Planning a circle "skillful hands." under this program are considered. Basics of composition. Flower Studies. Shaping


And about. directors

DVR "Әulet"

T. Kirillova

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Educational program:

Оқу-әдістемелік бғдарлама:

Artistic word:

Group # 1

2 years of study

TEACHER: Parkhomenko Anna Yuryevna

1. Explanatory note

The change in the socio-economic conditions of people's livelihood, which occurred at the end of the twentieth century, inevitably led to a shift in value-oriented targets and the advancement of new requirements for basic competencies that must be formed in the younger generation. Fatherland needs independent young people with high personal activity, able to study effectively throughout their lives, have a good education, are subjects of their activity and development, meaningfully make choices in various life circumstances and are responsible for its consequences, purposefully building their way of life.

The priority direction of state policy is forming a request for a free, initiative, creative individual, with a high level of spirituality and intelligence, focused on the best final results. Therefore, the task of the “artistic word” circle is to implement the concept of modernizing the system of additional education and informatization. To help a growing person to develop their creative abilities, to promote spiritual and intellectual growth, all-round development and upbringing of children.

The work of the artistic word group is not only aimed at introducing new ideas into the system of additional education, but also creating an atmosphere of search and creativity in the team. The forms and methods of building club activities that we use contribute to the identification and development of children's creative abilities. different ages. They teach them to make an independent choice, help each member of the club to realize and express themselves, to find their place in the system of extra-curricular relations and contribute to the identification and development of the latent creative potential of children who have not had time to open up and somehow manifest themselves. This program provides for the involvement in the creative process of students of primary school age, the identification of creatively gifted children already in primary school  and engaging them in a work mug as junior groups. Middle and senior students attend classes of this group with great interest.

Targets and goals:

Purpose: creation of conditions for the creative development of students, the formation of an active life and civic position, leadership qualities, communication skills, propaganda healthy lifestyle  of life.


1) to form the motivation to search for new material, the necessary information;

2) to comply with generally accepted moral and aesthetic standards;

3) the disclosure of the creative potential of students;

4) develop teamwork skills;

5) to provide an understanding of the rules of stage speech, stage and dance movements, acting skills.


1) the personal qualities of children;

2) the awareness of each student of their role in the team;

3) creative and intellectual abilities of pupils;

4) communication skills.


2) foster mutual understanding, mutual assistance, goodwill, respect, trust, responsibility;

3) the formation of a positive motivation to learn;

4) formation i-in  team;

5) promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Progress Tracking Methodsin achieving educational results:

    the results of the participation of pupils in creative contests of the city level;

    testing the level of development of creative abilities of students;

    testing changes in value orientations.

Projected results

Mastering the basic rules of behavior in the group;

The development of communication skills, the formation of organizational skills;

The ability to find new, necessary information.

Forming sustainable creative teams

Self-determination in relation to the socio-ethical values ​​of the association, the determination of its status as a member of the association

Formation of organizational skills;

The concept of a positive social behavior.

Design and organization of independent group and individual creative activity, the ability to analyze the results;

Mastering ways to effectively interact with social structures in the conduct of creative activity in the cultural, social and legal space;

Mastering the methods of self-education and self-preparation.

The main forms of organization of classes are group and individual.

Group: mind games, trainings, brainstorming, rehearsals of performances, preparation for the game and its analysis.

Individually: counseling on behalf of or preparing to speak.

The total amount of study load is 4 hours per week, the total number is 144 hours - 1 year of study.

The total amount of study load is 6 hours per week, the total number is 216 hours - 2 year of study.



2. Name of sections and number of hours

Section Name

Number of hours


Safety Instructions for Children

Training in the development of coherent speech. Vocabulary enrichment

Speech technology


Logical text analysis

Speech culture



3. Circle "_ Artistic word_"

Section. Theme

Number of hours



Instructing children on safety -4 hours

The rules of student behavior in the circle

Safety instructions in the assembly hall.

Training in the development of coherent speech. Enrichment of vocabulary-92ch.

Analysis of the topic of speech. Making skeleton performances.


Secrets of the text.

Analysis of a literary work.


The embodiment of the works in the sounding word.


Fostering the qualities and skills required for artistic reading.


A culture of speech.

Rhyme. "Hike for inspiration."


Poetry and stamps.


Speech styles.


Poetry and painting


Music in poetry. My poetic creativity.


Speech Technique.-52 h.

Respiratory articulation complexes.


Dictational complexes



Tongue Twisters


Orfoepiya.-16 h.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds in a shock and unstressed position.


Stunning and assimilation



Logical analysis of the text-40h.

The object of attention.


Verbal action.



Parsing works.

Execution short stories  or excerpts from stories from the first person


Culture of verbal communication.-10h.

Speech games


Summing up. 2 hours



4. The list of intermediate and final certification:

1) the participation of students in creative competitions of city, regional, national and international levels.

2) testing the level of development of students' creative abilities;

3) testing changes in value orientations.


Acting skills

Ershov P.M. Technology of acting. 2nd ed. - M., 1992

Ershov PM. Directing as a practical psychology - M .., 1972

Korogodsky Z.Ya. First year. Start. - M.: Sov.Rossiya, 1971. B-ka “To help the artist. amateur activities ”

Korogodsky Z.Ya. First year. Continued. - M.: Sov.Rossiya, 1972. B-ka “To help the artist. amateur activities ”

Korogodsky Z.Ya. Director and actor. -M., 1967.

Nemirovich-Danchenko V.I. On the work of the actor. - M., 1984

Stanislavsky K.S. Actor's work on himself. Col.Soc., V.2 - 1974

Tovstonogov G.A. The mirror of the scene. -L., 1984.

Toporkov V.O. About the actor technique. 2nd ed. - M.: WTO, 1959

Chekhov M. Literary heritage in 2 volumes. M .: Art, 1995

Scenic speech

Artobolevsky G.V. Fiction reading. - M., 1978.

Gukova V.I. and others. Stage speech: / Work on the text / Uch. manual - M., IPCC, 1986

Knebel M.O. That seems to me especially important. -M., 1976.

Kozlyaninova I.P. Pronunciation and diction. - M .: WTO, 1977

Komyakova G. Word in the drama theater. -M., 1974.

Morgunov B.G. The laws of sounding speech. - M., 1986.

Petrova A.N. Scenic speech. Teaching guide for theater institutes and dir. Dep. cultural institutions. M.: Art, 1981

Stage movement

Golubovsky B. Plastic in the art of the actor. - M., 1986

Graner V. Rhythm in the art of the actor. - M., 1966

Koch I. Fundamentals of the scenic movement. - l., 1970

Nemirovich-Danchenko Vl.I. On the work of the actor. - M., 1984

Nemerovsky A. Plastic actor's expressiveness. - M., 1976

Rutberg I. Pantomime, movement and image. - M., 1963

Stanislavsky K.S. Actor's work on himself. Sobsr.T.2 - M., 1974

The material is useful for teachers leading classes in extracurricular activities or a circle in the artistic and aesthetic direction. KTP circle for students in grades 3-4 classes at the rate of 2 hours per week.

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   "Calendar and thematic planning group" Skillful Hands ""

Calendar and thematic planning

mug "Skillful hands"

(3-4 class, 2 hours per week)



Software tasks

Activity Requirements

of students

Module 1 "Decorate the room, apartment"

Introductory lesson. Safety in the classroom.

To acquaint children with a variety of natural, waste materials and its use in the manufacture of handicrafts. To learn to see the unusual in the ordinary, using familiar design skills, to develop imagination, creativity, ability to work in a team

Be able to

Rules for procurement of natural material.

Be able tol:

Watch objects;

Independently establish a sequence of actions

The concept of composition.

Panel of natural materials (seeds, bark, leaves, etc.)

Lesson-fantasy "Where is the button useful?"

Be able to  realize a creative intent in creating an artwork

Button applications

Teamwork "We are going, going, going ..."

Be able to

Crochet. Story. Knitting techniques.

To expand the circle of children's knowledge of the world around them, working with a variety of materials. To teach to add to the basic that which is lacking before the embodiment of the intention; learn to think creatively, develop artistic taste.

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (yarn), about devices for knitting

Patterns of knitted chains

Be able tomake a chain of air loops, select a sketch, color to create a composition

Papier mache. History of occurrence, types. General stages of work.

Be able to  under the supervision of the teacher to build the process of completing the task, follow the instructions clearly.

Handmade art paper.

Layered papier-mâché.

Panel of pencil shavings. Procurement material.

Be able to  to organize and plan their own work

Teamwork "Bird of Happiness"

Module 2 « New Year  on the threshold

Volumetric modulation and design of paper and cardboard.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the properties of paper (cut, bend, tear, stick together), about various types of paper (corrugated, tracing paper, etc.)

