What to do to sleep well at night. The method and time of use. Actions for the soul

Kefir is considered a healthy product and is regularly included in the diet of those who seek to lead a correct lifestyle. There is a lot of talk about the benefits of taking it at night: it does not burden the digestive tract, gently heals the body, gives beauty and prolongs youth. And this is a generalized assessment of the usefulness of kefir. For some people, drinking a glass of this fermented milk drink before bedtime is a ritual that helps you fall asleep. And this ritual brings benefit or harm, we have to figure it out.

Reduced sleep during the day

Caffeine may remain elevated in the blood for 6-8 hours. Therefore, drinking large amounts of coffee from late in the evening is not recommended, especially if you are sensitive to caffeine or have trouble sleeping. Sighs and long naps during the day can negatively affect your sleep. Sleeping during the day can confuse your internal body clock, which means that you can fight at night.

In one study, participants were actually more sleepy during the day after daytime sleep. Another study has shown that while numbing for 30 minutes or less can improve brain function during the day, longer durations of sleep can adversely affect the health and quality of sleep.

Not everyone likes pure milk. Some even in childhood perceived it without much enthusiasm. Whether it's kefir - refreshing, with a pleasant sourness, so good to quench your thirst! It is obtained from milk during fermentation using kefir "fungi". This fermentation process, turning the milk into new Product, increases its digestibility, since lactose (milk sugar) becomes lactic acid. This makes kefir suitable for food, even for those who have lactose intolerance.  But do not confuse lactose intolerance with casein allergy to milk protein. Kefir for such allergies will be contraindicated.

Set a time to sleep and wake up

Your body's circadian rhythm works in a loop of adjustment, aligning with the rising and setting of the sun. Being consistent with your sleep can help in the quality of sleep in the long run. In one study, it was found that those who had irregular sleep had problems with sleep.

Other studies have indicated that irregular carotid structures can alter the circadian rhythm and melatonin levels, which signal the sleepy brain. If you are struggling with sleep, try to get into the habit of waking up and going to bed at the same time every day.

  Kefir is suitable for nutrition for people with lactose intolerance

When turning into kefir, the milk retains all the vitamins, trace elements and nutrients that it is famous for.

This drink contains calcium, organic and fatty acids, natural sugars, cholesterol.

Drinking alcoholic beverages at night can negatively affect your sleep and hormones. Alcohol is known to cause or increase the symptoms of sleep apnea, snoring and sleep interruption. It also changes the night-time production of melatonin, which plays a key role in your body’s circadian rhythm.

Optimize your indoor environment

Another study found that alcohol consumption at night reduced the natural nightly elevations of growth hormone, which plays a role in the circadian rhythm and has many other key functions for your body. Many people believe that the environment of the room and its setting are key factors for a good sleep.

Table: vitamin-mineral complex

Table: nutritional value per 100 ml of product

That is, in 1 cup of kefir (250 ml), an average fat content of 2.5% contains only 125 kilocalories. This is not much, especially given its great nutritional benefits. Therefore, with all confidence it can be argued that it enriches the body with almost everything necessary for proper functioning, while being easily digestible.

This may include aspects such as temperature, noise, selection and arrangement of furniture, external lights and more. Numerous studies have indicated that external noise, often due to traffic, can cause poor sleep and long-term health problems.

Remedy for constipation

In a study on the environment of the women's room, it was found that about 50% of the participants noted the best quality of sleep with the introduction of noise and lighting. To optimize your indoor environment, try to minimize ambient noise, light, and artificial light from devices such as alarm clocks. Make sure your room is a quiet, relaxing, clean and pleasant place.

