What to do 10 year old child

The period starting at 10 years is the time of the onset of puberty. During which an angular teenager is formed from a small child. This happens for a long time, but the first changes are noticeable now. Both the appearance of the child, and his emotional sphere, the features of communication change.

In their development, children at this age have some peculiarities, although in general the stage is also characterized by many common features. So, girls and boys begin to grow and develop physically actively, their height and weight actively arrive. Often, the development of a girl of 10 years in speed exceeds the same development of boys of 10 years.

Girls are ahead of their peers-boys in growth, development, physically, which can be observed in the example of a child’s class. Against the background of large and quite tall girls, boys seem to be very children. But these differences will gradually be eliminated with the growth of children and their further development.

The development of a child in 10 years has certain features - the body begins to accumulate nutrients for the upcoming growth spurt. The power of this, children can begin to actively gain weight. If during this period you do not take control of food, it is possible to gain weight, which later will be difficult to get rid of.

On the basis of changes in the physical condition, psychological characteristics may arise - children may be ashamed of their body, be worried about the changes that occur to them.

What should be able to child in 10 years

At this age, leading in the life of a child is an educational activity that takes a lot of physical and emotional strength. Due to the active study of children, the outlook is broadened, theoretical thinking and consciousness are formed. Also, there are the ability to analyze and plan both their daily activities and future prospects. In order to form a clear need for learning, a certain motivation is formed, at this age children must have the skills of independent learning, preserving large amounts of information in their memory, its full and adequate reproduction, the full use of their knowledge.

Children at this age should be able to fully and efficiently perform the tasks assigned to them. So what should a girl or a boy be at 10? At this age, they are able to actively help parents with the housework - cleaning, dishes, partially cooking, maintaining order, taking care of pets, going to the store.

The child must fully cope with all domestic issues, staying at home alone, he must show competence in many household and social surveys. Children of this age should communicate easily in a team, but prefer to communicate with children of their own sex. The need for maternal care and protection is decreasing, but the behavior of the child at this age is still highly dependent on the mother's upbringing of the parents.

How much does a child in 10 years weigh

At this age, children begin to grow actively and gain weight. The increase in body weight in 10 years can be up to 4-5 kg ​​or more, depending on the characteristics of the body, height and heredity, dietary habits.

On average, a girl’s 10-year-old weight standard ranges from 23 to 42 kg, depending on height and developmental characteristics, according to WHO tables. With this growth of a girl by the age of 10, it can be from 130 to 150 cm. At the same time, the main indicators of the boy’s development also have limits of fluctuations. Thus, the norm of a boy's weight at 10 years is from 25 to 44 kg, while his height can vary from 132 to 147 cm.

Child health

Parents, take it as a fact that your baby has matured. To call him a full-fledged teenager is still impossible, but the beginning of the transition period has already been laid. Children learn the rules of the adult world, motivated by the actions of adults, preparing to join their ranks in just a couple of years.

The physiological development of a child in 10 years

Girls develop faster than boys, both psychologically and physically. At this age, they are almost a head taller than their peers. The average height of girls at the age of 10 is 130-140 cm, and the children are 125-135 cm.

A ten-year-old child enters adolescence, and this can not but affect his body as a whole. In addition to the fact that hormonal adjustment leads to dramatic mood swings and increased emotionality, it leads to changes in appearance. In boys, the onset of puberty is accompanied by the appearance of pubic and axillary hair, the formation of muscle mass typical only for men. In girls, the hips are slightly rounded, the chest becomes more pronounced. Some girls in the period from 10 to 11 years, comes the first menstruation.

Unlike boys, for whom change is the reason for restraint and complexion, girls experience this period more calmly.

Psychological development of a child in 10 years

This period occurs in all children in different ways. This is the period of the formation of personality. In the school team, the child is trying to take his place. He learns and experiences new forms of human relationships, and therefore is in constant mental stress. Among peers, the child becomes either a leader or merges with the rest of the mass. Behavior ten old child   characterized by a sharp reaction to criticism and mood swings.