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (paper).

Be able to  to analyze the sample, plan and control the practical work (notching, folding paper)

General stages of preparation for work. Tools for work. Instruction on TB.

Volumetric crafts  with notches

Fishnet toys

Be able to  to analyze the sample, plan and control the practical work (pattern marking, paper folding)

Garland with repeat

Modular origami. Postcard "Christmas tree branch"

Cabinet design

Be able to  negotiate, distribute work, evaluate your contribution and total result

Acquaintance with the “Iris-Folding” technique

Develop creativity, fine motor skills, artistic taste.

Be able to  under the supervision of the teacher to build the process of completing the task, to know the rules of working with scissors and a knife.

Preparing the material to create a card.

Christmas card "Ball", "Christmas Tree"

Christmas angel

Learn to think creatively, develop artistic taste, foster neatness.

Be able to  implement a creative idea in creating an artistic image

Module 3 “Give your family a holiday!”

The dough is a plastic universal material. The composition of the test.

Be able to  conduct sample analysis, plan and monitor practical work. Be able to observe, notice the details.

Work with the dough. Photo frame

Embroidery. Art history.

Tools and fixtures. Stitches.

Embroidery as a gift

Teach children to work with fabric and thread; teach to perform chain stitch, cross stitch; develop fine motor skills of hands.

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (fabric, thread). Be able to

work according to the instructions; bring to the end.

Fabric painting. History, different types

Free painting

Cold batik.

Painting on salt

Get acquainted with the techniques of painting on fabric. Develop creativity, fine motor skills, artistic taste.

Be able to  to work according to the instructions to realize the creative intention in creating the artistic image

Volume modeling from fabric. Different types of stitched toys.

Cutting out the details of the toy

A toy for a friend. Sewing volumetric dog, elephant

To acquaint with the techniques of sewing toys made of fabric, to promote new creative possibilities of children in the work of cloth

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (fabric). Be able to  to analyze the sample, to plan and monitor practical work, to observe safety precautions.

What is a charm? Meaning of characters

Create a talisman

To teach to create conceived, to add to the main what is missing before the realization of the plan; learn to think creatively, develop artistic taste.

Promote the development of friendly relations

Be able to  observe, notice the details, independently establish a sequence of actions for solving a practical task

How to create a holiday?

Invitation tickets, room and table decoration

Competition lesson "Why do I need a spoon?" Plastic. Information about the material.

Provide children with the opportunity to use waste material so that it turned out to be conceived, recognizable, continue to develop creative abilities and fine motor skills of hands

Be able to  observe, notice the details.

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (plastic).

Decoration for the kitchen "We want to eat!"

Amazing postcard.

To expand the circle of children's knowledge of the world around them, working with a variety of materials. Develop creativity and fine motor skills

Be able to  It is possible to perform the markup on the drawing itself; perform sample analysis, planning and control of practical work performed

Making a double postcard

Decoupage Art history, various types and methods of application

Decoupage canning

Multilayer composition

To acquaint with the decoupage technique. Promote new creative opportunities for children to work with paper napkins.

Develop creativity, fine motor skills, artistic taste.

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (paper napkins). Be able to  work according to plan, supervise practical work

Final module “What we have learned”

Excursion to the museum

To promote collective activity, verbal communication of children. Develop artistic taste, the desire to carry out the work to the end and enjoy the result

Be able to  make value judgments about works of art

Teamwork "Flower Lawn"

Be able to agree, distribute the work, evaluate your contribution and the overall result, implement the creative idea in creating the artistic work

Exhibition of Works

Be able to  make value judgments, rejoice at the success of comrades.


Crafts from all sorts of things. Shukhov S. - M: Irisspress, 2008.

Patchwork fantasy. Art application. - M: AST. 2009

T.M. Geronimus “150 labor lessons in grades 1-4: Methodical recommendations for planning classes”. 1997

M.A.Gusakova “Application”, Enlightenment, 1987

M.A.Gusakova “Gifts and toys with their own hands”, SC "Sphere", 1999

N.S. Voronchikhin “Make yourself out of paper”

N.V. Volkova, E.G. Zhadko "100 wonderful crafts from all sorts of things", Rostov-on-Don, 2009

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school № 8

with. Bitter Balka Soviet District "

"Skillful hands"

Explanatory note

The present stage of development of the society is characterized by intensive introduction in all spheres human activities  new, high-tech and high technologies, providing a more complete implementation of the potential abilities of the individual. This trend of our reality urgently requires the training of the younger generation, owning a technological culture, ready for transformative activity and having the necessary scientific knowledge. Technological culture is a new attitude to the surrounding world, based on the transformation, improvement and improvement of the human environment. Technological education should provide a person with the opportunity to develop more harmoniously and live in the modern technological world.

Technological education includes informational and cognitive and activity components.

The information component (technical and technological competence) reflects technological knowledge and skills.

The activity component is the practical mastering by students of the algorithms of creative, transformative, creative activity aimed, in particular, at the development of technological thinking. At the same time, the main criteria for the success of teaching children are the independence and quality of work performed, as well as the ability to discover knowledge, use various sources of information to solve pressing problems.

In the modern, rapidly changing world there is a need to take care of strengthening the child’s connections with nature and culture, work and art. This is a kind of school of feelings that activates thoughts, fantasy, speech, memory, emotions, instills love for the beautiful, serves the purposes of mental, moral and aesthetic education.

In the process of learning, accumulating practical experience, students from simple products are gradually moving to the development of more complex samples.

The program of the “Skillful Hands” mug is integrated. Integration consists in acquaintance with various sides of the material world, united by common laws, which are found in the methods of realization of human activity, in technologies of transformation of raw materials, energy, information.

purpose  the study of the “Skillful Hands” group is the upbringing of a creative personality and its development, where the students' activity is considered as a means of learning about the world and their role in it as a transformer.

She suggests the following tasks:

    development of creative abilities and self-expression of the child through handicraft;

    development in the child of emotional responsiveness and aesthetic perception of various types of decorative applied arts;

    development of initial skills with a cloth, tools, various materials;

    familiarization with traditional forms of applied art: weaving, embroidery, applique, weaving;

    development of creative abilities of the child - fantasy, color sense, independent choice of artistic image;

    development of technological methods that develop the eye, fine motor skills of hands, accuracy and perseverance.

The program of occupations has a focus on the formation in children of general labor skills and abilities: analysis, planning, organization and control of labor activity, which are expanded and deepened in the process of labor activity of the child.

The program is designed for 2 years, includes 68 classes and consists of five sections. Classes are held in the afternoon, the duration of classes is 2 hours, once a week. The occupancy of the group is not more than 15 people.

The program consists of four mainblockov

AT first block  Much attention is paid to paper work. In the classroom, children are introduced to such types of work as planar and volume application, origami, and perform work on these topics. The program is based on the principle - from simple to complex.

During the lesson, children are shown samples, children's work on the topic, the technological process is explained, and each one is shown the method of performing this technique. In the manufacture of products, the child learns to establish the sequence of actions, the order of work with tools, and the creativity, independence, singularity, and accuracy of the work performed are encouraged.

Second block  dedicated to work with threads. In these classes, children learn to think spatially, to model reality in the images of balls, pompons made of thread, in the technique of izonit. Opportunities are provided for differentiating the educational activities of students. This is manifested in the choice of objects of design, individual capabilities and preferences of each participant in the process.

Third block  dedicated to working with the fabric. In this work goes in three directions: plane panels, convex and three-dimensional products. Children learn the proper handling of sewing tools, making decorative seams, learn the rules for increasing and decreasing patterns, and economical cutting of fabric.

Fourth block  includes the processing of natural materials and the production of wall panels from them. In these classes, students get acquainted with the processing technology of straw, the manufacture of salt dough, methods of its coloring, methods of giving the blank interesting shapes and textures.

In the process of classes, there is a discussion of the ways to perform tasks, each one brings in his own contribution, shows creativity and independence.

The organization of exhibitions and students' works, competitions for the best products, reveals the importance of their work for children, forms positive motives for work.

An approximate list of products can be expanded at the discretion of the teacher, depending on the degree of independent activity of students.

In the classroom used verbal, practical methods, used clarity.

This program is designed for children 8 - 10 years of age.

