Modern learning tools in dow. specific educational objectives. After three it's too late

Features of their use in the correctional and pedagogical process

The teaching method is a method of pedagogical influence, which has its own goals, its own tasks and represents an integral structure.

A methodical device is a concrete, often elementary, action of a teacher, which causes a pupil to respond.

The teaching method is a set of specific content and methods (pedagogical technology).

Do not confuse the concept of "methodical" and "methodological". Methodology is a philosophical category that reflects a certain worldview and includes the fundamental principles underlying a particular science.

Training methods can be viewed from different perspectives.

For special pedagogy, the classification of methods with regard to the holistic approach to the learning process, developed by Yu.K. Babansky. He identifies three groups of methods.

Group I - methods of organizing and implementing educational activities. This group of methods includes:

Verbal, visual and practical (transmission and perception of educational information - a source of knowledge);

Inductive and deductive (intellectual activity);

Reproductive and problem-searching (development of thinking);

Independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher.

Group II - methods of stimulation and control.

Group III - methods of control and self-control.

Of interest is the classification of teaching methods proposed by VA Onishchuk. For the basis of the classification, the author took the activities of the teacher and students. They are allocated the following teaching methods:






Deficiencies in the development of the cognitive activity of students in special educational institutions (especially thinking and speech, sensory-perceptual activity, attention) do not allow the use of any classification or approaches completely.

In the system of correctional education, verbal, visual, practical teaching methods are widely used. The possibilities of using them in sufficient detail from the standpoint of correctional didactics were revealed by A.N. Graborov, G.M. Dulnev, I.G. Yeremenko et al.

Features of the use of visual, verbal, practical methods in working with problem children

According to the method of information transfer, there are three groups of methods.

1. Visual methodswhich include observation and demonstration.

Observation is a purposeful perception of an object or phenomenon, it is specially planned by the teacher. May be short-term or long-term, permanent or episodic.

Demonstration is the presentation, display of an object, phenomenon or action.

There are visual tools for demonstration:

- means of object clarity (real objects or their copies);

- means of figurative visibility (illustrations, slides, films);

- conditionally-symbolic means (formulas, symbols, schemes).

In working with problem children, visual methods are most accessible and important, especially in the initial stages of work. When applying them, one should remember such features of children as a slower rate of perception, a narrowing of the volume of perception, a violation of the accuracy of perception. Illustrations should be large, accessible, in a realistic style.

In correctional work with problem children, the principle of providing a polysensory basis of learning is applied, that is, training is based on all the senses.

2. Verbal methods:

- the story is a monologue of the teacher, containing educational information;

- conversation is a dialogue of the teacher and the student;

- an explanation is a commentary in which the essential features, connections, and relationships hidden from direct perception are revealed.

The story should be concise, clear, presentation of the material requires emotionality and expressiveness. In an interview, it is important to clearly formulate the questions, they should be understandable to the child.

Children with developmental disabilities experience difficulties in the perception and processing of verbal information, most of them suffer speech developmenttherefore, verbal methods should be combined with the use of visual and practical.

3. Practical methods:

- exercises (oral and written);

- productive activity;

- experimental activity.

- elements of programmed learning.

Visual and practical methods are widely used in the practice of special education. They are of particular importance for children with sensory impairments. Thus, in schools for children with hearing impairments, subject-practical training is specifically provided. General pedagogical methods and methods of teaching are used by special pedagogy in a special way, providing for a special selection and combination of methods and techniques that most more meet the special educational needs of the student and the specifics of correctional and pedagogical work with him.

Due to deviations in the development of the perceptual sphere (hearing, vision, musculoskeletal system, etc.), students have significantly reduced the possibilities for a full perception of the auditory, visual, tactile-vibrational and other information acting as educational information. Deviations in mental development also do not give the possibility of a full-fledged understanding and assimilation of educational information. Therefore, preference is given to methods that help most fully transmit, perceive, retain and process educational information in an accessible form for students, relying on intact analyzers, functions, systems of the body.

As already noted, in the initial stages of teaching children with developmental disabilities, practical and visual methods that form the sensorimotor basis of ideas and concepts about the world around are preferable. Methods of verbal transmission of educational information appear as additional. In subsequent stages of learning, verbal techniques are highlighted.

One of their common features of the intellectual development of children with the consequences of early organic lesions of the central nervous system is the predominance of visual types of thinking. The formation of verbal-logical thinking is difficult, which, in turn, significantly limits the use of logical and gnostic methods in the educational process, and therefore the inductive method is preferred (from the particular to the general), as well as explanatory, reproductive and partially search engine.

For a number of categories of children with special educational needs, the method of working with a textbook also has a certain peculiarity: in view of the specificity of speech and intellectual development of students in elementary classes, the textbook is not explained, as children need their own subject-practical activity supported by living, emotional word of the teacher and vivid images of the material being studied.

Characteristic for all categories of problem children are slowness of perception, significant dependence on past experience, lower accuracy and articulation of perception of parts of an object, incomplete analysis and synthesis of parts, difficulty in finding common and different parts, insufficiently accurate discrimination of objects in shape and contour. Therefore, when implementing visual teaching methods, the teacher not only demonstrates the object in question, but must organize observation, study the object, teach children ways and methods of the survey, encourage children to generalize and consolidate their practical experience in the word.

A variety of practical teaching method is to use didactic games   and entertaining exercises. They act as a method of stimulating and enhancing children's cognitive activity. The use of the game as a way of teaching children with disabilities is of great originality. Lack of life and practical experience, lack of mental functions that are important for the development of imagination, fantasy, speech design of the game, intellectual disabilities make it necessary to teach these children to play, and then gradually to include the game as a learning method in the correctional educational process.

Thus, in special education, a complex combination of several methods and methods of work is almost always used in order to achieve the maximum correctional and pedagogical effect. Combinations of such combinations and their adequacy of a particular pedagogical situation determine the specifics of the special education process.

In a special pedagogy process education it takes place in complicated conditions: it is necessary not only to solve educational tasks generally accepted in the education system, but also to ensure that special needs for upbringing are met for each category of people with developmental disabilities, which are missing due to primary or subsequent developmental deviations in social, including communicative , behavioral and other skills, personal qualities. Education is carried out extremely individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the development of this child, in the process of cooperation between the teacher and the child, children in the class or group.

As well as teaching methods, methods of educating children with developmental disabilities have specificity in the application.

Method training and exercisesused in the formation of sustainable skills of social behavior, such as sanitary-hygienic and household skills, self-organization skills, etc. This and other practically effective methods game, bringing up situations, are used in combination with various informationby methods.

The adequacy of the perception of upbringing information depends on the complexity of its content, and on the level of sensory capabilities of the child. In this regard, methods that allow you to rely on visual information, accompanied by comments, explanations of the teacher, as well as effectively use examples from the life surrounding the child, have a great educational significance. It should be emphasized that for children of preschool and primary school age with deviations in the development of actions, actions, attitudes, judgments, habits of the teacher, the educator are for a long time a role model, and authority - indisputable and undeniable. Impulsive Evaluation Methods (encouragement, punishment)they are also implemented in a practically-effective way, accompanied by verbal encouragement (“good”, “true”, “well done”) and material material available to the child. Moreover, the degree of material value of the promotion is gradually reduced: a delicacy, a toy - their figurative substitutes (a picture with a delicacy, toys) - an abstract substitute (a chip or other symbol of encouragement: a flag, an asterisk, a “+” sign, etc.) - only verbal encouragement.

