Climate change on earth. Tectonics of lithospheric plates


1. Causes of climate change

2. The concept and essence of the greenhouse effect

3. Global warming   and the impact on him of a person

4. Consequences of global warming

5. Measures necessary to prevent global warming




The world is getting warmer, and humanity is largely responsible for this, experts say. But many factors affecting climate change have not yet been studied, while others have not been studied at all.

And for really inevitable rest? Is there compensation for Klima-Kollekt projects? Overview of the causes of climate change. Recently in the world there are climate changes and gigantic natural disasters. The causes of these strange weather phenomena and destruction are mainly of a spiritual nature.

Sharp increase in natural disasters

Over the past decade, we have seen a tremendous increase in natural disasters around the world. Through the media - and for many of us first-hand - we learned the terrible power of nature. This led to unprecedented destruction and enormous loss of life. They are remembered in our memory because of their degree of destruction.

Some of the arid places in Africa have become even drier over the past 25 years. Rare lakes that bring water to people dry up. Sandy winds are intensifying. The rains stopped there in the 1970s. The problem of drinking water is becoming more acute. According to computer models, such areas will continue to dry out and become completely uninhabitable.

Causes that cause natural disasters and increase their violence

Is global warming the only major contributor to climate change? Why do accidents grow so much? We did this to identify the real causes of climate change and increase the intensity of natural disasters. Spiritual studies use a holistic approach that takes into account all 3 dimensions in order to understand the causes of difficulties in life. This knowledge will be available to us for a better understanding of the opportunities available to address the phenomena of climate change, which is currently a key issue in international affairs.

Coal mining is spread all over the planet. A huge amount of carbon dioxide (CO 2) is emitted into the atmosphere when coal is burned. As developing countries follow in the footsteps of their industrial neighbors, the amount of CO 2 will double during the 21st century.

Most experts, studying the complexity of the Earth’s climate system, associate the increase in global temperature and future climate change with an increase in CO 2 in atmospheric air.

The following diagram shows the two main areas that can be seen when considering natural disasters and climate change from a holistic point of view. The characteristics of these causes are explained below. This is a fundamental law of nature that will someday be created, preserved, and ultimately destroyed. For example, the Himalayas were created, they will be saved and eventually destroyed. Therefore, it can be expected that everything that exists will eventually be destroyed after a certain period of preservation.

Only the Creator, that is, God, remains eternal and unchanged. Destruction takes many forms, one of them being natural disasters. People also contribute to this cyclical process of destruction with their behavior, which sometimes degenerates into war and destruction.

Life thrives on the planet for about four billion years. During this time, climate fluctuations were radical, from the ice age - which lasted 10,000 years - to the era of rapid warming. With each change, an indefinite number of species of life forms have changed, developed and survived. Others have weakened or simply become extinct.

If we consider 70% as 100%, nature will amaze humanity by 10%. On the physical level, nature affects us through the clothes we wear, our food and shelter. There are other ways in which nature affects humans. An example is the effect of a weakening and weakening moon on the human psyche. There is a lot of confirmed evidence, and people from time immemorial have experienced that mental disorders occur on a full and a new moon.

Of 70% of humanity affects nature in 90% of cases. This is due to the well-documented behavior of people through excessive deforestation of forests, oil spills, industrial emissions, depletion of various species, etc. Why do people increase their global warming and pollute the planet with their collective behavior? The answer lies in the mind and mind of man. As people become more and more selfish and less and less worried about the planet and other people, they continue to misuse and use the resources of the planet.

Now, many experts believe that humanity is endangering the global ecological system due to global warming caused by the so-called greenhouse effect. Evaporation of civilization products in the form of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO 2), delayed enough heat reflected from the earth's surface, so that the average temperature at the earth's surface increased by half a degree Celsius during the 20th century. If this direction of the modern industry continues, the climate system will change everywhere - melting ice, raising sea levels, destroying plants by droughts, turning areas into deserts, moving green areas.

The collective psychological spirit of mankind is closely related to its spiritual level, which affects nature. Righteousness means doing three things: keeping the social system in perfect condition. Contribute to the worldly progress of every living thing. To make progress in the spiritual realm. - Sri Adi Shankaracharya.

