Placement of icons in the home iconostasis. Where should the icons be in the house? Rules for placing the iconostasis

Home iconostases represent a kind of small church for a believing Orthodox Christian. They should have a special place in the dwelling where they can calmly pray in front of the images.

Home iconostases appeared in Ancient Rus... For them, a whole corner was assigned, which was called red (i.e. beautiful). Icons were placed in this place, candles and lamps were lit. In the morning and in the evening, as well as at hours of special spiritual need, household members said their prayers here.

The iconostasis of those times was a multi-tiered shelf on which the god was hung - a small curtain, which covered the images of the saints and the Savior on the sides. The icons were hidden under the gospel - a special canvas that was pulled back only during prayer. It is no coincidence that such a tradition appeared in Russia. It is known that the first image of the Savior would have been created by Himself, according to His will of God: after Jesus sprinkled water on his face and wiped it off with a cloth, His face remained on this canvas. He sent this canvas to the ailing ruler of Asia Minor - Avgar, thanks to which he was healed. After that, the prince gave the order to nail the sacred plate over the gates of the city. After 900 years, the sacred image was transferred to Constantinople. Now, every year on August 29, Orthodox Christians celebrate the holiday of finding the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands and consecrate hand-woven canvases.

What else did you have on the image shelf?

The home iconostases of those times were also intended for storing holy water and prosphora. Households hid the Gospel and commemoration books (special books in which the names of all the dead and living Orthodox of this family were kept) behind the god. Especially skillful needlewomen created pigeons (as a symbol of the Holy Spirit) from improvised materials and hung them from the iconostasis. In the red corner, it was obligatory to have lamps and candles that were lit during the home service.

A similar small church was in every Orthodox house until the 1917 revolution. After the Bolsheviks came to power, people continued to pray, but they did it in secret. Therefore, only a few images remained from the richly decorated home iconostases, which people carefully hid from prying eyes, fearing persecution. The modern red corner is somewhat different from the one that our ancestors created, since many of the traditions of its creation are simply forgotten.

Create your own red corner

What the home iconostasis will be depends only on the owners of the house. However, remember to follow these rules:

  • Holy images must be installed far from technology (TV, computer, etc.) - the farther from everything worldly, the better.
  • There should be enough space in front of the icons so that the worshipers do not feel crowded. And during prayer, church books (prayer books, the Gospel) are best placed on a folding lectern (stand).
  • One should not arrange icons one by one on bookshelves, in cupboards, while forcing these images with other mundane objects: souvenirs, pictures, etc. This is strictly forbidden, since by doing so we are showing disrespect to God. After all, for some reason, the photographs of our beloved and dear people, especially those who have left this world, are put in the most prominent place by many, without cluttering them with unnecessary objects. The same should be done with icons, showing love and respect for holy images.

The difference between icons and paintings

If you have reproductions of paintings in your home that reflect biblical subjects, they should not be installed on the iconostasis.

The main difference between the holy image and painting is that in the first case, through icons we communicate with the Lord. And since the iconostasis is a sacred place intended for solitude in prayers, the inclusion of reproductions in it would be simply inappropriate.

Icons cannot be hung on the wall next to posters of celebrities - this is how we insult holy images, putting them on a par with earthly idols.

It is better to place home iconostases in the eastern part of the house, since this part of the world is of particular importance in Orthodoxy.

For example, it is known from the Old Testament that the Lord created a paradise for people in the eastern part of Eden. And the Gospel says that as lightning comes from the east to the very west, so the Lord comes from Heaven. The church altar is also on the east side. If windows overlook this side, the home iconostasis, the photo of which you will find in this article, is installed in any other suitable place for it.

Which shelf to buy?

Whether you create homemade iconostases with your own hands from wood or purchase them from a furniture store or a church shop, is entirely up to you. If you want to buy a shelf, do so in specialized Orthodox stores. There is a wider assortment of iconostases, and the sellers will always prompt and help with the choice. According to the material, wooden and plywood shelves for icons are distinguished. They can be single-tiered and multi-tiered, straight and angular. There are even integral iconostases, which already contain holy images. But such shelves are mostly made to order. To understand what such a home iconostasis looks like, the photo is presented in this article.

If you decide to create a real red corner, opt for tiered shelves. It will be much easier on them to recreate the majestic wall with holy images, like those installed in temples. What will be your home iconostasis - angular or straight depends on where it will be placed (on the wall or in the corner of the room).

What icons are needed?

First of all, in every home there should be images of the Savior, the Mother of God and Nicholas the Wonderworker. Of all the icons of Our Lord for home prayer, the most preferable is the Belt Image of the Almighty. In such an icon, Jesus Christ holds in his left hand an open book, in which it is written "I give you a new commandment: love one another." The Lord baptizes the praying person with the right hand.

Of the images of the Mother of God, the Russian people especially fell in love with icons such as "Tenderness" and "Odigitria" (Guide). In the first image, the Virgin Mary holds a baby in her arms, who gently embraces her neck and presses her cheek. The most famous icon of this type is the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Its distinctive feature is that the baby's left heel is completely turned outward. On the image of Hodegetria, the Mother of God is depicted with a baby who holds a bundle in his right hand, and with his left she overshadows all those praying with the sign of the cross. A striking example of this image is the Kazan icon, "The Quick-Listener", "The Guarantor of Sinners".

