How to prepare electrolyte. How to make electrolyte yourself

Any lead-acid battery runs on acid electrolyte. Without it, the very effect of energy storage would not have been possible. Now technologies are moving forward and batteries are already filled with an electrochemical liquid from the factory and charged, that is, you do not need to do anything, such batteries are called maintenance-free, they have particles of "calcium" and "silver" in the plates. But this was not always the case, at the dawn, back in the USSR, antimony batteries were very popular, but they often went dry-charged (you had to "fill" and "charge" yourself). I advise you to read my article. Of course, ready-made electrolyte is now quite easy to buy, but there are still many questions - how to make it yourself? Precisely for automotive applications. Let's figure it out ...

First, let's think about what this electrolyte is (in relation to the car)? It is a conductive liquid, which, under the influence of its composition on lead plates, can contribute to the accumulation or release of electric current.

Actually, almost any liquid on our planet can be an electrolyte to one degree or another. Even plain water! By the way, in human blood, there is also the principle of electrolyte, our nerve cells transmit impulses through it.

Electrolyte composition

Actually, there is nothing complicated here. We need to mix and in the right proportion. Ordinary "tap" water will not work, because it contains a lot of salt impurities, chlorine particles and other things, all this negatively affects the battery plates! Automotive electrolyte has the desired concentration, its density is displayed finished composition, usually ranges from 1.23 to 1.29 g / cm3. Different values \u200b\u200bregulate the temperature zones of our country. So a density of 1.23 g / cm3 is used in warm regions, and 1.29 (and even more) in cold regions. It is worth remembering if the density value is not enough, then the battery can simply freeze when the tap is low frost.

How to do it yourself

I want to warn everyone right away - DIY electrolyte production is DANGEROUS! Because we will need to work with sulfuric acid in high concentrations. You must have protective equipment for your hands, body, respiratory tract.

What we need:

  • Sulfuric acid with a density of not less than 1.83 g / cm3
  • Distilled water
  • Porcelain container

The manufacturing process is very simple, we need to mix our ingredients in the right proportion. I want to note right away that a lot of heat is generated during the production process, so it is not recommended to use glass containers, they can simply burst. It is ideal to use porcelain, then when the temperature of the composition drops, you can pour it into a glass or plastic container.

It is ideal to add acid to water! If you do the opposite, then there will be a strong boiling with the release of heat (boiling).

Thus, we mix the ingredients and measure the density of the resulting composition with a hydrometer, after having achieved the desired indicator - the electrolyte is ready.

However, not everyone has a hydrometer! Therefore, I will lay out a small tip on how much and what to add. For electrolyte density:

1.23 g / cm3 - in a liter of distilled water, add 280 grams of sulfuric acid

1.25 g / cm3 - for 1 liter. water 310 grams of acid

1.27 g / cm3 - for 1 liter. - 345 grams

1.29 g / cm3 - for 1 liter. - 385gr.

Thus, you can make ready-made electrolyte with your own hands, nothing else is needed!

Using high concentration

You might be thinking - why the highest concentration is 1.29 g / cm3, is it possible more? In general, now you can find an electrolyte concentrate with a density of 1.4 g / cm3, but it also needs to be diluted with water and only then poured into a dry-charged battery.

High concentrations have a very negative effect on the battery plates as a whole, that is, they corrode them, albeit slowly, but surely! Therefore, if you pour high concentrations, your battery will not last long.

For central Russia, the normal indicator is 1.27 g / cm3.

Electrolyte in a charged battery

During discharges, the density of the electrolyte may drop. This is because the acid, combining with lead, is deposited in the form of sulfates on the plates. It is worth recharging the battery and sulfates begin to disintegrate, the concentration is restored.

Now we are watching a small but useful video.

At this end, I think my article was useful to you, sincerely your AUTOBLOGGER.

It's no secret that modern batteries run on electrolyte. This substance allows batteries to accumulate charge and give it out in the form of final electricity during operation. One of the most common electrolytes is alkaline, which is actively used in batteries of the same name. This substance is great in battery performance, but it also has some drawbacks. We will talk in more detail about them, the essence of an alkaline electrolyte and the principles of its operation in today's article.