Forms of work: collective, group, individual.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

when working in the “Skillful Hands” circle

The student must have an idea:

On project activities in general and its main stages;

On the concepts of construction (simple and complex, one-piece and multi-part), composition, design, sketch, technology, ecology, design;


TB rules;

Name and purpose of hand tools (scissors, needle), measuring instruments (ruler, square, compass), tools (template, pins) and rules safe operation  with them;

Personal hygiene rules when working with piercing and cutting tools;

Rules of communication;

The names and properties of materials that students use in their work;

What is the item (part of the product);

What is the design and that the design of products are one-piece and multi-part;

Basic design requirements for designs, products (use, convenience, beauty);

Types of materials;

The sequence of manufacturing simple products: marking, cutting, assembling, finishing;

Marking methods: bending and patterned;

Ways of joining with the help of PVA glue, wire, threads and thin ropes;

Types of decoration: coloring, applications, straight line and its variants.

Be able to:

Find and use additional information from various sources (including the Internet);

Observe, compare, make the simplest generalizations;

Distinguish materials for their intended use;

To distinguish between single-piece and multi-part designs of simple products;

Qualitatively perform the studied operations and techniques for the manufacture of simple products: economical marking with bending, according to a pattern, cutting with scissors, assembling products with glue, aesthetically and carefully trimming products with drawings, appliqués, straight stitching and its variants;

It is safe to use and store cutting and piercing tools (scissors, needles);

Follow the rules of cultural behavior in public places;

Perform whatever action is possible when resolving environmental issues  at an accessible level (personal hygiene, culture of behavior in nature and society, maintaining cleanliness in everyday life and in public places, culture of communication - speech, etiquette, etc.).

General Labor Skills:


Analyze the proposed training task;

Organize a workplace in accordance with the developed project, select the necessary materials, tools and accessories;

Economically, rationally and creatively build their practical work at all its stages;

To substantiate the choice of design and technology for the implementation of the training task in the unity of the requirements of utility, strength, aesthetics;

Perform available practical tasks based on the drawing (sketch), scheme.

With the help of a teacher:

Choose topics for practical work;

To formulate a problem, to brainstorm proposed by the teacher or arising during the work of educational problems;

Put forward possible solutions;

Prove your opinion.

Performance criteria for schoolchildren learning

under this program are considered:

    desire to attend a study group;

    the joy of creativity;

    creative approach to the proposed work;

    satisfaction with the results of their work;

    the development of the child the simplest technological techniques

    ability to navigate in a new, non-standard situation for a child.

    ability to plan the stages of their activities.

    ability to understand and perform an algorithm of actions.

    the ability to establish cause-effect relationships.

    the ability to choose methods of action from previously learned methods.

    the ability to use methods of transformation (change in shape, size, functions to recreate, analogy, etc.)

    the ability to understand and accept tasks and suggestions of an adult or friend.

    the ability to make decisions and apply knowledge in certain life situations.

    ability to organize a workplace.

    the ability to bring the started business to the end and achieve results.

Teaching and methodological support

Classes in the program"Skillful hands" pass in the class in the afternoon.

There are tables, chairs, designed for 14-15 workplaces, a demonstration stand, an ironing board, an electric iron, and cabinets for benefits.

Also available:

Individual working sets (needle bed with needle, scissors),

A set of threads of different colors;

Capacity for garbage collection;

Set of safety pins, rings for pom-pom, hoops,

Glue, napkins;

Tables by type of fabric;

Stencils applications by topic;

Embroidery sketches;

Tables by types of seams;

Stencils by topic;

Stencils and patterns of soft toys;

A collection of poems, riddles about sewing tools;

Demonstration material:

children's work,

children's crafts,

Thread collection;

Sets of colored paper;

Methodical literature:

on working with cloth;

for the manufacture of soft toys;

making toys from threads;

making eggshell toys;

on the implementation of embroidery.

Program levels

High level:characterized by a manifestation of sustained interest in needlework. The child correctly calls the types of applied art, knows the characteristics of a particular type of needlework (embroidery, weaving, sewing soft toys, quilting, and izon). Able to choose their own artistic image; perform high-quality technologies and techniques on the topics studied.

Able to independently decorate, arrange the finished thing with additional details, finishing elements, buttons, etc. according to his artistic image, strives for the original solution of the task.

Emotionally related to the process of creating things; independently, without the help of a manager, performs the assigned tasks.

Applies knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom in the manufacture of doll clothes, souvenirs outside classes

Adequately evaluates the results of its activities and the activities of other children.

Average level:characterized by a manifestation of interest in needlework. The child knows the arts and crafts. He basically knows the characteristic features of various types of needlework (embroidery, weaving, sewing a soft toy, izon, patchwork). Not always independently chooses an artistic image, owns technologies and techniques of manufacturing things. In the implementation of the plan shows independence, creativity, initiative, while receiving aesthetic pleasure from the results of its activities. Uses the previously obtained skills and abilities in independent creativity.

When studying, mastering technology, the help of a manager is required. Independently evaluates the results of its activities and the activities of other children.

Level below average:characterized by a weak interest in needlework. The child does not know many types of folk art.

In the process of learning technologies, he is not always able to correctly carry out the task, not neatly.

Does not know how to work with some materials, does not confidently work with tools, does not always comply with safety engineering.

He can independently choose an image, but depicts it schematically, stereotypically. When implementing the plan, creativity is manifested with the active reminder of the leader. In the process of work, he often turns for help, sometimes does not finish the work.

1 year of study

Theme of the lesson


1 block Paper handling

Types of paper and how it is processed

Application as a form of applied art "Bouquet for mom"

Flat appliqué "On a fun farm"

Flat application "wonderful island"

Production of bulk colors from various types of paper (crepe, napkin)

Familiarity with the technique of quilling. Ways of making blanks.

The application in the technique of quilling "Swan"

Origami. Zhuravlik.

Ball kusudama

2 block Work with threads

Types of thread. Technique of pompons

Toy "Kapitoshka"

Volumetric toy of pompons "Caterpillar"

Souvenir "Angel"

Souvenir "Owl"

Macrame bracelet weave

Making toys based on cocoon. Creating a cocoon.

Fastening and drying cocoons. Production of parts using templates.

Making toys "Parrot". Fastening parts to the cocoon

3 block Work with cloth

Types of fabrics. Techniques for working with fabric. Cutting the fabric on the pattern.

Types of stitches. Connection details. Flat toy "Fish"

Cell Phone Case

Needle "Pearl shell"

Ribbon Hair Clip

Volumetric toy "Doll Dasha"

Volumetric toy "Doll Dasha" Face design

Volumetric toy "Elephant"

Bulk toy "Elephant". Registration of work.

Application in the technique of assemblage. "On the seabed"

Processing straw and preparation of material for work.

Making blanks for flowers.

Weaving basket of straw. Making leaves. Methods of coloring material.

Panel of straw "Daisies". Registration of work.

Collage. Thematic panel of various types of natural material

Study plan

2 year of study

Theme of the lesson


1 block Paper handling

Work in the technique of quilling "On the wheat field."

Application in the technique of quilling "Magic snowflakes"

Building a pattern in the technique of Iris-folding

Applique in the technique of iris-folding.

Picture of crumpled paper "Lambs on the meadow"

"Cherry blossoms" - flowers from circles.

Application mosaic in the technique of trimming. "Ducklings"

Application mosaic in the technique of trimming. "Funny bees"

Swan in origami technique

2 block Work with threads

The execution of products in the technique of izonit with the use of contour sewing.

Modeling compositions: Making stencils.

Performance of work "Christmas toys"

Performance of work "New Year's tree"

Volumetric decorative products. Casket

Making a template, a sketch of the finish, color scheme, transfer of the sketch to the cardboard

The execution of finishes in the technique of izon.

Assembling the box, finishing

Making angular frames in the technique of izoit

Making an oval frame in the technique of izoit

3 block Work with cloth

Applique fabric "My Village"

Applique fabric "My Village" - the completion of

Application "Underwater kingdom"

Application "Underwater kingdom" - the completion of work

Flowers made of felt "Peonies"

Handicraft made of felt "Lion"

Home Cluster

Volumetric toy "Funny Kittens"

Brownie "Kuzya" - a toy

4 block Products from natural material

Methods for making color dough. Creating textured surfaces.

Fastening parts together. Registration of works.

Panel "Strawberry"

Panel "Basket with flowers and fruits"

Panel "Hedgehog." Drying products.

Composition "Scarecrow"

Summing up the work. Exhibition of crafts.


    Blondel A., Deon S. "Toys-pompons with their own hands." M., "The World of the Book" 2006

    Davydova G.N. “Children's design. Crafts from waste material. M., “Scriptorium Publishing House 2003” 2006.

    Koroteeva E. “Merry friends-candy wrappers. Application of wrappers. M., Publishing House "Niola-Press" 2009

    Krupenskaya N. "Crafts of pompons". M., "Iris-Press" 2008.

    Lang Imgard "Crafts of buttons." M., "Iris-Press" 2007.

