Kissel from cherries in own juice recipe. Recipe: Cherry Kissel - Frozen Cherries

Also in Ancient Rus jelly was very popular; it was cooked using sour cereal sourdough. To date, the drink has not lost its popularity, but potato, corn starch is most often used to prepare the housewife. Cherry jelly is a great option for enjoying delicious, healthy drink, besides, it is very simple to prepare it.

Beneficial features

Not every housewife knows about the beneficial properties of jelly. The drink has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system as a whole. It is able to envelop the walls of the stomach and relieve pain.

With increased acidity, the drink will help normalize this indicator. Cherry kissel has everything useful propertiesas the berry itself. It contains many vitamins and minerals that the body needs for healthy, full functioning. Cherry has expectorant, antiseptic properties, with its help you can quench your thirst, improve your appetite.

Kissel from ground cherries

For those housewives who do not know how to cook cherry jelly, there is a simple and delicious recipe for a drink. To prepare it you will need:

  • 0.3 kg of fresh berries;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • sugar -3 tbsp. l .;
  • starch.

To prepare thick jelly, you need 4 tbsp. l. starch per 1 liter of water, for liquid - 2 tbsp. l., medium consistency - 3 tbsp. l.

Kissel recipe for cherry thick in plates, prepare quickly and easily:

  1. Wash berries, remove seeds.
  2. Grind the cherries using a sieve.
  3. Pour the pulp with water and bring to a boil.
  4. Mix starch with cold water.
  5. Strain the resulting broth into a saucepan, put on high heat, add sugar and starch to it, add water and bring to a boil.
  6. When the water boils, you can pour the remaining cherry juice into it, keep the drink on the fire for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Allow the drink to cool down, pour into plates and serve.

To make the jelly as useful as possible, cherries should not undergo prolonged heat treatment, and the amount of sugar should be minimal.

How to make jelly from frozen cherries

Some housewives think that frozen cherry jelly is less useful, but this is not so. The berry protects its aroma, usefulness and taste even when frozen. To prepare such jelly you will need:

  • 0.8 l of water;
  • Frozen cherries - 0.3 kg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch.

Cherry kissel recipe that comes in handy in winter is easy to prepare:

  1. Without defrosting, dip the cherries in a saucepan of water.
  2. Put on high heat, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes. While the berries are boiling, they must be pressed down so that they let the juice out.
  3. The resulting compote should be filtered and put on the fire again, brought to a boil.
  4. Mix starch with a fork with cold boiled water.
  5. Pour the starch into a boiling drink, constantly stirring the cherry jelly in a thin stream so that lumps do not form.
  6. Add sugar, stirring until completely dissolved.
  7. Reduce the fire, and cook the jelly until a thickish consistency is formed. If the drink is very liquid, then you can add more starch.
  8. Serve cold or warm.

Cherry-raspberry jelly

For those housewives who do not know how to make cherry jelly, such a recipe will be useful. After all, the cooking method is very simple and takes little time. You should prepare:

  • 2 cups cherries (fresh, frozen)
  • 1 cup fresh raspberries
  • sugar to taste;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • starch - 2-4 tbsp. l. depending on the required thickness of the drink.

This cherry jelly, the recipe for which can be used both summer and winter, is quite simple:

  1. Put water on high heat, add sugar and cherries to it.
  2. When the berries rise to the top, boil them for a few minutes.
  3. While preparing the syrup, prepare the starch. It should be diluted in half a glass of cold water, stirring until smooth.
  4. If the jelly should be thick, then 4 tsp of starch should be added. For an easy option, you only need 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  5. Pour the starch in a thin stream, stirring thoroughly so that no lumps form;
  6. Add raspberries. It will help to diversify the taste and aroma of the drink.

It is better to serve such a drink to the table warm, so that it promotes the digestion process.

Delicious thick jelly dessert

The preparation method of this dessert is very simple and the ingredients are available.


  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • cherries - 10 berries;
  • clean water - 2 liters;
  • potato starch - 2 tbsp. l., if you take corn, you will need 4 tbsp. l .;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

It is quite easy to prepare cherry jelly with kiwi:

  1. Peel the kiwi, cut into small pieces.
  2. Using a sieve, grind the kiwi until puree and pour into a saucepan.
  3. Add half a liter of water to the puree, put on medium heat and bring to a boil.
  4. When the water has boiled, add cherries, sugar and stir the drink thoroughly.
  5. It is better to keep the fire on medium and constantly monitor that the contents of the pan do not boil too much.
  6. While the compote is boiling, mix the starch with cold water.
  7. Strain the compote.
  8. Put the strained drink on fire and bring to a boil;
  9. When the drink boils, you can gently pour in the starch, stirring the jelly well.
  10. Add the remaining kiwi juice to the jelly and turn off the heat.
  11. To prevent a dense crust from forming on the jelly, it is better to cover the pan with a lid.
  12. Pour thick chilled jelly into plates, garnish with a slice of kiwi, a cherry or a mint leaf.

