Islet of beautiful magnificent women. Beauty in the body: the most beautiful girls with curvaceous

With the appearance of even a few extra pounds, many women diligently exhaust themselves with diets and get hung up on their weight, losing self-confidence. These stylish beauties are an example of the fact that if you wish you can achieve great success, even with a non-standard figure and enough curvaceous. The main thing is self-reliance and the desire to conquer new peaks!

1. Queen Latifa

A bright and stylish actress, singer, model, TV presenter and nominee for the Oscar and Emmy awards, as well as a Grammy winner and Golden Globe winner.

2. Katya Zharkova

World-famous plus size model from Russia, the producer of own projects that promote the beauty of women in the body.

3. Tanesha Avashti

Popular fashion blogger with curvaceous, the site which is followed by women around the world.

4. Adele

Popular English singer, winner of numerous awards, award winner, poetess and composer.

5. Tara Lynn

Demanded Spanish model plus size, the favorite of fashion glossy magazines.

6. Oprah Winfrey

One of the most successful and wealthy women in the world, a popular American TV presenter.

7. Rebel Wilson

Producer, screenwriter, Australian comedian. In 2012, Forbes magazine named it one of the 30 most promising young people in Hollywood.

8. Melissa McCarthy

Successful and sought-after American actress, a comedian, screenwriter, producer, as well as a designer of a line of fashionable clothes for obese women.

9. Anfisa Chekhov

Successful Russian TV presenter, singer and actress.

10. Crystal Rennes

One of the most famous models of size plus, beauty with a difficult fate, which has gone from anorexia to fullness.

Recently, women with curvaceous forms are increasingly attracting attention. There is a demand for plus-sized models, which gives hope to the fat ones, and they are no longer so ashamed of their bodies. The idea of ​​having extra weight is normal, gradually spreading among the masses.

However, such a process of renouncing the generally accepted ideals of beauty has its opponents. An initiative group of citizens who are fluent in Photoshop has created a project called Harpoon. They take pictures of puffy models, as well as ordinary plump girls, and with the help of a photo editor make them skinny and slim.

This project is the answer to numerous feminist actions that promote the beauty of a full body.

“Feminists and their supporters took photos of video game characters, making them fat. So why can't we do the opposite? ”   - says one of the creators of the project "Harpoon".

After all, the popularization of magnificent forms has another side. Overweight affects our health. And if you create a cult of the full body, we will condemn many of his followers to torment.

The creators of the project call on all like-minded people to join the movement, as well as to upload their own work of “photo-made slimming” to the Web with the hashtag #thinnerbeauty.

Slender make not only photos of famous plus-sized models, but also ordinary girls, whose photos were found in social networks.

Not only girls but also guys fall under the fire of Photoshop's masters.

"Do not fool yourself - thin to be much better than fat!"   - say activists of Project Harpoon.

This movement has caused a storm of protest among feminists, who call such projects sexist.

As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle, and it is not necessary to categorically stand up for the defense of one of the parties.

But the project "Harpoon" must be given its due. After all, the guys are really good at Photoshop. And thanks to their work, you can clearly see the difference between a thin and full body. And the conclusions are free to make their own.

How do you feel about such an initiative? Do you think you need to make every effort to be slim, or are you on the side of those who do not see anything wrong with excess weight? You can discuss it with your friends, having previously acquainted them with this record.

Homemade pastries of this shape are of two types - this is a well-known crisp brush and such soft pyshechkiwhich my great-great-grandmother fried in oil. This is one of those recipes that wander from generation to generation and each housewife prepares such donuts in their own way. I wrote down the recipe for donuts from the words of my grandmother and, despite the fact that the dough contains simple and affordable products, I have not seen this taste anywhere else. I think you will like it too.

You will need:

  • eggs 2 pcs
  • sugar 6 tbsp.
  • sour cream 2 tbsp.
  • salt pinch
  • powdered sugar 2 tbsp.

