Severe pain during movement of the fetus. Active movement at night. What feels pregnant

Periodic or protracted abdominal pains during pregnancy disturb almost every woman. They are the most frequent reason for visiting female consultation, because in some cases, they can be a dangerous symptom and require immediate treatment. So, below we consider why the stomach hurts during pregnancy.

Possible causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy

Hormonal restructuring of the body

Stomach ache early terms  pregnancy is usually the result of hormonal changes that occur in the body. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, blood circulation increases in the genitals, the blood vessels of the uterus expand, which causes discomfort in the abdomen. Such pain is not accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina, not strong, occurs periodically and quickly passes.

Uterus tonus

Uterus tone - involuntary contractions of the muscles of the uterus, characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy, which can be pulling, giving back or resemble pain during menstruation. Normally, the uterus is relaxed and calm. Therefore, when such unpleasant sensations appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The tone of the uterus in the first trimester may be a symptom of a spontaneous abortion that has begun. This condition can also be observed in late pregnancy, which can cause preterm birth. The tone of the uterus is not as dangerous as it seems at first glance. The most important thing is to detect it in time and start treatment.

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy - attachment and development of a fertilized egg outside the uterus (usually in the fallopian tube). In the early stages of pathology is difficult to identify on their own. With the growth of the embryo, sharp cramping abdominal pains begin to appear, more often on the one hand, accompanied by bloody secretions and severe weakness. If you do not take action in time, the embryo ruptures the fallopian tube, resulting in severe cramping pain, heavy bleeding, dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness. An ectopic pregnancy is an extremely life-threatening condition that requires immediate hospitalization for surgery.

Threatened miscarriage

The threat of termination of pregnancy can occur at any time: up to 22 weeks - this is considered a miscarriage, from 22 to 37 weeks - premature birth. With the threat of miscarriage observed aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The onset of spontaneous abortion is characterized by the appearance of dog-like pain and bloody discharge. Premature birth at the initial stage is characterized by the appearance of aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. With the onset of preterm labor, severe cramping pain appears, often combined with the discharge of water and the appearance of bloody discharge.

At the first sign of threatened abortion, a woman needs emergency hospitalization. Pregnancy can be saved with a threatening miscarriage and the initial stage of preterm labor.

The tension of the muscles and ligaments of the uterus

In the second trimester, there is an intensive growth of the uterus, which leads to the tension of its muscles and ligaments. In this case, there are short-term pulling, stitching pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy on the left or on the right, which are aggravated by physical exertion, coughing, sudden movements, weight lifting, and pass at rest.

Divergence of the symphysis joint

The divergence of the pubic joint occurs due to physiological changes to facilitate childbirth. In the placenta and ovaries, the substance relaxin is produced, which has a relaxing effect, which, together with the female sex hormones, acts on the articular ligaments and cartilage of the pelvis, as a result of which they loosen and swell, and fluid cracks appear in them, which allows for an increase in pelvic capacity. Usually, with these changes, there is not a strong, pressing pain, which in some situations may hinder movement, and after a good rest, it diminishes or disappears altogether.

Fetal movements

If the stomach hurts during pregnancy during fetal movements, this is normal. Especially pain during perturbations is expressed when the fetus is in pelvic presentation. With a jerk, sharp painful sensations appear, sometimes with the urge to urinate.

Training bouts

Training bouts usually begin after 30 weeks. Thus, the uterus prepares for the birth of a child. It is very important to learn how to distinguish training fights from the true ones that begin during childbirth. Training fights are not regular, do not increase, not long, unlike the true ones.

Premature placental abruption

Sometimes placental abruption from the walls of the uterus occurs prematurely. There are partial and complete detachment. In the first case, there is a weak pulling pain in the lower abdomen, minor bleeding from the genital tract, the tone of the uterus. In the second case, there is heavy bleeding and severe cramping pain. Partial detachment of the placenta can be stopped if timely seek medical help. With complete detachment, an urgent delivery is carried out, otherwise severe bleeding threatens the life of a woman.


An enlarged uterus sometimes leads to dislocation of the appendix and impaired blood circulation in it. In this case, colicky abdominal pains during pregnancy appear, localized in the right iliac region, nausea, vomiting, fever. A woman needs urgent surgical care. The development of appendicitis in no way is an indication for abortion.

Diseases of the urinary system

Often, pregnant women develop cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). When brushing, a sudden stabbing pain often occurs in the lower abdomen, the body temperature rises, and frequent painful urination is observed. Antibiotics prescribed by a urologist are usually used to treat a disease. With pyelonephritis, swelling of the body and face is added to the painful sensations. The disease is also treated with antibiotics and in the hospital.