Methods of punishment are also practically effective, since verbal censure, especially in harsh form, is categorically unacceptable. A child who does not have enough experience and knowledge of the norms of morality, social interaction, social behavior, who is not able to regulate and control his movements, emotions and actions to the necessary extent, often cannot be to blame for the actions he has condemned. Moreover, the child, as a rule, cannot understand what exactly the adult is dissatisfied with what is required of him. Therefore, the teacher, the educator should always show the necessary restraint in censuring the child and express disapproval with a stern look, shaking his head, accompanying these signs of displeasure with the words: “bad”, “ugly”, “ashamed”, “I hate to see (hear) it”, “ I am disappointed)". In extreme cases, a natural limitation of actions is applied, involving the child in correcting or eliminating the consequences of a negative act. As the child develops, verbal forms of punishment become possible: verbal reprimand, reprimand. The application of the method of punishment is effective only if the child understands that he has done a bad deed; if the punishment does not demean the child and does not cause him physical pain; if the punishment is applied infrequently and is not developed addictive to it.

The teacher, the educator should never raise his voice in communicating with the child, even when his censure. The exception to this rule are only those situations in which the child’s actions carry a danger to his life or health. The unusually loud voice of the teacher, the educator in this case is a signal of danger and caution to the child.

In adolescence and adolescence, with the advent of real results, informational and stimulating methods of education, based on the intellectual and verbal possibilities of pupils, take an increasingly important place (conversations, meetings, counseling, attraction of means of art and literature, encouragement, trust, censure, condemnation, etc.) .

Questions and tasks

1. What is the specificity of the selection and combination of methods of teaching and raising children with developmental disabilities?

2. What methods are given priority in correctional and pedagogical work with children of preschool and primary school age? Why?

3. What is the role of the personality of the teacher in the process of raising children with special educational needs?

4. What methods of educational impact are most effective in working with children with developmental disabilities?

Mom and dad always want to give the child only the best, including education, training. But this desire alone will hardly show excellent results, because the atmosphere itself plays a huge role in raising a baby, parents communicate with him and with each other, and then the school. What methods of parenting are by far the most effective? This will be our article.

Methodology of Glenn Doman - we bring up from birth

A doctor and teacher, Glen Doman developed a methodology for the upbringing and development of the youngest children. He believed that the most active effect is the active education of the child and his upbringing. until the age of seven . The technique is designed for baby's ability to absorb a lot of information which is served to him on a special system - used   cards   with written words and objects, pictures. Like all other techniques, it requires parents and teachers reasonable approach   and systematic in classes with the baby. This technique produces an inquiring mind in babies, stimulates early development   speech, further speed reading.

Waldorf Pedagogy - learn by imitating adults

An interesting technique that is based on children's imitation model of adult behavior , and, in accordance with this, the direction of children in the upbringing of the actions and actions of adults, without coercion and strict training. This technique is most often used in the education of preschoolers, in kindergartens.

Comprehensive education by Maria Montessori

This technique is literally on everyone's ears for many decades. The main essence of this technique - baby needs learn to write earlier than anything else   - reading, counting, etc. This methodology also provides for the labor education of a child with early age. Classes on this technique are held in an unusual form, with the active use of special sensory material and manuals.

Upbringing every minute

Philosopher, teacher, professor, Leonid Bereslavsky argued that p baby should be developing every minute , everyday. Every day he can learn new things, and adults around him should give the kid such an opportunity. About from the age of 18 months it is necessary to develop attention, memory, fine motor skills in a baby . From three years old, a child can develop logic, spatial thinking. This technique is not considered revolutionary, but such a view on the integrated development of young children in pedagogy appeared for the first time. Many believe that   Leonid Bereslavsky and Glenn Doman's methods have great similarities .

Learning to understand a child

This technique is continuing, extending the basic method of education of Glenn Doman. Cecile Lupan rightly believed that the child himself always shows what he wants to know at the moment . If he reached for a soft scarf or carpet - it is necessary to give him samples of various fabrics for sensory research - leather, fur, silk, mat, etc. If a child wants to rattle objects or knock with dishes, then he can be shown playing musical instruments. Observing her two young daughters, Cecile Lupan revealed the patterns of children's perception and development, embodying new technique   education, which includes a lot of sections - for example, geography, history, music, visual arts. Cecile Lupan also claimed that swimming is very useful for babies from an early age , and this lesson is also included in her program of education and training of young children.

Natural education of the child

This unique and largely extravagant technique is based on Jean Ledloff's observation of the life of Indians in almost wild tribes. These people had the opportunity to express themselves as they considered it necessary, and their children were organically poured into the general life, and almost never cried. These people did not feel angry and jealous, they didn’t need these feelings, because they could always remain as they really were, without looking at someone’s principles and stereotypes. The technique of Jean Ledlof refers to   natural parenting from an early age , his book “How to raise a child happy” reads about it.

Read before talking

The famous innovator-teacher Nikolai Zaitsev proposed his own special method of raising and educating children from an early age, according to which learn to read and speak, showing cubes not with letters, but with ready syllables . Nikolai Zaitsev has developed a special guide, “Zaitsev's cubes,” which help children learn to read. The cubes are different in size, and the inscriptions are made in different colors. Later, the cubes began to produce and with the ability to make special sounds. The kid learns to read simultaneously with the development of speech skills, and his development is far ahead of the development of peers.

Children grow up healthy and smart.

Innovative teachers, Boris and Elena Nikitin, raised seven children in the family. Their parenting methodology is based on active use of various games in teaching children, in communication with them . The technique of Nikitins is also known for the fact that they paid great attention and health of children, their hardening up to rubbing with snow and swimming in ice water. Nikitins themselves have developed many manuals for children - puzzles, tasks, pyramids, cubes. This method of education from the very beginning caused controversial reviews, and now the opinion about it is ambiguous.

Pedagogy of cooperation in the method of Shalva Amonashvili

Professor, Doctor of Psychology, Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili founded his method of education on the principle equal adult cooperation with children . This is a whole system based on the principle of a humane-personal approach to all children in the educational process. This technique is very popular, and at one time created a sensation in pedagogy and child psychology. The Amonashvili method was recommended by the Ministry of Education back in the Soviet Union for use in schools.

Brings up music

The basis of this technique is teaching children music from an early age . The doctor proved that through music a child can express himself, as well as receive messages he needs from the world, see good, make pleasant, love people and art. Being brought up by this method, children start playing musical instruments early, and also receive a comprehensive and very rich development. The purpose of the technique is not to grow musicians, but to grow good, intelligent, noble people.

AT preschool pedagogy   methods are understood as methods of pedagogical influence aimed at achieving the goals of education or training. The method includes both the way a teacher works, aimed at organizing and managing the activities of children, as well as the ways and activities of the educated.

A methodical device is a particular manifestation of a particular method of education and training, its specific elements. The more and more diverse the number of techniques that make up the method, the more successfully the correctional and developmental tasks are solved. The differences between the method and the methodical technique lie in the fact that the method is aimed at solving an educational problem as a whole, and the method is aimed at solving a particular problem. The variety of tasks of education and training of preschool children with hearing impairments, the level of formation of their cognitive and speech activity dictates the need to use a variety of methodological techniques.

