How to determine the betrayal of his wife by external signs. How to check if a wife is cheating or not: expert advice


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Attention to the happy owners of a marriage certificate! British scientists have identified a fundamental pattern: women are programmed to adultery. The oldest editorial woman lover Alexander MESHKOV argues on this phenomenon.

Cuckolds! You - the legion!

Zhenatik tightened, frowned: "You're lying! Mine does not change! I know for sure! ”Break off, guys, this conclusion was made on the basis of anthropological research in 62 countries of the world. The first trip to the left of the British predict four years after the wedding. But even if you still have a couple of years left, do not flatter yourself. These British are intolerable optimists! Everything will happen before! Be ready, friends, for this every day! And it does not matter that you are sexually in demand by your wife, that you give her flora, gifts from boutiques and kiss before you go to work. “A woman even in happiness has a penchant for flirting,” said the writer Max Frish, whom I deeply respected. And he will not lie.

Female infidelity, as well as the fragility of marriages, is programmed at the DNA level. Although lately this has been promoted by the social situation: poverty, drunkenness, stratification of society, bribery, criminalization of society, prostitution and moral degradation (I feel it by my example). Previously, there were fewer divorces. Now this epidemic is more abusive than consumption and black pox. Marriages more often fall apart, oddly enough, based on love. A pragmatic approach to marriage is almost guaranteed from disintegration. In such intelligent families, any scandal will be silenced, just to not lose its stake.

History will judge

Women from corporate ethics will disagree with me and begin to run into men: “They ruined us themselves!” But let's turn to history. The tendency to polygamy laid in a woman from prehistoric times. A woman was covered by all the males of the pack. Later, at the dawn of human civilization, there was a spiritual custom: the husband, according to the law of hospitality, was obliged to give up his wife for the night to a tired traveler. After all, the husband is covering his wife, read it, every day, he gets tired, and the fresh traveler is just right, he abstained a little on the way. Elena Prekrasnaya, because of which the armed Trojan conflict was unleashed, was just the sweet fruit of such an accidental connection. Tsar Tyndarei (her father) hospitably allowed to spend the night to his wife a handsome young foreigner, and she immediately suffered. Elena was born as beautiful as a stranger, only with breasts. The remaining children of Tyndarey were, if not freaks, then quite ordinary creatures of God. Elena, at the age of 12, with the help of Theseus, she parted with such a dubious virtue as virginity, and gave birth to Iphigenia from him. And then this whirlpool successfully jumped in marriage with Menelaus and left for Sparta.

If a woman asks ...

Somehow the girl with whom strong love had connected me at that moment called and asked for a visit. She was lonely: she quarreled with her parents, a friend got married, the seal popped up, she lost a gold chain and caught a runny nose. But this evening I was busy and politely refused.

One young man invited me to dinner, she said then. - May I go?

I have never seen anything wrong with sharing meals. I myself often ate in the dining room with girls and even a couple of times with guys. In the army we ate at the same time the whole company. I could not have imagined that there was something vicious in the dinner. The next day we met as if nothing had happened. I did not even ask about the last dinner. I forgot. A month later, I learned that the dinner at the restaurant smoothly turned into breakfast in bed.

But why? - I asked, confused.

It was lonely and painful, she answered.

And the essence of this betrayal is simple: never deny a girl a closeness, because there is another right there. A holy womb is never empty. In lazy shepherds wolves are always full. Everything in this life can be postponed, my friends, except sex and love! Even harvesting spring crops, launching a spacecraft, logging, meeting friends if they are to the detriment of sex!

When? Why? With whom?

The main reason for women's adultery, of course, is unsatisfied sexuality: libido is over the edge, but there is no real man around. And if there is, then drink, such a beast. But often the betrayals of women occur because of her late entry into the fabulous and alluring world of sex. Appetite comes with eating. I want to eat to satiety.

May our girls change us for revenge. You to me - I to you! By all means the horns will be instructed by a workaholic devoted only to work.

A good reason to change - the desire to get a portion of andrenaline. Oh, mommy, what will happen? New partner, secret date, new hands, hot kisses. Oh! And what if my find out? The wife of a friend of mine, a born yogi, loved to persuade his friends in the kitchen to sin while he was meditating. Besides me, yoga had many more friends. Some came to visit twice a day. Yogi! Be careful with meditations! Watch out for friends!

