Nutrition to increase serotonin levels. Serotonin: how to raise the level in the body? Effective ways.

Serotonin is the so-called “happiness hormone”, a compound that is one of the most important neurotransmitters in the human body. The existence of this substance was first talked about in the middle of the 19th century, when the German physiological scientist Karl Ludwig announced the presence of some substance in the blood that could have a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. In the first half of the 20th century, the Italian researcher Vittorio Erspamer isolated this compound from the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and called it enteramin. The modern name serotonin was received much later, in 1948, when a group of scientists led by Maurice Rapport managed to extract it from blood serum. In the course of numerous scientific studies, it was proved that this compound has a direct impact on the work of a whole range of organs and systems of the human body.

Biological functions of serotonin

The physiological functions of serotonin in humans are extremely diverse. In particular, this compound:

  • provides the transmission of electrical impulses from neurons to muscle tissue, between neurons, etc .;
  • protects the body from the negative effects of stress;
  • normalizes the endocrine system;
  • helps prevent the development of somnological disorders;
  • regulates vascular tone;
  • creates favorable conditions for motor activity;
  • normalizes the hormonal function of the pituitary gland, contributes to the development of a number of hormones;
  • reduces the threshold of pain sensitivity;
  • weakens the negative effects of toxins and other poisons on the tissues of the human body;
  • normalizes the process of milk production in mothers who are breastfeeding;
  • participates in the processes providing normal blood clotting;
  • increases peristalsis and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • participates in the process of pain impulses in case of injuries or in the development of inflammatory processes;
  • is a growth factor for some microorganisms that are part of the natural microflora of the human body;
  • facilitates generic activities;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle in women, prevents the development of irregularities in the work of the female and male reproductive systems.

Along with this, serotonin is a powerful natural antidepressant. This substance improves mood and helps to avoid its drops, helps prevent the development of prolonged depression, relieves apathy.

What foods contain serotonin?

Serotonin can not enter the human body from the outside. This substance is synthesized in the organs and tissues of the human body from the amino acid tryptophan. That is why in order to satisfy the body's need for serotonin, it is necessary to regularly include foods rich in tryptophan in the diet.

The daily intake of this substance for an adult is 1500-2000 mg. However, this value may change under the influence of various internal and external factors.

The main sources of tryptophan are:

  • common bean;
  • asparagus;
  • soya beans;
  • lentils;
  • hard and processed cheeses;
  • oyster mushrooms;
  • buckwheat;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • millet;
  • food enriched with B vitamins (oatmeal, liver, yeast, bananas, dates, apples, pumpkin, leafy vegetables, melons, peaches);
  • products with a high content of magnesium (dried fruits, sea kale, barley);
  • food containing omega-3 fatty acids (sea fish, eggs, flaxseed, avocado).

More detailed information on the content of this substance in the products is presented in the table.

Grocery list Information on the content of tryptophan, mg per 100 g
Red caviar 962
Black caviar 918
Hard cheeses ("Dutch", etc.) 792
Peanut 757
Pumpkin seeds 577
Melted cheeses 506
Walnuts 469
Cedar nuts 418
Sesame seed 384
Sunflower seeds 347
Rabbit meat 334
Turkey meat 331
Squids 318
Horse mackerel 301
Chicken's meat 298
Cashew nuts 282
Pistachios 269
Beans 266
Shelled Peas 259
Atlantic herring 257
Beef 232
White mushrooms 221
Quail eggs 216
Bold cottage cheese 214
Cod 213
Pork 208
Chicken eggs 206
Mutton 202
Pollock 201
Dark chocolate 196
Carp 188
Low-fat cottage cheese 187
Zander 187
Buckwheat 184
Halibut 183
Wheat groats 181
Sea bass 176
Oats 163
Mackerel 161
Pasta 129
Wheat flour 121
Semolina 112
Wheat Flour Bread 108
Perlovka 104
Rice cereal 79
Dates 74
Prunes 71
Rye bread 68
Parsley 61
Dill 59
Raisins 56
Bananas 44
Kefir 41
Milk 36
Tomatoes 34
Potatoes 33
Apricots 29
Grapefruit 29
Lemons 28
Grenades 28
Oranges 28
Peaches 26
Strawberry 23
Cherry 23
Raspberries 22
Honey 22
Plums 21
Tangerines 21
Cucumbers 19
Watermelons 19
Zucchini 19
White cabbage 16
Grapes 16
Melon 16
Cranberry 14
Persimmon 14
Beet 14
Pears 11
Carrot 11
Pineapples 11
Apples 11