If we delve into the psychological nature of man, we will notice that this is due to our spiritual maturity, i.e. highly dependent on ours. The qualitative and quantitative decline of the collective spiritual consciousness leads to selfishness, injustice and injustice. The less spiritual practice is practiced, the more intense Raja-Tama spreads in the environment, which, in other words, is spiritual pollution. from the subtle or spiritual dimension of capital from this rise of Raja-Tama in humanity.

But this may not be. Climate on the planet depends on a combination of many factors interacting separately with each other and in complex ways that are not yet fully understood. It is possible that the warming observed during the last century was due to natural fluctuations, despite the fact that its speeds were much higher than those observed during the last ten centuries. Moreover, computer simulations may not be accurate.

It is relatively easy to control and occupy the dominant people of the raja-tama. As a result, people begin to behave like animals under their influence. All this makes Raja-Tamu continue to grow in society. Just as dirt and smoke pollute materially, Raja-Tama is polluted on an elusive thin plane. As we have said before, the lack of spiritual practice and the growing lawlessness increase the Raja-Tam of all mankind and, consequently, the environment.

An increase in the subtle fundamental component of the Raja-Tama is an increase in the subtle, invisible, spiritual pollution of the world. Just as we clean our premises from time to time, nature reacts to the need to clean and dissolve the subtle invisible pollution of Raja-Tama in the environment.

However, in 1995, after long years of intensive study, the International Conference on Climate Change, sponsored by the United Nations, tentatively concluded that “many proofs show that humanity’s influence on global climate   are huge. " The extent of these influences, as experts note, is unknown, since the key factor, including the degree of the impact of clouds and oceans on the change in global temperature, is not determined. It may take a decade or more to investigate these uncertainties.

As the scale leans towards Raja-Tame, Raja-Tama-abundance reveals its influence over the five Absolute Cosmic Elements. After five of them, natural disasters occur, such as earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, etc. This is illustrated in the diagram below.

If an element of the Absolute Earth is affected, earthquakes occur. If the Absolute element of water is affected, there may be either an excess of water or a shortage of water. The catastrophes listed above are gross in their form of manifestation, so we can easily perceive them and be aware of their existence. But the rise of Raja-Tamas has even more far-reaching negative consequences for the body, mind and intellect of each person. These effects are not easily recognizable, because they are subtle and invisible, and humanity recognizes them only when they manifest themselves in a gross tangible climate change.

In the meantime, much is already known. And although the specifics of the circumstances of human economic activity remain unclear, our ability to change the composition of the atmosphere is undeniable.

The purpose of this work is to study the problem of climate change on Earth.

The objectives of this work:

1. to study the causes of climate change;

2. to consider the concept and essence greenhouse effect;

Unfortunately, at the moment most of the changes are irreversible. This is well illustrated by the example of volcanic eruptions. The immense destruction caused by a volcanic eruption is immediately visible, but we do not see and do not understand the effect of radiation, which has even more far-reaching consequences at a glance.

This is part of how humanity affects nature. The rest of human influence on nature on the spiritual and spiritual levels has not been recognized and, as a result, is not treated. Therefore, it is important to understand the root causes of these disasters and take appropriate steps to eliminate the spiritual pollution of Rajahmam in the world. Thus, we would indeed contribute to the eternal, comprehensive prosperity of mankind at all levels. We briefly discussed the steps that each of us can take in our article.

3. to define the concept of “global warming” and show the influence of humanity on it;

4. show the consequences awaiting humanity as a result of global warming; 5. Consider the measures needed to prevent global warming.


What is global climate change and why is it often called “global warming”?

Recently, a fierce, subtle, invisible struggle between good and evil. We discussed this in detail in our articles and. The catalyst for most of the dark events that we see in the news today is mainly events. Negative beings or spirits of a higher order use Raja-Tam in humanity and people, especially in key social positions. They profit from the psychosocial mistakes of people and incite them to the most terrible actions against their fellow citizens. It also contributes to the growth of Raja-Tama in the world.

It is impossible to disagree with the fact that the climate on Earth is changing and this is becoming a global problem for all mankind. Fact global change   climate is confirmed by scientific observations and is not disputed by most scientists. And yet around this topic are ongoing discussions. Some use the term "global warming" and make apocalyptic predictions. Others predict the onset of a new “ice age” - and also make apocalyptic predictions. Still others consider climate change natural, and evidence from both sides about the inevitability of the catastrophic effects of climate change - controversial ... Try to figure it out ...

When will these weather conditions calm down again?