Intestinal dysfunction

Violation of the intestine is manifested by bloating, constipation, diarrhea, which causes abdominal pain during pregnancy. Not proper nutrition, enlarged uterus, low physical activity - all this is the cause of the violation of the digestive system. Normalizing the situation will help to normalize the situation (excluding spicy, fried foods, products that cause bloating: cabbage, tomato juice, grapes; include fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, dairy products; drink enough liquids; eat 5 times a day) and regular physical exercise  (swimming, gymnastics for pregnant women, walks in the fresh air).

Food poisoning and rotavirus infection

Food poisoning or rotavirus infection often occur during pregnancy. Their symptoms are similar: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In this case, you should consult a doctor, in any case you can not self-medicate. Long-term symptoms can cause a dangerous condition - dehydration, which is extremely dangerous for future mom  and its fruit.

So, stomach pain during pregnancy due to various reasons, sometimes very dangerous. Therefore, with the appearance of any painful sensations in the abdomen, one should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will help determine the cause of the pain and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

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Many women say that the movement of the baby can not be confused with anything. However, many women cannot precisely name the date of the first movements, because they could not distinguish them, for example, from intestinal motility. After all, excess gas formation is also a faithful companion of many pregnant women.

However, in the exchange card of a pregnant woman, as a rule, there is a graph where the date of the first perturbations is entered. There is even a formula to determine the date of birth by the date of the first stirring, but they do not always give the correct result.

When does the first movement of the fetus begin?

The period at which a woman begins to feel fetal movement is different and depends on many factors:

  • the first is pregnancy or not;
  • features of the position of the fetus and attachment of the placenta;
  • the build of the most pregnant woman (slender girls, as a rule, begin to feel movement before);
  • individual sensitivity;
  • mom's physical activity and her emotional attitude (if a mother is actively moving all day, she may simply not notice light shocks, and even in this case, the baby sleeps most of the time).

As a rule, primiparous begin to feel perturbations on the 20th week, and multiparous ones start to feel a little earlier, on the 18th. However, this is not a rigid framework. Some pregnant women claim that they felt the movements of the baby as early as the 15th week.

Also, do not worry if you do not feel the stirring until the 22-23rd week. Try to call the baby on contact: put off all the cases and just lie quietly, stroking the tummy. Before that, you can eat something sweet. If during my mom's walk the baby was swaying and falling asleep, now he has to wake up and greet his mom with a jolt. Sometimes kids also start to get active when they hear a certain music or sounds.

Did you know the effect of the bath procedure on the body of a pregnant woman? Read!

A future mother should carefully monitor her health, but at the same time, not give up the usual female joys. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand and know what is possible and what is not during pregnancy.

Why is the baby moving during pregnancy?

A woman feels the first movement of the fetus as a result of the fact that he, making floating movements in the thickness of the amniotic fluid, begins to move her limbs.

Later, when the fetus grows up and takes a certain position, the movements will become more noticeable. They can be pushes legs or handles in the mother's tummy from the inside.

How to determine the movement of the child during pregnancy?

Fetal movements are an important sign of proper growth and development. Until the 30th week, tremors just give joy to mom, but after going on maternity leave, you need to follow them. For this and there are various methods for determining the activity of the fetus.

  1. It is necessary to calculate the number of movements per day. To do this, you can make a special diary in which to mark the time of the beginning of perturbations. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then fetal activity is about 10 times in 12 hours. If the baby is not very active or does not move at all, it is an occasion to consult a doctor immediately.
  2. You can do the opposite: measure the time interval for which the fetus will make 10 perturbations. Normally, it should not exceed 12 hours.

Dynamics of fetal activity at different periods

Studies show that the highest activity of the fetus occurs in the period from the 28th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. At this time, the crumb is still quite small and can move freely in the uterus.

Later, fetal activity decreases, as it increases in size, and the uterus already increases only slightly.

By following when the baby is asleep, and when it is pushed, you can determine its mode. If the baby is too active and his movements are strong (as they say, “the belly goes shaking”), then this is also not very good. Since, while actively moving, he can twist the umbilical cord. The obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you how to calm the raging baby.

Fetal movement during pregnancy twins

As a rule, if a woman waits for twins, then the sensations from the movement of her crumbs appear earlier - on the 15-16th week. And the nature of the movements themselves is stronger.

Fetal movements during the second pregnancy

A pregnant woman for the second time usually begins to feel movement before. This is primarily due to the fact that she knows what to expect, since she has already gone through it.