Factors that increase serotonin production

There are a number of factors that have a positive effect on the production of serotonin from tryptophan. The most effective of them are:

  • exercise, regular exercise;
  • long walks;
  • moderate stay in direct sunlight;
  • high-quality, highly professional massage;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • classes in meditation, yoga, breathing exercises;
  • creative work;
  • good rest;
  • nice memories.

What foods inhibit serotonin synthesis?

It has been proven that regular consumption of certain foods may reduce or completely block the production of serotonin in the body. For this reason, nutritionists recommend that you carefully include in your daily diet:

  • high caffeine drinks;
  • white rice;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • white bread.

In addition, experts advise to minimize the consumption of confectionery and sugar. Inclusion in the diet of these products contributes to a sharp short-term increase in the level of serotonin in the blood and its subsequent decrease, accompanied by deterioration of mood, obesity, disruption of the cardiovascular system, the occurrence of depression and the formation of dependence on sweets.

Major Effects of Serotonin Deficiency

A lack of serotonin in the body can lead to a number of undesirable effects. Symptoms of deficiency of this compound most often become:

  • prolonged depression;
  • mood swings;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • loss of ability to devote a long time to the same occupation;
  • apathy;
  • somnologicheskie disorders (too sensitive sleep, insomnia);
  • severe migraines;
  • dysfunctions of the digestive tract.

In severe cases, a lack of this substance can lead to signs of mental disorders.

Causes and symptoms of excess serotonin in the body

Excessive production of serotonin in the body is just as harmful as its deficiency. In some cases, an increased concentration of this compound may entail dangerous consequences, such as serotonin syndrome.

The main causes of serotonin intoxication are:

  • poisoning;
  • prolonged or uncontrolled intake of certain drugs (most often antidepressants);
  • taking drugs.

The signs of this hazardous (and in some cases even life-threatening) condition are:

  • mental disorders (causeless anxiety, increased emotional arousal, fussiness, impairment of consciousness and its confusion, euphoria, the appearance of hallucinations, etc.);
  • autonomic dysfunction ( loose stools, abdominal pain, migraine, fever, nausea, excessive sweating, dilated pupils, arrhythmias, pressure jumps, chills, active tearing);
  • neuromuscular failures (tremor, paresthesias, epileptiform seizures, loss of the ability to stay in the same posture for a long time, enhancement of reflex reactions, loss of coordination of movements, etc.).

If you identify the symptoms described, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Competent medical care will not only quickly eliminate all manifestations of serotonin syndrome, but also prevent the development of serious complications.

Before you figure out how to increase serotonin, you need to understand what it is, what it is for, and what is dangerous about its lack.

Serotonin is a hormone that is also a neurotransmitter of the brain.

It is called the “happiness hormone”; He acquired this name due to the fact that it gives a person strength, improves mood, and also contributes to resistance to adverse factors.

How much a person feels happy depends directly on the amount of serotonin in the body.

Moreover, this relationship is two-way: the hormone of happiness improves mood, and a good mood enhances its production.

In order for serotonin in the body to be synthesized in sufficient quantity, vitamins and trace elements are needed. In the brain there is the pineal gland in which the synthesis of serotonin takes place.

