“What did I understand when I read the short story by O. Henry “Gift of the Magi. Artistic originality of O'Henry's novel “Gift of the Magi” VIII

In a right way, it’s splendid, at the same time, that happy story of O. Henri “Gift of the Magi” is one of the most popular and most popular among other stories.

Response analysis

The names of the roses were symbolically given to the sorcerers who saw them, who, having danced in the sky with a shidnu zirka, virulis with gifts until Jesus Christ, who was only born. From that hour ahead of Christmas, two people give one gift to one.

At first glance, “Give the Magi” is a story about gifts, like they made one friend for the holy, but how to marvel more at this story about where there are more significant, one might say, priceless speeches.

The rozpovid "Gift of the Magi" is dedicated to a pure kokhan, who is no stranger to true self-sacrifice.

Jim and Della are a friendly couple, as if they were afraid of living with evildoers. Irrespective of the price, the man that squad loves one to one and in advance of the day R_zdvayushno bazhayut give one to one garni, like gifts. O. Henry shows that in this sim'ї є dvі tsіnі speech - dell's hair is dear to Delli and Jim's dear year, which gave you a father.

Delly got a cry, a zhalugidna sum of one dollar and ten and a half cents, - and for a penny won, it’s definitely not possible to buy a garniy present of a person. So you won’t sell your thick and beautiful hair, and cut it off, so that it will be possible to buy a kohan man a lance for your golden year.

But if you don’t bring Jim’s thoughts, a wonderful gift, Della rose, that a man, having sold his valuable year, to buy a tortoiseshell comb for his charming hair. Jim could not leave the kokhan's squad without a gift, and like biyom was not dear to the memory of his father, he would sell one price, which he could in order to please Della.

Moral values ​​of the main characters

Gifts, like a friend, came to one for one, but you can’t be victorious for him, but it’s not the most worthy. It is important to understand why it happened so, even if the offending heroes wanted to do everything they could to ensure that the cohanies of the cohan were happy.

In the same story, O. Henry reveals the true value of the kohannya, or rather, the valuelessness of that purity. Aje on the right is not in the fact that the gifts Jim and Della were robbed, respectfully those who stinks were made in order to please one alone.

I am a mutual sacrifice, a mutual gift is not worth a penny, as if it were another price, the right kohannya is the best gift, and krim it, nothing is needed for me. Aje, one for one, the stench was not afraid to sell the rest, whatever they were.

Find out more, that O. Henri tries to open up such a rich and complex topic, forgive me, a small rose, moreover, it is filled with humor and sly optimism.

Yogo main heroes are people, if they don’t know anything, and without regard for those who stink, they would have spent a lot, having bought inappropriate gifts, they don’t fall into the v_chay, nothing important Jim and Della did not spend anything important, even more important, more important, them є tse їhnya priceless love one to one.

Literature lesson at the 8th grade

"From the successful gift-winners, the two were the wisest"

(For the rose of O. Henry "Gift of the Magi")

Afonina Natalia Gennadievna


1. Get to know the children from the specialty of the writer

2. Reveal the importance of the spiritual cob in humans, the purity of the moral world of heroes; can the power of love, life is happiness.

3. To formulate the beginnings of the social and psychological characteristics of the characters, to reveal the role of details in the characters' recreated images.

4. Vihovuvati dbaylive setting one to one, remembering to love; expand the lexicon of moral understanding.


1. Revealing that recognition of the main methods of creating an artistic image.

2. Description of the interior and its function in the created image of the characters.

3. Portrait as a characterization of the heroes.

5. Vchinki heroes as a method of characterization.

Ownership: portrait of a writer, little children, talking about a kohanny, a reproduction of the painting "Adoration of the Magi" by Hugo van der Goes, audio recording "Ave Maria"

A gift to blessings for those who give.

F. Herbert

E. Asadov


Our happiness lies more in the sight of ourselves, lower in the sight of others. Buast.

Happily, the share of garlic. Buast.

Good and evil, however, follow happiness; but only the first ones touch yoga. Boschen.

With the first gust of chivalry, make self-sacrifice. Madame de Stael.


Self-sacrifice - sacrificing one's own special interests for the sake of others.

Goodness is positive moral quality, high morality.