Feelings during fetal movement during pregnancy

Every woman feels fetal movements in different ways. One compares the first pushes with stroking from the inside, the other - with tickling, and the third began to immediately feel the full pushes. The nature of sensations depends on the individual characteristics of the future mother.

In later periods, when the baby has already taken a certain position, it is possible to judge from the movements of the fetus by the movements. If tremors are most often felt in the upper abdomen, under the ribs, then this is a sign of headache presentation. Pushes down the abdomen may indicate a pelvic presentation.

Normal fetal movement should not bring mommy pain. If the kid hurts you - this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Let's sum up:

  1. The first movement of the fetus is a joyful event in the life of a pregnant woman. The timing of its occurrence from 15 to 23 weeks.
  2. The period of the first movements depends on the build of the pregnant woman, her lifestyle, whether this pregnancy is the first or multiple pregnancy.
  3. Starting from the 30th week you need to monitor the activity of the fetus and keep a diary.
  Fetal movements during pregnancy
  • 5 Date of birth at the first movement of the fetus

When to start listening to your feelings?

For your information, the fetus inside the uterus begins to move and move - to swim in the amniotic fluid - another 8-9 weeks of pregnancy. “Then why does the future mother not feel his movements at all?” - you will be surprised. The answer is very simple. The embryo on this term is too small to be noticed.

But on the screen of the ultrasound machine (ultrasound) it is quite realistic to observe how the baby moves, and how it touches the uterus wall with a pen or leg.

To feel the first movements of your child under your heart is the privilege of the expectant mother only. But very soon, and dad can feel how the baby is pushed from the inside

The twentieth week of pregnancy is considered the golden mean for detecting the first movements of the fetus. But already on the 16th it is quite possible to feel both the movements of the baby and its touch. And some women notice the first movements only on the 24th week. This is also considered normal.

On the 20th week, the baby makes about 200 movements per day, and at 28-32 weeks the number of his movements reaches its maximum value - 600 per 24 hours.

So, at what period of pregnancy you can feel the first movement of the fetus depends on many factors. Among them:

  • The weight and position of the fetus in the uterus. The greater the body weight of the baby, the more palpable its movement.
  • Sensitivity of the nerve endings of the mother. The so-called "threshold of sensitivity." Every woman has his own. Some pregnant women even claim that it was at 8-9 weeks that they began to feel some tickling, light feeling of movement in the uterus. This is quite realistic, although most expectant mothers do not differ in such supersensitivity.
  • The thickness of the subcutaneous fat of a pregnant woman. Slender women can feel the first movements of their babies slightly earlier than those who are inclined to be overweight.
  • The activity of the intestines of the future mother, because of which it is often quite difficult to notice how the baby moves.

And it is also believed that during the first pregnancy, the woman starts to feel the fetal movement two and even three weeks later than the expectant mother, who is pregnant with the second or third child.

During gestation of the first pregnancy of the fetal movement, a woman feels 2-3 weeks later than when she is going to become a mother again.

During the first and subsequent pregnancies

Women who are preparing to become mothers for the second time (or the third, or the fifth) may first feel the first movements of the fetus somewhat earlier. But this is by no means because the baby in their bosom begins to move earlier, or gains weight faster, or develops more intensively.

Regardless of how many times you have given birth before, the time limits for the onset of fetal movement are unchanged. This is the 16-24th week of pregnancy (depending on the physiological characteristics of your body and the development of the fetus).

But experienced momsOf course, they are already well aware of what they should expect, and what the sensations are at the first movements of the fetus in their womb. Therefore, they do not confuse light strokes or subtle impulses with intestinal motility, but they know for sure that it is their baby who sends greetings to them.

The future mother feels the movements of the baby for the first time, when he has already developed and fully developed. The very same baby inside the uterus begins to move much earlier.

Why does the baby move in mom's tummy?

Already at 7-8 week of pregnancy nervous system  the embryo is mature enough to be able to conduct nerve impulses to the muscles. And the fetus in the uterus begins to move the limbs. These movements are still chaotic, and the movements are weak, so that they can be felt. But they have a place.

At 14-15 weeks, the fetus is gaining weight, are made out and become familiar to us the appearance of its arms and legs, their movements become active and intense. But even now it is rather difficult for the future mother to notice these movements.

But, starting from the 16-18th week, the little one is already growing up and gaining strength enough for the pregnant woman to feel her movement clearly. You do not have to worry if your toddler is late, not in a hurry to declare itself. So, he has not yet gained the desired body weight, so that his tremors become palpable for you.

