Name arkhip the meaning of the name destiny. The origin, characteristics and meaning of the name arkhip

Version 2. What does the name Arkhip mean?

Arkhip - from the Greek. chief over horses.

Derivatives: Arhipka, Arya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse. From Arkhip, September 19, the day is already shortened by five hours. The web on this day spreads over the plants - to the warmth. Thunder foreshadows a warm autumn.


There is a certain duality: on the one hand - soundness, sobriety and clarity of mind, and on the other - reflection and suspiciousness. Arkhip is smart, efficient, reliable. He has a healthy ambition that drives his professional growth, but never threatens to escalate into painful ambition.

3 version of the meaning of the name Arkhip

ARCHIP - chief of the cavalry (Greek).

Name days: March 4 - Holy Apostle Arkhip, a disciple of the Apostle Paul, bishop, died as a martyr in the 1st century. September 19 - Reverend Arkhip.

Zodiac sign - Virgo.

Planet - Mercury.

Color - ocher.

Auspicious tree - fir.

The treasured plant is mother and stepmother.

The patron saint of the name is the shell trumpeter.

The talisman stone is marble.


Arkhip is a skeptic who does not believe in revelation and intuition. He has a sober, chilling mind that sees everything too clearly ... and at the same time a terrible suspiciousness that poisons his life. He is smart, efficient, reliable, can do anything. Arkhip is an ideal performer without any desire to become a leader. His healthy ambition will never grow into morbid vanity.

Name day named after Arkhip

January 17, March 3, March 4, July 19, September 19, October 19, December 5,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days falling on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Famous people named Arkhip

Arkhip Kuindzhi

etc .: 1841-01-27

russian artist, master of landscape painting

Numerology named after Arkhip

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, maintain family and friendship ties. They always produce loving parents and children, they also feel confident working in education, health care, and doing community work. Caring, traditional views, denial of too drastic changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Arkhip

AND - the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are hardworking enough. They like to be proactive in everything and do not like routine.

R - people with the letter "P" in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuitions, they have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. Constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

X - striving by all means to gain authority in society. Despite this, they are of high moral character. They react violently to what people say about them. They are responsible and responsive. Such people have a lot of friends and acquaintances.

AND - fine mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on inner qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. They are very economical and calculating.

P - scrupulousness and neatness in everything, from appearance to home. Constantly worried about what other people will say. They are distinguished by their special passion. They are capable of labeling their offenders. They have excellent memory.

Name as a phrase

  • AND - Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • R - Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • X - Her (Cross, Cross, Cross out, Cross out, Cross out)
  • AND - And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • P - Peace

The name Arkhip in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to spell the name Arkhip in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video


Value: The name Arkhip comes from the ancient Greek words "arho" and "hippos". In translation, they sound like "boss" or "ruler" and "horse". The interpretation may sound differently - it all depends on the version. For example, "chief rider", "lord of horses" or "chief of the cavalry".

The male name Arkhip is not popular in Russia, but it used to be in incredibly great demand. Now considered rare, but still on the list of rating names. And what is this name, we will figure it out below ...

Conversational options: Arya, Arik, Arkhipka

Modern English counterparts: Arkippes, Archippus, Arship

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Arkhip can promise carriers different traits. But usually among them there are necessarily such traits as restlessness, activity, efficiency and mobility, pride and self-interest. Although the latter is manifested by far not all Arkhipov. But always Arkhip, this is a mobile and very effective person, ready for anything for the sake of new achievements, always reaching the set goals and striving for self-realization in life.

Arkhip, this is a very unique person. On the one hand, he may seem too rude, tough, straightforward and callous. But on the other hand, he is always a kind and benevolent man, ready to help people, sacrifice himself for their well-being, and do as many good deeds as possible. The only big minus of all carriers of this name, without exception, is the fear of dishonor or showing someone their own weakness in something.

Advantages and positive features: effective, active, mobile, purposeful, acts according to his conscience, helps everyone around him and tries to be useful to society, does not neglect friendship, is faithful and reliable, slightly principled, but his integrity concerns only the most important everyday aspects.