A gift is a gift, offering, donation, building, talent.

Magi - charіvniki, charіvniki, charіvniki.

Myrrh, frankincense is an aromatic resin that is used for chicken during the hour of worship.

Lesson Hide:

    Introduce the word of the teacher.

Hello lads. I want to start our lesson from the words of Eduard Asadov, and I will ask you to think about what wines, so we know about the topic of our lesson.

Love - tse nasampered vіddavati.

To love is to mean your own, like a river,

Splashing with spring generosity

To the delight of a close person.

Kohati - only a few eyes

I think once more from dawn:

Well, chim bi please, rob

The one you love with all your soul?!

And what is the check of the kohannya? Well, obviously, check!

I lowers checks and heat, but only

Pіdrahunkіv accounting do not conduct:

Styles were given, styles were taken.

Kokhannya is not a treasury in a closet.

Songs do not overbear.

Kohati - tse for the joy of seeing

To every place on earth!

    About what, lads, tsі vіrshi? (About kokhannya)

    What does love mean according to Asadov? (give, bestow on the one you love)

    Is love a gift? Who is lucky: the one who gives, chi the one who accepts gifts? What is the best present? Today we say a memo about the gift of love and about building to bestow peace on whom you love. And help us with the help of the famous American writer O. Henry "Give the Magi".

Recording the number and those of the lesson

    Let's listen to our "biographer", what a description about the most important sides of the biography of a writer, about the description of what is being said today.

II. The speech of the "biographer"

Reference by O. Henry William Sydney Porter.

Vin, the author of over 280 stories, sketches, humorous stories, born in the city of Greensboro in the USA. The life of yoga has become negligible from the very childishness. If youmu was three years old, yoga mother died of tuberculosis. Batko sent Yogo to live until the tіtki. At school, the child was seen as a hospitable mind, richly shaped, with one hand to paint with one hand, and with another one at once to verse arithmetic tasks. After school, the youngster went to practice in his uncle's pharmacy, but at 19 years old he developed a cough similar to tuberculosis, and one friend of the same urged William to go to a ranch in Texas - a state with a dry and hot climate. The owner of the ranch had a rich library, read a lot to a young cowboy and began to write admonitions himself, meanwhile, he didn’t try to pronounce them to anyone and he was not too busy. Ale, two fates later, William broke at the bike, for the same understanding, the place of Austin.

Here you change the number of professions. Pratsiuvav at the cigar store, at the firm for the sale of indestructibility, learning to play the guitar and singing at the quartet, which they eagerly asked for picnics that party. Drukuvav in the magazines humorous little ones, yaki did not bring any pennies, no popularity.

Having made friends, W. Porter became wiser and started working as a cashier at the First National Bank of Austin. If the embezzlement was revealed, Porter was called from the thief. All my friends and colleagues took an oath that the young cashier could not bring in the pennies of depositors, and the court took all calls from Porter. Prote William pishov from the jar, having gone to H'uston and started working in the local newspaper as an artist and a lookout. Prote inspectors began to dig deeper, revealed in bank books a great deal of trouble and a misfortune - once in 4703 dollars.

In September 1897 yoga was arrested. As long as Porter checks for court, yoga has made important changes in his life. The squad died, which had been ill for a long time. Donka was taken in by the fathers of the squad. One of the American magazines accepted for publication a story about the life of cowboys on request, but the authors were not up to the pen. At the trial of the wines, having been baiduzh and on April 25, 1898, the writer-pochatkіvets buv vіdpravleniya v'yaznitsyu for five years.

Here I worked, guessing my youth, at the prison apothecary. If it turned out that a deuce of pharmaceutical alcohol had appeared, and the pharmacist was suspected, he was angry: "I'm not evil! I'm not in my life without stealing a cent! The pharmacy did not take a lot of time, and Porter continued to write letters of advice, directing them to freedom through the sister of one of the prisoners. Do your own wine by signing the names of "O. Henry".

For the ill-advised behavior of the plague, they were released into the wild not after five years, but after three years and three months. Written by the clerk of the report went in great demand in the magazines, and the witnesses sent him a hundred dollars, so that they could get away from New York.

