Ob'єkti pidvischenny riziku shho ob'єkti. Regulatory protection





The population of the Krasnodar Territory

On the Victory of the Regulations of the Order Russian Federation from 18 September 1995 to N 65 "About the establishment of the single Russian insurance fund of documentation", from the 26th day of 1995 to the number 1253-68 "About the safety of the establishment of the single Russian insurance fund of documentation", from the 13th release of 1996 to the establishment of N 971 The United Russian Insurance Fund of Documentation for the documentary protection of the Single State System and Prevention and Management of Supervision Situations

1. Stvoriti teritorіalny insurance fund dokumentatsії on ob'єkti pіdvischenogo riziku ob'єkti i sistemi zhittєzabezpechennya population Krasnodarskogo edge (Dali - NA TSFD) for documentary zabezpechennya teritorіalnoї pіdsistemi єdinoї State Poperedjennia i sistemi lіkvіdatsії Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy Krasnodarskogo edge at provedennі avarіyno-ryatuvalnih, avarіyno -immune robots in case of liquidation of superficial situations.

2. By the head organization of the TSFD of the National Assembly, the state government established the Krasnodar Territory "Management for the protection of the security of the state, the advancement of the elimination of supervising situations and the civil defense" (Goryunov).

(Clause 2 of the article as amended by the Decree of the Head of the Administrative Department (Governor) of the Krasnodar Territory dated 09.06.2012 N 634)

3. The Department for Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies, Food of Civil Defense, Supervision of Situations and Water Resources of the Krasnodar Territory (Globov) organizes the robot for:

1) coordination of the activity of the head organization of the organization, saving and maintaining the TSFD NS;

2) clarification of the Pereliku of the objects of the adjusted population and of the systems of the living safety of the population, which have been removed on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, on which emergency sets of documentation are available in the TSFD warehouse;

3) the order of securing emergency sets of documentation on the object of the risen and the system and the safety of the population of the Krasnodar Territory in micrographic forms;

4) securing the main (working) TSFD NS at head organization;

5) zberіgannya reserve fund NA TSFD in zahischenomu skhovische at organі povsyakdennogo upravlіnnya teritorіalnoї pіdsistemi RSChS Krasnodarskogo edge i viznachennya order Yogo vikoristannya at neobhіdnostі documentary zabezpechennya Venue of avarіyno-ryatuvalnih, avarіyno-vіdnovlyuvalnih that іnshih nevіdkladnih robіt pid hour lіkvіdatsії nadzvichaynoї situatsії;

6) the appointment of the obligations of robots and vitrates according to the establishment and safety of the documents of the TSFD NS.

(Clause 3 of the article as amended by the Decree of the Head of the Administrative Department (Governor) of the Krasnodar Territory dated 09.06.2012 N 634)

4. Enabled. - Resolution of the Head of the Administrative Department (Governor) of the Krasnodar Territory dated 25.08.2011 N 936.

4. Confirm the Provisions for the establishment, preservation and registration of the territorial insurance fund of the documentation on the object of the raised risk and the system of living the population of the Krasnodar Territory (to be completed).

5. Control over the vikonannya tsієї Decide obeisance to the patron of the head of the administrative department of the Krasnodar Territory from the budget, the architect and the living and communal government A.Yu. Ivanova.

6. Resolution of recruiting from the day of the last signature.

Head of administration

Krasnodar Territory





heads of administration

Krasnodar Territory





Krasnodar Territory

(As amended by the Resolutions of the Head of the Administrative Department

(Governor) Krasnodar Territory

revised 25.08.2011 N 936, revised 09.06.2012 N 634)

1. Headquarters

1.1. The price of the provision of the designation and storage of the territorial insurance fund of the documentation on the basis of the provision of information (potentially insecure facilities) and the implementation of the safety systems for the population of the Krasnodar region, based on the basis of the , saved and victorious.

Exposure The tsogo provisions of poshiryuєtsya organ vikonavchoї Vladi Krasnodarskogo edge, organs mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya, pіdpriєmstva, install that organіzatsії edge Square od їh pіdporyadkovanostі that forms vlasnostі, SSMSC take fate in stvorennі, zberezhennі, vikoristannі Naukova-methodical that materіalno-tehnіchnomu zabezpechennі that fіnansuvannі TSFD National Assembly in accordance with the Resolutions of the Uryad of the Russian Federation dated 18 September 1995 N 65 "About the establishment of the United Russian insurance fund of documentation", issued on 26 March 1995 N 1253-68 "About the safety of documents in the period of 1996 N 971 "on the approval of the Regulations on the Victory of the Single Russian Insurance Fund of Documentation for the Documentary Protection of the Single State System and the Prevention and Elimination of Supervised Situations".

