Robiti namaz and talk. Did you know how to read namaz? The order of the great deception

For additional instructions, you can read namaz quickly. Vzagal, before reading namaz, dedicated to books, the great significance of this kind of worship for a Muslim is great. Ale here you can make an extremely short course of study of a single prayer of two rak'ahs. If you screw the self-reader to namaz, you will be able to visually read all of the namazi.

The methodology for reciting namaz is given by the Hanafi school of fiqh (Islamic law)

Instructions yak to read namaz

1. Stand, see the shiry namir (niyat), do the namaz: "May namir for the sake of Allah make namaz in 2 rakagat".
2. Take offense hands, spreading fingers, hollows in the direction of Kibli, to the level of vuh, jabbing with great fingers the lobes of vuh and say "Allahu akbar".
3. Let us lay the right hand down on the left hand, gripping the wrists of the left hand with the little finger and thumb of the right hand, and lower the folded hands in this order lower than the navel, and read the sura "Fatikha":
"Auzu billyagi minashaytaanі r-rajim
Bismilyagi r-rahmaani r-Rakhim
Alhamdy Lilyakhi Rabbi Galyamin
Arrahmaani r-Rakhim
Maaliki yaumiddin
Iyyakya nagbydy va iyakya nastagiin
Іхдіна z-siraatal mystakiym
Siraatallazina Angamta Aleichem
Gayril Magdub Aleichem valad-daaallin "
Aamin! .. ("Amin" imitates itself)
Read one more surah of the Qur'an (be-yaku)
4. Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu akbar" and beat your hand "(explanatory bias).
5. Pushing your hand, "straighten it until it is upright, and you can do it:" Samigallahu-lymyan-Hamida "
6. Writing vypryamlennya, with the words "Allahu akbar", vikonaєte sozhda (earthly deviation). When the soot is visible, it is necessary to descend onto the pile, then creep on the offended hands and, only when the soot is heard, the soot is twitching with the nose. At the bow, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Ag'lya".
7. Writing with the words "Allahu Akbar"
8. Having taken a pause of 2 seconds during the whole set pause, with the words "Allahu Akbar" I know to sink into soot.
9. Stand up straight.
10. Repeat lines 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
11. Read the prayer (du "a)" Attahiyat ":
"Attakhіaty lіllahі vassalavaty vatayіbyatu. Assalyamy Aleykіya ayuykhannabiyu va rakhmatillahі ya barakatykh. Assalyamy Aleina va galya giybadіllahі z-Salikhiin.
12. Vimovte vitannya: "Assalamu galeikum ua Rakhmatullo" with a turn of the head from the side to the side of the right shoulder, and then to the side of the left shoulder.

The namaz for tsomu is completed.

Umovi zd_ysnennya namaz (chanting namaz)

For good prayer, five minds are required (Chart):

  1. First wash my prayer є cleansing from impurities (najas)... In other words, it’s worth seeing from the time of prayer, from the body and from the cloak of impurities. For women, it should be the growth of іstіbra (cleansing of the related organs) for the direction of consumption), and for the cholovіk - of іstіbra (apart from the cleansing of the relevant organ for the purpose of severity. For cleansing the anus for coping, you need a handful of dry paper, then wash it with water and then dry it with paper. When you greet namaz, wrap yourself in a clean cloth and quit for tim, then your prayer kilimok (you can replace a kilimka with a towel, spread it, etc.) and clean it. But we clean it - it means that if you were sent to visit a whole month, then we were happy with it.
  2. Male deceit (taharat, voodoo) and more deceit (gusli)... A little deceit is taken to ensure that you have fulfilled your needs and vikonali vkazivka paragraph 1 on the cleaning of statutory organs. Outside of deceit (gusli) is taken: for choloviks - when sperm is seen for an hour or so for sleep (poles), for women - the period of psychophysiological cleansing of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Third wash prayer є the prikritta of the singing parts of tila (satrul-aurat), Vіdkrivati ​​yakі vvazhaєtsya haram (zaboronenim). For cholovikiv awrats - the whole part from the navel to the colin. In the female awrat, everything is small, except for the hands (up to the wrist) and the individual.
  4. Until the fourth call to prayer brutality by a special person in the bik Kaabi(Located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia) - іstіkbalі-Кібл. Tim, whoever is in Mecca and the Kaaba needs to be exposed right to the Kaabi, but who is far from Mecca, and who can not be Kaabi, is guilty of one who is guilty more precisely in the other direction, the vicious compass, which is
  5. P'yata umova namazu - tse welcome skin s n'yat namaz_v. Namaz, thoroughly before the established hour, is not valid. Appointment for an hour of prayer for skin mice geographical position... You can buy a generous distribution of namaz on our website

Prayer is one of the obligatory diyan for a Muslim, yake to be known, yak “fard”. Correct namaz is a constipation for the success of a Muslim. You can read about those who read namaz correctly on our website. Chitaєmo namaz correctly at once from Namaz-time.

Otzhe, smut, why do you want to pray to namaz - ritual deception - takharat. As a matter of fact, the Kaaba is located on one side and the prayer kilimok spread out straight behind the cim. Step on the obov'yazkovo diyu to pray - to void the prayer for a healthy prayer. The name is formulated as follows:

"I intend to make 2 rak'ahs of pre-datkovo (sunnah) rank namaz, for the sake of Allah." The number of rak'ah and the name of the namaz in the whole of the speech will be replaced by a lot of what namaz you are going to read.

