Remote networking. Full remote work: his own master

Full remote work: his own master

Perhaps many of us have already got endless rises at 6 am, idle in traffic on the way to work and back home, constant bickering, squabbles and “podzhizhivanie” each other inside the working team, lack of free time, rudeness on the part of the authorities, colleagues and .d Surely many of us thought about the so-called remote work via the Internet, but not about a side job of 5-15 thousand rubles, which can be provided by various types of earnings presented on our website, but about full-time employment. Let's see what it is, what types of such work are, what are its pros and cons.

Because without technology, it is difficult to sustain this model for a long time, ”recalls Edna. Technology should help and need to be updated as much as possible. Every two years we exchange our technology park so that they can have all the necessary tools and do the work with the quality and time we need.

For Mello, in addition to the company and the individual, society itself is profitable. “Deep down, you got the car off the street, and we have very serious mobility problems.” According to him, it is necessary to change the paradigm, according to which all people who work should go every day of the week for the company.

Remote Internet work at home: what is it?

Such work is not an additional gain, but a full-fledged employment, which can take all your time, which you are ready to devote to work. Additional underworking and interest in several areas of activity is only encouraged, and if you have such interests, then this is undoubtedly your good quality. We just want to convey to you the following thought: doing only something from the category of “full-fledged remote work", You can provide for yourself, while still working in some other way is only welcome. But if you are engaged only in some kind of extra work, then, of course, this cannot fully ensure you, at least if you have not invested millions of dollars.

If we stop thinking that with the chaos of urban mobility we live in big cities, the home office is the first step towards improving the quality of life of the population as a whole. The teleworking model can be adopted in a number of sectors, but again it is necessary to plan and evaluate a professional who can work from home. And, as we said at the beginning, this trend has come true.

If you also have the opportunity to work at home at one time or another, we have divided the primer with tips on how to increase productivity in your home office. Join and enjoy the story of five great, successful, home leaders. Enjoy also leave your opinion; How is your business? Do you think the model will fit?

Work via the Internet remotely and its types.

According to the Empire Earnings, such work at home is divided into 3 large groups: working as a consultant in firms (for example, in cosmetics), participating in cells of MLM projects (but only those created by professionals and supposedly living for at least 12 months to it was possible to have time to earn money until everything burst), and we took all the other options to the last one. Our article about deserves special attention, although there the work is largely limited to the duties of the same consultants.

Be sure to check out the new expansion of the minimum price guarantee and even offer an automatic coupon tester. If you intend to become a digital nomad - a person who can work on the Internet and work anywhere in the world with Internet access, the first thing to do is find out how and where to work remotely, and it’s advisable to earn in dollars. Some companies hire people over the Internet, and you use your computer and your Internet access to do your job, which can improve your work than many jobs that require a bachelor's degree.

Pros and cons of remote internet work:

The advantages, of course, are the fact that you will have more freedom, and you will be your own master, and not a hostage of the system. Also, such activity, as a rule, does not have a salary threshold. Your income is limited to only 24 hours a day, and how many of them and how efficiently you are ready to devote to work are exclusively your choice. Home employment will allow you to create the necessary conditions for yourself: a schedule, a place (office) for work, you can spend more time with your family.

Work on the Internet, which does not need knowledge of the English language

To get the best places you need to read and write in English, but otherwise the requirements are usually not so difficult to achieve. Here are some companies that offer online jobs. To work on the Internet, if you speak only Portuguese, you are likely to receive less per hour. These two companies pay for posts on blogs and social networks. They have an internal platform that offers themes, and as soon as you register, you are invited to choose tasks.

Now let's talk about the cons. Finding a job remotely and finding a remote job are two different things. In the first case, we are talking about using online labor exchanges to search for vacancies. But we are interested in the second, but here the search does not have to be reduced to the Internet. However, you probably noticed suspicious ads at the entrance to the staircase - never call them or sign up anywhere you can be invited to. Do not forget that in this area a lot of crooks. We are trying to acquaint you with some specific projects to work in each of the above categories of full-fledged domestic employment. We also warn that such remote work may not always be exclusively online. As has already been said, these are both phone calls and personal meetings, therefore, not every person, by his personal and business qualities, can approach this.