At the first day of his life in New York, Porter published 17 reports, after a couple of years he released a ticket for a week or more, at the top of his popularity he was paid 500 dollars for a report - a great penny for that hour. Ale didn’t get pennies, the stench wafted from the hands, like sand. Quite often, he gave out large banknotes to the marriages, and sometimes he brought a homeless tramp to the doctor and paid for the likuvannya of that face. Bottom great place became dzherel yogo nathnennya. Often for many days O. Henri spent a lot of time at the sumptuous mortgages, scooping stories from the evidence of such patrons themselves.

Often O. Henry, having written in great haste, feels the need to renew the advance payment for a long time. In 1903, roci vins agreed to an agreement with the head of the newspaper "World" Joseph Pulitzer, goiter to give a rozpovid to a skin weekly release.

One of the editors said: "I've come with food, and the message is ready. "Ready, ready," - the letter of the writer. And showing me a clean arkush, I'll call it with the number 1 at the kutka. Three arkush, writing 5 on the rest, saying: " Well, now I, with your permission, will repost."

In the late autumn of 1905, O. Henry took the time to write a Christmas rose for Pulitzer. The official term has passed, and the editor, without taking anything off, will okrіm vibachen that vodmovok. Nareshti, an artist, like a mav іlustruvati tvir, appearing at the komіrchinі writer, to get to know the little black and understand what to paint. It turned out that blacks are not yet known. The unfortunate illustrator, having asked the body to tell you the main idea of ​​the explanation.

“I’ll tell you what the little ones are, my friend,” an outstanding writer. order to sit man and woman. Stop talking about Christmas, which is coming. A man to twist in his hands a case of intestinal anniversaries. The woman has a long hair, which falls on her back. From and everything I'm still running.

This is how the message “Gift of the Magi” appeared, like a nevdovz was translated by all the world.

    • What is the correct name of O. Henry? (William Sydney Porter.)

      De vin was born? (At the city of Greensboro in the USA).

      What podії that hostile life formed the basis of yoga justification? (Life in Texas, exposure, life in New York for the day of life)

      Let's write down the

III. Work from associations. Informing the students.

We turn to the name of the warning.

What associations call out the word “gift” for you?

(gift - goodness, love, joy, holy, mother)

Vіdkriєmo doshku zі slovnikovy vznachennyam that read slovnikovy vznachennya:

Darunok- Donation, building, talent.

Returning to the epigrapher, in the words of the English philosopher "Gift is blessed to those who give." What characterization of the word "gift" can be taken from the epigraph? (Gift is a blessing)

How rich is the meaning of the word gift. Ale, there is one more word in the name. Who are the Magi? Let's hear about it.

Vistup uchnya (Oleg)

VOLKHVI, named by Dr. Russian servants of pre-Christian cults, sorcerers, like chakluns, and others - similar wise men, stars. In Christianity - kings or magicians, as if they came from the west Immediately bow down the unmoved Jesus. They are guessing in the Gospel in the form of Matthew, the Magi go for the star, as if to bring them to Bethlehem. Here the stench performs the rite of “proskinezi” (to fall before the silence) and bring gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. The ethnicity of the Magi is not clear. They were respected by the natives of Arabia, and especially by the Persian magicians. At the Sunset of the Great Hours geographical references(15th century) the Magi are portrayed as representatives of three races: black, yellow and white. In a similar tradition, the names of the sorcerers are introduced differently, in the countries it is customary to call them Caspar, Balthasar and Melchior. Zgidno with legends, the stench was baptized by the Apostle Thomas and accepted a martyr's death. Their immovable relics were buried in the Cologne Cathedral.

Retelling of the episode about the worship of the Magi (Liza)

The sorcerers saw in the house and sang the Nemovlya of Jesus with Yogo matir. The stinks bowed to Yomu to the ground and brought Yomu gifts (gifts) of their own: gold, frankincense and myrrh (expensive oil). The gifts of the Magi can have such a symbolic meaning. The gold of the stink was brought to Yomu as the Tsar (at the sight of tribute), incense as to God (because incense gets used during worship), and myrrh, like Lyudin, as if she was guilty of death (for in that hour the dead were anointed with olives, zmishani with zapashny myrrh).