The hormone of happiness is well produced in sunny weather or by eating chocolate. The fact is that glucose provokes, and it, in turn, contributes to the increase in the blood of amino acids that are needed for the formation of serotonin.

  - It is a hormone that affects the quality of sleep, mood, memory, appetite, learning, sexual desire, it controls the degree of blood clotting, is a natural painkiller, and also affects the functioning of the CC, endocrine and muscular systems.

The functions of serotonin are directly related to psychological processes, its molecules are structurally similar to some psychotropic substances, therefore, a person very quickly develops dependencies on synthetic psychotropic substances.

When serotonin is produced in sufficient quantities, the work of the central nervous system, intestinal motility improves, blood clotting becomes better.

Last doctors use for heavy bleeding as a result of injuries - they inject the serotonin into the body of the victim, and the blood clots.

How to find out the amount of serotonin

How much serotonin enters the brain can not be found out in any way, but its concentration in the blood can be measured under laboratory conditions.

This analysis is done infrequently, in most cases a blood test for serotonin is prescribed for leukemia, oncology and acute bowel obstruction.

Serotonin assay is taken on an empty stomach. 24 hours before donating blood, you can not drink alcohol, coffee and strong tea, and you can not eat foods that have vanillin in their composition.

Pineapples and bananas should be excluded. These products will distort the picture and the analysis will be inaccurate. In addition, a few days before the test, you need to stop taking medicines.

When a patient comes to take an analysis, he must sit for a few minutes in order for the psycho-emotional state to stabilize. Norm - 50 - 220 ng / ml.

If serotonin exceeds the norm

Serotonin exceeds the upper norm if:

  • in the abdominal cavity there is a carcinoid tumor, which already has metastases;
  • there is another oncology in which an atypical picture of a carcinoid tumor is observed, for example, molecular cancer of the thyroid gland.

A slight excess of the norm may indicate the following pathologies:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • fibrocystic formations in the abdominal cavity.

A blood test for serotonin helps a lot to oncologists, thus it is possible to determine the presence of a tumor, and in order to find out where its location is, additional tests should be performed.

If serotonin is below normal

As a result of a lack of serotonin, the following symptoms may occur:

  • regular lack of mood;
  • prolonged breakdown;
  • apathy;
  • low pain threshold;
  • thoughts of death;
  • lack of interest;
  • insomnia;
  • emotional imbalance;
  • increased fatigue from both physical and mental work;
  • poor concentration of attention.

One of the signs of a deficiency of this hormone is considered to be a person's craving for sweets, potatoes, and bread.

These symptoms are simply explained: the body requires serotonin, and when using these products, the production of serotonin in the body slightly increases.

Gradually, however, bread and potatoes become insufficient, a person no longer notices a change in his condition after eating these products. But the change in weight after such a meal is already felt.

Many patients note that they cause anxiety, panic, lowering self-esteem.

Men can become more aggressive, irritable and impulsive. Depression and serotonin are closely related to each other, the severity of the patient's condition is directly dependent on the concentration of the hormone of happiness.

Serotonin in depression has an extremely low rate. Prolonged lack of serotonin leads to suicidal thoughts!

How to increase serotonin levels in the body? in the blood, may for some time maintain its normal concentration, they have side effects  less than antidepressants.

However, to say that they are completely harmless, it is impossible. As a result of their reception, headaches, dyspeptic reactions, sleep disorders and others may appear.

The drugs that can replenish serotonin are as follows:

  • Fevarin;
  • Citalopram;
  • Fluoxetine;
  • Sertraline;
  • Paroxetine.

If the depressive state is severe and chronic, then drugs of complex action are prescribed:

  • Venlafaxine;
  • Mirtazapin.

It should be understood that taking medications is an extreme measure that can only be used in very severe cases.

If we are not talking about psychiatric diseases, then we can increase the concentration of serotonin in more natural ways.

What foods can increase serotonin

Some foods may help increase the serotonin concentration in the blood. These are dates, figs, dried fruits, seafood, fish, hard cheeses, millet, mushrooms, meat.

