How to get pregnant with multiple pregnancies tips. How can you conceive twins or twins: ways. The choice of posture for conception

A person who has a brother and / or sister will never be alone. But if a close relative readily comes to the rescue in a difficult situation, then the twin just always stays with you, even if geographically you are far away from each other. Such proximity, which became the talk of the town, is genetically determined and practically does not depend on the will of the twins themselves. But at all times, it caused an increased interest and curiosity of others. And women who gave birth at once to two (or more!) Babies in different eras and in different cultures enjoyed the reputation of being saints, sometimes sorcerers, but never went unnoticed.

But some couples have difficulty accepting these studies, according to Dr. Feynman. They intuitively feel that the second embryo should hedge its stake. In addition, the contributions of friends and former patients often affect their feelings. For example, for a woman under the age of 35 who is in the favorable category, it is recommended to transfer one embryo, if it is the 5th day, and from one to two embryos, if it is a Day.

The big advantage of the American system is that we can look at shades of gray, ”explains Dr. Williams. Depending on the patient's age, patient prognosis, and embryo developmental stage, we can develop guidelines that are more flexible to meet the patient's needs, trying to reduce the potential for multiples.

Today, the birth of twins entails rather pleasant amazement and squared efforts during the whole time of their growth and maturation. Growing up, the twins retain an invisible and incomprehensible "single" connection with each other. Therefore, if you want your children to always have a true friend and support in his face, think about the birth of twins. However, neither a loving husband nor an experienced gynecologist will be able to guarantee you a multiple pregnancy 100%, but no one will interfere with getting pregnant with twins or twins.

Every fertility story is different.

In addition to fertility problems, such as blocked tubes, polycystic ovary syndrome and a low percentage of sperm in her husband, Peter, a former patient with fertility, now 51 and 5-year-old mom have had a brain abscess and surgery to restore a congenital heart defect at the beginning of 20 -y's

The causes of the formation of several eggs

“As soon as we entered the surgical room, the embryologist told us that we have three blastocysts,” she says. One of them hatched, which was great news. The other one also looked great. However, the latter was fragmented and could not withstand freezing. We had to make a decision either to transfer the last one or to refuse it. Desperate for the child, we decided to move all three.

Twins and twins: the same or different?
According to statistics, only one of 80 pregnancies turns out to be multiple. According to other estimates, now among the entire population of our planet, only 1.5 percent of people are twins. In any case, this says one thing: more than one child at a time is born very rarely. And this happens when, in one of the approximately 200 menstrual cycles, the egg does not just mature and leave the ovary, but it also divides into two absolutely identical cells, each of which continues to live its own life. If fertilization has occurred before this, then two identical fetuses develop from them, and later twins are born, called identical eggs. They have the same set of genes and resemble each other like two drops of water. But, since too many coincidences are necessary for their birth, such babies are born very rarely, and even among multiple pregnancies occupy only a quarter of the total number.

However, personal problems and the quality of embryos will also affect our advice. For example, if a multifeet reduction is not an option, we can transfer one less embryo. Conversely, if the quality of the embryo is small, we can discuss the transfer of a larger quantity than the recommended number. In ideal cases, such as egg donation, a single embryo transfer should be followed. Most clinics that do this reduce pregnancy rates very little compared to transferring two embryos.

Even a small decrease in success will be balanced by higher rates of pregnancy loss and prematureness associated with twins. Ultimately, however, decision making depends on the patient with fertility. The high costs of infertility treatment and the lack of insurance coverage are the key reasons why patients with fertility tend to ignore the risks associated with short duration.

In other cases, babies born together developed in the womb from different eggs. This happened because at one point in the maternal organism, not one, but two viable eggs at once matured. During conception, each of them was able to take on the sperm and also together they moved into the uterus. Babies born after 9 months will have a different genetic code and may even be of different sexes. Even the external similarity between them may not be greater than that of ordinary, born at different times, brothers and sisters. And yet, there is a stronger bond between the twins, which they feel and are noticed by those around them.

Pass as much as you can. If our government or insurance companies ever wake up and become aware of this fact, there may be a transition to an increase in coverage with an increase in the restrictions that accompany this coverage. The video describes how one twin had bowel surgery, and how they spent about seven months in the hospital. Beyonce attends the Costume Institute's Gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 2 in New York.