Having bowed to the mustache of the ochіkuvannogo Tsar, the sorcerers were going to the coming day to turn to Jerusalem before Irod. Ale Angel, appearing to him in a dream, showing them the steps of the people of the Іrod and punishing them to turn to their own edge, taking another path, so as not to pass the battle of Jerusalem. The retelling saved the names of the Magi, and then they became Christians. Tse buli Melchior, Gaspar and Belshazzar.

I V. Work on the text:

    Which Biblical episode of the worship of the Magi to Jesus formed the basis of O. Henry's explanation? (Hi, yoga heroes - die young people)

    How did you lose your hostility after reading the warning?

    How do you know: what is more important in life: material or spiritual?

    Continue the proposition: "Happiness - tse ..." (children say according to their will)

V. Work with little children until the end.

Reader: And the axis of such a color is your happiness, and as you see it, it takes from your dreams, richly who has seen in your marvelous, at my glance, little ones (a sprat of words about robotic children). How and if it was clear, your vіtsi is happy the same way: erysipelas, blakitne is more beautiful.

VI. Analytical reading of the report and rozmov's food.

    Let's take a look at them and marvel at what minds our heroes live for. What can you say about the homeland of Dillingham Jung? (“Apartment” “on the upper version”, the mail screen is broken, the call button has not been working for a long time, the sign on the door has darkened, on the bottom there is “an old red kilim”, there is an “old couch” on the wall, a dressing table is placed “in the space between windows”) . )

Visnovok: A description of the interior of the life of rozpovida about the difficult material situation of our heroes, which lies until the last version of the suspense.

    Why is this description given on the cob of advice? (The whole thing and the reason)

    Chi embittered such a life of heroes? (Bidnist, life of starvation, did not embitter them, now, the stench of love and turboti one about one)

    Otzhe, two young friends live at the other apartment. Let's get to know the heroes closer. How much can Della give a gift to the squad? (one dollar equals ten cents)

    What did he happen to drink, wanting to pile up the money? (Won was furious at bargaining for a leather cent with greengrocers, butchers, and grocers.)

    Bring quotes - prove that Jim and Della do not live well. (Delli has “an old brown jacket”, “an old brown droplet”. Jim “had needed a new coat a long time ago”, “hands were freezing without a mitten”, “year-old hung on a filthy woolen belt.”)

    What else supports Delly and Jim's vigilance? (15 times they guess a penny sum, get that money.)

    Before the day, what saint do you remember? What are your associations with this saint?

    How does the heroine of the short story Della feel? (She has a gloomy mood. She is crying)

    How do the colors that make up the creation help to understand Delly's mood?

    What way out of the camp to know Della? (Virishu sell your head belongings)

    And then we were told that they stink. What are the treasures of heroes? Find out their descriptions. (“I need you to tell…”)

    How to reinforce your beauty? (To the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon)

Historical proof

Solomon- The third Jewish king, the legendary ruler of the united kingdom of Israel in the 10th century. to the sound e. The Bible describes the rozkish, which Solomon allowed in a moment. Vіn zhrobiv own throne zі ivovoї tassel, gold overlays, pishnіst kakogo overturned any other throne of that hour. In addition, Solomon, having built his own 200 shields of forged gold, and all the drinking vessels at the palace near the Temple were gold. “The money for the days of Solomon was set in no time” and “Tsar Solomon overturned the kings of the earth with wealth and wisdom”

Queen Savska, X century BC e. - the legendary ruler of the Arabian kingdom Saba (Sheba), whose visit to Jerusalem to the Israeli king Solomon is described in the Bible. Knowing about the great wisdom of King Solomon, Queen Savska arrives to Jerusalem, to revise, and guess Solomon's riddles. Like the same, the Bible does not seem; It’s less likely for the one who guessed the king. The queen, for example, showed Solomon's two Trojans, which looked the same, and asked to be appointed, as if they were piecemeal. The sage called bjil for help.

    Why should Delly's and Jim's riches turn over the treasures of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon?

    What is Della sacrificing for Jimm? Why bother?

    What moment is the climax of the novella? (If the heroes give one birthday present to one.)

