The development of 9 months of the child. Child development in the ninth month of life.

Newborn child

The main thing that a newborn needs is physical contact with the mother, warmth and sucking of the breast. These needs will be most important throughout the entire period of the newborn - the first month of life.

Baby 1 month

The main achievements of the first month are an increase in weight from 500 to 1500 g, attempts to hold the head in a prone position and eye contact with the mother.

Child 2 months

The two-month-old baby is very sociable and agile: he smiles at his mother, reports on his condition with various sounds and is swinging his arms and legs with might and main, sometimes getting on a hanging toy.

Baby 3 months

In a three-month baby, the rhythm of feedings and dreams is already well traced. The child actively communicates with loved ones with smiles and sounds, loves to study his hands and confidently lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms.

Child 4 months

At 4 months, most children are able to roll over and are more and more interested in the outside world: their eyesight gets an “adult” quality, and the pens are able to grab a toy.

Baby 5 months

A five-month baby is preparing to crawl - spinning around the navel, rolling. May be interested in eating adults. Often the first tooth is on the way.

6 month baby

At 6 months, the baby begins to acquaint with a new food - they offer the first complementary foods. The child intensively communicates with relatives, babbles, begins to manipulate with toys in various ways.

Baby 7 months

At 7 months, some children are already crawling well, others are only trying to tear the body from the floor. Some learn the seat before crawling. Many get up with support.

Baby 8 months

An eight-month-old child, when asked to find an object, looks for him with a look. The first onomatopoeic words appear. Most crawl well, can stand upright from a sitting position.

Baby 9 months

The kid can stand and step, holding the support. A "pincer grip" appears - the child can now pick up objects with his thumb and forefinger. Gums and eruptive teeth need increased chewing load.

Baby 10 months

At 10 months, many children take the first steps. The kid is fascinated by picking up items in boxes and scattering them, closing and opening covers.

Baby 11 months

At 11 of May, many children begin to walk and master actions with objects appropriate to their purpose: the doll is placed to sleep, the goods are transported by car. Some children have the first words.

Child 1 year

The one-year-old baby understands and fulfills simple requests, imitates the actions of children and adults, manipulates with a pyramid, cubes.

Child 1 year 3 months

The child is actively and diversely moving, able to run. Learns to use a spoon, can drink from a cup. Compared to the first year of life, it almost stops in weight gain and height.

Child 1.5 years

At one and a half years, the baby says about 40 words, the first sentences may appear. He is interested in books - considers pictures, turns the pages. Learning to use pencils, begins to master the skills of dressing.

Child 1 year 9 months

At this age, the baby is usually already oriented in simple shapes and colors, is watching with interest the play of children (“playing side by side”). Can finish the last words in familiar verses.A three-year-old child can dress and wash himself. Communicates with other children in the game, can comply simple rules. Very curious and committed to independence.

Baby 9 months. What can he do? Quickly crawls in different directions, breaks on all fours on a pillow, elevations, ladder of a children's slide. Usually, physical development allows a child at 9 months to sit down from a lying position and lie down from a sitting position. At this age, the baby often kneels, on its feet, holding onto a support (rising from a sitting position), and even jumps up, holding onto a barrier. At 9 months, the child can stand with support for one arm and move with support for both hands or under the arms, as well as move in incremental steps, holding onto a support. A 9-month-old baby is capable of repeating movements behind an adult: raising, lowering hands, patting.

The child pulls the head, remaining in accordance with the body, the movement of the flute is performed most of all in the region of the lumbar passage of the lower extremities, and the joints of the knees are in an inert extension. Annotation: to assess the phase and phase, the child must be in a balanced state of mind, because when weeping often the trunk becomes over-expanded.

Pepe Suspension Reaction

Starting position: in the first 4-5 months, lying on your back, then find. Head in a central position, hands should be open. Stimulation: in the infant and in the infant it occupies the proximal thigh, in the infant itself and in the child the distal thigh or the joints of the knee. Then bring the child suddenly, head down to an upright position.

Height and weight of a child at 9 months data of domestic pediatricians

Height and weight of children aged 9 months. WHO data

Cognitive development of a child at 9 months

A 9-month-old baby views his reflection in the mirror with interest. He takes a toy from the hands of an adult, holds it in a cam, examines (or licks). Imitating an adult or independently waving, rattling, knocking a toy.

From the 1st week to the end of the third month. During the first 6 weeks of development. Lateral expansion of the upper limbs, sifting up open hands with a long neck and an extended chest to the thoracic lumbar passage reduces the flexural position of the pelvis. The upper extension of the upper extremities opens the arms symmetrical lengthening of the neck and torso to the loose sacral passage.