Negative entities can only fight with spiritual means, like any effective spiritual practice that is consistent with them. The sectarian spiritual practices and rules spread by some of the major world religions usually do not help spiritual development and often stagnate in spiritual development.

Catastrophic events will come in the form of unprecedented natural disasters and wars. The destruction caused by this will lead to the purification of the planet from people who are more strongly raja-tama in their basic nature. The bizarre weather and the effects of climate change will worsen until they get better.

What evidence is there of climate change?

They are well known to everyone (this is noticeable without instruments): an increase in global average temperature (milder winters, hotter and drier summer months), melting of glaciers and rising sea levels, as well as increasingly frequent and increasingly destructive typhoons and hurricanes, floods in Europe and droughts in Australia ... (see also “5 prophecies about climate that have come true”). And in some places, for example, in the Antarctic, a cooling is observed.

However, viruses that have been created so far will persist, and fixes must be found. The current climate change and natural disasters that alarm and warn us are only the beginning of a period of spiritual cleansing to save the world of Raja-Tama. In our article, We have developed various options for how, as humans, we can reduce the impact of this looming destruction scenario. And this is a real problem that people should start taking themselves very seriously. The problem is that most people really do not understand what it really is.

If the climate has changed before, why has it become a problem now?

Indeed, the climate of our planet is constantly changing. Everyone knows about the glacial periods (they are small and large), with the global flood, etc. According to geological data, the average world temperature in different geological periods ranged from +7 to +27 degrees Celsius. Now the average temperature on Earth is about +14 o C and is still quite far from the maximum. So, what are scientists, heads of state and the public concerned about? In short, the concern is that, to the natural causes of climate change, which have always been added, another factor is added - anthropogenic (the result of human activity), whose influence on climate change, according to a number of researchers, is becoming stronger with each passing year.

The truth is that the climate is changing every day. There are many different problems associated with climate change. Some of them are related to the greenhouse effect. And others are associated with human activity and with solar radiation. And here we explain what is happening.

First of all, we need to study it more carefully and understand it better. We find this to be one of the main causes of climate change that we are experiencing. There are gases that retain heat better than others and can have a great effect on the greenhouse effect. Many of these gases actually block heat almost completely. That is why the climate is changing. And indeed, the only thing we can do is to become more green.

What are the causes of climate change?

The main driving force of climate is the sun. For example, uneven heating of the earth’s surface (stronger at the equator) is one of the main causes of winds and ocean currents, and periods of increased solar activity   accompanied by warming and magnetic storms.

In addition, the climate is influenced by changes in the Earth's orbit, its magnetic field, the size of continents and oceans, and volcanic eruptions. These are all natural causes of climate change. Until recently, they, and only they, have defined climate change, including the beginning and end of long-term climate cycles, such as glacial periods. Solar and volcanic activity can be attributed to half of the temperature changes before 1950 (solar activity leads to an increase in temperature, and volcanic activity - to a decrease).

Gases that play a fundamental role in the greenhouse effect

Here are some of the gases that may play a role in climate change. First, there is water vapor. This is the most common gas and is the responsibility of the greenhouse effect. It increases because the earth heats up. Also, more clouds and precipitation are formed.

Carbon dioxide is very important in the greenhouse effect. Although it is one of the minor components of the atmosphere. It can be formed using a number of different processes. Such as breathing, volcanic activity, deforestation, burning of fossil fuels and others. Carbon dioxide found in our atmosphere continues to grow. What makes climate change much faster nowadays than before.

Recently, another one has been added to the natural factors - anthropogenic, i.e. caused by human activity. The main anthropogenic impact is the increased greenhouse effect, whose influence on climate change over the past two centuries is 8 times higher than the effect of changes in solar activity.


Now we will talk about methane, which is also involved in the greenhouse effect. This is a hydrocarbon that is produced from various processes and sources. This may be caused by decomposition of debris or organic matter. And it can be found in the vicinity of places where there is a strong activity in animal husbandry. These gases significantly accelerate the greenhouse effect, which accelerates climate change.

Also play the role of chlorofluorocarbons, which are mainly synthetic components created by industrial processes. Usually they directly attack the ozone layer, which allows more heat to enter the atmosphere, and it heats up more.