Why does the baby move in the womb? Yes, because there he develops, swimming and moving in the only space available to him during this period. Why does his mother begin to feel his movement at a certain moment? Yes, because the fetus grows, its movements become more and more intensive, and the toddler has less and less space for movement, due to the increase in its height and weight.

The prenatal life of a baby consists of periods of sleep and wakefulness, when he can study his own, albeit very small, world and himself in it.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, women can feel the tremors of the child in different parts of the abdomen. This will occur as long as the crumbs have enough space to swim in the amniotic fluid that fills the uterine cavity, push off from the walls, roll over and rotate in all directions.

And only shortly before his birth - after the 34th week - does the child take headache previa, thus preparing for passage through the birth canal.

But what is there, under the heart of the mother, you can do baby during his "free swimming"? It turns out that there are plenty of cases for unborn babies.

They drink the amniotic fluid, and then hiccup. Turn the head. Play with the umbilical cord, going through her hands. Spit legs, sleep, blink, suck fingers. And today, thanks to the achievements of science and technology, all this can be seen firsthand - during a planned fetal ultrasound.

You just admire how rich and meaningful life can be intrauterine!

Video "What do babies do inside moms?"

How to recognize the movement?

Each future mother, in the scheduled time, begins to listen more attentively to her feelings. In order not to miss the long-awaited moment when the little man living inside her moves. He will sign that everything is good for him, and everything goes according to the eternal script written by mother nature.

What should feel pregnant? And how to distinguish the first movement of the child from, say, intestinal peristalsis? These questions are uniquely very difficult to answer. After all, each woman, due to her individual physiological differences, due to the nature of the course of pregnancy, can feel the first movements of the fetus in different ways.

Some pregnant women compare sensations at the first movement of the fetus with the touch of butterfly wings. Poetic, romantic, and loving

What does a pregnant woman feel?

You may feel that the crumb as if gently stroking you from the inside. Or feel a slight jolt: like a fish beating in the walls of an aquarium, or a butterfly trying to be on the other side of the glass. So poetic, some future mothers describe their feelings.

And women less romantic compare the first movements of the fetus with stroking, tapping, gurgling or tickling. Some pregnant women may even have mild pain associated with the motor activity of their tots.

It will take quite a bit of time from the moment when you first felt the movements of the little one inside you, as it will not be difficult for you to determine by the nature and intensity of the movements, the tot is awake or awake, happy or, on the contrary, protests against some of your actions.

Although this sounds quite surprising, fetal fetal movements can tell a lot about his condition and state of health.

Do you know that babies, even those who have not yet been born, love to listen to classical music? And they express their preferences by increasing their motor activity or, on the contrary, freeze during listening.

Language movements baby: learn to understand your child

  • The little tops are moving most actively, for some reason, just when my mother is completely calm, or lay down to rest. And when mom is in motion, babies usually sleep peacefully to themselves. This habit with them remains after birth.
  • On loud sounds  Different tots react in their own way. Some calm down and listen, others, on the contrary, begin an active movement in their intrauterine world.
  • Once mom takes an uncomfortable position (lie down on his back, or cross his legs), the pussy immediately starts to push it from the inside.
  • When mom gets tired, kids also do not like. And they actively notify about this through their movements and somersaults.

You should closely monitor the activity of your child, his movements during the day. The reason for concern can be both too intense and frequent tremors of the fetus, and their absence for a long time.

CTG (cardiotocography) - the study of the heart rate of the fetus. This is one of the methods for determining hypoxia in a child.

Symptoms and methods for determining hypoxia in the crumbs

Starting from the 28th week, a pregnant woman should keep a journal of fetal movements. Noting in it the moments of activity of your baby. There is nothing difficult in keeping a diary. The main thing is to understand the principle. And it is defined by three words: count to ten .

Every day, from 9-00 to 21-00 hours, you count the movements of the baby, and every tenth record in the diary indicating the exact time. It is considered normal when in 12 hours you make 10 such records. The gaps between them may vary. This is allowed because the child is awake and asleep on its own schedule.

If the motor activity of the baby is lower or higher than the norm by 1.5 times or more, then it is better to consult a doctor in order to diagnose fetal hypoxia in time and take appropriate measures.

Hypoxia oxygen starvation  fetus. It is fraught with delay intrauterine development  child (IUGR) and other complications. That is why it is so important to detect hypoxia in time and to prevent or treat the causes causing it.

Doctors to diagnose this condition use ultrasound and CTG (cardiotocography) - a method of studying the heart rate of the fetus, which normally should be 110-170 beats per minute.