In modern preschool pedagogy, various authors distinguish different groups of methods depending on the ways of understanding the surrounding reality, managing the activities of children, and influencing various aspects of development. The most frequently distinguished methods determine the methods of the child’s activity and cognition of the environment: visual, practical, and verbal (A. V. Zaporozhets, T. A. Markova, 1980; V. I. Loginova, P. G. Samorukova, 1988, and others. ).

The use of visual, verbal, practical, and playable teaching methods is considered in preschool education to the deaf (NI Belova, 1985). In the process of schooling for deaf children, three groups of methods are distinguished: general, used in various types of schools, including in the mass school; special, used in the study of a particular subject in the school deaf or hearing impaired; specific, which are specially used by the deaf-and-dumb teachers in certain sections of the work, for example, when carrying out work on teaching pronunciation (NF Zasenko, 1989). The solution of various tasks in training is also provided in the process of various combinations of visual, practical and verbal methods.

Let us consider the three groups of methods most frequently distinguished in general and special preschool pedagogy by the nature of the child’s activities in the process of education and training: visual, practical, and verbal. Their selection is associated with visual-effective and visual-figurative ways of knowing the reality of a child of an early and preschool age. The interrelation of various methods depends on the age of the child with reduced hearing, the level of his cognitive and verbal development, and ways of communicating with others.

Visual methods and techniques of learning. These include observation, viewing of objects, phenomena, pictures, slideshow, filmstrips, the use of computer programs. The use of a number of techniques based on the implementation of imitation actions, demonstration of the mode of operation, sample of the task, etc. can also be considered as illustrative. Considering the special role of visual perception in cognition of the surrounding world by children with hearing impairments, the predominance of figurative forms of thinking can be considered visual methods most adequate to the process of education and training of children of early and preschool age.

One of the main methods of education and training of preschoolers is observation. The method of observation is used in all forms of educational and educational work with children: in everyday life, on walks and excursions, in the classroom, in games, drawing and other activities. In the process of observation, basic ideas and knowledge of preschoolers with impaired hearing about the world around are formed. As a rule, conducting observations with children of early and preschool age is associated with other methods and techniques: practical, related to the sensory knowledge of objects and their properties in various types of children's activities (palpation, encirclement, taste, smell and other properties), and verbal , since the observations are accompanied by the speech communication of the teacher with the children.

Depending on the nature of cognitive tasks, various types of observations are used: a) to form ideas about the properties and qualities of objects and phenomena (size, shape, color, structure, etc.), their correlations and connections with other phenomena; b) changes and transformations of objects of the surrounding world (observation of plant growth, human activity, etc.), which forms knowledge of various processes in nature, occupations and relationships of people; c) to establish logical links between phenomena and properties (by melting snow one can judge about the approach of spring, by the color of leaves - about the season).

The effectiveness of the use of observation as a method of teaching poor hearing children is ensured when a number of conditions are met:

    taking into account the age possibilities of children in the selection of objects and the volume of representations formed during the observation. It is not advisable to organize observations at the same time for several objects with children of preschool age or for objects that are not fully understood;

    the definition of clear objectives of observation and fixing the attention of children to them. For example, observing the seller’s activities in the store, the teacher sets the task for the children in advance: to observe the seller’s actions, his appearance, relationships with customers, and such moments as the appearance of customers, viewing items sold when solving this task are not objects attention;

    consistency and orderly implementation of the observation process, which depend on the tasks of observation, the appearance of the observed objects, the degree of their familiarity to children;

    close connection between conducting observations and fixing them in speech. The teacher points to the relevant objects, details, their properties and calls them verbally, if necessary, uses tablets with written words or writes new words; for deaf older children, the names can be clarified orally and daktilno. New words associated with the observed objects and phenomena are included in communication with children, used in stories, descriptions, explanations.

The organization of observation depends on the appearance of the object, suggests its location so that it is clearly visible to all children, and if necessary they can act with it. The teacher should cause interest in the subject, complement the observation story, a demonstration of pictures. Before starting the observation, the teacher must be sure that the children fix their attention on the subject. He can attract attention with the help of instructions: "Look", backed up with her index gesture. A teacher can tell the older children what they need to look at, what they should watch. To find out the correct perception of children, it is necessary to ask clarifying questions, ask the children to show the distinguished properties of the object or to demonstrate actions with it, since the lack of perception of speech by deaf and hearing impaired children can cause an inaccurate understanding of the task. Depending on the age of the children and the object being observed, the children should be asked questions of a reproductive, exploratory or generalizing nature.

Demonstration of objects, paintings, filmstrips, cartoons, slides, etc., is widely used in preschool institutions.

As a common methodical technique in preschool age, the use of paintings is used, which is used to solve a variety of didactic tasks. The picture as a didactic tool is widely used in all classes in preschool institutions for children with hearing impairments: when familiarizing with others, language development, play, and other activities. In the process of learning, pictures can be used to form images of those objects and phenomena that cannot be seen directly at a given time (animals, plants, natural phenomena, etc.); to clarify and enrich the children's ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life; for the systematization and synthesis of existing ideas. The process of perception and understanding of pictures is always associated with the enrichment of the dictionary, clarification of the meanings of words and phrases, the development of a spoken or descriptive-narrative form of speech. It must be borne in mind that preschoolers with hearing impairments do not always correctly perceive the content of pictures, they can correlate images with real objects, actions, and emotions of people. Therefore, it is important not only to organize the perception of the picture, but also to check the understanding of its content by demonstrating actions, pointing to objects, drawing, etc. Depending on the purpose of showing the picture, it can be presented for holistic perception, as well as for perceiving its elements, clarifying logical connections . In the practice of preschool institutions, various types of work with a picture are used: conversation, drawing up a story on a picture or a series of pictures, creative narration with the inclusion of previous or subsequent events, inventing a name, etc.

In the older groups of preschool institutions for children with hearing impairments, slides, slides, videos, filmstrips, etc. are shown. Demonstrating video films, cartoons always arouses great interest in children and can be used as an effective means of forming diverse ideas about the phenomena of the life around them, contributing to social, mental and speech development of children. The teacher directs the perception of video or filmstrips, organizing the sequence of viewing. He first conducts a conversation in which he refines the knowledge and ideas of children on the subject of the filmstrip, informs or clarifies the meanings of words important for understanding the content. After the first viewing of the film, the general impression of it is revealed, the attitude of the children to the events is clarified. In the process of re-viewing the film, the teacher specifies the content of some frames, if necessary, clarifies certain facts and the relationship between them. After re-viewing during the conversation, the holistic content of the filmstrip is clarified, logical links are established between them. As a result of viewing and discussing what he saw, clarifying his understanding, a story can be made, drawing and modeling of characters from the viewed film can be organized.