The greenhouse effect is the delay of the planet’s thermal radiation by the Earth’s atmosphere. The greenhouse effect was observed by any of us: in greenhouses or greenhouses, the temperature is always higher than outside. The same is observed on the scale of the Earth: solar energy, passing through the atmosphere, heats the Earth’s surface, but the thermal energy emitted by the Earth cannot escape back into space, as the Earth’s atmosphere delays it, acting like polyethylene in a greenhouse: it transmits short light waves from the Sun to the Earth and delays long thermal (or infrared) waves emitted by the Earth’s surface. There is a greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect occurs due to the presence of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, which have the ability to trap long waves. They are called "greenhouse" or "greenhouse" gases.

Greenhouse gases have been present in the atmosphere in small amounts (about 0.1%) since its formation. This amount was enough to maintain, due to the greenhouse effect, the heat balance of the Earth at a level suitable for life. This is the so-called natural greenhouse effect, if its average temperature of the Earth’s surface were 30 ° C lower, i.e. not + 14 ° С, as it is now, but -17 ° С.

The natural greenhouse effect does not threaten neither the Earth nor humanity, since the total amount of greenhouse gases was maintained at the same level due to the cycle of nature, moreover, we owe it to life.

But an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to an increase in the greenhouse effect and disruption of the thermal balance of the Earth. That is what happened in the last two centuries of civilization. Coal-fired power plants, car exhausts, factory pipes and other sources of pollution created by mankind emit about 22 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere per year.

What gases are called "greenhouse"?

The most famous and common greenhouse gases are water vapor   (H 2 O), carbon dioxide   (CO 2), methane   (CH 4) and laughing gas   or nitrous oxide (N 2 O). These are direct greenhouse gases. Most of them are formed in the process of burning fossil fuels.

In addition, there are two more groups of direct-acting greenhouse gases, this halocarbons   and sulfur hexafluoride   (SF6). Their emissions to the atmosphere are associated with modern technology and industrial processes (electronics and refrigeration equipment). Their amount in the atmosphere is completely insignificant, but they have an impact on the greenhouse effect (the so-called global warming potential / GWP), tens of thousands of times stronger than CO 2.

Water vapor is the main greenhouse gas responsible for more than 60% of the natural greenhouse effect. An anthropogenic increase in its concentration in the atmosphere has not yet been noted. However, an increase in the temperature of the Earth, caused by other factors, increases the evaporation of ocean water, which can lead to an increase in the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere and - to an increase in the greenhouse effect. On the other hand, clouds in the atmosphere reflect direct sunlight, which reduces the flow of energy to the Earth and, accordingly, reduces the greenhouse effect.

Carbon dioxide is the most famous of greenhouse gases. Natural sources of CO2 are volcanic emissions, the vital activity of organisms. Anthropogenic sources are the burning of fossil fuels (including forest fires), as well as a number of industrial processes (for example, the production of cement, glass). Carbon dioxide, according to most researchers, is primarily responsible for global warming caused by the "greenhouse effect". The CO 2 concentration over two centuries of industrialization has increased by more than 30% and is correlated with a change in global average temperature.

Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas. It is released due to leaks in the development of coal and natural gas deposits, from pipelines, during biomass burning, in landfills (as an integral part of biogas), as well as in agriculture (cattle breeding, rice growing), etc. Livestock, fertilizer use, coal burning and other sources produce about 250 million tons of methane per year. The amount of methane in the atmosphere is small, but its greenhouse effect or global warming potential (GWP) is 21 times stronger than that of CO 2.

Nitrous oxide is the third most important greenhouse gas: its effect is 310 times stronger than that of CO 2, but it is contained in very small amounts in the atmosphere. It enters the atmosphere as a result of the vital activity of plants and animals, as well as during the production and use of mineral fertilizers and the work of chemical industry enterprises.

Halocarbons (hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons) are gases created to replace ozone-depleting substances. Used mainly in refrigeration equipment. They have extremely high coefficients of influence on the greenhouse effect: 140-11700 times higher than that of CO 2. Their emissions (emission into the environment) are small, but they increase rapidly.

Sulfur hexafluoride - its release into the atmosphere is associated with electronics and the production of insulating materials. While it is small, but the volume is constantly increasing. Global warming potential is 23900 units.

  1. Change climate   how global problem   humanity

    Examination \u003e\u003e Ecology

    Millions of years - characterized by the most significant changes climate on Earth. They are most likely related to the period ... it believes that the most important environmental a problem   the planet is reducing the area of ​​tropical ...