Reading prayer is correct: the order of bowing

  1. Takbir. When takbiri, the hands and the words of the takbiri "Allah akbar!" (Allah is great!). With a large number of people, their thumbs are touching the lobes on the side of the throat, and women push their hands to the level of their shoulders.
  2. Sana. For the whole person, lower his hands below the navel and fold them one by one, so that the right is lost from above. Women shy away from the same ones, but their hands will fall on their breasts. When you read it like this: "Subhanaka-llahumma va-bi-hamdika va-tabaraka-Smuka va-Taga adduka va-la ilahi gayruk" ... (Glory to You, O Allah, and praise to You, do not be blessed by Your name, and be welcomed by Yours, and no deity, behold You. from the Shaitan, who is beaten by the stones)
  3. Surah "Al-Fatikha" was to be read. "Bi-zmі-allah-r-rahmani-r-Rahim Al-Hamdi li-llah rabbi-l-galamin. Ar-rahmani-r-Rakhim. Malikі yavmi-d-din. Iyaka nagbudu wa iyyaka nastagin. Ikhdina-z-Sirat-l-mustakim. Sirat-llazina 'an'amta' alaihim Gairi-l-Magdub 'alaihim wa-la-d-Dallin " ... (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of lights, the Most Merciful, the Merciful, the King on the Day of Judgment. I bow to you and help you, lead us straight along the road, along the quiet road, which you have blessed, - not quiet, as you know, do not forget, і ...
  4. Pislya "Al-Fatikha" is read be-yaka іnsha surah from the Koran. For example, "Al-Ikhlas": “Bismi-allah-r-rahmani-r-Rakhim. Kul hua-allah ahad. Allahu-z-Samad. Lam yalid wa-lam yulad. Wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuvan 'ahad "... (Say: "Win Allah is Vichny, without giving birth, and not acquiring populations, and not acquiring Yomu equal to one.")
  5. Explanatory bow. Vimoviv takbir "Allah akbar", nahilyat forward and three vimovlyaєmo "Subhana rabbiya-l-'aziim" (Glory to my Great Lord).
  6. Vimovivshi takbir "Allah Akbar", vypryamyuєmosya і vimovlyaєmo: "Sami'a-allah liman Hamid" (Allah chuє that, hto Yogo vihvalyaє.) "Rabbana laku-l-Hamdi". (Our Lord, you have no praise.)
  7. I know vimovlyaєmo takbir "Allah akbar" and zdіysnyuєmo earthly deviation. With a handful of earth, there is a cola, sweat your hands, and then sweep your forehead and nis. In the whole set of three vimovlyaєmo "Subhana rabbiya-l-a'la!" (Glory to my God, the most important).
  8. Vimovlyaєmo takbir "Allah akbar" i come in a sitting position.
  9. I know repeatable earthly deviation.
  10. Having swung the takbir, turning in the cob position, if the hands are on the equal parts of the navel of the choloviks and on the equal breasts of the women. (This is how the 1st first rak'ah ends).
  11. For another rak'ah, all the same steps are repeated with a blame:
    • do not go to read sanu i tasavuh;
    • writing suri "Al-Fatikha" bazhano read surah from the Koran;
    • For another bow to the earth, it is necessary to read "Tashahud".
  12. Sidaєmo and chitaєmo are coming: “At-takhiyyatu li-allah va-z-Salavat va-t-tayyibat. As-Salam 'alayka ayyuha-n-Nabi, va-Rahmat-allah va-barakatuh. As-Salam 'Alain va-'ala' Ibadov-allah-z-salikhin. Ashkhadu 'al-la' ilahi 'illa-allah va-ashhadu' anna Muhammadan 'abduhu va-rasulukh "... (Glorification, goodness, God-pleasing deeds of Allahu. About the Prophet, peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and Yogh blessings. Holy and health to us and the righteous servants of Allah. To the righteous servants of God. Yogo).
  13. Yaksho namaz is composed of two rak'ahs, dal yde read salavat, ayat-dua i dati salam. Yaksho namaz is stored for 4 rak'ahs, if tashahud slid turns to 1 rak'ah and I repeat everything again.
  14. Salavat: “Allahumma Salli 'ala Muhammad-va-'ala' ali Muhammadin kama sallayta 'ala' Іbrahima va-'ala 'ali' Іbrahima, 'innaka hamidum-maҗid. Allahumma Barik 'ala Muhammad-va-'ala' ali Muhammadin kama barakta 'ala' Ibrahima va-'ala 'ali' Ibrahima, 'innaka hamidum-maҗid. "(Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Myhammad, as Thou bless the Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Truly, Thou art glorified, the glorifications of the greats and the Great. Allah! Zrobi Muhammad and his holy system, I am generous Verily, Thou is Glorified, of glorifications to the Great and the Great.)
  15. Ayat-dua: "Rabbana 'Atina fi-d-dunya hasanatav-va-fi-l-'akhirati hasanatav-va kina' Azabu-n-nar". (Our Lord, grant us good in our near life, and in the end - good and destroy us through the fire).
  16. Salam. Turning his head to the right, vimovlyaєmo: As-Salam 'alaykum wa rahmat-allah. (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah). The same is repeated, turning your head to the left side.
  17. On completion of namaz vimovlyaєmo dua Allahumma 'anta-z-Salam, wa-minka-z-Salam! Tabaract ya za-l-kalali va-l-'іkram! " ... (O Allah, Ti light, and see You come to light, Your grace has improved, about Volodar greatness and pohany). If you knew yak correctly, do namaz. You can, on the cob, order for you to be foldable and not to forget. However, practice to help you learn new things for you.

There are many more people who were born in Muslim familyі to listen to the religion of Islam, not to be aware of it, or it is wrong to interfere with the religious action, like namaz. Deyaki vipravdovuyut Tim, who is a lot of robots, navchannya, help around the house, so I don't know how to read the Koran for the rules and pray. A lot of Muslims put their self-awareness in the religious sphere "for tomorrow", but in fact, all the more so for themselves.

Truly believing Muslims do not mind, but they do not think so, because there is no insurance for an unfortunate event, and tomorrow may simply not come, but it means that not a practicing Muslim can easily not be consumed in Paradise. Prayer doesn’t take a lot of time, especially if it’s right, and it’s also the main transition between people and shaitan, it clears the heart and thoughts. Sutra al-Ankabut, ayat 45, says: "Truly, prayer is sound from the filth and sin". "Ale hiba is not the secret of Allah in your heart?" (Sura 28).

What is namaz?

Let’s save not only from time, like to read namaz, but from the beginning. Otzhe, the correct viznachennya of this understanding will be the head type of worship of the Gods (in the Islamic religion Allah). Winning in one of five hundred times of religion and borrowing even more important place in the life of Muslims, it is a skinny day for five times when the stench is guilty, please pray.