A few words about alkaline electrolyte

Alkaline electrolyte is one of the main components of the batteries of the same name. Today, a similar substance is used in many batteries, so the relevance of its consideration is quite high. A typical electrolyte composition for alkaline batteries is:

  • either from caustic potassium and lithium compounds;
  • either from caustic sodium and caustic potassium, as well as the same lithium.

Any of the above compounds is diluted with distilled water at a certain concentration, which forms an electrolyte solution for alkali. It is liquid in formation and appears, at first glance, to be ordinary water.

At the moment, in the field of storage batteries, there are two typical, competing types of electrolytes, namely:

  • the ones we are considering are alkaline;

The former are more reliable and durable components of the battery compared to the latter. In addition, alkaline electrolytes are superior to acidic ones in many respects, with the exception of one BUT - they are not capable of delivering a starting current. This moment seriously undermined the use of "alkali" in batteries for cars, so acid electrolytes and corresponding batteries are much more common on modern cars.

Life time

Potassium-lithium alkaline electrolyte, with proper operation and high-quality preparation, is one of the longest serving in its field. It has been experimentally proven that this liquid can withstand more than 1000 charge-discharge cycles, which is just a huge number of such procedures. However, when using alkaline electrolytes, it is worth keeping in mind the factors that will reduce their lifespan. The most important of these are:

  • Frequent defective battery charging;
  • Systematic deep discharge of the battery;
  • Insufficient amount of electrolyte in the separator;
  • Long-term use of electrolyte at high temperatures the environment;
  • Too high and frequent fluid operating temperatures.

Without admitting the presence of these factors specifically in your situation, you can significantly extend the life of the battery and alkaline electrolyte separately. Note that when using such liquids, it is also important to constantly fill the battery with the same type of electrolyte. Otherwise, the battery life is reduced.

The procedure for filling electrolyte into an alkaline battery

Let's say an alkaline battery has stopped holding a charge or is completely out of order. What to do in such a situation? You will most likely need to change the alkaline potassium-lithium electrolyte, but before replacing or refilling it, it is important to make sure that:

  • the battery electrodes are intact;
  • separators and their plates are not sprinkled;
  • the battery does not work precisely because it is discharged.

If these moments have been successfully confirmed, then there is no doubt about the need to fill the electrolyte. The order of this procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove the battery from the car;
  2. Place it in a place protected from third parties, children and power sources, fire, water, and also convenient for working with the battery;
  3. Prepare yourself a complete set of protective clothing (at least goggles and gloves), a tool to open the battery cover and alkaline electrolyte to fill. The latter, by the way, can be bought both in a store (the cost of one starts from 30 rubles), and cooked at home;
  4. Then carefully dismantle the battery cover and start pouring in the electrolyte, focusing on the corresponding marks;
  5. After the liquid is added to the required level, bring the battery back to its original form and install it back on the car.

Note! Before starting work, make sure that you have an alkaline battery and the electrolyte used in it is alkali-based. Note that if the electrolyte is filled incorrectly, the battery can be rendered unusable.

When completely or partially changing the electrolyte in an alkaline battery, be sure to charge it in an enhanced mode (about 12 hours) or normal (6 hours). In other cases, it is permissible to carry out accelerated charging (about 3 hours) with an increase in normal current strength by 2 times.

Alkaline Battery Charging Guidelines

Since the functioning of an alkaline electrolyte largely depends on how exactly the battery into which it is filled will be charged, it will not be superfluous to consider the basic rules for charging the corresponding batteries. In general, their list is as follows:

  1. Charge the battery only at medium to high amperage rates, as this practice has a positive effect on the state of the alkaline electrolyte and the state of the battery;
  2. In the process of charging, be sure to ensure that the electrolyte with the presence of lithium in the composition does not exceed the temperature of more than 45 degrees Celsius and 35 - for electrolytes without lithium;
  3. It is required to insulate alkaline batteries during charging only if the ambient temperature is less than minus 30 degrees Celsius. In other cases, the batteries are charged as usual;
  4. When charging the battery, make sure there is no electrolyte splashing, because this is not permissible;
  5. After 10 charge-discharge cycles, always check the electrolyte level and top up if necessary.

