The name is Mary Virgo. The secret of the name Mary and its meaning

The patron planet of Mary: The sun.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Mary: orange, red.

Mary's Favorite Color: brown.

Mary's talisman stone: pearls.

History of the name Maria

Translated from Hebrew, Mary means "holy", "tall", "bitter", "beloved."

The Virgin Mary is one of the most revered saints in the Christian church. About her - the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos - the philosopher and theologian Sergei Bulgakov wrote: “Not only 1000 years ago the Mother of God prayed tearfully, but now she prays here, and always, and everywhere, until the end of the age ... The Mother of God mediates between earth and heaven ... She is love and mercy, mercy and pity, forgiveness and intercession. She does not judge, but she regrets everyone. She is not the righteousness of the judgment and not the judgment of righteousness, but the personification of the mother's principle ... And no matter how many sins and falls, no matter how terrible the darkness of life, this shining image of the Mother, protector, consolation, cover over the world was with us , in us ... ”Her vivid image inspired brilliant artists (Botticelli, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci) and took a significant place in the art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

No less famous is the image of Mary Magdalene, a repentant sinner, a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, who was worthy to see his resurrection.

The name Mary turned out to be very beloved and widespread in the Christian world. This is the name of many saints, titled nobility and commoners. Marie Louise, Marie Antoinette, Marie Teresa - these names can be found in royal dynasties France and Spain, Germany and England, Italy and Russia. Sometimes in the same family, both mother and daughter were called Maria at once. So, the mother of Mary Stuart - the Scottish queen who wished to take the English throne - was Mary of Guise. Mari were the wife and daughter of the Russian Emperor Alexander II. And Ivan the Terrible's second and seventh wives bore this name.

The meaning of the name Mary

Maria has a very complex character, she is impulsive, unstable in her emotions and feelings. Konstantin Paustovsky in his fairy tale "Artel Peasants" called autumn by the maiden name Masha. Perhaps this choice of name is not accidental. Mary is characterized by this overshadowing changeability: here she radiates warmth and affection, and after a moment - icy cold.

Already at a young age, the sympathetic and kind girl Masha is quite ambitious and independent. It is difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that she is underestimated or not understood. She is diligent, studies well, but requires increased attention to herself. The diary of Maria Bashkirtseva, a talented artist of the end of the century before last, which she began to write almost at the age of ten, testifies to this. Reading it, one is surprised at the courage of a young girl and self-criticism, which are characteristic of very gifted people. In the preface to it, compiled by Maria later, she wrote: “Why lie and show off! Yes, there is no doubt that my desire, although not the hope ... to remain in the memory of people as a great artist ... ”She was nineteen years old when she, a student at the Paris art school, surprised the teachers with the remarkable talent of her works.

Persistence and perseverance, great diligence and obsession are characteristic features of Mary. And how not to remember here Marie Sklodowska-Curie, a talented scientist, one of the founders of the doctrine of radioactivity, the 1903 Nobel Prize laureate.

Vanity and self-confidence - these qualities are also inherent in Mary. Let them make her image somewhat sharp, but more distinctive, unlike others.

In Mary, there is a high need to do good, to help people, she could be a good teacher or doctor, she also has a penchant for charity. Maria is capable of strong, sincere and loyal friendships. Maria is a family man, her relatives love her very much.

Maria is a strong woman, very honest and hardworking. Most often, she combines kindness with soulfulness. Her character combines severity with warmth, passion with some detachment. The karma of the name is perfectly clear.

Maria is best suited to the profession of a social worker, a postman.

In the plant world Mary compared to a lily, a symbol of beauty and responsiveness.

According to numerology, the name Maria corresponds to the number 4, endowing its owner with eccentricity and genius, which contribute to the achievement of success in life and science, in the study of everything secret and mysterious.

January 31 (January 18), October 11 (September 28) —Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun, mother of the Monk Sergei of Radonezh.

Known in the story of Mary

The name of mother Mary (in the world of Elizaveta Pilenko) was forgotten for a long time. She became the first woman to graduate from the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. During the revolution, she was elected mayor of the city of Anapa. This was followed by her arrest by the Bolsheviks, later she managed to escape to Constantinople, and then to Paris. In 1932, she cut her hair as a nun, organized lodgings for the poor and mentally ill Russian refugees, and during the Second World War, during the occupation of France, she hid Jews. In 1943, she was handed over to the Gestapo and placed in the Ravensbrück concentration camp. Several months before her release, she died, taking death for another prisoner. Only in the 1960s did Soviet journalists learn about her fate, and only then was she recognized by our government as a “Soviet patriot and partisan”. The life of Mary's mother is indicative, many women with this name have a difficult fate, suffer in the name of a higher goal.

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, was executed in 1587 by order of Queen Elizabeth I of England for participating in Catholic conspiracies.

Marie Antoinette - French queen, wife of Louis XVI, executed during the French Revolution.

Maria Feodorovna - Princess of Württemberg, wife of Paul I, created a number of charitable and educational organizations, contributed to the formation of the Red Cross society in Russia.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach (née Countess Dubska) is an Austrian writer of Czech origin.

Maria Spiridonova is a politician, one of the leaders of the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party.

Marko Vovchok (Maria Vilinskaya-Markovich) is a Russian writer, author of "Stories from Russian Folk Life".

Maria Popova is a participant in the Civil War, who became the prototype of Anka the machine gunner.

