Draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation. On the approval of the procedure for preparing and submitting drafts of decrees and order of the President of the Russian Federation

Dossier on the project

Explanatory note

Vіdpovіdno up to part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law vіd 23 May 2016. N 141-ФЗ "On the service with the federal anti-burning service of the Sovereign anti-burning service and making changes to 8 legislative acts of the Russian Federation" I decide:

1. Approve the transfer of typical settlements from the Federal Anti-Fire Service of the Sovereign Anti-Fire Service and their special ranks.

2. This Decree is gaining rank from the day of its signing.

The president
Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

Decree of the President
Russian Federation
від______________ р. N____

typical settlements at the federal anti-burning service of the Sovereign anti-burning service and other special ranks

Name of a typical plant Special call
?. Types of planting the highest, senior and middle boss warehouse
1. The central apparatus of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on the right of civil defense, extreme situations and liquidation of the aftermath of natural disasters
First intercessor of the Minister
Minister's intercessor Colonel General of the Internal Service
Head of Head Office
Department Director Lieutenant General of the Internal Service
Head of department (independent) Lieutenant General of the Internal Service
Colonel of internal service
Deputy Director of the Department* Colonel of internal service
Head of department Colonel of internal service
Colonel of internal service
Chief viddіlu Colonel of internal service
Colonel of internal service
Senior Inspector Colonel of internal service
2. Regional centers on the right of the civil defense, overarching situations and the liquidation of the legacy of natural disasters
Head of the regional center Colonel General of the Internal Service
First intercessor of the head of the regional center
Intercessor of the head of the regional center Colonel of internal service
Head of department Colonel of internal service
The intercessor of the head of the department Colonel of internal service
Chief viddіlu (independent) Colonel of internal service
The intercessor of the chief viddіlu Lieutenant colonel of internal service
Head of Department Lieutenant colonel of internal service
3. Centers of management in crisis situations of regional centers in the right of civil defense, overarching situations and liquidation of natural disasters
Colonel of internal service
Lieutenant colonel of internal service
Chief viddіlu Major of internal service
The intercessor of the chief viddіlu Major of internal service
Major of internal service
4. Head Office of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia for other subjects of the Russian Federation
Head of Head Office* Major General of Internal Service
First intercessor of the head of the head department* Colonel of internal service
Intercessor of the head of the head department* Colonel of internal service
Head of department Colonel of internal service
The intercessor of the head of the department Colonel of internal service
Chief viddіlu Lieutenant colonel of internal service
The intercessor of the chief viddіlu Lieutenant colonel of internal service
Head of department (independence) Lieutenant colonel of internal service
5. Centers of management in crisis situations of the head departments of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia for the subjects of the Russian Federation
Head of Crisis Management Center Colonel of internal service
Intercessor of the Head of the Center for Management in Crisis Situations Lieutenant colonel of internal service
Chief viddіlu Major of internal service
The intercessor of the chief viddіlu Major of internal service
6. Fire and fire pits and fire and fire parts (pen and fire parts) of the federal anti-burn service
Head of the fire-pitting corral (corral), 1st category Colonel of internal service
Head of the fire-pitting corral (corral) 2, 3 category Lieutenant colonel of internal service
Head of the fire-pitting unit (fire unit) 1st category Major of internal service
Head of the fire-pitting unit (fire unit) 2nd category Captain of internal service
Head of Department Captain of internal service
Senior Inspector Captain of internal service
Varti chief
Inspector Senior lieutenant of internal service
II. Tipovі plant a young boss and an ordinary warehouse
Assistant chief varti
Senior instructor from the water of the fire engine - water Senior Ensign of the Internal Service
Commander of the division Ensign of internal service
Junior Inspector Ensign of internal service
Senior master of gas dimosakhis service Ensign of internal service
Water Ensign of internal service
Dispatcher Foreman of internal service
Senior fireman Senior sergeant of internal service
Radiotelephonist Junior sergeant of internal service
Pozhezhny Internal service sergeant
Cadet** Private internal service

*Plant can be placed up to the posads of the greater chief’s warehouse, or after the appointed posads, other special ranks can be installed, depending on the transfer, approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

** For spіvrobіtnikіv federal protipozhezhnoї service Sovereign protipozhezhnoї service at the warehouse of the hulks, yakі served before joining the training.

Document overview

A number of typical settlements have been approved by the federal anti-burning service and their special ranks.



[On the approval of the Procedure for the preparation and submission of drafts of decrees and order of the President of the Russian Federation]

Document with changes made by:

orders of the President of the Russian Federation dated 3 April 1996 N 413-rp;

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2005 N 736;
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2010 N 59.


This Decree is due to part, as a superstition to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 1993 N 1598 - paragraph 10 to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 1993 N 1598.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 7, 1993 N 1598, having introduced the rank of December 25, 1993, is contrary to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1993 N 2288.


Z Methods Aktiva President Rosіyskoi Federation, pivotnnya їkhnoї, Jacostі Tu Vіdpovіdnostі Ginning Leader of Rosіyskoji Federation (preamble in editor, introduced at Diji Rosipowders of the President of Rosіyskoi Federation Vіd 5 Lipnya 1994 ROK N 358-RP):

1. Approve the procedure for preparing and submitting projects by decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation (to be submitted).

The paragraph was switched on by order of the President of the Russian Federation dated 5 June 1994 N 358-rp.

2. To recognize, by those who have spent their rank, the order of the President of the RRFSR dated December 30, 1991 N 49-rp "On the approval of the Regulations on the procedure for viewing official documents of the President of the RRFSR" and the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1992, is prepared Acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Council of the Russian Federation".