A clear sign that the alkali battery was charged correctly will be the presence of 1.4-1.45 Volts of voltage at the beginning of charging on the battery and 1.75-1.85 Volts at the end.

Learn to prepare alkaline electrolyte

At the end of today's material on alkaline electrolytes for batteries, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to how to make those at home. To achieve this goal, first of all, you need to prepare:

  • initial materials for electrolyte preparation: distilled water (GOST 6709-72), potassium caustic KOH grades A, B (GOST 9285-69) and lithium oxide hydrate Li (OH) 3 (GOST 8595-75);
  • iron, cast iron or plastic containers with tight lids;
  • similar items for stirring the solution;
  • hydrometer - a device that is required to measure the density of the prepared electrolyte.

The preparation of an alkaline electrolyte is carried out as follows:

  1. The required amount of distilled water is poured into the vessel;
  2. With gentle movements, either alkali is poured into the liquid, or it is placed with steel spitz;
  3. After that, the solution is stirred with special devices, and its density is adjusted to the required indicators by using a hydrometer, as well as adding certain substances to the electrolyte.

Important! The density of the alkaline electrolyte is determined according to special tables, taking into account the temperature of use of the battery and the specific features of the battery. Typically, it is about 1.25-1.27 grams per cubic centimeter.

The prepared electrolyte is poured into glass containers, which are closed with tight rubber stoppers. Store alkaline electrolyte preferably away from children and the sun. In addition, the containers with the substance should be marked accordingly.

On this, perhaps, on the issue considered today, the most important provisions have come to an end. As you can see, alkaline electrolyte is the most important component of the batteries of the same name, which requires a systematic check and replacement. We hope the above material was useful to you. Good luck with your car repair and on the road!

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Automotive lead-acid starter batteries are filled with electrolyte, which is a solution of sulfuric acid H2SO4 with a density of 1.83 g / cm3. The quality of the battery and its service life directly depend on the quality of the electrolyte, that is, on its density and purity of the components used. When preparing the electrolyte, use only distilled water and pure battery sulfuric acid. Even the smallest impurities in the electrolyte will negatively affect the performance of the battery and shorten its life.

As you know, car batteries go on sale dry-charged, that is, without electrolyte, or already filled with electrolyte at the factory, and ready for use. The main advantage of dry-charged batteries is that they can be stored for a long time, and after refueling such a battery will not lose its qualities. In turn, batteries filled with electrolyte can be stored less, but such batteries are already ready for use, which is very convenient. In addition, as a rule, in factories where batteries are produced, high-quality electrolyte with the required density is used to refuel batteries, which can be considered another advantage of such batteries.

Very often people know which is already ready to work, but sometimes, nevertheless, motorists have to prepare electrolyte on their own for filling the battery, or for refilling it into the battery banks. For this purpose, you must first prepare the appropriate dishes. All dishes used to prepare the electrolyte must be clean and acid-resistant, glass or plastic dishes are best suited for this purpose. First, distilled water is poured into the container, and then, very carefully, sulfuric acid is poured into the water in a thin stream, while stirring the solution with a glass rod or with a rod made of another acid-resistant material. The acid should be evenly mixed with water throughout the volume.

The acid must be added in small portions, and periodically control the density of the solution by measuring it with a hydrometer. The acid addition is stopped after the electrolyte reaches the required density. Depending on the season of the year and the climatic zone in which the battery will be used, the density of the electrolyte may vary. On average, it ranges from 1.21 to 1.31 g / cm3. In areas with low temperatures, the electrolyte density should be higher, and in areas where the temperature is higher, the electrolyte density should be lower. For example, in areas where the temperature in winter does not fall below -30 degrees, the density of the electrolyte should be 1.25 g / cm3.