Promotes the production of serotonin chocolate and other sweets. That is why people who are depressed, lean on the cakes, which soon become overweight.

This is where the vicious circle manifests itself: the cakes give a feeling of happiness, and being overweight again leads to psychological discomfort and depression.

Increasing serotonin drink - coffee, in excessive quantities can lead to problems with heart and blood pressure, because it is better to replace it with a good leaf tea, which also contributes to the development of the hormone of happiness.

However, not all products raise the level of the hormone of joy, there are those that, on the contrary, contribute to its decrease.

Therefore, if you produce serotonin below the norm, then you should beware of the following products:

  • fructose, it is found in cherries, blueberries, and watermelon;
  • alcohol, besides the fact that it suppresses the work of nervous activity and leads to various dangerous diseases of internal organs, it also reduces the production of serotonin;
  • diet drinks, as they contain phenylalanine, which inhibits serotonin and can cause panic attacks and paranoia;
  • fast food.

To be happy and healthy and that the level of the hormone of happiness is always normal, it is enough to follow some simple rules:

  1. Observe the mode of the day. Try to sleep and wake up at the same time, even when you don’t have to go anywhere. Full sleep (at least 8 hours) will keep your health, youth and good mood.
  2. Try not to overwork. If you feel tired, it is better to relax a little, drink tea, warm yourself. This will not only allow you to do your job better, you will not allow a decrease in the level of serotonin.
  3. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Do not follow the diet, it makes no sense to have slim stomach  and at the same time be an absolutely sick person. By exhausting yourself with diets, you deprive your body of essential amino acids, and this leads to depressive states, loss of strength and the development of dangerous diseases.
  5. Sport will allow you to lose weight and increase serotonin levels.
  6. Stress is a strong blow to health, always remember that. Do not allow nervous shocks in your life, and you will notice that you have started to smile more and look better.
  7. Yoga and meditation is a great way to relieve nervous tension, take a different look at the seemingly hopeless situation and increase the concentration of the hormone of happiness.
  8. Listen to good music.

Drinks that can increase serotonin

They work as energetics, however, unlike them, natural drinks do not harm organs and systems of the body, but work only for good. Here are some recipes:

  1. Take honey, nutmeg, mint, basil and lemon balm. Brew 1 tbsp. l medicinal herbs a glass of boiling water, let it brew a little, strain and add honey and nutmeg to taste. This drink will give peace, harmony and relieve stress.
  2. Honey and in itself adjusts a person to a positive, in addition, natural honey dissolved in water will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. The cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract after the drink will work better.
  3. A good remedy for sadness is ginger. This spice perfectly accelerates blood, promotes weight loss and uplifting. You can use both fresh and dried ginger root. Cut the root of the plates and pour 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat, add to taste the lemon juice, cinnamon and honey.
  4. Carrot juice is not only a storehouse of vitamins, but also an excellent means to lift the mood, carrots contain Daucosterol - endorphin, which will give you strength and joy.
  5. Pumpkin juice is very useful for the nervous system, it fights insomnia, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and improves the overall condition of the body.
  6. Cranberry juice is a natural antioxidant. Pour boiling water on a pound of grated cranberries, add sugar and let stand for half an hour, except for a good mood, this drink can give you extra protection during the season of viral infections.

Now you know more about serotonin and will be able to increase its concentration in the blood with healthy foods and drinks, and life will shine for you with new colors.

Serotonin is one of the main neurotransmitters. Many processes in the body depend on its level: blood clotting, thermoregulation, digestion and sexual behavior. Serotonin also affects mood. High concentrations of this hormone cause feelings of happiness, vigor and joy. In order to overcome depression, it is necessary to increase the level of serotonin in the blood. But not everyone knows how to increase serotonin levels.

What factors affect serotonin

This neurotransmitter does not come from food, but is formed in the human body. It is secreted primarily (epiphysis) and cells of the digestive tract.