According to statistics, the majority of adultery occurs in the workplace. It was there that the office romance spins. So, do not let the work? But a home electrician or plumber can come, as well as a massage therapist, a fitness instructor, a home doctor, a friend at home, after all.

The strong-willed female dictator has more chances to get someone on the side than a submissive, wordless slave. Down with the dictatorship! Wives to the nail!

The more we love a woman, the more chances we have to become the owner of branched horns. Young girls with still unspent sexual energy will also give you horns rather than a worn out old woman. But the most dangerous age is 35 years. The husband is already disgusted, but she is also to him, but I want a lot of affection and a little orgasm. At 35 for my wife's eyes and eyes. In addition, educated wives are more likely to change than fools are illiterate. Down education!

Having a relaxed unmarried girlfriend can also push your wife to cheating. What are they talking about? About football? About the theater? Dudka! Namely single girlfriends tend to share the joy of shameful comfort. What causes unhealthy envy in your half.

In general, there are women who do not change? Theoretically, yes. But only because there is no possibility, an object, a favorable set of circumstances. Each would like to change, but scary.

I can see everything from above, and you know!

Whether your wife cheats on you or not, you guys can't determine it by touch. And do not try. I tried - empty! Visually, too, everything seems to be in place. Here it is necessary to become a little bit a psychologist, a psychoanalyst and a sex therapist. Attention!

BUT). Your wife from a fat woman-hostess suddenly became a beautiful model, without a shopping bag inherent to her, a new hairstyle, a chest bristling, a feverish look, a manicure, a pedicure, new panties, a tattered bra, and the back is walking. Everything! Feel your head!

B). Denies you intimacy: “My head hurts, tired, leave me alone, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I can’t. You smell bad! ”Look for a man!

AT). Delayed at work. A lot of work. Aha We know this job! Detained themselves!

D). On weekends she leaves: to her friend, to courses, to fitness, to the library, to the planetarium, to shopping. Yes, we know! We go fishing!

D). There were dear tsatskis, flowers from work brings, new perfume, dear. This is with her salary! Immediately check the closet, balcony and under the bed!

P. S. (My friend! Read at night, cut and hang on the wall in the frame!)

Studies in some developed countries have shown that 11% of children were not born from legitimate fathers. The chances of a woman to fly from a casual partner are much higher than from a regular.

50% of all female adultery falls on the period of ovulation and the days immediately after menstruation, when it can not suffer.

Attention!  Every 15th child is not only a “stranger”, it is also conceived in a situation where the sperm of two men is in the womb of a woman. One of them is a lawful husband. And the chances are more to win with a lover! Here is a joke!

The furious, curly, muscular laughter-lover releases up to 600 million spermatozoa to a new partner, and the hateful bald husband is only 150-300 million. Inside the womb these sperm begin to beat like Tatars and Rusichi on the Kulikovo Field. The bulk of sperm - fighters. They are 85%. They release poison into energetic, reproducing sperm cells. They are only 1 percent. The lover of "murderers" is always more than her husband.


In Judea, treacherous traitors were stoned. In some Asian countries, the death penalty for treason has not yet been abolished. In Africa - Oh! Horror! - cut off the clitoris with a blunt knife. Girls! Watch out for Africans!

And I advise you guys, after learning about treason, to forgive these weak creatures. You yourself in some places sometimes, something, something like ... Okay, I'm joking, of course. At the stable of them and pour whips! It is not for us to walk with horns.