3. Under Pіddyzovі project, the Aktiv of the President of Rosіyskoji Federation Seeki Sech, Shaho Rischnya of the President of Rosіyskoji of the Federal Regulatory Character, Tobto Pricking, Roses for Postіin Abo Bagatoatzov DIYA, and Torozhennia about acknowledged that Zailnennya Zait Kerіvnikіv Central Organiza Ta , about the community, the granting of a political outpost, the embellishment of sovereign cities, the assignment of special ranks, class ranks, honorary titles of the Russian Federation, pardons are issued by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Decisions of the President of the Russian Federation on operational, organizational and personnel nutrition, and on the nutrition of the work of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation are accepted at the discretion of the order. Orders of the President of the Russian Federation are not guilty of revenge orders, which are of a normative nature.

4. Rosarkhiv jointly with State Standard of Russia in the I quarter of 1993. to submit to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation the proposals for the development and implementation of a unified system of documentary security of the central bodies of the federal government.

5. Control over the vikonannyam of which order is placed on Kerivnik of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The president
Russian Federation
B. Yeltsin

Addendum. The procedure for preparing and submitting draft decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation

until the order of the President
Russian Federation
dated February 5, 1993, N 85-rp

1. The responsibility for the quality of the drafts of the decrees and order of the President of the Russian Federation, as agreed by the parties concerned, shall be carried out by the key bodies of the federal government and the structural subdivisions of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation shall submit documents.

2. Draft decrees that the order of the President of the Russian Federation shall be submitted as a sheet with an explanatory note, in order to avenge a short contribution to the project, necessary priming, supporting and analytical materials.

Sheet іz poyasnyuvalnoyu note by pіdpisuєtsya kerіvnikom body federalnoї vikonavchoї Vladi, Kerіvnikom Admіnіstratsії President Rosіyskoї Federatsії abo іnshoyu Posadov special, vіdpovіdalnoyu for pіdgotovku draft decree abo rozporyadzhennya (paragraph have redaktsії, vvedenіy at dіyu President Rosіyskoї Federatsії rozporyadzhennyam od 5 Lipnya 1994 rock N 358-p) .

Paragraph with chinnist - .

3. Draft decree and order of the President of the Russian Federation in case of necessary acts of vengeance, an item on the order of control over their victories.

4. Designs of the President of Rosіysko Federal Region, Rosіyskiiiiiiii's Rosіyski's Rosіyskii, Divirovih, be done by the administration of the President of Rosіysko Federal District Gathering Holding Services, Ta Kardriv on Pіdtskіy Vіdpovdniy Podance (Point At Editor, Introduced by DII Rosipowders of Rosіyskoi Federation date) date N 358-rp, at the editorial office, at the editorial office Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2010 date N 59.

5. Projects of Rosіysko's Rosiyvіv, Scho, Mistanya, Vіdyssenі to Sferi Vedennya Rosіyskoi Federation, pіdlagut to the veil to the ultold of Rosіyskoji Federation (Point U Editor, introduced at Diji Rosipowders of the President of Rosіyskoi Federation, 58- rp ).

6. Project ukazіv that rozporyadzhen President Rosіyskoї Federatsії povinnі prohoditi Yurydychna Sanitary and Epidemiological that redaguvannya have great-power legal upravlіnnі President Rosіyskoї Federatsії that pogodzhuvatisya (vіzuvatisya) pomіchnikom President Rosіyskoї Federatsії - Reigning chief legal upravlіnnya President Rosіyskoї Federatsії abo yogo defender, spetsіalno those upovnovazhenim ( paragraph at the editorial office to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 28 March 2005 N 736.

7. Draft decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of the normative nature may be approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

8. Draft ukazіv President Rosіyskoї Federatsії about viznannya such scho vtratili chinnіst, zmіnu that dopovnennya aktіv President Rosіyskoї Federatsії in zv'yazku of acceptance of federal zakonіv predstavlyayutsya vіdpovіdnimi kerіvnikami federal organіv vikonavchoї Vladi abo structural pіdrozdіlіv Admіnіstratsії President Rosіyskoї Federatsії in mіsyachny rows of time dialed chinnosti federal law dotrimannym vymog, peredbachenih at paragraphs 2, 5, 6 and 7 of the order (paragraph additional inclusions in the orders of the President of the Russian Federation in 5 April 1994 N 358-rp).
Clauses 8, , , 11 of the previous edition are respected equally by clauses 9, 10, 11, 12 of the editorial - the order of the President of the Russian Federation on 5 April 1994 N 358-rp.

9. The form and terms of the approval (approval) of the drafts of the decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation are established by the Instruction on Business Administration, which is confirmed by the Certification Code of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

10. Draft decrees and order of the President of the Russian Federation and incriminating materials before them are accepted by the Chancellery of the President of the Russian Federation after their review by the Chief of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Appendices to the decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation shall be signed by the Chief of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
Rozporyadzhennyam President Rosіyskoї Federatsії od 3 serpnya 1996 roku N 413-rp zmіnu paragraph 10 vstanovleno scho submission of the draft decree chi rozporyadzhennya President Rosіyskoї Federatsії pіslya prohodzhennya neobhіdnih pogodzhen in Uryadі Rosіyskoї Federatsії that Admіnіstratsії President Rosіyskoї Federatsії napravlyaєtsya on Yurydychna Sanitary and Epidemiological up Head Reigning legal upravlіnnya of the President of the Russian Federation, and the Office of the President of the Russian Federation was honored by the senior assistant of the President of the Russian Federation.
Uzgodzhenі of headache Reigning legal upravlіnnyam President Rosіyskoї Federatsії that pomіchnikami President Rosіyskoї Federatsії projection ukazіv that rozporyadzhen President Rosіyskoї Federatsії predstavlyayutsya bezposeredno zavіduvachem Kantselyarії President Rosіyskoї Federatsії Kerіvniku Admіnіstratsії President Rosіyskoї Federatsії, yaky priymaє rіshennya about gotovnіst project to Podanev President Rosіyskoї Federatsії abo neobhіdnіst doopratsyuvannya project .