The benefits of kefir at night

Kefir is useful at any time of the day, but it is especially helpful at night to drink it. Here are some reasons why you should use this dairy product just before bedtime:

  1. Being in its structure and drink, and food, it is good for quenching both thirst and hunger, without overloading the digestive tract. Therefore, it is especially indicated for those who, wanting to lose weight, do not want to load their stomach with food at night.
  2. It speeds up the metabolism, which also helps to lose weight: you sleep, and the body becomes slimmer.
  3. Calcium, which is a lot in kefir, is better absorbed at night.
  4. Thanks to the beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacteria that contain and have bactericidal properties, the intestinal microflora is normalized, pathogenic bacteria are inhibited, and the body gets rid of mucus and slags more quickly.
  5. Kefir stimulates the production of digestive juices, which by morning will be expressed in excellent appetite. A nutritious breakfast in the morning - a pledge proper nutrition  and wellness for the whole day.
  6. Thanks to the amino acid tryptophan, it calms nervous system, helps to fall asleep, cope with the effects of stress, makes sleep more healthy.
  7. Normalizes blood glucose levels, which is especially important for those suffering from endocrine disorders, such as diabetes and pancreatic diseases.
  8. Increases immunity, making the body immune to infections.

The latter quality makes kefir extremely useful for children, especially in the autumn-winter period of exacerbation of colds. Often they lead to the need to take antibiotics that inhibit the gastrointestinal flora and lead to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), and thus reduce appetite, diarrhea, and general weakness of the body. Scientists have proved that during the period of treatment with antibiotics and at least a week after it is over, fresh kefir must be introduced into the child’s diet - it will help the body to quickly restore the proper functioning of the digestive organs. Usually, as practice shows, during this period, even with a bad general appetite, children enjoy drinking it, because the child's body feels well that is good for him. Therefore, if the baby did not eat well all day, a small amount of kefir (about 100 mg) for the night will help him to fill the required level of vitamins and microelements, as well as gently restore the digestive tract while the baby is sleeping. In addition, if the child regularly uses this product for food, then immunity, which helps to protect the body from colds, will also be at its best.

Set the room temperature

The temperature of the room can also significantly affect the quality of sleep. As you may have experienced during the summer, it can be very difficult to sleep well when it is very hot. In one study, it was found that room temperature affects the quality of sleep even more than external noise.

Other studies show that increasing body temperature and room temperature may decrease sleep quality and increase alertness. Later, food intake can adversely affect both the quality of sleep and the natural release of growth hormone and melatonin. Make your last intake about two hours before bedtime.

  Especially useful kefir for children in the autumn-winter period of exacerbation of colds

It is also shown to the elderly, especially those who have osteoporosis. It is known that with age, calcium is absorbed worse, and then the use of kefir for the night will be guaranteed to be useful. Many older people have trouble digesting some nutritious, but difficult to digest foods. This drink, drunk at night, will help them in this: having probiotics in its composition, it will strengthen digestion and speed up the process of digesting food.

Relax and clear your mind at night

Many people have a pre-sleep procedure that helps them relax. Bedtime relaxation techniques improve sleep quality and are a common treatment for insomnia. In one study, a relaxing massage improved the quality of sleep in sick patients.

There are many strategies you can try, including listening to relaxing music, reading a book, taking a hot bath and breathing deeply. Try different methods and find out what is best for you. A relaxing bath is another popular way to sleep better.

The use of kefir is useful for those who undergo rehabilitation after a fracture. Thanks to one cup before bedtime, the restoration of bone tissue will proceed correctly and will occur faster.

For any problems caused by lack of calcium in the body, and this is not only brittle bones, but also poor teeth, brittle nails, weak and liquid hair, the drink must be included in the diet at least at night, when calcium is absorbed from it best.

A good night's sleep is essential for your health. And there is no other better way to do this. This selection highlights 10 things you should never do at bedtime. Michael Grandner, Ph.D., a professor of psychiatry and a member of the program on behavioral medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, says: "When people suffer from insomnia or other sleep problems, this often happens because they do, probably unintentionally, when they should prepare for rest. "

Taking certain medications

If a person takes supplements or medications and has trouble sleeping, this should consult a doctor if the time required for taking the pills does not change. “The effects may be insignificant, but some medications may cause a person to be alerted within a few hours after they have been taken,” Grander says. For example, antidepressants can have a strong effect on sleep in any direction, and some painkillers can upset the stomach and make it more difficult to sleep.