A number of teaching methods, in the process of which the performance of children’s actions to imitate and follow the pattern, is used, as they are based on the processes of perception. These methods of work are used in teaching the game, visual activity and design, work, physical education of deaf and hearing impaired preschoolers. In addition, imitation and pattern actively help in the development of speech, the formation of pronunciation skills. At the initial stages of training, in the process of forming primary skills, imitation of the teacher’s actions is most often used. It involves the children’s sequential reproduction of the teacher’s actions. For example, in the process of performing movements to imitate, children reproduce all their elements in the process of the teacher’s expanded demonstration. Drawing by imitation involves the repetition of the actions of the educator, which are produced in front of children. For example, imitating children paint over the flag, repeating the actions of the caregiver, observing how to hold the brush, how to draw paint, how to act when painting the flag. Show action should always be clear, in working with young children a little slow. The teacher addresses the children with instructions: “Do this,” in the process of step-by-step reproduction of actions, comments on actions with speech.

The use of a sample implies the presence of a sample item without demonstration of its manufacturing process or the complete implementation of any actions without their phased reproduction. Working with a sample implies a higher level of perception, the ability to analyze a sample, determine methods of work, and the possibility of integral reproduction in one’s own activities. Working with a sample is much more difficult than working with an imitation. At first, the teacher helps the children to analyze the sample, for example, when designing, it helps to identify parts of the building, their spatial location, etc.

Practical teaching methods. For a deeper knowledge of reality, children need not only to observe various phenomena and events, but also practically act with objects, identify their properties and characteristics, connections and relations between them. The group of practical methods include various types of subject and productive activities, games, elementary experiments, modeling.

Of particular importance are actions with objects for sensory education, the development of thinking and other cognitive processes, the formation of speech. The teacher organizes various actions with objects in the process of different types of children's activities in order to form or refine ideas about the properties and qualities of objects. So, familiarizing with the features of the appearance of fruits, the teacher offers children a number of practical actions (consider, circle or feel, smell, taste), during which children form ideas about the shape, color, size, taste, smell. For hearing-impaired children, the accumulation of sensory experience helps to enrich ideas about familiar objects, contributes to the development of different types of perception: visual, tactile-motor, gustatory, etc. In the process of practical actions with objects, visual, sensory experience accumulates, which helps to assimilate the meanings of corresponding words and expressions. Words that are not related to the practical experience of the child are not remembered for a long time, they are easily mixed with others.

Practical methods include graphic and constructive activities related to the formation of practical skills and abilities - drawing, modeling, cutting, gluing applications, creating buildings and structures of various materials. Drawing, designing, modeling, in addition to special classes, are widely used in familiarization with the outside world, different types of games, manual labor. The use of such activities in teaching language, the development of auditory perception, the formation of pronunciation and elementary mathematical representations contributes to a more successful assimilation and memorization of the material. For example, an understanding of the text will be achieved more quickly if, in the process of its analysis, modeling is carried out or a constructive picture is given, with which you can reproduce various phenomena, actions, etc.

Labor education is also associated with the formation of practical skills aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, helping children in everyday life, caring for plants, helping adults on the site. In older groups, skills associated with manual labor become important: the practical creation of various kinds of handicrafts made from natural material, work with cardboard, paper, and cloth.

One of the most common preschool methods is gaming. It is associated with the use of various components of the game in order to solve some educational and educational tasks. Most often, when using the game method, components such as actions with toys, imitation of actions, imaginary situations, role behavior, etc. are used. The teacher, defining the program content of the lesson, plans the elements of the games with which this content will be learned faster and more efficiently. For example, telling children senior group   About autumn, the teacher offers to portray an imaginary situation of collecting leaves in the park. The game method can be used at various stages of the lesson - both for informing children of new information, and for securing it. Widely used didactic game as a method and means of learning. In it, the actions of children are governed by the rules and game task. Most often, didactic games with rules are used to activate and consolidate acquired knowledge, many of them require their generalization, systematization, which implies active mental operations: analysis, comparison, classification.

The knowledge of the children of older preschool age of the surrounding reality requires the use of elementary experiments as one of the practical teaching methods. Teachers organize experiences depending on the tasks. For example, figuring out the properties of various materials, the educator may suggest that older preschool children lower objects from various materials into the water and see which ones drown and which ones do not. Conducting experiments is always associated with the formulation of the problem in front of children, the organization of observations and their analysis. The ability of children to compare, draw conclusions and conclusions requires not only an understanding of cause-effect relationships, but also the ability to express them with the help of speech means. Older children of preschool age should be taught to understand constructions with the “because” union, and later to use them in independent speech.

One of the visual-practical methods in kindergartens for children with hearing impairment is modeling, which involves the creation of models or their use to form knowledge about properties, relationships, connections of objects. Modeling as a method is used most often in the education of older preschoolers, although some elements of the method may also be available to middle-aged children. In preschool institutions, subject and subject-schematic models can be used. In object modeling, the model is similar to the subject being studied; it reproduces its most important parts, the spatial relationships of the elements, the interconnection of objects. Most often, classes are taken for classes of buildings that need to be reproduced by children, as well as models of human or animal figures. For example, when meeting with parts of the human body, a planar model can be used.

When subject-schematic modeling of the selected components and the relationship between them is denoted with the help of objects, deputies and graphic signs (chips, stripes, arrows, pictograms, etc.). Subject-schematic models should clearly reflect the relationship between objects. Such models can be widely used in the process of familiarization with the outside world, for example, when forming the concept of a calendar, when observing plant growth, etc. Object-schematic models can be very useful in the process of reading, teaching how to understand the content of a text, and successively telling. In such cases, a model that represents the various characters of the text, their actions and relationships, can help children better understand the logical connections in the text: temporal, spatial, cause-effect. First, the subject-schematic models are teachers. Then, children also take part in this process, specifying the appearance of the characters, the nature of their reproduction in models, transmitting the links between them using various symbols.

Verbal methods. The basis of verbal methods is the use of speech. Verbal methods occupy a large place in the upbringing and education of children with hearing impairments, because their use is associated with the organization of speech communication with children. However, in comparison with mass kindergartens, their use in preschool institutions for deaf and hearing-impaired children is more closely related to practical and visual methods, especially in the initial stages of education.

Verbal methods include verbal instructions, conversation, teacher's story, reading of children and adults, storytelling, and explanation of the teacher.

One of the teaching methods in pedagogical work is the performance of children's actions on verbal instruction. Verbal instruction implies an understanding of the constructive patterns of the motive nature associated with the organization of activities. Initially, verbal instruction is combined with visual methods, for example, when a child performs actions to imitate an adult. So, the teacher draws a ball and offers to perform the same action to the child, using the verbal instruction: “Draw”. It is more difficult for children to understand verbal instructions in combination with the presence of a sample task. Gradually, in the process of different types of activities and in the classroom, children master the understanding of instructions and begin to focus only on their content, without visual reinforcement. Verbal instructions are used in organizing the life of children, free activity, in all classes.

Gradually, the instructions are complicated in terms of content and structure (“Call Alesha to study,” “Tell Alyosha to close the door”).

Conversations are one of the most common verbal methods and are used for all years of study. Conversation is an important means of developing the dialogical speech of preschoolers with hearing impairments. In addition, the conversation, like other verbal methods, involves the use and visual methods - a demonstration of various objects, pictures. However, unlike hearing children, preschoolers with impaired hearing initially cannot participate in a conversation without the help of a teacher. At first, children are taught to understand simple questions and answer them with the help of natural gestures, short words, instructions on objects, tablets. In the first years of study, in the course of the conversation, children are offered a small number of situational questions, an understanding of which is achieved due to the presence of relevant subjects or their images.