11. Observation of inappropriate procedure for Pіdpisannya Project_dnayv Tu Rosіysnye President Rosіyskoi Federal Divine SurfacesNews Sanctuinum of the President of the Russian Federal Documentary Observation of the President of Rosіyskoji (item at the editorial by the decree of the President of Rosіyskoi Federation 2 28 Chervnya 2005 ROCK N 736).

12. Documents prepared in violation of the established order and if they did not pass the necessary approval, may be turned by the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation to the officials, if they submitted draft decrees of the order of the President of the Russian Federation.

Revision of the document with improvements
change and additional prepared
AT "Code"

not less than 9 cm


About the approval of the Regulations on the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

sovereign cities

18 points

1. Approve the Regulations on the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation from the sovereign cities.

2. This decree is gaining rank from the day of its signing.

President of the Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

The draft was issued by the Decree of the President of Ukraine



Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No.


about the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation from the state cities

1. Administration of the President of the Russian Federation from the sovereign cities (hereinafter referred to as the Administration) and an independent subdivision of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

2. Governance of His Dyalnosti Kerindo Constitutsіюu Rosіyskojo Federation, federal laws, decrees of the Rosi-Rosіysko Federal District, put on the administrator of the President of Rosіysko Fedecil, Rosipowders of the ADMINіNіstratskyi President Rosіyskoji, and Navіti in the famine.

not less than 9 cm



1. Seen in 2009 from the Reserve Fund of the President of the Russian Federation:

4 million rubles in the order of the Vologda region for the Vologda State Historical-Architectural and Artistic Museum-Reserve (Vologda, S. Orlova str., 15) for the repair and restoration of the monument of history and culture - Samarin's house, roztashovanny for the address. Vologda, Radiansky prospect, bud. 16b;

President of the Russian Federation

An example of a draft order of the President of the Russian Federation

Addendum No. 14 to clause 3.3.3.

Preparation and execution of draft acts (decree, order) to the Order of the Russian Federation

Preparation and execution of projects of assets (decree and order) of the order of the Russian Federation is carried out by the federal bodies of victorious government in accordance with the order, which is established by the order of the Russian Federation.

The draft resolution of the Order of the Order of the Russian Federation is drafted on a standard arch paper, A4 format, font size No. 14. The draft act may have the following details:

Naming the type of act- Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation or order to the Order of the Russian Federation.

The date of the act is written according to the name of the type of the act, as a rule, with an interval of 24 points, it is drawn up in a verbal-digital way, in a different centering way, it is put down at the hour of signing the act.

The number is changed as soon as the date is given Arabic numerals and is formed from the sign No. that of the serial number, which is assigned to the document after its signature, for example, No. 143.

The letter “r” is added to the serial number of the order through a hyphen, for example No. 153-r.

The place of sighting is to be credited according to the requisites "Date" and "Number" with an interval of 24 points and is issued in a centering way.

The heading should be at least 10 cm above the upper edge of the arch with a great letter, one line spacing and seen in bold type. The heading, as a rule, indicates a question: about what (about whom) the document has been seen. Krapka naprikintsi title is not put.

The text is framed as a heading with an interval of 24-36 pts and another with an interval of 18 pts.

The text is different in the left border of the text field and it is displayed on the left and right borders of the text field. The first row of the paragraph starts at 1.25 cm across the left margin.

The text can be subdivided into a statutory part (preamble) and a set part (in order - order).

The preamble of the draft resolutions of the Order of the Russian Federation ends with the words “The Order of the Russian Federation p o - s t a n o v l yaє”, the rest of the word is written in bold type at the discharge.

The preamble may be daily, but if it is prescribed, it will not require clarification.

The operative (ordering) part of the draft resolutions (ordering) the Orders of the Russian Federation, sound, are added to points.

Puncts are numbered in Arabic numerals, with a dot and headings not allowed.

For the presence of additions to the decree (order) of the Russian Federation Council, the text of them must be forced to shy away.

The signature is written in the text with an interval of 36 points and is composed of the words “Head of the Order of the Russian Federation”, the initial of the name of the Illich and the title of the Head of the Order of the Russian Federation. The words “Head of the Order” and “Russian Federation” are used in two rows after 1 inter-row interval. The words "Head of the Order" are placed in the left row of the text field, and the words "Russian Federation" are centered in the first row of the props. The initial of the name and nickname of the head of the Order of the Russian Federation is respected by the right cordon of the text field.

Appendices to the projects of assets (decree and order)

Layouts of fields, fonts and intervals in case of different texts are identical to the layouts, so that they should be fixed at the design of the texts of the order (order).

The procedure for issuing supplements to the draft resolution (order) of the Order of the Russian Federation is similar to the formalization of supplements to draft decrees (order) of the President of the Russian Federation.

Vіzi affixed on the back side of the remaining arch of the first copy (original) of the draft decree (order) at the lower part.