  2. Problems changes climate   in the world

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Ecology

    abstract On   topic Problems changes climate   in the world 1. Warming is a global process ... no one knew how fast on Earth   complete melting may occur, ... conditions. On earth   there are many processes that hold back strong change climate. Even...

  3. Change climate: problem   greenhouse effect

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Ecology

    Learning International Conference on the problem changes climatesponsored by United Nations, ... changes climate. In modern times, the invention of various computer models is becoming popular. changes climate on

An overview of current global climate change is presented in the article Global Warming

Changing of the climate   - fluctuations in the climate of the Earth as a whole or its individual regions over time. His study is engaged in the science of paleoclimatology. Climate change is caused by dynamic processes on Earth, external influences, such as fluctuations in the intensity of solar radiation, and, recently, human activity. Recently, the term “climate change” is usually used (especially in the context of environmental policy) to indicate changes in modern climate (see global warming).

Climate change factors

Climate change is caused by changes in the Earth’s atmosphere, processes occurring in other parts of the Earth, such as oceans and glaciers, as well as effects associated with human activities. External processes that form the climate are changes in solar radiation and the Earth's orbit.

  • changing the size and relative position of continents and oceans,
  • changing the luminosity of the sun
  • changes in the parameters of the Earth's orbit,
  • a change in the transparency of the atmosphere and its composition as a result of changes in the Earth’s volcanic activity,
  • changing the concentration of greenhouse gases (CO 2 and CH 4) in the atmosphere,
  • change in the reflectivity of the Earth's surface (albedo),
  • change in the amount of heat available in the depths of the ocean.

Climate change on Earth

Weather is the daily state of the atmosphere. The weather is a chaotic non-linear dynamic system. Climate is the average state of the weather and, on the contrary, it is stable and predictable. Climate includes indicators such as average temperature, rainfall, sunny days and other variables that can be measured in a particular location. However, on Earth there are also such processes that can affect the climate.


There is skepticism about geo-engineering methods for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, in particular, about proposals to dispose of carbon dioxide in tectonic cracks or pump it into rocks on the ocean floor: the removal of 50 ppm gas using this technology will cost at least $ 20 trillion which is twice the national debt of the United States.

Tectonics of lithospheric plates

Over long periods of time, tectonic plate movements move continents, form oceans, create and destroy mountain ranges, that is, create a surface on which a climate exists. Recent studies show that tectonic movements exacerbated the conditions of the last ice age: about 3 million years ago, the North and South American plates collided, forming the Isthmus of Panama and closing the way for direct mixing of the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Solar radiation

On shorter time periods, changes in solar activity are also observed: the 11-year solar cycle and longer modulations. However, the 11-year cycle of the occurrence and disappearance of sunspots is not explicitly tracked in climatological data. Changes in solar activity are considered to be an important factor in the onset of the Little Ice Age, as well as some warming observed between 1900 and 1950. The cyclical nature of solar activity is not yet fully understood; it differs from the slow changes that accompany the development and aging of the sun.

Orbit changes

In terms of their effect on climate, changes in the Earth's orbit are similar to variations in solar activity, since small deviations in the position of the orbit lead to a redistribution of solar radiation on the Earth's surface. Such changes in the position of the orbit are called Milankovitch cycles, they are predictable with high accuracy, because they are the result of the physical interaction of the Earth, its moon satellite and other planets. Changes in the orbit are considered to be the main reasons for the alternation of glacial and interglacial cycles of the last ice age. The precession of the Earth’s orbit also results in smaller-scale changes, such as the periodic increase and decrease in the Sahara desert area.


One strong volcanic eruption can affect the climate, causing a cooling of several years. For example, the eruption of the Pinatubo volcano in 1991 significantly affected the climate. Giant eruptions that form the largest igneous provinces occur only a few times in a hundred million years, but they affect the climate for millions of years and cause extinction of species. At the beginning, scientists believed that the cause of the cooling is emitted into the atmosphere of volcanic dust, because it prevents solar radiation from reaching the Earth’s surface. However, measurements show that most of the dust accumulates on the surface of the Earth within six months.

Volcanoes are also part of the geochemical carbon cycle. Over many geological periods, carbon dioxide was released from the Earth’s interior into the atmosphere, thereby neutralizing the amount of CO 2 removed from the atmosphere and bound by sedimentary rocks and other geological sinks of CO 2. However, this contribution cannot be compared in magnitude with anthropogenic emission of carbon monoxide, which, according to estimates of the US Geological Survey, is 130 times higher than the amount of CO 2 emitted by volcanoes.