In the younger, middle and especially in the older groups, conversations are held in connection with different types of work: writing stories about pictures, discussing events from children's lives, reading, etc. Conversations are also held in connection with games, drawing, organizing excursions, and observations. In preliminary conversations, the teacher clarifies the knowledge of children on the topic of the lesson, for example, before drawing a festive salute, asks which children saw the salute when there is a salute. During the conversation, the understanding of the meanings of the necessary words is clarified, new ones are introduced. In preliminary conversations, children are given tasks directly related to the topic of the lesson. The purpose of generalizing conversations is the systematization of knowledge, their further deepening. In working with older children, the concluding conversation may be heuristic in nature, since in the process of clarifying the facts and comparing them, children can be summed up to generalizations and judgments about the nature of phenomena and their interrelationships.

A number of didactic requirements are presented for the conversation: questions should be selected in advance, they should be accurate, take into account the amount of children's knowledge on this topic, the level of their speech development. In working with older children, it is important to change the sequence of questions, because children sometimes are not focused on their content, but on the order of presentation. It is necessary to vary the questions, ask questions similar in content, but different in form (“Where do you live?”, “What is your address?”). Taking into account the peculiarities of the teacher's speech perception, the form of speech is determined depending on the stage of training. Familiar questions can be presented orally, in case of difficulty, ancillary forms of speech are used: written - for hearing impaired children, oral-dactyl - for deaf children starting from the middle group. Familiar questions can be heard.

Traditionally, the conversation is structured so that the teacher asks questions, and the children answer. Initially, the teacher helps the children to formulate answers, gives samples, offers a conjugate-reflected pronunciation. Gradually, children need independent answers, the prevalence of which depends on the stage of children's education. It is very important to teach preschoolers to independently ask questions, to form their interest in maintaining communication with adults. For this purpose, teachers create various problem situations in which the child has a need to learn something. Various methods are used for this: finding out the name and properties of the hidden subject (“Wonderful Sack”), working with a closed picture, questions to other children about weekends, trips, etc. It is advisable to involve other people in the conversations with children than teachers: parents administration kindergarten. It forms in children the skills of communication with new people, develops the ability to perceive speech on the auditory-visual basis, activates the pronunciation possibilities.

The pedagogue's story is used mainly in the older groups, when children have the skills of hearing and visual perception of speech. It is directly related to the topic of the lesson and contains new information for children. The teacher’s story is preceded by reading new texts, drawing up a description of the painting, plot drawing, and other types of work. Large-volume stories are not presented to preschool children with impaired hearing, as a rule, they contain speech material that children can understand. The story is presented to children orally, but if necessary, oral statements are supported by written speech or a spoken pronunciation.

As one of the methodological techniques used by the teacher to tell accessible and entertaining stories and stories, the heroes of which can be children, adults, animals. The purpose of storytelling is to teach children to perceive a coherent oral story, to understand the actions of the characters and the sequence of events, to form an emotional attitude to facts and heroes. The teacher’s oral narration is reinforced by the demonstration of visual means in the form of mock-ups, figurines, toys, pictures, etc. After two or three times the story is reproduced, children are included in the story: they tell the adult the course of events, retell certain fragments or the whole story. Teacher's story may be associated with the subsequent reading of the text.

Reading as a teaching method is used in preschool institutions for children with hearing impairments is much wider than in ordinary kindergartens, which is associated with the need for early mastery of deaf and hearing-impaired children with written form of speech. At the initial stages of training (nursery-junior group), global reading is used, and with middle group   - analytical.

Reading appears in the classroom for the development of speech and as a means, and as the purpose of learning, because throughout all years systematic learning of conscious reading has been conducted. Reading in the classroom is combined with other verbal methods - conversations, telling, verbal instructions. As a learning method, reading is used in close connection with visual and practical methods, because the lack of a visual and practical basis for reading can cause poverty and sometimes the fallacy of ideas associated with the read word, phrase, text.

Verbal methods include the evaluation of actions, actions, and children's activities. The maintenance of independence, activity of the child, approval by adults of his actions, relationships with other children, diligence in the performance of tasks the teacher expresses in the form of a verbal assessment, supported by a kind look, smile. It is very important for the formation of the personality of a deaf or hearing-impaired child, the formation of a correct self-esteem.

Methods of exposure to children. In addition to the methods that determine the methods of the teacher’s actions and the activities of children, the methods associated with the impact on children in the process of education and training are highlighted: direct impact methods, methods of mediated pedagogical influence, methods of problem-based education and training (A. Zaporozhets, TA Markov, 1980). Mastering these methods is important for teachers who organize developmental and remedial work with children with hearing impairments.

Direct impact methods involve not only setting a specific task for children, but also ways to accomplish this task through joint actions, direct demonstration, sample demonstration, direct verbal instruction, story and explanation of the teacher. It can be said that the child is given a task and the ways of solving it are revealed, that is, an adult conveys information and techniques of activity in finished form. When using this group of methods, it is important that the child has mastered certain ways of performing tasks, has mastered the necessary knowledge, he has been formed certain skills. Methods of direct exposure are widely used in the classroom for graphic activities, design, work in the process of formation of skills and abilities. In the course of familiarization with the outside world, direct impact methods are associated with the transmission of information about natural phenomena, people's lives, etc. The role of direct impact methods is great when teaching mathematics, developing speech, teaching pronunciation, where imitation, pattern, verbal instruction is widely used.

The methods of indirect influence are connected with the management of the child’s independent activities, when the teacher does not set certain tasks for the child, but by taking into account his interests, creating a subject-developing environment, maintaining children's communication, successful attempts in the visual and other activities, he strives to solve developmental and corrective tasks. These methods are most often used to guide the artistic activities of children. The use of methods of indirect influence requires teachers of great skill, understanding of the capabilities of children, the ability to guide their communication and interaction.

Methods of problem education and training are aimed at solving some problems by the children themselves when they use certain knowledge and skills. Such situations are created most often in familiarization with the outside world, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, games, and various everyday situations. For example, in the classroom on the formation of mathematical ideas, the teacher suggests that the children find out how to measure the volume of water contained in the bucket. In response to the child that you can measure with a ruler, he suggests that the child take a ruler and measure the water. By testing the child makes sure that other items are needed to measure the volume of water: a cup, a glass, a can.

Preschool age is a period when the child lays the foundation for skills, knowledge, skills, and forms social behavior. Already at this age small child   becomes a person: from the stage of the individual, he moves to the stage of individuality with habits, inclinations, abilities, instincts and possibilities inherent only in him. All these psychological features   in a boy or girl are formed in the process of education in kindergarten. Upbringing and education in kindergartens are carried out by educators through classes,, walks, individual work, entertainment, holidays, interacting with parents and being guided by the program of upbringing and education in kindergarten, the method of preschool education.

Methods of education of children of preschool age

Teaching children in kindergarten is a combination of methods of physical, mental, aesthetic, labor education. All these areas of pedagogical work are carried out in a comprehensive and planned way.