Ultrasound provides an opportunity not only to control the development of the child on different terms  of pregnancy. With its help, future parents with maximum accuracy can find out the expected date of birth and the sex of their future baby

Date of birth at the first movement of the fetus

Some future mothers are trying to determine the date of the upcoming delivery, based on when they felt the first movement of the fetus. Say, the baby begins to show physical activity exactly when half of the pregnancy has already passed.

Indeed, people say that if you add 20 weeks to the date of the first stir of a child, you will receive an estimated date of birth. And this, no doubt, has its own meaning. But! Let us return to what was mentioned above.

Because of their individual characteristics, each woman can feel the first movements of her baby sooner or later. And this difference can be one, two and even three weeks.

To determine the date of delivery for the first movement of the fetus for sure - it is almost impossible. In connection with the individual characteristics of each woman and the different course of each individual pregnancy

Of course, until more accurate diagnostic methods were invented, why shouldn't our pregnant grandmothers use this? But today you will be fairly accurately told during the next scheduled ultrasound when to prepare for the hospital. And when to wait for the birth of your long-awaited and already such a favorite baby.

All your time. Do not rush time. Enjoy every minute you spend with your child. After all, in fact, pushing you with your palms and heels from the inside, he is already communicating with you. So do not leave these first attempts to establish contact without attention. And you will find a common language with a baby much faster when it is born ...

Fetal movement during pregnancy

The first movement of the fetus during pregnancy; one of the most awaited moments of a young mommy. The flowering of new life in the womb begins to be felt in the second trimester. It is very important to fix the first intrauterine push. He will tell his mother and gynecologist about the exact date of the birth of the baby. If the girl is the first pregnancy, it is worth waiting for the baby 20 weeks after the first sensations of stirring.

The fetus begins to move at 8-9 weeks. But these movements are not felt in any way by the future mother, due to the fact that the embryo is too small. To see how the future baby accidentally touches the walls of the uterus, will only ultrasound. Active movement of the fetus during pregnancy begins at 16-24 weeks.

Firmer future moms feel light shocks much earlier than fuller women. Moreover, early stirring in many people is caused by a high threshold of sensitivity. So do not worry if your toddler is late. This means that he simply did not gain the desired body weight. With increasing size, every movement of the baby feels better.

How to recognize the movement?

There is no general description of the movement of the fetus. Both doctors and moms determine these feelings differently. Someone describes it poetically, comparing the movement with the clapping of butterfly wings. Someone says sensations are like stroking or tickling from the inside. Other pushes resemble gurgling. Each woman has different ways. But it happens that this "gurgling" brings unbearable pain because of the strong activity of the fetus.

Why do some women move the fruit with more force, while others less? Many explain this by the fact that the character of a future baby is already formed during pregnancy. Mom already feels the moving peasant at such early stages of his life. But for the most part, a very active stirring informs a woman about some intrauterine problems, so it is very important for a pregnant woman to control these feelings.

Too sharp and long pushes "say" that the baby does not like something. If during the change of posture the child's behavior does not change, and the movement of the fetus for several hours brings pain - consult a doctor.

To calm the frisky behavior of the fetus, it is necessary to change the position. With such attacks, the baby reacts to the uncomfortable position of the mother, especially with regard to the prone position. For example, it is contraindicated to lie on a back for pregnant women! It is necessary to roll over, and the pussy calms down. If the movements are too rare and sluggish, it is recommended to eat something sweet. Carbohydrates with blood flow quickly reach the child and recharge it with new forces.

The amount of stirring at different periods of pregnancy

From about 25 weeks, the fetus, according to the norms, must move at least 10 times per hour. Your baby, like you, takes some poses and changes positions. Hence the feeling of "gurgling." If you start to feel rhythmic pushes, do not worry, the baby has a hiccup. This process will not cause any harm to the child, you will soon get used to it. During this period, hiccups can be repeated several times a day.

Be sure to keep a pregnancy calendar. In the future, you will be able to contact him to understand why your child is moving. Record every little thing from 21 weeks. Recognition of your voice, voices of other family members, reaction to loud sounds, to a pleasant melody - your tot already feels these sounds together with you. Sometimes the movements can disappear altogether. This means that the fetus is asleep. Such phenomena usually do not last more than three hours. It is also not uncommon for your future child to make itself known at night. Emerging life itself decides what time to stay awake and what to rest.

A baby can perform up to 500 different gestures per day. This is mainly observed from 28 to 32 week. You will not feel all the movements. Many factors influence their perceptibility: the amount of amniotic fluid, the thickness of the abdominal wall, the position of the fetus and placenta, as well as the mobility of the baby and the sensitivity of the pregnant woman herself.

