Work program on applied art. Arts and Crafts Program

Nowadays, folk decorative art is experiencing a new stage - as if the beauty of the works of ancient traditional art is re-opened to us, embodying the centuries-old experience of artistic taste and the life wisdom of the working man.

The relevance of this program is that due to the development of creative thinking, students can acquire practical skills of manual labor that can be used in everyday life (for decorating clothes, everyday life, etc.), expressing themselves in creativity, orienting themselves in obtaining various creative professions (designer, designer, etc.).

The content of the program gives a broader view of decorative and applied art as an art, its role in human life; expands the variability of the use of various techniques in decorating household items, accessories, interior design; deepens knowledge of nature and art; organizes the student's artistic and creative activities aimed at transforming the surrounding world.

The program was composed in accordance with the legal and regulatory documents:

    Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-ФЗ);

    Federal Law of 01.12.2007 No. 309 (as amended on 23.07.2013) “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding the amendment and structure of the State Educational Standard”.

    Regional law of 14.11.2013 No. 26-ЗС “On education in the Rostov region”.

    Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 03.31.2014 No. 253 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs for elementary general, basic general secondary education for the 2014-2015 academic year”;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2012 No. 1067 “On approval of federal lists of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education and having state accreditation for the 2013-2014 academic year”;

    Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 09.03.2004 No. 1312 “On approval of the federal basic curriculum and exemplary curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs”.

purpose programs: development of creative potential, individual qualities, the cognitive interest of the student through the development of various techniques of decorative and applied arts and the application of the knowledge gained in everyday life.

In the process of achieving this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:


    mastering the knowledge and skills of students and experience in the processing technology of the material used and the application of the knowledge gained in daily life;

    Expansion of existing knowledge in any field of needlework with new items;

    To teach how to create samples and compositions of clothing accessories and interior based on the knowledge gained.


    Cultivating a cultural personality with the qualities necessary for confident behavior in modern society;

    Familiarizing students with the history and culture of their land, Russia and the peoples of the world;

    Formation of the foundations of the culture of production;

    Fostering a responsible attitude to their health and safety standards;

    Education of the qualities and values ​​of a person of culture: diligence, responsiveness, mutual assistance, perseverance, etc.


    development of the artistic and creative activity of students, their abilities for creative self-expression and self-development;

    development of artistic and aesthetic taste, independence and creative attitude to work;

    the development of imaginative and spatial thinking, memory, imagination, attention, eye gauge and intellectual abilities;

    development of communication skills, ensuring joint activities in the group.

    General characteristics of the course

Studying an elective course, anyone can realize their interests, develop creative abilities, as well as obtain the necessary knowledge and skills in various types of needlework and decorative and applied arts, which will be useful in future professional activities. Nowadays, folk decorative art is experiencing a new stage - as if the beauty of the works of ancient traditional art is re-opened to us, embodying the centuries-old experience of artistic taste and the life wisdom of the working man.

The introduction of the younger generation to the various types of applied art associated with needlework can be considered an important part of the education and upbringing of children.

Classes of arts and crafts provide inexhaustible opportunities for the diversified development of the individual. Teaching the vision of beauty in life, creative activity, joy from the awareness of beauty - all this affects the mind, soul, will, enriches the spiritual world of the younger generation.

The program reveals the main organizational, methodological parameters of its effective implementation in practice and can be used for circle work in secondary schools, houses of culture, children's art centers.

Throughout the course, students learn to work with different materials  (paper, fabric, threads, leather), master the ways of their processing and various concepts (symmetry, composition, contrast), recognize the features of color, shape, pattern, ornament, etc. Great importance is attached to the lessons of local history, history, culture of different nations, ethics, aesthetics.

    Course location in the curriculum

The program is designed for 1 year of study, 255 hours (3 times a week for 3 hours), the age of students is 14-16 years.

    Course content

    availability and consistency  in training - the “construction” of the educational process from simple to complex;

    nature conformity  - taking into account age and individual characteristics;

    visibility  - the use of visual and didactic aids, technical training aids;

    relationship theory with practice- a combination of the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills;

    relevance- the proximity of the content of the program to the real living conditions and activities of children;

    interdisciplinary  - communication of the program with other sciences or areas of activity (music, art, needlework).

    cultural conformity  - based on the values ​​of regional and national cultures;

    pragmatism  - practical utility.

The program does not have a rigid framework and can be adjusted depending on the skills and wishes of students. In the classroom, the teacher carries out an individual approach to everyone; therefore, he can correct and change in the process of work the level of difficulty in performing creative tasks.

