What you need for a collage with your own hands. Birthday collage is a great gift idea for a dear person: how to make a composition with your own hands

A child's birthday is a big holiday for the whole family. And of course, I would like to keep in memory of each such holiday at the birthday man himself, as well as among his relatives and friends, there was something that could be considered and remembered in subsequent years. Didn't you think about how to make a collage of photos for the child's birthday? It is not so difficult as it may seem at first glance, besides, such a collage can be very original and, of course, a touching gift.

What is a collage of photos

As you know, a gift made by hand is often much more expensive than a gift bought in a store. And the point, of course, is not at all in his material value. Indeed, in such a gift by its creator, the main thing was invested - the love he feels for the birthday man. And this can not be measured by any money. And you can perfectly express such love with the help of a self-made collage of photos.

The word “collage” itself is used to designate a piece of art composed of various parts and made from different materials. A collage can be made up of photographs, drawings, some other objects, such as pieces of wood or foil, and so on. A few years ago for making a collage you would need to arm yourself with glue and scissors. Modern digital technologies have greatly simplified this task. And if you have a computer and digital photos of your baby on hand, you can make a collage in just a few minutes.

How to make a collage of photos for the birthday of the child manually

If you want your collage to be a classic version of this art, you will have to use the old-fashioned way to make it. To do this, first of all, you need to decide on the size of the future collage and arm yourself with a sheet of paper of the required format, for example - Whatman paper or cut off a piece of suitable length and width from the roll of wallpaper. By the way, in the latter case it is not at all necessary to use for the production of a collage the pure unpainted side of such a piece of wallpaper. You can easily use the picture on them as the main background. Also, the collage can be made on the basic form of foam, cardboard or suitable for the size of a sheet of plywood.

Of course you will need photos. If you are planning to make a big collage, then there should be a lot of such photos. However, now it is not a problem, parents love to take pictures of their children, capturing for memory almost every day of their lives, starting from the very birth. Not necessary. For photos to be printed on photo paper, you can easily print them using a printer. At the same time, the photos themselves can be of different sizes and different shapes; this will make your collage only more interesting.

For example, it might look like this:

Or - like this:

In fact, there are just a lot of options, it all depends on your desire and your imagination. As additional details, you can use pieces of wood for frames, cloth, dried leaves and even whole chocolate bars pasted between the photos. However, in the latter case, a collage of photos with bars is unlikely to last for long. But on the other hand, he will definitely be very pleased with the little birthday boy.

How to make a collage of photos in modern ways

As already said modern means allow you to create a collage of photos for the birthday of the child directly without getting up from the computer. Many excellent programs have been created for this. For example, the program PhotoCollagsAAMS Software will allow you to quickly create effective compositions from your existing photos. It is clear that they must be downloaded directly to the computer on which you work. In this program you will find dozens of ready-made templates, you can add various inscriptions to your collage, choose a style, frames and other small, but very pleasant effects. Do not forget only, working with a collage, periodically save the already finished material. After the work is completed, you will only need to carry the file with your collage to a professional copy center in order to print it on a sheet of paper of the size you need.

The best gift is considered to be a certain amount of money so that a friend or relative is satisfied, but money does not always give joy. Many people are quite skeptical about the celebration of the day of their birth and the money in the envelope can cause offense, whereas, for example, a photo collage with your own hands on your birthday can cause a storm of positive emotions.

Hand-made (literally "hand-made") - the concept of art is recognized everywhere, despite years, ages, customs. When there is no extra money, but mostly when a person wants to bring joy to his neighbor, which will be associated with his personal work, he uses the materials at hand and makes so many gifts, beautiful and useful, that he is long remembered with kind words.

The concept of "collage" means the connection, bonding, bonding pieces of different materials into one. Particles for creating a collage can be various photos, clippings from newspapers and magazines, a variety of packaging from food, cosmetics, flower petals and just fresh flowers, twigs, beads, and even auto parts.

Watch the video how to make a photo collage

The main thing is to determine the purpose for which the idea should be realized. A birthday collage with your own hands can be made original and surprising, and various options for creating it can help.

  1. A simple photo collage is made for a person with whom shared memories are associated - walks, friendship, celebrations, various working moments. To do this, use a bunch of photos that are directly related to the birthday and those captured moments in the lives of several people who will give him a gift.

On a piece of plywood, for example, or thick cardboard, paper is glued as a background - it can be of any chosen color. Photos are glued to the already glued paper in a chaotic manner, touching each other and it turns out that some photos look out of each other because of each other. As an option - photos are attached with buttons. Between photos various figures, small magnets are glued, glue spots are applied and spangles are poured on them.