Additional images

In addition to these main icons, it is necessary to put images of saints on the home iconostasis, after which your family members are named. It is also advisable to purchase an icon of the healer Panteleimon - a healer of mental and physical diseases. The choice of other images depends entirely on the needs of the household. For example, you can purchase the image of Peter and Fevronia, whom they pray for family well-being. Before the icon of Sergius of Radonezh, they ask for help in teaching and good endeavors. Unmarried women can pray in front of the image of Xenia of Petersburg, who, by the will of God, became a helper of people in matters of marriage.

Recently, in many homes, the image of the blessed eldress Matrona of Moscow has become one of the central icons. Even after her earthly death, she helps in all those who come to her at the Intercession Church or to the grave at the Danilovskoye cemetery, or who simply turn to Matrona in home prayers. Many people have already received healing and help from her. No wonder she said: "Come to me and tell me everything as if you were alive." By this Matrona meant that her earthly death does not mean a spiritual end: after all, she is still with us.

Home iconostasis. How to arrange icons

Correct placement of images in the space provided for them is very important. The Crucifix is \u200b\u200bplaced over the iconostasis. You can buy it in the church shop or make your own from wood. On the next tier, the icon of the Holy Trinity is placed. The lower shelf should contain the images of the Savior, the Mother of God and Nicholas the Wonderworker. In this case, the image of the Lord should be in the middle, at the right hand (on the right) - the Virgin Mary, and on the right hand (on the left) - Nicholas the Pleasure.

Icons of saints revered by the family are placed a little lower. On the last tier, you can put a bottle of holy water, candles and the Gospel.

Making the corner red

It is possible to decorate the home iconostasis with fresh flowers, willow twigs after the twelveth feast - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. And on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, shelves with images are framed with birch branches as a symbol of the grace of the power of God.

Reproductions of images can also be placed on the icon shelf. They must first be consecrated and then added to the home iconostasis. Embroider an icon case (frame) for them with beads, and then they will look harmoniously with other icons.

We make a shelf

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a stand for images, or all those models that you met, you did not like or do not fit (for example, a small number of tiers, limited space and others), then the do-it-yourself home iconostasis, photos of which are presented in the article, can be made independently. For a standard three-tiered iconostasis, you need wooden planks, a drill, and screws. In order to assemble it, it is necessary to create drawings of the home iconostasis, using which you can easily calculate the dimensions of the wooden panels, which will depend on the number of icons located on the iconostasis.

Uncomplicated process

The most basic stand for holy images can be made of plywood. It is first necessary to attach icons to it with screws in accordance with the heavenly hierarchy. After that, a riza should be made for the icons - this is a special frame that frames the images. It can be created from embroidered fabric or from beads and beads. This will give the icon shelf a festive and solemn look. This is how you can make a home iconostasis with your own hands. Photos of similar works in this article will help you in its design.

Thus, the creation of a small church at home is not so much a prerequisite for the life of an Orthodox Christian, but rather his spiritual impulse and desire. After all, the one who believes and loves the Lord always wants to turn to him in prayers and during the liturgy and at home. It doesn't matter if your iconostasis is made of expensive materials and filled with gilded images, or you yourself created it by hand, collecting holy images. The main value is your faith and striving for spiritual improvement.

Can I make shelves for icons myself? What materials are better to choose? Let's try to understand this issue together. Slavic Orthodox traditions allow the use of icons to decorate living space. This tradition testifies to the desire of people for religion, respect for church rituals and traditions.

As a home iconostasis for placing icons, one can consider a corner shelf for icons, as well as various church items. The canons of Orthodoxy involve the installation of the main icons in the corner or on the eastern wall of the room.

Attention! In addition to Orthodox items, icon shelves should not be loaded with other items.

Let's try to figure out how you can make corner shelves for icons.

Creation of shelves for icons

For work related to the creation of shelves for icons, special tools for woodwork are needed: a drill, a lathe, a milling cutter, a jigsaw.

Of the materials that are needed for the manufacture of shelves for icons, you need boards from any wood, pieces of plates, wax or varnish, silver and black paints, glue for wood. Of component materials and hardware, carved slats, metal or wooden crucifixes are needed. Screws, original plugs are suitable as fasteners. To fix the product to the wall, you need hinges and dowels.

Some of the carved elements can be made by hand. For example, to engage in the manufacture of carved elements, original shelf parts. The crucifix, which is the center under the icons, is carried out only in carved form.

Advice! Such details for the placement of icons are made by craftsmen, and some industrial enterprises and church shops are also involved in their creation.

In addition to such details, the corner shelf for icons should have a back wall in the form of a carved iconostasis. Carving is performed with floral ornaments, outlines of saints, and fabulous birds.

To decorate the upper part of the shelf for icons, you can choose the outline of an Orthodox church.

Advice! The do-it-yourself corner shelf for icons is suitable for those who have the skills to work with wood.