Training is carried out in the following areas:

    work with various materials (with paper, cloth, fibrous materials, natural materials, leather);

    macrame (weaving key chains, souvenirs, accessories);

    embroidery (design, interior decor);

Forms and methods of program implementation

Classes in the program of decorative and applied arts "Fantasia" are conducted in a group form using a personality-oriented approach (taking into account the age, mental, psychophysical and individual characteristics of the student).

The method of conducting classes provides a combination of theory and practice in one class.

The choice of teaching methods is determined by the level of knowledge and practical skills acquired by students in boarding schools and in classes in children's groups.

The theoretical material is given at the beginning of the lesson, in the form of information or a conversation, accompanied by questions (question-answer method). The explanation of the theoretical material and practical training is accompanied by a demonstration of various visual materials (explanatory and illustrative method). The main purpose of the display of finished products is to encourage students to create better work, and also to make them want to create, change and improve themselves, rather than perform an exact copy of the product.

When studying new topics of the program, the monologue method is used when the teacher tells, shows an exact pattern of actions, while students listen, memorize and perform actions on the model.

The use of the method of joint creative activity, when individually executed elements are combined into one big collective work, allows developing independence, communication, creative thinking, and the imagination of a child.

Often used is such a form of training as “Myself a master”, in which students have the opportunity to have an independent creative approach to the development and creation of new product models. Such creative activity allows you to develop independence, thinking, fantasy, imagination, the ability to implement their own ideas.

    Introductory lesson.

Meet the trainees. The work plan of the association. Types of creative activity. Questioning students. Safety Instructions. Necessary materials and tools.

Familiarity with the technique of tying knots.

Studying knots: DPU, twisted cord, berry, rep knots, horizontal, vertical, oblique bryds, walnut, lotus, looped, capuchin, zigzag, clean edge, tatting, picot.

Classes are built in such a way that after studying the types of knots, the ability to tie them is fixed on not complicated variants of souvenirs or toys. When making accessories: a belt, a case for glasses or a phone, the nodes studied are combined and practiced.

    Mosaic of creativity (work with various materials)

This topic combines several areas of decorative and applied art. Students learn about creative activities such as:

- quilling  (paper-twisting technique) - Basic types of twists are studied, postcards are created on the basis, panels are decorated with volumetric shapes (bottles, vases, caskets), fridge magnets are made, complex composite panels depicting animals, birds, insects are made, frames for Photo made beautiful decorative flower balls.

- paper art- decorative technique of interior decoration and the creation of stylish accessories. At the heart of the paper twist, which is processed with acrylic paints and gilding, which makes the product original and unique. Such products are made: "Money tree", "Casket", "Decorative bottle".

- iris folding- or iridescent folding of colored paper in a specific order. Technique is unusual for its technology, but is available to all. In practice, original postcards, caskets, albums, notebooks are made.

- beadwork- technique of lowering beads on a wire or nylon basis. Students learn the techniques of parallel descent on a wire basis (“butterfly, lizard, spider, flowers”), and then try their hand at work with fishing line. After the basics of lowering are studied, the following works are performed in practice: “Mini-Bonsai”, “Flower Bouquet”

- work with fibrous materials using bulk rigid forms -  at the heart of the application of threads. With the help of acrylic or synthetic yarns and glue, according to a pre-selected sketch and transferred to a dense basis, the threads are glued onto the image tightly to each other, selecting in color and thickness. In practice panels on various subjects are carried out, and volumetric rigid forms are decorated.

- work with fabric -  sewing souvenir key chains, toys, and funny little things. In practice, performed: "Kitty from a sock", "Snail Tilda", Folk doll: "The Blessed One," Bell "," Krupenichka ".

- work with natural materials -Making amulets, brownies, working with coffee beans. In practice: “Preserved house”, “Coffee tree”.


This topic consists of several sub-topics:

- tags, monograms. The study of the topic begins with the development of simple seams (stalked, chain-like). Based on them, a label or monogram is embroidered according to a pre-designed sketch. Embroidery is complemented by decorative elements: buttons, beads.

-cross-stitch -the methods of stitching are studied, the scheme, threads, needles are selected, practical work is performed. At the end of the work is steamed, framed.

- beadwork- in this subtopic, two types of beadwork are considered: according to the calculating scheme and on a monophonic background. According to the net scheme, schemes for cross-stitch are used, for another, an arbitrary pattern is applied on the background and an image is embroidered in the shape and color of the beads. At the end of the theme, the tutorials perform an application for decorating clothes according to their own sketch.

- embroidery ribbons- types of tape seams are studied, and on the basis of the studied, the following works are carried out: “Lilac”, “Chrysanthemums”, “Irises” panels.