Where to work on the Internet if you speak English

For those who have a lot of time, and you need light homework, which requires only a good letter for the Internet, these can be good jobs. After registering, obtaining approval, passing qualification tests, you will receive e-mails with essay topics. Today, these five companies are concluded with large Internet companies to improve the quality of search, advertising and general content. The job is basically to evaluate content on the Internet using the training they themselves provide.

Again, everything is exclusively in your hands, and if you think before you do something, and also, if you are ready to accept the advice that we give you, you can earn money in this area, and often people earn remotely on the network much more than ordinary hired office workers.

Remote work on the Internet is a great way to make money without leaving home. All that is needed for remote work is a computer with Internet access, 2-3-4 hours of free time every day, as well as a positive attitude, responsiveness, communication skills, ability to organize your working day and the desire to earn. In this area, even experience is often not required, the companies themselves provide a quick and free course of study.

The analyzed content is usually in Portuguese, but the whole process of qualification, tools and communication with these companies are in English, so you need to read and write english. After registering in your database you go through the qualification process. If they approve of you, you can participate in projects. At this time, they tell you the amount paid per hour, the number of hours per week and information about a particular job.

Dozens of other links from job sites to remote jobs

Important: they require exclusivity, so if you work for one of these companies, you cannot work simultaneously for another, as well as the nature of the work you do for them is hidden. If you still have not found anything for yourself, on this site below are dozens of links from other online work sites.

Who will work remotely on the Internet?

  1. Pregnant mothers and mothers on maternity leave

    Perhaps these are the main workers in this field. There is plenty of free time, you don’t need to go to work, and the extra money doesn’t hurt at all. So there are enough reasons why young mothers are so actively looking for remote work. Moreover, the remote work does not interfere with the basic work at all; you will not lose your workplace.

    Chaotic traffic and the high cost of a commercial square meter in large cities contributed to the need for a home office. More and more companies are deciding to send part of their employees to perform part of their tasks remotely. It reduces costs, increases productivity, attracts and retains talent, reduces absenteeism and achieves sustainability goals.

    But, despite all the benefits for companies and the people who work for them, teleworking is a topic that still gives rise to a lot of uncertainty among Brazilian managers. The clerk will not accept tea extinction. One of the biggest management concerns about a home office is the perception of loss of control. For many managers, a remote employee is less people in a team.

  2. Students

    Remote work on the Internet is in considerable demand and. A strict schedule of classes dictates its own conditions, which is why remote work remains the only option for earning income. And is it worth it to go to the office part-time, if you can often make even big money on the Internet without leaving your home?

  3. People for whom remote work becomes the main

    And there are more and more of these lately. They have long understood that the earnings of an experienced specialist on the Internet are in no way inferior to the earnings of those who every day spend several hours in a traffic jam to get to their work, and also work in a noisy office in official clothes. Much better home furnishings, a laptop and 3-4 hours of work instead of an eight-hour workday.

    At a distance there are several configurations of work, and none of them is an employee isolated from the company. Just note that in most cases, work is done remotely only two or three days a week. And even in cases where work is 100% home-based, employees must attend meetings on site at least every 15 days to get feedback or to coordinate tasks with their managers.

    In addition, today technology allows managers to maintain constant contact with their team either through communication tools or remote task management applications. Who pays the bill is a company. Or both. When splitting the cost to the remote work program  There is no fixed rule.

What does remote work on the Internet mean?