Reading a line from roles (Lera, Kolya and Oleg)

Jim froze unruly at the door, nache sater, sensing a quail. Yogo's eyes glared at Delly with a viraz, which she could not understand, and he became frightened. Tse not buv nі gnіv, nі zdivuvannya, nі zakid, nі zhah - the same s quiet feelings, which could be ochіkuvat. Vin just marveling at her, without looking at her, and the appearance of Yogo did not change his wondrous viraz.

Della jumped from the table and rushed to the new one.

Jime, love, - cried out, - do not marvel at me like that! I cut my hair and sold yoga, because I wouldn’t survive, as if I didn’t have anything to give you before Christmas. Stink again. You don't get angry, do you? I couldn't help it. I have a lot of hair growth. Well, greet me with Christmas, Jim, and let's serve the saint. Yakby knowing you, what a gift I prepared for you, what a miracle, miracle gift!

Did you cut your hair? - having slept Jim with a strain, nibi, without respect for the brain's work, he still could not grasp the fact.

So, she cut her hair and sold it, - said Della. - But do you still love me? Aje, I'm still the same, even with short hair.

Jim glanced around the room in amazement.

Otzhe, your puss is already gone? - having drunk the wines with a stupid napoleglivistyu.

Don't joke, you don't know them,” said Della. - Well, I tell you: I sold them - cut them off and sold them. Today's holly night, Jim. Be with me lagnishim, for I did it for you. Maybe the hair on my head and you can overthink it, - she continued, and her lower voice sounded serious in a rapt voice, - but nothing, nothing could kill my love for you! Lubricate the cutlets, Jim?

І Jim Viyshov iz zatsіpeninnya. Vin tucked his Della in his arms. Let's be modest and for a few seconds take a look at some third-party object. What is more - more dollars for a day or a million for a river? Mathematician chi wise man will give you the wrong answer. The Magi brought expensive gifts, but among them there was not one

    Ozhe, already from the worship of the sorcerers Jesus pishov, ring out to give gifts, hanging their love and vіddanіst. This plot formed the basis of the paintings of rich artists. Before us is the "Addiction of the Magi" by Hugo van der Goes.

Reproduction of the painting by Hugo van der Goes "Adoration of the Magi"

    What did the sorcerers give to Jesus and what did the gifts symbolize? (gold (a sign of earthly volatility), incense (a sign of the divine adventure of that heavenly power) and myrrh (resin, with which they anointed the dead; the price is a strain on the future of Christ’s rozp’yattya of Yogo flour).

    Listen to the explanation and think about the meaning of the key phrase of our lesson: “Three of us were the wisest givers”? (They were wise in a right way, to that they loved one alone and when given gifts, they dbali not about themselves, but about something else)

Listening to an audio recording

22. What do the words of O'Henry mean: "The Magi brought expensive gifts, but there was not one among them"? (The sorcerers gave Jesus that they were born, they honored him as a sign of honor and bow. They could not give ale of love and warmth of the heart. O'Henry was talking about such a gift.)

    What did the heroes really give one to one? (Happy)

    The author writes: “Life is folded from tears, zіthan and smiles” ... “why is zіtkhanya overwhelmed”". And with what words would you continue the first part of the proposition? , self-sacrifice then).

    What is the greatest wealth, the greatest gift for heroes? (stink love)

    How “the story about two stupid children from an eight-dollar apartment, like the wisest rank, sacrificed one for one with their greatest belongings” is not accepted by anything, gossip in a row with Asadov’s virsha?

VII. Great about kokhannya.

On the doshtsі vy bachita, the greats are talking about the kokhannya and happiness. The axis of the stench is to think from the source of the drive (reading vislovlyuvan). Which one of them was worthy of you more and why? (Vіdpovidіdі children).

VIII. Creativity robot uchniv.

All the ways are reduced to one: honesty, kindness, happiness, self-sacrifice are not the same kind of one. Lads, let's think about what we could give to our loved ones, without paying a penny to make them happy.