Every housewife should know how to cook cherry jelly. After all, such a drink is very healthy and tasty. It not only diversifies the menu, cheers up, but also becomes an excellent prophylactic agent in the fight against various diseases.

Cherry jelly, the taste of which many people remember from childhood, is not only pleasant, but also a healthy drink. It must be included in the diet of children and the elderly. This allows the body to provide vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for the normal functioning of organs and tissues. It is quite simple to cook such a product at home.

Despite the fact that today briquettes and sachets with blanks are on sale, real jelly can be prepared only from natural ingredients with the addition of starch. All you have to do is choose a suitable recipe and follow the instructions for its implementation.

Frozen berry drink options

If family members love jelly made from cherries, be sure to pick up recipes that use a frozen component. This will allow you to enjoy the product all year round without waiting for the next harvest.

An option for making jelly without first defrosting the berries:

  • For 1 glass of frozen cherries, take 2 liters of drinking water, 2 tablespoons of potato starch, a little sugar to taste.
  • We take 1.5 liters of water, bring the liquid to a boil and lower the frozen berries into it. When the mass boils a second time, reduce the heat and wait 5 minutes.
  • At this time, we prepare the starch mixture. To do this, dilute the starch in the remaining water, constantly stirring the composition so that there are no lumps. Pour the resulting product into the berry broth, thoroughly stirring the mass.
  • If you like liquid jelly more, then immediately after obtaining a homogeneous composition it can be served. For lovers of a thicker drink, it is recommended to cook the workpiece for another 3 minutes, without ceasing stirring.

Tip: To be able to prepare a cherry drink at any time, you should learn how to properly harvest the berries. The procedure is very simple, but it involves several nuances. First, the fruits must be soaked in salted water for 30 minutes. Secondly, it is recommended to remove the bones. Third, the freeze must be quick.

An option for making jelly from defrosted berries:

  • Defrost the berries naturally, we sort out and rinse. For 400 g of cherries, take 2 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of potato or corn starch, 2 liters of water + another 150 ml of liquid for diluting the starch.
  • Sprinkle the fruits with sugar and leave for 1 hour. Stir the mass every 15 minutes so that the sugar dissolves faster in the juice and soaks the berries. After that we drain the separated juice into a separate container.
  • We put water on the stove, bring to a boil and lay out the cherries. Cook for 3-4 minutes after boiling again, stirring the composition. Pour in the collected juice and stir. We taste the mass and, if desired, add a little sugar.
  • In separately taken water (it is better if it is boiled and lukewarm) we dilute the starch and insist for several minutes so that the mass swells. We filter the product through a strainer, then the jelly will not contain lumps.
  • Into the boiling workpiece, little by little we introduce the starch solution, stirring the product. It is not necessary to add all the starch, wait for the desired thickness of the drink.
  • Boil the product for another 2 minutes and serve.

The prepared drink does not have to be consumed hot. You can cool it naturally and even in the refrigerator. You just need to remember that this will make it a little thicker.

How to make delicious jelly from fresh cherries?

To get a very thick dessert or prepare an aromatic drink consisting of many components, you should use the following recipes:

  • The method of making thick cherry jelly. In a glass of fresh berries we take 1 liter of water, three tablespoons of starch and sugar to taste. We clean the fruits of seeds, squeeze the juice out of them, put them in a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Into the resulting composition, add cherry juice. In the rest of the water we dilute the starch, filter the product to get rid of the lumps. Bring the berry broth to a boil, add sugar to taste, then pour the starchy part into it. Cook the mass for 5 to 10 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly. During cooking, you can add honey, jam, berry syrup to the composition.

  • Berry jelly with spices. For 0.5 kg of berries, we take 2 liters of water + 1 glass for diluting starch, a glass of sugar, 3-4 tablespoons of starch, 5 cloves, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of ground cardamom, vanillin on the tip of a knife. Bring the water to a boil, add all the spices and boil for 5 minutes. Take out the cloves, add the washed pitted cherries, add sugar and mix the mixture well. We dilute the starch in a glass of cold boiled water, then pour it into the berry blank, stirring it continuously. Cook until the composition thickens to the desired state. Such a drink fully reveals its taste and aroma, if it is cooled to room temperature before serving.

Ready jelly, if thick, is served with whipped cream, condensed milk, ice cream and other dessert ingredients. The liquid product is often decorated with mint leaves, sprinkled with cinnamon or cocoa powder. This allows you to enhance the expressiveness of the fruit flavor, but not interrupt the naturalness of the product. Sometimes the resulting mass is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator for several hours. As a result of the manipulation, a delicious berry jelly is obtained.

