How badminton rackets were called. History of badminton

Who among us does not want to play at the best-witted group with a racket at the world? Badminton is a sport. Grati in the new one can be done with two or more gravels, and meta gri - to bring your advantage over the opponent by the path of a successful transfer of the shuttlecock through the net. If you want to play and may be similar to tennis, the rules of badminton are revised and it is important for them to know, first of all, proceed to your first green. If you want to become a master at badminton, or just celebrate the defeat on the miles of girls near the park, divas. Krok 1, to start the robot.


part 1

Vivchennya rules
  1. We need to understand the sense gri. Badminton, like tennis, sports from zastosuvannyam rackets, in which one plays either two, or two teams of two people. Your meta is for us to score 21 points. You take a point, so you successfully throw the shuttlecock through the net to the opposite side and the opposite command is to give a pardon, but it means that the team is not able to turn the shuttlecock back in a proper manner.

    • To win a skin game, you are guilty of earning 21 points first and win two out of three. Tse means, that offending the teams may win 20 points, one team is guilty of winning 22 - 20 and so on.
    • If you and your opponent can't win 2 rounds each, you continue to win, you won't get to 29 points, and whoever scores 30 points first, wins.
    • The first team, which won two greens, wins the match. Even though the rounds are 1-1, you can play the third match.
  2. Learn from the court. Vіn maє razmіri 13.40 m zavdovki і 6.70 zadovshki. As if you are grating yourself, you are grating on that part, like 13.4 m near the dove, but the width will be only 6.1 m. earth. If you play two individuals, adding to the playing area, the fields are added 1.46 m on the left and right sides of the Maidanchik (bill lines are drawn up). What else do you need to know:

    • From the skin side of the court, you can work the right and left serve. One team can serve from more than one side of the court to the service diagonal. In this order, the grave from the left side of the court is guilty of serving evil, the grave from the right side of the court - from the right.
    • When serving in singles, the skins are to be blamed for one back of the court from the diagonal, which includes its part of the court and the back signal line. Under the hour of serving in the doubles, the gravel can be changed on one side of the court from the diagonal, which includes the kick lines, but not the service line. So, for singles, the court, which accepts, is lower, and in doubles, it is wider.
    • After that, like a shuttlecock is successfully filed, the whole court on the bots of the skin team becomes a grey zone. The shuttlecock is simply guilty of being stuck in the courts of the other team.
  3. Learn the basics of Gris. The axis of those that you need to know, the first to start a game in badminton, the cream of information about the court and the rules I will win:

    • Throw a coin, or choose some other way, as the command is given first and from any side of the court.
    • The first serve looks like the right half of the field diagonally on the opposite back court.
    • If the side that is serving wins a pardon, then the receiving side will deduct a point and forfeit the right to serve. If the team that serves, serves and receives a pardon, then the team that serves moves from one point of the court to the other side and continues to serve. So one point is earned after a skin serve (for volleyball, for example).
    • In the doubles category, the skin team can only have one serve. In such a rank, if one of the graves commands a pardon when serving, then the serve goes to the grave of the next command then.
    • If the team that receives, subtracts one point and subtracts the serve, the team does not switch to yoga beck, but sends a star, it won't be known. If she wins the first point, then the gravity shifts her position right-handed.
    • After a skin grill, the opponents change sides of the court, and the team, having played the front game, may have the right to apply pershu on the cob of the offensive grill.
  4. You are guilty of understanding, like a grave-bearer you can get a pardon. There are a few reasons why a team can pick up a foul:

    • Like the command that you give, it’s not possible to throw the shuttlecock over the net. In badminton, you take less than one test for a skin serve. A single blame, as your team sends the shuttlecock into the net and falls on the top of the superman. At this point, you take one more sample.
    • Yakshcho you ate with a flounce in / under the net, be it like a mit gri.
    • Like a shuttlecock hitting you.
    • Yakscho vie threw the shuttlecock out.
    • Yakscho vy drank a shuttlecock at the court on your side.
    • Likewise, the serve cannot bring the shuttlecock to the back of the court.
      • More slipped gravity can be pardoned, if the serve is at the point, like higher, lower waist, or if you lift the head of the racket higher, lower your hands. But for beginners, follow these rules, you can be a little stompy, so you can’t make a quick exchange of blows.
  5. Learn the main ways of hitting the shuttlecock. A standard badminton racket should be 0.65 m long and close to 130-160 gm. Most of the rackets are made of metal and polyamide, and you have to spend enough energy to effectively hit the shuttlecock with such a light racket. The main blow is a right-handed blow and a zliva blow (like a tenis), and you need lightness and a wrist lock, so that you can effectively hit the shuttlecock. The axis of those that you need to know about badminton strikers:

    • Work nig. Give respect to the little ones and work a lot of bad little ones, so that you can position yourself in such a rank, so that you can easily hit the shuttlecock to replace that one, so that you can reach the new one.
    • It is your fault to practice the swing, the forward chiseling and the blow and the prostration behind it, so that you can effectively hit the shuttlecock. You are to blame for hitting the round center of the shuttlecock, and not the yogo pir'ya.
    • Complete your clear blow. The most widening blow and yoga meta is to strike in such a manner that your opponent collapses like a net, which will give you an hour to prepare for the offensive blow.
    • Practice shortening the punch. For an effective blow, you are responsible for the most powerful lower blow, which is responsible for driving the shuttlecock into the area with instructions from the grid, to rob it important for the capture, regardless of how fast your opponent is.
    • Deadly blow. This tight postril vikoristovuetsya in quiet fluctuations, if it is necessary to hit the shuttlecock more for the rіven sіtka. You will be guilty of lifting the racket behind your back, the yakbies were going to pick up її podryapat, get up until the shuttlecock to spend the racket near the zone and hit with such force, the yakbies were going to throw yoga over the parkan.
    • Shuttle control. You can also strike right-handed, or with a swing, which moves the shuttlecock parallel to the ground, passing through the net, it’s easy for that opponent to guess the trajectory of yoga, or turn back.

    part 2

    Mastering the beats
    1. Master the chain. Tse those, as you trim the racket, and tse vplyne on the skin blow, as you vibrate. The grіє has two main hooks, one for the forward strike and one for the back strike. The axis of those that you need to know:

      • Front zcheplennya. Trim the racket from its non-playing side, with the handle to yourself and with the front side of the racket perpendicular to the bottom. Put a pen in your hand, don't hang around with it. You can have the V form between the great and impressive fingers. Relax your fingers for more flexibility. Change the chain and move it closer to the handle for greater control of the racket, if you hit the shuttlecock in front of the front maidanchik and in the middle of the corti.
      • Zcheplennya on roses. Trim the racket like this, nibi you trim the hook hit in front. Let's turn the racket against the arrow of the year so that the V shape forms a turn to the left. put thumb on the back end of the handle for the best grip and let the racket freely spiral on your fingers.
    2. Learn to cope with high and low supply. There are a lot of ways to show the serve, from high serves to serves on the strokes. The axis of action from them, it is necessary to know:

      • High flow. Tse vodminna serve for moving your opponent back at the hour of the gri vych-na-vіch. For two, the troch is folded. For tsієї filing, you can beat a light right-handed blow. Relax, bend your legs in knees, standing 0.60 - 0.90 m behind the service line. With your foot from the side of the racket, collapse forward, and with your foot from the side, de rackets, put back. Get the racket up to the shoulder, then turn it forward. Trim the shuttlecock for pіr'ya troch in front. Hit the shuttlecock with the flat surface of the racket, until the racket has gone all the way to the head, de racket is dumb.
      • The best serving is the most victorious under an hour of grilling two by two. For this move, you can beat the blow with the right hand or on the wings.
        • For the front serve, it is necessary to stand 0.6 - 0.9 m behind the service line, move the racket to the level of the waist and start swinging forward. Trim the shuttlecock for the first time and bring it closer to the racket. Vdarte on the shuttlecock is wider, but still lower than the waist, and stitch it with the front part of the racket, making sure to make a better net.
        • To serve on the swings, simply move the leg from the side of the racket forward, and the leg from the side without the racket back, straight ahead to the opponent. Sweep a short swing, and then bring the racket forward, trimming the shuttlecock with flounces in front at the waist. Let's press the front part of the racket onto the shuttlecock and try to hit a random net. Change stroke to save more control.
    3. Mastering flash and driving blow. The axis of those that you need to know:

      • Flicky. Beat this blow for a swedish serving, but work sparingly. Win a right-handed strike, or on roses, playful, nibi, you choose to press on the shuttlecock at a very low pitch, and then replace it with a wink for a swedish flick.
      • Drive hit. This attacking blow is ideal for singles and doubles. Wine allows you to feed under a flat cut and at a swedish temp. Sweep a right-handed blow under the paws, standing three feet far from the service line, moving your leg out of the side, don’t let the rackets go, raising the racket three times lower by the waist, turning it parallel to the waist. Swing the racquet forward and hit the shuttlecock with the troch sideways to the top of the coat and giving you the opportunity to fly to the net with a larger flat top.
    4. Master the right-handed punch. As soon as you know that the shuttlecock is going low in front of you, you need to use your right hand to overcome the enemy. The axis of what you need to work out:

      • Bring the racket back. Change your racket so that the racket is in the back.
      • Keep your knees bent and be ready to tumble forward.
      • Swing forward with your foot on the side of the racket.
      • Squeeze the racket so that you don’t go anywhere, clapping your wrists in the last second, first hit the shuttlecock.
      • Let the front part of the racket open and move it uphill to create an impulse.
      • Keep moving the racket until it hits the shuttlecock of your right shoulder.
    5. Learn to beat on roses. For a blow on the roses, you are guilty of checks, until the shuttlecock goes to that side, from which you choose to beat. Axis of what you are guilty of:

      • Dig your left leg and work in circles with your right foot in the front part (so you are right-handed, your blow of evil is due to your left side), cross over so that your right shoulder is opposite the grid.
      • Bend the right elbow and run the right hand over the body, to get ready, swing the racket, moving the left leg to the back, taking the right leg loose and rickety.
      • Put your arm on your front leg, adjusting your elbow, walk forward with a racket until the front of the racket touches the shuttlecock to move the racket forward over your right shoulder.
    6. Learn to strike. Zrіzannya can help to improve the watering of the shuttlecock or change it directly. The more the navitch is put in, it will be more easy for the enemy to understand, it’s not clear where the shuttlecock will fly and how you will hit it. The axis of those that you can rob:

      • Hit cleanly. Start the ruh in front, as if it were right, and then move the racket in the middle, perpendicular to the center of the shuttlecock, in such a rite, roaming along and guiding the shuttlecock across the court, instead of falling forward, like ochіkuє your superman.
      • See clean hit. Work tse, moving the racket perpendicular to the center of the shuttlecock, if the wines are in line. Tse spovіlnit shuttlecock, scho zmusit yogo shvidko fall on the sides of the foyer of the net.