Serotonin is produced from the essential amino acid tryptophan by the action of complex biochemical reactions. Vitamins of group B and magnesium take part in this process.

In the intestine, the synthesis depends on the state of the microflora. Dysbacteriosis greatly reduces the production of neurotransmitter.

Secretion depends on the length of daylight. The longer a person is in a lit room or during the day on the street, the better serotonin is produced.

The concentration of neurotransmitter in the blood is related to the level of other hormones in the blood. Since the release of insulin from pancreatic cells leads to an increase in serotonin secretion.

Psychological factors also affect the function of serotonin-producing cells. It is known that the feeling of guilt and despair suppress the production of this neurotransmitter. And love and emotional perception of art are accelerating.

Measures to increase serotonin levels

To overcome the depressed mood background, it is necessary to stimulate the production of serotonin in the body - a neurotransmitter of pleasure and happiness.

Measures to increase hormone levels:

  • special balanced diet;
  • correction of dysbiosis;
  • correct day regimen;
  • psychological techniques.

Diet to increase serotonin

Changes in nutrition can fundamentally affect the production of a neurotransmitter. How to increase serotonin with food? Use tryptophan-rich foods to balance your intake of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Many tryptophan contain:

  1. Milk products. Different sorts of cheese and cottage cheese are especially rich in it.
  2. Meat dishes. Pork, duck, rabbit, turkey contain the greatest amount.
  3. Nuts First of all, peanuts, cashews, almonds.
  4. Seafood. Especially a lot of amino acids in red and black caviar, squid and scad.
  5. Legumes The richest tryptophan soybeans, peas and beans.
  6. Some sweets. For example, chocolate and halva.

About 2000 mg of tryptophan should be included in the daily menu. It is advisable to use foods rich in amino acids different groups. This will help balance the diet and provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Additionally, it is necessary to increase the intake of magnesium and B vitamins necessary for the synthesis of serotonin. These substances are abundant in cereals (buckwheat, barley, millet, and oatmeal) and by-products (liver).

An important point to accelerate the synthesis of serotonin in the brain is sufficient carbohydrate intake. Their intake triggers insulin release.

To increase serotonin in the blood, eat at least a small amount of carbohydrates in each meal. They should account for at least 60% daily calories. Any protein diet, for example, "Kremlin" interfere with the normal synthesis of the neurotransmitter. Therefore, try to abandon such restrictions in the diet.

Day regimen and neurotransmitter concentration

The more sunlight, the more actively produced serotonin. Try to be daily on the street during the daytime hours. Even in the dark autumn-winter period, it is necessary to spend 20–30 minutes for a walk in the period from 11.00 to 15.00.

In the room where you often are, you must have sufficient artificial lighting. The most useful lamps imitating daylight.

If seasonal depression already has obvious manifestations, then tanning can be a measure to combat it. By itself, this procedure is not too useful for the skin, but it is good for raising the mood and vitality.

Perhaps the most radical and effective measure  struggle with a bad mood - take a vacation in the winter months and go to a warm resort.

Other measures to increase the level of neurotransmitter

The synthesis of a neurotransmitter depends on the state of the intestinal bacteria. Unfortunately, the modern lifestyle leads to dysbacteriosis in most adults.

For the treatment and prevention of this disorder, consult a specialist (gastroenterologist, immunologist).

A small correction can be carried out independently. Include in the diet of fermented milk products. It is useful to drink a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt daily. Such measures will increase the neurotransmitter synthesis in the cells of the digestive tract by 50%.

If the cause of depression is not the autumn-winter period or wrong mode  day, it is advisable to turn to a psychotherapist. Overcoming personal problems with the help of auto-training, hypnosis, or medications stabilize the serotonin concentration in the blood.

