Arachne glyphs description. Glyphs-magic

What is a glyph anyway? From a scientific point of view, a glyph is a writing element, a graphical display of a grapheme. A grapheme is a unit of text. A glyph is a unit of graphics. So, any written - that is, displayed graphically - word can be considered a glyph.

From the point of view of magic, a glyph is a symbol, an attempt with the help of a symbol to express a certain energetic essence, which in one way or another can affect the subtle or material world. The glyph can also be said to be an energy seal.

Many glyph systems are known. One of them is the glyphs of Arachne.

In fact, the origin of these glyphs is unknown. Petrov, the author of the book "The Secret Runes of Arachne", which is known only from a six-page fragment, claims that "Glyphs appeared at a time when everyone heard the story of Arachne" and further, that, they say, Arachne descended into the underworld, where and acquired these signs, wishing to take revenge on Athena. Perhaps this is the weakest point of the fragment.

If we consider the glyphs of Arachne as a very high-quality and efficient remake, Petrov's explanation looks like a weak and almost illiterate attempt to give the glyphs an aura of antiquity and mystery. Glyphs, all the more so viable and working, do not need such a halo at all. It is clear that such things are not just invented, but come from the Subtle World, from the most powerful streams of energy, and therefore are valuable in themselves.
Let's remember that initially all the same Petrov gives only nine glyphs: Mashet, Iyu, Kha, Webru, Fee, Laa, Nudo, Reko, Mies - the other seven were found in the heavy streaming work of the authors Milen and Kavirra. Nevertheless, these seven glyphs are quite working, perfectly fitting into the general system.

If, nevertheless, we take into account the statement of Mr. Petrov about the antiquity of glyphs and their connection with myth, then the following picture emerges.

Let us first recall the myth of Arachne. The plot is well known: Arachne, the daughter of the dyer Idomon of Lydia, who was reputed to be a skilled weaver, challenges Athena Pallas to a competition in her art. Having lost to her, Arachne tries to hang herself, but Athena takes her out of the loop and turns her into a spider.

There are deep doubts about Petrov's assertion that Arachne's story was heard by everyone. We learn about the plot of the myth from Ovid's Metamorphoses, who reworked the plot of a small Greek myth within the framework of the story of Athena and her miracles. Ovidiev Arakhna is a proud girl, but not far-off, she would hardly be able to return from Hades and even take revenge on the goddess.

But. If we look at the myth from a metaphysical point of view, the picture changes. The myth gets deeper and more complex. At the metaphysical level, we are already talking about two Spinners - the Divine Spinner and the Earthly Spinner. Naturally, the Earthly gives way to the Divine and perishes, but, being reborn at the will of the Divine, it becomes non-living. Death cannot be completely canceled for the Earthly one, so the Earth Spinner transforms into a Spider. The spider is a symbol of mystery, a symbol of secret connections, a symbol of the Underworld. It is not for nothing that spiders in many traditions are associated with the Necromir, they are perceived as non-life - not dead, but not alive in the literal sense of the word. And in this capacity, Arachne could already acquire glyphs.

For revenge? Doubtful. Arachne the spider is no longer Arachne the spinner. What is important to the Earth Spinner - fame, honor, victory, is no longer important to the Spider. The spider in this context is knowledge acquired and secret power over the essence

And the secret in the case of the glyphs of Arachne is the key word, regardless of the version of their origin.

Glyphs work precisely secretly, almost imperceptibly. Like little spiders, they run along the lines of probability and, with the help of their thinnest cobwebs, correct reality in favor of the operator. The work of Arachne's glyphs differs from the work of, say, runes or conspiracies, which does not roughly change, breaks and crumbles reality, but gently and quickly adjusts it to the operator.

In this regard, the operator should be very attentive and conscious in order to be able to catch changes and engage in a new rhythm of the probability lines, so as not to slip to the zero point of reference.

That is, if in order, then the operator's work with glyphs looks like this. Getting started is the starting point. This is the state in which the operator is at the beginning of the impact. Work is the application of glyphs to a medium - be it a body, an image of any format, a phantom or a physical object; spelling out the expected impact of glyphs with focus and energy.
Next comes the work of the glyphs themselves: they either change the probability lines themselves, or energetically pull the operator to the desired lines. And when this happens, as I said above, you need to catch the moment and have time to adjust to the changes on the lines. Then the operator is fully included in the new probability and achieves the desired result.