From birth to 6 years old, the child is actively developing physically. At the age of 6, a child can not only walk and run, but also jump, crawl, climb stairs, perform a variety of exercises on the coordination of movements. All this is achieved through systematic physical education in kindergarten, the program of which in each age group at the end of the year provides for the formation of certain physical skills   baby This is provided by the method of physical education, which is based on strengthening the muscles and bone system of the child, improving his movements, developing dexterity, speed, endurance, and independence.

An important element of the method of physical education is the daily conduct of morning exercises in kindergarten as an active form of initiating children to physical exertionforming healthy lifestyle   of life.

Physical education preschooler associated with mental. Thanks to physical activity, children show curiosity, knowing the world, observing, studying, experimenting. So, physical exercise   with the ball, sensory skills, knowledge of the circular shape of the object, the ability to act with it are fixed in the child. Various attributes and tools in physical education classes help to consolidate knowledge about color, size, shape, form and improve the skills of counting, because the exercises are performed under the bill.

In the process of classes, children have a lot of questions in which their curiosity and desire to learn the world is manifested. Young youths sometimes ask questions that are difficult to obtain unambiguous and accessible answers. But adults (teachers and parents) should satisfy the curiosity of children, do it correctly, calmly, simply. The cognitive interests of preschoolers are their thirst for knowledge and science. The inability of adults to give an exhaustive and competent answer to the child’s questions leads to the fact that his interest in a particular field of knowledge fades away.

In addition to the outside world, children are interested in their inner world, their body, feelings and experiences. This is referred to as self-knowledge. The process of self-knowledge goes through the following stages:

  • separating yourself from the world around you
  • awareness of your name
  • formation of self-esteem
  • awareness of their gender and appropriate behavior,
  • awareness of their rights and obligations.

The latter is very important for preparing preschoolers for school. By the first class, boys and girls already know how to manage their feelings and emotions, which is the result of a purposeful process of upbringing in kindergarten and an indicator of a child’s readiness for school.

Mental and physical development of a preschool child in kindergarten is carried out through work, play, and artistic activity. Labor education is the introduction of children to self-care and household work. Artistic activities   - these are music lessons, drawing, modeling, application, in the process of which the aesthetic education of preschoolers is carried out. Game activity is the leading activity of preschoolers. Developmental and motor, math and music games help in the accessible form and consolidate the skills and abilities of children.

The method of preschool education is the assimilation of moral norms of behavior. The most effective means of moral education is the personal example of adults, since imitation prevails in children as a form of social adaptation. The child imitates the father, the mother, the caregiver, and other children in appearance, behavior, and evaluation standards of others. When discussing life situations and working moments, parents use specific assessment words (“bad”, “good”, “rights”, “not right”), which becomes a guide for the child to evaluate the behavior of peers, sisters or brother, strangers. In preschool age, it is important to praise and encourage the child for generosity, kindness, respect for elders, fulfilling errands, activity. This is the only way for a baby to develop these positive qualities.

It is also important to form and maintain friendly relations with peers, ability to work together, in a team with other children. This is important for the social development of children, initiation to life in a team.

Classes in kindergarten

According to the program of preschool education and upbringing, one of the main forms of work with children in kindergarten are classes. This is a form of educational interaction of a teacher with children in the implementation of physical, labor, aesthetic, mental education. All classes in preschool institutions have the following structure:

  1. The prologue. It provides for the concentration of attention of children, excitement of their interest in the work ahead.
  2. The main part of the lesson. This is the direct transfer of knowledge by the teacher to the children and their active work.
  3. The final (consolidating) part of the lesson, related to the results of the work, analysis and assessment. Each teacher uses the necessary teaching methods and techniques to make the lesson effective. In preschool education there is a certain classification of such methods and methods of teaching children of preschool age:

Each teacher during the lesson uses the necessary teaching methods and techniques to make the lesson effective. In preschool education there is a certain classification of such methods and methods of teaching children of preschool age:

  1. Verbal methods are the use of explanations, words, answers to questions. WITH gradual development   in children of visual-figurative thinking, the teacher increasingly resorts to stories, conversations, and reading.
  2. Visual methods are the use of objects and pictures, illustrations and didactic aids in the process of forming knowledge of preschoolers.
  3. Practical methods - this is the application of acquired knowledge in practice, the acquisition of skills through exercise.
  4. Game methods involve the use of outdoor games, role-playing, didactic games, drama games, puzzles, exercises, imitations.

Recall that in preschool age, the leading activity is play activity, so the didactic (educational) game takes an important place in the process of preschool education. Sometimes classes are conducted in the form of didactic games. Their peculiarity is that they provide for the variability of the solution of the tasks. This allows the child to repeat practical operations, feeling the results of their efforts.

Work with parents

Family for a preschooler - a source of experience, habitat, a form of social adaptation. Raising a morally healthy, intelligent child is impossible without close interaction of educators in preschool   with parents of children. Therefore, kindergartens use various forms of work with parents to enrich their pedagogical knowledge.

Such forms of work are divided into individual, visual information and collective.

Collective forms of work with parents are the most popular because they provide an opportunity to bring as much information as possible to a large number of parents. These are parent meetings and conferences, round tables and holidays. Individual forms of work are pedagogical conversations with parents, consultations, exchange of opinions on a problem concerning a particular baby.

Visual-informational methods - this is an acquaintance of parents with sensitive moments in kindergarten, open days with attendance of classes and entertainment in kindergarten, stands, folder-shifters.

Non-traditional forms of work with parents today are crowding out traditional parent meetings. Such forms of work are based on samples of entertainment programs and are aimed at strengthening informal contacts with parents. They can be involved in the preparation of children's matinees, participate in games at these matinees, competitions. Joint activities that require the interaction of children, parents, teachers, allow us to establish close contacts, get emotional and moral pleasure from the results of such work. Therefore, for example, “Grandmothers Day” is more in demand today in kindergarten than holding a parent meeting on the topic hardeningand flu prevention.

The work of the kindergarten and parents is aimed at implementing the principle of social partnership and effective dialogue in order to find mutually acceptable ways of developing and educating a child.

Especially for -   Diana Rudenko

  Galina Kobzeva
  Methods of education of children of preschool age

raise children, guide their development without violence, respecting the identity of the child. It is necessary to carefully and sensitively identify interests, inclinations children age, the causes of certain actions of the child.

In the view of the child preschool age   the concepts of good and bad often shift. For example, he took away a toy - it means, well, he became one more. Or, to prove his generosity, the child donates his father's collection.

You can give an example. The family is waiting for the guests, the adults set the table, and the daughter took the cakes and treated the girlfriends. On the comments of parents answered: “You yourself said you need to be kind”.

For children   characteristic specific thinking, inability to generalize. Therefore, the baby often promises not to do what he was blamed for, but ... in a similar situation, he does the same. The remark made to another child, he does not apply to himself. We have already noticed such an ability as impulsiveness, therefore the motive of an act is often desire.

Never be in a hurry with punishment. Criticism must be constructive, not destructive. It is important to find out the cause of child misconduct. The negative behavior of a small child is extremely rarely intentional, so it is very important to be patient and fair in assessing children's actions. Psychologists note that the child and perceives   threats in their own way - as an invitation to action, especially when they say: “Just do it (climb, pick, touch, etc.)   The first part of the phrase is interpreted as a guide to action. Psychologists recommend using method"Active listening", that is, to put emphasis on the feelings and emotions of their own and the child. For example, say his: "I was worried", "I'm proud of you"   or "I am ashamed, hurt ..."