    Thematic Planning

Number of hours


Introductory lesson






Iris folding


Work with fibrous materials using bulk rigid forms

Working with cloth

Work with natural materials


Tags and monograms



Embroidery ribbons


    Calendar-themed plan

Number of hours

Date plan

Date fact

I  Introductory lesson

II  Macrame


Acquaintance with knots (DPU, twisted, berry). Weaving simple variants of baubles based on the studied nodes.

Acquaintance with knots (Rep knot, vertical, horizontal, inclined brides, walnut). Making key fob with a letter.


Acquaintance with knots (lotus, looped, capuchin). Making a suspension for the phone "Sweetie", "Owl".

Acquaintance with knots (zigzag, clean edge) Wicker toys “Turtle”, “Shrimp”.


Acquaintance with knots (tatting, picot). Making brooches "Flower", "Kometka".

Weaving hairpin "Star", "Bow".

Weave phone case or glasses case.

Weaving openwork belt, multicolor weaving bracelet.

III  Mosaic of creativity (work with various materials)


The main types of twists. Design postcards.

Making chocolate, decorating with quilling elements.

Production of the Panel "Flowers"

Production of the Panel "Flowers"

Production of the Panel "Flowers"

Decorating bottles in the technique of quilling.

Decorating bottles in the technique of quilling.

Making fridge magnets using quilling technique

Execution of variants of a composite panel with the image of animals, birds, butterflies in the technique of quilling.

Execution of variants of a composite panel with the image of animals, birds, butterflies in the technique of quilling.

Execution of variants of a composite panel with the image of animals, birds, butterflies in the technique of quilling.

Execution of variants of a composite panel with the image of animals, birds, butterflies in the technique of quilling.

Making a photo frame and design elements of quilling.

Decorative flower balls.

Decorative flower balls.

Paper art

Paper art

Getting to know new technology  and methods of implementation. Panel "Money Tree".

Paper art

Acquaintance with new techniques and methods of implementation. Panel "Money Tree".

Volumetric forms in paper art. Dressing boxes, trunks, vases.

Volumetric forms in paper art. Dressing boxes, trunks, vases.

Iris folding.

Iris folding.

Familiarity with the technique of execution. Production of cards, covers for albums, notebooks.

Iris folding.

Familiarity with the technique of execution. Production of cards, covers for albums, notebooks.


Parallel descent on a wire basis. "Butterfly", "Lizard", "Spider", "Flowers".

Parallel stripping on the line. Bulk souvenirs.

Making bead trees (mini bonsai).

Making bead trees (mini bonsai).

Making flowers.

Making flowers.

Making flowers.

  Execution of panels of threads.

Work with fibrous materials using bulk rigid forms.  Execution of panels of threads.

Work with fibrous materials using bulk rigid forms.  Execution of panels of threads.

Decorating bulk forms with fibrous materials.

Decorating bulk forms with fibrous materials.

Working with cloth

Making toys "Cat out of socks"

Sewing toys in the style of Tilda "Snail"

Sewing toys in the style of Tilda "Snail"

The national charms doll "The Prosperous", "Krupenichka", "Bell".

The national charms doll "The Prosperous", "Krupenichka", "Bell".

Work with natural materials.

Making a charm for home, brownie.

Mosaic of seeds and seeds of plants. Decorative panels.

Work with coffee beans "Coffee tree"

Work with coffee beans "Coffee tree"

IY  Embroidery

Labels and monograms.

Studying of seams, development of sketches, decoration with additional elements: buttons, beads.


Study of stitches and embroidery techniques.

Practical work on the schemes.

Practical work on the schemes.



Work on the counting scheme. Performance of work: "Currant", "Cherry".

Work on a monophonic background.

Work on a monophonic background.

Work on a monophonic background.

Embroidery applications for decoration of clothes, accessories.

Embroidery ribbons.

Embroidery ribbons.

Receptions embroidery ribbons "French knot". Panel "Lilac".

Panel "Chrysanthemums".

Panel "Chrysanthemums".

Panel "Irises"

Panel "Irises"


    Methodical and logistical support

Information and methodological support:

Methodical literature (special literature, specialized journals, flow charts);

Methodical corner of the teacher (folders: “Portfolio of the teacher”, “Portfolio of the association”, “Methodical box”, “Documentation of the association”).

References for students

1. Astapenko MP Nature and history of the native land - Rostov – on-Don:

Baropress 2005

2. Gomozova Yu.B. Kaleidoscope of wonderful works - Academy of Development. Yaroslavl. -

3. Gulyants E.K. Bazik I.Ya. What can be made of natural material? - M .:

4. Dmitriev S.N. Application - M .: Veche, 2001

5. Zaitseva, A Ideas for a holiday postcard, box, jewelry - M .: Rosmen,

6. Kuzmina M.A. Obedient nodules - M .: Eksmo 2000.

7. Malysheva A.N. Work with fabric - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development., 2002.

8. Williams M. Silk Ribbon - M .: Eksmo 2007

9. Tsamutalina E.E. 100 crafts from unnecessary things - Yaroslavl: Academy

development, 2003

10. Chibrikova O. Gifts for any holiday - Moscow: Eksmo, 2007.

References for the teacher.