Arkhip is bad for people with too high self-esteem, people dominating over people, to those who are trying to cash in on other people. And the bearer of the male name Arkhip is very bad about those who try to criticize him or hurt his pride.

Interesting about the name Arkhip: The name Arkhip was very popular in the USSR, but in modern times it is extremely rare, although it is still present in the first hundred of the rating of the most popular male names.

The nature of the name Arkhip

The nature of the name Arkhip, or rather the bearer of this name, is such that it makes a man out of a man who depends too much on the situation and atmosphere in society. This man requires too much attention to himself, often behaves too defiantly, and in general, tries to be bright. But this is not the only trait that can characterize the personality of a man named in this way.

The character of a man named Arkhip is such that, on the one hand, the bearer of this name will always be a benevolent and kind-hearted person, and on the other, too self-sufficient and proud. That is, on the one hand, he may seem like a person who wants only one thing - to help people. But on the other hand, he actually thinks much more about himself, his beloved, than about others. Although similar features belong to many modern people ...

Well, in addition to all of the above, you can also add that Arkhip is always the owner of a secretive and independent character. He is independent and never acts "out of herd feelings", he has his own opinion on everything and never deviates from it. And at the same time he does not reveal his own personality to anyone - he is afraid to show his true face and tries to hide all his weaknesses, feelings, experiences and emotions.

Early childhood

From early childhood, Arkhip can be a very restless, disobedient, self-sufficient and effective child. With such a baby, parents will have a very difficult time. He will not sit still for a minute, all his energy will be spent on pranks, pampering, running around and entertainment. Parents should pay as much attention as possible to his exorbitant energy. If you do not invest it anywhere, then he will indulge even more and over time will begin to bring a lot of problems.

Another very important point - already in early childhood, he begins to become too dependent on the love and attention of those around him. And further, as they grow older, this trait will only intensify.

But Arkhip is always a hardworking and purposeful boy, not too responsible, unable to concentrate and be attentive, but active and restless. It is very important to correctly direct his energy, make him start some kind of hobby, or simply captivate him with one thing. Otherwise, he will continually switch from one case to another, and in the end will not finish any of them.


Named by the rare and beautiful name of Arkhip, the boy in adolescence may become too attention-dependent. He will yearn to get it by any means possible. He expects attention from peers, and especially parents. But not getting it, he can resort to the worst methods of getting it. Because of this, he behaves badly, thus attracting attention to himself.

But in his soul he is harmless and kind, wants only good things and does not think about bad things. Good deeds are his style of life, and the goal is to respect society. Already in adolescence, he begins to understand that it is possible to get what is planned only through perseverance and perseverance. Becomes responsible, reliable, disciplined, achieves success in all matters for which he undertakes, but often suffers from loneliness.

Peers consider him a "sneak" and even a "nerd", although his studies are not easy for him. Those around him are respected and appreciated for his honesty and sincerity. He is versatile and will easily support any topic, teachers are delighted with his sociability and quick wit.

Grown man

This name promises an adult Arkhip dependence on many factors, including materialities. For an adult guy, material values \u200b\u200bare important, and for the sake of them he lives by and large. This is not to say that he loves to work, but nevertheless, he will not become a bum. He will improve all his life, achieve new heights and work, chasing career growth and money.

He is not devoid of leadership qualities, but he can sacrifice everything for the sake of the family. Family ties are most important to him. He cherishes his parents, wife, children and everyone who belongs to his family. But friends occupy an equally important position in Arkhip's life.

Arkhip values \u200b\u200bstrong and honest people, surrounds himself only with proven personalities. Demanding, than many and scares away, sometimes requires too much from people. Not afraid to criticize people, often too bluntly. But such is he, and even his parents, wife, or children will not be able to change him.

The interaction of the character of Arkhip with the seasons

Spring - the meaning of the spring season endows a boy named Arkhip with an organizational gift and megalomania at the same time. This is a sociable and eloquent representative of the strongest half of humanity, but with a pronounced pride and incredible self-confidence. Hardy and reliable, loves difficulties, they add excitement to him - he definitely achieves his goal.