    Leonova O.V. “We draw a thread. Openwork paintings. S - PB Publishing House Litera 2005.

    Lihacheva T.G. "My girlfriend is a soft toy." I "Academy Holding" 2004.

    Maksimova M.V., Kuzmina M.A. "Embroidery. First steps. "M" Eksmo-press "1998.

    Malysheva A.N. "Working with a cloth." I “Academy of Development, Academy of Companies Holding” 2001.

    Nagibina M.I. "Weaving for children from threads, twigs and bark." I "Academy of Development" 1997.

    Nagibina M.I. "Miracles of cloth with their own hands." Y. "Academy of Development" 1997.

    Salagaeva L.M. "Wonderful shells." With - PB “Childhood-press” 2004.

    Sidorovich U., Sokolova U. “Soft toy”. With - PB "Litira" 1998.

    Smotrova N.A. "Cotton toys". S - Pb "Childhood Press Press" 2005.

    Sokolova Yu.A. "Games with fingers." M "Publishing Eksmo" 2005.

Educational and thematic plan artistic and productive activities with children 5-6 years

Targets and goals

Theme of the lesson

The first steps

Mastering the technological skills of working with tools, fabrics, threads. The development of the simplest technological techniques that develop the eye, fine motor skills of hands, accuracy, perseverance. Development of interest in needlework.

1.1 Tools, safety when sewing.

Listening to "Tales about the Queen of the Needle" (about the tools for sewing). Examining tools for sewing, memorizing their names. Guessing riddles about tools. Familiarity with safety when sewing "Rules of the Needle"

Tasks in the workbook: paint tools for sewing, invent and write riddles about tools with their parents.

“The Tale of the Queen of the Needle”, “Rules of the Needle”, riddles about tools for sewing.

Theater "Palace of the Queen of the Needle"

Workbook №1 / p.5, 8

1.2 Stitch, seam, stitch.

Examination of drawings of tools in workbooks, solving riddles invented by children. Measurement of the thread "from the shoulder", threading the thread into the needle. The first stitches on the points drawn on the napkin (explain, show everyone how the “Forward Needle” seam is performed). Give the concept of stitch stitches. Sewing on points, lines. Children's choice of patterns for embroidery.

Tasks in the workbook: draw stitches on the points, learn the poem “About the stitch”

Table "seam Forward Needle"

The napkin is print, one-colored, the size is 20х20 cm, stencil “point-stitches”,

Contour Embroidery Drawings,

Card index

and dynamic pauses

Workbook №1 / p. 9

1.3 stitching a needle ”, embroidering a pattern on a napkin.

1.3.1. Examination of completed tasks in the workbook, listening to the poem “About the stitch”. Sewing “Forward Needle” seam on points and a straight line (making a frame), sewing on a curved line (embroidering a pattern on a contour). Independent selection of colors of threads, inventing the name of embroidery, the name of the little animals.

Tasks in the workbook: coloring the pattern chosen for embroidery. Compose and write with the help of adults short story  or a fairy tale from a drawing.

Individual work: to learn to measure the thread correctly, to thread the thread through the needle, to make a knot.

Table "seam Forward Needle"

Sewing tool kits, sewing threads of different colors, cotton print napkin, dyed, size 20x20 cm, contour embroidery patterns,

translation of drawings for embroidery (copying paper),

Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / pp 10-11

1.3.2. Examination of completed tasks in a workbook (coloring book, fairy tale). Repetition of the rules of safety. Embroidery the pattern on a napkin with the seam “Forward Needle” (sewing along a curved line). Selection of color threads in accordance with the plan, the nature of the embroidered pattern. Completing the embroidery pattern - finishing work. Ironing the finished product with the help of the head.

For the head: preparation of products for the exhibition "First steps". Diagnosing Knowledge of Safety Techniques and the ability to thread a needle, measure a thread, perform the seam "Forward Needle"

Table "seam Forward Needle"

Sewing tool kits, sewing threads of different colors,

Napkin calico, dyed, with a pattern of contour embroidery, electric iron, ironing board;

Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1

2. Application

Give the concept of application as an applied art form. Teach to perform the application of fabric. To teach how to identify an aesthetically meaningful goal, to develop creative abilities: a sense of color, composition, to educate children in accuracy, perseverance, interest in folk arts and crafts. To acquaint with folk art - painting of the Turin matryoshka.

2.1. Application as a form of applied art

Repetition of Safety Techniques when sewing. Acquaintance with the concept of appliqué, the difference between the appliqués of cloth and paper, the characteristic of the appliqué of cloth as a form of applied art Examination of application samples made by children. Laying out on maps-tables of applications from geometric shapes (squares, triangles)

Tasks in the workbook: paint the rug to your taste in a checkerboard pattern.

For the head: intermediate diagnosis, determining the level of perception of the topic, the quality of the task.

Samples of applications from fabric (industrial, folk) and paper; application samples made by children;

Tables-cards "Rug of geometric shapes", didactic mosaic game "Grandmother's patchwork"

Literature: Nagibina MI "Miracles of cloth with their own hands"

Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / p12

2.2. Rug of geometric shapes

Examination of completed tasks in a workbook (square mats). Repetition of Safety Techniques when sewing. Stitching a glue base to the dense fabric base along the “Forward Needle” seam (stitching two layers of fabric). Laying out on the glue base squares of fabric in a checkerboard pattern (depending on the perception of the “rhythm” of the ornament, laying out squares and triangles). The work of an electric iron under the direction of the head - gluing the squares in the adhesive base with the help of an iron. . Examination of the results of work, demonstration of mats on the exhibition stand.

Assignments in the workbook: color matryoshka.

For the leader: use in the educational and creative project "Magic Shred"

Sewing tool kits, sewing threads, electric iron, ironing board, 20x20 cm thick base fabric, 10x10 cm non-woven glue base. ", Squares of fabric 2x2 cm, different colors by the number 25 on the mat

Literature: Nagibina MI "Miracles of cloth with their own hands"

Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / p. 13

2.3 Flat toy “Matryoshka”

2.3.1. Examination of nested dolls painted in a workbook. Acquaintance with the history of the toy - nesting dolls, viewing various murals of nesting dolls, features of the Turin nested doll. Examination of a sample of a plane toy made by children. Laying out on a cardboard basis of details - blanks from fabric, making an application from fabric with the help of glue.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Wooden nesting dolls; nesting tables; samples of plane nesting dolls. A4 cardboard with a contour pattern of matryoshka and details, fabric blanks, stencils of parts, PVA glue, containers and glue brushes. literature: S. Vokhintsev, “Coloring of the Nesting Doll”, Marshak’s poem “Matryoshka”, Yu.Zhulkova “The Russian Matryoshka”, material on the history of the nested doll.

Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / p.8

2.3.2. Listening to a poem, puzzles about the doll. Stringing beads, beads - the addition of a nesting dolls ornaments. Making the face with a marker, beads, beads - an eye, nose, mouth. Completion of work on a toy, hanging ready-made toys on a demonstration stand, children discussing the final result.

In the middle of class exercises for fingers

Tasks in the workbook: repeat TB

For the head: preparation of works for the exhibition "Magic Shred"

2.4. plane toy "Christmas tree"

Solving riddles about herringbone. We remember poems and songs about the Christmas tree. Examination of the sample, drawings, photos of trees at different times of the year. Laying out and sticking green shreds of various shapes to a cardboard base is a Christmas tree appliqué. Hanging Christmas trees on a display stand

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

For the leader: Diagnosing the ability to perform a cloth application, to be creative during the execution of the application, to do the work carefully.

Riddles, songs, poems about the Christmas tree; photos, landscapes illustrations; samples of planar Christmas trees; A4 cardboard with the contour of the Christmas tree, green shreds of arbitrary shape; PVA glue, containers and glue brushes.

Card index

and dynamic pauses

3. Buttons

Acquaintance with the history of the emergence and "evolution" of the button. Development of creative abilities, fantasy, sense of color, artistic taste. Testing the simplest technological methods in the process of sewing buttons on fabric, cardboard, in work with threads, beads, beads. Develop fine motor skills of hands, accuracy, perseverance.

3.1. The history of the buttons, the technology of sewing buttons.

The history of the appearance of buttons, the examination of the collection of buttons, the analysis of the differences of buttons by the number of holes, the presence of "legs", the material from which they are made, in shape, size, design and purpose. Examination of the “Ways of sewing buttons” tables. Acquaintance with the technology of sewing buttons with two and four holes (personal display). Stitching buttons "without legs" on the training patch (control and assistance of the head).