Yakschko Text of the project Act Uridius Rosіyskoi Quees Zgaduzhev Ranische Priynyatі Akti President Rosіyskiiiiiiiii Chi Uryati Rosіyskoiiiii, Robbing Sannery Vіdpovіdne from Quitsіin Dzherelo ї їklіkuvannya, Fortune: (Zbori Rosіyskoi Federation, 2005, No. 3, Art. 6).

In order to prepare an act of the Order of the Russian Federation, the draft has to be amended and supplemented to other acts of the Order of the Russian Federation, or to be included in the draft of the preparation of the act and to be presented as an independent act at the same time with it.

The draft act of the Council of the Russian Federation on the organization of violating the federal law and the act of the President of the Russian Federation is guilty of revenge on the enactment of the federal law and the act of the President of the Russian Federation.

Draft decrees of the Council of the Russian Federation are distinguished by the official names of the bodies of the prosecutor's office and organizations, and draft decrees of orders have shortened official names.

Documents (programs, regulations, regulations, plans, norms, etc.), which are proposed to be approved by the draft act of the Order of the Russian Federation, which are prepared by the project, are added to this draft act in a general language order.

Draft acts of the Council of the Russian Federation are submitted to the Council of the Russian Federation with a supporting sheet, which indicates the submission of the draft act, as well as information about the change of the weather to the draft act or the day of the weather (from the appointed reasons). The accompanying sheet is signed by the clerk of the federal body of the vykonavchoi vlady, or as a special one, as a vykonu yogo obov'yazki. The draft act is considered as a special one, how to submit a draft, and it will be in the order established by the Regulations of the Order of the Russian Federation.

The eyes are added.

Dossier on the project

Explanatory note

Vіdpovіdno to articles 60, 62, 63 and 71 of the Federal Law of 27 April 2004. N 79-FZ "On the sovereign civil service of the Russian Federation" and the method of shaping the system of professional development of the sovereign civil servants of the Russian Federation, I decree:

1. Approve the Regulations on the order of organization of entries, which are added professional development sovereign civil servants of the Russian Federation.

2. Install what:

a) Before the confession of the federal state authority, the management of the Wistris_, the federation of the federation of the Queen Vladimi, the federation of Rosіysko-Ukraine, for the Vinyatskiy, Rosіyskoii, for the Vinyatskiyi, Rosіyskoiiii, for the Vinnyatskiy, Rosіyskii's Vinyatski, for Nadded Honor of the Association promotion of qualifications, programs for professional retraining of federal state civil servants (further - state zavdannya, additional professional programs).

b) until the approval of the state bodies for the management of the state service of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the functions of these bodies, transferred to the Regulations, approved by the Decree, are established by the state bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation

3. Order of the Russian Federation:

a) harden the screw:

the state's appointment to enter the professional development of the federal state's civil servants (hereinafter - the state's appointment);

PERELІK OSVITNIKH TA NUKUNIKI ORGANIZIEY, FOODCIA ON THE MANAGE OF THE MANDRIBER OF THE CODE ON SYSTEM (ABO) Okareni federali (ABO) Okamі federalі ОТАвні Оканира Окановки вотовановная ставная сваданна, and Torzheki dodaskiyiyii program, Scho flooded to the real_zatsya zanomyiyii

rozpodіl budget appropriations to the federal budget, transferred to the federal body vikonavchoї vlady, approved by the order of the Russian Federation, for the implementation of professional development of the federal state civil servants within the framework of the state's designation of that state's task;

b) give at 3-month-old lines their normative legal acts in compliance with the first Decree;

c) secure confirmation for 6-month rows:

economic standards for the service rate for the implementation of professional development of federal state civil servants;

regulations on the conduct of service probation of state civil servants of the Russian Federation;

regulations on a single specialization information resource for the professional development of state civil servants of the Russian Federation;

regulations on mentoring;

d) ensure the introduction of a state lighting certificate for additional professional education of the state civil service of the Russian Federation from 1 September 2019;

e) viznachiti, vihodyachi s power scho nalezhat to vstanovlenoї purview, federalnі organi vikonavchoї Vladi that їh povnovazhennya in chastinі scho stosuєtsya organіzatsіynogo she methodically zabezpechennya zahodіv schodo profesіynogo rozvitku federal Reigning tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv for vіdpovіdnimi prіoritetnimi napryamkami profesіynogo rozvitku Reigning tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv Rosіyskoї Federatsії ;

e) to ensure the conduct of a public assessment of the quality of additional professional programs and other approaches to the professional development of federal state civil servants for the appointment of more directives, which are implemented in a centralized manner within the framework of the state's design of that state's government.

4. To the federal state body for the management of the state service:

a) to give the sovereign bodies advisory and methodical assistance in the implementation of federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Order of the Russian Federation on food, which promotes the professional development of the state civil servants of the Russian Federation;

b) Vidavati Methodichni RelationsInja Matelіvi, ІNstruivno-Metodichnі Materiali, Shaho to disable Real_izії Vimoga federal law_v, regulations of the right-handed Aktіv of the President of Rosіyskoji Federal District of Rosіysko Federal District Z Pulling Profile Division of the Celebration of Celebration Services of Rosіyskoii Federation.

4. Establish how finances come into the professional development of the federal state civil servants are being developed:

at the part, which is worth the financial security of the sovereign government and the sovereign government - for the cost of money, which are seen from the federal budget to the federal sovereign authority for the management of the sovereign service;

part of the cost of financial security for the professional development of federal state civil servants, which are implemented by federal state bodies independently for state orders and state tasks, - for the cost of expenses of the federal state body, which organizes

5. Viznat such, scho having spent chivalry, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2006. N 1474 "On supplementary professional education of state civil servants of the Russian Federation" (Selection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 1, article 203; N 50, article 6255; 2009, No. 49, articles 2014, 5922; ; 2015, No. 10, articles 1507).