1.2. TSFD NA - Tse scho znahoditsya in derzhavnіy vlasnostі Krasnodarskogo edge sukupnіst nadіyno zberezhenih avarіynih komplektіv dokumentatsії on ob'єkti pіdvischenogo riziku i ob'єkti systems zhittєzabezpechennya population Krasnodarskogo edge (Dali - ob'єkti pіdvischenogo riziku i ob'єkti zhittєzabezpechennya) zafіksovanih on compact (micrographic and machine-readable) information sources.

Avarіyny set dokumentatsії - uporyadkovana sukupnіst proektnoї, konstruktorskoї, tehnologіchnoї, normativnoї, upravlіnskoї that іnshoї dokumentatsії on ob'єkti pіdvischenogo riziku i ob'єkti zhittєzabezpechennya, vikonanoї on paperovih nosіyah Informácie i pіdgotovlenoї for perekladu on kompaktnі nosії Informácie for podalshoї bookmarks in TSFD NA. Avarіyny set dokumentatsії guilty vіdpovіdati vimogam State sistemi standartіv, in addition chislі standartіv Єdinoї sistemi konstruktorskoї dokumentatsії, standartіv sistemi proektnoї dokumentatsії for budіvnitstva, standard "Reprografіya. Mіkrografії" іnshih dokumentіv, recommending for zastosuvannya at rozrobtsі іnzhenerno-tehnіchnih zahodіv on lіkvіdatsії Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy.

TSFD NS є the warehouse part of the territorial insurance fund of documentation of the Krasnodar region and the single Russian insurance fund of documentation. TSFD NA priznacheny for operational іnformatsіynogo zabezpechennya organіv upravlіnnya have coped tsivіlnoї Defense i Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy, їh avarіyno-ryatuvalnih formuvan that іnshih forces єdinoї State sistemi Poperedjennia i lіkvіdatsії Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy at provedennі avarіyno-ryatuvalnih, avarіyno-vіdnovlyuvalnih that іnshih nevіdkladnih robіt pid hour lіkvіdatsії Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situation. Vikoristannya TSFD NS is carried out at the time of the loss, because of the inaccessibility of the originals of the documentation of the raised risk and the observance of life.

Mikrofilmuvannya and sberіgannya documentation TSFD NS builds up to the state standards of the "Insurance Fund of Documentation" system.

1.3. The main directions of the gate and the development of the TSFD NS;

the establishment of the normative legal base, which regulates the flow of information in the hallway and the development of the TSFD NS;

the formulation of the transfer of objects of the advanced risk and of the safety of life, on which emergency sets of documentation are required for inclusion in the TSFD NS;

the establishment of the system of insurance protection of the documentary information of the territorial system of the single state system and of the prevention and improvement of supervised situations of the Krasnodar Territory and the technical equipment of the corridor systems;

the establishment of the insurance fund of documentation for documentary protection of emergency, emergency, emergency and non-emergency robots in case of emergency situations;

the stem of the TSFD NS pidsystem in the warehouse of the automated information system of the single state system and the advancement and liquidation of supervised situations;

organizing the preparation of faculty in the area of ​​stemming, saving and maintaining the TSFD NS.

1.4. Headache organіzatsіya teritorіalnogo insurance fund dokumentatsії on ob'єkti pіdvischenogo riziku i ob'єkti systems zhittєzabezpechennya population Krasnodarskogo edge (Dali - Head organіzatsіya TSFD NA) - Reigning breech install Krasnodarskogo edge "Upravlіnnya on zabezpechennyu pozhezhnoї BEZPEKA, Poperedjennia that lіkvіdatsії Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy i tsivіlnoї Defense "(dal - installed) - opened for a non-middle visitor of the establishment and functions of organizing and carrying out work on the stem, saving and maintaining the TSFD NS.

The establishment, function, improvement and revision of the head organization of the TSFD NS are established by the Statute, a number of Provisions, as well as the Provisions on the head organization of the TSFD NS, which are approved by the authority of the civil defense authority.