"The hormone of happiness" - so called this wonderful chemical substance that is produced in the human body and affects his mood and not only. In moments of joy, at the time of ecstasy, the level of serotonin in the body increases significantly. Conversely, during a depressive state, its amount in the body decreases. What is this mysterious hormone and what does it have its miraculous effect on?

A lack of serotonin in humans leads to the appearance of various symptoms:

  1. Depression. People suffering from a lack of the hormone of joy, there is a decline in mood and vitality. This is the most common and striking manifestation of serotonin deficiency;
  2. Since sweets are responsible for making this mediator, then when there is a shortage, a person constantly feels the need for sweets, chocolate, baking and other sweets;
  3. Insomnia. Constant lack of sleep due to sudden nightly awakenings;
  4. Decreased self-esteem and self-confidence
  5. Sudden panic attacks, constant feeling of fear.

But besides these symptoms, there are also others that are most noticeable to people around them:

  • Obesity, fast weight gain;
  • Migraines - attacks of sharp headaches, aggravated by exposure to bright light or loud sound;
  • Disruption of the digestive system: constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Cramps jaws.

The effect of serotonin on metabolism

Serotonin influences many types of metabolism in the body. The greatest impact on the bio-energy processes occurring in the body. Under the action of serotonin changes carbohydrate metabolism. Increases the activity of liver enzymes, skeletal muscles and myocardium, reduces the content of glycogen in them, stimulates the process of glucose oxidation. Serotonin increases oxygen consumption by tissues. With an increase in its concentration in the tissues, a decrease in the strength of oxidative processes occurs.

What drugs increase serotonin levels

At any pharmacy, you can purchase a drug that will increase the hormone of joy in your body.

Sertraline. Drugwith antidepressant effects. It has the property of capturing serotonin, increasing its level in human blood. The dose is prescribed by a doctor and varies from 40 to 250 mg, depending on the condition of the patient.

Fluoxetine. Pills that increase hormone levels. It is taken on one tablet in the morning. The duration of treatment depends on the neglect of depression.

Citalopram. Antidepressant, which is one of the most popular means in the fight against the lack of the hormone of joy. Accepted 1-2 grams per day for a month. Gradual withdrawal of the drug is recommended.

Paroxetine. The drug belongs to the group of antidepressants. The action is aimed at increasing the amount of serotonin in the body. It is used for depressive, panic, anxiety disorders, without adversely affecting the human psyche. Like any drug has contraindications and without a prescription is not accepted. Dose and frequency of administration is selected individually depending on the type of disorder.

Fevarin. A drug that paralyzes the reuptake of serotonin by cells. Dosage is selected individually. Start taking the drug with small doses, gradually increasing the daily dose. The maximum dose of the drug depends on the severity of the depressive disorder. It is taken for a long time.

It should be remembered that the reception medicines  This is an extreme measure. At the initial stages of the manifestation of a lack of serotonin in the body, you can resort to treatment with folk remedies.

Folk remedies to increase serotonin

Compliance with the biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness is another important condition for maintaining high levels of the hormone in the body. A person should get enough sleep, and it means just a night's sleep. Only at night a sufficient amount of the hormone will be produced.

A positive effect on the hormonal balance in the body have ancient methods of relieving physical and mental stress - yoga and meditation. Such exercises balance the body, have a beneficial effect on mood and prevent depression.
  Learn to enjoy life, doing your favorite thing, be it your favorite hobby, playing sports, meeting friends or a simple walk through the forest and an excess of the hormone of happiness you provided.

Source of serotonin in foods

Products that help raise the level of serotonin

This substance itself was not found in the products. It is produced in the body by the action of amino acids contained in many foods. Tryptophan is one of them.

Products that help increase serotonin levels:

  • milk-containing foods (cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurts, milk);
  • eggs;
  • banana and dark chocolate are champions for increasing serotonin levels;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal and millet groats;
  • bulgarian pepper and tomatoes, cabbage and root vegetables;
  • beans, lentils and other legumes;
  • fruits, such as plum, peach, melon, citrus;
  • dried fruits, in particular, dates, figs, prunes;
  • seafood, so rich in magnesium;
  • real leaf tea or ground natural coffee.