The president
Russian Federation

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
від "__"______ 20___ p. N____

about the procedure for organizing the entry of professional development of state civil servants in the Russian Federation

1. The Code of Regulations is valid until Articles 60, 62 and 63 of the Federal Law of April 27, 2004. N 79-FZ "On Reigning tsivіlnu service Rosіyskoї Federatsії" viznachaєtsya order organіzatsії zahodіv schodo profesіynogo rozvitku Reigning tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv Rosіyskoї Federatsії (Dali - tsivіlnі sluzhbovtsі), scho zamіschayut plant a State tsivіlnoї service Rosіyskoї Federatsії (Dali - plant tsivіlnoї service) vklyuchenі to Reєstru posad of the federal state civil service and the register of posad of the state civil service of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

2. Kerіvnik of the holding agency, especially, Yaka Deputy "Holds Posada Rosіyskoji of the Federal District Aboy to Posada Sub'KTA ROSІYSKOKY MEDIA, ABO ABOUT SVYSIB, YAKIVNIYIVA ABO NIMACH NIMA ROSІYSNYY ROSIYSKO ROSІYSKY ​​ABOUT ABOUT ROSІYSKOE ROSІYSKA) , organization, as a way to create awareness of activity, the sovereign body or another organization, to some civil servants, be sent for the health of additional professional education, or for participation in other visits to ensure professional development necessary mind for the participation of civil service at the special visits to professional development.

For civil service, during the period of taking away from him additional professional education, or participation in other visits to professional development, a settlement is taken, which is replaced, and a penny is lost.

3. Professional development of civil service and promotion of professionalism and competence on a systemic basis for additional updating of the latest and emerging new knowledge and wisdom with the method of improving the level of qualifications necessary for a proper vikonnannya garden shoes, or the promotion of equal qualifications for filling the vacant civil service, the order of the settlement increase.

Professional development of civil service includes:

additional professional education - professional retraining and advanced qualifications, including on the basis of a sovereign education certificate for advanced professional education of civil service (hereinafter - certificate);

otherwise, visit for a professional development.

4. Substations for the direction of civil service for participation in the visits of professional development:

a) the decision of the representative of the recruiter;

b) results of attestation of civil service;

c) the recognition of civil service for the current settlement of civil service is valid up to paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law of 27 March 2004. N 79-FZ "About the sovereign civil service";

d) the recognition of civil service in the order of the township growth to the township of the civil service of the first or the main group of townships of the category "ker_vniki" and to the township of the highest group of townships of the category "fahіvtsi" first;

e) the need for a hulk to serve in civil service first.

5. Additional professional education of civil servants is being developed through the implementation of additional professional programs (advanced qualification programs and professional retraining programs).

Additional professional programs can be implemented partly or partly in the internship form.

Form zdobuttya tsivіlnim sluzhbovtsyam dodatkovoї profesіynoї osvіti (s vіdrivom abo without vіdrivu od State tsivіlnoї service) termіni osvoєnnya programs profesіynoї perepіdgotovki that pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії and takozh mozhlivіst zastosuvannya Electonics navchannya, distantsіynih osvіtnіh tehnologіy in hodі navchannya viznachayutsya predstavnikom naymacha abo organіzuyuchim navchannya tsivіlnogo sluzhbovtsya Reigning the authority for the management of the state service is qualified to the state officials to the additional professional education of civil servants, approved by the Order of the Russian Federation.

6. Additional professional education of civil service can be applied for on presentation of a certificate.

Sertifіkat Je document scho pіdtverdzhuє right Gromadyanska sluzhbovtsya on prohodzhennya profesіynoї perepіdgotovki abo pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії on osnovі samostіynogo Vibor (s urahuvannyam the Branch that mean svoєї profesіynoї sluzhbovoї dіyalnostі) dodatkovoї profesіynoї prog scho pіdlyagaє osvoєnnyu, that organіzatsії, yak zdіysnyuє osvіtnyu dіyalnіst have to chislі for a special program.

The decision about the direction of the civil service for the purpose of obtaining additional professional education on the presentation of the certificate is accepted by the representative of the employer.

Dodatkov professional education civil service vykhodyachiy from the certificate can be zdiyasnyuvatisya position of the territory of the Russian Federation.

The financial security of a hired worker with a certificate is issued by a representative of a hired worker with additional funds, provided from the federal budget to the federal state authority in charge of the state service management, or with additional funds of the relevant sub-ject of the Russian Federation.

Control over the organization of additional professional education of civil servants is subject to a certificate from the federal state body for the administration of the state service and state bodies of the sub'єktіv Russian Federation.

The procedure for issuing a certificate, the form of a certificate, the rules for filing an application for issuing a certificate and the rules for issuing a certificate (yogo duplicate) are established by the Order of the Russian Federation.

7. Other ways to professional development of civil servants include:

first visits (seminars, trainings, master class, other similar visits), directing more importantly on the operational updating of the latest and (or) the acquisition of new knowledge and learning;

Come in whenever you want to exchange knowledge (conferences, round tables, service probation, other similar visits), directing you more importantly to promote advanced knowledge and technology management;

adaptive visits, including mentoring, directed to the acquisition of practical knowledge and wisdom, necessary for the civil service to adapt to the minds of the state civil service, so as to protect the specifics of the activity of a state sovereign body in the shortest possible term.

Initially come in for civil servants, among them they transfer independent development of methodical, analytical and other materials of lighting nature, they can work at the sight of services as a single specialized information service development resource for professional service development.