The organization of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory and the head organization of the TSFD of the National Assembly in cooperation with the field of development, protection and registration of the United Russian Insurance Fund of documentation for documentary protection of the situation of the single state system

(Clause 1.4 as amended by the Decree of the Head of the Administrative Department (Governor) of Krasnodar Territory dated 09.06.2012 N 634)

1.5. Implementation, preservation and registration of TSFD NS organize and organize and stay consistently up to and including the recommendations of the relevant normative legal acts, normative-technical and methodological documents and include:

planning the stem and saving TSFD NS;

preparation, completing and transferring to the compact information carrier of emergency sets of documentation on the insurance fund;

organizing and securing the storage of the TSFD NS, introduced, if necessary, change in the documentation of the insurance fund;

preparation for registration and registration of TSFD NS for certificates;

scientifically-methodically and materially and technically securing the stem, saving and vikorystannya TSFD NS.

All robots (come in) are included before the completed plan is completed, and they are saved and sent to the territory of the insurance fund of the Krasnodar Territory on the basis of the updated risk and the system of emergency operations for the emergency-keeping of the population Likvidatsii supervised situations (dal - Zvedeniy plan), which will be specified in a proper manner. On the submitted plan, the plan for the delivery of TSFD NS documentation for transferring to micrographic forms and on machine-readable information carriers (further - Delivery Plan) is developed. The delivery plan begins with municipal education, enterprises and organizations, which are responsible for submitting documentation for transfer on a compact information carrier in Chergov rots.

The delivery plan is developed by the head organization of the TSFD NS at the cooperation with the head administrations of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory, and is approved by the authority of the viconavchy government of the Krasnodar Territory.

1.6. Before the warehouse of documents TSFD NS are included:

emergency sets of documents for the maintenance of emergency and emergency situations;

perelіk ob'єktіv pіdvischenogo riziku i ob'єktіv systems zhittєzabezpechennya population, SSMSC stvoryuєtsya NA TSFD (Dali - Perelіk TSFD NA), headache rozroblyaєtsya organіzatsієyu TSFD NA in vzaєmodії of headache upravlіnnyam MHC Russie Krasnodarskomu on the edge of the filed kerіvnikіv organіv vikonavchoї Vladi Krasnodarskogo edge , the organs of the muscular self-dressing, with the steps of the steps, are not safe for the objects and their importance for the life of the population of the region. Until the Transition of the TSFD NS, the entities that are included before the Transition of the Federal Insurance Fund of Documentation are not included. The transfer of the TSFD NS is used by the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia and is solidified by the certificate to the authority of the viconavcha power of the Krasnodar Territory. Prior to the Pereliku TSFD NS, the equipment of chemical, radioactive, vibration, biologic, hydrodynamic problems, water supply systems and canalization, gas supply, heat supply, heat supply, transport of sound Transition of TSFD NS to expand (to be specified in the world of need) as long as it is established by the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia;

tribute base TSFD NS.

A warehouse for an emergency set of documents for a leather object (municipal establishment) is formed from the following documents:

tasks to face the municipal and regional lanks of the territorial subsystem of the single state system, as well as to advance and eliminate supervised situations of the Krasnodar Territory (distant - TP RSChS);

stepping up to the risk of detecting superstitious situations of a kind and insecure, pouring in hostile officials into the population, personnel of enterprises and territories;

features of technology, function and distribution of facilities for provision of safety and security for life.

A warehouse for an emergency set of documentation on the TSFD NS facility is formed according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia.

The collection of emergency sets of documents of the TSFD NS is formed at the sight of the main (working) and spare (stolen) insurance funds of the documentation. In order to secure the operational access of the administrative bodies of the TP RSChS of all supplies to the insurance documentation in the stores of the TSFD NS, it is also possible to obtain an emergency set of documents on the authorities of the federal government.

1.7. The main principles of stemming, saving and maintaining TSFD NS є:

securing the operability of access to the documentation of the TSFD of the NS for the storage of computer methods for processing information and transmission over communication channels;

facsimile and legal information on saving documentation sets;

enabling the possibility of unauthorized access to the TSFD NS, for example, replace the documents in the set;

safeguarding of the guaranteed pre-warranted preservation of the emergency sets of documents of the TSFD NS for the registration of small information carriers (microfiche, Jacket, floppy disks, necessary CDs and other information) and forgetting

to take care of the complexity of technologies and to save and maintain the documentation to the fund

securing the organization and technical ties to the bank of the TSFD NS donations with the automated information-system of the single state system and the advancement and management of supervised situations.