Blame badminton. Badminton is one of the most ancient mountains of our planet. Іsnuє impersonal versions of how to її pozhennya. Deyakі tsіlkom sіlkom іnі factі tіdchat, scho shochasny badminton sprouted from а long-standing grey near the shuttlecock. Two thousand years ago, grown-up children played near the shuttlecocks in ancient Greece, China, Japan, India, and the climes of Africa. In Japan, the group was expanded under the name "oybane". Vaughn poked at the shuttlecock thrown over with wooden rackets, crushed from a bunch of fir and tassels of dried cherries. In France, a similar gram is called “je-de-paume” (grass with an apple). English mid-range woodcuts depict villagers, like throwing one shuttlecock to one. Grali from a similar group from Russia. About tse to remember the engravings of the 18th century.

In 1650, Queen Christina of Sweden had a court near the Royal Palace (King's Palace) near Stockholm for gris in the "flying ball", and she played with her courtiers and guests from other countries. Court dosi іsnuє near the capital of Sweden and at a time є

The power of the church.

In England in the 19th century, nabula was especially popular with shuttlecocks in the family of the Duke of Beaufort. The Duke was the patron of the badminton association, the head of the Front Hall, and at the same time, he has a wonderful collection of antique rackets and shuttlecocks.

The English officers, who served in India, choked on their thunder and, turning to the fatherland, settled the Folkestone officer club in 1875. Colonel Dolby became the first president of the Badminton Association, having taken an active part in the creation of new rules, the basis of which was laid down by the rules of the roop. Deyakі їх points were saved and dosi. England has new clubs. Gra became popular and in the outskirts of London. And її the center was the place of Badminton, in the form of a grouse with a shuttlecock and got a new name.

At birch 1898 the first official badminton tournament was held, and on April 4, 1899 in London - the first all-English championship. Nadal championships have become even more popular in England. Number of clubs from 1901 to 1911 matured ten times. Badminton began to spread all over England and beyond.

Development of international badminton. 5 lime 1934 the International Badminton Federation (IBF) was created. At the same time to ІBF enter over 70 countries. The federation organizes various events, the main one being the Thomas Cup (in the name of the IBF President). Vіn rozіgruєtsya іz 1948 r. among national human teams. This tournament is held every three years. Team-participants divided into zones. The winners of the zonal wins win among themselves, and the winners of the tournament in the final match win the prize.

A similar tournament of mid-women's teams, which is called the Uber Cup in honor of the IBF homemaker, has been held since 1956.

Since 1968, a special championship has been held, and since 1972, a European team championship. Zustrіchі natіonalnykh zbіrnih teams zazvichay zvuchayutsya s single, boys and zmіshanih іgor. Cream of that international federation badminton regularly organizes and conducts official special tournaments that enter before the international calendar.

Have 1977 r. the Swedish city of Malmö had the first official world championship. Narazі badminton is an olympic sport. 1992 yogo olympic debut.

In the rest of the world, the athletes of China, Korea, Denmark, Indonesia are the strongest graves in the world.

Rozvytok Radyanskogo badminton. The All-World Festival of Young Students near Moscow (1957) gave rise to the development of Radyansk badminton. At the festivals, the first international sportsmen of our athletes appeared.

The first championship of Moscow was held in 1959. Potim, born in 1961 held the international tournament for the participation of badminton players from Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov, Lvov. For 1962 the selected teams of the republics (Ukrainian SSR, BRSR, RRFSR, AzSSR, KazSSR, TadzhSSR), and to visit Moscow and Leningrad were already heard. The team of Moscow became the winner of this tournament, L.Zolkina, T.Chistyakova, V.Demin, M.Sokolov, I.Isakov, Yu.Klimov played for the yak.

Since 1962, the championships of the RRFSR, Ukraine, Leningrad, as well as DZG and departments, have become regularly played. Have 1963 p. passed the first championship of the USSR, M. Zarubo (Zhukovsky) and M. Sokolov (Moscow) won the gold medal.

M.Nikitina, M.Peshekhonov, K.Vavilov, N.Ershov, M.Sokolov, Y.Klimov became a good school of mastery for the leading gravitators of the USSR M.Nikitina, M.Peshekhonov, K.Vavilov, M.Sokolova, Yu.

Step by step, it gained great popularity among different regions of our country. The Federation of Badminton of the SRSR began to practice.

On the cob of the 1960s, with the help of engineer B.V. Glebovich, one of the first badminton schools in our country was created in Krasnoarmiysk, which played a famous role in the development of sports badminton in the USSR. The badminton players of Chervonoarmiysk repeatedly overcame the All-Union slogans. B.V. Glebovich, the first middle coach in badminton, was given the title of Honored Coach of the RRFSR.

In 1974 The Badminton Federation of the SRSR became a member of the IBF and our athletes took away the opportunity to compete at official international competitions.

In 1984 Our athletes first took part in the zonal competition for the Thomas Cup, and in 1986. The last night of the selection of the SRSR team became a participant in the prize for the Uber Cup.