- ... a drop of dew, so that the whole world was seen by him with the colors of the oar and you were merciful to him;

- ... the laughter of loved ones, so that you don’t miss the trouble of your special day and in no way induce trouble;

- ... vdacha, schob ti moment zdіysniti naygrandioznіshi plans;

- ... a candle ignited, schob zigriving your soul and waking up the best of luck;

- ... a ray arc, so that she would rozfarbovuva with her kvіta siri thoughts and sir moods;

- ... a merry dream, so that you could tell your friends in the morning, and the stench would hear you and laugh;

- ... a frosty little baby on the vіknі, shob waking up woke up, sparkling and delighting you today with its novelty;

- ... fresh breeze, if your hair is pestilent, but it’s so welcome;

- ... the sky in the frozen stars, so that you could dream for a moment, marveling at them;

- ... I’m singing, that she brought you moods;

- ... a good word, so that it would give you a twisted whilin toshcho.

IX. Podsumok lesson. (Sound music Avi Maria)

I'm guessing that, regardless of such a bad luck with gifts, Della and Jim gave one more to one. The stench showed that, regardless of all the difficulties of life, the skin of them speaks in the first place about their kohan people, and not about themselves. The skin of them parted with the most important, that in the new boulo, abi yogo friend, half was happy. I think that this is an example of how people need to love, dbati and do not forget one about one or the other. The world has nothing of value for the kohannya, and everyday gifts, to inspire on the road, cannot replace a little.

O. Henri speaks about those who cannot be made to love by two people close to you in a right way. And the words sound like a logical example of an explanation: “Let it be said in science to the wise men of our days, that two of us were the wisest gifted men. Of us, who give and receive gifts, are truly wiser than similar to them. Scratch everywhere. Stinks є Magi.

I’m guessing that today we’ve become more generous with you, that serious zmistovna rozmova about kokhannya, people and that happiness. I am convinced that you understood that the secret of our happiness is in the kohanna.

x. Homework. Tvіr-miniature "Unprincipled gift"

The short story "The Gift of the Magi" is one of the most famous works of the master of American short prose O. Henry. The short story was written by a friend in 1906 at the collection warehouse of Chotiri Millioni. Five years ago, in 2010, the creator of that yogo creator was awarded a literary prize. O. Henry's Literary Prize "Gift of the Magi" is awarded for practice, in which the formula "honey + voluntary sacrifice + unspent rozvyazka" is recognized. Russian novelties became the initiators of the city.

"Gift to the Magi" was written in the New York tavern Pete's. Tvіr having added a galaxy of small explanations from an unsustainable rozvyazkoy, O. Henri specializes in some.

Let's guess the plot of this bizarre story about a kohannya, sacrifice and Rіzdvo.

The whole world got ready before Christmas, and Della Dillingham was ready to cry. One dollar is worth ten and a half cents - the axis and everything that I gave away as a gift to my friend Jim's man. Vaughn diligently added cent to cent, but she could not pick up a good sum.

Della stood in the middle of them in Jim's eight-dollar furnished apartment. In the situation, she saw "not the same screaming wretchedness, but rather a promo vigilance to mumble." Jim took twenty dollars for a day, and that was the last thing he got for a living.

Della was called lizhko and burst into tears. Vaughn so dreamed of a gift, good її kohany Jim. Having risen, she showed, as if she would give him a special gift, as if she were glad and hugged her dear to Della.

Mrs. Dillingham wiped her swollen eyes with a puff and froze in front of the dressing-glass. Exactly! How did she not guess earlier! Hair!

On the right, in the one in the Dillingham family, there were two brandy treasures - Jim's golden year and Delly's hair. Yakby Queen Savska lived in the house opposite, then all the b її swearing faded before Delly's hair. Dovgi, chestnut, dumb waterfall, which descends below the knees, the hair of Dell Dillingham was truly beautiful.

Picking up her hair with hairpins, Mrs. Dillingham waved her tears of joy, put on her old capes, threw on her old jacket and swept out into the street.

Della sold her braids to Madame Sophie's salon, who specializes in hair braids. With a solemn gesture, the lady called a thick chestnut hair on her hands. "Twenty dollars," said Madame Sophie. "Go," Vipalila Spravy.

As the day approached to the end, Della proudly looked at the platinum lance for the intestinal year - simple and good, like a mustache of good speech. Della knew that this little lancer was to blame for lying to the man himself: “Win ​​is so himself, like Jim himself. Modesty and goodness - these yakosts irritated both of them. Jim's birthday is so miraculous that King Solomon himself congratulated him. Only Jim's always had a chance to marvel at his birthday party, and even the stench hung on an old silk cord. Now Mr. Dillingham can get his belongings from whatever welfare and proudly say what time it is.