1. Bespyatova N.K. The program of the teacher of additional education. –M .: Iris

Press, 2003

2. Dobrova E.V. Ribbon embroidery - М .: The world of the book 2006

3. Don Land (didactic material for teachers of additional

education), edited by Ryabchenko A.M. - Rostov-on-Don: 2007

4. Zhadko E.G. Fascinating crafts from unusual things - Rostov-on-Don:

Phoenix, 2009

5. Journal Additional education No. 10 of 2004. Tetersky S.V. Modern

requirements for programs and curricula.

6. The legislation of the Russian Federation on education. Federal basic laws. - M .: 2001

7. Ivanchenko V.N. Additional education today- Rostov-on-Don


8. How to develop an educational program –Rostov-on-Don, 2005

9. Quality and effectiveness of additional education as a goal

upgrading activities parole. Materials of the regional scientific and practical

conference. - Rostov-on-Don, 2004

10. Convention on the Rights of the Child: Adopted by the UN General Assembly,

11/20/89 - UNICEF, 1999

11. Kuzmina M. Macrame. - M .: Eksmo-Press, 2000.

12. Mikhailova I. Lepim from salt dough: decorations, souvenirs, crafts, panels.

- M .: Publishing house Eksmo, 2004.

13. T. Skrebtsova Volumetric paintings of their skin - Rostov-on-Don: 2007

14. Stolnaya E. Flowers and Beaded Trees.- M .: Martin, 2005.

15. Tyurin N.E. Miracle skin.- M .: AST-Press, 1999

16. Khapilina I.A. Artistic embroidery .- M .: Profizdat, 2004.

17. Chibrikova O. Original crafts from unnecessary CDs - M.: Eksmo,

Motivational conditions:

    creating a comfortable, welcoming environment in the union;

    exhibition of students' achievements.


The main material base (materials, tools and equipment):

    Scissors - 12 pcs.

    Glue brushes - 6 pcs.

    Sewing needles - 2 sets

    Safety pins - 2 sets

    Foam pillows for weaving - 12 pcs.

    Line of 30 cm - 2 pcs.

    Office knife - 2 pcs.

    Scotch - 1 pc.

    PVA glue - 12 pcs.

    Gouache paints - 2 sets

    Markers - 2 sets

    Simple pencil - 6 pcs.

    Needle-2 pcs.

    Glue "Dragon" -2 pcs.



1. Weaving threads: Fishing cord - 250 m

Nylon cord - 250 m

Clothesline - 250 m

Paper twine - 250 m

Hemp thread - 250 m

Cotton cord - 250 m

Synthetic cord - 250 m

Sisal filament - 250 m

2. Threads "Muline": red - 1 pc,

blue - 1 pc.

blue - 1 pc.

pink - 1 pc.

yellow - 1 pc.

green - 1 pc.

dark green - 1 pc.

white - 1 pc.

black - 1 pc.

3. Beads: red, pink, yellow, green, dark green, blue, blue,

white, black, brown.

4. Hoops - 12 pcs.

5. Outline - 2m × 2m.

6. White cotton fabric - 2 m × 2 m.

7. Color paper - 12 pcs.

8. Colored cardboard - 12 pcs.

9. Velvet paper -12 pcs.

10. Natural material (seeds, seeds of plants).

11. Flaps of cloth.

12. Woolen threads of various colors.

13. Pieces of leather.

Classes should be held in a fairly spacious, well-lit ventilated room. One of the most important requirements for the work of a manager is to ensure compliance with the rules for the protection of children's labor, hygiene standards in the premises and at workplaces, and the rules of electrical and fire safety at work.

For aesthetic design of classes, you must have stands for exhibition work, diagrams, drawings, flow charts. It is advisable to have in the office a small library with special literature, teaching aids, didactic material. Be sure to have a stand in the room "Rules of Safety".

    The result of the course

The expected results are correlated with the objectives of the program, differentiated by years of study and are divided into theoretical knowledge, practical skills, personal qualities and competencies, the development of which is expected during the implementation of the program.

Assessment of indicators of qualities and competencies consists of:

    Analysis of the performed creative work;

    Participation of the student in exhibitions;

    Pedagogical observation, questioning and testing.