In 1988 The Badminton Federation of the SRSR organized the draw of the European Champions Cup.


Badminton (illustration for a British magazine in 1804)

Speed ​​record

On September 26, 2009, Malaysian badminton player Tan Boon Heung won the greatest badminton shot (in humans) of 421 km/year (261.6 miles/year) at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnas. This was done in Yonex lab minds, not in real match. The record was certified by the certificate of the Guinness World Record on 8 February 2010.

International tournaments

Podіlyayutsya on k_lka categorіy, scho v_drіznyayutsya kіlk_styu narahovany for the ledge of rating points, we will call the fund that prestige.

Submit the Light Federation to badminton Light Super Series Tournament Golden Series Tournament Grand Prix World Cup stage European Cup Stages - Challengers Stages of the European Cup European Cup Stages - Futures
Helper (1) 12000 9200 7000 5000 4000 2500 1700
Silver medalist (2) 10200 7800 5950 4250 3400 2130 1420
Pivfinalisti (3.4) 8400 6420 4900 3500 2800 1750 1170
Quarterfinals (5/8) 6600 5040 3850 2750 2200 1370 920
9/16 4800 3600 2720 1920 1520 920 600
17/32 3000 2220 1670 1170 920 550 350
33/64 1200 880 660 460 360 210 130
65/128 600 430 320 220 170 100 60
129/256 240 170 130 90 70 40 20
257/512 120 80 60 40 30 20 10
513/1024 60 40 30 25 20 10 5

Table 2. Fund prizes of international badminton money

Depending on the rules of the All-World Badminton Federation (BWF) and the European Badminton Federation (Badminton Europe) in one country, it is allowed to hold no more than one stage of the World Cup and no more than one stage of the European Cup. Russia has the tournament of the light series Grand Prix "Russian Open" (Gold Series), 2008 - Moscow, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Vladivostok and the stage of the European Cup (challenger) White Nights (Gatchina, s 2007).



National Sovereign University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. P.F. Lisgafta

Department of Theory and Methods of Sports Games

topic "History of the development of badbinton, the rules of the grill, the classification of the technique of the grill"

Vikonav: 2nd year student

Faculty of Education

Hamulinsky Vladislav

Group: 224

St. Petersburg, 2013


1. History of badbinton development

2. Gris rules

3. Grinding technique

4. Classification of the main technical methods of badbinton

List of victorious literature


The most massive and popular sports in the world are vvazhayutsya

football, hockey, basketball, volleyball... It is customary to say about badminton that in

Yogo is played either by children at the yard, or by sleeping on the beach. Ale tse far away

Like and be-like another sport, badminton is a healthy way

life, actively spent dozvіllya. Availability, ease of grilling, simple

rules allow newcomers to achieve high results


throw off a lot of kilos just spend calories and for that

are engaged in shaping, aerobics, crochet, etc.

to finish the tedium and shvidko to pick up. І vzagali, zmusit yourself regularly

bigati is difficult. And the badminton axis is even more reckless cicava gra, v

as if it were necessary to collapse. The process is choked by the very thunder

consider that and those who spend money in kilograms. It's important here

remember that all the difficulties associated with physical challenges,

are sent to another plane by psychological emotions and

experiences that cry out to the thunder itself.

Badminton is a more democratic sport. You can get involved in

be-yakom vіtsі. Obviously, with any serious success in a professional

you can’t do sports, but it’s possible to raise a riven hryvnia, so

mastering the technical elements available to the skin.

Badminton is one of the most important games. I'm sure you can find someone with

if there weren’t rackets that wolani. Practically skin people if

abo torkavsya tsikh sports equipment. Tse zagalno accessible that

Korisna gra.

Badminton is a more compact sport that does not mean great

financial bills for the outfit of the gaming equipment Maydanchik for

games can be enjoyed in any case, in the smallest hall, maidanchik

courtyard or park. Grad with its simplicity. Already after the first

Busy student practical knowledge of the basics of Gri that can

independently conduct її. Prote scho is more gray, then it becomes clearer

the need for a fully grown gr. I don't add.

You can’t help but notice that badminton has a viniclo of its kind

medical straight, gra at the shuttlecock zastosovuetsya with a jubilant method. So,

at the Kislovodsk resort, badminton is widely played for the delight of people from

heart-judgmental ailments, ailments exchange of speech and nervous

systems. Advantages of gri in what is already easy step by step

increase the physical vanity - from the minimum to the ground ones.

Gra does not fit patients, bring joy. Literally, the one who saw

Qiu rude is a good psychologist. Physiologists say what is busy

sports games help pidrosty. Gra at the shuttlecock - tse miracle

zasіb vіd tire. Miraculously know the voltage. Stezhennya for

shuttlecock, scho purhay, - corisna gymnastics for the eyes. After a gris (especially here on a fox galyavin) it is easier to breathe, to practice more quickly.

1. History of development of badminton.

Vinnyknennya badminton. Badminton is one of the most ancient mountains of our planet. Іsnuє impersonal versions of how to її pozhennya. Deyakі tsіlkom sіlkom іnі factі tіdchat, scho shochasny badminton sprouted from а long-standing grey near the shuttlecock. Two thousand years ago, grown-up children played near the shuttlecocks in ancient Greece, China, Japan, India, and the climes of Africa. In Japan, the group was expanded under the name "oybane". Vaughn poked at the shuttlecock thrown over with wooden rackets, crushed from a bunch of fir and tassels of dried cherries. In France, a similar gram is called “je-de-paume” (grass with an apple). English middle woodcuts depict villagers throwing one shuttlecock to one. Grali from a similar group from Russia. About tse to remember the engravings of the 18th century.