It is useful to drink it and those who are actively involved in sports. Especially bodybuilders need it because:

  • serves as a source of protein that is indispensable for muscle growth, therefore it will be an alternative to some protein supplements;
  • it is an excellent source of calcium, which is especially important for bodybuilders, whose bone system during training carries heavy loads: taking kefir at night strengthens the skeleton;
  • delivers phosphorus to the body, helping to relieve fatigue and restore muscles and energy reserves faster after hard workouts;
  • helps to relieve the digestive tract, which is often overloaded by these athletes because of the increased nutrition required for muscle growth;
  • soothes the nervous system, ensuring deep sleep, correct production of growth hormone and lowering the level of cortisol in the blood;
  • even factory-made kefir is much more suitable for proper nutrition of an athlete than milk: unlike milk, made from powder in most cases, kefir will be natural, since it is obtained only from real milk - powdered milk will not ferment so much.

  Kefir is good for athletes at night

Sending a text message is less disturbing than a phone call; this may be wrong. If a person talks to him and sleeps next to the telephone during a conversation or group conversation, they may be concerned about the answers after they fall asleep. Ideally place the phone in another room.

Most people know how to avoid this before bed, but they can enjoy a cup after dinner. What people do not always understand is that caffeine can remain in the system for up to 12 hours. Decaffeinated coffee may not be much better. Some consumer reports found up to 20 milligrams of caffeine in decaffeinated cups. It is also important not to drink tea, including herbal. Varieties of mint and chamomile probably do not contain caffeine, but those who have black, green, or white tea leaves are likely to contain caffeine.

Nursing mothers take kefir with caution, especially in the first 3-6 months of a child's life.  It is useful for the body of a woman at night and not only when breastfeeding, because:

  1. is a valuable supplier of calcium, daily rate  which is higher in a nursing woman, since most of it goes into breast milk;
  2. normalizes the work of digestion;
  3. stimulates production breast milk;
  4. in addition to calcium, it supplies the mother’s body with many other beneficial microelements and vitamins.

The digestive system of the baby after birth continues to form, which is often accompanied by a rash, diarrhea or diarrhea, increased gas formation, colic. A newborn may have various allergic manifestations, the cause of which is quite difficult to determine. If expensive testing to identify an allergen to the parents of a baby is too expensive, the most reasonable is to exclude strong and medium allergens from the mother’s diet. Kefir does not belong to strong allergens, but incorporates a large amount of enzymes that the infant's digestive system may not take after drinking mother's milk, who has drunk kefir. Most often, the bad reaction subsides by 3-4 months of the infant's life, sometimes by the first year of life.

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is a hidden source of caffeine. “People don't have a clue that ice cream containing chocolate or coffee is something that could potentially prevent them from waking up, but if they are sensitive to caffeine, this can definitely take effect,” Grander says. Chocolate also contains a stimulant-theobromine, which was aimed at increasing heart rate and insomnia. That is why attention is important in relation to what is consumed before bedtime.

In addition to avoiding electronics, checking work can leave you more tense and agitated, which means more difficult sleep time. “If a person does not wait for a certain email that will make it easier for us and help us sleep better, the advice should go against this action,” says Grander.

Nursing women should drink only fresh sour milk drink, which is not more than 1 day, it contains the minimum amount of bacteria and alcohol.

If by the end of the first year of the baby’s life, allergic reactions still occur, it is very likely that he is allergic to milk protein (casein). If a breast-feeding  continues after one year, then kefir from the diet of a nursing mother is better to remove.

Eat spicy or fatty foods.