You can cut bas-reliefs on your own, pick up interesting reliefs. To cut out the crucifix, you must first select a high-quality sketch, and only then proceed to the implementation of the plans.

As the wood from which you can cut a crucifix, we note birch, aspen, spruce, pine, juniper boards.

Attention! The work will require a set of tools for wood cutting.

The order of work for the manufacture of shelves for icons

On a board, the thickness of which is fifteen millimeters, the outlines are transferred from the paper sketch to the main board, as well as the main outlines of the parts. Next, you need to cut the crucifix with an electric jigsaw. With the help of incisors, you need to make convex parts. The thread must be carried out in layers, carefully highlighting the inner parts with a thin cutter. As soon as the procedure for cutting the crucifix is \u200b\u200bcompleted, you can start sanding the product, armed with fine sandpaper.

Advice! If you have to cut bas-reliefs in segments, it is better to secure them with a sheet of plywood from the back.

Then the decorative parts are glued together, attached to the plate sheet. To eliminate all excess, you can use a jigsaw or an electric cutter.

Using sandpaper, it is necessary to carry out high-quality grinding of the side of the finished product.

Making beautiful crossbars requires certain professional skills, as well as certain equipment. After the balusters are made, it is important to carry out high-quality grinding of the product.

For the shelf for the icons, you will need several details:

  • side panels;
  • vertical racks;
  • sides;
  • shelves

Shelf templates for icons can be made from pieces of wood board.

Attention! Professionals do not advise using plywood for templates, because after cutting it you need to significantly modify it.

You will need two side panels for the shelf, in addition, you need to take care of purchasing high-quality fasteners.


First you need to attach ready-made templates to the board. Next, using an electric jigsaw, a part is formed. A milling cutter performs processing of the edges, all irregularities and roughness on the surface are sanded with abrasive paper. Before making holes, you need to outline them with a pencil. Next, the side panels are prepared using the same algorithm. After assembling the product, it is advisable to varnish the shelf.

Fixing on the wall

To fix the corner shelf under the icons on the wall, you will need dowels. First you need to attach hinges to the finished product. Next, the shelf is attached to the wall, and the places where the dowels will be located are marked. The holes for them are made with an electric drill.

There are certain requirements that must be met in order for the finished shelf for icons to be fixed on the wall beautifully:

  • the product should hang at the level of human eyes or higher;
  • there should be no other decorative elements next to the icons;
  • if there will be functional lamps on the shelf, it is important to ensure fire safety (there should be no flammable materials next to the shelf)

Decoration features

Most of the icon shelves are made of natural wood. If you can't make carved strips and details with your own hands, you can limit yourself to creating an imitation of it. To obtain a similar effect, you can first burn the drawing, then cover the finished fragments with decorative enamel. To do this, the contour of the ornament is transferred to the upper panel or side, all contours are outlined with the help of burning devices.

Attention! The finished drawing must be uniform over the entire surface of the product, otherwise the shelf will have an unaesthetic appearance.

As soon as the contour is completed, enamel is applied to the surface with a thin brush, then the product is covered with colorless varnish.

Master Class

Currently, the tradition of decorating your home with Christian icons is returning, even in city apartments you can find a homemade "red corner", which is often called the goddess. If you choose the right materials for the shelf, it can be made a functional decorative element of the apartment interior. The priests say that icon shelves should be in the home of every believer.

In the manufacture of such products, you can use wood, plywood, polymer materials, metal.

Depending on personal preferences, shelves for icons can be single-tier or multi-tier structures. Icons for the iconostasis can be mounted on a table or placed on a shelf.

To create a three-tier structure, stock up on a hand-held milling machine, jigsaw, ruler, pencil, nails or screws, abrasive material, hammer, wood glue.

In order for the shelf to be beautiful, to please its owner for a long period, it is important to make preliminary measurements of the width, height, depth of the planned structure.

Advice! Professionals consider the height of 70 centimeters to be the optimal size for a corner shelf for icons.

You need to transfer the drawing to plywood or wood. If the surface is dark in color, use a construction knife instead of a pencil. Professionals recommend numbering the parts of the drawing in order to avoid mistakes during assembly. As soon as the main details of the planned iconostasis are cut out with a jigsaw, all edges of the product are processed with a hand mill.

So that there are no rolling pins and irregularities on the surface of the shelf, the surface is sanded with sandpaper.

Attention! When sanding, the abrasive material must be moved in the direction of the fibers.

You can use nails or screws to connect the parts together. For strength, you can also arm yourself with glue designed for wood. You can varnish or stain the wood to protect it from high humidity and temperature changes, as well as give the product an aesthetic look.

Basically, shelves for icons are arranged in three rows, but one main row is distinguished - deisis. In order for the created iconostasis to be made correctly, to reliably protect the apartment and its inhabitants, it is important to arrange the icons in a clear sequence.

The upper part is a deisis, in its center there should be an icon of Jesus.

To the left of it is the image of the defender - the Most Holy Theotokos, on the right side there is always an icon of John the Baptist.

Ideally, the number of icons is 12, according to the number of major Christian holidays. On the bottom shelf of the self-made iconostasis, you can place any icons that are revered in a certain region.


