A little story about the spring bird. The project on the theme "birds in the spring"

CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW ESSENTIAL: Rook, Starling, Swallow, Grooming, Cuckoo, Crane, Geese, Swans, Lark, Thrush, Nest, Birdhouse, Male, Female, Chicks, Eggs, Singer, Insects, Larvae, Feathers, Flock, Country, Chicks , neck, wing, eyes, tail, beak, head, stork, heron.

VOICES: fly, fly away, fly in, come back, build, clean, set aside, build, pull out, incubate, feed, grow, get stronger, squeak, sing, smoke, leave, forgive, gather, eat, peck, destroy, curl, pinches, glue, glue.

The ancient Greeks say that Jupiter, to conquer Hera, turned into a cuckoo, the Germans associate it with the god of thunder, the Japanese believe that he wore dawn on the wings, and the Indians considered him a symbol of the soul before and after the incarnation, the body was an alien nest in which the soul comes to power.

In addition, the kuckoo even offered ritual suggestions, which indicates that this bird belongs to the cult of ancestors and the ancient deities of nature, which also explains the presence of the cuckoo in the mastiffs, where the characters of the knightly chapel are called Kucha. The cuckoo and his song are used by young recruits, those who are alienated, those who are at the front, and especially lovers.

The ancient Greeks say that Jupiter, to conquer Hera, turned into a cuckoo, the Germans associate it with the god of thunder, the Japanese believe that he wore dawn on the wings, and the Indians considered him a symbol of the soul before and after the incarnation, the body was an alien nest in which the soul comes to power.

ADMINISTRATIVE: big, small, singing, black, warm (edges), white, striped, caring, troublesome, spring, alien, fluffy, ringing, field, distant, beautiful, long-legged, waterfowl, agile, vociferous.

  Migratory birds are birds that fly from us in the fall to warm lands.
  These birds - insectivorous (insects eat), feed on insects.

In the autumn the insects hide, the birds have nothing to eat, so they fly away.

Ducks, geese and swans fly away in a string - a string.

Swallows and starlings fly away in packs.

Cranes fly away with a wedge - angle.

And the cuckoos fly away one by one.
  In the spring migratory birds come back to us.

The birds have a head with a beak, a body with two wings, two legs with nails, a tail and a feather.

  Magpie, crow, tit, swallow (the swallow is a migratory bird, the rest are wintering).
  Lark, sparrow, rook, starling.
  Crow, duck, dove, sparrow.
  Rook, tit, swallow, cuckoo.
  Magpie, sparrow, woodpecker, swift.
  Dove, swan, heron, crane.

Beetle, butterfly, chick, mosquito
  (nestling bird, other insects).

  Cranes - cranes.
  Rooks - Rooks.
  Geese - goslings.
  Starlings - Skorchat.
  Ducks - ....
  Cuckoo - ....
  Swifts - ....

  Whose beak?
  The crane - crane.
  The goose - goose.
  The duck is ...
  The cuckoo ...
  The rook ...

  Cuckoo - cuckoo.
  Crane - Cranes.
  Starling - Starlings.
  The nightingale is a nightingale.
  The Lark is a lark.
  Swan - swans.
  Rook - Rooks.
  Duck - ducks.
  Swallow - swallows.
  Rook - Rook.
  Stork - storks.
  Gosling - goslings.

  Wintering or migratory bird?
  Why are they called that?
  Appearance (tail, head, wings, torso, beak, feathers, colors ...)
  What eats?
  Where he lives - hollow, birdhouse, nest ...

  Rook - a black bird with a white beak. Rook has a head, a body, wings, a tail, paws. The whole body of the bird is covered with feathers. In the spring, rooks arrive from warm countries, build nests and hatch nestlings - they roam. Rooks feed on insects, worms and plant seeds. In the fall, when it gets cold, the rooks gather in flocks and fly away to warm countries until spring. Rooks help people, they destroy insects and caterpillars - pests of fields and gardens.

The grass is green, the sun shines,
   Swallow with spring in the shadow of us flies.
   With her, the sun is more beautiful and spring is dearer ...
   Hello from the road to us, hi soon.
   I will give you grains, and you sing a song,
   What from the distant countries brought with me.
   (A. Plescheev)

   There is a palace on the pole, a singer in the palace, and his name is ... (starling).

  The nightingale is a nightingale.
  Crane - Crane.
  Swan is a swan ....

  The cuckoo has a cuckoo cuckoo.
  A crane has a crane, a crane.
  At the starling - skorchonok, skvorchat.
  At the swan - swan, swans.
  A rook has a rook and a rook.
  A duck has a duckling, ducklings.
  The stork has a stork, a stork.
  The goose - gosling, goslings.