From week 32, activity begins to decline, but from this moment on the movement of the fetus its position in the uterus is already determined. Just the size of the baby at this time greatly increased, and the uterus - slightly. If the crumb is in the breech position, you will feel the main tremors in the lower abdomen. If the pushes above the navel - previa head.

At the end of the last trimester, fetal movements are rare, but do not disappear completely. If the mother does not feel movement within 12 hours, you should consult a doctor.

Symptoms and methods for determining fetal hypoxia

Too much lethargy or lush body movements of the infant in most cases indicates oxygen starvation. The causes of hypoxia are various: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, fetal malformations and much more. To identify the disease, conduct ultrasound or cardiotocography.

The cardiotocography procedure is a heartbeat examination. For an hour, the device measures the heart rhythms of your baby. The norm is a changing rhythm from 120 to 160 beats per minute. In severe hypoxia, the mark is reduced to 90 beats. If this disease is detected for a period of more than 30 weeks, a woman is undergoing a cesarean section.

To identify such violations on their own, pregnant women should use the “Count to 10” technique. From about 28 weeks, in the period from 9 to 21 hours, the woman should count the movements. The tenth account is recorded in a special card. If within 12 hours the number of pushes exceeds 15, or vice versa, the fetus is not very mobile, contact a specialist.

The movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy

The first child starts to move in the 20th week. But what if you are expecting a second or third baby? This period, according to the sensations of women, begins somewhat earlier. To say exactly when the first stirring occurs is difficult. Each organism is individual. Someone is gaining weight very quickly, someone - slowly. The time limits for the onset of stirring are still 16-24 weeks. But when your baby manifests itself - it's up to him. Obstetricians claim that the mother feels the first movement during the second pregnancy 2-3 weeks earlier. But this only means that the feelings of the pregnant woman are exacerbated, and the past experience helps to more accurately determine the movement.

Sometimes a girl who does not give birth misleads her own intestines. This is normal. In the first months of the birth of a new life, the whole body is rebuilt. 15-20 weeks is a time of rapid changes in the functionality of the intestines, which is very easy to confuse with the activity of the baby. A woman who has given birth is able to distinguish peristalsis from baby shocks.

Remember, your main task during any pregnancy is to maintain a good mood, enjoy every movement, monitor your health and follow the diet. Pregnancy is fleeting, not many have the opportunity to repeat this experience. Arrange family evenings, the future child with pleasure will listen to the tale from the father or the lullaby from the mother. Do not miss the most touching moments.

So, yesterday we started a discussion with you about the onset of a symptom such as abdominal pain. A discussion was started on the causes of pain of various origins, both related to the pregnancy and not dependent on it. We will continue to analyze the main causes of the development of pain that may trouble the expectant mother.

Pain in the pubic area

Throughout the nine months, the body of a pregnant woman constantly secretes a special hormone, relaxin, which has a definite effect on the ligaments and cartilage, the region of the bone pelvis. As a result of the action of this hormone, softening and divergence of some compounds occur in the pelvic bones, in particular, the pubic symphysis zone (the special cartilaginous bridge between the pelvic bone junction) diverges somewhat in the pubic region. This pubic symphysis is able to expand somewhat, within one centimeter, in order to increase the size of the pelvic bone ring and to further facilitate the passage through it of the head and body of the baby during labor.

Often the bones in the region of the pubic articulation diverge and form a gap, which can give pain of varying intensity in the pubic region, in the projection of the pubic symphysis. Pain sensations  may be from a barely noticeable severity to a rather pronounced soreness and feeling of pressure on the pelvis, especially expressed in an upright position. Also, pain can occur when walking or changing body postures, movements in space from horizontal to vertical, while walking on stairs and raising your legs while standing. To alleviate such pains, wearing a prenatal brace that supports the uterus with the baby in an elevated condition can help when using a soft chair or gymnastic ball (fitball).

Osteopathic practitioners can help in the occurrence of such pains, they remove the clips of nerves and muscles. Pain in women is perceived differently due to the fact that the degree of relaxation of the ligaments and joints is different, and the pain sensitivity is different for everyone. In addition, future mothers experience anxiety and fear, which reinforces negative feelings and leads to the fact that the pain seem stronger. In any case, in case of pain in the pubic area or above it, you should consult a doctor.

Tension in the abdomen

Approximately by the middle of pregnancy, and more often by the beginning of the third trimester, a pregnant woman has a feeling of tension in the lower abdomen, and hardening and tension of the uterus occur. It becomes like a “stone”, and it is difficult to feel through the wall of the baby. Such stresses can last from several seconds to two or three minutes, they can repeat up to ten times a day without any periodicity. This is called training bouts or in another way they are called Breston-Heeks bouts.