If the inclusion does not occur, then either there is no result, or it is weak and short-lived. Glyphs are not total in their manifestations, so they should not be left to chance.

Happiness was and so possible, and so possible, and so possible!

I got into the hieroglyphics of magic alphabets for one important matter for myself and found another interesting tool for myself - the glyphs of Arachne. They act like runes, only the result from working with them is faster, as, in principle, from working with many other glyphs.
Legend has it that this is the magic tool of the very Arachne, whom Athena turned into a spider, and that the spider subsequently descended into a certain necromir and brought from there this magic alphabet to our world. The legend is not very convincing, given that nothing is known about the reasons why Arachne went on such a strange journey, and why and for what she needed such glyphs, and why she was given them in the necromir, there is also no explanation. After reading the description of the necromir, I came to the conclusion that the connection of glyphs with this dimension is not entirely correct - why should creatures from such a specific dimension generally give living (!) People symbols sharpened for victory, enrichment, pleasant emotions and protection from negativity. Someone saw in this glyphic series a dark, almost demonic energy, but my diagnostics shows that the power of glyphs is similar to the power that the Old Testament god of hosts gave Moses at one time. In principle, if you nevertheless tie this glyph series to Arachne, then the legs of this image grow from the image of the All-Begetting and All-Consuming Great White Mother - a goddess who existed at the dawn of humanity. Therefore, the glyphs have such an interesting spectrum - the Great All-giving Mother was unusually fertile and cruel to her own born children, she also granted the primitive hunters victory over a strong beast and the opportunity to give birth to children for the women of the primitive tribe.

According to legend, these glyphs were brought by Arachne from the realm of the dead after Athena turned her into a spider.

What are glyphs of arachne?
In specialized literature, you can often find a mention of the glyphs of arachne. However, what is it, how to use it, and why are these symbols necessary for a knowledgeable person.

The peculiarity of glyphs
In fact, the glyphs of arachne are runes. It is believed that these runes, correctly used by a person, can help him completely change and transform his own life. Moreover, similar glyphs are used by many successful people, which explains their own wealth and various benefits.
In fact, the most important thing to consider when working with runes is faith in them. If a person does not believe in the positive impact of the runes, then he is unlikely to succeed, even if he does everything absolutely correctly. Here it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, as well as carefully monitor the observance of the correct application of the runes. If at least one point is applied incorrectly, then it is unlikely that a person will be able to work with runes with confidence in the future.
By the way, many experts prove the positive effect of such symbols. So for example, everyone who works in the field of magic tries to use runes at least occasionally, since they can bring not only material wealth, but also peace of mind. In total, at the moment there are 16 runes of this type. You can use them both separately and together with each other. At the same time, their effectiveness does not change from this.