Unwanted Products
  Not all products contribute to raising the level of the hormone of joy in human blood. There are also those that reduce it, so if you have a shortage of this hormone, then try to avoid the following products:

  • Fructose. This type of sugar is found in honey, potatoes, watermelons, cherries and blueberries, so we advise you to limit the use of these products;
  • Alcohol. It has a suppressive effect on nervous activity. With its constant use, serotonin production in the brain decreases, leading to depression and other disorders;
  • Diet drinks. They contain a huge amount of phenylalanine, which greatly reduces the production of the hormone of joy, which often leads to paranoia or panic attacks;
  • Caffeine. With moderate use of caffeinated beverages, the level of serotonin increases, but if you abuse these products, the level of the hormone, on the contrary, decreases;
  • Fast food. All your favorite chips, hamburgers and french fries contain substances leading to a deficiency of the hormone of happiness in the human body.

In order to be healthy and happy, you need to follow a few simple rules:

Observe the daily regimen. Try to plan clearly every day, go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. Remember that a full long-lasting sleep will keep you healthy and young for many years;

Do not overdo it. If during any work you start to get tired - rest. Take a break and do a little warm-up. This will allow you to save strength for further work;

Eat right. Eliminate fast food, salty and sweet, carbonated drinks from your diet. Eating enough fruits and vegetables will keep you in good shape;

Always remember the dangers of alcohol and smoking. Do not be influenced by society. Have your opinion on this. And let it be right.

Give up on diets. Do not starve yourself by following fashion. Remember that all are beautiful in their own way and there is no point in striving for a non-existent ideal. A lack of essential amino acids will only lead to a breakdown and depression;

Serotonin is called the pleasure hormone, as this enzyme has a direct effect on the level of pleasure from sex, eating food and mood. Are there methods to increase serotonin levels in the body? We will deal with this issue.

Drugs that increase the level of serotonin in the body

Medication such as selective reuptake blockers may increase serotonin in the body. This group includes:

  1. Paroxetine.  It is recommended to take along with food. The optimal reception time is morning hours. Dosage per reception - 20 mg. The course of therapy is 1.5-2 weeks.
  2. Fluoxetine.  Appointed depending on the case. In severe depression, the treatment lasts a month.
  3. Oprah.  Per day is allowed to take no more than 0.2 g of the drug. Increasing the dosage is possible, but only with appropriate indications.
  4. Sertraline.  The recommended dose varies from 50-200 mg and is completely dependent on individual indicators.
  5. Fevarin.  Therapy takes up to six months. The dosage of the drug - 50-150 mg once every day.
  6. Efectin.  The drug is a new generation. During 2 weeks from the beginning of the course, the dosage of 0.75 g gradually increases. Reception is carried out daily at one time.
  7. Mirtazapin.  Another drug of the new generation, but with otstrochennym action. Serotonin levels return to normal after 3 weeks from the start of treatment.

Despite the effectiveness of pharmacological drugs, it is necessary to resort to them only in severe cases of mental disorder. A healthy person is enough to adjust the lifestyle to increase the level of serotonin.

How to increase serotonin in the body of folk remedies?

  1. The simplest method is.  It is not necessary for this to go to the southern resorts, enough more time to spend in the fresh air.
  2. Before you increase serotonin in the body, you should start to adhere to the daily regimen.  Day - the time of active life, the night is for.
  3. Relaxation helps reduce anxiety, find spiritual harmony.  And this is necessary for people with low levels of the hormone of joy.

Food products do not contain serotonin, but many of them contain substances that stimulate its production. Products that increase serotonin in the body:

Do not try to "bother" melancholy cakes and pies. Carbohydrates contained in them cause an effect comparable to drug addiction. In addition, serotonin levels can reduce alcohol, meat and foods with preservatives.