Before the ear, read namaz in the correct viglyad, varto turn in its direct meaning. The word "namaz" means "prayer" or "a place for prayer". given value popular among Turkom Muslims, so the Arabians replace the words "prayer" as it seems - "salat". And in the Qur'an, the Allah's loving: "Rob namaz, pay sakat, and trim for Allah."

Features of the recitation of namaz

About those who read namaz correctly, teach not only in special religious schools - it is possible to praise without prejudice in the mosque itself. Skin prayer has its own special rice. All this is to mean that five times for the day all Muslims, who support Islam, blame their lives and read a singing prayer, are designated for the whole year.

To read the namaz correctly, the nobility needs not only the spring hour, but the number of cycles of varto grow again and again. The head part is a rakata, or a cycle, which is formed in special events, before the hour of which there are singing suri and dua. In order to read namaz correctly, it is necessary to follow the correct order in the recitation of sura and dua, the stench follows one by one at that viglyad, as Allah said on the tse.

The practice of reciting namaz

In the Muslim community є the chotiri of theological and legal schoolchildren, establish what are called madhhabs. Yak correctly read namaz according to the canons of this school, speak out at special lessons. Dates of insight to show the meaning of the interpretation of the openness of all God's prophecy, as if we were going to get together and remind us to pray with a special love of illumination. Plus, before everything else, read the singing hour... You have to read namaz in the same region of the planet, you need to clarify it in the mosque (let the list of prayers hang there for a given day).

V Russian Federation The most widespread were two schools - Imam Numan ibn Sabit Abu Khanif and Imam Muhammad ibn Idrisa ash-Shafi. In general practice of reading namaz for choloviks and for women, it is possible to learn one madhhab, but in important life situations it is allowed to go into the rituals of one of the Sun's religious affairs.

The main terms, which are guilty of the Muslim nobility

How can I read namaz, I don’t know the meaning of all victorious terms? It’s because of the Muslim canons, it’s insanely uncommon, so it’s possible to wrongly vibrate that explanation and in the religious plan of our practice. So, there are a number of basic terms, how to help all newcomers to Muslims to be intelligent, how to read namaz correctly for the ears:

  1. Salat. The word is in one, if it is necessary to say the terms in many, then it would be correct to vimoviti - salavat. For the lexical norms, the word signifies dua is given, and in the religious form - the whole moment, if there is a prayer for all the necessary canons, like to avenge hands and zikri. Salat vvazhaєtsya one of the Islamic stovpіv. Likewise, they salute the dua in honor of the prophet, the direct translation of which is to sound like this: "Bless and privyte the Prophet Muhammad and all of his whole family." Daniy dua vimovlyayut yak prokhannya, powering Allah, who deserved to be obsessed with all the light and in the life of the life. I will show you the keenness to pray to the messenger and to see him on his way at the sight of the head to the next word.
  2. Takbir to change from the religious movi, yak "vimoviti the word".
  3. Kiyam - "to stand on your feet."
  4. Kiraat means - "be-yaku read a part of the Qur'an."
  5. The hand is shifted, yak "nahil" in the lexical meaning. And in the religious part of Islam, there are a lot of deviations, which are good for reading the holy book.
  6. Kavma is a tse deiya, when the hand is straightened and in such a position, the singing words from the Koran are poured out for an hour.
  7. Saja will explain how to correctly recite namaz to choloviks and women with earthly worship. In the course of the day, a part of the individual will lay down to the ground, the ground. Qia procedure magnifies the power of the All-Supreme.
  8. Sajdatain - tse te same, shho saja, only earthly deviation is repeated two times and not without interruption. Inodi in the explanations, as explaining, as reading namaz, figuru, the word "sujut", which also means earthly deviation.
  9. Dzhalsa is the meaning of the "sit" during the period of earthly worship. Viglyadaє tse the advancing rank - to be afraid of one earthly deviation, let us pray to straighten up in a sitting position and vimovlya singing the words: "Glory to my God who seeks!".
  10. Kada - a sitting position when reading tashahhudi or reading. Kadu zdіysnyuut send two rak'ah prayers to namaz, and the words sound like this: "Greetings to Allah, all prayers and brush words, light to you, O Prophet, the mercy of Allah, God blessings, God bless us all righteous slaves. and a witness that Muhammad is a messenger and a prophet. "
  11. Rakaata tse chastina to namaz, in both words and dії they set up prayer again. For example, qiyam, hand and dvorazov saja є with one rak'ah. Two rak'ahs include two qiyamas, two two-piece sajdas and two nahila - a hand. Yak chitati namaz, how can one be made up of chotiroh rak'ah? It will be said below about it. The first rak'ah is called Kada-ulya, the other rak'ah is called Kada-Akhir. The upcoming three and several rak'ahs will probably include an additional number of times. ritual acts.
  12. Shaf, or a couple, is a tse okreme name for two rak'ahs who compose namaz. It’s good to read namaz correctly, varto nobility with the terms “shafu-avval”, stasis for the first two rak'ah and “shafu-sani” - for the two offenders. With a three-time rak'ah, the third will also be called "shafu-sani".

correctness of the vikonannya

To get involved, for the very fact that, as a Muslim, the vison of Allah's attribution is reading namaz, if you see a judgment about the people. At al-Awsat 2/13 it is possible that on the day of judgment Allah's Resurrection will only look at the perseverance of the people who have gone to pray yom, and if it’s abundant, then all of this will be good, but it’s not worth it. and if it sounded without a real maddening sound, then the act of that will be unreasonable. "So it’s impossible to read the prayer correctly to women and children, why not oppress the All-Lord?" - to supply power to all Muslims.

by ourselves easy way virobit the ringtone of the generous prayer - don't move the mosque and respectfully follow the paraphilians. Ale yak navchitisya read namaz how much more surs you can read? For all, you can turn to our latest technologies and watch videos on internet portals, which will help Muslims to learn the correctness of Vimov and Prayers. Mabut, Daniy is a variant of pidijde for the establishment of regular recitation of prayer for women and for choloviks.