Despite the fact that the twenty-first century is the time of innovative computer technologies, people still think about their souls, turn to higher powers for advice. Not everyone has time to attend church services, so improvised iconostases appear in private houses and city apartments. Do not know where to start work related to the construction of a shelf for icons? In this case, first carefully study the recommendations of professionals, and also look at the photos of finished works:

After you get the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe order of work, you can proceed to the implementation of the conceived idea. If you follow all the recommendations of professionals, you will receive a high-quality and original iconostasis for icons. Many people own icons, which should be placed on a special shelf, rather than standing in front of a TV or tape recorder.

Hid from outside eyes. It was dangerous to flaunt them. The time was communist-atheistic. Therefore, we have lost the culture of faith, we do not know where the icons should be in the apartment. It seems there is no secret in this. Place it wherever your heart desires. But the icons are different, and each one has its own approach. Let's figure out what is the correct location of the icons in the apartment.

Ancient traditions

Christianity is over a thousand years old. Icons in the old days were considered a great value. By the way, not every family owned such a relic, and if they were in the house of the image, they took care of them like the apple of their eye. In ancient times, no one thought about where the icons should be in the apartment. We have seen them since childhood; traditions were absorbed with mother's milk. The image was located in. This is not the color scheme of the place, but its essence. "Red" meant "ceremonial", "solemn" and the like. And the corner, because the layout of the hut was simple. Not all walls had windows. The lighting was poor, only candles and torches. The red corner was made the one on which more sun fell. As a rule, it was located in the eastern part of the building. And the windows were planned in advance so that from both sides the light fell on this festive, ceremonial corner. The place was decorated as best they could. The girls made towels and napkins on winter evenings, embroidered, weaved. Flowers were placed nearby in warm weather. And they must set fire to the icon lamp. It was not good for the holy images to be in the shadows. You, dear reader, are probably wondering why icons were treated this way.

What is an image for a person?

A small digression is necessary. Think about what the image is for you personally? Those who are interested in where the icons should be in the apartment, apparently, are believers. Images are not just pretty pictures. From them, people who once lived, who managed to remain faithful to the Lord, become part of the proof of his righteousness and love for humanity, look at the believer. But they are all fundamentally different from all kinds of gurus who are customary to worship. Remember: Christ said that he came to people to give light, to show the way to righteousness. He called to follow the path that he indicated, to feel and understand it with the heart. And those people, whose faces we hang on the wall, realized this and how they could embody it during their lifetime.

Icons are portraits of loved ones, which the believer wants to resemble, from whom he takes an example. That is, they are spiritual friends and patrons. And you will become respected and dear person hide in a dusty closet? Of course not. When he comes to visit, put him in the best place, treat him and entertain him with an interesting conversation. The images are not even visitors, but family members, revered and loved by everyone. This attitude was previously conveyed as normal rules of conduct. Therefore, people did not ask themselves where the icons should be in the apartment. They were assigned a red corner, the most elegant, light and clean.

How the iconostasis is arranged now

The church rules for keeping the images in the eastern part of the building are now practically no longer valid. Father, seeing that the icons are in a different place, will not make a remark. That is, you can put it where it is convenient. However, there are still a number of requirements for the place. When thinking about where the icons should be in the apartment, do not forget about their religious content. It is inappropriate to keep secular pictures nearby, books of dubious nature. It is also recommended to make the red corner away from TVs and computers. These devices are believed to be incompatible with spiritual meditation and prayer. Usually icons are used to appeal to the Lord. Therefore, they need to be positioned so that there is enough space nearby for all family members. The prayer is said in solitude, it is not accepted to push at this moment. Therefore, the owner of the house knows better where the icons should be in the apartment. The photo above illustrates one of the options.

How to arrange images correctly

The iconostasis can be built from a regular shelf or a small table with high legs. Place images on it and lay out religious books, if any. It is permissible and desirable to decorate the iconostasis with napkins and towels of our own production. Nowadays handicrafts are not honored, people buy beautiful products in the store. But while working on a special napkin for the iconostasis, you will begin to reflect on God, which will benefit your soul. Previously, at least, that's exactly what they did. Look at your red corner: is there not enough light there? It would be nice to place special lamps nearby. Do not forget to wipe the dust regularly, sometimes light candles or an icon lamp. It is recommended to keep the Mother of God in the house. The face of a guardian angel is often placed next to it. It is the saint whose name you bear from birth or baptism (sometimes they are different).

Where should the Seven-arrow icon stand in the apartment

Let's talk about special cases of the location of holy images. Believers have a special attitude towards some icons. It is believed that they protect from misfortunes, enemy influence, bad passions. For example, executives often hang in their office. These people are confident that the Mother of God will protect them from intriguers and competitors. At home, it is recommended to hang such an icon over the front door. The clergy say that the face of the Mother of God will take away from the house an uninvited guest with bad intentions. In addition, they say that Semistrelnaya protects the owners from negative thoughts, quarrels, recriminations and scandals. And opposite the front door is advised to hang the icon "Trinity". It cleans the visitors of bad intentions.