The sensations do not bring pain as such, just an unpleasant feeling of compression and compaction, however, despite the fact that the event is practically painless, the future mother is very worried. It is worth remembering that such training contractions are not dangerous, they prepare the uterus for further normal contractions, they train the muscular elements in active work. But, if the contractions become painful, frequent and recur after a certain period of time - 20-30 minutes or more, you should immediately go to the hospital - this may be the beginning of preterm labor.

Pain when a child moves

From the second half of pregnancy, the growth of the baby becomes very active and fast, and the mother already clearly recognizes his movement in the uterus. As the child grows, it becomes closer and closer to her, and he lacks active space for movement. The child does not begin to move as intensively as it was before, but at the same time the strength of his pushes and movements increases. The baby moves its arms and legs, moves its head, and the mother clearly feels his movements inside her body, and sometimes his movements can even be painful. The baby’s jolts to the area under the ribs can be especially unpleasant and sensitive, especially in the right side where the liver is located, and jolts in the region of the lower abdomen can be sensitive, especially with a full bladder. At the same time, sensations range from pressing to painful, depending on the strength and duration.

These phenomena are quite natural, and should not cause you concern, although a large child in a fairly subtle mommy can painfully “peel” on the ribs and abdomen with legs. With the appearance of particularly sharp and strong movements, it is necessary to try to change the posture - you can bend your head down, stand up or sit down, lie on your side, twist, so that the child slightly changes the position in the uterus. It is also worth relaxing and taking a few deep breaths and exhalations, you can iron the belly and talk to the child, asking him to calm down. Often these actions are enough to calm the child. If the child’s movements are unnaturally strong, and he is constantly worried in your stomach, you should consult a doctor and determine if the child has signs of hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Signs of a threatened pregnancy

Not always abdominal pains during pregnancy are harmless, often manifestations such as abdominal pain are symptoms of dangerous and serious diseases that involve immediate seeking medical help and intensive treatment in order to prevent abortion. Often, the appearance of pain in the abdomen, especially below and in the lumbar zone, is a symptom of threatened abortion, which can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or the onset of premature birth, when the child is not yet ready for birth.

Miscarriages or premature births do not appear abruptly, there may be provoking factors at the initial stages - stress, physical stress, negative emotions, which leads to the release into the blood of portions of stress hormones that block the action of hormones that preserve pregnancy. At the same time, at the initial stage, which precedes the onset of miscarriage, pregnant women may notice the appearance of pulling pain in the lower abdomen, resembling the nature of pain during painful menstruation. This kind of sensation usually occurs inside the pelvis, just below the pubis, behind the bladder, while it can be given to the sacrum and lower back, may be accompanied by increased urination or the presence of secretions from the genital tract of abundant mucous or bloody, bloody nature. With the timely detection of similar symptoms and the active start of therapy, the creation of complete rest for a woman, such pain can pass and the threat of interruption is over.

If this stage of the abortion stage was not recognized on time, and appropriate measures for the preservation of pregnancy were not taken, spontaneous abortion or premature birth may begin. With miscarriage in early pregnancy, pain begins to intensify, acquire the nature of cramping, repeat attacks with a certain frequency and are accompanied by increased discharge from the genital tract, acquiring bloody character, sometimes with clots. From the second trimester of pregnancy, the pain can be accompanied by sharp tension and hardening of the uterus, pain over the entire surface of the uterus, the addition of blood from the genital tract, which requires an immediate emergency call and hospitalization as soon as possible.

Doctors of the hospital will immediately begin measures to prevent miscarriage, conducting emergency ultrasound examination of the uterus and the necessary tests. With ultrasound, an increase in the uterus tone and its sharp reduction can be detected, signs of detachment gestational egg  in short periods, or placental abruption at a later stage of pregnancy. This data confirms the threat of interruption. With ultrasound, it is also important to determine the possibility of carrying out measures for the preservation of pregnancy - determine the viability of the fetus, the presence of its activity and cardiac activity, which may give hope for its preservation. In late pregnancy, with the threat of premature birth, fetal CTG is performed to determine its condition and decide the future of the pregnancy.

Placental abruption

One of the reasons for the development of abdominal pain and dangerous bleeding can be premature detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall, before the birth of the child. The reasons for this may be different - abdominal injuries, falling women, shortening the umbilical cord, problems with generic activity, toxicosis pregnant, increased pressure. With placental abruption, there may be tension and tenderness of the uterus, its unevenness, lack of fetal movements, although there may be no bleeding. This condition is extremely dangerous for the life of both the fetus and its mother due to the possibility of massive internal bleeding from the uterus wall, therefore, urgent hospitalization and immediate delivery are necessary.