Video lessons

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity at the exact hour, and when the azan is sent to prayer through the manifestation of a childlike robot, the answer is: "Is it possible to recite namaz without opening the mosque?" In such vipadkas, the varto turns for help to the video tutorial. The whole option is great to go to great and tedious persons: as they vivchili all the rules for working with namaz, albeit not volodying more and more in their endeavors and vimovs.

The light is not to be on the point, and in the Muslim community there have long been hand and comfortable lessons of the religion, as you can look at it at any hour. This is a great option for the earliest choloviks. Yak read namaz on video, power up vi? It’s even simpler, it’s necessary to repeat Vimov correctly. It is often difficult for Cyrillic help to convey the exact sounds from Arabic. For the truth, you read it, you can see the video, it’s simpler, you’ll see the mosque and learn to play with those whom none didn’t know. So, for example, at any moment of video, you can zupiniti and reconsider again the correctness of your movi or vipisuvati your cues from the correct vimovi.

Why should you want to?

Do you have a bag, how can you read namaz correctly for pohatkivtsi? It is necessary to get good graces, as to see the gusli and Voodoo, not less than three of these suras from the Koran, as well as the sura of Fatikha, well, it’s a cryptic mother of understanding and knowledge of quietly when and dua, because we are guilty of being told. It will be important to remember to read namaz at any hour. In addition, the nobility needs the very principle of prayer.

Do not fall for the first time, timid pardons, it does not mean that prayer will not be insured, even the hope for the forgiveness of Allah should be lost in our hearts, especially if prayers are drawn from a wide heart. I will read namaz yak for a young woman, so for a cholovik you can be viconano for a number of schemes. For example, there are two-, three-, four-root prayers, de one rak'ah - one explanatory deviation and two saja or bow to the earth.

What do you do?

Before they go to Bozhu, the abode of all Muslims, there is a special deceit. Deceiving two kinds of things: outside and small. Look before going to prayer at an early hour, when it is cold on the street (in mosques it’s a place to be deceived about someone else) and read rank prayer.

Something else is called gusli, which visually starts as a relіgіine purification. It is possible to see the sense that it is not only the hands and feet that are washed, but all the rest will increase. The most frequent gusli is to cheat on the desecration of the soul (here it is attributed to both ailments, and a great way).

For the Husl in the first place, it is necessary to see the thought itself cleansed, it’s out of the heart. Pislya vimovlyaetsya God im'ya "Bismilla" and distant around the edges of the body: hands, body organ, three times deceiving the body, how to start from the head. All the children in ablution are seen from the right side, and then from the left, for example, on the right shoulder - on the left shoulder. In addition to being cheated, the cleansing of the mouth emptying and the nose, having washed the navel zone and all the hairs, is included in the deceit. For women, a simple watering of water on their heads is allowed, as it is important to have all hair for this moment. Ale, the water is bound to go to the roots, and with a wet hand, draw through all the hair and desecrate from them.

For an hour the Gusl is read, whether the prayers are barred. There are drops, if the water in the people is in the vicinity of a few, then it’s just the whole thing, without rinsing the mouth and nose. Deyakі relіgіynі dіyachі vvazayut, but gusli includes in itself and a little deceit, roughly it seems, it’s just a substitution. First of all, it’s like a Muslim who doesn’t mean for himself a lot of cleaning up, instead of a private one. However, as soon as the hour of gusli buzzed the desecration, for example, the brute water slipped down to the feet and standing in the same water of a man after making a step, then there is no need to rebuild it again, but then to carry out Voodoo.

From the same time, in the whole ghusl it is stored in eleven farz (steps) - rinsing the company, cleaning the nose, washing the body, body organs, individuals, sprouting a part of the eyebrow, as if the wus and all the beard, then promit them, the hair of the hair іnshe. So that all the pererakhovanie vische be brewed to the point of mittya til, but can we ruin or desecrate the given procedure?

In Islam, there are a few serious reasons, and as soon as one of them was eating with rapt, then it was followed by deceit (in the case of Voodoo) before the ear of a prayer.

Scho є desecrated tila:

  • The closeness of the polarity is close, so that the view of the day without the statutory act (here is the masturbation, I want it to be completely fenced in by Islam, if it be a dot with some thoughts).
  • In the female half - menstruation or bleeding during the canopy.
  • Closeness to nebіzhchik or creatures with be-like legacies.
  • Sleep visions. Lyudin may not be able to remember, but a dream, for example, having been in her own life, tied with an identity. Those are to be seen before the unsupported appearance of the message, or to the loss of evidence (obscurity).
  • Mittya of the dead people (before the funeral).
  • People of the child, to go without blood.
  • Viciousness in the Islamic faith is an unruly people.

Skіls all at once were desecrated, not meaningless, beyond the deception, and only once.

Would you like Voodoo?

And the axis of the short deception, intended for the cleansing of the surrounding parts of the til before the imposition of namaz, is called Voodoo. Yogo varto vikoristovuvati, if the people plan to touch the Koran, or to adhere to the worship, registered in the sacred book.

In all shariat schools, Voodoo may not be alike, and in the first place, one must go from heart to heart. Dalі to vimovlyaє to the same known word "Bismilla" and three hands to wince. Three handfuls of water are collected in the valley and then filled into the empty mouth, then the company itself is rinsed (three times). Slide all at once and also three times nasal washing. Three times one is guilty of being exposed, moreover, if a man is present with a beard and a beard, then a man is guilty of them as well, prompting him with his fingers. Hands shuffle in consistency: rights and liva. A lot of pads of fingers are washed out, step by step they are used and finished. Moreover, the likot tezh obov'yazkovo to be confused. The whole day is repeated three times. Pislya, wipe your head. Water is to blame for drinking on the shkіra. Let’s wait on the hell out of it and stop wandering around the ankles and feet, also three times. If a Muslim has finished the religious deceit in the name of Allah, then there is no greater worship of God, not to Allah, for there are not some fellow comrades, Ale Muhammad.