Do poses affect?

There are several celebrities who know how to control their image than Beyonce. She tells us only what she wants to tell us through the elusive means of music and photography. This power was in play during her announcement that she was pregnant with twins last week, which she did, releasing a rococo, meeting a Flemish photo session that she stroked her belly and looked blissful.

Medical evidence suggests that the number of multiple pregnancies has increased in the past 20 years. This means that your chances of having twins or twins have also increased, but how much depends on many factors, both internal and external. And the reasons - this is only one half of the circumstances accompanying multiple pregnancy. The second consists of the consequences for the health of a pregnant woman, and there are many such consequences. The organism, inside which two babies develop, functions with an increased load on the heart, the circulatory system and other organs. In women who are pregnant with twins, toxicosis and varicose veins are more often and more pronounced; they become stout more powerful than other expectant mothers. Naturally, they need more vitamins and minerals, as well as more attentive observation of doctors. But if your state of health allows you to safely carry and give birth to twins, then you need to take this opportunity as a gift from nature and accept it with gratitude.

How to conceive twins: folk remedies

The rich, on the other hand, have the opportunity to do everything possible to ensure a safe pregnancy and the healthiest baby. It is also safe to assume that they will have access to the best and most responsible doctors and embryologists. Today, this probably means those who would recommend maximum screening and implantation of only one embryo, which most doctors consider the current standard based on the best available science.

There are other reasons besides transplantation with several embryos that a 35-year-old woman, such as Beyonce, will be pregnant with twins. She could lose two eggs during ovulation, the chances of which increase with age. The fetus could split into two shortly after fertilization, another natural, though less likely, means of conceiving twins. It is also possible that she became pregnant with clomid, a drug that stimulates the ovaries to lower more than one egg during the menstrual cycle to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

Advice for those who wish to give birth to twins
Multiple pregnancies can occur for a variety of reasons. Some of them do not depend on our desire and therefore can not be adjusted, but some may well serve as a hint for couples wishing to give birth and raise two heirs at once. Therefore, read and remember that the number of embryos developing in the womb is affected by:
If you believe the tabloids, the multiple pregnancy in recent years has indeed become much more common, especially among Hollywood stars and world pop. Charming twins were born to Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey and Sary-Jessica Parker. It can be assumed that husbands love them two times more than spouses in other families. But better remember that all these celebrities have long been out of a young age. Plus, many of them took advantage of the achievements of modern medicine.

We will most likely never know, because Beyonce will, wisely, never feel obliged to tell us. Over the past twenty years, the number of multiple pregnancies has increased. This increase is primarily due to the fact that one third of women with children over 30 years of age and these women are more likely to imagine multipliers.

Another reason for the increase in the number of short-term costs associated with the methods of fertility and fertility. These multiples will all be the same gender and resemble each other. The occurrence of identical multiples is considered a random event and does not depend on age, race or heredity.

Although both official science and popular observations agree that couples with high sexual activity are more likely to produce twins. Therefore, even despite the fact that none of these methods will not provide multiple pregnancies for sure, it makes sense to create the necessary psychological mood and romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. Love each other and raise healthy, beautiful and happy children.

Dysygotic multiples or fraternal multiples are the result of several eggs that are fertilized by various sperm. These multiples can be different genders. This form of multiples will not be more genetically identical than ordinary brothers and sisters.

Dysygotic multiples are more common during treatment. The increase in fraternal multipliers is also due to the fact that older women are more likely to have plural numbers, and many women today are thinking at a later age. Other women who have an increased chance of multiple marriages include those with a higher body mass index, hormone levels have recently been discontinued, and those who have had more children.

Many loving couples all over the world dream of pregnancy and childbirth. Getting pregnant with twins is a double success for the newlyweds, which falls only for 10-15% of couples across the planet. "How to conceive twins by any means?" - This question is often found not only in gynecology offices, but also in Internet search engines. Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question, but this article will help to figure out what is needed to increase the likelihood of getting twins.

What category are multiple orders of higher order?

Higher-order quantities are all variants of the same or fraternal multiples. For example, triplets may occur due to the fact that one zygote is divided into three. This means that triplets will be genetically identical. Triples can also occur if one of the two zygotes divides in half. This would mean that two of the triplets would be genetically identical, and the third child is considered a brotherly multiple. Similar scenarios are found in fours and other multiple forms.