Children's room: where the icons should be in the room

Often moms and dads think about how to protect the child from the evil eye, disease and other manifestations of devilry. Icons are most suitable for this. They can be hung in the baby's room. It is advisable to place the image of the Virgin in the eastern corner of the room. Follow the rules above. That is, hang the icon away from broadcasting electronic devices. The holy face in the room will surely arouse the child's interest in faith. Teach him to pray, tell about what icons are for people. Probably, in this way we will gradually be able to regain the ancient traditions of spiritual education. What do you think?

From time immemorial, the home corner iconostasis has become an integral part in any Russian home.

If there were no icons in the hut, then such people were considered non-Christ and stayed away from them.

Many centuries have passed and today the tradition of having your own "red corner" is still relevant.

History of the red corner

Every person has heard the phrase “red corner” or “God's place”. However, not everyone knows why this place received such a name and how it was located correctly. You can often hear the answer that this is the right corner of the door. But this is not always the case.

Ethnographers claim that in the past, "God's place" was diagonally from the oven. And this was done for a reason. The word red was associated with spring, summer and warmth, so they tried to place the icons more on the south or east side.

The North and West for the ancient Slavs was comparable to death, evil spirits and a fierce winter. A little later, these stereotypes broke up, and people began to simply make cozy corners with numerous icons.

Where and how to make a home iconostasis

According to church traditions, the iconostasis is placed on the east side, so first in an apartment or house you need to find a corner that looks exactly to the east. If it is not possible to use the desired angle, then you need to find one close to it.

Since not everyone succeeds in adhering to these conditions, they have been made optional. Usually, the iconostasis is located in a large spacious room so that at least 2 people can fit there. You cannot have a TV or computer nearby.

How to arrange icons

The standard iconostasis should consist of 5 rows and the icons should be arranged in a certain order:

  1. A cross must be placed at the head of all the icons.
  2. In the center is the icon of Jesus Christ. The faces of the Holy Trinity are placed a little lower.
  3. To the right of the icon of Christ is the Mother of God. And only then can other saints be set at will.

It is best when the red corner consists of icons similar in style. But this is difficult to accomplish, because usually the icons are either donated, or the necessary design was not found. But this does not play a big role, the most important thing is to create a holy place with faith and love in your heart.

Do it yourself

As soon as the correct angle is found, and all the requirements are met, you can begin to install the iconostasis. Making an iconostasis on your own at home is not at all difficult and does not require special skill or skill.

What is required to make a three-tier locker:

  1. Various types of materials can act as a basis: PVC panels, plywood, wood.
  2. It is also important to make the correct sketch of the future product. It all depends on your imagination.
  3. For the corner iconostasis, it is necessary to cut out 3 triangular shelves from the panels, and connect them to each other at a distance convenient for you.
  4. Do not forget to make a sufficient distance between the levels of the shelves. It is important that the burning candles do not heat up the shelf and ignite it.
  5. No recommendations are needed to hang the iconostasis on the wall. It is important to remember that the images of the saints should be right before your eyes.
  6. If the icons are located on hanging shelves, then you can put a small coffee table underneath for candles, books and icon lamps.

You can also place holy water and scriptures there.

Plywood holy image stand

Shelf parameters and designs may vary. It is important that the icons you need are placed there. This plywood shelf will be made with dimensions of 30x35x4 cm. What you need for this:

  1. Pine board with dimensions 1.5-2.0 cm thick, 15 cm wide.
  2. Prepared glued board to form the bottom of the cabinet, 1.5 cm thick, 21 cm wide.
  3. Small pieces of birch plywood for sketching.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Self-tapping screws.
  6. A jigsaw, it is best if it is electric.
  7. Drill and drills.
  8. Milling table.
  9. Lathe.
  10. Pencil and meter ruler.

First, we draw and prepare future templates from fiberboard. This is done simply:

  • We draw a drawing on fiberboard in a natural volume and use a jigsaw to cut them out.
  • Then we grind it with sandpaper to the parameters we need.
  • We demarcate places for screws on the templates.
  • We take the prepared blanks, transfer them to plywood and cut them out with a jigsaw and grind the irregularities.
  • As a result, you should get: side, sidewall and bottom.
  • Now mark the holes with a pencil. There should be 2 of them on the bottom, 3 in the bead, and 4 in the sidewall. We drill the marked places and get holes for connecting the template to the workpiece.

The last step is to attach the template to the workpiece with self-tapping screws.

The sides and sidewalls are cut in the same way, and 6 holes are marked: 2 at the bottom, 2 for the side, 2 for the sidewall.

Now, using the machine, we make 2 identical parts.

The next step is to grind round beams 1.5 cm in size and cut it into 6 pieces 1.5 cm long. And in the center of each of them we make holes.

We make each cylinder smooth with sandpaper.

First, we twist the bottom point by point using 41mm self-tapping screws.

If everything is calculated correctly, then the bottoms and sides will be exactly in the middle of the ends.

Then all the sides are attached to the bottom with 3 cylinders made. Self-tapping screws are placed on the bottom side and cylinders are strung on them and screwed directly into the side.

When the cabinet is ready, we apply a layer of linseed oil or varnish on it to maintain its strength and beauty. Now you can hang the finished iconostasis on the wall. Such a locker will be appropriate for every apartment.