“Alcohol fools a person by imagining that they will sleep better because he often causes drowsiness and makes it easier to sleep,” the doctor says. It is also a diuretic, so it can lead to a denouement in the bathroom in the middle of the night. The good news is that bedtime exercises do not keep a person awake and actually help with insomnia and promote good behavior habits. But there is evidence that a long and intense exercise at night can cause difficulties before going to bed.

Possible contraindications

Practically all people who have good health will benefit from it. But those who have a congenital or acquired intolerance to kefir or its individual components should not be taken before bedtime. These include:

  • suffering from enuresis, as it has a diuretic effect;
  • having increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, tendency to fermentation in the intestines, flatulence and diarrhea;
  • suffering from edema, and having pancreatitis or other kidney diseases, for them there is a general recommendation not to use any liquid before bedtime;
  • pregnant women, since kefir taken at night, like any liquid, will cause the formation of edemas that women are so exposed to during this period, especially in the later periods;
  • having individual intolerance to kefir components, for example, casein allergy to milk protein;
  • having exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • children under 1 year. They kefir is contraindicated even during the day, as it is very different in composition from mother's milk and milk formulas and will cause severe problems with digestion.

  Kefir improves the gastrointestinal tract

It is not useful to pregnant women only for the night. .   At other times of the day, this product must necessarily be in the diet, because it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which, when carrying an infant, has a large load. Heartburn and constipation are most often the results of such a load. Many pregnant kefir helps to overcome these unpleasant problems of digestion.

She lived it with significant fears of many amateur runners. The topic does not seem trivial, it is widely discussed both on the web and in specialized journals; we too often receive emails on this issue. Too little or no sleep. This is not an ideal situation, but it is not the end of the world. First of all, as mentioned above, it does not say that the fact of sleeping has little effect on performance. However, if you manage to relax, we can still do a good job.

If this does not happen, next time it will be better. We do not think about the upcoming competition - we trained, we had fun; let's think about something else. We will sleep better and longer. Organization - we prepare everything you need before you go to bed; we do not delay the preparation of the bag and the search for the need in the morning; knowing that everything is ready will help us to relax.

Video: the truth and the myths about kefir

Method and time of use

Many drink a glass of kefir before bedtime, brush their teeth and go to sleep. But doctors recommend drinking it an hour before bedtime, especially if the dinner was dense. It will help digest food faster and facilitate the removal of excess from the body. If kefir is drunk instead of dinner, then it is better to drink it before bedtime, before brushing your teeth: filling the stomach and satisfying hunger, it will help you sleep better.

Some general guidelines to help good sleep. Periods can occur when it is more difficult to fall asleep; To try to overcome this situation in the best way, you can implement some strategies. Avoid excessively heavy meals; slowing down the digestion makes it difficult to rest at night; avoid exciting drinks such as alcohol or alcohol before going to bed; coffee is a personal matter, there are topics that are not affected by the fact that coffee is used before bedtime, for others it can be a problem; exile smoking; avoid “resting” in the middle of the day; try to keep a constant rhythm of sleep in time when you lie down; live intensely your day and your interests. This dream is physiological need, without a doubt; many complain that over time their sleep quality tends to decrease gradually.

One cup (250 ml) will be quite enough for reception for the night for an adult. For a child from one and a half to 3 years, a small amount of drink is enough for a night - up to 50 ml. After 3 years, the amount can be gradually increased, but not to exceed 100 ml. Kefir refers to liquids, and its use before bedtime in a large volume will overload the kidneys.

This situation cannot be considered normal; as mentioned in our article, this paragraph should be borne in mind that. In healthy people who have many interests and satisfy their quality of life, the quality of sleep does not change with age. In short, sleep quality is a good test for assessing a person’s balance. A balanced person, only sporadically, may have trouble falling asleep.

Further general information is available in our article. Can you offer me a powerful sleeping pill, but not too dangerous, and this will not leave me in the morning? A perfectly healthy person has no age problems with sleep, especially at the age of 47! Without firm confidence to add age as the cause of our problems, the first symptom is “to be.” Is it possible that the race is so important? Too light sleep can be a symptom of stress.