  • Dark-like reaction of the upper limbs forward.
  • The reaction of the darker upper limbs, incomplete elongation, swimming pool.
The child is trying to cling to the person who is visiting and trying to become active.

At 9 months, the child has a so-called pincer grip: now he increasingly takes the object not with the palm of his hand, but with his thumb and index finger with two fingers. Actions with small objects are improved: a 9-month-old baby takes out (pours out) them and puts them back into the container, and also opens (removes) the caps. At the age of 9 months, the child can act simultaneously with two toys, holding a toy in each hand.

In the 1st trimester, the arm is in a vertical position relative to the axis of the body. This angle gradually increases in the second quarter from 90 ° to 135 °. At the end of the third quarter it reaches about 160 °. General remarks to stimulate the Piper-Izber reaction.

Evaluation of the reaction occurs during the ascent until the opening of the maneuvering hands, especially in infants or newborns who have not finished five months, should be absolutely visited from the back seat to respond to the floating dock that is still present in children above 6 months better to maneuver from the spot, because he is less likely to grab the person who visits. The lower free limb takes a bending position in the joints of the thigh, knee and ankle.

Emotional and social development of a 9-month-old baby

A child of 9 months is the flowering of the subject activity with toys and the very beginning of social contacts. At this age, the baby already shows a special interest in some toys (gives them preference). Smiles in response to the result of a successful action (opened the box). Enjoys fun games with adult, dance movements. Shows interest in children, their game. A baby at the age of 9 months (or a little earlier or later) has a specific facial expression in different situations: interest, pleasure, joy, attention, resentment.

Does the lower free limb reach the position? At the knee joint, the hip joint remains flat. Execution: keeps the child from the arm and lower limbs of the same side close to the joint. Phase 1 to week 12 In the first six weeks, black movement of the upper free limb.

From the 7th to the 9th week, as a murmur, the abduction of the upper limb in the hole. From the 10th to the 12th week there is a light upper free limb. Note: Lighter movements of the lower legs are normal at this time. Phase 4 to 6th month. At the end of the second phase: the beginning of the load on the lower limb remains in the lower position. Free forearm in pronation. . Annotation: The second stage - the movement of the pronation of the movement of the lower leg - begins only when the child can rest on the tensile position of the position. symmetrically the nape securely on the elbows.

Child speech development at 9 months

Understanding of speech:
Hearing his name, turns, creeps up. To the question: "Where is this?" turns and looks in the direction of the named object (friend). At the request of the adult, he looks with one of the three toys that stand nearby. He takes (stretches to an adult) a toy called several times ("Give me that"). At 9 months, the child understands the words: "lie down", "get up", "throw", "on" and others, knows the purpose of individual items: a cup, a spoon, a bottle, a comb. A 9-month-old baby can listen to the speech of an adult (not facing him) for a long time, watch the movements of the lips of an adult.

The forearm posture of the forearm is always associated with dorsal flexion in the wrist and relaxation of the closed hand to the fist. Symmetrical support on open hands takes place simultaneously with the disappearance of the reflection of the hand and the child, which can move in the radial direction.

Phase from the 8th to the 10th month. Free loss of shin in the hip joint. support at the edge of the outer surface of the foot. resting with the whole plant of the foot. Annotation: The third stage simultaneously with the reaction of the vertical reaction "standing reaction". This indicates the stage of development of a clinically existing verticalization. The child can sit alone and try to get up.

Active reproduction of speech sounds:
A child at 9 months can repeat the syllables and sounds of his babble for adults, and also imitate expressive sounds (in his own way): “sneezes”, “snorts”, “buzzes”, “barks”, “meows”. At this age, the baby babbles loudly during periods of wakefulness.

Household skills of a child at 9 months

Pulls hands to bring a cup, supports the cup from the bottom with two hands, directs to the mouth, drinks. He holds in his hand a slice of bread, biscuits, and drying, brings it to his mouth, bites, sucks.

Execution: Hold the child under the belly tightly pressed hand in a horizontal position. From the 1st week to the 6th week.

  • Head slightly down.
  • Truncated slightly oblique.
  • Upper and lower limbs in flexion.
From the 7th week to the 3rd month. Symmetrical lengthening of the nerve and up to a light shoulder strap with an inclined position of the upper and lower limbs. Further symmetrical expansion of the trunk to the thoracic lumbar passage of the lower extremities with slight bending abduction. The upper limbs, supported in a free position, reduce the flexion of the lower limbs in the 7th month. The lower legs in light scales Light lower legs. . Note: During the execution and final assessment of postural tests, it is important to ensure that the child is calm.