Options for homemade shelves for icons

In addition to such a shelf for icons, you can make many others, according to other sketches:

The iconostasis is a spiritual place where you can thank God for everything that we have, and just pray for the health and forgiveness of people close to us. The most important thing is that the "red corner" does not turn into a piece of furniture. It must be done and established exclusively with faith and love in the heart.

How to make an iconostasis with your own hands, see the following video:

Icons in the house must be placed in a specially designated place. There is a tradition to supply icons on the shelf of the eastern wall, however, if this is not possible, then it is not necessary to arrange a home iconostasis on the eastern side. Sometimes icons are delivered to the so-called red corner. "Red" means "beautiful" - it is an indication that the place for the icons should be clean, neat and beautiful.

How to arrange icons in the house

Sometimes they are located on one small shelf. Then in the center you can put the icons of the Lord and the Mother of God, and already along the edges you can place the icons of the angel and saints.

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In recent years, more and more people have come to the Lord. Unfortunately, the long decades of atheism have left a big blank spot in the spiritual education of many generations. Therefore, our contemporaries often find it difficult to deal with the simplest issues of faith, or, through ignorance, make mistakes in the administration of spiritual rituals. This also applies to how many of us make up our home iconostasis.

You will need

  • Where should the iconostasis be placed Canonically - preferably in the east, but based on the real state of affairs of modern life - in such a way that it is convenient and comfortable for you to pray, so that there is enough space and it is calm.


Another "categorical" rule is that in no case should icons be placed next to posters and photographs of today's idols - politicians, rock musicians, sex symbols. If you want to decorate your home iconostasis, do it with fresh, fresh flowers or towels.

There must be icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. Also, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is especially venerated, and his image is very often found in Orthodox families. If there is enough space in your house, you can supplement the iconostasis with a nominal icon, icons of saints, to which you often turn with prayer, images of the great saints of the Russian land and saints revered in the area where you live.

For the home goddess, the rules for placing icons are not as strict as for, but they still exist.

First, look at the iconostasis: if you have a desire to change, rearrange, outweigh something, then you need to do it, otherwise this inner dissatisfaction will distract you during prayer.

When placing icons in the home iconostasis, the same principles apply as in the church one.
The central place is occupied by the icon of the Savior, often the largest in size. The image of the Mother of God with the Child is placed next to the image of Christ.
If you are facing, then the icon of the Savior will be on your right, and the icon of the Virgin on the left. These are two, the main icons, they must be in every Orthodox home, and above them you can place only the icon of the Holy Trinity or the icon "The Last Supper".

If you still have questions, you can always turn to the priest for clarification or advice in the church, and the priest will always help you and resolve all your doubts.


Do not forget that when placing icons, there is a hierarchy principle: for example, you should not place an icon of a saint who is revered in your region over the icon of the Holy Trinity, Savior, Mother of God, the apostles.

Helpful advice

If the icon has fallen into disrepair for various reasons and it can no longer be restored, in no case throw it away - take the icon to the church. As a last resort, you can burn it and bury the ashes in a quiet place such as a garden or a cemetery.


  • Annunciation, Orthodox Christian Library

In order to do iconostasis, you need icons illuminated in the church. Among the icons there must be an icon with the image of the Savior, the Mother of God, the Trinity and the Guardian Angel. You can also buy personalized icons and icons with the face of the Saints. In the center should be the image of the Savior, and to the right of him the Mother of God.


The third row is “festive”. It has icons depicting the Annunciation, Nativity of Christ, Transfiguration, Crucifixion, etc.

The fourth row is “prophetic”. In the center, place the Mother of God and the Child on the throne, on the sides of the prophets.
The fifth row is "forefather". In the center - "Old Testament Trinity", on the sides of the forefathers. There may be more rows - all at your discretion.

Sooner or later, most Orthodox people have a desire to make their own little corner for prayer. To create a home iconostasis must be approached deliberately. It is simply impossible to install icons chaotically. You need to follow a few simple rules.

You will need

  • Icon of Jesus Christ
  • Icon of the Mother of God
  • Other icons, optional.


The number of icons in the home iconostasis must be at least two. It is best if these are images of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. These icons must be present in every home. In addition to these icons, it would be nice to keep the image of the saints after whom the residents of the house are named, as well as the images of locally revered saints. It should be noted that the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered on a par with the face of the Savior and the Mother of God, and it is present in every Orthodox family. When disposing, one should be guided by the principle of hierarchy. Above there should always be images of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God. The icon of the Mother of God should be to the left of the icon of the Lord.

If you have written and printed icons, give preference to the first. Thanks to the spiritual connection of the icon painter, the icon he created is valued much higher than any factory icon.

Decoration of icons with decorations. Often, icons are placed in so-called icon cases (they are decorated with basma, as is done in many churches). Rize trim is very common. Also, icons can be decorated with fresh flowers. On the holidays of Pentecost and the Holy Trinity, the iconostasis is decorated with birch twigs, as a symbol of a prosperous Church. Large icons are framed with white or embroidered towels.