Maria Mironova - actress, performed on stage in tandem with her husband Alexander Menaker; mother of actor Andrei Mironov.

Maria Casares (Casares Quiroga) - theater and film actress, emigrated from Spain to France in 1936, starred in Jean Cocteau's film Orpheus.

Maria Schell is a German and Austrian film and theater actress who has starred in the films The Last Bridge, The Rats, and White Nights.

Maria Callas is a Greek opera singer, since 1960 she has been a soloist at La Scala.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Mary.

What does the name Mary mean?

The name Mary means - sad (Old Heb.)

The meaning of the name Mary - character and fate

A woman named Mary is one of the most common names in the world, because that was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ, many associate it with the best feminine qualities, the concept of motherhood, home warmth, comfort. And indeed, Maria is sympathetic, capable of experiencing someone else's pain as her own, always ready to help, to enemies and envious people - merciless. And yet she is not ideal - wayward, selfish, capricious, knows how to weave intrigues. Most often, a woman named Maria is beautiful and charming, a round dance of fans is provided to her from youth to old age. However, if Maria looks after someone for herself, then you should not compete with her, she will still easily remove all competitors from her path. Ingenuity and resourcefulness she does not hold, and usually that is why she wins the heart of the future spouse. He takes a calm and non-conflict man as her husband. In marriage, this is a good housewife, a loving spouse, a caring mother. True, sometimes she overprotects children, imposing her will on them, but her help is invaluable. Maria is devoted to her family, her husband, not prone to adultery. The spouse's unfaithfulness can cause a divorce, although Maria does not go to the final break in relations, she will try to forgive her husband, save the family. If a woman named Maria doubts her husband's fidelity, she will try to make her intimate life so stormy that he simply will not have the strength for entertainment on the side. Maria is very jealous, unpredictable in anger, harsh, unrestrained. She tries to get along with her mother-in-law, but cannot live with her as one family. She gives birth to same-sex children, either boys or girls.

The meaning of the name Mary for sex

Maria is restrained, careful, sexual intimacy for her is possible only in a familiar environment (mainly at home) and at night. In other conditions, a woman named Maria, if she agrees to have sex, then feels constrained, restless, alert, cannot relax. "Winter" Mary equates sex and love; the deeper her feelings, the more passionately she surrenders and the more openly she behaves in bed.

The nature and fate of the name Maria, taking into account the middle name

Name Maria and patronymic ...

Maria Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna very soft and kind woman. She is modest and not too decisive, she is often deceived and betrayed by her friends, and men use her gullibility. Such Maria wants to see only good in people, painfully endures disappointments, but still remains an optimist, hopes for the best, sincerely believes that her personal life will definitely improve, she just has not yet found the one she needs. In marriage, this is an economic woman, somewhat stingy, non-conflict, obligatory and executive. In sex, along with feelings, he is guided by reason. Will never hurt the dignity of a husband. Becomes grumpy by old age. Forgetting about his own troubles with his mother-in-law, he is very jealous of his sons for their daughters-in-law.

Name Maria and patronymic ...

Maria Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna enjoys great authority with others, is energetic, practical and calculating. She is the center of attraction for all familiar men. And she herself begins to be interested in sex early, her fearlessness prevails over shyness, and curiosity over the fear of being disappointed. She prefers slim and strong men, conquers them with her grace. Often it causes jealousy among fans, and envy among women. By nature, Maria is an introvert. She is constant in affection, it is difficult to give up habits. She marries carefully, tries to choose a companion for life. If the marriage turns out to be unsuccessful, she does not seek to get married again, she brings up a son.

Name Maria and patronymic ...

Maria Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna depending on the circumstances and mood, it can be kind or strict, compliant or intractable, cheerful or grumpy. But she is always fair, open to communication. This Maria is somewhat sentimental, dreams of great and eternal love, stubbornly looking for her ideal, refusing many applicants for her hand. For her, the most important thing in life is love, not marriage. She is not afraid to enter into intimate relationships with the men she likes, believing that this is the only way to thoroughly get to know a person. It is easy to part with his beloved if he does not find his ideal in them. Unobtrusive, does not keep anyone near her, which is why it is even more attractive to fans. The marriage of such a Maria is usually successful, she is happy, although she does not always realize this. She does not strive for leadership in the family, but her opinion must be listened to. Her sons are born.

Name Maria and patronymic ...

Maria Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna smart and talented. He is fond of music, painting, literature. She is generous in soul, her love is enough for everyone around her, she is completely disinterested, artless, and sometimes even too straightforward. She is graceful, attractive and has good taste. In men, he primarily values \u200b\u200bdecency and sincerity. Thanks to his extraordinary intuition, he recognizes a person from the first minutes of acquaintance. She is in no hurry to get married, but most often she gets married early and quite successfully. Strives for stability and harmony in the family. Loyal to her children, loves them for the soul. A faithful spouse, being infatuated with someone in marriage is unlikely, she really values \u200b\u200bher family very much. However, like all Mary's, she is jealous, her husband's betrayal can make her deeply unhappy.

Name Maria and patronymic ...

Numerology named Maria

Publius Virgil Maron

The meaning of the name Mary: "lady" (Heb.).

There are three more versions of the name Maria: "bitter", "beloved", "stubborn".

There are a great many days of commemoration, including 31.01, 01.02, 08.02, 19.02, 25.03, 25.07, 04.08, 05.08, 21.09, 14.10, 29.12.