Baby nutrition at 9 months

Feeding  predominantly chest. An increasing place in the nutrition of the baby takes adult food. At the age of 9 months, there may also be a need for constant chewing, as teeth and jaws are actively developing, and they require an increased chewing load. Baby can be given for chewing pieces of solid apple, carrot, drying, etc.

The extension of the foot of the foot during crying or posture of the stem is irrelevant. With the completion of the second stage, the child can reach the position of a symmetrical support on the elbows and the back of the head of a symmetrical expansion in the supine position. Here we must observe every asymmetry of the position of the trunk. The completion of the 3rd phase also means the vertical position of the spine. During this period, the child should be able to take the radial fascia and lean on the elbow in the pose and at the same time move forward with his free hand.

Slurry Reaction

Execution: Vertical position, holds the child in the trunk, with the head and back to the examiner. You must be careful that baby. He does not hang in his shoulder belt, that the examiner does not touch the lower edge of the trapezoid of the child with his finger. Because through this proprioceptive irritant causes the legs to expand. . Lower arc in the position of inertial bending.

By 9 months your baby has changed dramatically. Did you notice? Where is that awkward little tot who spent all the time on his hands or in the arena? Now the baby is active, incredibly curious and very mobile. What should be the development of the child in 9 months?

Mother's hands are more and more free, because all the most interesting things for the baby are under his feet! Active crawlers can already turn while moving, and the speed of movement often leads to shock parents. Just a crumb was here, and now in another room! We hope that you take care of the security of the space and there too ...

Lower arms bent towards the stomach. Legs with the least stretching of the legs in spinflexia. . Annotation: The approach of the legs to the stomach corresponds to the phase of spontaneous motor development, when the child in the supine position bends the legs. To the abdomen and foot begin to bend dorsally. The phase appears during the preparation period for the verticalization reaction.

Thanks to the progressive development of vision and motor skills, the child becomes more and more familiar with the outside world; On a short time  only worth it; Walking without help; Just keep going; Examine it with your index finger; move the bottle. Small recognizes the size of objects; anticipate the results of events and the return of people. Start learning other children; "Play" with the family; Mimics the game; Imitation of cough, games, language, language, etc .; Uses social gestures; Use jargon.

Physiological development

Crawling crumbs is an important factor in its physiological development. This process strengthens all muscles without exception, so the sliders do not need any additional gymnastics. But the babies are different, and someone likes to crawl very much, even so much that the crumbs start walking only after 13 months. And others, on the contrary, immediately stand on their feet. Therefore, if a 9-month-old baby does not crawl, there is no cause for concern, which means that he will go faster than his peers.

At this stage of development, a completely worn-out child should have approximately the following “parameters”

He climbs on furniture, but it is difficult for him to come down to earth. Conspiracy: with the development of the eye muscles, the child focuses small objects. At this time, your child will probably learn to crawl or move differently around the room. He may even stand up, pull his arms over the bed or furniture and move, sticking to them.

There are reactions to the name. The child now understands a few words, such as no-no or chao-chao. He also began to develop various concepts - for example, how to find a toy that you hid under a blanket. He may even say "father" or "mother", but not for a specific purpose. He pushes two toys to each other. He will also take part in interactive games, such as “ku-ku!”. Perhaps the most impressive is the use of fingers to hit or tingle the tips of their fingers, try to pick up fewer and fewer objects. A 9-month-old child has already learned to lose his temper, although he will be a little afraid of strangers - even family members whom he sees less often.

But trying to master the “walk on all fours” together is still worth it, because at this age the spine is not yet ready for upright walking. The second dangerous factor of this period is the desire of children to take steps without support. He is still unlikely to be able to go now, the little ones learn the skill of walking not earlier than 10 months. But to fall, be frightened and for a long time abandon attempts to go on in the future - easily. Therefore, closely follow the attempts of the crumbs to walk without support.

Many children already have one or two lower front teeth in this period. Nine months is the age when a child becomes more susceptible to infections, probably due to a weakening of the maternal antibodies. In addition, everything gets in his mouth, including microbes! Do not be discouraged if your child has been between this period and their first birthday.

Offer soft foods to your child, if approved by your doctor, to increase the variety and type of food in your diet. Never give up a 9-month-old baby food that can cause choking and choking, such as peanuts, popcorn, hot dogs or sausages, carrots, whole grapes, raisins, beans, sugar candy, large pieces of vegetables or fruits, or hard meat.