Like a multiple mom, you quickly recognize the canned answer and hurry around your day before strangers breathe their illnesses into a double stroller on your dissatisfied babies. As many twins know, when you become pregnant with twins, you explore how in the world lightening struck your uterus. What happened in your genetic code or diet or the phase of the full moon that caused you to become Fertile Myrtle.

First of all, to find the answer to the question: “how to get pregnant with twins,” it is necessary to understand the process of obtaining them. The birth of two babies with one fertilization of the egg is obtained in two ways.

Dual babies are obtained by fertilizing two eggs at the same time. Such children may have different gender and will not necessarily be similar in appearance to each other. The probability of this kind of pregnancy is about 70-75%.

Well, a lot of different factors come into play to get pregnant with twins. Below are the 15 most common reasons why women get pregnant short. Let's take it right away. Genetics does play a role in whether you can become pregnant with twins. However, this is not the key of the player in the game of pregnancy, which you can think about.

First of all, only one type of twin pregnancy is genetic. So, if your cousins, uncles, grandparents, or something else are twins who have a zero game in whether you will become pregnant with twins or not. Identical twins are the result of splitting one egg in two children. It is completely spontaneous. However, fraternal twins are the result of hyper ovulation. This means that the woman released two eggs during ovulation instead of typical. The twin brothers, in turn, are genetic and run into the family.

Pregnancy twins: how it turns out in terms of medicine

How to conceive twins naturally   from the point of view of medicine, we consider in more detail. The following factors affect such conception:

Genetic affinity

A large proportion of cases of conceiving twins are associated specifically with genes. For this, in the family, a woman or a man should have had cases of twins. If such phenomena were relevant even in the distant past, then the probability of conceiving twins is 50%. If one baby was conceived during the first pregnancy, the probability of twins from the second conception increases to 80%. With each new conception chances increase. If you are looking for the answer to the question: “How to get pregnant with twins,” then you should delve into your genetic past and not forget about the relationship of your partner.

A woman who has a brother who is a fraternal twin is more than twice as likely to become pregnant with fraternal twins. In addition, your husband is not a factor when it comes to genetics and double pregnancy. Only the genetics of the mother plays a role in determining whether she will become pregnant with twins.

One of the biggest factors of the recent twin pregnancy boom is the rising age of mothers around the world. As soon as a woman crosses the threshold at 30, the likelihood of increased pregnancy increases. Those mothers over 35 are even more than 30 year olds, and over 40 of your chances increase even more.


During the artificial conception, two fertilized eggs are transplanted to the woman. Why two? The fact is that artificial insemination is allowed to be carried out only three times the number of times. Most often, an artificial egg transplant is done for women suffering from infertility. As a result, if each artificial insemination meant only a single cell transplant, then the chances of pregnancy would be very small. In order to increase the chance of conception, a decision was made in medicine to transplant two fertilized cells at once, and sometimes even three. Sometimes both eggs are viable and as a result twins are obtained.

How to achieve multiple pregnancies?

The reason for this is an increase in hormones in women as they age. In particular, follicle-stimulating hormone that stimulates the production of eggs for ovulation. In addition, with the age of women, they are more likely to use infertility treatments, which further increases the chances of multiplication.

As you can guess, double pregnancies are considered very risky. Adding a more mature mother to the mix, and more prenatal observation of adult twins during pregnancy can be expected. As a rule, most women try to lose weight before pregnancy. However, if you are looking for a multiple pregnancy, harder expectant mothers tend to conceive several babies.


How to conceive twins and what does age have to do with it? Quite simply, the body of a woman aged 35 years and older is caused by an increase in hormones, in particular, gonadotropin. This hormone has a direct effect on the maturation of the egg. Therefore, the more hormones found in the body, the higher the chance of acquiring a dowry for twins after giving birth.

Now the increased likelihood of double pregnancy in mothers with obesity is associated only with fraternal twins - not the same pregnancies of twins. In addition, overweight mothers are more likely to have opposite sexual twins, unlike same-sex twins.