2. Saving, saving and victorious TSFD NS

2.1. Basics tehnіchnogo zabezpechennya stvorennya, zberezhennya i vikoristannya TSFD NA Je complex tehnіchnih zasobіv scho realіzuyut vikonannya tehnologіchnih protsesіv perekladu on kompaktnі nosії Informácie, zberіgannya, Poshuk that vіdtvorennya avarіynih komplektіv dokumentatsії in hodі lіkvіdatsії Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy of urahuvannyam vimog sistemi Reigning standartіv.

2.2. A complex of technical tools for the stem and victorian of the TSFD NS, moldings on the basis of the integration of micrographic technology and using the computer processing of those who are guilty of failing:

the possibility of transferring information from the originals or copies of documents in a paper view in micrographic forms (micrographs, Jacket) and on electronic media (CDs) as of the standard;

the necessity, efficiency of the message, delivery (or transmission through the communication channels) and the production of insurance documents from CDs or microfiche in the extreme minds of suspicious situations;

the possibility of converting microfilmed documentation into digital form, as well as the possibility of processing by computer methods within the framework of an automated information-keruyuche system and a single state system and improving and improving situations;

minimization of vitrates for the use and exploitation of technical possession, vitratic materials.

Functionally, the complex of technical equipment TSFD NS includes the next groups of ownership:

technical support for scanning documents in a paper view and recording them on electronic information carriers (CDs);

technical support for the collection, joke, creation in the paper view and the reproduction of documents (text and graphic) on electronic carriers (CDs), which can be entered before the warehouse of TSFD NS;

technical support for the acquisition, joke and creation of microfiche, Jacket in the paper viglyad, scanned and recorded on the electronic media of information (CDs);

technical support for prompt registration (delivery, glance in Polish minds) of TSFD NS documentation (in microfilm and electronic view).

The warehouse of technical resources for equipping the head organization of the TSFD NS is formed according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia.

2.3. The robotic (entry) complex of the TSFD NS gateway includes:

Formation of an emergency set of documents for a leather object, inclusions before Pereliku TSFD NS;

preparation of documents, transferred to the warehouse for an emergency set of documents, before transferring them from paper to micrographic forms (micrographs, Jackets) and on machine-readable information carriers (CD and DVD discs);

control of the status of prepared documents in accordance with the graphical display and image quality. Formation of an emergency set of documents and preparation of documents before transferring them from paperwork to micrographic forms and on machine-readable information carriers shall be carried out on a prior basis prior to the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Service of Russia;

arrangement of agreements and special laboratories for microbiology, which may be licensed for a whole type of performance;

complete set of emergency documentation kits and delivery (re-delivery by the order) for transfer in micrographic forms and on machine-readable information carriers in special laboratories on the basis of the presentation of the stowage agreements. For microfilm, originals are submitted, as well as duplicates and copies of official documents;

transfer of documents, which should be entered before the warehouse of emergency documentation sets, from paperwork in micrographic forms and on machine-readable information carriers. Robots for translating from paper form on machine-readable information carriers (CDs) can be used by enterprises and organizations on the object, for which emergency sets of documents are available, with the necessary control and necessary organizing TSFD NS and special laboratories (organizing) on ​​a contractual basis. Robots from the translation of emergency documentation sets from paperwork into micrographic forms (micrographs, Jackets) are carried out only by special laboratories (organizations), which may require a license for a whole type of performance;

copying of microfiche (Jacket), transfer of information from microfiche on paper nose to digital form on machine-readable information carrier in the head organization of TSFD NS (if any of these technologies are evident)

Formation of Bazi Danih TSFD NS. The data base will be based on the single organizational and technical principles with the data base of the automated information-critical system of the single state system and the advancement and improvement of supervised situations based on the computer catalog.

2.4. The collection of emergency sets of documentation for the main (working) fund of the TSFD NS in micrographic forms (microfiche) and CDs can be organized in the bodies of the general control of the forces of the RSChS region in the possession of a secret regime, which is guilty of due temperature special shafs. The collection of emergency sets of documentation of the reserve (stolen) TSFD NS is organized when a special stolen and indicated to the singing vimogs of the schema, financial possibilities for the exploitation of the stock of the given schema and the snake schema. Whenever there is an opportunity along the branch of the storehouse on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, the reserve fund of the TSFD NS will be stored in one of the stolen treasures, which in turn are used for securing the Russian Russian Insurance Fund, for the weather from the weather.