Involutionary Come on Ta Come on Ruoritetnikh directly at the professional downtown of Tsivіlnyi Services (Dali - Priorty directors) Schorafully for a section of the federal authority of the management of the Federal Anti-Vikonavo-Wait Body, to Sferi Virodnia, Pattniki Shodniki.

For a civil service, previously accepted by the community of the community service, during the period of probation, a representative of the recruiter, organizing adaptation, come to the guardian of mentoring.

The fate of the civil service in other approaches to professional development, implemented by the organization, as a result of illumination of activity, can be confirmed by a document of recognition established by the designated organization.


8. Vomadyazkі's services, Yaki, Pіdtriyuyt Rіveny Kvalipіkatsії, Nefіdnia for Nearby Viconnaja Poshivikov, Obovo Communion at the opening of the Schorasiki, at the Nights of the Celebration of Professional Division, Prioritically Pisitive Includes to the personnel reserve of the Honor for the results of the Attestsia, Competitus to the personnel reserve of the ABO Competition vacant civil service

The fate of the civilian service, which is being re-introduced in the personnel reserve, at the entrances of the professional development is an important support for praise by the representative of the hired worker of the decision about his recognition for the vacant post of the civil service.

9. The implementation of the professional development of civil servants is being developed:

a) at the borders of the state zamovlennya to come in for professional development of civil servants;

b) at the borders of the state zavdannya nadanny state services from the implementation of additional professional programs - programs for advanced qualifications, programs for professional retraining for civil servants of the country, established by the Order of the Russian Federation of the Federation of the Russian Federation and the normative legal acts;

c) sovereign body independently.

10. The organization of the sovereign engagement for the professional development of civil servants (hereinafter - sovereign engagement) is established by the sovereign authorities in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, labor and security services for the powers.

11. DERZHAVNAYA zavdannya nadannya DERZHAVNAYA poslug of realіzatsії dodatkovih profesіynih programs - pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії programs, programs for federal profesіynoї perepіdgotovki tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv (Dali - DERZHAVNAYA zavdannya) vstanovlyuєtsya osvіtnіm that Naukova organіzatsіyam, funktsії that povnovazhennya zasnovnika schodo yakih zdіysnyuє Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії abo okremі federalnі derzhavnі organi (given vidpovidno - organizatsii, pіdvіdomchі Uryad of the Russian Federation, organizations, pіdvіdomchі federal state bodies).

12. The federal sovereign authority for the administration of the sovereign service in the lines not later than 1 birch to the fate, which forwards the planned form of the transfer of priority directives to the state river and the security of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

13. The federal sovereign body for the management of the sovereign service in the lines before 15 May, ahead of the planned, prepares that weather for the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

for naymenuvannyam i object-tematichnost zmіstom dodatkovih profesіynih programs for prіoritetnimi napryamkami (Dali - the program), scho proponuyutsya to realіzatsії in vіdpovіdnomu rotsі within sovereign zavdannya organіzatsіyam, pіdvіdomchim Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії, that (ABO) organіzatsіyam, pіdvіdomchim federal Reigning bodies and takozh within the framework of the sovereign engagement, enter the professional development of federal civil servants (hereinafter referred to as the sovereign declaration);

for the transfer of other approaches to the professional development of federal civil servants for priority directions, arranging for implementation in a senior role within the framework of the state's pledge.

The subject-thematic review of the Program is the federal state body for managing the state service, which forms with the correction of the propositions of the federal bodies of the vykonavchoy, prior to the knowledge of which to put food on the subjects of the relevant Programs.

14. The federal state authority for the management of the state service in the lines up to 30 May, before the planned date, directs the transfer of priority directives to the senior state, as well as the transfer of the Program and other entries for professional development to the federal state authorities for the preparation of applications for federal services go to a professional development on a special river (hereinafter - Application).

15. The federal state bodies in lines up to 15 days before the planned date, form and submit an Application to the federal state body with the management of the state service.

The application is formed by the federal state body on the basis of economic standards for service hiring for the implementation of the professional development of federal civil servants, the predicted number of federal civil servants, which should be sent to training, it is issued according to the form No.

Application to file a complaint about the need of the federal state body in the participation of federal civil servants at the senior level at the entrances to professional development, including:

a) supplementary professional education within the framework of the state administration to organizations affiliated with the Order of the Russian Federation, and (or) organizations affiliated with federal state authorities;

b) additional professional education at the borders of the state zamovlennya, zocrema posture of the territory of the Russian Federation and presentation of a certificate;

c) otherwise, go to professional development for priority directives that are planned before implementation within the framework of the state's pledge.

Before the application, the note is dated to the participants of the Federal Divine Civil Service at the participants of the Federal Distribution, Visove ZaporTee, the Funki of the Federal Distribution, and Tosini SpecіlіZatskyi, and Torzinoi Okt Mishіvіzії, and Torzinoji Yaki's Posadami, Yaki.

16. The federal state authority for the management of the state service announces the Applications of the federal state authorities in the lines up to 15 March, before the planned:

napravlyaє іnformatsіyu about require federal Reigning organіv in navchannі federal tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv for programa The federal agency vikonavchoї Vladi, yaky zdіysnyuє okremі funktsії that povnovazhennya zasnovnika schodo organіzatsіy, pіdvіdomchih Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії, that (ABO) in okremі federalnі derzhavnі authorities for pіdgotovki proektіv vіdpovіdnogo sovereign zavdannya ;

zdijsnyuє preparation of the project of the state zamovlennya on vіdpovіdny rіk according to the form zgіdno z point 3 of addendum N 2.