Types of runes and features of their use
Among the glyphs of arachne, several are especially worth highlighting. First of all, it is a rune Waving... It creates protection for any human activity, but to a greater extent affects his career and financial success. Most often, such runes are used when it is necessary to create an invisible cocoon for a person, protecting him from absolutely any misfortune and danger. In fact, it is the strongest sign of all and is most commonly used. Before you start working with him, you need to research in detail the runic practice.
Laa Is another glyph that has a lot of meaning. Most often, this glyph means ambition, a person's striving forward, his activity. In fact, such a glyph is able to instill in a person self-confidence, the desire to conquer more and more new peaks, and at the same time never give up, which is also very important.
Tarlef Is a very specific glyph. Most often, it means a transitional period in a person's life. This means that now a person in life is entering the very stage when he can decide his future in one way or another. Specialists call this glyph not black and not white, that is, a transitional stage in a person's life, during which the further will be decided the direction of its activities.
Of course, many experts also know the glyph Dihal, which characterizes the renewal and purification in a person's life, some changes. Perhaps events will occur that will help change a person's life, make it better and brighter. In this case, you should take this glyph extremely positively.
There are also negative glyphs. The strongest of them - Belle... This sign symbolizes paralysis from the strength of the enemy, horror, fear and darkness. Perhaps in a person's life there is someone such that his influence is extremely negative. Most likely, this person is actively sucking out the vital energy from the victim, making him troubles and apathy. This is a terrible symbol, because it is almost impossible to cope with it. In order for this glyph not to have an impact on a person's life, it is necessary to think about finding the very subject from which all the troubles come.
Many people wonder how they might use glyphs. In fact, this symbol can significantly transform a person's life and change it for the better.
1) Waving - creates a kind of protective cocoon around the operator, and leads him to the goal. It cuts off everything unnecessary on the way, shows those who interfere. If the goal is difficult to achieve, take a safe route. To a greater extent, it helps career and financial success.
2) Iyuu - Life, health, physical renewal. Allows you to develop your body in the right way. Sharpens perception, sense organs, awakens natural abilities.
3) kha - the influence of spirit on matter. It can be used to destroy psychological blocks, obstacles on the path of life. Will give strength to win different trials. Battery with energy.
4) Webru - the key to the element of water. It will help to unravel difficult situations, hide your affairs. It will give eloquence, help to get out of the conflict, while maintaining non-talent. It will give the body flexibility, improve the water balance in the body. Stability, stable position.
5) Fey - Splitting ties, untangling probabilities. Will help reject the most inevitable probability. Remove protection, negative. Moves things off the ground.
6) Laa - works like an accelerator. Will quickly transfer through unpleasant moments. Increase immunity in case of diseases. Gives activity, the desire to move forward, to conquer the peaks.
7) Nudo - will give access to the necessary information, rigidly demolishing all obstacles.
8) Reko - Attack, brutal destruction. Breaks ideas, body, things. Can do huge damage. Can be directed to everything except removal of negativity. Breaks protection very well.
9) Mies - will indicate all possible options and situations that will be useful. will show the way to achieve the goal, and what you need to strive for.
10) IO - drive, circuit. The same magic circle, cuts off influence from outside, will help to move away from the world. Can be used both for yourself and for someone else. Suitable for creating traps or heavy defenses.
11) Tarlef - transition point, transformation. It will help to concentrate, as if stopping subjective time. It will help to reach other levels of perception, develop intuition.
12) Dikhal - update, cleanup, reboot. Removes depression, discouragement. Gentle regenerating cleaning.
13) Veth - the key to the elements. By default, it balances the elements in the body. With the right intention, it will strengthen some, weaken others.
14) Arett - pulling the components into one whole. Suitable for enrichment, accumulation potential.
15) Belle
- horror and paralysis. To induce nightmares, phobias, fears. Will give the rabbit a dislike for the desired topic, the person.
16) Hato - skill, subtlety. It will help develop talents, achieve an ideal in something, help develop in any activity.
Various sources contain instructions that when applying necroglyphs it is necessary to activate them by pronouncing the name of the rune and spell: "In the name of Arachne! Rune (name of the rune), grant me / do (this and that)!"
P.S. Since Arachne was a weaver and got hold of glyphs in the necromir, such activation is not meaningless, since the appeal goes to her.

Rules for composing rune scripts:
The rune script is built on the principle of a semantic combination of runes. At the same time, there are no incompatible runes in the set of runes of Arachne.
Example: a rune script is built in the course of words in a key phrase. For example, we need to create an amulet with runic ligature to protect life (or health). The key phrase, based on the meaning of the runes, will sound like this - "protection of life." Accordingly, the script itself will look like this: Mies - Iyu. In this case, the script Iyu - Mies will have a different meaning: "Shield life" (life energy for the shield). Also, it should be noted that there is a script of the form:
Mies - Iyu - Mies (the energy of protection goes to the life of the subject, and the energy of life goes to feed the shield).
When applying a rune script, it is necessary to cast the following spell to activate it: "In the name of Arachne runes [Names] grant [specify the function of the runic script in accordance with their meaning]".
The only thing that can be said about the magic of the runes of Arachne is that an activation spell on a rune or a rune script is best done in a state of meditative concentration. The runes themselves can be applied in various ways, on the choice of which their effect does not depend.