In the field I saw ... (long-legged crane). I watched for a long time ... (long-legged crane). I really liked this beautiful and slim ... (long-legged crane). I wanted to go to ... (long-legged crane). But he got scared and flew away. It flew beautifully, spreading its wings, and circling in the sky ... (long-legged crane). I told my mother about ... (long-legged crane). Mom said that you can not approach and scare ... (long-legged crane). I promised my mother no longer go to ... (long-legged crane). Now I will only watch from afar ... (long-legged crane).

  Rook flew ... nests. Rook flew ... nest. Rook flew ... nest. Rook turns ... nest. Rook sat ... branch. Rook walks ... plowing.


  Arrived rooks.
  The rooks arrive first. Snow is still around, and they are already here. The rooks will rest and begin to nest. Twist rooks nest on top of a tall tree. The rooks of their chicks hatch earlier than other birds.

What birds come first in spring?
  What do the rooks start doing right away?
  Where do they build their nests?
  When do they breed chicks?

Harbingers of spring.
  A cold winter has passed. Spring is coming. The sun rises higher. It warms stronger. Arrived rooks. Their children saw them and shouted: “The rooks flew in! The Rooks Have Arrived!"

What was the winter like?
  What comes after winter?
  How does the sun warm in spring?
  Who flew in?
  Who did the children see?
  What did they scream?

  Sasha decided to make a birdhouse. He took the boards, saw, sawed the boards. Of them, he made a birdhouse. Birdhouse hung on a tree. Let the starlings have a good home.

  There is a nest in the tree, and in the trees ... (nests).
  On the branch of the bough, and on the branches ....
  In the nest nestling, and in the nests - ....
  There is a tree in the yard, and in the forest - ....

  No hands, no stick
  Built foe.

Appeared in a yellow coat,
  Goodbye two shells.

On the pole is the palace
  In the courtyard singer,
  And his name is ...

White-eyed, black-eyed,
  It is important for the plow walks,
  Worms, bugs finds.
  Loyal watchman, friend of the fields.
  The first herald of warm days.

  We even got up at night
  From the window looked into the garden:
  Well, when, well, when
  Will our guests arrive?
  And today they looked -
  A starling is sitting on an alder.
  Flew, flew,
  Arrived, finally!

  Olga Pasternak
Summary of the lesson "Birds in the spring"

Lesson summary« Birds in spring»

Educational area: cognitive

Kind of activity: directly educational

Age group: preparatory group

Theme: « Birds in spring»

purpose: Show changes in life and behavior birds with the arrival of spring. Identify links with animate and inanimate nature.

Software content

Educational tasks: Refine and expand on insects; about migrants birds, about their life in the spring; about the types of nests and their placement.

Pin title birds, their external signs, structure, food, habits, living conditions.

Systematize children's knowledge of species birds, exercise in the classification of migratory and wintering birds   and allocating an extra object.

Developmental: Develop a dialogic speech, develop an interest in life birds, imagination, attention, memory, thinking (ability to establish cause-effect relationships)   learn to navigate the plane and in space.

Educational: foster curiosity, a desire to take care of birds, respect for nature, develop cooperation skills, develop initiative and independence.

Preliminary work: reading fiction by topic: stories: V. Bianchi "Rooks spring opened» , "Forest houses"learning a poem by V. Zhukovsky "The Lark". Conversations about birdsviewing illustrations of migrants birds, different types of nests, riddles birds. Conversations and observation birds   on the site of the kindergarten.

Vocabulary work: Activate the dictionary on the topic.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

Materials and equipment: Flanelegraf. Themed Pictures by topic: spring; migratory birds of their nest; the signs of spring.


I open the kidneys,

In the green leaves.

I dress trees

I water the crops,

The movement is full,

My name is. (Spring)

What time of year does the letter say? (ABOUT spring)

Has come spring. What is she like? (Warm, bright, joyful, sonorous, kind, sunny, green, affectionate.)

I prepared for you in riddles. Listen up:

-Guess what a bird:

Dark little girl,

White with a belly

The tail is spread in two tails. (Swallow)

On one leg is worth,

In the water gazing.

Tuck with a beak at random -

Looking for a river frog. (Heron)

All migrants blacker birds,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Back and forth on arable land gallop.

And called a bird ...(Rook)

Who do you think we will talk about today? occupation? (about birds) .

With the beginning of spring   return home birdswintering in warm lands. As they call birdswho fly away for the winter to warm lands, and with the weight fly back? (Migratory.)

Why are they coming back? (Food has become enough, insects have appeared, you can find last year’s seeds and fruits on thawed patches).