To obtain an electrolyte of the desired density, it is convenient to use a table compiled on the basis that the used battery acid has a density of 1.83 g / cm3. So, to prepare an electrolyte with a density of 1.23 g / cm3, 280 g of acid must be added per liter of distilled water, for the preparation of an electrolyte with a density of 1.25 g / cm3, respectively 310 g of acid per liter of water, for an electrolyte with a density of 1.27 g / cm3 - 345 g of acid per liter of water, and for electrolyte with a density of 1.29 g / cm3 - 385 g of acid per liter of water.

When working with acid, take precautions, use cotton work gloves with a rubberized base, and wear safety glasses. Do not pour water into acid, since this may cause splashing of the solution as a result of a violent reaction. If acid or electrolyte comes into contact with the skin, gently use a prepared cotton wool to remove the acid or electrolyte from the body, rinse the area with 5% regular baking soda solution, then seek medical attention.

Preparation of electrolyte for batteries

Electrolyte preparation is carried out in a specially equipped workplace, which must contain:
utensils for electrolyte preparation;
tilting pourer;
a plastic, porcelain or glass mug with a spout with a capacity of 1.5-2.0 liters;
rubber bulb;
glass or ebonite stirrer;
densimeter (hydrometer), thermometer, level gauge;
special clothing (rubber gloves, armbands, an apron, boots or a suit made of acid-resistant material), safety glasses;
neutralizing solutions (5-10% solution of soda ash or ammonia to neutralize acid and 10% boric acid solution to neutralize alkali).
The starting material for electrolyte preparation is:
battery sulfuric acid that meets the requirements of GOST 667-73;
distilled water, standardized in accordance with GOST 6709-72.
In exceptional cases, it is allowed to use pure snow or rainwater, collected not from iron roofs and not being in iron vessels; such water must first be passed through a clean cloth to clean it from mechanical impurities, as indicated in the form on the machine.
To prepare the electrolyte, dishes resistant to sulfuric acid are used:
lead-lined wooden storage tanks;
ebonite, ceramic, plastic, polyethylene, vinyl chloride vessels;
tanks from starter batteries.
The use of glass, metal dishes, including enameled ones, as well as dishes used for the preparation of alkaline electrolyte, is FORBIDDEN.
Electrolyte preparation procedure.
Before preparing the electrolyte, thoroughly wipe all dishes and rinse with distilled water.
Based on the operating conditions of the batteries (climatic region or the freezing temperature of the electrolyte), according to the tables given in the operating instructions for the battery, determine the required density of the electrolyte to be poured, reduced to a temperature of + 25 ° C, in order to prevent it from freezing and to prevent damage to batteries operated on outdoors in winter conditions.
If the electrolyte temperature differs from + 25 ° C, the density measurement must be corrected at the rate of +0.0035 for every 5 ° C above + 25 ° C or -0.0035 for every 5 ° C below + 25 ° C, i.e. .e. bring the density of the electrolyte to + 25 ° С.
After the required density of the electrolyte to be prepared has been determined, it is necessary to clarify what density the sulfuric acid solution used to prepare the electrolyte has.
The concentrated battery acid supplied from the factory has a density of 1.83 g / cm3. However, to reduce the cooling time of the electrolyte from battery acid with a density of 1.83 g / cm3, an electrolyte with a density of 1.40 g / cm3 is often prepared and stored in glass bottles.
The amount of distilled water, which is necessary to obtain an electrolyte of the required density at a temperature of + 25 ° C from 1 liter of battery acid or an electrolyte solution with a density of 1.40 g / cm3 is determined from the table.
The operating instructions for the battery contain tables from which you can determine the amount of distilled water, concentrated sulfuric acid or electrolyte with a density of 1.40 g / cm3 to obtain 1 liter of electrolyte of a given density at a temperature of + 250C. This is much more convenient for determining the amount of starting materials in the preparation of the electrolyte. The required amount of electrolyte to fill one battery of a certain type is known from its characteristics given in the instruction manual.
Note: as a result of a chemical reaction, the volume of prepared
the electrolyte is less than the sum of the volumes of the components involved in the reaction.
After determining the required volumes of components for electrolyte preparation, pour the required amount of distilled water into the vessel, and then pour the acid into it with a thin stream. In this case, stir the solution continuously with a glass or ebonite stirrer.
IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to pour water into acid in order to avoid accidents.
When pouring acid from a bottle into other vessels, the bottle must be placed in a special dispenser that allows the bottle to be tilted.
The electrolyte prepared for filling the battery must be cooled. The temperature of the electrolyte poured into the batteries must be from 150C to 300C, except for special cases of urgent commissioning.
Acid and electrolyte are stored in sealed glass bottles placed in special baskets or wooden crates. All bottles must be labeled with appropriate inscriptions (name, density, date).
It is necessary to carry bottles using a special stretcher equipped with a crate in the middle.