Tasks in the workbook: with parents repeat the rules of sewing buttons

Toy-Button; Tables "Methods of sewing buttons"; button collection, sewing tool kits, sewing threads, buttons with two and four holes, training patch. Literature: Nagibina MI "Miracles of cloth with their own hands," Card file physical gym

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / p. 14-15

Decorate our Christmas tree

3.2.1. Looking at the illustrations of the New Year tree, how is the tree decorated? Offer the children to decorate the plane Christmas tree toy with beads and bright buttons. Examination of samples of decorated planar Christmas trees, examination of buttons and beads that children have. Mark the places of sewing buttons - Christmas toys. Sewing on buttons (reminder of button sewing technology, help).

Tasks in the workbook: to color the Christmas tree, to compose a small New Year's fairy tale with parents.

New Year tree illustrations, patterns of decorated Christmas trees, plane Christmas trees (children's work), sewing tool kits, sewing threads, buttons with two and four holes, Card file physical exercises

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / p.16

3.2.2. looking at their plane trees, discussing what happened and what needs to be done. Sewing on the remaining buttons, stringing beads, beads, sewing on finished beads. Sewing sequins, sequins (depending on the abilities of children). Hanging ready-made trees on a demonstration stand, discussion, listening to "New Year's fairy tales."

In the middle of class exercises for the eyes.

For the leader: Diagnostics skills sewing buttons. Preparation of products for the exhibition "Christmas Market", the production of printed versions of "Christmas Fairy Tales", it is possible to produce a booklet, brochure.

Samples of decorated plane trees, plane trees (children's work), sewing tool kits, sewing threads, buttons with two and four holes, beads and beads. Card index

and dynamic pauses

4. Waste material

Development of practical skills in the field of ecology through artistic and productive activities. Development of creative abilities, fantasy, sense of color, artistic taste in the process with waste material. Testing the simplest technological methods in the process of folding the accordion. The development of fine motor skills.

Decorate our Christmas tree. Waste Toys

The lesson is held on the basis of the museum exposition "New Year's Tale". To acquaint children with factory Christmas decorations (made of glass, cardboard, cotton wool, plastic) and homemade and Christmas decorations: garlands and chains made of paper, eggshell toys, foil, cotton wool, candy wrappers. Invite the children to make balls from candy wrappers and decorate a group with them. To tell the sequence of making the ball - folding the accordions from candy wrappers, stringing the accordions on the thread, fixing the thread. Detailed display of making and fixing the accordion. At the end of the lesson, the game with balls "Turntable": a very strong blow on the ball, wins the one whose ball has been spinning the longest.

Tasks in the workbook: for self-study - making with Christmas tree decorations from junk material, sketching toys in a workbook.

For the leader: folding harmonica diagnostics. Use in the project "Toys for the Christmas tree do it yourself from what lies under our feet"

Exposition "New Year's Tale". Homemade Christmas toys from different materials. Ready balls of candy wrappers. Candy wrappers for 10-15 pieces per person, tools for sewing, thick sewing thread. Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 \\ p.17

5. Sewing “Forward Needle”

Testing the simplest technological methods for stitching several layers of fabric with the seam "Forward needle", "Double seam". The development of creative abilities through the manufacture of things made with your own hands for themselves and their loved ones. The development of fine motor skills of hands, education of such personal qualities as accuracy, perseverance, perseverance, pride in the results of their work.

A wonderful little bag.

Memories of children about the past New Year holidays, gifts. Making a "wonderful bag" for trifles, jewelry, gifts. Examination of the sample bag, analysis of the manufacturing sequence. Sewing along the planned line with the seam “Forward Needle” with large stitches (making the assembly). Stitching two layers of fabric along the intended line, changing the direction of sewing. Execution of the “Double seam” - flashing on the finished seam in the opposite direction, filling in the spaces between the stitches of the first stitch. Wrapping the product on the front side, ironing the finished bag under the supervision of the head. Repeat Safety when sewing and ironing.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Tasks in the workbook: color the bag and needle case, sew a bag for small things at home.

For the head: diagnostics of skills to perform the seam "Forward Needle", the accuracy of stitches.

A sample of the finished “Wonderful Pouch”, a stencil-pattern of the pouch, flaps of fabric 10x15 cm by the number of children,

Sewing tool kits, needle with a big eyelet (for knitwear), sewing threads, “Iris” threads, tables of stitches, electric iron, ironing board. Card index

and dynamic pauses

Workbook №1 / p.18-19

5.2 Needle pad

Examination of drawings in workbooks, the story of children about their bags, how they are used, what they said at home about the product, what bag they sewed at home. Solving riddles about bags and needle cases. Looking at the finished needle bar, note that it is not empty, but the filler is not visible (a wired pouch). Examination of the pattern of the needle case. Sewing two layers of fabric with the “Forward Needle” stitch along the intended line, changing the sewing direction, keeping the stitch rhythm (a certain distance between stitches). Wrapping the product on the front side, ironing the pad (help of a manager). Filling the pad with cotton wool or sintepon. Stitching the hole seam "Forward Needle" with the help of the head. Discussion of the finished pads, inventing another purpose (in the doll's corner). In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Tasks in the workbook: color the heart

For the head: diagnostics of skills to perform the seam "Forward Needle", the accuracy of stitches, the stitch rhythm.

A sample of the finished needle-pads, stencil-pattern of the needles, flaps of fabric 5x10 cm by the number of children,

Sewing tool kits, sewing threads, cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, table stitches, electric iron, ironing board.

Collection of riddles on needlework. Card index

and dynamic pauses

Workbook №1 / p.20

6. Souvenirs

Improvement of the simplest technological methods for the manufacture of applications, sewing buttons, making the seam "VI".

The development of creative abilities in children through the manufacture of souvenirs for themselves, their loved ones. The development of fine motor skills of hands, education of such personal qualities as: accuracy, perseverance, pride in the results of their work.

Heart patchwork

Reviewing the job in a workbook. Acquaintance with the history of the holiday "Valentine's Day". Examination of the photo "Tree of Hearts", issued in the previous year. Making a heart using patchwork technique - filling in a cardboard heart blank with pieces of fabric of various shapes, positioning them tightly to each other, without gaps. Gluing the patches with PVA glue, painting the gaps between the patches with a felt-tip pen, if they still remain. Sewing the eyelet to the heart, writing the inscription with the help of a manager (at the request of the children). Hanging hearts on the "Tree of Hearts".

In the middle of classes finger exercises. Tasks in the workbook:

For the leader: to focus on the technology of the patchwork - a combination of textures, color patches, colors. Invite to cooperate in the design of the "Tree of Hearts" photos, hearts, carved houses from old postcards.

Photo "Tree of Hearts", sewing tool kits, sewing threads, cloth rags of various sizes, shapes and colors, PVA glue, glue containers and brushes, cardboard, old postcards with hearts stencils, patchwork illustrations. Panel "Tree of Hearts" article "Valentine's Day" Card index physical exercises

and dynamic pauses

Workbook №1 / p 20

Holiday card

Talk about the upcoming holidays: February 23 and March 8, about what gifts you can prepare with your own hands. Demonstration of samples of cards, made by children in different techniques: izon, applique, applique + izo. Acquaintance with the Izon technology from the center. Offer postcard options for 23.02 - star and for 8.03 - flower. Show everyone how to do it. Addition of the plot elements, cut from old postcards. Hanging ready-made postcards on a demonstration stand, discussion of ready-made postcards and preparation for the exhibition.

In the middle of the class gymnastics for the eyes.

Tasks in the workbook: draw or paste a collage for the holiday to choose from.

For the leader: to focus the attention of children on the selection of colors of the thread relative to the base color (in contrast), preliminary diagnostics of motor coordination and creative potential. Prepare postcards in the exhibition "Congratulations from the heart"

Samples of postcards (izonit), tool kits for sewing, sewing threads, old greeting cards, scotch tape, stencils izonit (drawings), colored A4 paperboard.

Literature: Leonov "Draw a thread."

Card index

and dynamic pauses.

Workbook №1 / p. 21


6.3.1. Interview children about the upcoming holiday on March 8, the features of this holiday, how to prepare for it. Examination of the sample of the cactus needle case made by children. Invite children to make such a needle room for mom or grandmother. Tell the order of manufacture of the needle case. Fixing the cactus blank (a circle of cloth) on the lid with a large button (the blank is located between the lid and the button). Repetition of the technique of assembling (a bag for small things). Execute assembly.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Tasks in the workbook: color the cactus, repeat Safety Techniques when sewing.