It is important for parents to give the child protection, love, affection and care. A schoolboy with his family feels safe. Stimulate children, do not demand from them overwhelming. Teach him to be persistent. Encourage, quietly help. At this age, the child learns and analyzes what he has read, seen, done or said by his parents, and learns to look for explanations. Your relationship should evolve through dialogue. Listen to his problems. Do not speak arrogantly, communicate with him on an equal footing.

Your baby has a round date - ten months. He now understands a lot and knows how. You have begun to notice the emergence of individuality in the crumbs. Now he strives for independence, shows character: he is actively moving and babbling or, on the contrary, he is so intently engaged in something that you do not decide to interfere. And indeed, a child at 10 months old, trying to imitate you, is already insistent in achieving his goals and is outraged if someone interferes with him.

What is new in physical development in 10 months?

The kid is so active that the weight gain begins to decrease compared to previous periods in his life. In the tenth month, the baby gains in weight up to 300 - 450 g, and in height is about 1 - 1.5 cm. At 10 months the child has a body weight of 8.5 - 10 kg (± 1 kg) and a height of 71 - 74 cm (± 3 cm).

What can a baby by the end of the 10th month

  1. The child rises on legs and stands without support. If you take it for one pen, it makes an attempt to move. Some babies can walk along the wall.
  2. Can sit without support from a standing position.
  3. It takes well and holds objects with both hands: holding a cup with two handles, one with a spoon. Fully mastered pinching grabbing (two fingers). At times, the child prefers a single hand. You should not wean the baby to use the hand that he prefers.
  4. Many children are already well. Coordination of movements is developing all the time, and the child can crawl anywhere, so parents should take all safety measures.
  5. A child in 10 months should be taught to get off the couch: turn the booty to the edge and lower the legs.
  6. Copies the movements of adults. Opens and closes lockers, draws out drawers in the dresser.
  7. Maybe roll the ball where you show him and crawl after him. Rolls typewriter.
  8. A crumb in ten months is able to manipulate several objects at once. He knows how to get another with the help of one thing: shove a ball with a wand from the table.
  9. When the baby is standing in the crib and holding on to the railing, it can jump up and crouch, walk around the perimeter of the crib.
  10. By this age, the crumbs can grow already 4 teeth: two lower and two upper central incisors. But if there are no teeth yet, then you should not worry - wait until a year.

What's new in mental development

  1. A child in 10 months already understands a lot of what you say. He repeats simple words after you and points his finger at the objects called.
  2. Children at this age are starting to understand jokes.
  3. A crumb in ten months tries to imitate and do as adults: he shakes a doll, brings a phone to his ear, takes a spoon and pulls it in his mouth.
  4. In communication, the kid uses simple gestures: he waves a pen goodbye, hugs, stretches his hands.
  5. Now the child can fulfill simple requirements and understands bans or praise.
  6. Consciously scatters and throws objects, destroys the pyramid.
  7. He is interested in other children, pulls hands on them, tries to touch them.
  8. He is looking for a hidden object, remembers where the early things are, where his toys lie.
  9. The kid consciously squeezes and unclenches the fingers. If earlier it was difficult to take away from him, now you can ask for it, and a crumb will give you this item. Motility continues to evolve, but the baby has already learned the basic functions: he is firmly holding the back of the bed when he gets up and deftly unclashes his fingers when he throws something.

Test on the development of the baby in 10 months:

  • At ten months, the child should be able to sit independently, stand at the support, crawl over the toy, take the object with two fingers.
  • The kid must pronounce syllables or short words, understand the meaning of several words. On average, a child of 10 months should try to repeat about 8 words as an adult. The “speech” of the baby must be emotionally colored, and not monotonous.
  • The infant should be able to attract attention with his voice, babble or using gestures: wave his hand “bye-bye”, shake his head “no”.
  • A crumb must fulfill the simplest requests: “give,” “take.”

How to feed a baby in 10 months?

A child's meal during the day is already completely replaced by ordinary foods. The feeding time gradually departs, and the baby is transferred to the common table. Breast milk and formula you give after and before bedtime, and also after feeding instead of juice or water: 30 - 50 g. A child should receive 600 - 700 g of dairy products per day for 10 months, therefore, it is enough for the first and last feeding. breast milk   or mixtures. For one feeding baby eats from 200 to 250 ml.