The frame is made of wooden thin plates, foam strips for baseboards, embroidered with threads, knitted with yarn, laid out with matches, as well as rolled with colored strips of paper, rags, pieces of felt.

  1. A photo collage is more difficult, for example, a gift to a work colleague - a serious and unsmilingly person - is done with the elements of “photoshop”. To do this, a picture is painted on a prepared canvas, which shows a colleague swimming alongside a dolphin lying on a yacht - in short, you need to capture a moment of rest in order to cause a soft smile in a serious person, not an attack of hysteria.

The head in the picture is not drawn, but is taken and cut out from a colleague's photo, then attached to the painted body. A dolphin and a yacht, by the way, can also be cut, for example, from a magazine about cruises.

The frame of the finished collage is made of sea-shells laid out on the edges of the drawing, in order to create the effect of the presence of a strict colleague at sea.

  1.   in the form of a collage for a husband or wife for a birthday, takes into account a life situation. If the spouse is expecting a child, and the husband makes a gift for her, you can make a collage in which the wife is depicted with several children in her arms. Near several wheelchairs, a table with a bunch of bottles, and a little distance away, a huge bouquet of flowers with the inscription that the future mom is loved and no matter how many children she brought into the world, she will always be beautiful and young.

A collage of drawn candies and real ones looks very interesting, for example, a tree on which candies “grow” - some cannot be eaten, others can be. A flower collage is also suitable for a girl or wife, where photos of beloved or married people are already intertwined with leaves or decorated with flower petals.

A wife can give a spouse a birthday collage made on a sheet of drawing paper, which, for example, shows a green field, and on it is a bunch of all kinds of equipment, such as airplanes, cars, tanks, cut from magazines. But in the midst of all this there will be a real helicopter on the radio control, attached to the sheet by thin wires, threaded through the sheet.

In general, if the spouses decided to give each other a birthday party to the main gift, there is also a collage - there are a lot of options for its implementation, from the humor-erotic to the romantic-serious. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is the amount of the existing sense of humor, if the collage is comic, so as not to offend your dearest half.

  1. Collage - a gift to the school - is very simple to carry out. It is done in the same way as the school wall newspaper and all that is required for its production is sheet A1 (paperman), photos of classmates and a sea of ​​fantasy.

A simple collage for graduation is made - the heads of classmates are cut out with photos, pasted on a sheet, and then the background is painted on. The train carrying yesterday's schoolchildren into adulthood; camel caravan, walking in the desert and meeting an oasis with the words “family”, “work”, and marriage ”.

As a gift to your favorite anniversary teacher, you can make a collage of photos of pupils and paint on them the bodies of angels and wings, decorating a sheet with a collage in such a style that students will never forget their teacher and will be his guardian angels and assistants in any work. To portray the teacher at home when he cooks food, and the “angel” student gives him food, for example.

If there are animal lovers among teachers at the school, you will get a wonderful collage from a pile of photos with cats and a person, or several people.

Teachers can also make collages for their favorite classes, which won in some kind of competition, distinguished themselves in poetry and song contests, or the team of their students helped with something. children's home  or shelter dogs. In this case, thematic photographs are taken, signatures are made under them, describing a particular moment, which was important for children, and especially for those whom they helped.

  1. The seemingly difficult question - what to present to a colleague for a wedding - is solved very simply. Again, a prepared piece of cardboard or wood-board is taken, a frame is made, and banknotes rolled into neat bags are put inside. To hold them, thin nails, interconnected by a thread, will help you, impacted into the wood-cutting board - it will not let the money collage fall. If a sheet of thick cardboard is taken, buttons are used instead of nails.

A collage in the form of a painted little man with several heads of other colleagues who came to the wedding, and several hands in the form of Lord Shiva, and you can attach a bill to each painted hand.

A money tree made of twigs with coins stuck to it is the same collage. And if you attach a photo to the coins, it will be original and interesting!

  1. Parents' birthday will be celebrated very warmly if a collage is presented with an expression of gratitude, thanks to the people who gave life and protected, raised.

Photos of mother and father are taken both together and separately, warm words sign under them. Perhaps in one small collage to capture the entire life of loved ones. To the photo where the mother holds the child, who gives the collage, you can attach a tag from the maternity hospital, with the data of the baby - the mother will be very nice and this will greatly move the woman. Next to the photo of the father are attached pictures that indicate his hobbies, but in no case to criticize any bad habits or somehow painfully “prick” a man on the day of his birth or anniversary.

A collage for the son will look very nice, where a photo of his face will be covered by a painted rocket, or cut from a printed edition. The background will be dark, and there will be a lot of glittering stars on it, painted with a varnish glowing in the dark (this is how fishermen cover floats to see them in the dark). The result is a beautiful postcard collage for a small astronaut.