Sample of cactus needle case, sewing tool kits, sewing threads, stitch tables, needle pattern stencil-pattern, 20x20 cm green cloth flap, according to the number of children, cotton wool or sintepon, empty canister with V mayonnaise cap 250 ml. button d 4-5 cm, blanks of inflorescences of a flower from caprone, 4 pieces per person, collection of poems,

Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / p. 22

6.3.2. Consideration of the drawings in the workbook, repetition of the rules of the Safety Techniques for sewing, assembly technology. Tightening the assembly, inserting cotton wool or sintepon inside the cactus, securing the assembly with additional stitches. Assembling a cactus flower is stringing the head of the flower blanks, made by the head, as the buds increase. Assembling the needle case: connecting the lid with a cactus with a can, decorating a cactus with a flower. Discussion of finished products, the one to whom their children will be presented.

In the middle of classes physical training.

For the head: diagnosing the assembly, sewing buttons, accuracy and creativity in the design of the finished work.

Mastering technological skills when working with threads of different textures, the development of fine motor skills of hands, accuracy, perseverance, the independent choice of an artistic image, the ability to foresee the final result.

Pompons Technique performance.

Demonstration of sample toys from pompons. Acquaintance with raw materials for pompons (knitting threads), tools for making pompons (cardboard rings, frames, scissors). Acquaintance with the pom-pom manufacturing technique - showing a manager. Knitting of pigtails from knitting threads - preparation of hands and feet for Kapitoshka.

Tasks in the workbook: to color "Kapitoshka", to make up his name.

For the leader: the diagnosis of compliance with the rhythm of weaving (weaving pigtails), the ability to tie knots. Individual work with children on braiding

Samples of pom-pom toys, sewing tool kits, wool knitting, pom-pom table, pom-pom table making, cardboard rings of 2 pcs. per person, frames for the manufacture of pompons, a collection of threads, mount for the manufacture of braids.

Literature :, Card Index Physical Minute

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / p. 23

Toy - "Kapitoshka"

Examination of drawings in a workbook. A repetition of the pompon making technique. Making a pom-pom by children - tightly winding threads on the rings (pay attention to the winding density, accuracy, the more threads on the rings, the more magnificent the pom-pom). Making "Kapitoshka" with the help of the head (laying braids in the middle of the rings, making a loop). Making children their toys with eyes, nose, mouth, selected depending on the intended image, and cut from the blank yourself. Presentation of his toy - “Kapitoshka” to other children (name, character, hobbies). In the middle of a lesson rest.

Tasks in the workbook: paint the mouse-baby.

For the head: help in winding the threads on the rings, those who do not have time, cutting the threads on the rings and fixing the pom-pom.

Samples of pom-pom toys, sewing tool kits, woolen knitting threads, pom-pom table making, cardboard rings of 2 pcs. per person, collection of threads, ready-made pigtails, blanks of eyes, noses, mouths, PVA glue

Literature:   Smotrova N.A. "Toy toys", Malysheva A.N. "Working with a cloth", Card file

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / p. 24-25

Toy Mouse baby

7.3.1 Review and discussion of drawings in a workbook. Repetition of Safety Techniques, pompon manufacturing techniques. Making pom-pom, tail-pigtails (pom-pom assembly with the help of the head). Examining the mouse-baby sample, invite the children to make the same mouse in the next lesson. In the middle of classes physical training. Tasks in the workbook: remember or invent riddles about mice, write riddles with the help of adults.

For the head: diagnosing pom-pom manufacturing, keeping the rhythm of winding threads, accuracy of work.

Samples of pom-pom toys, sewing tool kits, woolen knitting threads, pom-pom table making, cardboard rings of 2 pcs. per person, thread collection,

Literature:   Smotrova N.A. "Toy toys", Malysheva A.N. "Work with a cloth  Card index

and dynamic pauses

Workbook №1 / p. 25

7.3.2. Solving riddles about mice. Making the head of the mouse: sewing buttons-peephole and spout-bead, stitching the cone with the seam "Forward Needle" along the intended line, turning the head onto the front side. The connection of the pom-pom with the face with the help of the head on the glue. Playing up the finished toys.

In the middle of the class, exercise for the eyes (sleep a minute).

Tasks in the workbook: color the chicken, learn the poem.

For the head: diagnostics of pom-pom manufacturing, manifestation of fantasy when designing a toy Preparing toys for the exhibition "Mouse fuss".

Samples of pom-pom toys, sewing tool kits, sewing threads, table of pom-pom toys, stencils — mouse head patterns, dense fabric head blanks, beads and small buttons, Master glue

Literature:   Smotrova N.A. "Toy toys", Malysheva A.N. "Working with a cloth", Card file

and dynamic pauses.

Workbook №1 / p.26

Soft toy

Working out and consolidating the skills of stitching together several layers of fabric, an independent choice of an artistic image, the ability to foresee the final result, bring the work to the end Develop fine motor skills of hands, artistic taste, foster neatness and perseverance.

8.1. Stuffed Toy Chicken

8.1.1. Examining drawings in a workbook, listening to poems and mysteries about chickens. Examination of the finished sample, blanks for toys, analysis of technology manufacturing toys. Ask the children how to sew the details, the sequence in making the chicken. Sewing on buttons-eye, beak, scallop, wings.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

A sample of a soft toy chicken, mock chicken model, sewing tool kits, sewing threads, stitch tables, chicken stencil pattern, patches of yellow fabric (or suitable colors) 25x25 cm. Red shreds for beak and comb, cotton wool or sintepon, beads, small buttons.

Literature: Malysheva A.N. "Working with a cloth", Sidorovich U., Sokolova U. “Soft toy”.

Card index

and dynamic pauses.

Workbook №1 / p.27

8.1.2. Examination of the finished toy. Ask the children what has been done and what is to be done. Making the head: making the assembly along the intended line with the subsequent filling of the head with filler and tightening the assembly (similar to making a cactus). Fastening the line with the help of the head. Body shaping: performing an assembly along the intended line along the edge of the workpiece with simultaneous bending of the edge (according to ability), tightening the assembly and filling the body with a filler. Gluing the cardboard stand (close the lower assembly). Playing up a toy, inventing an image, a name, writing stories. In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Tasks in the workbook: color the picture.

For the head: the diagnosis of the assembly, sewing buttons. Preparing for the exhibition.

Soft toy


8.2.1. Examination of drawings in a workbook. Solving riddles. Examination of a sample of a toy - caterpillars from old socks. To draw children's attention to what the toy is made of. Invite children to become wizards and turn old socks into a caterpillar. Analysis of the stages of manufacturing a toy: cutting parts, stitching parts, decoration of the finished toy. Cutting the toe (cutting toe, heels, elastic) with the help of the head. Sewing on the “head” of buttons-eyes. Stitching the head with the ring of the trunk with the seam “Forward Needle” with simultaneous filling of the head with filler and tightening of the assembly. Fastening assembly with the help of the head. Sewing on the stitched details of the next ring, etc. In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Assignments in the Workbook: Learn a Caterpillar Poem

For the head: diagnostics of the ability to use scissors, perform assembly, seam "Forward Needle", sewing buttons.

A sample of a soft toy Caterpillars, old socks 2-3 pieces per person. Braid, ribbons of 20 cm per 1 pair of legs, depending on the number of pairs of legs per track, cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, sewing sets, sewing threads, table stitches, small buttons or beads 2 pcs. on the toy. Fur, bows, buttons, sparkles for the decoration of toys. PVA glue. Literature: Malysheva A.N. "Working with a cloth", Sidorovich U., Sokolova U. “Soft toy”. Caterpillar manufacture - authoring.

Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №1 / p.27

8.2.2. Poll poems puzzles from a workbook. Consideration of the finished toy, discussion with the children of what has already been done and what is to be done. Sewing on the remaining parts - rings, filling with padding polyester, tightening the assembly. decoration of the finished toy with laces-legs (around each seam of the body), additional details on the choice (design) of children. Playing up ready-made toys, making up stories.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

For the head: assembly manufacturing diagnostics, display of creative abilities, accuracy and accuracy of execution, coordination of movements.

Educational and thematic plan artistic and productive activities with children 6-7 years

Targets and goals

Theme of the lesson

Subject-spatial accompaniment

1. Embroidery stitches

Improving the technological skills of working with tools, cloth, thread. The development of the simplest technological techniques that develop the eye, fine motor skills of hands, accuracy, perseverance. Development of interest in needlework. Acquaintance with embroidery stitches.


Listening to "Tales about the kingdom of Shkatulochka" (about sewing tools, a type of scissors). Repetition of sewing tools, their names. Repetition of safety rules when sewing "Needle Rule". Making the seam "Forward Needle" along the edge of the napkin.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Assignment in the workbook: paint the Palace Needles.

Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №2 / p.5-9

1.2 Seam "Goat"

Examination of drawings. History of decorating fabric embroidery Acquaintance with embroidery stitches. The study of the seam "Goat". Embroidery "Goat" napkin edges by points, then along the line. Selection drawing for napkins.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Assignment in the workbook: coloring an embroidery pattern

The table "stitch" Goat ", flap - napkin, sewing sets, collection of threads, drawings for napkins. Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №2 / p. ten

1.3 Stitch “Back needle”, embroidery

drawing on


1.3.1 Examination of drawings in a workbook, examining a napkin with a “frame” of seams. Acquaintance with the technology of the seam "Back needle" Personal display. Embroidery pattern on the napkin. Independent selection of colors thread, inventing the name of the embroidery.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

The task in the workbook: a repetition of the technology of the seam "back needle".

For the head: in the personal showing of the “Back Needle” seam, focus on the position of the fabric, needle, relative to the stitch already completed.

Table "seam Back needle", Sewing tool kits, Sewing threads of different colors, Napkin print with embroidery pattern, Interpretation of patterns for embroidery, Electric iron, ironing board  Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №2 / p. 10-11

1.3.2 Consideration of an already embroidered pattern on napkin seam "Back needle" (sewing along a curved line). Selection of color threads in accordance with the nature of the embroidered pattern.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Assignment in the workbook: writing a story on the picture.

For the head: intermediate diagnostics of motor coordination, accuracy of the seam, personal help to children in the performance of the seam in case of difficulty

1.3.3 Continuation of embroidery pattern on the napkin with a seam "Back needle", the end of embroidery. Ironing off the finished napkin (under the control of the head), hanging napkins on the demonstration wall, listening to stories on the subject of embroidery, discussion of finished works by children. In the middle of class exercises for the eyes. For the head: Preparation of products for the exhibition "Funny pictures".   Diagnosing Knowledge of Safety Techniques and Skills Threading Needles, Measuring Threads,

performance of a seam "Back needle".

2. Patchwork

Mastering the technological technique of sewing "in a clean land", foster accuracy, commitment. To develop creative abilities, to teach to foresee the end result, to be proud of the result of their work.

2.1 Application of

geometric shapes "clean edge". Mini panel "Rug"

2.1.1 Repetition of the concept of application. The concept of patchwork. Examination of the samples made by the technology "in a clean edge", the analysis of the differences between the appliqué and quilting. "Acquaintance with the technology" to a clean edge ". Folding blanks on the scheme, taking into account the color of the fabric texture, the shape of the blank (square, triangle). Stitching several elements together in a block (square, band) with a seam" Vred Needle "along the intended line. Smoothing seams under the control of the head.

Assignment in the workbook: paint the mat

Samples of applications “To the clean edge”, Samples of applications made by children, Sewing tool kits, Sewing threads of different colors, Basis from dense fabric 20x20 cm. 8 pieces, details pattern (squares 4x4 cm.) Preparations of square fabric parts of various colors 9 pieces per person; Thin braid, lace or satin ribbon 50 cm; Electric iron,ironing board. Literature: Physical file card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №2 / p. 13

2.1.2 sewing the finished blocks - strips to the base seam "Vredd Needle" technique "clean edge" Ironing seams with iron under the control of the head. Edge design appliqué braid, lace or ribbon (sewn on with "Vered Needle" stitch). Final heat treatment of the finished product. Examination of the results of work, at the end of the lesson demonstration of mats on the exhibition wall.  In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

2.2 Patch Cushion

2.2.1 To offer children cushions made by various types of patchwork, to offer to make the same cushion for puppet corner. Unfolding shreds on the table, stitching parts in blocks following the example of a square rug stitch "Forward Needle". Making blocks for the two sides of the pillow (or one, according to the children's ability). Ironing seams under the control of the head.In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Samples of applications "In the clean land", made by children, the Scheme "In the clean land";

Sewing tool kits,

Sewing threads of different colors,

The basis of a dense fabric is 20x20 cm., 2 pieces per person, patterns of details, Blanks of details - patches of 4x4 cm. Different colors of 9 pieces for one side of the pillow according to the number of children; Vata or synthetic winterizer; Electric iron;  ironing board. Literature:   Malysheva "Working with a fabric", Nagibina M.I. "Miracles of cloth with their own hands"Card index

and dynamic pauses Workbook №2 / p. 14

2.2.2 Examining the finished blocks, stitching the blocks together, stitching the “Forward Needle” seam to the base. Stitching the two sides of the pads between each other with a “Back Needle” stitch (one side can be solid), leaving an opening for inversion. Heat treatment of the sewn parts (under control), turning over the pillow on the face. Heat treatment (under control) of an inverted pillow, filling the pillow with filler (cotton wool or synthetic winterizer). Stitching holes with the help of the head. Children discuss the final result, a game with a pillow in the group.

In the middle of class exercises for fingers.

For the head: intermediate diagnostics of the seams “Vredd Needle”, “Back Needle”, knowledge of the Safety Technique when sewing and ironing.  Assignment in the workbook: draw your pad.

3 Toys - souvenirs

To improve the ability to manufacture pom-pom, the ability to combine several types of creativity (technology) in the manufacture of things, the ability to foresee the final result. To cultivate a creative approach to solving the set task, to show ingenuity, imagination.

3.1 Toys from pompons

On the basis of the museum exposition “New Year's Tale. Demonstration of self-made Christmas tree toys, including toys made of pompons. Repetition of manufacturing technology pom-pom. Making a pom-pom, connecting a pom-pom with a cardboard blank with the help of a manager or independently. Fastening the pom-pom on the cardboard part with glue. Making loops for hanging. Beating the toy. Exhibition design in the circle. In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Task in the workbook   color the picture.

For the head: diagnosis of pom-pom performance.

Samples of toy pompons; Sewing kits; Wool knitting; Rings for pompons; cardboard, glue master toy pattern; Smotrova “Cotton toys”, Malysheva “Working with a cloth”, Blondel A., Demon S. Pompons with their own hands, Krupenskaya NB Crafts from pompons, authoring,  Workbook №2 / p15

3.2 Eggshell toys

Examination of Christmas toys from eggshell, tables with samples of toys. The choice of artistic image, selection of parts, blanks (eyes, ears, beak, tail), corresponding to the intended image, or the manufacture of parts on their own. Making eggshell prepared in advance (treated with PVA glue) with decorative details, if desired, arrange with nail polish (under control) or glue with glitter. Fastening the loops on the toy with the help of double-sided tape or in another way. Placement of finished toys on the demonstration wall. In the middle of class exercises for the eyes. The task in the workbook: make a story about the New Year.

Samples of eggshell toys; Egg shell toy tables; Eggshell (whole, prepared); Decorative details, eyes, colored paper, Clay Master, Glue with glitter, nail polish, sewing kits;

Salagaeva L.M. Wonderful shell, Nagibina MI Wonders from their fabric  by hands. Workbook number 2 / page 16-17

3.3 Christmas tree toys

Listening to the New Year stories compiled at home. Examination of finished toys from waste material, the choice of toys that you want to make yourself. Pasting of a plastic bottle (glued with double-sided tape in advance) with candy wrapper parts, addition of beads, tinsel, etc., according to what was intended. Fastening the loop of thread with tape, glue. Placement of toys on the demonstration wall. Select the picture for the next topic.

In the middle of classes finger exercises.

Assignment in the workbook: Colorize the selected picture

For the head: intermediate diagnostics - the accuracy and accuracy of the work, the manifestation of imagination in creating the image, a creative approach to the performance of the toy.

Preparing toys for the exhibition "Christmas Bazaar".

Samples of toys from waste  material;

Junk toys tables  material;

Plastic bottles from under  shampoo;

Decorative items

candy wrappers, eyes,

colored paper Master glue or glue

pistol; Glitter glue, varnish for

nail Sewing Kits;

Double sided tape;

Davydova "Children's Design". Nagibina M.I. "Crafts from the waste material "," Miracles of cloth with their own hands "," Miracles for children from unnecessary things "; Magazines "Handmade";

4 Buttons

Consolidation and improvement of skills for the implementation of applications, sewing buttons of various kinds, the manifestation of creative abilities, imagination, in the manufacture of the product. Development of technological methods in the process of sewing buttons on the fabric, in working with threads, beads, beads. Nurture accuracy

Agility, feeling colors, harmony, measures.

Develop small

hand motor skills.

Be proud of the result  of his labor.