Choosing a place for icons in the house. The coming of Christ is expected from the east, therefore one should pray facing him. Accordingly, the iconostasis should be located exactly on this side, preferably in the corner. If the house is located outside the east side, the red corner can be arranged, focusing on the nearest church. If in the east there is a passage and windows, then you can install the iconostasis on any wall of the dwelling, because in the church icons are located on all walls. It is only necessary to maintain a certain distance in front of the icons so that you feel complete freedom and openness in prayer. Appliances and interior items that symbolize peace cannot be placed near the icons.

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There should always be an icon of the Holy Trinity at the top. Quarrels, unworthy behavior, scandals are unacceptable in front of the icons. It is desirable to crown the home iconostasis with a cross. Crosses are also placed on door frames. If an icon or church utensils have become unusable, in no case should they simply be thrown away.

Helpful advice

From the images of the Savior, for home prayer, a half-length image of the Lord Almighty is usually chosen. A characteristic feature of this iconographic type is the image of the blessing hand of the Lord and an open or closed book. For those who have the opportunity to place a larger number of icons in the house, you can supplement your iconostasis with images of revered local saints and, of course, the great saints of the Russian land.


Each house is a small temple. And it should have its own iconostasis... But you cannot hang icons just so that it is beautiful. There are certain rules for placing shrines in the room.

You will need

  • - Whatman sheet;
  • - markers;
  • - glue;
  • - icons.


Before you hang icons in the house, consecrate the room. The first time only a minister of the church should do this. The priest will go around all the rooms, reading prayers, and will sprinkle the walls with holy water. After this Sacrament, no sinful deeds should be performed in the house - drunkenness, smoking, foul language. Otherwise, the ceremony will have to be repeated.

Icons bought in a souvenir shop must be consecrated in a church. Only then can they be hung at home. Shrines acquired in orthodox church, it is not necessary to re-consecrate.

You need to fix the icons on the wall that faces east or southeast. This is due to the fact that the person praying should be turned towards the side of the world where the sun rises. On the same side, believers await the second coming of Jesus Christ. If there is no suitable surface in the house, orient the shrines to the nearest church.

For iconostasisand it will take several shrines. Two images of the Savior, two - of the Most Holy Theotokos, the icon of the Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos, icons of John the Forerunner, revered saints and twelve feasts.

Take the foxes of whatman paper and draw in the center the Royal Doors (doors through which Jesus Christ invisibly passes in the Holy Gifts). Attach the icon of the Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos on them. To the right of the holy doors, hang the face of the Savior, to the left - the Most Holy Theotokos. This is the main, middle row iconostasisand.

Festive is the row of shrines located above the Royal Doors. Place icons of the twelve holidays there.

The Deesis tier is the topmost row of icons. In the center, attach a large image of the Savior. To the right and to the left of him are the faces of the Theotokos and John the Baptist

At the very bottom iconostasisand depict the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord. It can be cut from the church calendar and glued. Or draw it yourself with a felt-tip pen.

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Icons are works of art and not only, through them you can turn to God with prayers, requests, seek help and consolation. Therefore, it is very important to arrange them in the correct order, making your home iconostasis, who will become the protector of the house and its inhabitants.


Choose for home iconostasisand the east wall of the house. If this is difficult, the icons can be placed in any easily accessible place where several people can gather for prayer.

Traditionally homemade iconostasiswe are framed with hand-embroidered towels. You can hang side by side images of temples, serene landscapes and views of the Holy Land.

Please note that icons are best placed on a hard surface, and not on a wall. Before iconostasis it was customary to place it in a special cabinet - an icon case. It can be replaced by an ordinary bookshelf. The main thing is that only theological books should be on it.

For home iconostasisand images of the Mother of God and the Savior are required. You should purchase icons of your saints (whose names are family members) and the especially revered Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is the intercessor of children, mothers, undeservedly offended, as well as sick, prisoners and travelers.

If you want to create a complete iconostasis, then it must be supplemented with images of the holy evangelists, the prophet Elijah, the Archangels Gabriel and Michael, St. John the Baptist, Panteleimon and icons dedicated to church holidays.

There are several strict rules for placing icons in your home iconostasise to be followed. Center the image of the Savior (it should be the largest in size). Place the Virgin and Child on the left, as is customary in the classic iconostasise. Only the Crucifixion or the icon of the Holy Trinity can be placed above. Place the rest just below or on the sides of the main icons. The whole iconostasis it is customary to crown with a cross.


If any icon has fallen into disrepair, it must be taken to the church, but in no case thrown away.

In every Orthodox home, a place of honor should be given to icons, regardless of the status and condition of the family. It can be a modest shelf or even a whole iconostasis. The location of the icons in the room is not accidental, the red corner should be located in a certain place so that household members can turn their thoughts to God and direct good thoughts to heaven.


You should know in what place should be located icons in apartment... When turning a person with prayer, he should face east. Following this custom, the eastern wall of the room is the right place for the icons. However, the layout of the apartment may not always allow this to be done, since windows can be placed on the east side. Do not place the icon next to a window and a battery, this will damage it due to heat and drafts.

It's okay if you arrange icons elsewhere in the room, since a sincere prayer will still be heard, no matter where the holy image hangs. There should be enough free space in front of the icon so that worshipers can immerse themselves in their thoughts and requests, without being distracted by cramped conditions and inconveniences.