Lure becomes more interesting, as the child can already take pieces of soft food and send them to the mouth. If the baby is 9 months old and there are no teeth, it is worthwhile to show it to the dentist, but it is unnecessary to worry, as the delay in the growth of teeth is a delay of 6 months, that is, up to 1.4 years.

How to create a ritual of sleep?

Always watch out for your baby while eating. Continue to teach the child how to drink from the cup to get out of the nipple before reaching the age of one year. Encourage your child to calm down and sleep, just not leaving him in bed. Because of the stranger’s concern, a nine-month-old baby can resist sleeping for a short snore or at night. Some children at this age begin to wake up in the middle of the night for short periods of time. If this happens, check your baby, but make your presence near the bed as short as possible.

The development of the baby 9 months and reformats his daily routine. If earlier the crumb loved to take a nap in the morning and in the evening for an hour, and in the afternoon to rest for 3 hours, then the sleep of a child at 9 months is strictly divided into 3 periods. Two of them are set aside on the day when the baby rests for 1.5-2 hours, the longest at night until 11 o'clock.

Growth of a child at 9 months is slowing down, which becomes noticeable on professional examinations. The same can be said about the weight of a child at 9 months: the weight gain can be as low as 300 grams per month. Standards for babies are shown in the table below.

Do not give him extra nipples, do not take him to bed with him and do not rush him to sleep again. This will only strengthen his awakening in the middle of the night and become a bad habit. Sleep is also difficult, and sometimes, when the child just gets up in bed and does not think that he will lie. Never put the baby to sleep with the nipple.

How do you support the development of your child?

Addressing him, dressing him, bathe, eat, play with him, walk down the street or even while driving in the car. Infants love to jump, swing, stretch, pick up and throw objects, push things into each other. Unbreakable household items, such as plastic cups, large wooden spoons, bowls, bowls and plastic boxes, also become wonderful toys. Create opportunities for safe research. Never use clapping as a form of discipline, not even a slight squeeze through your hand. If you are angry with your child, put him in your crib or cot for one or two minutes. This will allow you to calm down and help him understand that he has done something wrong.

  • Keep in touch with your 9 month old baby.
  • Therefore, you encourage it to develop linguistically.
  • Encourage games with age-appropriate toys.
Shoes are not needed at this age.

Basic skills

Development 9 month child  allows him the following.

  • Sit back and sit without support  - by this age all healthy kids sit without exception.
  • Stand with support on the wall, headboard and playpenthat often goes into the game. The kid starts to sit down, get up again, jump up and down.
  • Bend over and take the toy from a sitting position.  And the capture of the baby makes already different. Among the important skills of a child at 9 months, there is a so-called pincer grip, performed by the index finger and thumb. Thanks to this skill, the child can freely take small items.
  • Make sounds  - a child at 9 months of life begins to use the language in the process of conversation, which he did not do before. Therefore, consonant letters and whole syllables appear in his vocabulary. Special activities with a child of 9 months, aimed at the development of speech, are not needed. It is often enough to talk with him, commenting on absolutely all actions, naming objects and phenomena.
  • Respond to name  - now the baby always responds and turns the head.
  • Choose a way to play  - the crumb can roll a ball or put a nested doll. But most often toys are used for other purposes. The kid's favorite game is to throw toys to see how they will fall.

Sometimes a part of what a child should be able to do at 9 months, he masters a little later, for example, the ability to make sounds.

Games with a 9 month old baby

Often, the mother does not need to invent any games with the baby for 9 months, because the crumb is busy all the time. Of particular interest to him are bags and pockets, containers with water, a mirror with its own reflection, covers and boxes, drawers and doors. Without exception, all objects of interest should be protected, to exclude the possibility of pinching fingers or swallowing something small.

It is not necessary to exclude household items at all, replacing them with toys, since the baby’s interest in them will only increase. So let's give crumbs objects that can not harm him. Among such useful and safe "toys" are wooden ladles with which you can knock on the floor and each other, a newspaper and paper, which the kid will enthusiastically tear. In the summer, let the crumbs pour water in a basin, launching floating figures there.

But one of his favorite activities will be hide-and-seek, which you can play endlessly. Let the baby hides himself, and you look for him longer, not forgetting to comment on your actions. Do not fade out of sight, as this may scare and upset the baby.

Turns him into a person with character and habits. He clearly demonstrates affection for mom. And he may have a favorite toy with which he will feel safe. Help your baby choose it and take it with you for a walk and a visit.

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