These are not all causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy, and tomorrow we will examine non-obstetric causes of pain.

The origin of a new life is not for nothing called a miracle. Gradually, in the future mother's body, certain changes begin to occur: first, the stomach becomes nauseous, then the stomach slowly grows. But all these events are only a prelude to one of the most important of them - the first stir of the baby. The first stirring of the baby is happiness for the future mother, it brings her a whole range of feelings.

A fetus is a human organism from the 9th week of intrauterine development to the moment of birth. The fetus is the next stage of fetal development after the embryo (embryo).(Popular Medical Encyclopedia)

It is believed that woman,  bearing the firstborn, begins to feel the movement of the fetus, starting from the period of 20 weeks. Women who have already experienced the joy of motherhood, as a rule, feel the first movements of the fetus earlier - from 18 weeks. The same data is taken into account when determining the duration of pregnancy at the first movement of the fetus. However, these terms are approximate, and the sensation of fetal movement during the period of 16 weeks and 24 weeks will be considered the norm.

By stirring, you can determine the position of the fetus in the cavity uterus. If the movement is more felt in the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman, it means that the baby is in pelvic or pediatric presentation. With a head presentation of motion, as a rule, they are felt above the navel of a pregnant woman.

It is believed that in the period of 28 weeks or more, the expectant mother should feel at least 10 pushes of fetal movements per hour and there should be several such watch episodes per day.   This figure is relative, it should be remembered that any organism is individual, and your baby's organism too. Each childeven in the womb, temperament and develops its own rhythm of motor activity.

If the fetus is moving, in your opinion, not as it used to be, consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist will not prevent . Both rise and fall be caused by hypoxia (oxygen deficiency). In the initial period of acute hypoxia, fetal movements become stronger and more active. With the progression of oxygen deficiency movement weaken.

With increased fetal activitya pregnant woman can sometimes simply change her position. So, if a woman lies on her back, the fetus with its mass presses on the main artery - the aorta, which can to some extent impede the blood circulation. And, as a consequence, the supply of oxygen.

With reduced fetal activitythere is a way to stimulate it. To do this, you need to eat a little and lie down to rest for 1-2 hours. As a rule, such a relaxed state of a woman stimulates an increase in the activity of fetal movements.

If in the second half of pregnancy (especially after the 28th week) you do not feel fetal movements during the day, then it is advisable to consult a specialist. Having listened to the heartbeat - its frequency, rhythm, sonority - having assessed your condition, the doctor will dispel all doubts.

When the term childbirth  just around the corner, the movements of the fetus are becoming more rare, which means that the baby is preparing for birth.

It should be noted that the woman begins to feel the first movements of the fetus during pregnancy, starting from 16-20 weeks. With each push, the future mother experiences a lot of joyful experiences, since it is these movements that cause the future mother to pay attention to the needs of the unborn baby. In some cases, pain may occur during movement of the fetus.

This often applies to the last stages of pregnancy. It is known that the baby begins its first movements inside the uterus in the early stages. Such movements are uncoordinated and unconscious. The future mummy of these movements will not be able to feel, since the fetus at such time is still too small, and the size of the amniotic bladder, in turn, is quite large.

A large amount of amniotic fluid allows the embryo to float without touching the uterus. In some cases, the pregnant woman feels a slight twitch at the umbilical cord. Coordination of fetal movement begins to acquire from 10-11 weeks: he may, having stumbled upon the wall of the uterus, change the trajectory of movement. Already at 16 weeks the baby begins to respond with movements to the voice of the mother. She can also cover her ears with her hands if he hears sounds unpleasant.

The baby can approach the wall of the uterus while stroking the abdomen, and it can move away from the wall of the uterus with sharp sounds or from a cool stream of water that will be directed towards the stomach. If mommy is in a stressful state, then strong movements of the fetus can be observed. Also, the cause of active movements of the baby can be a decrease in hemoglobin, the presence of mommy in a smoky or stuffy room, as well as harsh sounds.

Contact with the tiny future moms is recommended directly through his movements or through the frequency of perturbations of the fetus. In that case, if the movements are not observed for a long time, then the pregnant woman should always consult a doctor for advice. In order to stimulate the movement, you need to send a stream of cold water on the stomach or drink a sweet liquid. Expectant mothers need to learn how to enjoy life, and then each stir of your unborn baby will give you a lot of wonderful feelings.