What to do if the baby has a high temperature. How to bring down the temperature in infants folk remedies? The recipe for decoction of wild rose.

All new mothers need and it is very important to know how to reduce the temperature at home. nursing baby  ordinary folk remediesif it exceeded 38 ºС.

The use of conservative methods of lowering the temperature is applied in the following cases:

  • Until reaching three months of age at a mark on the thermometer 38 ºС;
  • After three months - at around 38, 5 ºС;
  • If the temperature continues to rise;
  • If the child has a chronic illness;
  • If the temperature rises with diarrhea and vomiting.

Of course, with a strong fever, the doctor must come.

When fever is a sign of something serious

Previously, doctors advised to treat fever only by temperature. But now they recommend considering both the temperature and the general condition of the child. Even a small fever can be a sign of a potentially serious infection in very young children. Observing how your child behaves will give you a pretty good idea of ​​whether a minor illness is the cause or if your child should be noticed by a doctor. The disease is probably not serious if your child.

At the same time, all moms need to know folk methods  and ways to quickly bring down the temperature of the child at home with improvised means, if the doctor has not arrived yet.

  1. First of all, you should undress the child so that he does not get warm in his clothes. But everything is within reason. A baby at this time can shiver, so that a light T-shirt or T-shirt can still stay on it;
  2. Grind baby with cool water. Here, too, need to be treated without fanaticism - no cold water from the refrigerator or from the tap. Water should be at room temperature. Avoid places on the body below the knees and elbows, so as not to overcool the baby, because the temperature in this case will increase even more;
  3. If the above methods are ineffective, then you can give the child antipyretic.

The drug, which has the most effective action for lowering the temperature in infants, is called paracetamol . As a rule, it is the basis of all antipyretic drugs and is directly active ingredient. And it does not matter in what form to give it to the child - in suspension, syrup or use candles.

Still interested in the game, eating food and drinking is good, it is wary and smiling, your normal skin color looks good when its temperature drops. And do not worry too much about a child with a fever who does not want to eat. This is very common with fever infections.

A gentle kiss on the forehead or a hand that is lightly placed on the skin is often enough to give you a hint that your child has a fever. However, this method of temperature measurement does not give an accurate measurement. Use a reliable thermometer to confirm the fever when the child’s temperature is at or above one of these levels.

But any medications containing paracetamol cannot be used more often than once every 4 hours and 6-8 times a day. For children, there are children's drugs with a lower dose of the active substance. Do not give babies drugs containing analgin or aspirin.

Folk remedies at a temperature in an infant

With the help of folk remedies to bring down the temperature today is very easy. The child should be provided with abundant drink from fruit drink and also given to drink infusions or decoctions from drugs. Pretty effective means  from the temperature are:

But how high a fever doesn’t tell you how sick your child is. A simple cold or other viral infection can sometimes cause a rather high fever, but this usually does not indicate a serious problem. And serious infections, especially in infants, may not cause fever or even abnormally low body temperature.

Since the fever may rise and fall, the child may have a cold when the body temperature begins to rise. The child may sweat to release additional heat when the temperature begins to fall. Sometimes children with fever breathe faster than normal and may have a higher heart rate. See your doctor if your child has trouble breathing, he breathes faster than usual, or continues to breathe quickly after a fever.

  • Cranberry or lingonberry juice;
  • Infusion of burdock root;
  • Red currant juice;
  • Infusion of elderberry flowers.

Drinking plenty of these infusions will help reduce the temperature of the baby. A child may drink a little, but often. But remember that fever is just a sign of a disease, the cause of which must be sought.

Why is it rising?

Whatever thermometer you choose, make sure you know how to use it correctly to get an accurate reading. Follow the manufacturer's directions for any thermometer. Digital thermometers usually provide the fastest and most accurate readings. Available in various sizes and shapes, they are sold in most supermarkets and pharmacies. Read the manufacturer's instructions to find out what the thermometer is for and how it signals the completion of the reading.

Typically, digital thermometers can be used for these temperature methods. Oral rectal axillary. . Turn on the thermometer and make sure that there are no old readings on the screen. Digital thermometers usually have a flexible plastic probe with a temperature sensor at the tip and an easily readable digital display at the other end. If your thermometer uses disposable plastic sleeves or covers, place it in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Then release the sleeve and clean the thermometer according to the manufacturer's instructions, before placing it back into the housing.

A positive effect will also have cold compress, put on the forehead, rubbing with cool (not cold!) water, boiled water enema (water temperature should be about 20 ºС).

All these procedures should not be long. If you do not know how to bring down the temperature of a child with folk remedies, then a call to your pediatrician can help in such a difficult issue.

Measurement of body temperature in babies

Electronic ear thermometers measure the temperature of the eardrum. Although they are used quickly and easily in older children and children, ear thermometers are not as accurate as digital thermometers for babies 6 months or younger and are more expensive. They may also give inaccurate readings if they are not properly placed in the ear canal, or if the child has an increase in earwax.

Thermometers of the temporal artery, which are pushed through the forehead by the ear, measure the temperature of the temporary arteries, which are blood vessels in the forehead area. Using this type of thermometer, practice and good technique should be as accurate as oral or rectal digital thermometers. Sweating can affect their accuracy, so it is important to make sure that the baby’s forehead is dry and to take a few readings to confirm the temperature.

Newborns can suffer the same ailments as adults. Allergies, various infections, abdominal cramps and fever are no exceptions. Often the new mother is lost and does not know what to do if her baby's temperature rises. To eliminate this symptoms, you can resort to some methods that are not difficult to apply at home.