Personality. Bitter mountain ash.

Characteristics of the name Maria by letter:

M - peacefulness, peacemaking, diplomacy;

A - hard work;

R - professionalism;

And - love for art;

I am ambitious.

What does the name Maria mean in numerology:

MARIA \u003d 51916 \u003d 22, the number of Pluto, special personalities.

What does the name Mary mean in astrology:

5-1 (Jupiter - Sun) - adaptation in society without losing individuality;

1-9 (Sun - Neptune) - the evolutionary path of personality development;

1-6 (Sun - Venus) - optimism, vitality;

4-6 (Mercury - Venus) - diplomacy, poise, achieving the goal without hassle, worries, positive activity, high intelligence.

Characteristics of the name Maria, taking into account the analysis

Do not forget that this is the name of the mother of Christ, which a priori carries enormous reserves of divine energy. This is the name of special personalities, Gurus, initiates.

Mary is smart, has a penchant for occult and other sciences, intellectual, spiritual, her goals are high. She has outstanding abilities in many areas, including pedagogy, Kabbalah. Her credo is kindness, mercy, concern for others.

Intermediate sexuality. Jealous, tender, caring, docile. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: David, Victor, Arseny, Roman, Rostislav, Yakov.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Maria (Marya), its origin, history, learn about the options for interpreting the name.

  • Zodiac of Mary - Virgo
  • Planet - Proserpine
  • The color of the name Maria is gray
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Mary's cherished plant - cornflower
  • Patron saint named Maria - dove
  • Mary's talisman stone - diamond

What does the name Maria mean: sad (name Maria of Jewish origin).

Short meaning of the name Mary: Maryka, Marisha, Marya, Mulya, Musya, Marusya, Maryuta, Masya, Mush, Manya, Manyunya, Manyasha, Masha, Mashunya, Maryasha.

Angel Mary Day: The name celebrates the name day three times a year:

  • April 14 (1) - The Monk Mary of Egypt left her parents' home for twelve years and led a sinful life for seven years, then turned to Jerusalem on the righteous path and for forty-eight years lived alone in great deeds of fasting and prayer in the Jordanian wilderness (6th century).
  • June 5 (May 23) - St. Mary Kleopova (that is, Cleopa's wife), daughter of Joseph the Betrothed; she lived in her father's house with the Blessed Virgin Mary; they loved each other as close relatives, which is why the Gospel calls her "the sister of the Mother of Jesus."
  • September 21 (8) - Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Signs of the name Maria: April 14 Marya - light the snow, play the ravines. If the spill is on Mary of Egypt, then there will be a lot of grass. September 21, on the Nativity of the Virgin, - pox, a harvest festival. On this day, the fire in the huts was renewed: the old one was extinguished, and the new one was kindled.

Positive features of the name Maria: Decency, kindness, reliability, activity, humanity. A girl named Maria has a huge supply of love and tenderness. Since childhood, she has shown gentleness, obedience, sympathy for people and a willingness to help a person in trouble. At the same time, there is firmness and dignity in her character. If necessary, she is able to stand up for herself and for her ideals.

Negative traits of the name Maria:Gloom, vulnerability, touchiness. The name Maria is seriously worried about the comments in her address. If she does not agree with something, then she expresses her disagreement quite violently.

The character of the name Maria: Maria is a person of extraordinary warmth. This is the best friend you could ever wish for. She has a rare capacity for self-sacrifice; Maria, like no one else, is able to live life in her husband, children, friends, favorite books. Her motto: "I'm sorry for everyone. I have to help everyone!" Maria is extremely intelligent and inclined towards philosophy; this is a psychic, psychoanalyst, fortune teller, healer, a kind sorceress - she always has sublime, almost superhuman abilities, which she rarely develops in herself: there is no time, it is necessary to arrange the affairs of others! A girl named Maria is elegant, beautiful, a wonderful hostess.

Maria's husband should remember that she not only painfully experiences internal and family discord, but can get sick on this basis or even commit suicide.

Adult Maria is also a reasonable hardworking woman with a huge supply of love and tenderness. She is a little envious, but the misfortune of others makes her an instinctive desire to help. If something happened to her, Maria withdraws into herself, rarely shares her experiences.

The name Maria is stubborn. He actively and violently expresses his disagreement with something. Failures, of course, upset her, but she doesn't make a tragedy out of it, she quickly collects and starts over.

The name Maria is not afraid of professions where you need to give all your best, the range of her activities is extremely wide, everywhere she is in her place - cheerful, good-natured, hardworking. Over the years, she becomes quite strict and outwardly serious, but her soulfulness and sociability remain. Therefore, the best professions for Mary are pedagogy and medicine, the most humane, requiring warmth and severity.

Maria's main concern is her own family. She is an excellent hostess, devotes herself entirely to children, pushing even her husband into the background. But she is faithful to him, sensual, will never give her husband a reason to reproach her for something. Rather, she may have a reason to be disappointed in him, but Maria knows how to endure. The husband and children often respond to her with devotion and obedience.

Choosing a profession by name:Mary belongs to the type of personality "reigning in heaven and on earth." Her activities are marked by high spiritual, intellectual and creative aspirations. Maria is responsible and hardworking, she most fully manifests herself in medicine, pedagogy, and the field of art. A girl named Maria has been accustomed to solving her problems on her own since childhood, without placing them on the shoulders of others. If she does not manage to get an excellent education, then she can earn fame and honor in a modest labor field.