Information taken

30 Sep

Graphic magic: runes, glyphs and sigils

A large, long-overdue article on the varieties of graphic magic: what is graphics, runes, sigils, glyphs and other auto-writing... How it all works and how it differs from each other.
You will need to start from the stove, because many do not quite imagine even the basic principle of operation of this whole chest with miracles.

In fact, any kind of magic Is just dragging energy from one place to another. Overheating, infusion, transfusion, transfer and other manipulations with volume and substance. Energy Is also a substance. It fills everything around - people, objects and objects, essences own it, it moves along large and small highways and streams that gather in egregores, it is transferred to each other, taken away, given ... Everything moves like a car on the flow and frequency of energy - on gasoline.

And the essence of any magical manipulation is to take this energy somewhere and move it where it is needed more. For example, ask a deity for a "canister" (or drain from the enemy, or generate) and pour it into your financial channels. Or transfer from the financial sector to the health sector, where there is now a more urgent need.

Absolutely ALL practices stand on this principle, every single one. Though rituals, even runes, even the conspiracies of Siberian grandmothers - find fuel, get it and send it to the sore spot. But then the magic is already beginning to be divided according to the techniques of "spilling canisters" - who, what and how. Some pour energy charges into lines and letters, directing the flow of forces graphically, others into words, and still others knock them out into a tambourine with sound waves. Folk and traditional magic most often has a clear regional focus: somewhere they write formulas, somewhere they use a word, somewhere they channel energies through rituals, and somewhere they call spirits and ask them to direct what is there and where they need it with their hands.

In the latitudes of the CIS, folk magic is all about conspiracies and our usual "babkino" muttering. The Slavs really loved the magic of the word more, when the energy message and charge were wrapped in a sound and a verbal, poetic form. Conspiracies Is a strong thing in skillful hands, but the method has its drawbacks and is not suitable for all problems.
The Scandinavians and people of the East of different latitudes were more inclined to draw and write with ink. Graphic magic method easier and works even for beginners.
Graphic magic - this is one of the largest and oldest sections of practical esotericism. Calligraphy and hieroglyphs, runes and letters, glyphs, sigils and auto-writing are all there, variations on the theme of redirecting energy from one place to another with the help of signs. Turning an energy charge into a visual and graphic form is no worse than a word or ritual.

The principle of operation of any graphics is quite simple - the lines on the medium gain energy and transfer it from the source (operator, deity, egregor) to the place where it is needed. We lose energy by investing it in runes, we feel a little worse, but we fill our money channels with the help of a sign sharpened for this direction. A simple and understandable transfer of forces from where they are needed less, to where more.

Graphic magic can be roughly divided into four types:
1. Runes and letters
2. Sigils
3. Glyphs
4. Calligraphy and Auto-writing

They differ mainly in how the program and the energy for its work are laid in them.

Coordinates in the worlds by autograph

Auto-letter - this is a method of fortune-telling and magic, when, without looking, they draw different scribbles, thinking about a question or a person, and then decipher the result or put energy into what happened. The method is peculiar, but it is he who most often creates personal sigils and encrypted signs, which make sense only for the author and initiates. The auto-writing assumes that the meaning is laid in random scribbles at the will and wishes of the master. What and how he wanted - he drew what he wanted, then he laid it down.
It is impossible to read and calculate the meaning of the auto-writing and scribbles from the outside. This is a completely individual cipher, where the author alone knows what he wanted to put there. It is akin to how we memorize complex words by some personal associations that only we understand.

Calligraphy can be attributed to the same, only the encryption of signs and symbols there is more on an artistic principle, but they are just as capable of conducting energy and working. Moreover, calligraphy can be composed of letters or lines, everything to the author's taste.

Runes and letters can be conditionally called separate pieces of the puzzle, endowed with a clear meaning. Each rune is a small piece of a large picture, which denotes one specific concept originally embedded in this sign. We cannot invent the meanings of letters, runes and letters ourselves, but we can use ready-made meanings and form formulas from different "pieces". These are, in fact, just letters that know how to conduct and direct energy, but there is little meaning from one letter, so we make formulas from 3-5-7 + runes to compose a concept and a program. Lovers of one rune to conquer the world or wear it carefully around your neck in pursuit of a difficult goal - rather strange people. It's like trying to make an intelligible text with a plot from the letter F. Nice letter, nice, but for the semantic load you need more.
Runes and letters it is distinguished by speed, but short-term in work, such a schedule works on average for a month or two, sometimes a little longer. It has been noticed that distorted, encrypted and hidden runes last longer than explicit ones. Runes it is very difficult and reluctant to "recharge", that is, the formula from the runes must be destroyed and a new one must be installed, otherwise the repeated result will be scanty, the letters seem to have worked out and exhausted.