If you suspect that your beloved is sleeping with another, it’s time for you to think about how to check if your wife is cheating or not. There are effective methods for quickly calculating the wrong woman. What gives her and what should not be so that a man can say for sure that his wife betrays him? Here is a list of the main signs of female infidelity:

  • Began to come later from work. Someone will say that this is already nonsense, but it is precisely this sign that very often betrays traitors. Yes, it is possible once or twice a month to stay for a couple of hours, no one is immune from this. Everyone needs to close the month, make reports, this is the work of so many people. But if a woman began to linger every second day, referring to a lot of things, you should not believe her, better come to her work, make a surprise. It is possible that you will make a discovery for yourself, because at work it will not be your beloved.
  • Here is the second option of how to check whether the wife has changed or not. A very accurate sign is a change in appearance. Yes, maybe during the time you met, the woman looked great: always a new dress, perfumed from head to toe, but now, when you are together, of course there was a recession and you were already used to being with each other in a more intimate setting. Now you are close people. But suddenly you notice how a woman does all that during your dates. It does not cause you suspicion? Do not be stupid, just find a way to expose your favorite.
  • One very subtle and unusual sign of treason is when your other half, even when wearing jeans in winter, shaves legs every day. All this for you? It is unlikely, especially if before you did not notice this. Surely there was one for whom your woman is now trying to look as attractive as possible. This is another very tricky way to answer the question of how to check if the wife is cheating or is it all just your conjectures.
  • A sign of treason - the traces of another man on your woman. It can be perfume. Yes, do not believe it, but the perfume perfectly transferred, and even after the embrace the person will already smell like the spirits of another person. Be careful, if you hear the smell of someone else's perfume - immediately begin your track activity. The woman, for certain, changes you, it will be obvious. Well, what really says about hickey, which remain after the kiss. If you find one - feel free to make a scandal, your wife has not prepared anything good for you.
  • How to check if the wife has changed? For example, if she will have new gifts from supposedly girlfriends, think about it already. You know, girlfriends are unlikely to give a dress or some kind of decoration. You should not believe in such a deception, be more appropriate and do not believe what your wife will say to you. She deceives you, it is guaranteed.

If you still do not know how to find out what your wife is cheating on, proven methods will always be by the way and let you know the true truth that you are trying to get.

Phone - a way to expose the wife

A telephone is a device that will allow you to answer the question of how to understand that a wife is cheating. How to check if your woman is right for you? Just watch the behavior. If now her phone has become unavailable to you, this is the first sign. Set a password? Probably, this is already some sign of secrecy. What is the next stage? A woman can be called by various people, such as “Work” and so on. Is it not suspicious that they call too often from work? Think about it already. If possible, look at the messages. When the “Secretary, office” writes SMS completely unacceptable and non-business content, there is a reason to think, and if you do not change?

How to check changed wife or not

As it became known, the phone is a great sign of treason. The main thing is to be more careful, and you will definitely notice something suspicious. Pay special attention to messages and calls at night, because no one will call at midnight, will they?

If you are still trying to find an answer to the question of how to check if your wife has cheated, the test, and very simple, will allow you to understand everything. The test is to analyze its behavior as a result of your actions. Proceed from the fact that a loving woman, seeing how her husband is doing something wrong, will definitely get angry. If she changes you, she will be much more worried about another man, you will remain in the background.

Wife, by the way, can still do one unpleasant thing - when she has a lover, you will surely hear how she compares you to Petya from her work. Follow this and rebel. You are a man, you cannot be compared with anyone, especially with another, unfamiliar male representative.

If you do not know how to check your wife, if she changes her husband, the above features will allow you to quickly determine who your wife is. You will surely understand whether it is true to you or not.

Determination of adultery by linen

Someone will ask the question of how to check whether the wife cheated on cowards. What is this about? If you consider the case of a woman, you have only one way. Surely your wife has such a set of underwear, which she wears only for exceptional cases. And what can you think when she puts on the same set on "gatherings with friends"? Beat the alarm, because surely you change, this is not even worth doubting. Otherwise, there is no reason or reason to wear the most sexy lingerie, which is intended for individual cases.

  How to check whether the wife cheated on cowards

Well, or another option - your wife was given lingerie, as she said - friends. But do not believe in it, all this is pure deception. Such gifts are made only by lovers, think about it.


Refuse the temptation - do not read your spouse's SMS messages, do not check her email, and do not hire a hacker to hack her page in Odnoklassniki. One has only to begin, and the idea of ​​total control will subdue all your life, everything else will be unimportant. Now you are full of suspicions, even an innocent message: “how are you, let's meet” is able to knock you out of a rut. She could write a school girlfriend, and you boiled and have already given themselves a vow in the event of a divorce to keep the dacha! Cool it down, do nothing in the heat of the moment.