Kissel is a delicious drink, familiar to everyone from childhood, we drank it in kindergartens, schools, and our mothers and grandmothers prepared it for us at home. Kissel can be prepared from ready-made dry jelly, previously it was sold in briquettes, now you can increasingly find dry jelly by weight. But I will tell you how to make jelly with starch. And as a dye and flavoring additive, you can use any fruit or berries, both fresh and frozen, there are a lot of them in our freezer since summer. Earlier I told you how to cook uzvar, and you can also use dried fruits for jelly: apples, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, etc. Take the recipe into service, this vitamin drink will be relevant in the season of colds or will warm you on a cold winter day. Frozen cherries will give a beautiful color, slightly sour and tart taste to the drink, I will add sugar to the jelly, you can do without it.

Ingredients for making cherry jelly with starch:
  • frozen cherries - 200 grams,
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • granulated sugar - 3 - 5 tbsp. spoons,
  • water - 1 liter.
Cherry kissel recipe with photo

Boil water, leave half a cup to dilute the starch, and add frozen cherries and granulated sugar to it. Stir and simmer the compote over medium heat for 5 minutes. In the remaining water, it should be cold, dilute the starch. Stir until completely dissolved. At this stage, you can strain the compote and remove the cherries, this is optional. Pour the thick starchy liquid in a thin stream into the boiling cherry compote, while stirring the mass so that no lumps form. Vary the density of the jelly by decreasing or increasing the amount of starch. Cook the jelly over medium heat, stirring until it boils, but do not boil it, otherwise the jelly will become liquid. Serve the ready-made jelly hot or cool it completely and serve it in glasses. Prepare delicious dishes with us.

In general, this drink is suitable for a children's menu; babies from 18 months old are recommended to give it as one feeding.

It is also useful in geriatric nutrition - it is easily absorbed, does not cause discomfort after eating.

Cherry jelly is good for medicinal and dietary nutrition, just do not confuse real dietary and weight loss diets, since the calorie content of the drink cannot be called low - in 100 g from 60 kcal.

It is also used by athletes during important competitions.

It has a positive effect on emotional condition, it is recommended for depression.

How to cook delicious jelly correctly

Cherries - berries are very capricious, quickly deteriorate.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to this - among them there should not be leaked, crushed ones:

  • good berries - deep dark red color with a shiny smooth surface;
  • cherries should not be sticky, the smell of fermentation is unacceptable;
  • it is better to take berries with twigs - less juice is released from them, they will last longer. In addition, it is easy to determine the freshness of the berries by the condition of the cuttings and leaves.

When the berries are chosen, you can make jelly.

To make the jelly healthier, set aside some cherries before cooking, squeeze the juice out of them. When the finished drink is almost cold, add juice to it and stir. Instead of juice, you can beat the berries with a mixer and put the resulting mixture into the cooled drink and stir.

However, not only fresh berries are suitable for making a drink, jelly from frozen berries, and even a recipe for jam is no less wonderful.

You can cook jelly from fresh cherries, as well as from frozen or canned ones, of different thicknesses: liquid (drinking), moderately liquid (you can eat with a spoon, and use as sauces), very thick (like jelly). The thickener is potato or corn starch. Please note that potato starch is more suitable for thick jelly. But from corn, a liquidish, pouring drink with a slight specific taste is obtained. And you can't cook transparent jelly on corn starch.

Classic cooking recipe

Fragrant, sour-sweet, with a delicate viscous consistency, cherry jelly will refresh you well in summer, and when warm, it will warm you on chilly winter evenings. You can prepare a drink based on a decoction of any berries or fruits, but, traditionally, the classic cherry jelly with pits is considered the most delicious.

Kissel from the ingredients specified in the recipe is obtained in a moderately viscous, medium density.


  • cherry - 200 g
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • starch (potato) - 2 tablespoons
  • water - 0.5 l (+100 ml).

Cooking method:

Before boiling the jelly, thoroughly rinse the cherries under running water. Place them in 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover with a lid, let the broth simmer over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.

For now, prepare the starch mixture. Pour 100 ml of cold water into a container with starch, mix well until a homogeneous milky white substance.

Remove the berries from the cherry broth (it is convenient to do this using a regular slotted spoon). Add sugar. Put the saucepan with sweet compote on the fire, bring to a boil. Then, stirring continuously, pour in the starch liquid in a thin stream.

Without stopping to stir with a spoon, bring the mass thickening before your eyes to a boil. Let sit on the stove for another 2 - 3 minutes.

Serve hot or cold jelly with cookies, pies. Or use as a sauce for cheese cakes, pancakes.

Frozen cherries

In summer there are a lot of cherries, you can feast on ripe berries at least every day.