It is important to distinguish mischief from mischief. Prank is innocent fun. The child is in shock from an excess of feelings, he is waiting for support to his mood, however, if he knows no boundaries in his pranks, then they often grow into mischief, which always has an immoral shade.

Especially should be said about the promotion. Children constantly need approval, confirmation that they are good and worthy of love. the meaning of these words lies in the experience of satisfaction, joy, caused by the recognition of his efforts, efforts, results achieved. to question educatorAs the child reacts to encouragement, the mother replied that his wings would grow.

Indeed, encouragement inspires children believe in themselves, makes them cheerful, energetic, willing to do well. Life experience children still insignificant, they do not know much and do not know how, therefore they tend to seek support from their parents.

It is very important not to ignore the positive actions. children, their relationship to the surrounding adults and children. In no case can not tell the child that he is bad. Word "OK"   greatly increases the excitability of the cerebral cortex and activity mental activitywhile the word "badly"   inhibits the conditioned reflex and stops the train of thought. The role of encouraging children's actions, actions, results, moral motives is important.

Types of promotion: approval, praise, trust, precautionary encouragement.

Direct praise can be used in relation to children of 2–3 years old, since they do not yet have clear ideas about what is permitted and what is not allowed. It is necessary to support their praise. Children 5-6 years old already have experience of moral behavior, can evaluate their actions, therefore, in relation to them it is necessary to limit direct praise and more often use methods   indirect effects. Trust needs to be measured against opportunities age and personality, but not always so that children do not feel distrust. Speak "you're incorrigible", "You can not be trusted"   - It means to relax the will of the child and slow down the development of self-esteem. To use additional pleasures and gifts is not recommended. A child will get used to doing good for a reward, later on adults may face his reluctance, for example, to go to the pharmacy, help the sick, and so on, without remuneration. Sometimes parents do not consider it necessary to use method of encouragement in education, because they are afraid that the child "Will sit on the head".

There are children who are accustomed to respond only to the cry. But the raised tone acts only as long as the child does not get used to it, then it will be just a background noise. Screams and threats in nurture   You will not achieve much. It is necessary that the child always understands the meaning of your requirements, so that they are reasonable.

A. S. Makarenko spoke: “Parents should learn a calm, balanced, friendly, but always decisive tone in their business disposition as early as possible, and children from the smallest age   should get used to this tone. "

The kid by the intonation of an adult, partly by his facial expressions and gestures, judges whether he is praised or angry. Children distinguish intonation very early. At about 5-6 months, the child reacts precisely to the emotional tone of the adult's tone, and only gradually does the child begin to react, first of all, to the semantic meaning of the words. Even correct and reasoned advice, given in an indifferent, impassive tone, has very little effect on the child and on the adult. It is important to find the right intonation in talking with children, in tips and instructions. The overall tone of conversation with children should be positive, calm, friendly, restrained.

Pay attention to your intonation, the tone of the demand.

Be attentive to actions and misconduct. childrendo not rush with punishments, shouts. Try to grasp the essence of the act, its motive, do not skimp on the promotion.

2. "Is it possible to do without punishment?"

The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that children have the right to special care and assistance; for the child to fully and harmoniously develop his personality, it is necessary to grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. Violation of the rights of small children, their advantages are quite common. These disorders often result from incompetent influences on the child. In addition, neglect or careless, rude treatment is considered unacceptable. For example, to hit a child means to violate his rights. It is important to respect the integrity of the person.

So, is it sometimes possible, when a child is completely unbearable, or when he did something terrible, to raise a hand against him? Whether will inform him "belt"   is our attitude to what is happening better than words?

There are two answers to this question.

The first opinion. No never. What do psychologists think about it? Physical penalties should be completely excluded. By resorting to physical strength, parents only prove the complete inability and inability to find a reasonable way to influence a child. There were cases when the effects of physical punishment were hearing loss and nervous diseases. But the greatest harm lies in the fact that physical punishment humiliates the child’s personality, convinces him of his own impotence, engenders bitterness. The child loses faith in his strength and self-respect, that is, those valuable qualities that parents must especially carefully and lovingly in him bring up. Physical punishments teach children wrong, uncivilized way of solving problems.

The primitiveness of the parents frees the child from guilt, and he believes that he is free to do what he pleases, develops stubbornness in him. Children with strong nervous system   as a result of physical punishments they grow coarse, cruel, deceitful; children with a weak nervous system - timid, lethargic, indecisive. In both cases, as a result of physical punishment, there is aloofness in relations with parents. Children stop respecting elders, reckoning with them, experiencing feelings of revenge, fear.

5 reasons for non-corporal punishments:

It is in any case a blow, in itself worthy of condemnation.

This recognition of his weaknesses: the parent could not cope with himself, and this drops his authority in the eyes of the child. The child concludes that with his provocations he can get the best of adults.

It makes violence something ordinary. An adult makes it clear that physical strength is the only reliable solution to the conflict. There is a danger that the child will learn this rule and, in turn, will choose the forms of behavior associated with violence.

  It's humiliating: the child feels insufficiently loved, he behaves worse and worse and gets new slaps. This vicious circle encourages both sides to more and more violence and prevents the child from developing self-esteem.

  It is ineffective: if the child is inferior, then out of a sense of fear, and not because of a confession of guilt. He draws no lesson from this; the causes of the conflict do not disappear, on the contrary, they provoke the next crisis in the relationship. Yes, under the influence of emotions, the most principled parent can slap a child on the pope.

The essence education Today, the child has created a complex system of subtle differentiated skills of work, study, behavior. Rely here on the sharp methods   impact not only inhumane and inconsistent, but simply meaningless from the point of view of psychophysiology. It is easier to teach a child everyday and labor skills, not punishing for mistakes, but gently correcting, because, being afraid of punishment, a person most often makes a mistake. Fear of pain, while heightening the desire to avoid it, interferes with activity. Painful effects cause reactions of rage or fear. So, the principle of physical punishment is inadmissible not only from the point of view of pedagogy, but also of psychophysiology. Such « education»   contrary to nature itself.

Second opinion. It is possible, in extreme cases, when an act is committed that goes beyond the acceptable family relationships (theft, first booze, etc.). There may be only a few such cases.

Physical punishment children   should be used only when all others are exhausted. impact methods: conviction, explanation of the unacceptability of his behavior, depriving the child of any benefits or pleasures. Physical punishment children are the more effectivethe younger the baby is. With physical punishment children   the same goal as any a friend: development of a reflex through the pain.

The main principle in the choice between punishing physical or otherwise is the choice of the lesser of two evils. It is important to remember that the purpose of physical punishment childrenas any other is his own good. To physical punishment children   should only be resorted to in the following situations:

Physical punishment children rightlyif the child’s behavior represents a threat to his or her life and health. For example, a child, knowing the rules of behavior on the road, in spite of his parents, runs across the street in front of the cars.

If the child’s behavior threatens the life and health of others (play with fire, fights with weaker children).

If the child deliberately and purposefully brings parents or other family members unable to fend for themselves (e.g. junior children) . The psychological background for this kind of action is to check the strength and boundaries of the parents. If the parents cannot defend themselves, then the child cannot be sure that in a more dangerous situation they will be able to protect him as well.