In 1650, Queen Christina of Sweden had a court near the Royal Palace (King's Palace) near Stockholm for gris in the "flying ball", and she played with her courtiers and guests from other countries. Court dosi іsnuє near the capital of Sweden and at a time є

The power of the church.

In England in the 19th century, nabula was especially popular with shuttlecocks in the family of the Duke of Beaufort. The Duke was the patron of the badminton association, the head of the Front Hall, and at the same time, he has a wonderful collection of antique rackets and shuttlecocks.

The English officers, who served in India, choked on their thunder and, turning to the fatherland, settled the Folkestone officer club in 1875. Colonel Dolby became the first president of the Badminton Association, having taken an active part in the creation of new rules, the basis of which was laid down by the rules of the roop. Deyakі їх points were saved and dosi. England has new clubs. Gra became popular and in the outskirts of London. And її the center was the place of Badminton, in the form of a grouse with a shuttlecock and got a new name.

At birch 1898 the first official badminton tournament was held, and on April 4, 1899 in London - the first all-English championship. Nadal championships have become even more popular in England. Number of clubs from 1901 to 1911 matured ten times. Badminton began to spread all over England and beyond.

Development of international badminton. 5 lime 1934 the International Badminton Federation (IBF) was created. At the same time to ІBF enter over 70 countries. The federation organizes various events, the main one being the Thomas Cup (in the name of the IBF President). Vіn rozіgruєtsya іz 1948 r. among national human teams. This tournament is held every three years. Team-participants divided into zones. The winners of the zonal wins win among themselves, and the winners of the tournament in the final match win the prize.

A similar tournament of mid-women's teams, which is called the Uber Cup in honor of the IBF homemaker, has been held since 1956.

Since 1968, a special championship has been held, and since 1972, a European team championship. Zustrіchі natіonalnykh zbіrnih teams zazvichay zvuchayutsya s single, boys and zmіshanih іgor. In addition, the international badminton federation regularly organizes and conducts official special tournaments that enter before the international calendar.

Have 1977 r. the Swedish city of Malmö had the first official world championship. Narazі badminton is an olympic sport. 1992 yogo olympic debut.

In the rest of the world, the athletes of China, Korea, Denmark, Indonesia are the strongest graves in the world.

Rozvytok Radyanskogo badminton. The All-World Festival of Young Students near Moscow (1957) gave rise to the development of Radyansk badminton. At the festivals, the first international sportsmen of our athletes appeared.

The first championship of Moscow was held in 1959. Potim, born in 1961 held the international tournament for the participation of badminton players from Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov, Lvov. For 1962 the selected teams of the republics (Ukrainian SSR, BRSR, RRFSR, AzSSR, KazSSR, TadzhSSR), and to visit Moscow and Leningrad were already heard. The team of Moscow became the winner of this tournament, L.Zolkina, T.Chistyakova, V.Demin, M.Sokolov, I.Isakov, Yu.Klimov played for the yak.

Since 1962, the championships of the RRFSR, Ukraine, Leningrad, as well as DZG and departments, have become regularly played. Have 1963 p. passed the first championship of the USSR, M. Zarubo (Zhukovsky) and M. Sokolov (Moscow) won the gold medal.

M.Nikitina, M.Peshekhonov, K.Vavilov, N.Ershov, M.Sokolov, Y.Klimov became a good school of mastery for the leading gravitators of the USSR M.Nikitina, M.Peshekhonov, K.Vavilov, M.Sokolova, Yu.

Step by step, it gained great popularity among different regions of our country. The Federation of Badminton of the SRSR began to practice.

On the cob of the 1960s, with the help of engineer B.V. Glebovich, one of the first badminton schools in our country was created in Krasnoarmiysk, which played a famous role in the development of sports badminton in the USSR. The badminton players of Chervonoarmiysk repeatedly overcame the All-Union slogans. B.V. Glebovich, the first middle coach in badminton, was given the title of Honored Coach of the RRFSR.

In 1974 The Badminton Federation of the SRSR became a member of the IBF and our athletes took away the opportunity to compete at official international competitions.

In 1984 Our athletes first took part in the zonal competition for the Thomas Cup, and in 1986. The last night of the selection of the SRSR team became a participant in the prize for the Uber Cup.

In 1988 The Badminton Federation of the SRSR organized the draw of the European Champions Cup.


Gravets- Be like a person, like a badminton player.
Match- the main effect in badminton between super players is one against one, one at a time, or two graves from the skin side.
Solitary gra- a match, which has two gravity, one against one.
parna gra- a match, which has two gravels from the skin side.
side that serves- Party, yak maє the right to file.
receiving side- The side that opposes the side that submits.
Rosigrash- the sequence of one or more blows, which start from serving, the docks of the shuttlecock do not see the grid.
Hit- Straightening forward ruh racket gravel.