Alkaline batteries are a common type of energy storage. An aqueous solution of caustic sodium or caustic potassium can be used as an electrolyte. Before making a decision on the use of such batteries, it is necessary to study their features, advantages.

The positive electrode in alkaline car batteries is composed of a component such as nickel hydroxide and other elements. The introduction of graphite into the composition has a positive effect on the degree of electrical conductivity. Stability is maintained by means of impurities, normal operation.

To prepare the negative element, a metal alloy in the form of a powder, nickel or cadmium is used. In each case, the alkaline battery has its own characteristics.

The electrolyte contains components such as lithium monohydrate to help extend battery life.

The following components are also included in the battery:

  • Insulation layer made from quality raw materials.
  • Plastic gasket with safety valve.
  • Housing prepared from high strength metal.
  • Conclusions.

The ongoing chemical processes

The principle of operation of a car alkaline battery is relatively simple. When an alkaline battery is completely discharged, nickel hydroxide interacts with ions of the alkaline solution. As a result, nickel hydroxide is formed. A similar process takes place on the negative terminal. In this case, certain elements are formed.

During charging, a reverse chemical reaction occurs, in which nickel hydroxide is formed, the negative electrode is restored.

Alkaline batteries are popular. After all, they differ from acid aggregates in that the resulting substances never dissolve, do not react with similar components. In other words, the principle of operation of such power supplies is based on certain canons.

Thus, the principle of operation of an alkaline battery is relatively simple.

These power supplies must be fully charged. After all, an incomplete charge helps to shorten the period of use. Overcharging the device is not allowed, as this leads to their rapid heating, destruction of the electrodes.

Features of electrolyte replacement

Replacement of the electrolytic composition is carried out at a certain frequency (100-150 cycles). Before replacement, the alkaline battery is discharged at normal current to 1 V.

The used electrolyte is removed carefully. In order to get rid of sediment, dirt, the battery is gently shaken. The device must be washed using distilled water or a solution with a certain amount of alkali.

The electrolyte is filled immediately after cleaning. The composition should settle within 2-3 hours. Only then is the density of the filled electrolyte monitored.

Plates and electrodes must not be dry. After all, this can lead to the appearance of internal corrosion.

Advantages, Disadvantages of Alkaline Power Sources

Before using alkaline batteries at home, you need to study their features, pros and cons.


  • With timely maintenance and proper use, the service life of the device will increase.
  • Deep discharge of the unit is allowed.
  • Even in severe frosts, the battery remains operational.
  • The self-discharge rate is minimal. It is very important here to choose a charger for alkaline batteries.
  • The specific gravity of the device is small.

The drop in capacity with decreasing temperature is minimal. Compared to acid models, alkaline batteries practically do not lose capacity.

Negative sides

  • Memory effect. Over time, this provokes a rapid decrease in capacity. Therefore, it is very important to avoid overcharging on a regular basis.
  • The operating voltage of individual elements has significant differences. Therefore, the charging of alkaline batteries must be carried out by means of an efficient unit.
  • Alkaline models are characterized by low efficiency.
  • Electrolyte replacement, service must be performed by a specialist.

Alkaline Battery Industries

Reliable alkaline batteries are used in many applications. So, they are used as starter and traction power sources. They are completed with:

  • Automated alarms, energy saving systems.
  • Electrical units, devices and technical means.
  • Passenger and other carriages.
  • Electric tool.
  • Portable hardware.