Summer - summer season and the origin of the name form give the boy neutrality and calmness, pacification and gentleness. He is vulnerable in his soul, touchy, but will not show this, hides emotions from the outside world and tries to seem strong. On the way to the goal he will not be stopped by obstacles, nothing is a hindrance to him. Generous and correct, reasonable and surrounds himself with the same people.

Autumn - the character of a boy under the auspices of the autumn months is not very simple. He is well-mannered and speaks beautifully, knows how to adapt to the environment and adapt to situations, but does not like boring personalities. Movement and development are his goals. A little quick-tempered and principled, but not critical. He needs a strong, calculating and reliable companion.

Winter - and the harsh winter cold and the given human name together, endows with such characteristics as hard work, determination, sociability, sociability and the ability to distinguish between good and evil. A careerist, hard worker, ready to work for the benefit of career advancement and material values. Respects strength and perseverance. Conflict-free - prides itself on the ability to resolve conflicts through diplomatic means.

The fate of the name Arkhip

It is difficult to say how the fate of a man named after Arkhip should develop in love, relationships and personal life in general. But one thing is for sure - Arkhip will not be deprived of female attention and popularity among female representatives. He will always be popular. He certainly does not promise a lonely life - he would rather become a womanizer than a loner. But at the same time he will certainly be an inveterate bachelor, trying to remain independent from anyone as long as possible, a free man.

In his youth, Arkhip will probably change his companions very often. But it is difficult to judge whether this is good or bad. But in maturity he will definitely become good husband the woman who can get his heart and love. He will give his beloved everything she needs. True, not everyone can meet its criteria and requirements.

And he is very demanding. Anyway, only a patient, compliant, ready to make concessions woman will be able to fool this man.
You can also add that Arkhip is an excellent cavalier. He will give his numerous ladies both care, and tenderness, and love. He cannot be called soft and courteous, but he will take care of his woman in such a way that she has something to be proud of and something to remember after parting.

Love and marriage

In his youth, a man named Arkhip is in great demand among female representatives, but he is in no hurry to get married. He puts forward rather stringent requirements for his future wife. Even as a bachelor, he is extremely clean and treats any dirt with disgust. His wife should be a very good housewife, whose whole house will be polished to a shine and the aromas of delicious dishes will always hover in the kitchen. At the same time, she must also have time to monitor her appearance, while maintaining her beauty and attractiveness.

Arkhip is a real family man who values \u200b\u200bhis marriage and dreams of getting married once and for all. In his opinion, it is necessary to work on relationships and on problems in them, because divorce does not solve these problems.

He surrounds his loved ones with care and attention, he is even ready to live with his mother-in-law and father-in-law, if this will benefit his wife and children. The bearer of the name Arkhip is a very hospitable and welcoming host. He often invites his friends and family to visit, loves holidays and tries never to be alone.

Arkhip as Father

It is difficult to call Arkhip an ideal father, but you cannot call him bad either. In general, men who received the name Arkhip at birth are usually very responsible fathers who try to give their children as much of what they need as possible. These men do not abandon their children, give them everything they need, and try to educate them good people... True, depending on the age at which Arkhip became a father, the attitude towards paternity as such may differ.

But on the other hand, we can say with one hundred percent certainty that Arkhip will not spare time raising children. He will give them everything they need, try to teach them everything that will be useful in the future, and in general, he will prepare them to the maximum for adult life. The only drawback is that he will treat children the way they, in his opinion, will deserve - and after all, the opinion may be wrong.

The wife should treat everything with understanding and try to give Arkhip a break from fatherhood from time to time, otherwise his pride and thirst for freedom will play a cruel joke with him and sooner or later will force him to leave the family, at least for some insignificant time.

Horoscope named Arkhip


Aries - under the auspices of Aries, a boy named Arkhip is born, having a strong and strong-willed nature. He is purposeful and enduring, patient and persistent, does not succumb to difficulties and achieves what was planned by any means. He has no friends, is lonely because of his self-sufficiency.