If you can't wind up for Voodoo in an hour, then you can break the very minimum: one time you can face it, turn your hands up, turn on the licks, rinse the head with water (you can rinse the skin of the head one by one) with your heart your inner namir go into prayer to Allah.

Yak і znurnyennyam, Voodoo has its own principle, how to destroy yogo. Rozbermo їх:

  • Perche, the pricing of special toilet certificates, in the wake of everything, go out from the back and front aisle. Do not get involved only when you go to the female organs. Immediately dotik to the anal opening or to the statues of the organs (it is not respectful, chiyim). Before the speech, weaving to women is also fenced in one of the madhhabs.
  • In a different way, childbirth, to navigate without the appearance of blood.
  • In the third place, roztin gniy mіstsya on tіlі.
  • Quarterly, go to the organism of any speeches behind the help of blues.
  • Po-n'yat, the appearance of blood in the sleeps.
  • In a nutshell, sleep in a lying position.
  • As a matter of fact, alcoholic or narcotic sp'aninnya, in the process of which there was a loss of witness, or a cholovik conquered divine vipadi. People hear the noise and laughter during the prayer.

Ale krіm desecration of the body є і mind, when deceiving you will be insured. So, for example, the water is guilty of being clean, if it is close to it is not pure dzherel, then it is possible to speed up the earth. Surely, everything is known from til, how to make a deceit: shawls, wardrobes, mittens, hustka, hat, and navi such zasobi, like varnish for hair or hair, glue or other words, applied to the shkiru. As soon as the speech is smoothly raised in one sitting, then it’s not easy to rub the shkira to the dicks, so deceit can be played through. That is, those who don’t get involved in the way to the school do not get involved in desecration (for example, little ones on their hands, crumbled with henna or a hand). Plus, be it a process, to rot just for an hour of deceit, maє buti zupineniya (sechovipannya abo menstruation and seeing blood from women). The Danish clause is not accepted only for people who suffer from chronic illnesses (inodi buva nontrimannya gas). Before the speech, if the people have a slot inserted, then it will be lost in the middle of the hour to rinse the company, as it is difficult for the knights.

A couple of words about water for deception. You may be as extravagant as it is, so it is gasoline and mineral. And the axis of Muhammad said to drive the water from the sea: "There is a pure and courtyard for a healthy gusli or Voodoo, and everything has died in the sea, you can live in the quality of a living". The deception can be carried out from the victorious SNIGU, only the fault is in the general order guilty of roztanuti on the shkiri, and the whole sense is lost. Vzalі be-yak rіdina, yaku shed heaven on the earth, let іslam yak for the common, and for the small deceit.

Basic rules for making namaz for earrings

How do I read the namaz of the choloviks, how did they come to the religion of Islam? Almost two rak'ahs. Before namaz, the ritual of cleansing, descriptions in the next two blocks, should be displayed. On the right step, people roar and enter the mosque. Ale in what bik read namaz, how can a ludin not see the mosque at a given moment? If you are in charge and under any circumstances to pray, you will be guilty of the beasts of your sight only to the Kaabi. First to read Ikamat, it’s a good idea to read the word ikamat, it’s a good idea to read the word in Arabic, it means that Allah is better than it and it’s not a man, but that he’s grown up from God alone, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, who is to blame for all , і dumb God, krim ny.

Dal to turn namir. Look at the heart itself, and imagine the phrase: "I pray namir zrobiti namaz, so that I can add two rak'ahs at a time at a rank hour, and everything will be in the name of Allah." You can talk about yourself, but it is necessary to go back in time, and the rak'ah will be crushed in one prayer.

In the next step, you will lift your hands to the top, at the end of the valley, turn into the side of the sacred stone of the Kaabi. The pads of the thumbs are responsible for the stasis of the earlobes, and the valley is straightened and the fingers of the fingers are straightened up the hill. It’s even more important for the nobility, so close the vuha with a dolonea, or rozgortati їkh in the direction of vuh categorically zaboronyaya. At the same time, take a cob takbir. Tilo at the moment to stand unruly and straight, not hunched over. Ochima needs to be astonished at that, de dal bude will see the earthly deviation, however, and here it is necessary to fence downward and to stosuvatis to the sternum. Legs stand parallel, and standing between the feet is guilty of being no less than chotiroh fingers.

Pislya skoєnnya takbiri, you need to stand in the position of the cues: thumb(Abo little) of the right hand will burst into the wrists of the left, and in such a position offending hands fall down on the part of the abdomen, which is tattered below the umbilical opening. Look at a straight line, let the forehead roztashovuvatisya before bowing to the earth for an hour. Without looking in the direction of going to read Kiraat, which is to obey from the dua "sanu" and go to the Ruku. Sense all in the same: the contemplation of Allah. Pray shukak pritulik, shhob shavatsya from Satan, shho b'є yogo stones.

At the same time, the first rak'ah should be repaired. Lyudina reads Sura Fatikha, which means that only Allah can lead all sinners across the land. Do not change the position, you need to read the sura for your bazhanny. For example, you can vibrate "Al-Kausar", like talking about the gift of al-Kausar, to say about the good things, and about the importance of the prayer for Allah, as well as about giving a sacrifice (literally "throw the victim"). However, for the earliest choloviks it is possible to be surrounded by Sura Fatikha, however, it is not a trivial hour to practice the forgiven version. It is more beautiful to step-by-step to fix the reading of іnshі suri.

When we see the slope with a straight back and the words "Allahu Akbar" or "Our Great Allah" are heard. With many fingers of the hand, they are separated and laid on the knee, while the legs with their backs are all so straight. In the kintsev pid-bag at the people, there are stegny and belly kut at ninety degrees. Looking straight, I can see the phrase "Subhaana rabial aziim" (Glory to the Lord to the Great God). Vona may be said a little raziv, ale minimum three.

Having stood up, imovlyayut one more phrase: "Samiallahu liman Hamid. Rabbana wa lyakal Hamdі" And then sajah or earthly deviation is carried out, supervising the words "Allahu Akbar". When you are victorious, you put your feet on the knees, put your hands on the knees, and put your forehead and nose on the podlog. The head is guilty, it is known between the hands, the fingers of the hands are grabbed at once, and the stink does not get stuck, the stench comes from the sides. Stop being in parallel one to one camp, fingers and nig straight up to Kaabi. In this position, "Subhana rabial alaa" is played seven times (you can speed up to five or three times).