1. Court that possession.

1.1 The court is made up of straight lines with a width of 40 mm, as shown in fig. one.
1.2 The lines that mark the court are easily commemorated due to the white or yellow color.
1.3 The lines are part of the quiet area of ​​​​the field, which the stench encloses.
1.4 The posts are to be placed with a height of 1.55 m from the surface of the court. The stench is guilty
sufficient morality, to get rid of the vertical ones and to trim the net in a stretched camp. The supports of the stіyok are not guilty on the playing field.
1.5 The racks of guilt are roztashovuvatsya on the beaten lines for the steam room, as shown in fig. And, regardless of that, there will be a leading men's match.
1.6 The mesh is guilty, but it is crushed from a thin cord of dark color and the same comradeship, with cloaks of 15x15 mm to 20x20 mm.


(1) The length of the entire court is 14.723 m diagonally.

(2) Court, as shown above, can be played both for boys and for singles

2. Shuttlecock.

2.1 The shuttlecock can be made from natural and (or) synthetic materials. Regardless of the material, the characteristics of the shuttlecock are close to quiet, like those of a natural downy shuttlecock with a cork cork head, covered with a shell and a thin shell.

2.2 Feather shuttlecock.

2.2.1 The shuttlecock is guilty of folding from 16 pir'ya, fixed in the head.

2.2.2 Pir'ya may be the same length: from 62 mm to 72 mm, so as to fit from the tip of the pen to the top of the head.

2.2.3 Kіntsі pіr'ya guilty utvoryuvat kolo with a diameter of 58-68 mm.

2.2.4 Pir'ya vinny but mіtsno zkripleni thread or other suitable material.

2.2.5 The head may be 25 - 28 mm in diameter, rounded to the bottom.

2.2.6 Shuttlecock is guilty of mother vag 4.74 - 5.50 grams.

2.3 Non-feather shuttlecock.

2.3.1 Natural pyro is replaced by a synthetic material simulant.

2.3.2 The head may comply with clause 2.2.5.

2.3.3 The size and weight of the shuttlecock are to be determined according to clauses 2.2.2, 2.2.3 and 2.2.6. However, due to the difference in strength and characteristics of synthetic materials compared to natural ones, it is allowed to vary the values ​​up to 10%.

2.4 Due to the invariability of the global design, the flexibility and the trajectory of the flight, the national federations of the krai may allow the choice of other varieties of shuttlecocks, such as:

3.1 When testing the shuttlecock, a straight blow from the bottom from the back line of the court forward parallel to the kick line is scored.

3.2 The shuttlecock attached to the head must land no closer than 530 mm and not more than 990 mm from the back court line (div. Fig. 2).

4. Racket.

4.1 The racquet frame is not liable to change the 680 mm rim and 230 mm rim. The racket is made up of the main parts described in p.p. 4.1.1-4.1.5, and the indications in Fig.3.

4.1.1 Handle - a part of a racket, recognized for utrimanny її gravel.

4.1.2 String surface - the part of the racket, recognized for hitting the shuttlecock.

4.1.3 The head touches the string surface.

4.1.4 Shearing the rear handle behind the head.

4.1.5 Adapter (yakscho є) zadnuє shear with a head.

4.2 String surface.

4.2.1 It is due to a flat bow and is folded from the winding strings, which are re-thinned, alternately intertwined at the cross-sections; it may be generally homogeneous, zocrema, not less often near the center, lower in other places.

4.2.2 The fault is not more than 280 mm of the crown and 220 mm of the collar, however, the strings can be passed through the area, so in other cases they can be carried to the adapter, for the mind, that:

a) This rib does not overhang 35 mm of the top.

b) The galvanized dozhina of the string surface is selected from 330 mm.

4.3 Racket:

4.3.1 The faults are necessary in the form of attached objects and protrusions, the cream is quiet, which are vicorated specially for the fencing, or it is important to wear and tear the strings, or the vibrations, or to change the balance, or to attach the handle to the hand, engraving, they accept place for these purposes;

4.3.2 It is to blame, however, if any of the attachments, as if they were able to change the configuration of the racket, would be possible for gravity.

5. Equipment.

The International Badminton Federation (IBF) governs all nutrition, which includes the selection of all kinds of shuttlecocks, rackets or equipment, and other specifics. Tse regulation can be taken from the initiative of the Federation itself for the proposition of whether it is a closed group, including gravity, technical courts, stock pickers, national federations and its members.

6. Foaling.

6.1 Before the start of the match, a draw is held; side, yak won a foal, you can choose between p.p. 6.1.1 and 6.1.2:

6.1.1 Serve or receive service;

6.1.2 Start the game on one side of the court.

6.2 The side, as the foaling program, after whom to rob vibir, which is overdue.

7. Rahunok.

7.1 A match is at fault for a maximum of three games, unless otherwise noted.

7.2 The game is won by the side that scores 21 points first (Krіm vypadku, rebuffed in paragraphs 7.4 and 7.5.).

7.3 The parties who won the draw will secure a point. The side can win a draw, like a super player (i) pardons are allowed, or like a shuttlecock wiyshov from the grey, bumping on the surface of the court on the side of the super player (iv).

7.4 For the “20-20” rahunka, the side, as the first one scores a difference of 2 points, wins the game.

7.5 For the “29-29” round, the side that won the 30th point wins the game.

7.6 The side that won the game is served first to the offensive game.

8. Change of sides.

8.1 Gratuities of guilt are commended by the parties:

8.1.1 After the end of the first game;

8.1.2 Before the cob of the third game (as well as wine required);

8.1.3 The third game is played if one of the sides scores 11 points.

8.2 Even the moment of changing the parties for clause 8.1.3 is omitted, the change is negligent, if it is revealed, and at the moment the account is saved.