If one cannot do without punishments, then one should remember some rules that are recommended by V. Levy.

Punishment must always come from the motive of action. It often happens that the result of the action turned out to be difficult, although the motive by which the child was guided was positive. For example, the child stood up for the youngest (girl)   and hit the abuser.

The reason for punishment can only be immoral deeds: a conscious violation of the interests of the family, refusal to submit to a reasonable demand, careless attitude to things, causing offense or harm to someone from others, rudeness, etc.

For the punishment to be realized by the child, it must be fair, adequate to his guilt.

Punishments should not be too frequent, as children become accustomed to them and become indifferent to the effects of their parents.

It is necessary to consider the statute of limitations for offense. Belated punishments remind the child of the past, but do not allow them to become different. Punished - forgiven, the incident is settled, about old misconduct - not a word.

You can not punish and scold the child when he is sick, eating, after sleeping, before going to bed, during the game, during classes, immediately after a physical or spiritual injury.

You can not punish a child when he does not get something, but he tries.

You should give up punishment when you are upset, upset, sick.

Punishment should not harm health.

For one offense - one punishment.

The meaning of punishment - the impact on the emotional sphere of the child, to cause him a feeling of guilt, repentance, grief, shame.

Punishment cannot be considered mandatory. impact method. AT parenting   can do without it if an adult takes into account age features , thoughtfully refers to the individual characteristics of the child.

Punishment - Strong parenting method, but it should be applied carefully, taking into account many circumstances: this and motives childrenand age features. Do not rush to conclusions, do not humiliate the child, do not shout at him, do not hone his wits on children. Punishment should be pedagogically justified.

To pedagogically justified punishments relate:

A remark, but made so that it comes to the mind of the child;

Reprimand to talk seriously and strictly about the inadmissibility of misbehavior;

Depriving a child of something pleasant, without which you can get along: view your favorite TV shows, treats, etc., but it is important that he knows what is being punished.

Well, if adults teach and raise children, guide their development without violence, respecting the identity of the child. It is necessary to carefully and sensitively identify interests, inclinations children, maintain and develop them and, of course, know the features age, the causes of certain actions of the child. Just can be called such a punishment that the child receives, breaking the rules that were thought out and discussed by the parents, and which are known to the child. With an unfair punishment, the child feels a sincere insult and lack of understanding of the meaning of the punishment, and the parents feel guilty. Unfair punishment children   occurs due to the internal state of the parents, not directly caused by the child’s actions, and situations, for example, at work — irritation, fatigue, etc. The child is punished for what parents usually do not pay attention to - uncleared toys, etc. - for inconsistent adult behavior.

If an adult can resist   and give change with an unjust punishment, then children   This possibility is absent due to their physical weakness and moral and material dependence on adults. There are a number of effects on the child that are unacceptable, and will have their negative consequences for further relations between parents and children. by children:

Physical punishment childrendetrimental to their physical health (blows to the head, grievous injuries) .

The use of epithets and insults for reasons that a child cannot correct or protest. "You all went to the father"“You are a muddle and a little bitty, a normal person will never grow out of you,” and so on. This leads to the fact that the child feels humiliated and not just punished.

Causing a child of such mental suffering, which he really can not bear without detriment to his psyche. For example, locking a child who is afraid of the dark in a dark bathroom.

Punishment is the weakest means of suppressing children   unwanted behavior. Have a child in age from 3 to 5 years it is possible to slow down the reaction with the help of punishment only in 47% of cases. Encouragement, for example, when a child is praised for refraining from doing a bad deed, is a stronger tool. The effect of punishment from time to time weakens, and therein lies its shortcoming. For example, a child tends to take in his hands any thing that he is not allowed to take. For disobedience, they put him in a corner, but after a while he again tries to take this thing, and he is again punished. It has been established that a ban is valid only if it is used before the child has performed the prohibited action at least once. If he has already done this action once or several times, for example, he took an item that is prohibited to take, then even a complete ban and punishment suppress this reaction only partially and not in all cases. A single punishment can not extinguish the system conditioned reflexes. Often, adults threaten to give the child to his uncle, put him in a bag, leave, make an injection, etc., but do not fulfill the promise, and the child becomes accustomed to threats. At the same time, the use of threats and various types of intimidation of the child leads to the appearance of children's fears and anxiety. The child begins to fear the darkness, loneliness, doctors. Method   ignoring the controversial, it is that close people do not communicate with the child, but in this case he should know what he is punished for. Ignore a child can be no more than a few minutes.

From the above, we do conclusion:

No punishment possible children by workbecause labor must be joy.

Sometimes you can use punishments like method"Natural effects": littered - take it with you. In addition, it is very useful to make it clear to the child that he himself is suffering because of his disobedience. For example, they missed the bus and now have to wait a long time; or in time I did not want to remove the toys - less time will be left for the occupation of my favorite work.

Use ridicule carefully, as they can cause a loss of parental confidence.

It is unacceptable to abuse the prohibitions, as the endless prohibitions cause the child's desire to counteract them. Adults should clearly define what the child can and cannot do, motivate it.

Today, many parents do not know how to punish their children. Word itself "punishment"   it seems almost indecent: it echoes authoritarianism, it throws us back decades ago, when children brought up   using the cuffs and whipping belt. Cruel education - the legacy of centuries traditions: children grew up with no rights, only duties and the main one is blind obedience to elders. Since then, relationships have changed. In place of the principles of submission and duty came love and the understanding that the child is a person who deserves our attention and respect.

Psychologist D. Dobson in his book "Disobedient child"   formulates six basic principles, based on which parents should decide for themselves the question of punishing the child.

1. First set the boundaries - then demand their observance.

You must determine for yourself what you want and what you do not want. The child, in turn, must also know what is acceptable in his behavior and what is not allowed. Only under this condition will the punishment be perceived   im like an act of justice. In other words, if you have not established the rules - do not demand their execution.

2. Respond to defiant behavior confidently and decisively.

If a child shows clear disobedience, if he goes into open conflict, you must resolutely and confidently "Take the fight".

3. Distinguish self-will from childish irresponsibility.

This means that a child should not be punished for an unintended act. If he forgot to fulfill your request or simply did not understand your demand, do not punish him. It is impossible to impose the same requirements on children's memory and intellect as on adults. Children's irresponsibility is not at all the same as malicious disobedience; it requires a more patient attitude.

4. When the conflict is settled - comfort and explain.

The child almost always suffers punishment. He feels simultaneously his guilt, confusion, abandonment. After the sentence has expired, make peace with the baby. Hug him, stroke him, tell me how you love him and how unpleasant you are to punish him. Once again, explain to him why he is punished and what to do next time.

5. Do not demand the impossible.

Parents need to be sure that the child can actually fulfill what is required of him. You can not punish him for wetting the bed or breaking the clock, which you yourself gave him to play. Punishment in this case can be a source of unresolved internal conflict of the child.

6. Be led by love.

In any educational   The process inevitable mistakes, errors and conflicts. The measure of a healthy relationship with children is love, warmth, sincere care. Only they can justify the need for rigor and discipline.

As you can see, the principles described narrow the scope of punishment, lay in its foundation the love and responsibility of parents for the future. children.

Remember, a child learns what life teaches him.