From the described position of lyudin to go into a sitting position with the words "Allahu Akbar". Sitting on the knees, putting the hands on top, and imitating "SubkhanAllag", letting it be repeated before the front of the saj, and only when she was sent to stand, and tidying up his hands on his chest, repeating "Allahu Akbar." At the end of the first rak'ah, one must end and repair another, such as by repeating right up to Suri Fatikh, when Sura Ikhlas is read. They say that Allah is not a people of any nation, nor is he himself of any nation. Ale slid pam'yatati, scho for one namaz it is difficult to read one ti zh suri, crim Fatikha, yak perebuvaє on the cob of skin cancer.

Let the Hand (sacred nahil) be afraid, saja, yak in the first rak'ah until the moment of its repetition, to replace the next of the system, putting it on its left leg. Fingers, bending over, were guilty, but they were straightened in Look straight at the colony and the dua Tashahud was sent to talk about those who are all good and right to Allah. Moreover, if in the text of a lyudin it is possible to reach "la illaha", you need to put your finger on the right hand, and if you say "illa allah", you are guilty of dropping it.

Do not bend the position, the Muslim reads Dua Salavat or Blessings to Muhammad. Let us step on from a dua, in which to pray, to ask for the awakening of one's dreams and to be recognized in an unfair confession to oneself. Dal vimovlyaєatsya vitannya, for which the head from the side to wrap to the right side, and look straight on the shoulder. Mova vitannya is built up for the love of the whole world and God's blessing. The head is turned to the left and the words are repeated. The simplest prayer in two rak'ahs is over. In some cases, I read two hundred and twenty passages of ayat suri Bakar, thirty-three times tasbih, styles of SubkhanAllag, Alhamidulillah and Allahu Akbar. In kintsіvtsі tasbіkh, they read be-yak dua, as they do not overpower the sharіatu. Hands pidnimayutsya up to the breasts in lobes uphill.

On the way, he is guilty of vivchiti pohatkіvets cholovіk - to read namaz, to be made up of three and chotiroh rak'ah. It’s short, in the first place it’s possible to do it: at the same time see Sura Fatikha, hand, two go to saja and dua. In another: for another rak'ah in a seated position of reading only Tashahud, for a viconati, two rak'ahs, albeit without suri, advancing behind Sura Fatikh. The fourth letter is to read Tashahud, Salavat and say "Allahumma інні zalyamtu nafs" and finish all the greetings.

Yak to read namaz zhіntsі?

For the woman's half, the trocha namaz is given. In the first place, Tim, in the mosque for women the head is okremiy vkhid. So that the cholovik in front of him is not guilty of bachiti praying to the woman who has been fucked up. Yak chitati namaz zhintsi:

  • Vona is guilty of seeing her more deeply, in front of you there is a ritual of deceit.
  • Far away, the ear is all exactly the same, as for the choloviks - Sura Fatikha. Moreover, newcomers can only be intertwined with her.
  • When the hand is open, the avoidance is not so weak, so that it is not necessary to move between the thighs and the belly kut at 90 degrees, and the head can be covered with the back.
  • For an hour of earthly bows to the lіkty guilty stosuvatysya pіdlogi and stegon, to whichever press to live.
  • For an hour, the woman does not sit on her left leg, she just starts to go to the pidlog, and her legs go to the right. At the tsei moment vimovlyaєatsya turn over to the right shoulder, then to the left.
  • In the beginning you can turn to Allah by promoting the special dua.

Having completed a short two-rakaatny prayer, you can start before practicing again.

The skin religion has its own vimogi and nuances to serve God. Christians have a stench no worse. People need to go to the church and see the fast as a saint, however, Muslims can reach the end of the day before serving Allah.

Swallow up to the All-Divine Slid in a general and quivering manner. A set of rituals can be folded, and even later, become a sound like Allah and all. For whom you can be helped by prayer for help and forgiveness, as well as greater glorification of the Lord. The rules for reading namazi are simple, and if you read it, then you soundly.

Rules for reciting namaz

perche the rule

Namaz is a regular prayer, yaku sit 5 times a day. The nobility needs a prayer cycle, which is formed from rak'ah - the order of the day and the word.

1. "Fajr"- rank namaz, repair it, if the temryava nights rise and end with the first exchange of the sun. Win is stored for 2 rak'ahs.

a) To pray, I am guilty, turn into bik qibli (Allah’s housewives), lift my arms to the shoulders and say: “Allah? U Akbar ”(Allah is Samy the Great).
b) Let us fold our right hand on the left and say: "I turn to Allah for the beggar from the accursed shaitan."
v) Now I am guilty of reading Surah "Al-Fatiha".

Schob visually become aware of how to read namaz correctly, in the beginning of the statistics we will show you video lessons.

G) Let's start reading the pre-datka suri from the Koran.
e) If you want to pray, you should use the words “Allah? At Akbar. "
e) The same deviation is guilty of the suprovodzhuvatisya vislov: "Holy is my Great Lord" (three times).
g) Now, I can do it, just say when I say: “Chuє All-Svishnіy is quiet, hto wiggle Yogo. Our Lord, deprive You of praise. "
h) Vislovlyuvannyam "Allah? At Akbar, "I can supravodzhuvatya bow to the earth and vimova:" Holy my God, the Lord "(three times).
і) Writing the whole person to be straightened out with the words “Allah? At Akbar, "to get lost in a seated position and an attack to ask for forgiveness:" My Lord, forgive me, my Lord, forgive me. "
th)"Allah? U Akbar ", which is able to rob other deviations to the ground, which is supervised by three phrases:" Subhana rabbiyal-a`lya "(Holy My God, the Lord).

The axis is the first of the rak'ah and ends. Pray to straighten up with the words “Allah? At Akbar ”, getting up and having an attack before another rak'ah. Everything will be repeated anew.