Glyphs - already more complex structures, the next stage of graphics. One glyph Is a kind of mini-formula embedded in one graphic sign. We can say that one glyph the meaning is equal to 2-3 runes... And if rune denotes a concept (for example Raido is "movement«), Then the glyph already carries the semantic load of the whole process, for example, a successful movement on a trip, with cutting off negative events and lines. For one Raido it is difficult to wind up both luck, and lines, and the designation of the trip, we will need some more signs, but one glyph you can do it. If a runes are pieces of the puzzle, then glyphs are separate mini-plots of this puzzle, for example one tree from the picture.
Several glyphs already form a whole composition with meaning and a wide program of work.
They work longer and more powerful than runes, as text from words makes more sense than individual letters. The glyphs are easy to recharge several times in a row and can safely tolerate wiping from the media (the program remains for the agreed period). Glyphs can be tattooed, they just need to be re-negotiated every few months.

Sigils - the highest level of graphic expression. Sigil - this is a whole semantic canvas, where a complex program of work is laid, designed for endless repetition in case of need. This is already a whole puzzle, with a plot, details, a lot of data and information.
Sigil can be compared to a QR code, a sign for reading a large amount of information from a small picture.
Everyone has seen these black and white squares from which a phone or tablet can easily read a lot of data. A two-dimensional code is encrypted in the sequence of squares, from which quite a lot of things are extracted - numbers, names, stamps, accounts and other information. Sigil - the essence is the same graphic code, but readable for a thin plan.

Sigil of the Moon

These signs can already plow for centuries, be filled with tattoos, be worn with amulets and anything else can be done with them, unlike runes, which have terms of work and dying. A sigil works when it is paid attention and nourished, and not at a given time or stipulation. A reservation is given to it once and for all, then it simply turns on and off from the air, depending on the activity of the operators.

Old sigil of Asmodeus

The most famous are all kinds of seals of different entities.
These challenge seals are widely used by gods and other higher entities to “short-dial” their priests and simply those who seek help. They can be compared to a personal phone number, which is not given to everyone and not always. And only to those who already have an established connection with the bearer of the sigil.

This is in an ideal world, of course. In fact, one of them once got a piece of fast communication, while others adopted the QR code at the speed of light. That is why personal sigil any creature always has 50 pieces, and they differ in the level of trust: the less people know this particular sigil, the faster the response to it. And sometimes, in general, the response itself is built on knowledge: if you know this sign from somewhere, then you have the right to "call" it. Personal ones are often updated, especially the most famous ones, so very old signs are often inoperative or intercepted by someone smaller. Roughly speaking, for sigil of Belial he himself has not been there for 2000+ years, but the "number" has long and firmly been intercepted by demonic trifles that will come to you very willingly. If you want to know a fresh personal number - look for dating yourself.

Sigil is always an encryption of the whole program, therefore the range of their application is huge. These are challenges, and the conduct of energies, and complex work with lines of probability, and the designation of anything. May be sigilthat encrypts your desire or purpose in life. Maybe a sigil for the planet Venus or the Necro layer. Or is it just a schematic representation of the flow of energy along the lines and the purpose of this action. They have no clear rules of construction, nothing depends on the complexity or simplicity of the drawing, because on the subtle plane they are reflected in a completely different way.

Sigil of the Nether

Overall, the difference between galdramund (encrypted rune pattern) and sigil rather blurry, because they have the same essence. But to compose multifaceted signs from encrypted and stylized runes and letters Is just one way to create a sigil.

Quite often they are invented simply as a reflection of the author's vision of a goal or an energetic cast of what he wants to get in the end. Therefore, somewhere here in the meaning they merge with an auto-writing, as one of the methods for creating this type of graphics. Roughly speaking, if the author is THIS seeing a graphical reflection of high-frequency energy, then why not? The main principle here is whether it works or not.