The collection of emergency sets of documentation in micrographic forms and on machine-readable information carriers is available as soon as possible until the Ministry of Taxes and Communications of the Russian Federation is distributed.

2.5. The decision on the basis of the main (working) fund of the TSFD of the NS will be taken over as the head of the governing body on the right of the civil defense and supervising situations of the Russian Federation, on the territory of the situation for the situation of the oversight of the situation

The decision on the registration of the reserve fund of documentation of the TSFD NS for updating the documentation of the main fund of documentation of the TSFD NS is accepted by the Ministry of Taxes and Communications of Russia, the body of the viconavchy government of the Krasnodar Territory has the right to supply the reserve fund of the reserve fund.

In the regime of supervised situations, the documentation of the TSFD NS appears to be structural subsidiaries of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory, as well as emergency and emergency forces in the smallest term.

2.6. At the same time, from the specific minds of supervising situations, the manifestation of technical processes in the processing of information and channels (channels), the connection between the TSFD NS structures and the structures of the Ministry of Taxes and Communications of the Russian Federation in the Krasnodar Territory, the form

removal of the main (working) TSFD NS in the schema and delivery of an emergency set of documents on compact information carriers (microfiches, Jackets, CDs) to the moment of emergency, emergency, and additional information from special portable containers reading microfiche (Jacket) or a portable computer with an attachment for reading CDs;

rejection of paper copies of necessary emergency sets of documentation for additional computers (printer, plotter) in the bodies of the general management and the head organization of TSFD NS and delivery of them to the computer;

telecomunication access to documents of TSFD NS (in electronic view) on computer fences without prior access on the screen of work (in the mode of sanctioned in the established order of admission).

Upon completion of the review of the supervised situation, the documentation on compact information carriers will turn into a period of continuous acquisition.

The documentation of the main (working) fund of the TSFD NS is updated on the basis of the documentation of the reserve fund.

preparation of propositions of the head organization of the TSFD NS according to the form of the Perelik TSFD NS, introduced into the new necessary changes;

control of the visibility of robots on the basis of emergency sets of documentation on the object of the raised risk and on the maintenance of life in the housekeeping organizations (at the housekeeping enterprises);

distribution and consolidation in the established order of the Regulations on the head organization of the TSFD NS;

distribution, submitted for hardening to the authority of the viconavcha power of the Krasnodar Territory, and the detailed revision of the completed plan, distribution to the Delivery Plan (shortly);

distribution and submission in accordance with the established procedure of the budget application for the financing of the work from the beginning and the saving of the TSFD NS (usually);

financial support from the start and protection of the TSFD NS (in the boundaries of the vision at the center of the budget and from the regional budget);

an agreement with the established by the legislation order of agreements with organizations (laboratories) for carrying out work with microphysics and preserving documentation of TSFD NS;

control of correctness of registration and maintenance of financial statements, visions from the budget of the region for the purpose and protection of TSFD NS;

control of the entry, transfer of the Constructed to the Plan and the Delivery Plan, by the head organization of the TSFD NS, by the authorities of the municipal self-regulation, by the organization and by the enterprises.

4.2. All robots in accordance with the law, protection and registration of the TSFD NS are subject to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the State of the House" and by the regulations of the normative acts for the nutrition of secret and service management.