From this amount, 18 donuts are obtained.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making donuts:

Sift flour   (3 cups) in a bowl.

In another bowl beat eggs with sugar   (with a mixer for 2-3 minutes).

Add to the eggs milk   and sour cream. Beat until smooth.

Mix soda with vinegar   and immediately pour into the egg-milk mixture. Stir.

Make a well in the flour and pour the whipped mass into it. Using a spoon or spatula, pouring flour from the edges to the middle,   knead the dough. As soon as you can take the dough with your hand, lay it on the board and knead with your hands. Add flour. Put the dough in a bowl and cover with a towel or cling film. Leave the dough for 30 minutes at room temperature..

As a child, when I watched my grandmother and tried to help her, these 30 minutes seemed like an eternity - I really wanted to pyshechek! And grandmother Elizabeth leisurely sifted the remnants of flour, cleaned the board from the remnants of the dough, and washed the dishes. I advise you to do this, and let the dough rest. So in it the gluten is better formed and it will be easy, as if yeast pastry. To pass the time, “run around” on the site, look, for example, which my other grandmother Maria used to make. I had a happy childhood - two grandmothers who lived nearby, on the neighboring streets, loved me, taught me and fed me deliciously.

But back to our test, it is well rested. Put the dough on a floured cutting board, knead a little and cut into two pieces.

Roll one piece of dough into   rectangle   about   25cm x 35cmthick 0.5 - 0.7 cm. Cut the dough lengthwise into 6 strips, then each stripe into three parts - diagonally - so that elongated diamonds are obtained. In the middle of each rhombus, make a 1-1.5 cm incision. Transfer the blanks to an additional board or tray (do not forget to sprinkle the surface with flour so that the dough does not stick). Repeat the process of rolling and cutting with the second piece of dough.

In order to make such a “squiggle” out of dough, you need to stretch one end of our diamond in a cut in the middle. But it is better to do this immediately before lowering the donut into hot oil.

Puffs are fried in a lot of oil, i.e. deep fried Grandmother roasted in unrefined sunflower oil (there was no other then). Sometimes she added some cooking oil to it. Now there is a refined, odorless sunflower oil and it is great for deep-frying. Pour it into a saucepan or saucepan with high sides (it is convenient to fry in a saucepan with a non-stick coating) and heat it up.
The board: do not throw away the bottle of oil. Oil is not recyclable. After fry all the donuts, pour the cooled oil into it and throw it away (do not pour it into the sewer !!!).

Responsible for heating oilbecause if the oil does not warm up sufficiently, the donuts will be sticky, they will not rise. But you can not overheat the oil, because the crumbs will quickly burn and be dry.
How to determine the readiness of the oil?   ABOUT torvit a piece of dough and throw it in butter,   if it rises quickly to the surface and boils violently, forming bubbles around itself, then the oil has warmed enough and you can proceedto fry.

Before lowering the donut into butter, make a squiggle of it and shake off the remaining flour.

You can fry several donuts at once, but make sure that they float freely in the oil. When the buns are browned on one side, turn them over to the other side (it is convenient to turn them over with two forks). Do not fry pyshechki much so as not to overdry. Put ready-made donuts in a bowl on a paper towel that will absorb excess oil.

You can eat right away. I assure you, you will not do it alone - it will be difficult to stop.)))

Grandmother donuts looked exactly like this, but I sprinkle them with powdered sugar, it seems to me so beautiful.

These are the grandmothers of pyshechka - the taste of my childhood! With milk fine, with yogurt. Tea and coffee is also a great company. You can store in a plastic bag without a refrigerator. You can freshen in the microwave - slightly heated.

Enjoy your meal!

Grandmother donuts. Short recipe.

You will need:

  • eggs 2 pcs
  • sugar 6 tbsp.
  • milk 0.5 cups (glass 200 ml)
  • sour cream 2 tbsp.
  • soda 0, 25 tsp and vinegar to pay it off
  • salt pinch
  • high-grade wheat flour 3 cups in the dough and 0.5 cups per baking sheet when kneaded (glass volume 200 ml)
  • oil odorless 1 liter
  • powdered sugar 2 tbsp.