Maria's business and career:Maria stands firmly on the ground, does not seek to shine. She lives within her means, knows how to save money, but does not depend on them. Failure and failure upset her, but she doesn't make it a tragedy.

Mary's love and marriage: Maria is faithful in marriage, ready to follow her husband. She is a very devoted mother, gives all of herself to children, even takes care of those who have grown up. Those answer the girl with the name in return, always on her side. The union of the name with Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Boyan, Bryachislav, Vasily, Vlas, Vyacheslav, Gavrila, Danila, Zakhar, Ivan, Makar, Mstislav, Roman, Svyatoslav, Fedor is favorable. The complex relationship of the name is likely with Anisim, Bronislav, Valery, Vsevolod, Efim, Zinovy, Laurus, Lev, Rostislav.

Health and talents named after Maria: Maria in infancy calm. Parents do not experience any particular difficulties with her. But when she turns one and a half years old, she often starts to get sick with the flu and other diseases. But mentally and physically, the meaning of the name develops normally.

The "winter" Mary has a congenital heart defect. As a child, Maria is worried about her throat, she is weakened nervous system... She is very irritable, so you should see a neurologist. In childhood, he suffers from chickenpox. Angina can give complications to the eyes, bronchi, which are already weak.

A girl named Maria is a very lively, emotional girl. Reacts to everything that happens. But it depends on her middle name. For example, the name Maria with the patronymic Alexandrovna is very emotional, will only go into the hands of those whom she knows. During her school years, she suffers from sinusitis.

In "March" Maria, frequent colds give complications to the ears, sinusitis may form. Maria is capricious, wayward. You should walk with her for a long time in the fresh air, this calms the nervous system. Raising her voice to her is useless, she reacts inadequately to punishment. Maria must be treated on equal terms, otherwise she will get angry, withdrawn and turn away from her parents.

"May" Maria is doing poorly at school, inattentive, lazy. Much depends on the middle name she wears. This applies to Maria Alexandrovna, Igorevna. But Vladimirovna is very emotional, takes everything to heart, and is prone to stress. At sixteen, she has a very difficult relationship with her parents.

The name Maria needs to pay attention to gynecology. Mary's main ailment is a weak nervous system. With age, "July" Maria suffers from salt deposits, kidney stones, gynecological diseases, eye diseases. Vegetative-vascular dystonia develops. Pressure often jumps, and there are strokes.

Name Maria in other countries:: Translation of the name Mary in different languages \u200b\u200bhas a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On english language translated as Mary, (Mary), in German - Marie (Marie), in French - Marie (Marie), in Italian - Maria (Maria).

The fate of the name Maria in history:

  1. Maria is one of the most popular names in Russia and around the world, in fairy tales, in literature, in history.
  2. Mary is the Most Holy Virgin in Nazareth, the mother of Jesus Christ. Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Mother of God, Madonna - the earthly mother of Jesus Christ. The mention of her in the four Gospels is very brief, numerous additions have arisen in the Apocrypha - new Gospel legends that have not been officially recognized by the Church. The tragic story of a woman who raised her son, knowing in advance that he would be taken away from her and tortured, could not but disturb the imagination of people.
  3. Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (1806-1863) - the wife of the Decembrist Prince Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky, who voluntarily shared his exile with him. The daughter of the famous hero of the 12th year, N.N. Raevsky, at the age of 18, at the behest of her father, she married General Volkonsky, who was much older than her. Like the wives of other Decembrists, she learned about the existence of a secret society only when most of the conspirators were already in the fortress. In 1863 Volkonskaya died of heart disease acquired in Siberia. After her, there were notes, a human document remarkable for its modesty, sincerity and simplicity. Her father, N.N. Raevsky, with all the severity of a man of military discipline, trying to keep his daughter from going to Siberia, said before his death, pointing to her portrait: "This is the most amazing woman I have known."
  4. Maria Romanova (1907 - 1951) - from birth held the title of Most Serene Princess of Kirillovskaya; the title of Princess of Imperial Blood was recognized for her on July 28, 1907, since 1925 - Crown Princess of Leiningen, since 1939 - Princess of Leiningen. The eldest daughter of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich and Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna (nee Princess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Great Britain). She was born in January 1907 and, in accordance with the decree of Nicholas II, was assigned to the Russian Imperial House. In 1924, the princess of imperial blood, Maria Kirillovna, received the title of Grand Duchess from her father, who had accepted the title of Emperor of All-Russian Kirill I. In the 1930s, under the patronage of Queen Mary, the Russian-Serbian Charity Society of Grand Duchess Maria Kirillovna operated in Novi Sad, providing assistance to Russian refugees in need.
  5. Maria de Medici (1575 - 1642) - Queen of France, daughter of the Grand Duke Francesco I of Tuscany and Joanna of Austria. Queen Consort of France, wife of Henry IV, mother of Louis XIII.
  6. Marlene Dietrich (1901 - 1992) - nee - Maria Magdalena Dietrich; German and American actress and singer who has created one of the perfect cinematic female characters. Her "sultry woman with a steel spine" was different both from the "mysterious woman" Greta Garbo, and from the naturalness embodied in female images by Ingrid Bergman, did not resemble the intellectual sophistication that Claudette Colbert shone with. Dietrich's cinematic destiny was largely determined by Joseph von Sternberg.
  7. Maria Ermolova (1853 - 1928) is one of the most talented actresses in the history of the Maly Theater, according to Stanislavsky, the greatest actor he has ever seen. She became famous for the roles of freedom-loving personalities, devoted to their ideals and opposing the surrounding vulgarity. Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters (1902). First People's Artist of the Republic (1920). Hero of Labor (1924). Since 1935, the Ermolova Moscow Drama Theater has been named after her.
  8. Maria Krivopolenova (1843 - 1924) - storyteller, performer of epics, folk songs.
  9. Maria Sklodowska-Curie (1867 - 1934) - nee - Maria Salome Sklodowska; Polish-French scientist-experimenter (physicist, chemist), teacher, public figure. Twice winner of the Nobel Prize: in physics (1903) and in chemistry (1911), the first twice Nobel laureate in history. She founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw. Pierre Curie's wife, together with him, was engaged in the study of radioactivity. Together with her husband, she discovered the elements radium (from the Latin radi? Re "to radiate") and polonium (from the Latin name for Poland, Pol? Nia - a tribute to the motherland of Maria Sklodowska).
  10. Mary Stuart, Mary I (1542 - 1587) - Queen of Scots from infancy, actually ruled from 1561 until her deposition in 1567, as well as Queen of France in 1559-1560 (as the wife of King Francis II) and a pretender to the English throne. Her tragic fate, full of completely "literary" dramatic twists and turns and events, attracted writers of the romantic and subsequent eras.
  11. Maria Bochkareva - (1889 - 1920) nee - Frolkova; one of the first Russian female officers (produced during the 1917 revolution), lieutenant. The first is considered the "cavalry girl" Nadezhda Durova, who participated in the wars with Napoleon in 1806-1814. Bochkareva created the first women's battalion in the history of the Russian army. Knight of the St. George Cross.
  12. Maria Mironova (1911 - 1997) - Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1991))
  13. Maria Biesu ((1935 - 2012) an outstanding Moldavian Soviet opera singer, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1970). Hero of Socialist Labor (1990). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1982) and the USSR State Prize (1974).
  14. Maria Skobtsova, Nun Maria, known as Mother Mary (1891 - 1945) - in the world - Elizaveta Skobtsova, nee - Pilenko, by her first husband - Kuzmina-Karavaeva; nun of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (Western European Exarchate of the Russian tradition) of Russian origin. Poetess, memoirist, member of the French Resistance. Canonized by the Patriarchate of Constantinople as a Martyr in 2004.