There is one important aspect of this whole case, which for some reason is not covered by anyone anywhere. Namely - no graphics is tightly tied to a specific pantheon of gods or a layer, or an egregor ... It's just a record of the flow of energy. Like Latin, for example, it is not letters of one specific language, although it has an exact source of origin. Simply put, the runes may be the invention of Odin personally, but they are not (c) scandinavian pantheon... You can write runes appeal to Shiva or Hecate, they calmly perceive such a recording and formulation of the request, even faster than other types of appeal.

From this scheme, again, the mixing of graphics follows: if you take a large piece from one puzzle, and supplement it with suitable small pieces from another puzzle, then all together it will work and look harmonious and good. The main thing is not to overload the graphics with unnecessary letters (hello fans 100700 runes in one stave) and clearly understand what and why you are doing.

Quote post Glyphs of Arachne

Glyphs were invented in the necromir and are referred to as "fast" magic.
They are drawn in the same way as the runes, they are negotiated and work.
It is advisable to draw one at a time, although glyphs are friendly with anything.

1 Waving - Target. Focusing on the target, drawing lines of probability, cutting off the unnecessary. When used, it creates something like a protective cocoon. You go to the goal and no one will turn you off the path.

2 Iyuu - Life, health, physical renewal. Sharpens perception, senses. With its help, you can customize your body in different ways.

3 Kha - Influence of spirit on matter. Rather purely combat glyph like plasma

4 Webru - Stability, stable position, but flexible at the same time. You maneuver in probabilities like a stream of water

5 Fee - Destabilization, chaos. Splitting ties, unweaving probabilities

6 Laa - Activity and movement forward.

7 Nudo - Information. Clears everything that prevents you from reaching information.

8 Reko - Attack, destruction. Stretching through it, what needs to be destroyed.

9 Mies - Protection and customizer for what you need and what you are looking for. Will gently point out all possible options and situations that are useful to you.

10 Io - Accumulator, outline, outlining what you indicate.

11 Tarlef - The point of transition or transformation, the moment when neither alive nor dead, not white and not black

12 Dikhal - Renewal, cleansing, reboot.

13 Wet - Elements. "Quick dial" of any element and sub-element

14 Arett - Plexus, pulling the components together.

15 Belle - Horror, paralysis, vampire. Stuns the enemy and terrifies

16 Hato - Mastery, subtlety. Achieving the ideal in anything

Glyphs of Arachne

Since the 14th century, 9 pieces have been counted, however, the readers are mostly fried ... Glyphs were invented in necromire and refer to "quick" magic. A kind of hiking set magiciana, basic concepts that can be instantly applied when there is no time to do ritual or write formulas.
They are drawn in the same way as runes, make a reservation and work. It is advisable to draw one at a time, for the purity of the experiment.

Although glyphs of Arachne are friends with anything, surprisingly indifferent thing.

1 Waving - Goal. Focusing on the target, drawing lines of probability, cutting off the unnecessary. When used, it creates a kind of protective cocoon. You go to the goal and no one will turn you off the path.

2 Iyuu - Life, health, physical renewal. Sharpens perception, senses. With its help, you can customize your body in different ways.

3 Kha - Influence of spirit on matter. Rather, a purely combat glyph like plasma.

4 Webru - Stability, stable position, but at the same time flexible. You maneuver in probabilities like a stream of water.

5 Fey - Destabilization, chaos. Splitting ties, unweaving probabilities.

6 Laa - Activity and movement forward.

7 Nudo - Information. Clears everything that prevents you from reaching information.

8 Reko - Attack, destruction. Stretching through it, what needs to be destroyed.

9 Mies - Protection and customizer for what you need and what you are looking for. Will gently point out all possible options and situations that are useful to you.

10 Io - Accumulator, outline, outlining what you indicate.

11 Tarleph - The point of transition or transformation, the moment when neither alive nor dead, not white and not black.

12 Dikhal - Update, clean up, reboot.

13 Wet - Elements. "Quick dialing" of any element and sub-element.