Remedy for constipation

If during the day you are unwell due to problems such as constipation and heaviness in the stomach, then after taking kefir for the night, in the morning on waking you are guaranteed a good chair, after which you will feel healthy and refreshed. But it should be remembered that only fresh kefir acts, which is not more than 2 days old. A three-day, on the contrary, strengthens.

It is about assessing whether this stress is for sporting or outside sporting reasons; in the first case, we must reduce the importance of sport in our lives. Considering that if a remedy certainly has contraindications to a simple fact that moves the balance and, as such, can cause damage, you should not think that the natural does not hurt: try to think about how much natural things are even deadly! Secondly, there is fresh water, that is, nothing scientific!

If it is powerful, how do you think it does not cause? Believe me, try to focus on the good, without exaggeration anyway. When you do not sleep well, not only do you feel tired in the morning, but ultimately you also have a negative effect on weight: to stay in shape you have to sleep from 7 to 9 hours a day. The allies of effective rest are mostly regular exercise and a balanced diet, but also what we drink before bedtime has a certain effect on our rest: here are 5 drinks that stimulate sleep and help maintain an active metabolism during the night.

If these gastrointestinal problems are chronic, then regular use of fresh kefir before bedtime will certainly facilitate their flow, or even eliminate them. This action is due to the beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in its composition.

It is better not to use it for pregnant women at night: it will overload the kidneys and cause edema, it is better to drink during the day.

Health Recipes

There are many recipes for health based on kefir. Even mixing it with chopped vegetables, herbs or fruits will be very beneficial for the body. But there are special recipes that can help in the treatment of certain diseases.

Means for lowering pressure


  • kefir - 1 tbsp .;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Add cinnamon to a glass of kefir.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Let it brew for 5 minutes.

Kefir is better to take low-fat or medium-fat - from 1 to 2.5%. Fat-free - not the best choice, because it is observed not only the lack of fat, but also the smallest amount of nutrients.

  Kefir with cinnamon, drunk at night, helps in the fight against hypertension

The effectiveness of such a cocktail with regular use to normalize pressure has been scientifically proven. This tool also helps to reduce blood sugar levels and promotes weight loss.

Recipe with cinnamon, ginger and red pepper for the night for weight loss


  • kefir (fat content 1% - 2.5%) - 1 tbsp .;
  • ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • paprika ground - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. In a glass of kefir, add cinnamon, ginger, red pepper.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Have a drink instead of dinner.
  Cinnamon, ginger and red pepper actively burn fats, and kefir softens their effects on the stomach

This cocktail is called fat burning. Its effectiveness is confirmed by both medical research and reviews of people. It cannot be otherwise due to the wonderful properties of the ingredients in its composition:

  • cinnamon: has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, helps to eliminate toxins and slags from the body, lowers blood sugar levels;
  • ginger: contains gingerol, which has a warming effect, as a result of which the metabolism is accelerated with the involvement of body fat in it, blood circulation increases;
  • red pepper: contains capsaicin, the warming effect of which is stronger than that of ginger; helps to increase the effect of losing weight from ginger;
  • kefir: is a good basis for all the listed burning ingredients, providing a mild sedative effect on the inner lining of the digestive tract, while enhancing metabolism and improving the removal of food residues from the body.

This drink well satisfies hunger and helps to fall asleep faster. After a week of use, you will notice a reduction in weight of up to 4 kilograms.

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Purification according to the method of Genghis Khan consists in the fact that before going to bed it is necessary to eat a glass of garlic, drinking it down with an acidic liquid. Garlic should be chopped into small "pills" so that it can be easily swallowed. In no case should you try to chew it, because then garlic juice is released, which, when used in such quantities, will cause major problems in the heart. In addition, if you chew garlic, just can not use it as much as you need - 1 cup. Chopped garlic is washed down for easier swallowing. In addition to kefir suitable plum, tomato or other sour juice. Liquid for zapivaniya will take about 1-1.5 liters. Kefir is better to take a fat content of up to 1.5%. This should be done just for the night, because 2 hours before eating garlic and a few hours after you can not eat anything.