What does the name Maria mean: characteristic, compatibility, character and fate

Kindness Reliability Activity

Maria Sharapova, Russian tennis player

  • Meaning of the name
  • Influence on the child

Origin of name: Hebrew

When lucky: Saturday

When There Are Problems: The Resurrection

Important years of life: 27, 33

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Lucky number: 85

What does the name Mary mean?

The name Maria is the most popular in many countries of the world. It appeared in the era of the birth of Christianity. The meaning of the name Mary gives her cordiality, love, tenderness.

The meaning of the name presents us with a description of a bright choleric with a complex character. This is an intelligent, hard-working woman, sometimes sullen. Maria is always ready to help.

Deep down, this woman may hide some oddity that she tries not to show to others.

The energy of the name is a unique and amazing combination of exactingness, benevolence, sincerity and contradiction.

Almost every middle name adds its own nuance to the character and behavior of a girl named Maria. For example, Evgenievna has a touchy, vulnerable and gentle nature. The owner of the middle name Andreevna is very sociable and will find an approach to any person, having easily met him before. Maria Alekseevna is practical, sometimes assertive and irritable. Dmitrievna is endowed with a calm and benevolent disposition.

Would you name a child by that name?
Well no

The name Mary is of Hebrew biblical origin. It comes from the name of Miriam. Considering what the name Mary means, we can come to the conclusion that there are several translations.

One of the translations interprets the meaning of the name as "rejected", the other means "sad".

Analyzing what the name Mary means, one can find information in church documents that this name is translated as "madam."

It is often associated in Orthodoxy with the Holy Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. When calling a girl by this name, one must remember that the Holy Mother of God cannot be the intercessor of a particular child. She protects all of humanity with her Veil.

In most cases, St. Mary Magdalene is chosen as the patroness of girls. In addition, the origin of the name Mary calls another intercessor, Mary of Egypt. This Saint turned to faith after a very sinful life. During 48 years of her life in the wilderness, she prayed to the Lord and fasted diligently.

History also recalls St. Mary Kleopova, the devoted friend of the Holy Mother of God. According to legend, the two women were so close that they considered themselves sisters.

Let's name the famous representatives who have left their significant contribution to the development of mankind in history. These are outstanding women Volkonskaya and Yushnevskaya, faithful companions of the Decembrists. In wide circles, Maria Vernadskaya is also known - a political economist, and in science - a chemist and physicist Skladovskaya-Curie. Maria Montessori is a teacher, a follower of free education. This is the actress Ermolova, the singer Mordasova, and the hero of the Soviet Union Polivanova, and many others.

Name forms Full: Maria Short: Masha Old: Maria Affectionate: Masha

In childhood, Maria is a cheerful and sociable girl who gladly makes contact. During her school years, no less affectionate and benevolent, Masha can become a wonderful coquette. She loves to make new friendships in which she strives for absolute leadership. The girl is popular among her classmates, but when she meets a more successful rival, envy and a desire to harm can wake up in her.