Taurus - this bearer of the name Arkhip is by nature an organizer and leader who knows how to manage and direct. Its minus is a superficial judgment about people, importunity, intransigence and adherence to principles. His opinion cannot be disputed, he is always right and values \u200b\u200bonly people who recognize and respect this unique quality of his.


Gemini - the meaning of this zodiac, who received the name Arkhip, promises unique charisma, a talent for conversation, eloquence and the ability to tell. He is a chatterbox, but in moderation, the soul of any company, a welcome guest in any society. It's not boring with such, but you shouldn't count on responsibility - fickle.


Cancer - has the character of a dreamer and a dreamer, a soft and vulnerable man who dreams of pure love, passion, devotion and family life... He tries to be strong and tough in the eyes of others, but does not stand it for a long time - he is rotten by life without emotions and fun, pink glasses and imagination.

a lion

Leo - and this bearer of this name-form is distinguished by hard work, diligence, assertiveness and determination. He has many goals and deeds, and he brings everything to the final end. He never gives up, considers himself created for great deeds. Often forgets the importance of communication and having friends.


Virgo is versatile, intelligent, resourceful, calm and level-headed. Surrounds himself with only a select few. Has compatibility with ladies endowed with a calm disposition and the ability to be sincere. He will be extremely responsible for the choice of the second half - he is demanding of women.


Libra is a bearer of the name Arkhip, born under the sign of Libra, brought up. A delicate, tactful diplomat with the gift of eloquence. Manipulator - knows how to masterfully manipulate public opinion. It is easy to get along with him, but the father of the family and the owner of the house from him "none."


Scorpio - the origin of the name we are considering and the parameters of Scorpio, together endowed with such traits as hot temper, imbalance, unpredictability, emotionality. But in conversation, this is a pleasant and interesting person, a loyal friend, reliable partner and father of a family.


Sagittarius is a person with unpredictable plans. An energetic, restless, attractive seducer with a bright charisma. He prefers turbulent and fleeting romances instead of strong and serious relationships. Afraid of losing freedom and independence. Lives only for himself.


Capricorn is a careerist and hard worker, ready to do anything for promotion. Tough, rude, demanding, but honest and reliable, will never betray or deceive. He defends his own opinion to the bitter end, stubborn - it's better not to argue with him. Marries a compliant lady.


Aquarius - this bearer of the name Arkhip is not a leader or a leader, but pleasant and kind in communication. Good-natured, benevolent, talkative, interesting, self-sufficient and self-confident. Distrustful, afraid of betrayal. Carefully interrupts the girls and selects the best of the best.


Pisces is sociable and open-minded, relaxed. Not vindictive and not vindictive, ready to help at any moment. He has excellent compatibility with all the fairer sex, but will connect fate only with an agreeable and domestic lady.

Compatibility with female names

The compatibility of the name Arkhip with female names has been studied by astrologers for quite a long period, and now we can provide several important aspects this question for you to consider ...

An excellent connection in terms of love and passion for a man named in this way with ladies named in the following variations: Galina, Larisa, Dina, Tamila, Renata.

The ideal combination for marriage is achieved by creating a family with such variations as: Gloria, Polina, Sarah, Sofia, Edita, Tatiana, Alevtina, Albina, Diana, Clara, Lolita, Lyudmila.

There is no connection in most cases with naming options: Elena, Ninel, Elsa, Lina.

The meaning of the name Arkhip: the name for the boy means "manager of the cavalry", "chief over the horses." This affects the character and fate of Arkhip.

The origin of the name Arkhip: ancient greek.

The diminutive form of the name: Arkhipka, Arya.

What does the name Arkhip mean: the name Arkhip comes from the ancient Greek name Archippos. The word translates as "in charge of the horses." Another meaning of the name Arkhip is “the chief of the cavalry”, “the ruler of the horses” (“arhos” - literally “ruler”, “hippos” - literally “horse”). This guy is serious and responsible. Despite this, he does not strive for leadership. Arkhip likes to be the head of a small department. He performs the assigned work with high quality, conscientiously, and if he had to redo it, he will do it even better than required.