Kerivnik to the department

of superstitious situations and

sovereign ecological

control of the Krasnodar Territory


scho znahoditsya in derzhavnіy vlasnostі sukupnіst uporyadkovanih i nadіyno zberezhenih masivіv konstruktorskoї, tehnologіchnoї, proektnoї, normativnoї, naukovoї, іstoriko-kulturnoї that іnshoї dokumentatsії, zafіksovanoї on mіkrofіlmah i іnshih Compact nosіyah Informácie i neobhіdnoї for zabezpechennya steel funktsіonuvannya Economy RF i zberezhennya її natsіonalnogo Naukova, cultural and historical recession in the minds of wartime and overwhelming situations. For its recognition, the Russian Insurance Fund is registered in the warehouse of the Insurance Fund of Documentation for organizing the virobition of the latest and greatest products, included in the mobile plans; to the insurance fund of documents for carrying out emergency and emergency operations and emergency operations for the hour of emergency situations; to the insurance fund of documentation for the renewal of the facilities of the systems of living and safety of the population and of the facilities, as well as to establish the national security; insurance fund of documentation for the preservation of documentation, as a national science, cultural and historical decline. Structurally, the Russian Documentation Fund is stored from the Federal Insurance Fund of Documentation and Territorial Insurance Funds in the Documentation of the RF Subs. The Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia is subject to the Regulations on the Single Russian Insurance Fund of Documentation, approved by the Decree of the Uryad of the Russian Federation in 1995, opening the insurance fund of documentation for the purpose of promoting the risk of the population and the provision of documentation for the information systems Prior to the decree of the Uryad of the Russian Federation of 2000 "On the consolidation of the Regulations on the security at wartime documents in the Archives Fund of the Russian Federation, which are collected in the state archives" microfilmi.

Єdiny rosіysky INSURANCE dokumentatsії fund - Tse scho znahoditsya in derzhavnіy vlasnostі sukupnіst uporyadkovanih i nadіyno zberezhenih masivіv konstruktorskoї, tehnologіchnoї, proektnoї, normativnoї, naukovoї, іstoriko-kulturnoї that іnshoї dokumentatsії, zafіksovanoї on mіkrofіlmah i іnshih Compact nosіyah Informácie i neobhіdnoї for zabezpechennya steel funktsіonuvannya Economy The Russian Federation and the preservation of the national scientific, cultural and historical decline in the minds of the war hour and overwhelming situations.
Vyhodyachi from the sign of the Russian fund are listed in the warehouse:
- the insurance fund of documentation for organizing the production of new and innovative products, included in the mobilization plans;
- the insurance fund of documentation for the renewal of facilities for the systems of living and safety of the population and facilities, for the development of national safety;
- the insurance fund of documentation for the preservation of documentation, as a national science, cultural and historical decline;
- to the insurance fund of documentation for carrying out emergency and emergency operations and emergency operations every hour of emergency situations.
Warehouse part of a single Russian insurance fund є:
1. The Federal Insurance Fund, which is established by the federal authorities of the viconavchy government and is included in the sphere of activity by enterprises and organizations.
2. Territorial insurance fund of documents of the sub'units of the Russian Federation (established by the authorities of the viconious authorities of the sub'units of the Russian Federation and located in the known enterprises and organizations).

The set of the insurance fund of documentation includes only a part of the designated design documentation, which will not preserve the knowledge of a specific property (for example, the foreign view), as well as the regulation of the particularity of its operation (for example, the exploitation of the documentation).

In the Republic of Tatarstan, the establishment of the territorial insurance fund of documentation on the issue of the insurance fund, the report of the republic of the Republic of Tatarstan, of the Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan on secure facilities, on systems of living for the population and on the mass transfer of people.
Zgіdno s Holds obov'yazki on vikonannyu robіt on stvorennyu, zberezhennyu i vikoristannyu teritorіalnogo insurance fund dokumentatsії zdіysnyuyutsya Mіnіsterstvom have coped tsivіlnoї Defense i Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy Respublіki Tatarstan i Reigning unіtarnim pіdpriєmstvom "Direktsіya tsіlovih Mіnіsterstva programs have to cope tsivіlnoї Defense i Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy Respublіki Tatarstan".
W metoyu organіzatsії robot stvorennyu insurance fund in 2014 dokumentatsії rotsі Mіnіsterstvom have coped tsivіlnoї Defense i Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy Respublіki Tatarstan pіdgotovleny i uzgodzheny Perelіk ob'єktіv pіdvischenogo riziku i ob'єktіv systems zhittєzabezpechennya Respublіki population of Tatarstan, on SSMSC stvoryuєtsya dokumentatsії the insurance fund for neobhіdny carrying out emergency and emergency and emergency operations every hour of emergency situations.
The designated Perelik has 127 units, of which: 100 units of an advanced risik, 27 units of life-saving systems. During the day, the insurance fund has been opened for 53 facilities, of which 41 facilities have been pidvischenogo risiku, 12 facilities for life management systems. In addition, it means that the insurance fund of documentation in the Republic of Tatarstan has been set up for 321 objects for the mass transfer of people. It sounds about the Vikonan robot every quarter to go to the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia and be under permanent control.
W metoyu organіzatsії robot stvorennyu insurance fund dokumentatsії Mіnіsterstvo have coped tsivіlnoї Defense i Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy Respublіki Tatarstan schorіchno napravlyaє for zatverdzhennya to Kabіnetu mіnіstrіv Respublіki Tatarstan Perelіk nebezpechnih ob'єktіv, ob'єktіv systems zhittєzabezpechennya population i ob'єktіv of Masov perebuvannyam people іz zaznachennyam the term of the foundation of the fund, the documentation of which is included before the territorial insurance fund of the documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan.
For example, the transfer of devices for the provision of health and safety systems of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2014 was approved by the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic of Tatarstan from 3 March 2014 No. 425.
Vіdpovіdno to vimog Holds Kabіnetu mіnіstrіv Respublіki Tatarstan № 173 od 2006 roku 17 kvіtnya target Laboratorіya teritorіalnogo insurance fund dokumentatsії Respublіki Tatarstan, yak Yea vіddіlom Sovereign unіtarnogo pіdpriєmstva "Direktsіya tsіlovih Mіnіsterstva programs have to cope tsivіlnoї Defense i Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy Respublіki Tatarstan".
The main method of the Laboratory's activity is the establishment of electronic copies of documentation of insecure facilities, facilities of systems for the safety of the population and the organization of mass transfer of people.
The insurance fund is working on a contractual basis for the development of government organizations on the right, and for the organizations, which are financed from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan, for the purpose of government development of the state unitarized defense program of the Directorate