Municipal BUDGET educational institution  additional education for children Center for the Development of Children's and Youth Creativity

Pervomaisky district


approved I approve

methodical Council Director MBOU DOD tsrdyu

MBOU Dod tsrtdyu G . ROSTOVA-ON-DONg . Rostov-on-Don


№ _______ dated _______________ 20___   _______________ I.V. Sofianopulo




for children 8-11 years old

implementation period 2 years

Developer program:

Kiseleva S.D.,

teacher of additional education



  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Training and thematic plan.
  3. The content of the program.
  4. Methodical support of the program.
  5. Bibliography.


The world in which a person lives today forces people to look for clear guidelines, to overcome the contradictory nature of many ideas and knowledge resulting from the flow of information. In search of wholeness, a person turns his gaze to history, seeks to comprehend himself in complex relationships not only with the present, but with the past. Here his attention is directed to everything that gives rise to the feeling of enduring values. It is to such values ​​that he relates the ageless, never losing his attractiveness artistic thinking of his ancestors. Not by chance today comes a fair amount of books and materials on applied arts. Applied art brings a sensitive attitude to the beautiful, contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Based on deep artistic traditions, folk art enters the wilderness, a beneficial effect on the formation of the man of the future. Increasingly, works of decorative and applied art penetrate the life of people.

See the beauty of arts and crafts, try to make them yourself, is it not important, is it not interesting for the child?

The educational program of additional education of children is relevant in that it widely and multilaterally reveals the artistic image of the thing, the words, the basics of the artistic image, the connection of artistic culture with universal human values.

At the same time the development of the creative experience of students in the process of their own creative activity.

The program introduces the child to wonderful world  creativity, makes it possible to believe in yourself, in your abilities, provides for the development of visual, artistic and design abilities, non-standard thinking, creative individuality in students.

The program is designed for children 8-11 years old,showing an interest in applied art, wishing to make handicrafts using their own hands using various materials and improvised means.

The program is designed for implementation over 2 years, 4 hours a week:

  • first year of study -144 hours;
  • the second year of study is 144 hours.

The goal of the program is to develop artistic culture as an integral part of material and spiritual culture in students, to develop artistic and creative activity, to master the figurative language of decorative and applied arts.

The child involved in the program "Sun" becomes a participant in the exciting process of creating useful and beautiful products. Decorative and applied art, like no other kind of educational and creative work of schoolchildren, allows simultaneously with revealing the tremendous spiritual value of the products of folk craftsmen, shaping the aesthetic taste to arm students with technical knowledge, develop their labor skills and skills, and conduct psychological and practical training for work. In the classroom, students use the basics of many sciences; in the process of creating decorative items, children in practice apply knowledge of fine arts, drawing, work, and other subjects taught in school.

Classes help to learn the world, contribute to the development of fine motor skills of children's hands, artistic taste, creative interest. Classes in this program bring children aesthetic satisfaction, provide opportunities for creativity, increase mental activity and self-confidence, contribute to the development of communication skills, enrich the child’s subjective experience, normalize emotional state, develop strong-willed qualities.



  • the development of techniques and methods of working with various materials and tools, providing the manufacture of artistic handicrafts, design elements;
  • to consolidate and expand the knowledge gained at the lessons of technology, visual arts, mathematics, literature, etc., and contribute to their systematization;
  • development of the ability to plan their activities and present its results;
  • acquaint with the basics of knowledge in the field of composition, shaping, decorative and applied arts;
  • to improve the skills and develop the skills to work with the right tools and devices when processing various materials;
  • acquisition of educational and research skills.


  • development of interest, emotionally positive attitude to artistic and manual labor, readiness to participate in the creation of handicrafts that meet artistic requirements;
  • development of figurative thinking and creative imagination, aesthetic attitude to the natural environment of their life;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • development of creative thinking;
  • develop the ability to navigate in problematic situations;
  • to develop imagination, performance, eye, aesthetic taste, sense of proportion.


  • nurture ingenuity, diligence, independence;
  • fostering discipline, accuracy, frugality;
  • fostering dedication, perseverance in achieving results;
  • development of communication skills;
  • carry out labor, polytechnic and aesthetic education of schoolchildren;
  • achieve maximum autonomy of children's creativity.

Expected Result:

1 year   learning children should:

  • know a variety of material and be able to use it for the manufacture of handicrafts;
  • be able to work with different types of paper;
  • be able to work with natural materials;
  • know the basics of beadwork;
  • know the basic sewing techniques;
  • be able to work with plasticine;
  • plan work on the product, relate the parameters of parts of the product;
  • perform volumetric;
  • be able to make simple compositions.

Children should be developed:

  • the desire to independently create something, create;
  • fine motor skills;
  • hard work
  • accuracy,
  • ability to work in a team, necessary in the work.