Each area has a specific alkaline battery model. For example, a device with roll-shaped electrodes is used in a power tool.

Alkaline-type batteries are used in trucks, warehouse equipment, forklifts as starter devices. Such units are practically not used to equip passenger cars.

Alkaline Battery Guidelines

Before using power supplies that have been stored discharged, have not been operated, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Before use, it is necessary to increase the capacity to the specified value. For this, rasterization is carried out.
  2. Periodically, the body of an alkaline or acid-base effective battery must be cleaned of salt, dust, dirt. To remove corrosive stains from electrodes and leads, a rag treated with kerosene is used.
  3. When connecting two batteries in series or in parallel, check the tightness of the connection of the nuts.
  4. The electrolyte level should be checked periodically. It should not exceed 4-12 mm.
  5. Normal charging is recommended when the alkaline vehicle battery is idle for a long time. The required current is maintained by an external source.

Charging and discharging alkaline power supplies

The charge, discharge of batteries is carried out taking into account certain rules and norms.

Charge Features

A DC power source can be used to charge the alkaline battery. Often motorists use an automatic charger.

Charging can be connected to a series-connected power supply at a time. When determining the number of alkaline batteries, the voltage value, the number of Volts at the beginning and at the end are taken into account.

When deciding how to charge the battery, it is worth considering the permissible modes:

  • Standard - 6-7 hours.
  • Accelerated - 3 hours.
  • Reinforced - 11-12 hours.

Watch the video on restoring capacity in a silk battery.

Enhanced mode is admissible:

  • When putting the power supply into operation.
  • With occasional use.
  • After replacing the old electrolyte.
  • After a complete discharge of the power supply.

Alkaline batteries do not charge well at excessively low amperage. Setting the minimum current level increases the charging time. Experts do not recommend reducing the current by 40-50%.

A fully or partially charged power supply must not overheat. The critical temperature for the electrolyte is 35 degrees, for electrodes and other components - 45 degrees. When a critical temperature point is reached, the power supply is disconnected from the mains. The voltage can be applied after the temperature has been optimized.

The 12v alkaline battery should not be charged outdoors in winter. If there is no other option, then the power source must be additionally insulated. For these purposes, felt or tarpaulin are suitable.

When charging, electrolyte should not get on external elements, on the case. When recharging batteries connected in series, keep them at some distance. This makes it possible to prevent swelling of the device body. Rubber or vinyl plastic sheets can be used to separate power supplies.

Discharge features

When working with alkaline batteries, it is important to know how to charge, how to discharge them. The discharge process must be carried out to a certain value:

  • If the discharge time is 5 hours, the voltage should be 1 V.
  • With a 3-hour discharge - about 0.8 V.
  • At 1 hour - 0.5 V.

To set and monitor the voltage value, a test unit can be used.

Control tests should be carried out after electrolyte replacement. In this case, it is necessary to perform 2-3 sweep cycles. Only after that, charging is carried out at the current fixed in the instructions. At the end of charging, the voltage should be 1-1.1 V.

The control cycle involves taking measurements of the voltage during discharge. Several indicators are recorded.

What factors will shorten the battery life?

For that, the period of use of alkaline batteries was longer, it is important to consider several points.

  • Systematic undercharging of the power source is not allowed.
  • It is forbidden to reduce the voltage to a critical value.
  • The electrolyte should cover the plates.
  • As the temperature rises, the density of the electrolyte changes.


Marking includes numbers, letters. The industry is easily identified by looking at the letters:

  • Traction model - T.
  • Diesel locomotive model - TP.
  • Wagon model - V.

Other letters are also included in the marking:

  • NZh is a nickel-iron power source.
  • K - the presence of a block that includes several electrodes.
  • Ш - the possibility of exploitation in mines.
  • P - plastic body.
  • M is a modernized model.
  • U - suitable for temperate climates.
  • T- suitable for tropical climates.