Just watch your wife's behavior. If suddenly your spouse is interested in hang gliding, it does not mean that she was seduced by a nice pilot. However, it will not be out of place to find out in which company she studies the structure of hang-gliders at her leisure.

Try to spend more time with your wife. Listen to her requests, pay attention to her mood. In marriage, trust is important, good spouses are usually best friends. Become a friend to her, especially if in an intimate sense your relationship is far from perfect. Let her understand what she has, what to lose, and dispel your suspicions herself.

Do not neglect common companies. Go with your wife on the birthday of her friend, even if you previously persistently ignored such invitations. There is a chance that old friends are aware of your spouse’s private life. Finding out the details from them with a glass of wine is usually not difficult.

If the suspicion still does not leave you, no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, it is not forbidden to seek the services of private investigators. However, remember that this is an extreme measure. In case, because of anxiety, you practically do not sleep and have long lost your appetite. Regardless of the outcome of the investigation, a visit to the psychologist would not be amiss. Especially if it turns out that you were wasting money on a detective, and your suspicion had no reason to.

but the best way  check loyalty - a direct conversation. This banal method is considered by many to be useless - after all, you can always pretend. But psychologists say that to hide the real feeling, no matter how wonderful the actress is your wife, will not work. Especially if the question of treason will take her by surprise. When talking, look into her eyes, a liar is unlikely to want to meet your gaze. As a rule, malicious inquisitors are given intonation — too emotional.

Before resorting to radical options, consider whether you want to know the truth. Maybe it is sometimes better to live in ignorance? Fleeting hobbies pass, and are you ready to break off relations? Exposed infidelity is what you have to live with. And remember this for many years.

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Women differ from men in that they know how to hide their infidelities much better. A man often comes across trifles - on traces of lipstick, on petty lies or inconsistencies in dates. Women are more attentive to details and see if you change wife, not so easy.

You will need

  • You will need a lot of patience, observation and desire to understand the true reasons for her actions.


Analyze your feelings. How can you characterize this period of the relationship between you? Cooling, stability, passion, emotion, romance - which of these descriptions suit you best? An indirect cause of female infidelity can be its sharp cooling to you.

Find out if she has found her ideal. Sometimes, even after the wedding, women dream of a star or "Vasya from a parallel group." Does she have nostalgic feelings about her former lovers? Does she believe that you will be together to the grave, or thinks that she will be able to find someone else? Women who are prone to treason, included "search behavior." They are still interested in cute strangers and promising friends of girlfriends.

Observe how it relates to time. If a woman has started an affair on the side, her attitude to commitments and meetings changes. She begins more often to linger at work, to spend the night at her friends, to forget about joint plans.

Remember how she responds to phone calls. If suddenly she stopped picking up the phone to call from a certain number in your presence, she may be calling someone whose existence she wants to hide from you. Also incorrect wife  and she doesn’t always pick up the phone when you call her. Of course, this quality can always be inherent in some ladies. But in times of betrayal, it usually sharpens.


Disorder of the sexual life may not mean the presence of betrayal by the wife. Women are pushed to infidelity lack of attention, lack of love and affection. Sex in this case is only a supplement to the new feelings that she may have with another man.


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Do you believe in female friendship? This question sometimes gets sarcastic overtones. And how many jokes composed about her. So really, does it really exist, and how can you check fidelity girlfriends?


Often you notice that the relationship with a friend developed remarkably until you got married, or bought yourself a stylish fur coat, or met a cool guy. What is going on? Why does such a long and strong friendship break up under the influence of these life situations?

To answer these questions, you need to know female psychology. No matter how golden they have the character, but it’s so laid down that someone else’s well-being does not give them peace. Only there are women who understand this destructive feeling and try to hide it deep in the soul, not to pull it out.

They may not be jealous of their closest friend about her achievements or acquisitions. Or calm themselves with comparisons, saying that you have one, they have another. After all, a different person has his own values. Someone closer material comfort, someone spiritual. If your girlfriend is in this category, then nothing breaks the relationship, your friendship continues.