In the process of implementing the program at the end2 years   learning children should:

  • add knowledge about the diversity of materials and be able to use it for the manufacture of handicrafts;
  • know the methods of fastening materials;
  • be able to work with plasticine, create more complex artistic compositions;
  • independently use the available tools for finishing products;
  • create more complex compositions of beads;
  • be able to creatively use natural material.

Children should be developed:

  • desire to be able to dream independently;
  • improved hand motor skills.

Children should be brought up:

  • hard work;
  • accuracy;
  • the ability to work in a team, necessary in work;
  • the feeling of mutual help and the ability to present work as joint work;
  • aesthetic sense.

Occupation structure:

  1. Display and explanation of the teacher.
  2. Making crafts by children on the model, with the help of a teacher
  3. Independent creative work of children.

Ii. Training and thematic plan

1 year of study.

Training and thematic plan

No. p / p

Theme of the lesson

Materials, tools

Number of hours




Paper handling - 76 hours

Familiarity with the work plan circle, an overview of the main topics.

Nature excursions, herbarium harvesting

Application Acquaintance with technology, preparation of material

Napkins (yellow, pink, red), colored paper, colored cardboard, glue, oilcloth, scissors

Making a composition

Application - postcard. Preparation of materials

Colored cardboard, scissors, glue, oilcloth

Postcard making

Application Preparation of materials

Cotton wool, colored cardboard, PVA glue, paints, scissors

Making application

Corrugated tubes. Acquaintance with the technique of corrugated tubes. Preparation of materials.

Squeezed paper in rolls (white red, green, beige, blue, yellow), PVA glue, glue pencil, large needles with a stop at the end, white cardboard, scissors, oilcloth

Making a composition.

Quilling Acquaintance with the technique of quilling. Preparation of materials

Double-sided color paper, glue, scissors, brushes for painting of different sizes, oilcloth, glue brush

Making a composition

Safety Instructions Quilling and paper plastic. Familiarity with the technique of quilling and paper board. The study of the main forms of quilling. Preparation of materials.

White paper, colored cardboard, PVA glue,scissors, pencils, ruler, glue brushes, napkins (pink, yellow, white), green colored paper oilcloth

Making a composition in the technique of quilling and paper plastic.

Facing on pasteline. Acquaintance with the technique. Preparation of materials.

Plasticine, colored cardboard, reaped paper (different colors), oilcloth, scissors with rounded ends

Making compositions.

Facing Preparation of materials for collective composition.

Plasticine, PVA glue, reaped paper (yellow, black, green, blue), twigs, colored paper

Making a layout.

Facing Preparation of materials

Plasticine, jammed paper (different), wire, ballpoint pen, plastic bottle cap

Making a composition

Work with natural materials - 16 hours

Safety Instructions Acquaintance with the technique. Preparing the frame for wood.

Flower pot, red beans, 2 air balls, thick purple threads, silicone glue, PVA glue, a beautiful branch 1.5 cm in diameter (preferably slightly curved), a brush, oilcloth

Making wood.

Frame from natural materials.

Cardboard, glue, scissors, herbarium, various cereals

Herbarium appliqué.

Cardboard, glue, scissors, herbarium

Weaving - 24 hours

Safety Instructions Beadwork Acquaintance with the technique. Preparation of materials.

Many-sided plastic beads (green and other bright colors), thin wire

Making butterflies.

Beadwork Preparation of materials.

Green beads of different shades, wire, container for mixing beads, white adhesive plaster in a roll, tassels, gouache white and black, oilcloth, scissors, a small flower pot.

Weaving birch.

Ganutel Acquaintance with the technique. Preparation of materials.

Cardboard, pencil (pen, felt-tip pen), scissors, glue, oilcloth, thin wire, knitting yarns (white, yellow and green), cotton wool or cotton pads

Making a bouquet using ganutel techniques.

Sewing - 10 hours

Safety Instructions Preparing materials for sewing brooches.

A beautiful button or bead, threads in the color of the fabric, needle, scissors, a pin small, fabric green (and other bright colors, better purple, lilac, pink). Fabric is preferable satin or silk, then the brooch will be more beautiful.

Making brooches.

Sculpture - 18 hours

Safety Instructions Plasticine application. Familiarity with the technique.

Clay, stack, colored cardboard

Making application

Plasticine application.

Plasticine, toothpick, stack, colored cardboard, tassel

Making application


144 hours

2 year of study.

Training and thematic plan

No. p / p

Theme of the lesson

Materials, tools

Number of hours




Paper handling - 34 hours

Acquaintance with the plan mug. An overview of the main topics.