This trend has been noted in many countries, including: the United States, Denmark, Nigeria, France and the United Kingdom. Now, why double pregnancies happen more often for obese mothers until they get an answer. Doctors say that they do not recommend weight gain in order to conceive twins, since this is not a guarantee and entry into pregnancy, especially high-risk pregnancy, overweight places more stress on the mother.


More precisely, multiple fertility occurs after the end of the reception drugs. These drugs are remedies for infertility, which are taken by a woman for the purpose of convalescence. Once the reception of such drugs is completed, there is a probability of not only conceiving a child, but also of multiple pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the means for the treatment of infertility in the composition contain a large amount of hormones. These hormones are deposited in the body and become the result of the conception of twins. ()


On dual conception affects nationality. How is the impact is not yet known from the point of view of medicine, but the facts suggest that Asians are the most passive by birth of twins, and Africans are the most active in this regard.

Modified uterus

In some women, the structure of the uterus in some way has deviations from the standard form. This can only be determined after a medical examination. But it is confirmed by the fact that such women have a high probability of conceiving twins or twins.

Menstruation cycle

According to medical research, it was proved that the conception of twins is most often observed in women with a cycle of twenty days.

Conception of twins in compliance with the diet

“How to get pregnant with twins, observing the diet, and what is needed for this?” - the question is no less relevant and relevant, if there is a need for it. "How does nutrition affect conception?" So, everyone knows that food protein increases the hormone content in the female body. Hormones directly affect not only the possibility of a successful pregnancy, but also the conception of twins or twins. If you are looking for an answer to the question about the conception of twins, then it is recommended to eat such foods:

  1. Meat. A high protein content is found in chicken meat, but it is important that this product is cooked.
      Important! Eating smoked or fried meat not only does not cause conception of twins, but can also affect the termination of pregnancy.
  2. Fish products. Fish, in any form, except smoked, is useful and contains a large amount of protein and calcium.
  3. Fruits. Almost all fruits are useful in this case, except for plums and pears. Pear can be used, but not necessarily in small quantities. It is best to make fresh fruit from fruits and drink during the day when conception is planned.
  4. Almost all cheeses are rich in protein. It is especially found in cheeses with a percentage of over 5%.
  5. Reception of dairy products plays a significant role. So, using kefir, milk or yogurt, you can be almost 85% sure that you have twins.

Our grandmothers and grandmothers dreamed about getting pregnant with twins. Since that time, were founded folk methods   on conceiving children twins. Previously, medicine did not conduct thorough research and such issues, although they were massive, were resolved on their own. Today known methods of birth of twins with the help of traditional medicine.

The main methods of the people include:

  1. Drinking folic acid. If you take the pill a month before intercourse, then the probability of having twins will increase to 95%.
  2. Frequent carnal pleasures with a loved one. If you have sex often, then the chances of having twins will grow significantly.
  3. When breastfeeding increases the chances of up to 90%.
  4. If a woman has curvy shapesor rather, the chest, the higher the probability of having twins. But this factor has received a refutation, after recently it has often been observed conception in slender women.

Lucky days table

The table of successful days for those who have a desire to conceive twins, was developed by scientific researchers who collected the facts from real data. That is, the table includes the days in which the twins were most often born girls and boys. Below is a table.

The probability of having twins January February March April May June July August September October November December
The boys 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 24, 28, 29 2, 7, 12, 16, 20, 25 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 16, 20, 24, 28, 29 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30 5, 9, 10, 14, 18, 22, 27 1, 6, 10, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 29 3, 7, 11, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30 3, 4, 8, 12, 17, 22, 27, 31 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 27 1, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 25, 29 2, 7, 12, 17, 21, 25, 29 1, 2, 9, 14, 18, 19, 23, 27, 31
Girls 3, 4, 8, 13, 18, 22, 26, 31 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 18, 22, 23, 27 4, 9, 13, 14, 18, 22, 26, 31 5, 10, 14, 18, 22, 23, 27, 28 2, 3, 7, 12, 16, 20, 24, 25, 29, 30 3, 4, 8, 12, 16, 21, 26, 30 1, 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 28 1, 6, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29 2, 6, 11, 16, 21, 25, 29 3, 4, 8, 13, 18, 23, 27, 31 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 23, 27 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 21, 25, 29

This table does not give a full guarantee that if sexual intercourse takes place on one of the days listed above, there will definitely be twins.