Such work may be very different, we will consider the most popular option:. Its meaning is simple: you take a simple course of study, after which you are given all the necessary logins, passwords, contacts, links, etc. Your responsibilities will include advising clients, registering consultants on the site, processing documentation, attracting clients to the site, compiling customer databases, information work, sending out letters, compiling product cards and much more. All this work can be done through the Internet, which is what shops use. And you do not need to go to the office, sit there all day, and the store gets a full-fledged employee who performs a considerable amount of work.

Some companies pay the entire bill: furniture, equipment, training, and fixed costs for a home office. Others offer only tuition or pay a fixed expense by making a monthly allowance. There are also those that restrict participation in the program to employees who already own a laptop company and a mobile phone, which saves on investments with equipment.

Home office is not outlaw. Many companies resist the home office because they doubt its adequacy to Brazilian legislation. At the same time, the work schedule was defined with the time and start. Contacts and requirements that go beyond these limits characterize overtime. Therefore, the law checks remote actions if they are limited during the working day. This format works well with some activities, such as telemarketing.


Remote work on the Internet, which was described above, does not imply official registration according to all canons of legislation. On the one hand, this is good, because it is possible to combine remote work with the main, with a decree, with study. However, this significantly increases the risk of non-payment, the risk of problems with the employer. You can promise mountains of gold, wages of 50-60 thousand rubles or more, but when it comes to payment, there may be many "unforeseen" problems, as a result of which you will not receive your income.

When it is necessary to establish a more flexible work schedule, many companies choose a contract without basic hours, when there is no control over the day and overtime pay. And finally, there are tools that limit the phone or email address of managers to employees outside working hours, which reduces the possibility of possible labor actions.

In any case, it is imperative to involve the legal department of the company in discussions and definitions of the portable work program. And, if necessary, hire specialized advice on this issue. Size is not a document. The inability to implement a portable work program is a much more important issue for a company than the limitation associated with its size. Some small and medium-sized companies associate their importance with the market with the physical separation of offices, the number of workstations and the number of employees present.

No, we do not in any way discourage such work. On the contrary, remote work is a highly paid, simple and convenient form of employment, which has a lot of advantages, many turn remote work into the main one, there are cases when young mothers immediately leave their main job after the decree. We just want to say that when looking for work at home, be sure to pay attention to the reliability of the employer, do not be too lazy to examine the contact details, find its details, legal address. Pay attention to the official website of the company, the term of its work. All this will help avoid problems in the future.

For these companies, these elements represent a status symbol. Saving this structure is a cost that does not always pay off. When they do not need to maintain this image, companies of all sizes can implement a portable work program and enjoy its benefits: attracting and retaining talent, increasing productivity and reducing costs. For this it is sufficient that some of his actions are compatible with work from a distance.

And in cases where the company needs to grow, this method also allows new employers without the need to increase the physical space of offices, thereby saving on the cost of real estate and additional energy costs. Brazilian workers are trustworthy. Unfortunately, there is a common sense that in Brazil we are all lazy and mischievous. For this reason, many companies associate telecommuting with loss of control and reduced productivity.

How much can you earn on remote work and how is payment made?

The most common payment terms are standard: on a bank card of any bank. Less often, employers use such forms of payment as transferring income to the wallets of WebMoney, Yandex, Qiwi and others. As for wages, it depends on the specific place of work, but most often ranges from 20 to 60 thousand Russian rubles a month, then you will spend about 2-4 hours a day on work.

Here, as elsewhere, there are people who require constant monitoring, delays, often absent from work, and even when they are present, they are scattered and unproductive. They, truly, cannot work at home office. But there are more and more responsible, disciplined and ethical Brazilian workers. The collaborators focused on the results, and who will do the impossible to do an excellent job and thereby preserve the privilege of working remotely.

A company must find, recruit, select, and train ideal candidates for portable work so that they can reproduce their high performance by working well anywhere. Secrets are protected. The risk of this event is minimal because the technology already offers several tools that allow you to transfer data and store information with complete security, even if the work is done from a distance. The home office program allows the company to save on property costs and at the same time increase the motivation - and, therefore, productivity - of employees.