To) Viciousness to the Lord will end with the words “Allah? At Akbar ”, and read prayers on the knees. Tsi prayers are called "salavat" and "takhiyyat".
l) In the end, I am guilty to turn my head to the right and say: Assalam `alaykum wa Rahmat-allah?" (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah), and then turn the same to the left.

Borg of all Muslims є read namaz. Tse is not the same as the fold is busy.

2. "Zuhr"- another namaz, see the report. At the end of the hour, the sun has gone from the zenit point to the beginning. The rite is composed of chotiroh rak'ah.

3. "ACP"- the third namaz, see the message of obedience. Too items and to repair from among those. Pid an hour to namaz the sun is becoming worm-worn. Tsyomu namaz also has chotiroh rak'ah.

4. "Maghreb"- Quarter namaz, which is called zapidnim. Wines are stored for three rak'ahs. Todi the sun goes beyond the horizon and the prayer smoothly pass into the prayer namaz.

5. Yak tilki pochervoninnya sontsya change darkly, now is the hour "Іші"- nichny namaz. Rakaata chotiri.

There are practically no ideas in namaz, only in another raakat, when the Sudjud is written, the one who does not get up at once, but seated reads the prayer "takhiyyat". Let's use the words “Allah? At Akbar, "he got up from the colin and the attack until the third rak'ah. "Al-Fatikha" - Surah Dodatkova, read only in two first rak'ahs, and in the third one you don't read it anymore.

another rule

Cheating. Wono buvaє malim (voodoo) and great (gusli). Prayer does not work, as the ritual of purity cannot be touched. Voodoo is transmitted by oneself in the singing order of the mittya of the small parts of the body.

rubs rule

Odyag. You can’t wear tight clothes, speeches, like and only to blame, but to be clean, at the cholovikov, roll your shoulders and dilyanka vin kolin to the waist. At the same time, all the girls will be closed, except for their hands and arms.

fourth rule

The fourth rule is to speak about those who, if a person prays, is guilty of turning to bik kibli. You can make arrangements in the mosques: they zbuduvali right next to Mecca.

n'yat rule

It is a rule to talk about those that the prayer of a Muslim is guilty of going out from the heart.

Now there are a few rules for girls

Allah cannot accept namaz, as the dvchina prayed without screaming. It is not possible to wear the lingering і insight of the odyag. Cheating will not work, as if the girls have a shkir of vimazan with a farboy, glue and іnshim zasoba, and also as if the water through varnish did not consume nigtі. The wine can only be made from natural farbi. If the child is robbing the ruffs, it is necessary to be more secure: hands do not go too far, just press to the sides, trim legs at once, and for an hour they live to bow to the stegon. Muslim women can go to mosques, or rather to pray at home.

Video lessons

Behind the help of a human being is a dialogue from the All-important. Reading її, the Muslim sees the tribute to Allah. Conducting namaz obov'yazkovo for all those who are. Without a new lyudin, he would take in the calls with God, to rob evil, for which the canons will be suvoro punishment for Islam on the Day of Judgment.

It is necessary to read namaz to read namaz in strict regulations for a new hour. De b lyudina did not interrupt, what if bi did not get busy, the prayer in zobov'yazaniy zrobiti. Especially important Fajr, as I call Muslims, I am great strength. Yogo vikonannya rіvnotsіnno prayers, yaku lyudin reading bi all nіch.

At what hour does the rank prayer come?

Vikonuvati Fajr-namaz should start early, if the horizon was dark, and the sun hadn't gone down yet. Itself at the time of the hour of pravovirni Muslims pray to Allah. Bazhano, Ludina celebrated the sacred action 20-30 minutes before the start. In Muslim lands, people can use the azan to hear from the mosque. Lyudin, yak live in some small towns, foldable. Yak d_znatisya, if it is necessary to visonuvati Fajr-namaz? The hour of this day can be seen for a special calendar or a distribution, like being called a ruzname.

Deyaki Muslims are victorious for the purpose of mobile supplementation, for example, "Hour of prayer ® Muslim Toolbox". It is also possible to know, if it is necessary to perform a prayer, and to indicate in which one is the sacred Kaaba.

Behind the polar stake, for a day and for nothing, it’s more than a trivial one, people are better off in an hour, in a yak slid viconuvati namaz. Fajr, however, is necessary. Muslims recommend staying for an hour in Mezzi, or in the adjacent land, for every day and night, go to the rhythm of the rhythm. The last option is the most acceptable.

Who has the power of Fajr Namaz?

People, regularly pray to Allah before the dream, show a lot of patience and good luck. Aja zaradi zajsnennya Fajr needs to go to sleep until the day, and not sleep in a liquorice sleep, go to the shaitan. Tse persche viprobuvannya, as I prepared people for wounds, and the need to go through a lot.

People who are repaired against the shaitans, who read namaz all the time, will be seized from all the problems and problems right up to the coming day. Besides, the stench of success in the life of the life, even after the prayer for everyone to be fucked up on the Day of Judgment.

Prayer in Islam will magnify the power, the fragments in front of the svitanka instructing the angels to be with the people anywhere in the night and in the coming day, as they respectfully support him. Allah has nourished from them, what the servant of yogo does. The angels of the night give a message, how, go, bach him to pray, and the angels of the coming day say that they also caught him for namaz.

Іstorії Sahab, who performed rankovy namaz against usom

Fajr is a vimag of an unhealthy dothtrimanny, as if furnishing would not be laid down in the life of a people. In those distant hours, since the living prophet Muhammad had been found, people were robbing the heroic deeds in im'ya viri. Smells vikonuvali namaz contrary to usom.

Sahabi, the companions of the Messenger of the Almighty, received the rank of Fajr after being wounded. Niyaka could not be so unhappy. So, a prominent sovereign dyach Umar ibn al-Khattab, reading a prayer, flowing with blood from the beggar on a new swing. Win and without thinking, see the servant of Allah.

And the companion of the Prophet Muhammad Abbado, who didn’t know how to pray, was struck with a shot. Winning from his own body and continuing to pray. The thief was whistling in a new way, but Abbado did not zupinilo.