Now the child needs a lot of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats, so food crumbs should be easily digestible and balanced. Food should be cooked, steamed better, fried should not be given. If the crumbs have teeth, then stimulate their chewing: give small pieces of boiled vegetables (potatoes) or soft fruits (banana, peach). Mashed potatoes can be chopped not in a blender, but kneaded with a fork. Continue to introduce new products.

Mode - sleep and wake

Approximately up to a year - one and a half years, the regime in children does not change: at night they sleep until 10 o'clock, and during the day - two times 1.5 - 2 hours. Biorhythms are individual for each child: someone lays down early and gets up early, and someone loves later. Respectively and daytime sleep   these children will be at different times. It is important for parents to teach the baby to sleep and eat, then the child will not overwork and will eat with appetite.

How to help your baby grow

  • Despite the fact that your baby is crawling or even trying to walk, keep wearing it. Such a tactic of education is also called a holding (from the English word “hold” - hold, hold). Dedicate to this at least 1 hour a day, take the toddler on your hands and carry with you everywhere, talking to him. Sit on your knees, look at each other in the eyes, smile, hug the baby and say you love him. Cuddle your baby and sing songs. It is not scary if you do not have voice and hearing, as long as your singing is tinged with positive and affectionate emotions. Scientists say that singing not only promotes the child’s mental health, but also stimulates speech skills. It is very good if the holding will be carried out not only by the mother, but also the father.
  • Talk with your child as if he understands everything.   Answer his babble, keep up the dialogue. At the same time try not to use too complex words and long sentences, do not speak too quickly. Speak specifically, for example: "it is a cube", "a cube of blue". Do not use pronouns (especially personal) yet, it is still difficult for a child to understand their meaning, say so: “Kolya, take a cube. Now Kolya has a cube. ”
  • Develop a sense of humor in a baby, children at 10 months old already understand the joke.
  • Do not forget that the baby perceives any game as a reality.   A child at this age is very easy to upset by picking up and hiding a toy, just for the purpose of the game.
  • Give your child a crawl space, but remember that now he will use it to get what he wants. Keep the house clean, remove all dangerous items higher - provide the crumbs with complete safety. Explain to the child that there are things that should not be touched, because they are dangerous: there is a current in the outlet, a teapot is hot.
  • Teach your baby to show parts of his body.   You can do this, sitting against each other or in front of a mirror.
  • Let the baby throw the toy as much as he wants.   Do not scold him for it. Get a special box for your baby in which you can throw toys and invite him to do it. You can put the box either to the left or to the right of the child so that he tries to throw with both hands in turns.
  • Already you can begin to conduct classes with the child in drawing and modeling. While the baby will be enough 1 - 2 small felt-tip pens, one can of finger paints and a small piece of clay. Do not fill up the child with whole sets, most likely, all this will fly in different directions. Let pussy understand to start with what to do. Show him how to paint, paint, make a ball or a sausage.
  • Do not give your baby many toys at once: 2 - 3 is enough.   Change them periodically.
  • Take some time to read each day.   Buy a child a few books, pages in which he can turn himself. Now, when the baby already understands some words or even says it himself, you need to read him short tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba's Chicken”, “Teremok”. Organize a bookcase for your child, to which he will be able to reach out and take a book.
  • Continue to develop the child's motor skills:
    • Put macaroni, peas or beans on a tray or in a bowl, let the kid dig in them with pens, draw a finger on the tray with flour.
    • Play a fun game with clothespins: fasten them on the sleeves and on the baby’s pants, it will be fun for him to unhook them.
    • Give the child sheets of colored paper, let him tear it into pieces. From scraps of paper make the baby "salute".

Do gymnastics every day. Pay particular attention to crawling and walking exercises:

  • Squat and stand up with support.
  • Walking on all fours.
  • Walking with support for the handles.
  • Bending and unbending legs in the prone position.

We read:

Give each lesson no more than 20 minutes, and then give the child a rest or play independently something else. Begin to teach the crumb to communicate with other kids, make friends. You can already conduct joint play activities with your child, for example, at home, inviting another 1 to 2 mothers with children. Do not bring the baby in groups where there are more than 3 children with mothers. At 10 months, the child does not need collective communication, and this will only overwork him or even frighten him.