Debriefing from the establishment of the territorial insurance fund of documentation is possible only if a complete set of documents is evident. Documents that have passed through the front view and ascertained by the vimogs, which are presented, will be accepted until the end of the day. Dal in the Laboratory of the Territorial Insurance Fund of Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan to scamper documents, to be processed according to the requirements of GOST 13.1.002-80 and to be entered in the archive.

The given diagram shows how the insurance fund of documentation is set up. Organizations, included before the transition of insecure facilities, facilities of the systems of living for the safety of the population and facilities for the mass transfer of people of the Republic of Tatarstan, apply to the Ministry on the right of the civil defense situations Throughout 10 working days to go through the front view, in the course of how to change the visibility of the vimogs, to present and take a decision about the visitor, or about the visitor's answer. Pislya end the designated term the documentation, which is not recognized by the vimogs, is presented, turn from the supravid sheet and applied by the sheet, respect for the additional support to the owner. Debriefing from the establishment of the territorial insurance fund of documentation is possible only if a complete set of documents is evident. Documents that have passed through the front view and ascertained by the vimogs, which are presented, will be accepted until the end of the day. Dal in the Laboratory of the Territorial Insurance Fund of Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan to scamper documents, to be processed according to the requirements of GOST 13.1.002-80 and to be entered in the archive.
It will take 30 working days for the owner to turn to the owner with a visible electronic copy of the insurance fund and evidence before the next reconstruction.
Prior to the documents necessary for the establishment of the territorial insurance fund of the documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan at the necessary facilities, the system of living for the safety of the population and for the transfer of people in the Republic of Tatarstan:
- the planning of the object, the schemes and the planning of the mission;
- planning of the object from the meanings of the week, at the same time, without the need for a medium-sized factor of the safety of the object, the schemes of transport communications on the territory of the object, the schemes of the distribution of the fire-fighting;
- on the basis of topographic maps, plans and diagrams of adjoining maneuvers with a linkage of the object, designated by the main transport communities, settlements, water, etc.;
- іnshі documents, which explain the special features of the object roasting, adjoining mice;
- documenting food evacuation, safety of personnel and population;
- to document a warehouse of activities on the object of documentation for civil defense; document, regulate the order and start the way and the mission of evacuation to the personnel of the facility, and, if necessary, the population of adjacent territories in emergency situations;
- to document, to regulate the procedure for securing individual security for the personnel of the facility and the population of the adjacent territories in the minds of the non-flowing factor in the minds of the superficial situation;
- diagrams of gas, water, heat power supply from the values ​​to enter to the warehouse of the building, construction, production station, etc .;
- Documents explaining the particularities of the meanings of the communication and regulating the basic procedures for managing them and their connection-connection;
- іnsha working documentation for engineering ground and underground communal services;
- normative documents (normative legal acts, as well as local normative acts, which regulate the procedure for carrying out robots from the list of supervising situations and every day of them);
- planning of emergency situations, instructions and behavior in emergency situations;
- project documentation (submitted documents from the warehouse of project documentation on wake-ups and equipment), without interfering with the factors that are not safe for the object, for example, on top of the plan-wake-up, it is not possible to change the possession to vibrate in any way ;
- design documentation (design documents are submitted on the technological basis, on which they become obroblyayutsya, vyroblyayutsya or vikoristovuyutsya easy borrowing, radioactive, vibuhovy or toxic speeches).
The set of the insurance fund of documentation includes only a part of the designated design documentation, which will not preserve the knowledge of a specific property (for example, a foreign view), as well as the regulation of the particularity of its operation (for example);
- technological documentation (a part of technological documentation is submitted to the warehouse of technological processes stored at the enterprises of technological processes, without a priori connection to the victors, either for the viral speeches and materials that are necessary for visas)
The set of the insurance fund of documentation includes only that part of technological documentation, which will forget about the specifics of fixed technological processes, as well as to correct the change of materials and words (from the documents, the main characteristics and important , how to ensure the particularity of this object).