Patronymic: Arkhipovich, Arkhipovna; colloquial Arkhipych.

Angel day and patron saints named after Arkhip: Arkhip celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • March 4 (February 19) - St. Arkhip the Apostle, a disciple of the Apostle Paul, was a bishop in Colosse; died as a martyr in the 1st century.
  • 19 (6) September - the Monk Arkhipy.

Signs of the name Arkhip: From Arkhip, September 19, the day is already shortened by five hours. The web on this day spreads over the plants - to the warmth. Thunder foreshadows a warm autumn.

The meaning of the name for a boy

Arkhip is a skeptic who does not believe in revelation and intuition. He has a sober, chilling mind that sees everything too clearly ... and at the same time a terrible suspiciousness that poisons his life. Arkhip is smart, efficient, reliable, can do anything. He is the perfect performer; it doesn't really matter to him to be a leader. His healthy ambition will never grow into morbid vanity.

The nature of the name Arkhip

Positive features: The name Arkhip gives seriousness, foresight, accuracy, balance in words, decisions and actions, gentleness. Arkhip looks older than his age due to his seriousness and solidity. A man with this name is respected by close people, colleagues and superiors. Balance does not prevent him from quickly responding to alarming signals, if necessary, to defend his honor and dignity.

Negative traits: The name Arkhip brings gloom, taciturnity, coldness. It would not hurt for Arkhipka to sometimes be distracted from serious matters and thoughts.

The name Arkhip in love and marriage

Does happiness in love promise the meaning of the name Arkhip? He is faithful in marriage, attaches great importance to the family - this is the main thing in his life, more important than his career. Arkhip is a zealous owner and a jealous spouse.

Compatibility with female names

Favorable marriage named Arkhip with Claudia, Larisa, Marta, Stephanie. Arkhip is also combined with Faina. Difficult relationships in men named by Arkhip are likely with Angelica, Inga, Kira, Laima, Matryona, Elvira, Yadviga.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Arkhip is distinguished by consistency in actions and strives to reach a higher social level. Already in early age the child Arkhip determines his future profession and stubbornly moves towards his goal. Arkhipka can be a good specialist in the field of exact sciences, having the name Arkhip is able to deal with one topic for years. The ability to work for a long time and painstakingly can have a beneficial effect on creative activity. Arkhip appreciates the authorities for their punctuality and reliability.

Business and career: The Arkhip man is not inclined to adventures, risks, so he can be content with small funds.

Health and energy named

Health and talents named after Arkhip: A man is likely to have a weakening of the respiratory system, allergic bronchitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis. Smoking is contraindicated for him.

Arkhip's talismans

  • Zodiac - Virgo
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color - ocher
  • Auspicious tree - fir
  • Treasured plant - mother and stepmother
  • Patron saint - trumpeter shell
  • Talisman stone - marble

The fate of the name Arkhip

  1. For sixty years the Monk Arkhip served as a sexton at the Church of St. Michael the Archangel.
  2. Arkhip Kuindzhi (1841–1910), an itinerant painter, became famous among Russian artists.

Name translation

The translation of the word Arkhip in different languages \u200b\u200bhas a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On english language translated as Archippus, in Finnish: Arhippa (Archippa), in Belarusian: Archip.

If you cannot decide on a name for your son in any way, ask about the meaning of the name Arkhip. It has a beautiful sound and strong energy. In addition, this name cannot be called common, and therefore its owner will always be in the spotlight.


The name Arkhip is of Greek origin (Archippos). If you translate the name literally, you get "ruler of horses", "ruler over horses", "ruler of horses". In a simplified version, the name is translated as "groom", "chief horseman", "chief of the cavalry".

The name Arkhip is found in the Bible, in the New Testament. It was worn by one of the companions of the Apostle Paul. In the Orthodox tradition, name days fall on January 17, July 19, September 19, December 5. Arkhip's Catholic name days - March 20.