She wants to be the best, so she is an excellent student. However, problems with physical education are not excluded.

The characteristic of the name Maria claims that her bearer is aimed at achieving high spiritual, creative and intellectual goals. Even if she cannot get a prestigious education, she will in any case be able to achieve honor and respect in any field of activity.

This woman is ideally suited for an administrative position, service in the internal affairs bodies.

She can be successful as a restaurant director, architect, educator, actress, makeup artist, and retail service. Maria loves to communicate with people, so she can be recommended to work as a sales assistant or model, educator or librarian, as well as a medical worker.

In the characteristics of Mary, you can find out that her fate will develop according to the well-known saying: to live life is not a field to cross. She painfully experiences her troubles and sorrows.

The appearance of an adult Mary gives the impression of a lady with a complex contradictory character, but her inner world is much richer than it might seem. Her soul is open to people. She warms all close and loved people, like the sun, with the warmth, love and care of her generous heart.

She has a sacrificial nature and always strives to help everyone. He cannot ignore other people's problems, while he often forgets about himself.

The owner of this name loves to philosophize, endowed with a subtle psychological flair, an analytical mindset. Logical, pays attention to little things. Maria is fair to others, patient and truthful with them and with herself. In communication, he shows sincerity and benevolence.

Maria tends to immerse herself in her inner world, to lock herself in her thoughts and feelings. As much as she loves to help and give advice to other people, Masha herself hardly opens her soul and heart to those around her.

The secret of the name Maria reveals the secret that her representative has excellent intuition, but does not use it to achieve goals. She prefers to follow the paved path. Masha would better avoid any surprises and will not play roulette with fate.

The owner of this name is principled, she adheres to strict moral rules. She is characterized by natural feeling decency, especially in critical life situations.

Maria's character is touchy and vulnerable. The girl values \u200b\u200bhighly respectful and caring attitude towards herself. Maria is quick-tempered, impulsive. She often cannot control her emotions in difficult situations. This woman seeks to help people around them who are in trouble.

Personality traits Decency Kindness Reliability Activity Humanity Frowning Vulnerability Sensitivity Inconstancy Excessive emotionality

Maria is unpredictable in love relationships, so she can commit a rash act that can shock her family. She tends to suddenly change her preferences when she suddenly feels that she has met mutual love.

Good and bad couples Alexander Andrey Victor Vitaly Ivan Dmitry Felix Eduard Yuliy Yaroslav

Having married, she becomes a faithful wife, a reliable companion and assistant to her husband. She completely dissolves in family concerns. As an experienced psychologist, he creates a world of warmth and comfort in the house. She loves her children, is able to sacrifice a lot for them.

The meaning of the name Maria for a girl

In childhood, Masha grows up as a very mobile and cheerful child. But he does not let anyone into his deep spiritual secrets. The girl helps her parents, is gentle and affectionate with them. A favorite game for Masha is to be a nanny for kids.

The meaning of the name endows the child with sociability and warmth. She easily finds new friends to whom she gives her warmth. Masha is characterized by persistence and willfulness, especially when it comes to her personal toys or her own opinion. Masha is vulnerable and receptive, somewhat impulsive. Can be firm and defend himself.

During school years, the child shows organizational skills. Masha will study well because of her ambitions.

She does not like to fulfill the requirements of teachers, which contradict her outlook and opinion. Each comment of teachers will be taken to heart, she will carefully consider and comprehend them. The child respects the elders, takes care of the younger ones. Enjoys authority among peers. Classmates respect her for her activity, fairness and ability to empathize.

Unfortunately, the wayward Mashenka can commit rash acts caused by a sudden whim. And also she will envy those who surpass her in anything.

For the successful upbringing of Masha, you need to adhere to the following recommendations. Organize in free time joint games with the child. Plan your family activities often: excursions, nature trips, theaters, circus and more.

Pay attention to Masha's inner experiences; in critical situations, do not allow complications of her morale. Consider her personal desires when making decisions.

What games will Maria like? The girl loves to take care of pets, is fond of veterinary medicine. She likes mind games, enjoys watching educational programs. Maria reads a lot. He prefers encyclopedias among books. The girl loves to babysit. The child has many friends. She often becomes the organizer of games in friendly companies. Masha loves walking with her friends.

When is the name day?

8, 12, 31 January 8, 19, 25 February 2, 20 March 2, 14, 25 April 17 May 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25 June 17 July 4, 18, 22 August 28 September October 11, 21 December 15 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Maria. Characteristics of the name, character traits

Wondering what to name your daughter? Perhaps the name Maria will appeal to you. In the article we will give him a detailed description.

What does the name Mary mean? From Hebrew it is translated as "sorrow", according to another version - "love". The owner of this name is distinguished by complaisance of character, respect for parents, and goodwill. She always provides her mother with all possible help and even tries to predict her requests, loves to create comfort. Here is such a hostess Maria. The characteristic of the name allows us to know that this girl is very inquisitive, diligent, affectionate. In the sphere of her interests - myths and secrets of mankind, everything unknown.

Characteristics of the name Maria. School years

Masha is an excellent student. She is very responsible. Shows the best results in the lessons of biology, literature and geography. In high school, she is passionate about astronomy. Maria (the characterization of the name confirms this) is endowed with numerous talents. The girl loves to sing, and dance, and draw, and write poetry. However, not everyone knows about her outstanding abilities, since Mashenka does not like to advertise them and be in the center of attention of her peers and teachers. Despite some isolation, the girl cannot be called an outcast. No one is ashamed of friendship with her, since Maria is responsive, generous and pleasant in communication. She will never allow herself to be rude to others and offend them.