Sovereign's pledge to avenge vіdomosti:

a) about the number of federal civil servants, who are trained for supplementary professional programs by federal state bodies to independently organize budget allocations, transfer from the federal budget for financial security of the designated training;

b) about the number of federal civil servants, who are appointed by the Programs to organize a federal state body for the management of the state service and oblige budgetary allocations, transferred from the federal budget for the financial security of the designated training;

c) about the number of federal civil servants who are sent to training for additional professional programs outside the borders of the Russian Federation and about budget allocations, transfers from the federal budget for financial security of the designated training;

p) about the number of federal civil servants who are directed to participate in other career development projects for priority directions and budget allocations, transferred from the federal budget for financial security of designated events;

bud) about the methodical security of entering the professional development of federal civil servants;

e) about the arrogant obsyag koshtіv in the implementation of the sovereign's request to enter the professional development of federal civil servants.

17. Federal Body of Vikonavkoї Vlad, Okyysnyuє Okrevі Funkії such a renouncement of the uncertainty of the head of the Rosіyski region, the pіdvіdomciy in Rosіyskiiii, Ta (ABO) Okremі federalі, Tajnі in the rows up to 1 ovandfish, Shaho pronoun projects of a state government official.

18. The federal body for the management of the sovereign service in the lines of up to 30 days before the planned date, to ensure the satisfaction of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation:

projects of the state government organizations, supported by the Order of the Russian Federation, and (or) organizations, supported by federal state authorities;

the project of sovereign zamovlennya;

propositions about federal state bodies about the appointment of federal civil servants in the lighting (their) and scientific (their) organizations, the functions and the reintroduction of the founder of how to (their) function as federal state bodies within the framework of the real state grants professional programs that cover the specifics of their work.

19. The order of the Russian Federation is not later, lower than on the month of the day of recruitment of office by the federal law on the federal budget for the state budget is confirmed by the federal state body in charge of the administration of the state service with the addendum N 2 of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation:

transfer of organizations assigned to the Order of the Russian Federation and (or) organizations assigned to federal state authorities, which will be established by the state order and transfer of the Programs, which will be implemented by designated organizations within the framework of the state government order;



rozpodіl budget appropriations to the federal budget, transferring the implementation of the entry from the professional development of federal civil servants to the federal body from the administration of the state service for the implementation of the sovereign's request that the sovereign's task, as it will be established by other designated organizations.

20. The organization of the state appointment for the professional development of federal civil servants on the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation is established by the federal state body for the management of the state service.

Subject - tematichnost zmіst dodatkovih profesіynih programs, SSMSC pіdlyagayut osvoєnnyu federal tsivіlnimi sluzhbovtsyami pose teritorієyu Rosіyskoї Federatsії, perelіk іnozemnih powers have yakih federalnі tsivіlnі sluzhbovtsі skerovuyutsya navchannya for vkazanim programa, i navіt candidacy federal tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv, recommending to the direction navchannya of dodatkovim profesіynim programs for inter-territories of the Russian Federation, will be held by the federal state body for the management of the state service with the Apparatus of the Order of the Russian Federation and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

21. The federal state body for the management of the state service should carefully assess the quality of the Program and other approaches to the professional development of federal civil servants for priority directives, which are implemented in a centralized manner within the framework of the state's designation of that state's task.

22. Procedure zatverdzhennya, fіnansuvannya that vikonannya sovereign zamovlennya to come in schodo profesіynogo rozvitku Reigning tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv sub'єkta Rosіyskoї Federatsії and takozh povnovazhennya Reigning organіv sub'єkta Rosіyskoї Federatsії schodo zakupіvlі robіt that poslug in hodі realіzatsії sovereign zamovlennya vstanovlyuyutsya law chi іnshim normative legal an act of the subject of the Russian Federation for the improvement of this Regulation.

The procedure for the implementation of the professional development of state civil servants of the sub'єkta of the Russian Federation at the borders of the state's administration is established by a normative legal act of the sub'єkta of the Russian Federation.

23. Control over the progress of Real_zatskії Okhodviv Kodo's Profi-Division of the Federal Tsivilny Services of the Services of the Divine Division of Rosіyskoi Federal Divine SurfacesNesight of the Vіdpovy-federalized authority of the Zepalinnya, I maintain the service authorities of the management authorities of Rosіyskoy in the service.


Addendum N 1
to the Regulations on the order of organization
entering the professional development of the sovereign
civil servants of the Russian Federation

to the fate of federal state civil servants at the entrances to professional development on _______ river


1. Dodatkova professional education of federal state civil servants

1.1. Additional professional education of federal state civil servants at the borders of the state task of state services from the implementation of additional professional programs - advanced qualification programs, programs of professional retraining of federal state civil servants of sciences for education:

the functions and the reintroduction of the founder of some of them are the order of the Russian Federation

N p / p The name of the programs for advanced qualifications and programs for professional retraining, which are planned before implementation within the framework of the sovereign order / volume of the state program (year.)

the functions and the importance of the founder of some of the functions _______________________________________________

(Name of the federal state authority)

N p / p The name of the light or scientific organization, which will be installed as a state authority The name of the programs for advanced qualifications and programs for professional retraining, which are planned before implementation within the framework of the state mandate / obligation of the state programs (year.) The number of federal state civil servants, directing apprenticeship for an additional professional program (ch.)
2 federal budget setting _
3 _

1.2. Dodatkova professional education of federal state civil servants within the framework of the state request to enter professional development

1.2.1. Advancement of qualifications from four priority directives of supplementary professional education, which is organized by the federal state body for the management of the state civil service