Gentle cleaning method

Both methods are contraindicated in children, nursing mothers and pregnant women. If there are chronic diseases, especially of the gastrointestinal tract, these methods can also not be used - only after consulting a doctor and conducting an examination of the body.

Video: cleaning the body by Genghis Khan

Kefir is a true elixir of health for most people, as proved by numerous scientific studies and the centuries-old experience of its use. Only for some it can be harmful. And if you are lucky to be among those who are kefir suitable, be sure to include it in your diet, at least, allow yourself a glass of this healing drink before going to bed. Try also healthful recipes based on it. With a reasonable attitude, taking into account the state of health, their effect on the body will only be beneficial and, possibly, will relieve from taking the chemistry in the form of tablets.

This is a serious test for health and for the psyche. The quality of sleep is influenced by many factors, ranging from the presence of stress and ending with genetic diseases, but eating here is of considerable importance. If you have trouble sleeping, it may be worth rethinking your diet, especially right before you go to bed. Here are a few products that help or, conversely, prevent to get the right amount.

First, let's talk about products that help you sleep better. If you periodically suffer from insomnia, include them in your diet and after a while you will see the difference.


These fruits are rich in potassium and magnesium - substances that act as natural muscle relaxants. In addition, bananas contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation. Serotonin, in turn, under the influence of the enzyme in the epiphysis turns into melatonin, the “sleep hormone”. It takes about an hour before the tryptophan reaches the brain, so it is better to eat an hour and a half before sleep.

Protein rich foods

Eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, chicken meat - these products are rich in protein. They cause drowsiness and help lower acidity. Why is it important? Heartburn from high acidity often begins at night and makes it difficult to get enough sleep.


These tasty nuts are rich not only in protein, but also in magnesium, which provides muscle relaxation and makes it easier to fall asleep. A handful of almonds before bed or a sandwich with almond butter will be a great help in the fight against insomnia.


A glass of warm milk before bedtime - greetings from childhood. Warm milk helps to fall asleep, in addition, it is an excellent source of calcium, which regulates the production of melatonin. If you wake up at night and can't fall asleep again, drink a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey.


Cherry is one of the few natural sources of melatonin. Eat a handful of cherries one hour before bedtime, or drink a glass of natural cherry juice.


Green tea contains tianin. This substance turns into a natural tranquilizer - gamma-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter that soothes and relieves stress. However, green tea contains another substance - caffeine, which can reduce the positive effect. Therefore, green tea can be replaced with herbal teas.


Oatmeal is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and potassium - substances that promote healthy sleep. But this porridge is only useful if you can eat oatmeal without sugar, because sweet porridge, on the contrary, will interfere with sleep.

And here are three products that people with sleep disorders forget about.


You can not even mention coffee before bedtime, but there are other products that contain caffeine: chocolate, energy, gum (food additive), some drugs. Moreover, each person has his own reaction to caffeine: some may drink a large cup of coffee at night and sleep well, for others, 150 grams of drink is enough to suffer from insomnia for half the night.

Fatty food

Practice proves that fatty food lovers get less healthy sleepthan light dinner fans. Meals with a large amount of fat not only significantly impair the quality of sleep and the rate of sleep, but can also cause heartburn and indigestion. If fatty foods cannot be discarded, at least have dinner three hours before bedtime.


Alcohol is bad for cycles fast sleepduring which we see dreams. Since the restoration of power depends on these cycles, it turns out that alcohol deprives you of rest even during sleep. In addition, prolonged use of alcohol can disrupt daily rhythms and lead to insomnia.

And how do you prefer to eat before bed?