Sadu ibn Rabi, which also took away the important thing from the wound, died namaz in the plan, specially equipped for the sacred action.

Preparing for namaz: cheating

Prayer in Islam during singing training. Persh nіzh proceed to any namaz, whether it be Fajr, Zuhr, ACR, Maghrib or іsha, the Muslim is punished with ritual deception. There is voodoo in Islam.

Orthodoxy Muslim, my hands (hands), person, move my mouth і nіs. Skin d_ya vіn rob three. Dalі vіruchіy wіsіvu wіth water to skin the hand to the lіktya: from the copula to the right, to the lіva. Pislya tsyogo win wipe his head. With the help of a free hand, a Muslim should guide him through the chola until the end of the day. Distant wine wipes the air in the middle and calls. Having puckered the legs up to the ankles, hto viruk should complete the deceit with the words of remembrance of Allah.

For an hour to go to prayer, Islam will instruct the choloviks in a regular manner to cover only from the navel up to the number. Rules for women big suvor. Vona is guilty of being blamed. With a vinatka - only the guilt and hands. In any case, it is not possible to wear a tight fit or a difficult one. Til people, yogo nyagannya and mice zd_snennya prayers to blame, but be clean. It’s not enough voodoo, it’s necessary to grow out of deception tila (gusli).

Fajr: rakath and term

Kozhen from five namazis are stored in rakats. This is the name of one cycle of prayer, which is repeated from two to one. There is a lot to be found in the fact that the prayer itself is a Muslim. Kozhen rakat includes singing after-effects. In the meantime, in the form of namaz, there may be slight changes.

It is easy to see where Fajr is stored, and the rakats should be shown to the visitor and to the right person. Rankovy namaz is composed of all two last prayer cycles.

Deyakі dії, scho to enter before them, wear specific names, as they came to us from the Arabian language. Below is a list of those who are most likely to understand that they are guilty of the nobility:

  • niyat - namir zrobiti namaz;
  • takbir - the magnification of Allah (the words "Allahu Akbar", which mean "Allah the Great");
  • kiyam - perebuvannya in the position of standing;
  • sajda - Uklinna pose or earthly deviation;
  • dua — prayer;
  • taslim - vitannya, the part of prayer is concluded.

Now we can see the insult to the Fajr prayer cycle. How can you read a prayer, power people who only recently accepted Islam? Surrounding the end of the day, it is necessary to follow Vim's words. Obviously, a spoken Muslim is not only correct in his promises, but his contribution to them is the soul.

First rakat Fajr namaz

The first cycle of prayer is to be worshiped from niyat in the proper kiyam. Namir viruchiy vislovlyuє thoughts, guessing in the new name of namaz.

Let the Muslim put his hands on the pivni vuh, poking his lobes with his great fingers and direct the doloni in the direction of Kibli. Overbought in this position, win maє vigolosity takbir. It is necessary to flush it in a voice, and it is not necessary to rob it in a second voice. In Islam, to magnify Allah, you can make a whisper, alas, you can feel yourself.

Then I curled my wrists with my little finger and thumb, lowering my hand to the bottom of the navel and reading the surah of the Koran "Al-Fatiha". For bazhannyam, a Muslim can recite one more chapter from the Holy Letter.

Then another explanatory deviation, straightforward and sajdah. Gave a Muslim back, get lost in an evasive position, once again fall down before Allah and again straighten up. At the end of the day, the visit to the rakata will end.

Another rakat Fajr namaz

Cycles, scho to enter the rankovy prayer (Fajr), to vikonuyutsya in a smart way. The other rakats do not need to wash the nyat. The Muslim sta in the pose of kiyam, clasping his hands on his breasts, yak at the first cycle, he began to wash the surah "Al-Fatiha".

Then we can beat two earthly bows and sit on their feet, ruin to the right. In such a position, it is necessary to vimoviti dua "At-takhiyat".

Pislya the end of the promotion taslim. Yogo vin vimovlyaє dvichі, turn your head from the side to the side of the right shoulder, instead of the left.

Namaz will end at the end. Fajr is victorious as people and women. However, vikonuyut yogo stench in a good way.

Yak to vikonuyut the woman's rank prayer?

When the first rakat is victorious, the woman is guilty of trimming her hands on the equal of her shoulders, at that hour, when the cholovik pidnimaє to vuh.

Explanatory bows won’t rob the wrong, like a cholovik, and hands before the hour of reading suri "Al-Fatiha" is stored on the breasts, and not below the navel.

The rules for the prayer of prayer are insignificantly recognized from the cholovich. Besides them, a Muslim woman is guilty of the nobility, it’s hardened since the hour of menstruation (Hyde) or psychophysiological bleeding (nifas). Once cleansing from filth, you can visonati namaz correctly, in the first place the woman becomes a sinner.

Who can rob people of people by skipping rankovy prayer?

Varto pokes more important food. Why should a Muslim be robbed if he missed rankovy prayer? In such a situation there was a reason why, for which reason, having allowed some kind of pardon. In addition, it is more important to lay down some other people. For example, if a Muslim has set an alarm clock, he has specially corrected his sleep earlier, if he has slept in all of his diyam, he will be able to do so in front of the All-important great hour, Oskіlki, for the day, wine is not guilty.

However, if the reason was not important, then the rules are. Prayer Fajr is guilty but the Viconan is possible shvid, but not at the same time, if namaz suvoro is fenced off.

If namaz is not possible?

In addition, there are a few such promises, stretching out to pray in the region is not necessary. Before them are introduced periodically

  • when reading rank namaz and before a song;
  • with a stretch of 15 chilins wrote a svitanka, as long as the light did not appear in the sky for the height of one list;
  • if you are in zenіtі;
  • after reading the ACRA (after midday prayer) before sunset.

Whether it’s the last hour, you can do namaz, but more beautifully you don’t want to do it with a sacred action, you read the prayer just before the Svyatank’s prayer, until you put in your heart and soul, as the Prophet Muhammad said, I’m more beautiful, not all the light, more ... A Muslim, who is attending Fajr at the gathering, who will not be consumed in hell, but will be honored with great cities, which Allah will give him.