Maria. Description of the name. Adulthood

In adulthood, Masha is distinguished by stubbornness, which largely helps her to defend her own opinion. She is still hardworking and economic. Adult Maria very often succumbs to emotions, while committing rash acts, which she herself later regrets. However, she cannot live guided by cold calculation, and not by feelings.

What matters is that Mary is able to admit mistakes she has made and learn from them. She is extremely serious about her chosen profession and is considered a highly qualified specialist. In a team, a woman will be appreciated for her friendly attitude to colleagues and diligence. Maria will become a good teacher, doctor, psychologist or public figure. The work of her life could well become one of the areas of creative activity, but in an effort to help people, she does not easily refuse this opportunity.

Maria. Description of the name. Love relationship

Since childhood, Mashenka has not been deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. And this is not surprising, since the girl is a real beauty. She is beautiful not only in appearance. Maria is a very interesting and deep personality. She approaches the choice of the chosen one with all responsibility. Marriage usually becomes a turning point in her life. A woman devotes all herself to her husband and children. Household chores become her joy, so the beloved man does not like the soul in his wife. Maria has an incredible ability to endure a lot for the well-being of her family.

Characteristics of the name Maria | The mystery of the name Maria

Mary is "beloved" (Hebrew).

Characteristics of the name Maria

It is advisable to call her Maria from childhood, and not Masha. The name is the same, but it sounds different, which can form a contradictory, irritable character. An adult Mary will have internal discomfort. Maria inherits her father's character. Relations with the mother are difficult to develop. With age, they diverge more and more.

Most often, the characterization of the name Maria is brought up at home by her grandmother, with whom she is capricious, selfish, and does not eat well. In the team, the girl is completely transformed. She is kind and calm, she gets along well with everyone. She's smart. Can stand up for himself. She likes to babysit babies, and she does it skillfully, but this child should give her preference, be friends only with her. In her school years, Masha is able to surreptitiously intrigue among her peers, slander one another, quarrel with her friends. It turns out that she is no worse than everything else. She is easily offended. Even light criticism of the mystery of the name Mary takes painfully. However, she has enough toughness to put the abuser in place. She can be wayward, sometimes her actions are dictated by a momentary whim. Many people in the class love her, but Maria is good only to those who distinguish her from the crowd. The characterization of the name Maria is envious, does not tolerate more successful peers, can harm them on the sly, hypocritically maintaining the image of a good girl. Maria studies well, but not out of a desire to know more, but out of vanity. Sports and physical education do not appeal to her. Despite all her shortcomings, she still strives to be fair and certainly does not tolerate injustice towards herself.

The character of the name Maria

The matured Maria is impressionable, able to empathize, warms those around her with her inner warmth, seeks to help everyone. The negative qualities in her character disappear by themselves. She is devoted to her children, loves them for the soul. A faithful wife, it is unlikely that she will be carried away by someone: her family is in the foreground. Children are most often born same-sex. The secret of the name Maria knows how to get along with her mother-in-law, endures everyday difficulties. The only thing that can make her deeply unhappy is her husband's infidelity.

"Winter" Maria is especially reserved.

"Autumn" - can be selfish, strives for beneficial communication. Works: director of a restaurant, store, administrator, lawyer, investigator, chief accountant, merchandiser.

"Summer" is cheerful, good-natured.

"Spring" - capricious, arrogant. This is a fashion model, a teacher in kindergarten, architect, biologist, teacher, librarian, actress, make-up artist, ballerina, manicurist, waitress.

What middle name suits the name Maria

"Winter" and "autumn" Mary's middle names are suitable: Akimovna, Andreevna, Alekseevna, Arkadyevna, Yurievna, Mikhailovna.

"Summer" and "spring": Alexandrovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gordeevna, Pavlovna, Igorevna, Olegovna, Arturovna, Anatolyevna.

What is the meaning of the name Mary?

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Meaning: "Bitter, beloved, stubborn."

Origin: The name is of Hebrew origin.

Character: Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. Her favorite pastime is being a nanny for young children. She is very vulnerable, even a small remark addressed to her is hard going. At the same time, there is firmness, dignity, the ability to stand up for herself in her character. Her actions are sometimes impulsive. She is responsible for her studies at school and always diligently performs household duties. Peers appreciate her for her hard work, the ability to show sympathy.

Mick surgeon

The name is of Hebrew origin. There are several meanings of the name - bitter, beloved, stubborn.

Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. Her favorite pastime is being a nanny for young children. She is very vulnerable, even a small remark addressed to her is hard going. At the same time, there is firmness, dignity, the ability to stand up for herself in her character. Her actions are sometimes impulsive. She is responsible for her studies at school and always diligently performs household duties. Peers appreciate her for her hard work, the ability to show sympathy.

Adult Maria radiates warmth, affection, attention around herself. She is always ready to help a person in trouble. She is faithful in marriage, but in order for the relationship with her husband to be warmer and more sincere, it is necessary to have at least one child in the family. Maria is a very devoted mother, she gives all of herself to children. Children reciprocate her, always on her side. Maria has a good relationship with her mother-in-law, if she is an old and weak woman, if she is healthy and does not need care, then difficulties are possible. Her husband's infidelity is hard.