And if a girl goes into a rage with each of your new purchases, gives critical comments about your next boyfriend, criticizes your progress in learning foreign languages, then the opposite is the case. So, she can not hide the envy and irritation about your success. And here are different options.

Or a friend will try to hide her jealousy, but you will notice how her face changes with each word you say about your achievements. Therefore, if such a friendship nevertheless suits you, you will have to share less with your successes and pleasant moments in the future.

There may be such girlfriends, the envy of which will result in disgusting acts. They will try to embroil you with a new friend, slandering various nasty things on him, they may tell unpleasant stories about you to their mutual acquaintances. Therefore, consider whether to continue such a relationship further. It is better to break all the threads of friendship with such an imaginary girlfriend.

Well, if your girlfriend can support you at any time, having learned about your problems, he will immediately offer her help, sincerely express her opinion about one or another of your actions, know that her attitude towards you deserves respect. And take care of such a girlfriend.


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Family life  not always easy. Sometimes spouses begin to drift apart. There is jealousy and distrust. In addition, not only women can suspect their mate of treason. Some men also want to be sure that their wives are completely faithful to them.


If something made you doubt your wife's loyalty, first find out what it was. Perhaps she began to behave in a strange way. If the reason for your mental anguish in her behavior, you really need to know how true it is to you.

Be attentive. You should notice all the changes that are happening in your native person. In what mood did she come from work? At what time? Did she look tired, as usual, or did her emotions go offboard for unknown reasons? Observe and analyze, compare her actions and mood with those that were before.

If you notice that your wife is lying to you even on trifles, every evening check her mobile phone for messages or calls from another man. Naturally, such evidence is immediately removed by deceivers, but sooner or later they may forget about caution. Also, go to its pages on social networks and check all correspondence. Do it imperceptibly, so as not to increase its vigilance.

Spend more time with your wife. Arrange family picnics, restaurant, cinema, etc. So you will not only become closer and, perhaps, realize that you loved your favorite one in vain, but also see how much free time she has. If she always looks for a reason to go somewhere, she will often be called “for work”, then your suspicions are completely justified.

Some signs of adultery

After you study the behavior of your soulmate, analyze everything that opens before you. There are several signs of adultery.

For a start, pay attention to the external changes in your soulmate. Maybe the person with whom you live has begun to more carefully monitor his clothes, has long picked up things before going out, is buying new items of clothing, although he hasn’t really cared about what he looks like before. Carefully styled hair, deeper personal hygiene should be your first warning signal, if before this behavior was not observed.

The second change may be due to the appearance of additional expenses without explaining the reasons. If a man begins a relationship with another woman, he certainly gives her some gifts, leads to restaurants, cafes or cinemas, buys her flowers. If your spouse is suddenly cut back on salary or deprived of his premium, you should definitely think about where he is spending money. As for women, on the contrary, they may have new things, small gifts and souvenirs. To your question about their appearance, they may respond that they bought it themselves or this thing was presented to them by a friend.

Some more signs of adultery

Perhaps you used to spend a lot of time with your other half, and now she refers to urgent matters, meetings with her friends, or simply fatigue. Such changes in her behavior may tell you that communication with you has ceased to give her the same pleasure. A person will prefer to relax with someone else, not with you. Also, listen to what your partner tells you. Maybe in a conversation with you, he mentioned people who were strangers to this point. Offer to spend a joint evening and arrange an acquaintance with his friends. If, in response to your proposal, you hear a rejection, think about it.

Pay attention to the items of personal communication used by your soulmate. If she has someone else, she will make you restrict access to the phone or laptop. Most likely, there is stored information that you should not know.

Calculate the betrayal can be precisely for these reasons, and if you still fail, try contacting a private detective who will confirm or deny the fact of adultery.

Women's treason, unlike male infidelity - the phenomenon is not very frequent, but no less unpleasant. For each exemplary family man, the news about the betrayal of the woman he loves will be a blow to the patient himself: as they say, you do everything for the sake of the family, and all of a sudden. In order not to become the subject of ridicule of others, when everyone around will know about the adventures of the devotee on the side, except for the cuckold husband, we will talk about how to find out if the wife is cheating.

She began to take more care of herself.