Name horoscope

To study the meaning of the name Arkhip more fully, refer to astrology. The horoscope looks like this:

  • The patron planet is Mars.
  • Zodiac signs - Sagittarius and Aries.
  • Lucky colors - orange, red.
  • The day of the week is Tuesday. Plan all important things and meetings for it.
  • Stone talisman - amethyst, jasper.
  • The mascot plant is nettle.
  • The totem animal is the wolf.

Features of the childhood period

The meaning of the name Arkhip for a child begins to manifest itself at a fairly early age. Here are the traits that a little boy has:

  • not prone to conflicts, but if necessary, can stand up for himself;
  • does not strive for leadership, prefers to be on a par with peers;
  • interested in studying, makes progress in the exact sciences;
  • attentive and respectful to the advice of elders;
  • loves increased attention from parents.

Adult personality

The meaning of the name Arkhip for a boy is somewhat different from the traits with which it endows an adult man. Here are the points to pay attention to:

  • self-sufficient person with a strong character;
  • prudence and persistence;
  • striving for success in all spheres of life;
  • confidence in yourself and your beliefs;
  • diligence and responsibility;
  • does not like empty conversations, is sociable only in the circle of close friends;
  • the ability to make friends and a scrupulous approach to choosing friends;
  • foresight and ability to foresee future events;
  • quickness, ability to forgive;
  • skepticism and dogmatic views.

Love and family

The meaning of the name Arkhip leaves an imprint on the personal life of its owner. He does not like frivolous and fleeting relationships, but strives to create a strong family and have children. He pampers daughters in every possible way, and brings up sons in severity.

Arkhip has quite high requirements for the chosen one. On the one hand, it should be quiet and homely, economic and hospitable. On the other hand, she should have an easy disposition and a good sense of humor. Here are the female names that are characterized by the best compatibility with Arkhip:

  • Alice is a good wife and loyal friend.
  • Christina - relations with her will always be ardent and passionate.
  • Natalia is a caring wife and a good housewife.
  • Alla has a light and cheerful disposition, she is never bored with her.
  • Margarita is very romantic and unpredictable, which helps to constantly bring something new to the relationship.

Hobbies and career

The origin and meaning of the name Arkhip determines the career direction of its owner. He knows what he wants to do in life, literally from school, and develops in this direction, without splashing into extraneous industries.

Arkhip strives to work in a team. As a hired worker, he shows amazing self-discipline, discipline and high labor productivity. Nevertheless, Arkhipa quickly ceases to satisfy the role of a simple employee, which makes him think about his own business.


Interestingly, most babies named Arkhip turn out to be rather weak and sickly. Therefore, parents are advised to think as early as possible about how to send their child to sports to develop physical endurance and strengthen immunity. Since childhood, Arkhipov has had problems with the respiratory system, so smoking is categorically contraindicated for them. Vision problems begin in middle age.

Letter-by-letter decoding

The meaning of the name Arkhip lies in each of its letters. The table contains a transcript.

Letter Decoding

Expressed leadership qualities;

Striving to stand out from the crowd and be the center of attention;

Striving for material well-being


Exceptional insight, allowing you to understand the essence of things;


Commitment to action;

Risk appetite;

Dogmatic judgments


The desire to achieve everything on their own;

Hypersensitivity to the opinions of others;

Following the principles of morality


Subtle spiritual organization;

Sensitivity to other people's experiences;

Intolerance to quarrels and conflicts


Obsession with appearance;

An endless stream of creative ideas;

Exceptional analytical skills

Influence of the season

There are many factors to consider when choosing a name. The meaning of the name Arkhip may vary depending on which season the date of birth of its owner falls on:

  • Spring Arkhip is distinguished by exceptional sociability and pronounced artistic abilities. Cannot stand loneliness, needs constant presence in society.
  • Summer Arkhip is characterized by a gentle character and flexibility. Easily finds a common language with others. He loves children very much, therefore he strives to create a large family.
  • Autumn Arkhip is remarkable for his amazing energy and resourcefulness. He has an amazing flair for financial issues, therefore, as a rule, he achieves material well-being at a fairly young age.
  • Winter Arkhip is closed and unsociable. His social circle is quite narrow, he finds it difficult to get along with new acquaintances. He prefers to do everything on his own, does not tolerate obsession.