Sift flour (3 cups) in a bowl.
  Beat eggs with sugar (with a mixer for 2-3 minutes).
  Add milk and sour cream to the eggs. Beat until smooth.
  Mix soda with vinegar and immediately pour into the egg-milk mixture. Stir.
  Make a well in the flour and pour the whipped mass into it. Knead the dough.
  Put the dough in a bowl and cover with a towel or cling film. Leave the dough for 30 minutes at room temperature.
  Cut the dough into two pieces.
  Roll one piece of dough into a rectangle of approximately 25 cm x 35 cm, 0.5 to 0.7 cm thick. Cut the dough lengthwise into strips, then across the strips obliquely to form long diamonds. In the middle of each diamond make a cut length of 1 -1.5 cm.
  Repeat the process of rolling and cutting with the second piece of dough.
  To make a squig from dough, you need to stretch one end of a long diamond in a cut in the middle.
  Fry the crumbs in hot vegetable oil from both sides.
  Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

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Today's birthday girl Christina Hendricks hardly anyone will turn the language to call complete. The British conquered the audience not so much by acting talent (few people remember the last movie with her participation), as stunning forms. The actress does not complex at all because of a non-standard figure: Hendrix emphasizes her chic forms with properly chosen clothes, which makes her look like a real sex bomb. A couple of years ago, Christina was chosen as the “Sexiest Woman of America”, having removed Megan Fox herself from the pedestal. Hendrix is ​​so good in its non-model parameters that the public does not believe that the star, possessing such feminine forms, did not resort to plastic. She, in response to questions, becomes enraged: “I refuse to live in a world where a woman cannot be beautiful and skater from birth!”

Congratulating the actress on the 42th anniversary, we remembered other famous beautiful girls with magnificent forms.

The 23-year-old is perhaps the only plus-size model that adorned the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, which, as we know, can only be reached by iconic beauties of the era. The year before last, the blonde was recognized as the sexiest woman in the world, and the most popular girl with curvaceous forms was eclipsed by Cara Delevingne. Thanks to contracts with Bobbi Brown and Sam Edelman, Upton is one of the five richest models in the world, overtaking even Miranda Kerr. She achieved such success thanks to her magnificent forms: the extra centimeters in the waist did not prevent her from becoming the face of the swimsuit brand, not one of the “angels” on Victoria’s Secret show.

The most discussed heroine of the world chronicle on her "cool" forms has built a career in television. The outrageous socialite influenced a radical change in the canons of the beauty of our time. She can be skeptical, but it’s impossible to ignore the fact that Kim Kardashian is the most discussed person of the last two years and the most popular star of social networks (Instagram audience is 31.2 million). She is called the star of the new formation - from the heroine of reality to the girl with the covers of Vogue and ELLE. And she manages to successfully monetize her fantastic popularity.

Another beautiful woman who broke the stereotypes of show business is the singer. Thanks to the undeniable talent and bright appearance, the Briton has achieved incredible popularity around the world. For 27 years in the piggy bank Adel, an incredible number of awards: Golden Globe, dozens of Grammy, Order of the British Empire and even for the song Skyfall, which became the soundtrack in the Bond film. Adele's figure has always differed from Hollywood and European standards, but this only added to her admirers' admiration. Stylists believe that success in well-chosen clothes: the figure of Adele is proportional, you only need to skillfully place accents. The singer herself admits that she had never dreamed of being skinny, moreover, she is proud to have the same figure as most women do.

One of the most talented actresses of our time, outwardly, too, is far from the Hollywood ideas about female beauty, but never shy about it. Soft feminine forms did not prevent the British woman to earn recognition on both sides of the Atlantic, get dozens of leading roles, earn an Oscar and get into the list of the most beautiful people according to People. Not to mention the handsome nephew of Richard Branson, Ned Rocknroll, enchanted Winslet and became her third spouse. Kate considers herself a “woman with a normal figure” and rolls up a scandal if her photo on the cover of the magazine is “slimmed” in Photoshop. "Personally, I'm not going to lose weight," said the Briton. “I have more important things to do.”