Bookmark "Hand"

Bookmark "Nibbler"

Scissors, glue, colored paper, colored cardboard

Bookmark "Mouse"

Scissors, glue, colored paper, colored cardboard

Quilling Application "Lily of the Valley"

Quilling Card "Heart bouquet"

Double-sided colored paper, colored cardboard, glue, scissors, brushes for painting of different sizes, oilcloth, glue brush

Quilling Application "Fantasy"

Double-sided colored paper, colored cardboard, glue, scissors, brushes for painting of different sizes, oilcloth, glue brush

Quilling Winter snowflake

Quilling Bulky snowflake

White paper, glue, scissors, brushes for painting of different sizes, oilcloth, glue brush

Weaving - 66 hours

Weaving. "Fun pencil"

A simple pencil, scissors, thread for knitting.

Weaving. "Basket of flowers"

Scissors, glue, cardboard, multi-colored threads for knitting


Colored cardboard, glue, scissors, veil

"Heart Lion"

Colored cardboard, glue, scissors, orange knitting threads

Beadwork "Bell"

Wire, beads, scissors (yellow, green, blue)

Beadwork "Lily"

Beadwork "Mouse peas"

Wire, beads, scissors (purple, green)

Beadwork "Forget-Me-Not"

Wire, beads, scissors (yellow, green, blue)

Beadwork " ladybug»

Wire, beads, scissors (black, red)

Beadwork "Chamomile"

Wire, beads, scissors, cardboard (yellow, green, white)

Beadwork "Chamomile bouquet"

Wire, beads, scissors (yellow, green, white)

Beadwork "Pock"

Wire, beads, scissors (orange, green)

Work with a cloth - 8 hours

Appliqué fabric "Duckling"

Colored cardboard, glue, scissors, cloth (yellow, green, blue, etc.)

Appliqué fabric "Mushroom"

Colored cardboard, glue, scissors, cloth (green, brown, white, etc.)

Applique fabric "Town"

Colored cardboard, glue, scissors, cloth (different colors)

Sculpture - 28 hours

Modeling. "Merry Aquarium"

Plasticine, colored cardboard

Modeling. "Space"

Plasticine, colored cardboard

Modeling. "Space"

Plasticine, colored cardboard

Modeling. "Frog"

Plasticine, colored cardboard

Modeling. "Parrot"

Plasticine, colored cardboard

Modeling. "Elephant"

Plasticine, colored cardboard

Work with natural materials - 8 hours

Natural materials. "Nature"

Colored cardboard, herbarium, glue, scissors

Natural materials. "Animals"

Colored cardboard, herbarium, cereals, glue, scissors


144 hours

1 year of study

Theme number 1. Working with paper - 76 hours.


Types of paper. What is an application? The study of types of applications. Familiarity with the techniques of quilling and paper plastic, studying the basic forms of quilling. The study of the technology of facing. Facing on plasticine


Making applications for the Day of the teacher, "Ladybug", "Bunny". A handicraft made of jammed paper "Cake". Handicrafts in the technique of quilling and paper plastics: "Bouquet", "Peacock". Production of handicrafts using the “Multicolored Bouquet”, “On the Don”, “Bouquet in a Vase” trimming technique.

Subject number 2. Work with natural materials - 16 hours.


Deciduous plants. The variety of leaves in shape and size. Ways of collecting and herbarization of leaves. The study of the diversity of seeds in shape and size.  Seed collection time.  The study of the basic techniques and principles of implementation of applications of leaves and seeds. Selection of color in the works, color combination. Aesthetic requirements for product quality. Safety Instructions


Preparation of leaves for work. Creating a sketch background. Preparation basics. The choice of composition. Production of individual decorative works: "Tree", "Photoframe", "Landscape".

Theme number 3. Weaving - 24 hours.


Types of weaving. Materials for weaving. Detailed study of weaving techniques. The study of the main forms of beadwork. Acquaintance with ganutel technique. Types of materials for use in ganutel technology.


Making beadwork: "Butterfly", "Birch". Making crafts using ganutele techniques: “Dandelion”, “Lilies”.

Subject number 4. Sewing - 10 hours.


Safety Instructions Correct position  hands when sewing. Ways of sewing. Types of thread.


Making a complex composition "Lotus".

Subject number 5. Casting - 18 hours.


Types of modeling. How to work with clay? Safety when working with clay. The study of the application of clay. The study of auxiliary materials when working with clay.


Making applications from plasticine "Tiger", "Rabbit".

System performance diagnostics program.

(based on the article by S.V. Astrakhantseva, Additional Education and Upbringing.№3, 2007.)

The result of the program

Diagnostic directions

Age characteristics of students

Diagnostic options

Diagnostic methods



Self-organization free

of time

7-10 years

The need for productive conduct

leisure time



"I and my free time"

11-14 years old

15-17 years old

Professional self-determination

7-10 years

Professionally important qualities

The method of observation, the method of expert estimates.

Questionnaire for teachers "Professional qualities".