  • Plan for the improvement and liquidation of bottling of naphtha and naftoproducts
  • Passport of anti-terrorist seizure (bezpeki) of the object
  • An emergency set of documentation for the insurance fund of documentation on the objects of the systems of living and safety
  • Novini


    TOV "IKTs" PromTechnoExpert "in the order of re-issuing by issuing a certificate for the acceptance of DSTU ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001-2008) for the approval of the whole complex of design work, so that you can go to the organization.


    TOV "ІКЦ" PromTechnoExpert "ascertained until the decision For the sake of NP SRO" SpetsEnergoAudit "- protocol No. 7 vid 22 March 2013, having drawn a certificate on the progress of the energetic situation


    TOV "IKTs" PromTechnoExpert "as of the date of coordination for the sake of SRO" Association of Engineering Vysokuvannya in Budivnistvі "- protocol No. 139 rev 12 March 2013

    Contact us

    350049, m Krasnodar, st. Turgenova, 135/1
    Tel. / Fax: 279-65-39; 279-65-40;
    279-65-41; 279-65-42;
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    279-65-76; 279-65-77;
    Email: [Email protected]

    An emergency set of documentation for the insurance fund of documentation on the objects of the systems of living and safety

    Emergency set of documentation (Dal - AKD) - the order of the design, design, technological, regulatory, management and information documentation for the development of information and information for the implementation of the compact to the documentary fund (dal - SFD-NS) with the help of a frivolous operational registration in case of emergency, emergency, emergency and non-emergency robots.

    The main potential emergency sets of documentation є the organization of management and the formation of the system and the prevention and management of emergency situations, as well as the engineering and technical personnel of the department, which will help to improve the safety robots in the minds of superficial situations of peace and war.

    Ob'kti for those who need to destroy the AKD.

    Falling out of the warehouse and obsigation of emergency robots, for which the ACD can be broken up can be cleverly combined into the following groups:
    1 group- on which transfer is carried out in the general community of the whole complex of thermal emergency robots, firefighting and emergency robots. On them є the number of personnel, as well as not safe and secure wares, warehouses, accidents at which can create a threat to the personnel and the population. Before them there can be used machinery and equipment, metallurgy, chemistry, light food, food, meat and dairy industries, etc.
    2 group- Ob'єkti, on which robots are transferred, tied to the order of people. Before them, there can be a living about the mass transfer of the population: children and children, mortgages, hotels, gurtozhitki, trade and medical establishments, take culture and sports too little. also robots to sort out cultural values, to be brought to the national dressing-up.
    3 group- Ob'ykty, on which transfer is carried out, by the head rank, the robot on the localization and the decision of the supervising situation is important for the change in the performance, right up to the whole function of the accident-free operation. Price, persh for everything, about utilities and energy and transport systems, for any personnel on the day or for performances in the smallest number. Prior to such facilities, there can be used transformer stations, pumping stations for industrial water supply, pumping stations for heat supply, boiler houses, gas-generating stations and facilities, district and quarterly heat stations, etc.
    In the process of forming an emergency set of documentation, the company's faqivtsy, a self-analysis of the constructive and normative documentation of the object, the situation plans, general plans, plans of future events and the implementation of the I will take into account the reasonableness of the specifics of the established technological processes, the main factor is that the process is not safe and that it is allowed to accept the best correct decision in case of liquidation of an emergency situation, they themselves reduce both material victims and human victims.