Sprav again summarily marveled at her own vision. In order to correct the traces of the bad ruins, Mrs. Dillingham curled her hair with tongs and now, at її thought, she was telling a chorus girl from Coney Island. "Lord, pray so that I do not cease to be like a youm," Della prayed quarrelsomely, when the front doors rattled, and Jim appeared in the porch.

The head of the Dillingham family rubbed his cold hands. Youmu has long been in need of mittens, a new coat and a garniy coat. On the thin guise of a twenty-year-old man, there is a sense of restlessness - it is not easy to be a well-to-do sim, if you are so young.

After pumping Della, Jim froze like a burrow. You cut your hair, Dell, what's your mow? “So, I cut my hair and sold it. Let the hair on my head, now you can perekhuvat, but my love can’t be spoiled before you. Do you love me now? “Any haircut and haircut cannot make me fall in love with my girl! It’s just that you see this pack, and you understand why I’m so snarky in pershu khvilina.

Delly's white fingers quickly ignited the paper packaging. The advancing lady gave a radiant cry and immediately burst into tears. Pakunku had tortoise combs. The same type, at which Della marveled, bachachi yoga on the police in the store. One front, two flanks, embellished with stones that shimmer. The combs were expensive, and Mrs. Dillingham could not afford it. Now Delly had combs, but there was no hair.

If Della radiantly sang Jim's lanyard, it was said that the year of sales was for the sake of combs.

Jim lay down on the couch and chuckled: “Maybe we still have to put our presents away - stink for us. Let's grease the mutton cutlets and roast Rizdvo.

The axis of such a story was on Svyatvechir. Two bad children from an eight-dollar apartment, in a simple manner, donated one for one their largest belongings. Say, cover up? Anіtrochs! Magi, yakі brought unbelievable Jesus gifts, were wise men. Della, Jim and everyone like them is truly wise. Scratch everywhere. Stinks and magi.

The short story "Gift of the Magi" led to the biblical legend about the Magi, as they gave Jesus the infidelity. Among the words, sorcerers were called sorcerers, priests, yakі zdіysnyuvaly liturgy and passed the future for the stars. At the translation of the Old Slavonic sorcerer - the one who speaks erroneously, it is not clear to mutter. Sounds of etymological and morphological transformation - chaklunstvo, chaklunstvo, chaklunstvo.

In the Christian tradition, three kings / wise men / rich men were used by the Magi, as if they brought gifts to the newly born Jesus. According to the legend, the sorcerers Balthazar, Melchior and Kaspar were representatives of three generations (junak, mature man, gray elder) and three races (African, European, Asian). The stench gave the unloving Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The first gift symbolizes royalty (Jesus was born as an earthly king), incense symbolizes divinity (Jesus was appointed king of heaven, God). Smyrna (storage resin) was a symbol of martyrdom (Jesus was judged to die in agony).

The visit of the sorcerers gave the beginning of the tradition of working gifts for the birth of the people of the child. First Christmas gifts became Christian relics. Ninі stinks are taken from the monastery of St. Paul on Athos. Tse 28 golden plates and 60 namistins, made from sumish incense and resin. The plates are similar in shape to tricots and squares, and we are actually strung on a silver thread.

Father Henry boldly compares his heroes Della and Jim with the wise men, who brought generous gifts to the newly born Jesus. At the speeches themselves, like they bought Dillinghemi, there was nothing of value, important are those, like the stench they got away. I Della, and Jim donated their biggest belongings (luxurious hair and a birthday) in order to raise my kohana.

Kokhannya is the biggest gift

The finale of the novella was summed up and bright at the same time. So, the gifts of Jim and Delly turned out to be marvelous, but after a good-natured addition, young people start laughing again. You can grow your hair, you can earn money for a new year, but you can grow a kohanny there, de yoga, it’s impossible. Della and Jim are the greatest riches and wise men. And they will be happy forever, as long as they are one with one.

