to lose weight - start with any other cardio loads.

In any case, you need to start with warming up and warming up the muscles, and then begin to exercise for fast weight loss  belly.

  1. Lie on your back, legs straight, arms outstretched up. Raise the leg by 90⁰ and arms to the leg, at the same time tearing off the head and shoulder blades from the floor. We carry out the exercise at the expense of 8: we count to 8 - we rise, we count to 8 - we descend. In this case, the waist is pressed to the floor, the second leg is stretched out like a string. Perform 5 times on both legs.
  2. Repeat the same with only lifting both legs. On the count of 8 - we raise both legs by 90⁰ and arms, on the count of 8 - we lower our arms and legs. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Now for those who have problems with the loin. Leave your hands in place, bend your legs and hold on toes, press your lower back to the floor. Also, on the count of 8 we lift the bent legs and with our fingers we reach for the socks. In the final position, the knee touches the nose. On the count of 8 - we go down in the PI. Repeat 5 times.
  4. We stretch our backs: we lie on the floor, stretch our arms upward, pull our socks on our fingers. Now we pull our fingers, as in ballet, pull up our backs upwards, tear off the ribs from the floor.
  5. Now we perform all 3 exercises on the score 4: on the count 4 we raise the legs and arms, on the count 4 we descend.
  6. We carry out stretching on the back (Ex. 4).
  7. In addition to proper balanced nutrition
  8. We repeat all the exercises on the score 1. When lifting, exhale, lower - inhale.
  At home or in the hall?

You yourself are well aware that at home it is quite possible to lose weight by exercising daily. But here laziness and lack of control come on the scene. A person begins to feel sorry for himself, to make concessions: “I went to bed late yesterday,” “I have no strength, I was exhausted in a week,” etc. Coach will not feel sorry for you. Therefore, if you, knowing yourself, feel that home is unlikely to succeed, go to the gym. After a month or two, when you become a completely different person, training at home will be for you an easy weekend workout.