Suitable for marriage: Anatoly, Alexander, Victor, Gregory, Valentin, Eugene, Ivan.

Less suitable: Boris, Vyacheslav, Cyril, Eduard.

Name days: February 8, February 19, February 25; 14th of April; June 20, June 22; August 4, August 22; 11th of November


I was surprised Maria and Miriam are the same name, just modified over time.

Marya (Marya, Greek Μαρια) - the name comes from the Hebrew name Mariam, which according to one version comes from the root meaning "rejected", according to the other - from the word (πίκρα) "sad". Mara is also bitter.

Maria sukhanova

The name Mary is of Hebrew origin, the original form of מרים is Miryam Miriam. מר mar, mar is translated in Hebrew as "bitterness" (plural - מירים mirim marim).
For the first time in the canonical text of the Bible occurs in the Book of Exodus 15:20 - "Miriam, sister of Aaron."
More details about the origin of the name Mary are described in the midrash.
Manufacturing forms: Mariyka, Marisha, Marya, Mara, Maryunya, Marunya, Marulya, Mulya, Marusya, Musya, Masya, Masyata, Maryuta, Maryukha, Maruha, Maryusha, Marusha, Mush, Manya, Manyunya, Manyuya, Manyusya, Manyuta, Manyuha, Manyusha, Manyatka, Poppy, Manyasha, Masha, Mashania, Mashonya, Shura, Mashuka, Mashunya, Munya, Mashura, Mura, Mashara, Mashuta, Muta, Mashuha, Sea
Mariam and Mary are the same

- a Hebrew name, apparently meaning "desired, beloved." This name gives its bearer softness, shyness, sentimentality. In the character of Mary there is no firmness, which is necessary in life. Maria understands this, wants to learn to be strong and independent, but she does it with difficulty. Maria's parents like her soft, docile nature. They love their daughter very much and try to protect her from all sorts of problems and hardships of adulthood. This method of education can make Mary naive and childish. She may also begin to be afraid to express her opinion, defend a point of view, be persistent. It is difficult for her to change herself, because she simply has no idea what needs to be done for this. Often she closes in herself, she has a lot of complexes and problems that appear later, in adult life. Mary should learn to be more courageous, not depend on others' opinions and act as she sees fit. She needs to prove to others that she is able to stand up for herself, to make sure that her vulnerability and vulnerability are not noticeable.

With age, Maria begins to gradually get rid of children's complexes. She learns to communicate, makes friends and girlfriends, she has hobbies and hobbies. However, Maria does not let anyone close to her, fearing a trusting relationship that could lead to betrayal. At the same time, she needs to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone, talk about her feelings and experiences. Often, Maria begins to overdo it with alcohol. He makes her more relaxed, brave, decisive. She should be very careful with strong drinks, because they can harm her health and bring her to trouble.

has a penchant for creativity, which is for her a way of expressing emotions that she hides from others. She can achieve significant success in music, painting or literature. Maria likes the creative process itself, she does not strive for fame or recognition. Maria rarely shows someone her work for fear of being sharply criticized or misunderstood.

Maria will be very lucky if she meets a person who can become her true friend, who understands her and accepts who she is. She really needs such a friend, dreams of meeting him one day. She does not always succeed, so she gets used to keeping all her feelings and experiences in herself.

It is not easy for Mary to find her true soulmate. This is largely due to her selfishness.

Diminutive forms of the name Maria

Masha, Mashenka, Masha, Masha, Manya, Manechka, Manyuta, Manyusya, Maryushka, Maryasha, Mariyka, Marisha, Marusya, Marusenka, Manyunya, Manyusha, Manyasha, Mariyka, Marya, Mulya, Musya, Maryuta, Masya, Musha.


She keeps her emotions under control, does not like when someone tries to penetrate her inner world. Outwardly restrained, calm and balanced, but deep down she suffers from loneliness and misunderstanding.


Loves her job, which replaces her friends, romantic relationships, hobbies. It is her career that is for her a means of self-realization and self-expression.


Calm, friendly and considerate girl who does not want anyone to know about her true feelings. She behaves kindly with everyone around her, but she cannot be called sociable and talkative.


Timid, shy, not fond of drawing attention to herself. She hates it when they make fun of her, even good-naturedly. He prefers to spend time alone or with close friends.

a lion

Persistent, hardworking. He knows how to get his way. Often suppresses others in order to hide their own complexes. She has many ill-wishers, since no one likes this behavior.


A creative person who tries his hand at literature, music, painting. She does not strive for success, for her the main thing is the creative process itself, and not at all fame and popularity.


Shy, withdrawn, shy. Cannot stand talkative, stupid personalities. Likes to read, go to the theater, exhibitions. He rarely visits clubs and parties.


A quick-tempered, irritable nature, prone to depression and melancholy. She dreams of becoming more friendly and sociable, suffers from loneliness and misunderstanding.


Likes to spend time with family members who understand her and accept her for who she is. Others consider her infantile and dependent.


Reasonable, practical, smart. She does not strive for a dizzying career and a large salary, it is enough for her to do her job.


She loves to listen more than to speak, behaves delicately and politely with everyone, even with those who are not at all attractive to her. She knows how to make useful acquaintances, although she may not have friends at all.


A dreamer who is very difficult to bring down from heaven to earth. He is well versed in art, has a penchant for creativity. He prefers to spend his free time alone, reading a book or one of his hobbies.