1.2.2. Additional professional education beyond the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation, organized by the federal state authority for the management of the state civil service

1.2.3. Dodatkova professional education of federal state civil servants, organized by the federal state body independently

Name of the category and group of settlements of the federal state civil service The number of federal state civil servants who are sent to study for supplementary professional programs (person) Obligation of budget allocations, necessary organization of supplementary professional education (thousand krb.)
Usyogo including Usyogo including those on
professional retraining promotion of qualifications professional retraining promotion of qualifications

1.2.4. Promotion of qualifications for additional professional programs on the basis of a sovereign lighting certificate, which is organized by a federal state body independently

2. Go to the professional development of the federal state civil servants for priority directives of additional professional education, which are organized by the federal state body with the management of the state civil service

Addendum N 2

1. Perelіk osvіtnіh that Naukova organіzatsіy, funktsії that povnovazhennya zasnovnika schodo yakih zdіysnyuє Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії, Yakim bude vstanovleno Reigning zavdannya on nadannya Reigning poslug of realіzatsії dodatkovih profesіynih programs - programs pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії, programs profesіynoї perepіdgotovki federal Reigning tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv that dodatkovih profesіynih programs, which will be implemented by designated organizations within the framework of a state-wide state administration in ______ roci

N p / p The name of the illuminating scientific organization, the functions and the re-establishment of the founder of the order of the Russian Federation, which will be established as a sovereign state institution The number of federal state civil servants, directing apprenticeship for an additional professional program (ch.)
1 Russian Academy of National Government and State Service for the President of the Russian Federation
2 Moscow state university im. M.V. Lomonosov
3 National Pre-Selection University your school economy"
4 Financial University under the Council of the Russian Federation
_ other federal budget regulations

2. Perelіk osvіtnіh that Naukova organіzatsіy, funktsії that povnovazhennya zasnovnika schodo yakih zdіysnyuyut okremі federalnі derzhavnі bodies Yakim bude vstanovleno Reigning zavdannya on nadannya Reigning poslug of realіzatsії dodatkovih profesіynih programs - programs pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії, programs profesіynoї perepіdgotovki federal Reigning tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv that dodatkovih profesіynih programs , if they will be implemented by designated organizations within the framework of a state-owned state enterprise in _____ roci

N p / p The name of the illuminating scientific organization, the functions and the re-establishment of the founder of the existence of a federal state body, which will be established as a state state institution The name of the programs for advanced qualifications, programs for professional retraining, which are planned before implementation within the framework of the state government / obligatory state programs (year.) The number of federal state civil servants, directing apprenticeship for an additional professional program (ch.)

3. State request for professional development of federal state civil servants on ______ r_k

3.1. Dodatkova professional education of federal state civil servants

Name of the federal state body A number of federal state civil servants are planned to apply for training for additional professional programs (man) Expenditure of budget allocations, transfers from the federal budget (thousand rubles)
of all including of all including those on
professional retraining promotion of qualifications professional retraining promotion of qualifications
of all of all among them on the basis of state-sponsored certificates

3.2. Advancing the qualifications of federal state civil servants from four priority lines of professional development

3.3. Dodatkova professional education of federal state civil servants outside the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation

3.4. Others go to the professional development of the federal state civil servants from the priority directives of the professional development

3.5. Methodically ensuring the professional development of federal state civil servants

4. Rozpodіl budgetary asignuvan federal budget peredbachenih on realіzatsіyu zahodіv schodo profesіynogo rozvitku federal Reigning tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv federal body vikonavchoї Vladi, upovnovazhenomu Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії on realіzatsіyu sovereign zamovlennya to come in schodo profesіynogo rozvitku federal Reigning tsivіlnih sluzhbovtsіv that sovereign zavdannya on nadannya Reigning realіzatsії dodatkovih professional programs - programs for upgrading qualifications, programs for professional retraining of federal state civil servants, as will be established by federal budgetary regulations, assigned to paragraphs 1 and 2 of the second addendum.

(thousand rubles)

name Min Rz ETC CSR BP Suma
Russian Academy of National Government and State Service for the President of the Russian Federation
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Management of the rights of the President of the Russian Federation, zokrema:
National Preliminary University "Vishcha School of Economics"
Financial University under the Council of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Practice of Russia

Document overview

A draft regulation on the organization of the entry of professional development of the state civil servants of Russia has been introduced. The price was tied with a new approach to the first meal, as it was the beginning of chivalry on September 10, 2017. she transmits the professional development of civil servants for a long period of service.

So, with the new approach, the professional development of civil service includes additional professional education (professional retraining and advanced qualifications) and other visits.

The understanding of the professional development of civil service is being developed. Until other visits, you can start your professional development at the beginning (seminars, trainings, then), come in for an exchange of knowledge (conferences, round tables, then), and come in for adaptation (for example, mentoring). Initial visits can be carried out at, among other things, through the services of a single specialized information resource for professional development.

Public servants can take away additional professional education, including on the basis of a sovereign lighting certificate, which confirms the right to serve independently (with the improvement of service activity) a program for the development of that organization, as a zdiyasnyu Zgіdno with an explanatory note to the project, navchannya for certificates to allow taking away additional professional education for programs, the implementation of any kind within the framework of statehood is impossible through their high varity. Dodatkovu professional education for a certificate can be taken from, including outside the borders of Russia.

A new mechanism for the implementation of visits within the framework of the state government, state government, as well as an independent state body, in which the serviceman replaces the civil service, is described in detail. The structure of statehood is fixed on the go.

The organization is transferred to the priority direct professional development, the transfer of which is responsible for the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.