11-14 years old

Professional Interests



  "I would prefer."

15-17 years old

Career guidance, willingness to choose a profession.



"My future profession"



personal sphere

7-10 years.



observation method



Creative skills

Testing, projective techniques, expert evaluation method.

questionnaire for teachers.

11-14 years.

15-17 years old.

Self Attitude

"Assessment of self-attitude of the individual"

(according to V.V. Stolin).

Creative skills

Testing, projective techniques.

Torrens Test "Finish the Drawing",

questionnaire for teachers.

Personality features in the system of social relations.

7-10 years.

projective techniques.



"Our relationship",

questionnaire "The cohesion of the team."

11-14 years.

15-17 years old.

Satisfaction with the relationship in the group, the position of the individual in the team and its cohesion.

Sociometric and referent methods; observation;

projective techniques.


"Assessment of the psychological climate of the team."

Communication skills.

Method of observation, questioning, testing

Test "Communicative and organizational skills"


Theoretical and practical ZUN

7-10 years.

The predicted results of mastering each section of the program, depending on the age of students and level of education ..

Survey, tests, control tasks, individual creative work.

Final contests, quizzes.

11-14 years.


Test and control tasks on the studied topics and sections of the program.

15-17 years old.

Survey, tests, control tasks, individual creative work,


Test and control tasks on the studied topics

and sections of the program.

Practical activities of students.

Students of all ages.


student success and achievement in the program.

Competition Results

conferences and festivals.

Analysis of the products of creative activity: the presentation of works, participation in urban and regional exhibitions, competitions;

method of observation, the method of expert estimates.

Test and control tasks on the studied topics and sections of the program

Forms of summarizing the implementation of the additional educational program:

  1. Making an album of the best works.
  2. Exhibitions of student work:
  • in class
  • in an educational institution.
  1. Participation in the annual district exhibition of children's applied and technical creativity.


The result of the lesson should be the achievement of the goal of the lesson: ncommunication of children to some knowledge of working with paper, working with natural materials, weaving, sewing and sculptingby solving the tasks set before the students and the teacher.

  The practical result of the classes is a fairly high technical level and the level of practical work.



Additional general education

General development program

"Needlework: jewelry and gifts"

association "Island of needlework"

The program is developed

Teacher of additional education,

Pashkilina Svetlana Nikolaevna

Relief is a type of sculpture, translated from French means "convex image on the plane."

Limited display of something.

A symbol is what serves as a conventional sign of a concept, phenomenon, idea.

A souvenir (souvenir - remembrance, memory) is an object intended to remind of something.

  • Souvenir doll - refers to toy dolls that have fallen into the passive category of interior dolls intended for decoration.picture  Not supposed to be a finished job.


    Diagnostics of educational results. A slice of creative and aesthetic knowledge and skills.







    to use





    forms and





    tricks Mastering


    work skills


    to use

    drawings and




    and fantasies in

    creating works

    Longing for


    and completeness

    in work

    Rating system:

    "3" - level


    "4" - level


    "5" - level


    INDIVIDUAL CARD   accounting creativity
    Surname, name of child _________________________________________________________________________
    Type and name of the children's association __________________________________________________________
    FULL NAME. teacher _______________________________________________________
    Start date of observation ___________________________________________________________
    I am able with the help of someone (3).
    I can, but depending on the complexity of the material (4).
    I can always (5).

    Display of creative abilities

    1. Participation in the conduct of holidays, concerts

    2. Participation in competitions

    3. Work on the sample.

    4. Work with changes.


    7. Owning technique.

    8. Coming up compositions.


    Evaluation of the results by level:
    Low level - 1b, 2b.
    The average level is 3b, 4b.
    High level - 5b.

    Levels indicators

    year of study

    1. Participation in the conduct of holidays, concerts.

    2. Participation in contests.

    3. Work on the sample;

    4. Work with changes;

    5.Working on your option.

    6. Work with changes in technology or design;

    7. Owning technique.

    8. Coming up compositions.

    9. Work with changes in technology or design.

    Average percentage

    INDIVIDUAL CARD of accounting results of intellectual skills (in points corresponding to the severity of the measured result) Last name, first name of the child ______________________
    Type and name of the children's association ________
    FULL NAME. teacher ___________________________
    Start date of observation
    Points: I do not know how or sometimes I can (2). I am able with the help of someone (3). I can, but depending on the complexity of the material (4). I can always (5).

    payment order

    Terms of diagnosis

    1st year of study

    Concentrated work on educational material more or less interesting.

    To work hard even if your work is not successful.

    Responsible to the implementation of various tasks in class

    Perform individual tasks in class

    Perform tasks outside of class, i.e. houses.

    Organize the work of others in class

    Help other students on the instructions of the teacher.