"The TV screen always fills by 5-6 kilograms, you need to lose weight," - the producers on television refused to girls of un-fashioned appearance. Over time, the rules have changed: the canons of modern beauty are increasingly shifting towards girls with magnificent forms. Anfisa Chekhova achieved success on television as the leading erotic show "Sex with Anfisa Chekhova", while not possessing the notorious parameters 90-60-90. The viewers instantly fell in love with the beauty on the screen, because by her example she argued that sexuality is not a synonym for model thinness. "Why mock yourself? Find the pluses in the state in which you are staying, ”is the recipe for beauty by Anfisa Chekhova. The crazy rating of the midnight show and the admiration of the country's male population confirm that it works.

If you have magnificent forms from nature, then you must look beautiful! Girls who have gorgeous hips and waist over sixty begin to think that fashion is not for them. Nothing like that. Now we will talk, what fashionable skirts are for full.

Fashion designers offer two types of skirts - a tulip and a pencil. Let's admit - this is a profitable decision, they will emphasize the beauty of your thighs and help to pull the belly down. As for the material, it is suitable: silk, crepe, cotton, wool - as you see, this is not something that does not limit you! Well, if only one small condition: the thicker the figure, the denser the fabric. The normal length of the skirt is a little lower than the knees: midi are again being pushed forward, and maxi and mini are no longer in fashion.

A skirt with a belt is a great option for full girls. Try to pick a plain fabric, as many prints are also very full. Although, print print is different, because only large patterns make the figure fuller than it actually is, but for example, a small pattern looks very nice. What does not necessarily, wear only black!

Fashion says that both bright red and pastel shades are suitable for obese women, so you have a choice!

Skirts for curvy shapes also suggest folds, ruffles and small pleats, and she came back to us from the distant eighties. Try to keep all models of skirts on the waist, but in no case not on an elastic band, because the elastic makes the figure thicker, and this is unlikely to decorate you. As for the belts, give up the narrow ones, but a wide belt is what you need!

  What colors should be a skirt and what to wear it with?

For example, the bright red color of a pencil skirt and darker tones of a blouse, preferably with a short sleeve - this is the best combination, you can hardly find anything better than this attire! Be sure to wear shoes on a medium heel - this will emphasize the beauty of your legs and the figure will look slimmer.

But a black skirt with vertical stripes and a wide belt at the hips should be in the wardrobe of all the girls! This is a great solution for work and going to the movies.

In summer, you can’t do without a cotton skirt: it should be beige in color and decorated with lush ruffles! This skirt can be worn with summer T-shirts and blouses. It looks charming and is perfect for both an adult lady and a young girl of eighteen. And do not forget that hair care is also extremely important, because without a luxurious hairstyle, any outfit will fade.

Well, if you choose black color, then it is obligatory with a flower belt. The top can also be made black - so you pay attention to the bright accent of the hips and accentuate the fashionable pattern!

The fabric, which looks like crumpled, is on top of all modes. You can choose models with ruffles and backstage at the bottom of the skirt, but the line at the waist just remains straight and smooth. it good way   present your figure in the beautiful light!

Well, if you want to extend full legs, then there is little secret! You need to buy a model, slightly flared at the bottom and it is desirable that it was dark tones. Black, tight-fitting tights and dark shoes with a little heel will look great with this skirt. You will immediately see that your figure will become slimmer!

Designers offer women a full skirt-glass for the appearance: it fits the hips very well and at the same time flared towards the bottom. Blouse under this skirt, it is desirable to wear a light, with a belt and smell. This is the most feminine image, he likes men very much!

As you can see, the choice for obese women is very large, you even have to work a little to choose the model you want. Use these tips and be beautiful, ladies!