What insects appear first? (Those who overwinter in adult condition: some butterflies, flies.)

When the first spring flowers appear, the insects become larger? Why? (There is food - nectar of flowers. Insects begin to multiply. They lay eggs. Caterpillars hatch from them in butterflies and larvae in beetles, flies, dragonflies.)

Why do insects lay many eggs? (Most of them die, they are pecked.) birdsare being carried away by ants.)

The caterpillars feed on the leaves, grow quickly and turn into fixed pupae. After a while, an adult butterfly appears from each pupa. But not all insects have pupae. Grasshoppers do not have them.

What role do insects play in nature? (They pollinate plants, therefore, form fruit, seeds, food for various birds, beasts.)

Have different birds spring   comes at different times. Which one bird   arrives before everyone else?

What a spring bird:

All migrants blacker birds,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Back and forth on arable land gallop.

And called a bird ...(Rook. Show image of this birds in the picture) .

Why are the rooks flying first? (They can walk on the ground and collect seeds, fruits, thawed out from under the snow, the first worms).

Rooks are called "Heralds of spring» . In the nation they say: Rooks on the mountain - spring in the yard.

Beyond the rooks come the others. birds. Guess who is in a riddle:

On the pole palace

Singer in the yard

Call him ... (Starling. Show the corresponding figure).

What is he like? (He is all black, his beak is sharp, and his breast is shiny white speck.)

So, starlings, larks arrive over the rooks.

See what the cuckoo looks like in this picture. What is she like? (Large, motley). A cuckoo flies when the trees are dressed in foliage, it feeds on caterpillars that gather in the trees.

And when the caterpillars becomes more? (After blooming leaves.)

After all the swallows and swifts arrive. Because high in the sky, where they live and feed, insects appear later. (Show swallow and swift)

And what is a swallow? (She has a head, wings, back is black, and the breast is white, the nose is small and sharp, and the tail is like two pigtails.)

What is the main spring bird class? (Laying eggs, hatching chicks.)

It happens in the spring becausethat is great for waking up birds for reproduction, it has light, a long day and, of course, a sufficient amount of feed.

A game "The fourth is superfluous?"

Pictures from the image of different birds, and children choose an extra object and verbally   justify their choice.

Dove, swallow, starling, cuckoo. Who is superfluous? (Dove since it is wintering bird.)

Crow, sparrow, pigeon, starling. (Starling, since it is migratory bird.)

Nightingale, skylark, sparrow, swallow.

Magpie, Rook, Bullfinch, Tit.

Swan, heron, pigeon, stork.


The swallows were flying,

All the people looked (They run around in a circle, flapping their arms like wings.)

Swallows sat down

All people marveled (Squat, arms folded behind the back.)

They sat down, sat down, (Make the rhythmic head tilts.)

Soared, flew.

Flew, flew,

The songs sang. (They run around again, waving their arms.)

Let's think about what this riddle?

No hands, no hatchet

Built foe. (Nest)

What for birds build nests? (It is necessary to lay eggs, sit out the chicks, feed them.)

Nest home is not. This adaptation to the environment.

What build nests birds? (From dry blades of grass, twigs, straws, fluffs, rags, moss, birch bark, etc.)

Where birds build their nests? (On the trees, on the ground, under the roof, in the hollow in the bushes).

Guys, and we can somehow help birds in spring? (To do with parents and hang out birdhouses, hang cotton wool, scrapes for nests, etc., over the bushes)

Didactic game "Whose nest"

(Children identify a nest from a series of pictures.) birds) .

That's when the nests are ready, what is the next concern for migratory birds? (Lay eggs, hatch chicks.)

And who cares, incubates, warms, protects them? (Mama- bird, female.)

Who cares, feeds mother and chicks? (Dad, male.)

Who feeds and raises offspring? (Parents both birds.)

Ball game "Who is who"

A rook has a rook, a jackdaw has a roach, a crane has a crane, a crow has a black crow, a swift has a haircut, a duck has a duckling, and a starling has a skorvat.

Is it possible to raze the nests? (No. There will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests, fields, and vegetable gardens from harmful insects. Insects will eat up all the vegetation, destroy the harvest of bread, fruits, and vegetables. songs).

Ecological trouble will happen.

Total classes.

Who are we talking about today? (On the life of migrants birds in spring, about their benefits in nature, that birds can not be scared, offend, and you can not ruin the nest.)

Many interesting things we learned about life birds.

Take a little bird to those who were difficult today and not interested. The average bird are those who were not very difficult, but interesting. Bolshoypertichku those who were interesting and easy.