9. Tribute.

9.1 When applied correctly:

9.1.1 It is not the fault of either party to allow an overworld delay in serving, if the gravity that is served is accepted, it is ready before serving. Whether it’s a zatrimka for an hour to move the racket forward for an hour of delivery (clause 9.2) is guilty of a pardon (foul);

9.1.2 The giver and receiver are to stand in the borders of diagonally spread fields of fields (Fig. A), not sticking out the line that encloses the field;

9.1.3 For some reason, part of both feet of the serve and the receiver must be left in contact with the surface of the court in an undisturbed position on the cob of service (clause 9.2.) until the kickoff of the serve (clause 9.3.);

9.1.4 The racket of the tribute is to hit the head of the shuttlecock;

9.1.5 The entire shuttlecock is liable to serve below the waist at the moment of hitting the new racket. Waist is important for a clear line of the body, which should pass on the level of the lower point of the lower rib, which is given;

9.1.6 The racquet's shear is given, at the moment of hitting the shuttlecock, it is guilty of straightening clearly down;

9.1.7 The movement of the racket, which is served, is guilty of continuing only forward to the cob of service (clause 9.2.) until it is completed (clause 9.3);

9.1.8 The flight of the shuttlecock is due to the directions along the upper line, so the rackets are served to the crossbar of the net, so, if there will be no hits, falling into the field of delivery (that is in the boundaries of the lines, which is bordered by the yogo line);

9.1.9 The server does not knock over the shuttlecock.

9.2 When the graves have taken their position, the first move forward of the head of the racket is grave, what is served, the cob of serve.

9.3After the cob of service (clause 9.2), it is considered thoroughly, as if the shuttlecock had hit the racket, or when the service had been served, the server missed the shuttlecock.

9.4 The bearer is not guilty of serving until the receiving one is prepared, but we prepare the next to take the rest until the reception, as if we had tried to imitate the shuttlecock.

9.5 In men's games, at the hour of serving (clause 9.2; 9.3), the partners serving and receiving can take any position, so as not to block the visibility of the receiving, or serve the opposite side.

10. Alone games.

10.1 Receive and serve:

10.1.1 Gravity due to serve (and accept) from your right serving field, if the one who serves does not score a point, or if a couple scores a point from that game.

10.1.2 Gravity of responsibility to serve (and accept) from your left service field, if the server has an unpaired number of points from his game.

10.2 Grip order and positions on the court: at the draw, the shuttlecock is to be blamed in order to give and receive until the end of the fir, until the shuttlecock is off the grid (p.15.).

10.3 Rahunok and serve:

10.3.1 If the server wins a draw (clause 7.3.), you will be awarded a point. Let's start again the supply of the second field.

10.3.2 If the winner wins the one who receives (clause 7.3.), you will be awarded a point. Let's accept the new one and give it.

11. Guys playing.

11.1. Give and take

11.1.1 Gravity of the serving side is liable to serve from its right serving field, if the side that serves does not score a point, or if the team scores a point for that game.

11.1.2 The honor of the serving side is due to serve from its left serving field, if the serving side may score an odd number of points for that game.

11.1.3 Graveets of the receiving side, which having served the rest, are left on the same field, having served the other. Yogo partner - on the court field.

11.1.4 The grave of the receiving side, which stands diagonally to the opposite field of the one who submits, is guilty of the receiving.

11.1.5 The graves are not guilty of changing their field, the docks of the stink do not win a point when serving.

11.1.6 Submission, regardless of which side is submitting, is guilty of being broken from the field of submission, which confirms the side's account that is being submitted, for the blame described in paragraph 12.

11.2. The order of grit and position on the court.

At the draw, after the return of the serve, we take it, the shuttlecock is beaten by the second grave of the side, which we serve, from whatever position on our side of the net, and then by the time we take the second grave of the receiving side, and so far, the shuttle is not viide (flu. 15 .)

11.3. Eyepiece system and feed.

11.3.1 If the side that serves wins the draw (clause 7.3.), it will secure a point. Let's start the feed again.

11.3.2 If the side that wins (clause 7.3.) wins, then a point is guaranteed. Let's keep the side that we receive, become the new side that we give.

11.4. Sequence of filing.

Do you have the right to file the right to proceed in sequence:

11.4.1 type of corn feed, which has opened the load from the right field of delivery;

11.4.2 to the partner who takes the back. The feed may be broken from the left field of the feed;

11.4.3 to the first partner who served;

11.4.4 to the first person who has accepted;

11.4.5 to the first server, etc.

11.5. Joden grave is not guilty of serving in the wrong place, receiving in the wrong place, or receiving two servings after the same game, crime of vipadkiv, transferring p.p. 12.

11.6. Be it the grave of the side, if you won the game, you can give it to the first one at the offensive game, so be it the grave of the side that you lost, you can take it first.

12. Pardons of the submission field.

12.1 Pardon of the field of submission є thoroughly, as if engraved:

12.1.1 submit or accept not in black; or

12.1.2 submissions are not received from the overhead field of submission;

12.2 In the event that the pardon of the service field was broken, it will not be corrected and played in this game three times, without changing the gravity of the service field (a new order of service is not assigned).

