When the exam will be known. Graduates of secondary schools are looking forward to the results of the exam

According to the official information of Rosobrnadzor, three days are allotted for checking the work of the Unified State Exam in mathematics of the basic level, six days in Russian, and up to four days in other subjects. However, the announcement of the results is carried out after they have been approved by a special commission.

USE-2018 / http://cdn.wi-fi.ru/www.mos.ru/

The preliminary results can be known much earlier than the deadline for their announcement. This can be done on the official USE portal. It is necessary to enter in a special form the full name of the test participant, registration code and passport number. In addition, you can get acquainted with the results on the website of the State Services, in the PPE or in schools.

Each region independently determines the methods of informing USE participants about the points they have scored. In a number of regions, to inform the examinees (absolutely free), special Internet resources have been created and "hot lines" have been opened where you can get advice on issues related to the final state certification (GIA).

Today, graduates of Russian secondary schools are beginning to take the Unified State Exam (USE). Over the course of several weeks, eleventh graders will be tested on the level of knowledge gained over the years of study. The exam, which will become one of the most responsible, stressful and long-awaited moments of learning, will last until June 20. And after passing all disciplines, students are looking forward to when the USE results will be known in 2018.

After graduating from school, everyone dreams of further admission to the chosen institute or university, and one of the prerequisites for free education is the successful passing of the state exam. The level of knowledge of students will be determined by a point system, according to which the level of knowledge is determined.

For several weeks, graduates have been waiting for the results, some with fear, and some with anticipation of good results, but the intrigue keeps everyone in incredible tension. The result of the Unified State Exam will be announced when the examination state commissions check all the forms. How long to wait and when will the USE results be known in 2018?

How long does it take to check the USE forms?

The period for checking the examination papers and the publication of the scores obtained directly depends on the subject, the schedule of exams and the reserve deadlines, at least the verification process takes two weeks, a maximum of 19 days.

The duration of the USE test is explained by its implementation at the national level. While, for example, the USE for ninth grade students is checked in the regions without the involvement of federal education authorities.

After the completion of the work, the students first scan the examination forms, the data are recognized and verified with the information in the USE forms. This process takes three to four days. This is followed by a regional check, during which the members of the local examination committee evaluate each work.

It takes at least a week for additional cross-checking of examination forms at the national level. Approximately the same period is required for the return of the Unified State Exam forms to the regions.

It will also take one to four days for the final approval of the exam scores. In order to publish the data of the checks and announce them in all schools, it takes a little more time, usually no more than three days. Therefore, the question of when the USE results in 2018 will be known can be answered now.

The duration of the inspection process is clearly regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in which the entire system of organizational aspects of the Unified State Exam is described step by step.

When will the results of the USE-2018 in specific subjects be announced

The plan according to which the checks are carried out and the number of points received can be found on the official Internet portal of the Unified State Exam 2018. It is important that you can find out the results of passing the exam only by entering the student's passport data.

The schedule published by the official Internet source provides information on the end dates for the completion of the procedure, as well as see the detailed plan for the approval of the assessment scores. Below you can see a list of dates when the USE results in specific disciplines will be known in 2018.

Dates of the announcement of the results of the exam-2018:

  • Geography (conducted on May 28) - June 15;
  • Informatics and ICT (May 28) - 15.06;
  • Basic Mathematics (May 30) - June 15;
  • Profile mathematics (June 1) - 06/18;
  • History (June 4) - 20.06;
  • Chemistry (June 4) - 20.06;
  • Russian language (June 6) - June 25;
  • Social Studies (June 14) - June 29;
  • Biology (June 18) - 4.07;
  • Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(June 9, 13 and 18) - 5.07;
  • Literature (June 20) - 5.07;
  • Physics (June 20) - 5.07.

However, the passing of the Unified State Exam-2018 is not limited to the main period, there are also additional terms intended for graduates who chose exams that coincide in dates. For example, if you selected exams in literature and physics, both of which are taken on June 20, then one of them will take place on reserve days. Further, another list is published, when the USE results in 2018 will be known for sure.

  • Geography (delivery on June 22) - 5.07;
  • Informatics (June 22) - 5.07;
  • Profile mathematics (June 25) - 10.07;
  • Basic Mathematics (June 25) - 10.07;
  • Russian language (June 26) - 11.07;
  • Biology (June 27) - 11.07;
  • History (June 27) - 11.07;
  • Chemistry (June 27) - 11.07;
  • Literature (June 28) - 11.07;
  • Social Studies (June 28) - 11.07;
  • Physics (June 28) - 11.07;
  • Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(June 27 and 29) - 12.07;
  • All subjects (2 July) - 17.07.

Obtaining the results of the Unified State Exam-2018 according to the data of the graduate's passport number

On the Internet, the points obtained on the exam can be found a few days earlier than they will be announced in educational institutions. To get acquainted with the results of the delivery, there are several Internet resources. The most reliable is the official website of the Ministry of Education, designed to check the results of check.ege.edu.ru.