Anthropogenic impact on climate change

Human factors include human activity that changes the environment and affects climate. In some cases, the causal relationship is direct and unambiguous, as, for example, with the effect of irrigation on temperature and humidity, in other cases this relationship is less obvious. Various hypotheses of human influence on climate have been discussed for many years. At the end of the 19th century, for example, the theory of "rain comes to plow" (eng. Rain follows the plow) was popular in the western part of the United States and Australia.

The main problems today are the growing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere due to fuel combustion, aerosols in the atmosphere affecting its cooling, and the cement industry. Other factors, such as land use, ozone depletion, animal husbandry and deforestation, also affect climate.

Burning fuel

Starting to grow during the industrial revolution in the 1850s and gradually accelerating, human consumption of fuel led to an increase in the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere from ~ 280 ppm to 380 ppm. With such growth, the projected concentration at the end of the 21st century will be more than 560 ppm. It is known that now the level of CO 2 in the atmosphere is higher than ever in the last 750,000 years. Together with the increasing methane concentration, these changes foretell a temperature rise of 1.4–5.6 ° C between 1990 and 2100.


It is believed that anthropogenic aerosols, especially sulphates emitted during fuel combustion, affect the cooling of the atmosphere. It is believed that this property is the cause of the relative "plateau" on the temperature graph in the middle of the XX century.

Cement industry

Cement production is an intense source of CO 2 emissions. Carbon dioxide is formed when calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) is heated to obtain the cement ingredient calcium oxide (CaO or quicklime). Cement production accounts for about 2.5% of CO 2 emissions from industrial processes (energy and industrial sectors). When cement is mixed, the same amount of CO 2 is absorbed from the atmosphere when the CaO + CO 2 = CaCO 3 reaction takes place. Therefore, production and consumption of cement only changes local concentrations of CO 2 in the atmosphere without changing the average value.

Land use

Land use has a significant impact on climate. Irrigation, deforestation and agriculture are fundamentally changing the environment. For example, the water balance changes in the irrigated area. Land use can change the albedo of a single territory, as it changes the properties of the underlying surface and thus the amount of absorbed solar radiation. For example, there are reasons to assume that the climate of Greece and other Mediterranean countries has changed due to large-scale deforestation between 700 BC. er and the beginning of n. er (wood was used for construction, shipbuilding and as fuel), becoming more hot and dry, and those types of trees that were used in shipbuilding do not grow more in this area.

According to a 2007 study of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the average temperature in California has increased by 2 ° C over the past 50 years, and this increase is much higher in cities. This is mainly due to anthropogenic changes in the landscape.


According to a 2006 UN report, “The Long Shadow of Livestock”, livestock is responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This includes changes in land use, that is, deforestation for pastures. In the Amazon rainforest, 70% of deforestation is done for pastures, which was the main reason why the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in its 2006 agricultural report included land use in the sphere of cattle breeding. In addition to CO2 emissions, cattle breeding is responsible for emissions of 65% nitric oxide and 37% methane, which are of anthropogenic origin.

Interaction of factors

The impact on the climate of all factors, both natural and man-made, is expressed by a single value - the radiation heating of the atmosphere in W / m 2.

Volcanic eruptions, glaciation, continental drift and the displacement of the Earth’s poles are powerful natural processes that affect the Earth’s climate. On a scale of several years, volcanoes can play a major role. As a result of the eruption of the volcano Penatubo in 1991 in the Philippines, so much ash was thrown to an altitude of 35 km that the average level of solar radiation decreased by 2.5 W / m 2. However, these changes are not long-term, particles relatively quickly settle down. Over the millennia, the climate-determining process will probably be a slow movement from one glacial period to the next.

On a scale of several centuries for 2005 compared with 1750, there is a combination of multidirectional factors, each of which is much weaker than the result of an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, estimated as heating by 2.4–3.0 W / m 2. Human influence is less than 1% of the total radiation balance, and the anthropogenic enhancement of the natural greenhouse effect is about 2%, from 33 to 33.7 degrees C. Thus, the average air temperature at the Earth's surface has increased since the pre-industrial era (from about 1750) 0.7 ° C (