The ten-year-old child is usually associated with the beginning of the transition period, during which children gradually look to adults, while they are still learning the rules of the adult world, in which they are preparing to fully enter into literally in a few years. It is still too early to talk about the transitional age with its difficulties in communicating with the child, but this is definitely the previous stage.

The physical and mental development of a child in 10 years

There are people who are already actively beginning puberty at this age. The body of the child undergoes certain changes, which often leads to unnecessary complexing or embarrassment.

Children begin to be ashamed of their parents and the first attempts to diligently hide the intimate side of their life appear. Especially physical changes of 10 years concern girls, as they are ahead of the same age boys in their development. Especially developed girls begin to form breasts, and over the next year or two, menstruation may begin.

Concerning mental development, they already have a fairly broad view of things, and may well find an explanation for the events around them, as well as, if desired, find a way out of the predicament.

Psychological development of a child in 10 years

  Ten-year-olds already understand very well how life works, therefore in their midst they are trying to build quite adult relationships. In this regard, the relationship between them is becoming more and more competitive in nature, they are increasingly trying to test each other for strength. This applies to both girls and boys, only the criterion by which one or another assessment is different. So, girls are characterized by competition over appearances or clothing, and for boys strength or courage.

In the children's environment, companies are already actively developing according to their interests, each of which has its own leaders and subordinates. Trying to meet the requirements of the environment in which the child rotates, he begins to change, moving more and more away from his parents and trying to spend more time with friends.

Tips for parents of ten year olds

Children 10 years   still need the support and love of their parents, but it should be understood that communication with their peers is vital. Therefore, it is important to record your child to attend additional circles after school, sports and dance classes in which will help not only to raise self-esteem, but also to feel more independent.

Parents of a teenager is very important to set an excellent example to follow your child. And of course it is necessary to control his social circle, school performance, as well as to devote time to conversations about his safety. But this must be done very delicately and unobtrusively.

Many people spend more and more time playing q-zar computer games. To discourage this activity of the child should not be categorically, but sometimes it is really necessary to limit the time.

The development of a child in 10 years is characterized by rapid psychophysical changes. The child becomes more mature, he develops his own habits, tastes and character traits. Many children at the age of 10 have the first signs of transitional age, which are expressed in the variability of mood, detachment from parents, disobedience, etc.

However, the 10-year-old is characterized by active physical growth.

Physiology of a 10-year-old child

The physical development of children in 10 years is very diverse. Some children at this age already show signs of puberty, which are accompanied by active growth, while others practically do not differ from babies 8–9 years old. Anyway, average standards indicate that at the age of 10, girls should weigh between 28 and 35 kilograms, and boys should weigh between 28.5 and 36 kilograms. As for growth, the norms of girls range from 135-143 centimeters, and the norms of boys range from 126-136 centimeters.

The development of children in 10 years already differs by gender. Right now, girls are starting to develop faster both physically and psychologically. Many young ladies at this age begin to worry about their appearance, because puberty is often accompanied by weight gain, the appearance of acne, excessive oily hair and skin. It is important to explain to the girl that puberty is an intermediate stage, after which she will become a real beauty. In addition, now you need to tell the girl about menstruation, so that by the time she starts she is ready psychologically.

Psychology of a 10-year-old child

A child at the age of 10 is experiencing a huge psychological crisis. On the one hand, the student no longer feels like a child, but on the other, he has not yet matured to such an extent that he can make decisions and take care of himself.

The development of children in 10 years is undergoing many psychological changes. Practically every child of this age actively fights for his “place in the sun”, seeking respect among his peers. Some children declare themselves through disobedience and rebellion, others surprise their peers with unusual talents, and still others demonstratively learn only “excellent”. At this age, children often conflict with each other, vying for authority. In such situations, parents need to delicately understand the cause of the conflict, but at the same time allow the child to independently solve his “adult” problems.

Many 10-year-olds begin to gradually move away from their parents, preferring to spend time with friends. This trend, of course, upsets moms and dads, but you need to understand that the child is growing and needs a personal psychological space.

It is very important that the child has friends and hobbies, because his hobby helps to deal with psychological problems.