13. Damage.

Destruction (foul) may be mistse, yakscho:

13.1 The tribute is not vikonaned according to the rules (clause 9.1);

13.2 Starting hour for shuttlecock delivery:

13.2.1 Spend at the net and hang on the її upper edge;

13.2.2 Having crossed the net, stuck in it

13.2.3 Will be the partner of the recipient

13.3 Opening hour shuttlecock:

13.3.1 Falling outside the court;

13.3.2 Fly across the grid under it;

13.3.3 Do not fly over the net;

13.3.4 The walls of the hall will collide;

13.3.5 Hitting the body or clothes engraving or

13.3.6 To bump into any object or an individual, like being in direct proximity to the court;

(As it is necessary for the minds of the structure of the life, the monastic organization can install a special mind at times, if the shuttlecock hits the crossroads);

13.3.7 there will be spіymany and zatrimany on rockets, and then throwing under the hour of the blow;

13.3.8 Two strokes will be hit in succession by the same graver. However, do not care for mercy, like a shuttlecock hitting the head and string on top of the racket with one blow;

13.3.9 If you will be the right partner and partner in succession or

13.3.10 To hit the racket on the grave and do not continue the move at the right side of the field of the super player;

13.4 Fri hour, gravel:

13.4.1 Hit the net or stand with a racket, body or robe;

13.4.2 Invade the ball of a super player over the net with a racket or body. B'yuchy, however, can accompany a shuttlecock with a racket over a net in a straight blow, like a cob contact of a racket with a shuttlecock on the bottoms;

13.4.3 Invade the super player’s ball with a racket or body in such a way as to get the super player or the door of yogo or

13.4.4 Respect supernika, tobto. blocking it with a racket or with a body when hitting a shuttlecock with it, which is more famous for the string of the net;

13.4.5 Navmisno vіdvolіkaє supernik be-like deeds, for example, vigukami chi gestures;

13.5 Gravets is guilty of scandals, repeated or systematic faults, transfer of clause 16.

14. Spirny.

14.1 "Spirniy" is slandered by the judge on the vezhі or the grave (as there are no judges on the vezhі) for gritting.

14.2 "Spirniy" is guilty of both assignments, as follows:

14.2.1 The sender submits before him, as if he were ready to receive the recipient (clause 9.5.);

14.2.2 When submitting, immediately violate the rules of submitting and accepting;

14.2.3 Pid hour gri, shuttlecock: Attach to the mesh and hang on the її upper edge; Having flown over the net, stuck in it; Float and the head will be reattached to the seam of the shuttlecock.

14.2.4 At the thought of the judge on the fence, the grave was interrupted or the grave was turned by the coach of the super player;

14.2.5 The judge of the line is not smart, but the judge on the court is not able to make his decision, otherwise

14.2.6 In any unfavorable situation

If it is recognized as “spirne”, the draw from the moment of the remaining filing is not secured, and the grave, having given this filing, may file again.

15. Shuttlecock pose thunder.

The shuttlecock does not change in gr if:

15.1. vіn hit the net or the stalk and then fall to the court on the side of the gravel, which won the blow;

15.2.would hit the surface of the court (between yoga lines or poses between them) or

15.3. “spirne” is voiced, or damage is fixed (“foul”).

16. Bezperervnist gri, unsportsmanlike behavior, early warning.

16.1 The duty is to continue uninterruptedly from the first serve until the end of the match, with a vinnyatkiv, rebate at p.p. 16.2 and 16.3.

16.2 Interrupt:

16.2.1 not more than 60 seconds by stretching the skin game, if the balls on either side reach 11 points;

16.2.2 not more than 120 seconds between the first and the next game, and between the other and the third game.

16.3 Timchasov grist.

16.3.1 Even if the situation is not to lie down in the gravel, judging by the weather, you can set the ground for such an hour, which is due to the need.

16.3.2 In particular vipadkahs, the head referee can call the judge on the ball to play the group.

16.3.3 As soon as the city is suspended, the reach of the account is to be protected and the account is to be restored from the other account.

16.4 Stunt at the grі.

16.4.1 Gravity at any time is not guilty of pripinyatisya in order to give the opportunity to gravitation to inspire strength, or dihannia, or take away the joy;

16.4.2 The judge on the fence is the only judge who has the right to award the game.

16.5 For the sake of getting the graves out of the court:

16.5.1 Only if the shuttlecock strikes a thunder (clause 15), graves are allowed to take the time for the match;

16.5.2 No one is guilty of leaving the court for one hour of the match without permission of the referee on the fence for a break, as described in clause 16.2.

16.6 Gravets is not guilty:

16.6.1. Namir viklikati zatrimku or prizupinennya gri;

16.6.2. Change the shape of the shuttlecock to the extent necessary to change the tightness of the fly;

16.6.1 Be polite;

16.6.2 Restrictions on unsportsmanlike points that are not transferred by the Rules to the Gris in badminton.

16.7 Pinned piston.

Judgment is guilty of being blamed whether or not damaged p.p. 16.4, 16.5 or 16.6 for help: Blame for causing damage to a wreck; Stunned "foul" to the offender, as if he was ahead of him. Two such “fouls” are seen as systematically destroyed;

In times of serious fault, systematic damage or damage to clause 16.2. slandering a “foul” against a rioter and a negainous additional about the fault of the Head Court, which may have the right to disqualify a rioter for the entire match.