Any woman during the search for a new man or at the beginning of a romantic relationship wants to look at 100%, so she begins to make all efforts for this. If you notice that your spouse, who used to even sometimes sleep a little longer than make up before work, began to get up an hour earlier to turn around in front of a mirror, then this is cause for alarm, maybe your wife has changed you.

It is worth noting: only those women who suddenly began to take care of themselves can be concerned, although they have not paid much attention to their appearance before. In addition, do not worry if his wife went on a diet or changed her hair in the spring: she can just get ready for the beach season.

She often communicates on the Internet and using SMS

Women generally like to chat on the phone and chat on different thematic forums, but they behave differently depending on who they communicate with. If the interviewer is a friend or co-worker, then any woman would prefer to talk on the phone, rather than communicate with messages. SMS and chatting in social networks is a way to hide the subject of conversation from the person who is nearby.

If you have any suspicions about this, try to see who she writes. Of course, to do it better at the time of direct communication with the interlocutor: just ask her to show with whom she has so nicely been rewritten for half a day already. If she refuses, you can only make sure that they are close to the truth.

She became absent-minded and thoughtful.

If your wife has started a novel, then significant changes will be noticeable in her behavior. Women love to imagine the image of their beloved in their heads, to scroll through the best moments of dating, to dream of a wonderful future together. All this is reflected in their concentration: they begin to forget what they just said, ask again, look thoughtfully out the window, while the burgers have already begun to burn on the stove.

Try to talk with your wife and find out what disturbs her, what she thinks so often and deeply about. If she just brushes away from you, this is a reason to think: women like to talk about their pains, but talking with her husband about her lover, of course, is taboo.

She began to come home later than usual.

Novel on the side, of course, requires a certain time. If your wife works, she will come home later if she changes. Pretexts can be a blockage at work, an extraordinary meeting or a birthday party of a colleague. Associated signs of fraud - a battered hairstyle, stale makeup, rumpled clothes.

If your wife is a housewife, then her frequent absences from home can be a cause for alarm. She can explain this with a new hobby (dancing, fitness, even macrame). It is easy to check whether the wife has changed or not: put a funny little note in her bag so that when opening a bag with sports shoes or a box of handicrafts, she would certainly notice it. If, on her arrival at your hint about a note, she is surprised, this may mean that she did not play sports or knit.

She began to quarrel often from scratch.

Increased irritability and peevishness can also be signals of the wife’s infidelity. If a woman changes you, it means that love has passed, and the husband begins to annoy for any reason: he does not eat like that, he snores, and slouches — comments and cavils are pouring out of her like from a horn of plenty.

Obviously, there are exceptions to this rule - conscientious women who are ashamed to think about their deception. Such girls in this situation can become touchy and capricious, require increased attention. They are trying to make a man guilty of something in order to stop feeling bad by switching to her husband.

She behaves differently in bed or refuses sex at all

Changes in sexual life are a frequent consequence of female adultery. If suddenly your humble spouse began to offer experiments in bed and zealously implement them, then it is likely that his wife has changed, experienced a new bright experience on the side and is trying to repeat it with you. There is one ambiguous plus - she still loves you.

If your intimate life declined for no apparent reason, then it’s time to sound the alarm. This does not apply to the disease, menopause or other objective reasons. A wife may explain reluctance to have sex with a headache, fatigue, or bad mood. She can refuse your molestation, because, most likely, the wife has changed on the side and does not want your caresses.

She has new clothes

The presence of new things, such as clothes, jewelry, bags, perfumes and various types of accessories - another reason to suspect his wife of treason. If she cannot really explain where the new things came from, it is very likely that they were presented by her lover.

On the other hand, it may be that she puts aside part of her income and spends it on herself. Of course, this is also not good news, but still not treason. Talk to your wife about how secretive you are.

She often talks about breaking up.

If at each quarrel the wife began to threaten with divorce, although she was afraid to think about it before, then your marriage can really break up. Whatever the reason for such statements, this should be a very serious reason: women in most cases try to keep the family together with all their might. If they themselves are the initiators of the separation, then the link on the side may be to blame, and this promises them the prospect of developing relations. A rare woman will want to leave the family without having a man nearby.

Evgenia, St. Petersburg