Famous name holders

The following Arkhipy left a significant mark in history:

  • Archippa Perttunen is the best Karelian rune-singer, who has composed over 6,000 epic poems.
  • Arkhip Kuindzhi is a famous Russian artist who became famous for his landscape paintings. Experts note his amazing ability to portray light.
  • Arkhip Osipov is a Russian soldier, a hero of the defense of the Black Sea coast.
  • Arkhip Abaginsky is a Soviet poet who became famous for his works in the Yakut language. He also translated the works of Pushkin, Gorky, Turgenev, Chukovsky and other famous writers into the Yakut language.
  • Arkhip Lyulka is a Soviet scientist who designed aircraft engines. The first developer of a turbojet engine for an aircraft.

Arkhip is an old nickname characterizing a horse lover, since its interpretation sounds like "the chief of the cavalry" or "senior rider".

Origin of the name

The name Arkhip, once popular in Russia, comes from Ancient Greece. It was in those parts that the first boy, named Arkhip, was born. It is formed from the fusion of two Greek words "archi" (higher) and "ippo" (horse, horse).

general characteristics

Little Arkhipka loves increased attention to his person, often throws a tantrum in the presence of his parents, so that they give him all their attention. He is especially capricious in front of his mother, but tries to restrain himself in front of other relatives or strangers.

The teachers in the garden have a hard time with the little tomboy, he strives to constantly do some kind of prank on the sly - it is almost impossible to make sure that the baby does not make trouble. Archipushka gladly takes part in any mischief.
Despite not very good behavior, the reputation of a fighter and a bully for Arkhip is not fixed. The little boy does not strive to lead and be in charge, but he will never allow himself to offend.

With the beginning of school hours, the little bully becomes more disciplined, tries to study well, although his behavior is not particularly corrected. Complaints from teachers about the student come regularly, and loving parents should instill good manners in their offspring, but you should not punish him too harshly for tricks.

Positive character traits

Disputes do not give the boy pleasure, he always tries to avoid conflict. Although, as soon as it comes to personal interests, Arkhip is ready to insist on his opinion to the last, and it is impossible to convince him.

Growing up, the guy becomes serious, thinks over the phrases issued so as not to say too much or not offend the interlocutor. He also tries not to make rash decisions, acts carefully, balanced and confidently, analyzing and predicting every step in advance. For calmness and sobriety of thought in difficult situations, the young man is respected not only by close people - in the work collective they value his opinion and always listen.

The owner of the name is not vindictive, he forgets minor grievances very quickly. Arkhip is also able to forgive serious offenses, but for this he needs more time.

Negative character traits

Arkhip's eternal seriousness makes him brooding and gloomy. He is not too smiling, often in a bad mood. With a sense of humor, the boy is in real trouble, even the funniest joke cannot cheer him up.

A man is not distinguished by friendliness and interest in communication. Always busy with business, he does not like talking on abstract topics. It would be nice for this person to take a break from work sometimes, to learn how to relax.

Zodiac sign

The zodiac sign, which is more harmonious than the rest combined with the nickname Arkhip - Virgo. Fate is subject to the influence of Mercury - the planet that controls intellectual activity. The color scheme most suitable for the name is yellow, red and brown shades. To protect Arkhip from invisible evil, a talisman made of marble will serve.


Arkhipka, Arkhipchik, Arkhipushka, Arya, Arkhiponka, Arik.

Name variations

Arkhip, Archippos, Arkippes, Archippus, Arshipp, Arkipo, Archippa.

Historical figures

IV century - the Monk Arkhip.
1841 –1910 - Russian artist, itinerant painter Arkhip Kuindzhi.



  1. V. A. Nikonov (V. A. Nikonov). "Looking for a name" (Looking at a name). Ed. "Soviet Russia". Moscow, 1988. ISBN
  2. N. A. Petrovsky (N. A. Petrovsky). "Dictionary of Russian personal names" (Dictionary of Russian names). LLC Publishing House "AST". Moscow, 2005.