But what about winter?

When you want to remember this joy and wonderful aroma, and give yourself a piece of summer at least for a little while.

You need to take care of this in advance, stock up cherries, freeze them.

And then all that remains is to get the berries and make jelly from frozen cherries.

You will need:

  • cherry - 2-2.5 tbsp.
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp l.
  • starch - 1-1.5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1 l
  • vanillin - optional.

How to cook:

Frozen Cherry Kissel is a recipe that requires some preparation of the berries, especially if they have been sent to the pitted freezer. By the way, how easy it is to peel the berries from the seeds is described in detail.

  1. Defrost the cherries, if there are seeds, remove and discard.
  2. Boil water, add lemon juice.
  3. Transfer the cherries to slowly boiling water and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Drain into a separate saucepan, set aside the remaining cherries.
  5. Add sugar, vanillin to the resulting compote, heat until dissolved.
  6. Dissolve the starch in cold water, pour into the compote in a thin stream, stirring continuously and intensively.
  7. Bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, set aside from heat
  8. If desired, add the remaining cherries to each serving to taste.

Cherry jam

There was a nuisance - jam was candied in the pantry.

Digest it, only spoil it completely.

The only way out is to make compote or jelly.

What do we need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 4 tbsp pitted cherry jam
  • 1 tbsp starch
  • sugar - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve the jam in water and bring to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Strain, separate the berries from the compote.
  3. Leave to warm over low heat so that the liquid barely boils.
  4. Stir starch in 100 ml of cold water.
  5. Pour the starch into the water in a thin stream, stirring constantly to avoid lumps.
  6. Boil for another 3-4 minutes to thicken.

This jelly will not turn out very thick. If you need the finished dish to look more like a dessert, add not 1 spoon of starch to it, but 1.5 or even 2.

Note to hostesses

  • For more taste, add a little lemon zest to the ready-made hot jelly. It will add flavor without making it sour.
  • Also, at the beginning of preparation, add a couple of mint leaves to the drink.

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Do you think frozen berry jelly is a dessert or a drink? In fact, this delicacy can be attributed to one and the other category. And all because jelly can be made as a liquid, like a drink, or as a thick dessert, which is used with a spoon.

The secret to regulating the density is hidden in starch, or rather in its quantity. If you want to get a thick tasty jelly from frozen berries, add more starch and vice versa.

For the preparation of jelly, you can use different berries, but still preference should be given to sour ones. After all, real jelly should have a rich sour taste, which can be diluted with sugar. I used frozen cherries. The drink from it turns out to be not just tasty, but delicious!

Recipe Information

Cooking method: cooking.

Total cooking time: 15 min.

Servings Per Container: 4.


  • water - 800 ml
  • frozen cherries - 300 g
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • potato starch - 2-4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  • You don't need to defrost cherries. We put it in a saucepan. I rinse the cherries with water to get rid of the ice. But you don't have to.
  • Fill the cherry with water and put it on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes. In doing so, you can suppress the berries so that they release their juice as much as possible.
  • So, we cooked a rather rich cherry compote. This is the basis for the preparation of jelly. But for this you need to get rid of the thick. We filter the compote through a strainer or cheesecloth. Put the resulting cherry liquid on the fire again and bring to a boil.
  • Let's prepare the starch so that the cherry jelly from frozen berries is thick enough. In this case, I used 2 tbsp. spoons of starch. And the jelly turned out to be of medium density. For a thicker version, add 4 tbsp. l. Dissolve the starch in a little cold water.
  • Add sugar to the boiling compote to taste. We bring the drink to a rich sweet and sour taste.
  • Now pour in the starch diluted in water in a thin stream. Mix simultaneously with a spoon in a circular motion so that no lumps form.
  • Now we cook jelly from frozen berries over low heat until the desired consistency is reached. At the same time, we constantly stir. If you are not satisfied with the resulting thickness, add a little more water and starch.
  • The result is a great, rich vitamin drink for the whole family. Both adults and children will appreciate it. Serve the jelly cold. Although warm, he is also loved by many. As you can see, the recipe for frozen berry jelly is incredibly simple.
  • On a note:

    • For the preparation of jelly, you can use potato or corn starch.
    • But keep in mind that the latter is less viscous, so more potato needs to be added.
    • Kissel can also be prepared from other fresh or frozen berries - raspberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries and other berries with a rich taste. They can also be combined to achieve a more attractive color and flavor.

    2015-12-17T08: 20: 05 + 00: 00 adminthe drinks

    Do you think frozen berry jelly is a dessert or a drink? In fact, this delicacy can be attributed to one and the other category. And all because jelly can be made as a liquid, like a drink, or as a thick dessert, which is used with a spoon. The secret of density regulation lies ...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-Online

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