For a daughter's birthday, you can stretch and “embroider” a sheet of drawing paper with beads, beads, draw a castle on the main background of the collage, where you can portray a daughter by attaching her photo to the body of a painted princess, adding a crown to her head. To decorate a collage with hairpins-bows, laces, droplets of varicolored varnish, sparkles, shells - and any girl's heart will sing with happiness at the sight of such a gift!

If children have a birthday on the same day (in Russia, twins and twins are not uncommon, as, indeed, in other countries), then in the photo collage you can combine shots from the moment children were born to the present day. How you slept, ate, played, walked together - the collage will serve as a good example for the future, that a brother and sister (or brothers / sisters) should never part with each other, live in peace with each other and remember that they are connected by parents, which they should respect and love immensely.

Photo collages have both an active role - a gift, and a passive one, which, when viewed, recalls the good deeds that need to be completed, the tenderness and love, and the many feelings that surround people. In life and work, feelings are dulled, irritability and fatigue take their own, but only one glance thrown at a picture in a frame created by a faithful husband or wife, a loving mother, faithful colleague, adored children or friends, is able to bring back a whole sea of ​​tenderness.

In order to originally and uncommonly congratulate a dear person on your birthday, it is enough to apply quite a bit of effort. Come up with an exclusive idea, turn on the fantasy and create a birthday collage with your own hands. Such a gift will surely be remembered by your bestowed person.

A poster with the use of sweets: ideas and description of the process of making a collage

For a birthday present for a best friend, it’s a great idea to use a variety of sweets as a material for a collage. As you know, women love sweets. That is why such a collage for the holiday will be remembered for a long time and will please you with sweet additions for some time.

To make such an extraordinary and uncommon surprise from sweets you will need the following components:

  • Leaf dense paperman;
  • Multi-colored markers or paints;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scotch;
  • A variety of sweets.

As a sweet addition, you can use glazed curd cheeses, colored dragees in the package, small packs of juice, waffle bars, sachets of instant coffee, small packs of cookies, kinder surprise and much more.

First, place all the constituent elements of your future composition on a clean sheet of drawing paper. Decide on the final look of your congratulatory composition. After you have decided all these details, you can use greeting inscriptions with felt-tip pens or paints. These phrases should be combined favorably with the selected sweets.

Approximate examples of inscriptions on a collage, such as a loved one:

  1. “You and I are inseparable, like ...” - and from here you have to put the arrow to the TWIX bar.
  2. From a small bag of juice brand "Dobry" you can hold an elegant arrow and write "like you."
  3. Next to the “MIRACLE” milkshake, you can write an expressive “you are mine”.
  4. You can attach a couple of small sachets of coffee with an inscription like "so that your morning begins with vigor and bright aroma."
  5. On top of the drawing paper is better to write "Dear or dear (Name)."

In general, a poster for the birthday of a person close to you with your own hands, made in a similar way from chocolates, implies a rather large freedom of creativity.

Congratulatory collage of photos: ideas of execution

The most valuable is the time spent with those you love the most. Therefore, a holiday is a great occasion to remind a person about this wonderful time. And to remind you, the easiest way to do this is as, for example, a birthday present for your husband, where you and your lover are depicted. The ideal option would be if there are photos depicting funny or comic moments from your life together. Bright and juicy colors and shades are more suitable for a holiday, however, if you want to make a more stylish option, you can take a photo in black and white, which will be combined with a restrained color scheme of the whole environment.

A poster with pictures of a birthday to a loved one does not have to consist only of your real photos. There is also a very interesting alternative to the photo collage of cut out magazine images. There is a huge field for the manifestation of both fantasy and creativity, and sincere love for the person and your sense of humor.

Knowing your dad or husband, you probably know about what he dreams. As a gift, you can glue together a perfect dream life for him with images that, one way or another, reflect all his cherished desires. At the exit you can get a real work of art with a photographic history and wishes, which can also be composed of words cut from glossy magazines.

On a sheet of drawing paper can be placed and a photo of the birthday with all sorts of compliments. On the congratulatory poster it will be good to allocate a small free space so that guests can leave their wishes. To write them, it is worth taking with you multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens.

The idea of ​​such an original and non-standard gift will be good not only for an adult, but also for a child. Style and ideas of sweets will be the same. Good luck in your work!

Selection of videos on the subject of the article

All videos selected by us will help you learn how to make a congratulatory birthday collage with your own hands for loved ones. Watch the video and learn more new techniques and secrets, as well as ideas for creating unusual compositions from photographs, sweets and other material.