Alkaline batteries are multifunctional devices. They come in a variety of combinations. You can use such units in certain areas, industries. The most common models are 12 V battery. They are used everywhere. Traction units are often equipped with them.

Features and rules for storing batteries

Produced energy sources of the popular type are divided into devices for long-term, temporary use, storage. During the operation of new devices, the condition of the plugs is checked, the tightness of their fit to the body.

Valve rubber is considered a significant element. The performance of an alkaline battery, voltage level, and other characteristics depend on its state. Included in the nut, nickel plugs are lubricated before use, applying a small layer.

Manufacturers process the housing of power supplies with bitumen-ebonite mixtures. To maintain the paint layer in good condition, it is necessary to periodically coat the body with grease. A list of acceptable lubricants is listed in the instructions.

Before sending operated energy sources for storage, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • Discharge up to 1V. Such actions are carried out by means of units, devices.
  • The electrolyte is completely removed from the battery. Performing this process requires some preparation, the use of a tool.
  • Residual salt, dirt, dust are removed from the body. For these purposes, a rag or sponge is used.
  • The old varnish coat is periodically renewed.

A battery that has been at rest for 1-10 months should be checked periodically. So, all plugs must be closed.

The battery can be transported if it is prepared for long-term storage.

Do not mix alkaline batteries with other power sources. After all, electrolytes are different.

Selection features

When choosing a rechargeable alkaline battery, there are a few key parameters to focus on.


The selection should take into account the date of manufacture of the power source. It is not worth purchasing a rechargeable battery released more than six months ago. After all, such devices are gradually discharged, a memory effect appears.

When purchasing units in winter, it is important to pay attention to the temperature regime. After all, excessive fluctuations have a detrimental effect on the state, performance.

Capacity indicator

The period of active use of the battery depends on the correct determination of the capacity. Some drivers purchase power supplies with increased capacity. As a result, the generator in the vehicle is not up to the task. You should not install a battery with a lower capacity. After all, an excessive amount of charge contributes to a rapid failure.

When determining the capacity, you must be guided by the characteristics that are indicated in the instructions. Indeed, this document describes how to correctly calculate the capacity.

A battery with a larger capacity is required if the vehicle is equipped with additional electrical equipment and units. Before use, installation must take into account the features of the generator.


The produced alkaline batteries differ in the type of polarity. Therefore, when choosing a power source, it is imperative to focus on the location of the electrodes, their polarity. Incorrect selection can cause loss of vehicle performance.

Overall dimensions

Incorrectly sized dimensions are the main cause of problematic installations. Therefore, such characteristics must be taken into account.

It is also necessary to focus on the length of the wires used when connecting batteries for vehicles. You can determine the size using a tape measure and other tools. This will make installation quick and easy.

The cost

The price of alkaline batteries depends on:

  • Items included in the composition.
  • Manufacturing company.
  • Power.
  • Capacities.
  • Other characteristics.

Correct Disposal of Alkaline Batteries

Alkaline batteries must be disposed of. The old power source can be transferred to the appropriate organizations, repair shops. Not all institutions provide this opportunity.

Disposal is carried out on specially prepared lines installed at manufacturing plants and factories. Proper disposal allows you to get:

  • Plastic granules.
  • An electrolytic composition consisting of alkali, distilled water.
  • Steel.
  • Other materials.

Disposal consists of the following processes:

  1. Destruction of the frame and drainage of the electrolytic composition. To extract the electrolyte, power sources are placed in specially prepared containers and cut. Saws and crushers are used to separate the body.
  2. Crushing of dense materials. For these purposes, units, industrial devices are used.
  3. Removing foreign matter that make up the power supply. Filters are used for removal.
  4. Separation into plastic, metal components. The plastic is recycled, granules are obtained for subsequent use.
  5. Cleaning of raw materials. Carried out by means of chemicals, neutralizers. The composition is chosen by the manufacturers.

Alkaline storage batteries are units that are distinguished by their durability, reliability and durability. It is advantageous to equip vehicles and traction equipment with them. It is enough to choose the right model, having decided on the characteristics.

Alkaline battery video