Nipple thermometers can be comfortable, but their readings are less reliable than rectal temperatures, and should not be used in infants younger than 3 months. Children also need to keep the nipple in the mouth for a few minutes without movement, which is an almost impossible task for most children and young children.

Plate thermometers can tell you if your child has a fever, but they do not provide accurate measurements, especially in infants and very young children. If you need to know your child's exact temperature, thermoplastic thermometers do not fit to go.

For infants, special antipyretic candles have been developed that need to be laid in the anus. It's pretty effective method, especially since the pill is not yet able to swallow the pill, and if vomiting is added to the temperature, then it is out of the question to take pills (even in fragmented and diluted form).

General information for parents

As any parent knows, taking the temperature of an erupting child can be a problem. But this is one of the most important tools that doctors need to determine if a child has a disease or infection. The best method will depend on the age and temperament of the child.

For babies younger than 3 months, you will receive the most reliable reading using a digital rectal thermometer. Electronic ear thermometers are not recommended for infants younger than 6 months, because their ear canals are usually too small. Studies show that temporary arterial thermometers can give accurate indications for children in this age group.

The use of conservative methods of lowering the temperature is applied in the following cases:

  1. If the baby has not reached the age of 3 months, and the temperature has reached the mark of 38 degrees.
  2. Upon reaching the age of three months at a temperature of 38.5.
  3. If along with fever, diarrhea and vomiting are observed.
  4. If the baby suffers from any chronic disease.
  5. In case the temperature continues to rise.

It must be remembered that if the thermometer's indicators are very high and the measures taken by themselves do not produce results, then a doctor should be called in immediately!

Why may have a temperature in an infant

For infants from 3 months to 6 months, a digital rectal thermometer is still the best choice, but you can also use a temporary artery thermometer. For children from 6 months to 4 years old, you can use a digital thermometer to measure rectal temperature, a temporary artery thermometer, or an electronic ear thermometer. You can also use a digital thermometer for underarm temperature, although this is a less accurate method.

For children 4 years and older, you can use a digital thermometer to take an oral temperature if your child cooperates. However, children who cough a lot or breathe through their mouth because of stuffy noses may not be able to close their mouths long enough for accurate oral reading. In these cases, you can use the drum method, the forehead method or the axillary method.

Than to bring down the temperature in infants

Ways to reduce the temperature at home:

  1. It is important to know that in such moments the child should in no way be wrapped, even if chills are present. If the room is relatively warm, then you need to undress the baby so that the body “breathes”. And if it's cool, then leave it on light clothes.
  2. Rub the body with water at room temperature or cool. It is not recommended to use cold or frozen water, it can be harmful. Hypothermia zones that are below the elbows and knees should be avoided, as this can only aggravate the situation.
  3. If the above methods do not help, then you can give antipyretic. The most effective drug that can be given to newborns is paracetamol. It is produced in suspensions, candles or in the form of syrups.

Folk remedies at a temperature in an infant

What temperature is dangerous for babies?

To get rectal temperature: before becoming parents, most people cringe at the thought of taking rectal temperature. But do not worry - this is a simple process. Place your child: - belly down your knee or on a hard, flat surface and hold your palm along your lower back. - or face up with legs bent to the chest, putting a hand to the back of the hips. On the other hand, insert the smeared thermometer into the anus about ½ inch by 1 inch, or until the tip of the thermometer completely rises the rectum. Strengthen the thermometer between your second and third fingers when you put your hand to the bottom of your child. Reassure your child and calmly talk while holding the thermometer in place.

  • Wash the end of the thermometer with soap and water and rinse with water.
  • Moisten the tip of the thermometer with lubricant, such as petroleum jelly.
  • Stop if you feel any resistance.
To take oral temperature: this process is simple for an older, shared child.

Traditional ways of dealing with hyperthermia in babies also often help. Even our grandmothers used in these cases, plenty of drink from fruit drink, as well as infusions or decoctions of herbs.

Here are some effective tools:

  • cranberry or cranberry juice;
  • infusion of elderberry flowers;
  • an infusion of burdock roots;
  • juice from the berries of red currant.

One of the above infusions or fruit drinks need to water the child abundantly. It is better to give drink more often, but in small doses. It should be remembered that hyperthermia is one of the signs of a disease, and it is important to identify and treat the cause in time.

Wait 20-30 minutes after your child finishes eating or drinking to take an oral temperature, and make sure you do not have your child's gum or candy. Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue and have your child close his or her lips around it. Remind your child not to bite or talk, or relax and breathe normally through the nose. Wait until you hear the appropriate number of beeps or other signal that the temperature is ready to be read. Write down the number on the screen, noting the time you read. . To take the axillary temperature: this is a convenient way to take the temperature of the baby.

Also give a good effect:

  • enema with cool boiled or purified water, the temperature of which should be within 20 degrees;
  • cold compresses on the frontal part of the head;
  • wiping the body with cool (but not cold) water.

These manipulations should not be carried out for a long time. And if you are very scared or not able to cope with the problem yourself, be sure to call the district pediatrician who will help correct the situation.

When to churn the temperature

Although it is not as accurate as rectal or oral temperature in a cooperative child, some parents prefer to take axillary temperature, especially for children who cannot hold the thermometer in their mouth.

  • Take off the shirt with the baby and the bottom shirt and place the thermometer under the armpit.
  • Fold your child’s hand through the chest to hold the thermometer in place.
Whichever method you choose, remember the following additional tips.

Never take the temperature of the baby right after the bath or if he or she is tightly pressed against it for a while - this may affect the temperature reading. Never leave a child unattended at a temperature. . Again, not all fevers need to be treated. And in most cases, the fever should be treated only if it causes children's discomfort.

Video: How to reduce the temperature of children without drugs?