The "Gosuslugi" portal also provides an opportunity to find out the results of the exam. However, it is important to remember that this service is only available to registered users.

In addition, almost every Russian region has local services that officially publish the results of the Unified State Exam. To find out the result, you must enter the graduate's passport number or a special code issued during registration for the exam.

Only the above resources are official. Information provided by other Internet sources is not reliable.

It is important that using unverified services can be dangerous. Often they are created by scammers in order to introduce viruses into computers, and are nothing more than a provocation.

The most reliable way to find out about the results of the USE passed is to receive information about points only on the official websites of the Ministry of Education or in an educational institution.

After completing the exam, the USE forms are sent to the regional information processing centers (RCOI). The tasks of part A (with the choice of one correct answer out of four proposed) and tasks of part B (with a short one-word answer) remain for processing in the regional center, they are checked on a computer using scanning and automatic recognition of answers. The form with a detailed answer (part C) is sent to the subject commission. It is checked by two experts independently of each other.

How is the exam process going?

The USE results are checked in three stages.

Form processing by computers

The first stage is the processing of forms in the regional information processing centers (RCCI). The specialists of these centers scan exam papers, recognize the information entered in the USE forms. This is followed by the process of verifying the recognized information with the original data.

Assessment of works by experts

The second stage is checking tasks with a detailed answer. These sections of the exam are evaluated by two representatives of the subject commission. For each answer, experts independently assign points. The results are entered into the verification protocol and then transferred to the RSCI for further processing. If the scores of two members of the commission coincide, the result of the exam is final. If an insignificant difference in points is established, the final result is determined as the arithmetic mean of the points of the two experts, rounded up. If a significant discrepancy is found, a third expert is appointed.

Reconciliation in a single testing center

The third stage is the centralized check of examination papers. The USE forms processed by the RCCI and checked by experts are sent to the Federal Testing Center (FCT). Here, the answers of the USE participants are checked with the correct answers to these tasks.

All data in a single center of the exam are processed, summarized and entered into the database. Then the USE results are transferred to educational institutions to familiarize USE participants with the results.

The USE results are valid for 4 years following the year the results were obtained. Those who disagree with the outcome have two business days to appeal.

When will the results be known?

After the completion of the examination of the USE results by the regional information processing centers, the forms with the answers are sent for a centralized examination, which lasts about five working days.

After that, within one day, the results obtained are approved at a meeting of the State Examination Commission.

Then, in the next few days (from 1 to 3), the USE results are announced, which graduates can find out in the schools where they took exams, as well as on the official USE portal www.ege.edu.ru.

In remote regions, the dates for the announcement of the USE results may differ. However, the deadline for announcing the results will not exceed 12 days after the exam.

Deadline for the announcement of the results of the exam

Subject Main period Additional period Standby period
Maths June 18 June 18 30 June
Russian language June 11 July 16 June 28
History June 19 July 23 27th of June
Foreign language June 13 June 18 June 26
Physics June 13 21 July 27th of June
Chemistry June 23rd July 16 27th of June
Biology June 19 July 23 June 26
Literature June 5th 21 July 27th of June
Informatics and ICT June 19 July 16 June 26
Social Studies June 23rd 21 July June 26
Geography June 5th June 18 27th of June

The official website of Rosobrnadzor publishes the most relevant information regarding the Unified State Exam. When the USE results will be known, you can also find out on this site from the news.

The schedule of publication of the results of the exam 2018


Exam date

Completion of the processing of examination papers at the regional level
(no later than the specified date)

Official day of results announcementGIA-11 at the regional level
(no later than the specified date)

Geography, Informatics and ICT

Mathematics (basic level)

Mathematics (profile level)

Chemistry, History

Russian language

Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral)

Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral)

Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(in writing)

Social Studies


Literature, Physics


Geography, Informatics and ICT


Mathematics (basic level), Mathematics (profile


Russian language


Chemistry, History, Biology


Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(in writing)


Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral)


Literature, Physics, Social Science


For all academic subjects

We quote excerpts from the site's news:

The exams in geography and computer science and ICT will open on May 28 the main period of the exam in 2018.

The exam paper in basic mathematics is assessed on a five-point scale; to successfully pass the exam, it is enough to score three points. Participants of the USE in basic mathematics will know their results no later than June 15th.

The unified state examination in mathematics of the profile level was held on June 1 in a regular mode, without serious technical failures and leaks of control measuring materials (CMM).

Installed minimum score in mathematics of the profile level is 27 points.

The established minimum score on the USE in history, below which universities cannot set the passing threshold for applicants, is 32 points. The established minimum score on the exam in chemistry is 36 points. Exam participants will know their results no later than June 20.

The minimum passing threshold below which higher education institutions cannot set a passing score is 36 points.