Literary screenings

The first screening of The Gift of the Magi was in 1958. The line included five short stories by O. Henry: "Pharaoh and Chorale", "Trumpet Voice", "Remaining Leaf", "Leader of the Reds" and "Gift of the Magi". I’ll stop watching Henry King (“The Black Swan”, “The Snow of Kilimanjaro”, “No Night”). The music before the film was written by the wonderful Alfred Newman.

In your short story, show zooms that rozpach has not brought melancholy to anyone, but from hope and willpower, majestic strength in our life.

The novel has become useful, and exotic, and, of course, inaccuracies and subtle humor, which is the visiting card of the writer.

In 1972, a screen version of the famous short story was released by the Poles. The role of Viconal Delli Marta Lipinska, the role of Jim - Janusz Gaios.

In 1978 Lithuania took over the mix of the works of O. Henri. At the rental of the film viyshov under the name "I will not be a gangster, love." Vіn folded z chotirioh novels, including "Gift of the Magi".

"Give the Volkhviv" to that which is important for the analysis. Behind the great rahunk, one can say that "Give the Magi" to short explanations, although some literary scholars add it to the novel, which confirms the unfinished business. We will now conduct a short analysis of the "Gift of the Magi" message. On our site you can also read a short message.

You can already name the link to the writer’s idea of ​​biblical history, if the sorcerers came to bow down to Jesus Christ, who had just been born, brought him a gift. There is one more parallel from the Bible. About the chestnut hair of Delly, the heroine of the story, and the golden year of Jim, the main character, it is easy to grow visnovkas, that they are associated with the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, and they themselves suffer from the queen’s costhood and the king’s wealth.

Special features of the message

The character of the rozpovіdі polagє in the opinion of the author himself, moreover, the hour at the hour of the wine is turned to read by the phrases "my friends" and іn. Schob analysis of the description of "Give the Magi" more povem, let's look at some specific features:

Tsikavo, as the author of the moment, if Della weeps in the face of impossibility to give Jim a gift, raptom chitacha in front of the stage and begins to look at "himself" - we make the artist's environment spacious.

Є th other such very moment, if you are young friends, you will get used to naprikintsi. Father Henry calls out to be modest, concentrating on focusing on looking at the "third-party subject" that represents the main idea of ​​the justification.

Head Heroes

The story has two main characters - the friend of Mr. and Mrs. James Jung. Starting to read tvir, the reader cannot understand the sky of their fates. However, behind a deakim description one can say that Della is a girl and a young woman. For example, she’s emotional: you can cry, get mad. She has a tenditna stature, and there a person will have mercy on her chic chestnut hair, up to her knees. Of course, O. Henry doesn't tell me the age, but, better than everything, she's younger than Jim, about whom we know that I'm twenty-two years old.

It is possible to understand from the author’s vision that the young people become friends with little children, prote in the analysis of the description of the “Give the Magi” is significant, that people are even wiser, for the author’s own assertions, and even wines for the sake of those who are ready to sacrifice for the near your belongings.

Those who materially oppose the heroes, kindly witness these miraculous qualities of the soul - love and generosity. Della is afraid that after spending her head belongings, a person will fall in love with her. Accept it, you will become less accommodating in yoga eyes. Della is trying to make a gift, having put a soul into a new one, so that he will appear as a good, special, dear dear one. We don’t doubt that Jim can fix it just like that, looming similar motives - we’ll see if the sale of the golden yearday is a gift to a friend’s squad, it’s unique.

Visnovki in the analysis "Gift to the Magi"

It is even more important that the story of the "Gift of the Magi" is short for obsyagy, but at the same time it slows down to a deep thought. O. Henry, having inspired a rhyme, victorious short phrases that can perfectly describe the characters and the heroes. We do not know report descriptions- the time is delayed. Natomist, the author uses suffixes and suffixes, lexical repetitions and variegated suffixes.

In order to strengthen emotional warehouses, lexical repetition is especially good to fit here: "sir gut, I'll walk with a parkan in the wake of a gray house." Treat this particularity, roblyachs of the analysis of the epidemiological "Gift of the Magi". At the visnovka one can say that it is a lansy, on which one can see a simple and strict little baby, and which Della bought, it’s not tim, it’s right. All good speeches, in the author's opinion, can have such privatility themselves.