There should be no secular books, TV sets, posters, figurines, calendars and paintings near the icons. Place or hang an icon lamp in front of the icons. The image of the Lord God should be in a material radiance of light and remind you of his light in heaven. Light the lamp during prayer and on the eve of the holidays. On Sundays and divine holidays, leave it lit all day.

Place a measured icon at the head of the bed to keep and protect the peace of the sleeping person, filling him with pure thoughts. The icon can be located in the hallway above the entrance to the house, and in the living room, and even in the kitchen (so that you can pray before or after eating). Hang the Guardian Angel icon in the child's room, it will protect your beloved child.

Remember not to hang icons saints are higher than the image of the Mother of God with the baby in her arms and the Savior. Only the Holy Trinity can be placed above them. The icon of the Savior should be located to the right of the person praying, respectively, the Virgin on the left. The images of the rest of the saints should be placed below, while observing the hierarchy.


  • where to put the icons at home

When asked how to distinguish an Orthodox Christian from all other people, 9 out of 10 people will answer: "Orthodox Christians have icons at home." Of course, the mere presence of icons does not make a person a Christian, but it is necessary to have them in your home.

It is sometimes said that Christians "worship icons." This is not true. When praying, a person turns not to the icon itself, but to the one who is depicted on it: the Savior, the Mother of God, some saint. A glance at the icon helps to focus, to concretize the image of the one to whom the prayer is calling.

Set of icons

In the home, there must be a Savior and the Mother of God. The presence of icons of saints is not so necessary, but desirable. These can be images of all those saints who patronize family members - according to the names given at baptism.

You can buy icons of those saints to whom family members turn especially often. For example, an icon of St. Dmitry Solunsky, St. Theodore Stratilates, St. Alexander Nevsky or another warrior saint, in the doctor's house there is an icon of St. Panteleimon or St. Cosmas and Damian. Finally, a Christian can feel special reverence for a saint whose feat made a strong impression on him - the image of this saint of God can also be in the home iconostasis.

When purchasing icons, you need to perceive them as shrines, and not as valuable things or interior decoration. Do not chase expensive or rare icons. The icons made of precious metals that are sold in jewelry stores do not correspond to the Christian spirit at all. You can accept such an icon as a gift, but you should not buy it yourself.

It is best to buy icons in church shops, where they are sold already consecrated. In addition, dubious images of "people's saints" not canonized by the church will definitely not be sold there.

Where to place the horses

In the old days, icons were placed in the eastern corner of the main room - it was called the "red corner". This is due to the special symbolic meaning given to the east side in the Bible: in the east God planted the Garden of Eden, the spirit brings the prophet Ezekiel to the eastern gates of the House of the Lord, etc.

Unfortunately, the arrangement of windows and doors in modern houses does not always allow placing the home iconostasis in the eastern corner. In this case, it can be located anywhere else. The main thing is that a separate shelf should be allocated for icons, where no one will put photographs, paintings, reproductions, and other secular objects.

You should not place icons next to a TV, player or computer, because these items are associated with worldly vanity. It is permissible to put icons on a bookshelf, but only on condition that the content of the books on it does not contradict Christian doctrine. Posters or with images of singers, actors and other secular idols should not be allowed to hang next to icons.

In the Orthodox tradition, the icon is a shrine. Through holy images, a person focuses his attention on the spiritual, turns in his prayers not to the board and paints, but to the very person depicted in the image. Every Orthodox Christian takes care of arranging at least a small home iconostasis in his home.

Holy images can be placed in all living rooms. There is a pious tradition in the bedroom to arrange wedding images. If the family is large, then icons in each living room are necessary for the private prayer of all family members.

For pious believers, holy images (or at least one small icon) are located in the kitchen. This is due to the practice of prayer before and after eating food.

Holy icons should not be placed on a shelf with books that have non-Christian content. It is undesirable to put them on TV or together with secular paintings - the place for icons should be specially designated for this shrine.

Some believers put an icon over the entrance to the house. Often at this place you can see the image of the Most Holy Theotokos Hodegetria Guidebook, since it is useful for an Orthodox believer to pray for help in good endeavors before going out into the street. Sometimes a cross is placed above the entrance to the house.

How to arrange icons in the house

The principle of the arrangement of icons on the home iconostasis is based on hierarchy, similar to the arrangement of iconostases in a church. If the icons are located on the wall, then in the center at the head of the iconostasis there should be an icon of the Holy Trinity or the Lord Jesus Christ. To the right of this image you can place an icon of the Mother of God, and to the left of St. John the Baptist or a particularly revered saint, for example, Nicholas the Wonderworker. Below you can place other images - angels, saints, prophets, reverends, righteous. A crucifix can crown the home iconostasis.

It cannot be said that there are any specific indications of the order of placing icons in the home iconostasis (except that the Lord desires a central place).

If space permits, then under the main icons of the Lord and the Mother of God, you can place the holy images of twelve Christian holidays. In the case when the home iconostasis includes several dozen icons, then shrines with the faces of the Savior or venerated icons of the Virgin and saints can also be placed under the central images.