4. Panel of

4.1 Analysis of homework, viewing pictures. Viewing ready panels of buttons made by children. Reiteration ways of sewing buttons using tables. Parsing the order of execution of the panel: the folding of the parts-blanks of the application on the basis of, according to the model or the plan, the selection matching buttons, sewing on appliqué, sewing buttons, decoration of the finished panel with beads, braid, ribbons or embroidery with familiar seams (“Forward Needle”, “Back Needle”, "Goat"). The first step is unfolding and sewing on appliqué.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Panel of buttons –children  work;

Panel picture diagrams (ed.  development);

Tables "Ways

sewing buttons ";

Tool kits for  sewing

Sewing thread;

Buttons with two, four  holes;

Thick fabric 20x20 cm;

Patterns and workpiece details  applications;

"Miracles of cloth with their own hands "Nagibina MI .;

Malysheva A.N. Work with the  cloth.

Workbook №2 / p18-19

Workbook №2 / p20

4.2 Continuation of work on the panel - sewing

applications. Ironing finished application under control  head.

Examination of the finished application, selection of buttons.

In the middle of classes gymnastics for fingers.

4.3 Examining your panels, discussing what it turned out and what needs to be done. Sewing on buttons sewing on trimming parts (ribbons, beads, ribbons).

Embroidery for the most capable children. Hanging panel on a demonstration stand, discussion, listening to poems, riddles to his panel of all who  got ready.

In the middle of the class gymnastics for the eyes The task in the workbook: paint a woven mat.

For the head: Preparation of products for the exhibition "Magic Button". Skill diagnosis sewing buttons, making applications.


Introduction to the story

weaving - kind

applied art.

Mastering the simplest


weaving techniques.

Fastening and


weaving skills (direct

and in a circle). To educate

sense of rhythm, skill

work with two hands

apply different

technological skills in

manufacturing process

products. To educate


colors, rhythm. Develop

fine motor skills of hands.

5.1 Wicker

Examination of the task in the workbook, examination of finished samples.

Acquaintance with weaving technique, demonstration of work

loom (table), analysis of examples of weaving

(direct - rug, in a circle: rug round, basket, knitted sock). Making woven rug - to draw the attention of children on a special rhythm of weaving: strip spend something over basis, then under the basis, etc. fastening braided stripes with safety pins, then when the whole base weave, fasten the ends of the strips with the seam "Vered Needle". Ironing rugs under the control of the head. Viewing finished products, inventing a scope  floor mats.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

The task in the workbook: Color the heart, prepare 2 pieces of fabric for wicker heart.

For the leader: work with children who have not learned the techniques  weaving.

Samples of finished wicker rugs, baskets, knitted socks;

table loom; Stencil-pattern basics

rugs; Thick Fabrics size 25x25 cm for the base; Ribbons, ribbons or stripes fabric 25 cm. 8-9 pieces;

Tool kits for sewing, safety pins;  Sewing thread;

Electric iron;

Nagibina "Weaving for children of thread, twigs and  bark "; Malysheva A.N. Work with the  cloth.

Workbook №2 / p.21



Consideration of drawings, the story of the holiday "Day lovers ", the traditions of this holiday. Viewing photo "Tree of Hearts", issued in the previous year. Showing hearts performed different technicians: wicker, in cushion shape, flat of postcard and decorated patchwork mosaic. Offer children perform heart weaving technique, showing how have the basics relative to each other and the way weave. Remind kids how to twist strips alternating their position relative to each other (over, then under), the help is not assimilated by the technique of direct weaving.  H fastening interwoven strips eng. pin and seam "Forward Needle". Ironing the finished heart under the control of the head. Discussion of ready-made hearts and who would like to give it.

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.

Assignment in the workbook: Colorize the picture, learn the poem,

For the leader: work with children who have not learned the techniques of weaving.

Wicker Hearts Samples soft, flat postcards; Photo "Tree of Hearts";

Stencil-pattern basics  hearts; Thick Fabrics red shades size 10x15 cm. 2 pcs. on  heart;

Tool kits for sewing, safety pins; Sewing thread; Seam tables Electric iron;

Compilation of St. Valentine's Day; prepare some hearts from old ones greeting card  for the "Tree of Hearts."

Nagibina "Weaving for children from threads, twigs and bark";

Workbook №2 / p22

5.3 Wicker Turtle

Hanging hearts on the "Tree of Hearts." Examination of drawings, listening to a poem about a bug, examining patterns of woven turtles. Unfolding the parts from the head's display, repeating the weaving technique ( abovethen under), performance of weaving of a turtle. The help of the head is not assimilated weaving. Fastening interlocking parts eng. with pins, then the seam "Forward Needle". Sewing on eyelet buttons or gluing ready-made eyes. Ironing of the finished product under the control of the head. Discussion of finished turtles, writing short tales.

In the middle of classes finger exercises.

The task in the workbook: Color the picture, prepare everything you need for a gift basket.

For the leader: diagnosing direct weaving, working with children who have not learned the techniques of weaving.

Stencil-pattern basics of a turtle; Flaps of dense fabric size 25x25 cm. 2 pcs. on the bug; Sewing tool kits, safety pins; Sewing thread; Seam tables; Buttons for eyes or finished eyes; Electric iron; Nagibina "Weaving for children from threads, twigs and bark";

A set of physical exercises and dynamic pauses.

Workbook №2 / p23

5.4.1 Examination of the drawings. Interview children about the upcoming holiday (March 8th), features of this holiday, how to prepare for it. Examination of a sample basket made by children. Offer the children to make the same basket for their mom. Tell the order of making a basket. Pay attention to the type of weaving - in a circle, on the principle of weaving - thenabove,   that under   Circular weaving with ribbons to fill the entire space along the height of the basket. In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause. Workbook assignment: Repetition of Safety Techniques for sewing.

Sample wicker basket with flowers; Sewing tool kits; Thick thread ("iris"); Stencil-pattern baskets; . Satin ribbon or webbing 1-1.5 cm wide, 1.5 long meter; Empty jar with mayonnaise lid; Stencil curved assembly; Satin ribbon 1.5-2 cm wide. 50 cm by several colors; Glue gun; Ready-made artificial flowers and leaves. A set of physical exercises and dynamic pauses.

Workbook number 2 / p. 9

5.4.2. Finishing work on the manufacture of baskets. Fastening the handle on the basket (sewing on the type of buttons). Performing a straight or figured assembly (depending on the abilities of the children) for decorating the upper edge and the handle of the basket, making flowers from ribbons. Cutting leaves from satin ribbons. Decorating the basket with ribbons, flowers and leaves. Gluing decorative parts with the help of a glue gun. Discussion of finished products to whom children will give them. In the middle of classes physical training. For the head: weaving diagnostics in a circle, assembly. Preparation of wicker products (rug, turtle) for the exhibition in the group, the selection of products for personal exhibitions of children.

Acquaintance and mastering the technological features of the technology of izoit. To work out the simplest technological techniques with the technique of izonit, developing an eye, sense of color, sense of rhythm, ability to foresee the final result. Develop creativity, imagination, accuracy, perseverance.

6.1 Familiarity with the Izon technique.

Demonstration of products made by technics Izon. The story about the features of this technique, the history of. Display of the schemes of the execution of methods of izonit: from the center, triangles, angle, circle Acquaintance with the tools for isoniti. Detailed acquaintance with the technique of filling the corner. Perform filling multiple angles. Finishing up the elements according to the plan (vase, fish, fungus). Examination of finished products. In the middle of a lesson rest. Assignment in the workbook: make a story on his picture. For the head: to draw the attention of children to the selection of colors of the thread (in contrast with the background color). Individual work with children who have not mastered the technology of filling the corner.

Samples of products Izon;

Isoniti tool kits; Wool knitting, sewing thread, floss;

Table-schemes of filling the corner, circle, from the center, triangles; Colored cardboard; Stencils - corner; Markers; Scotch; Gusarov “Isoniti Technique for Preschoolers”, Leonov “We ​​Draw with Thread. Fishnet

pictures ",

Nagibina "Miracles

from the fabric with your own hands ",

Nagibina "Weaving for children of thread, twigs and  bark ";

Physical fitness kit and

dynamic pauses.

Workbook №2 / p24-27


Bookmark for

Repetition of the technique of filling the corner with izonit. Fastening skills of doing isoniti - filling the corner - making bookmarks for books of choice: wave, mill (composition of several angles located in {!LANG-3f82fca3fb2d521cd4a3884a7e69314c!}








{!LANG-e0b47c37bb46862777b772c7af29cc25!} {!LANG-56a38e37890adc56cc3c70e6907a42b5!}

In the middle of classes physical training.

{!LANG-e6c98899a269cc77fd5888186323f87e!} {!LANG-4bb8f43f76a35fa24934032932b65dc7!}

Samples of products Izon;

Tool kits for{!LANG-6629536fbb7c6ec59e86fabd9240a7f4!}


















{!LANG-797a1f1e56350625b32da099a572bb00!} {!LANG-69f85875fae4fa604c4f76b9968a2614!} {!LANG-436ba1e33c823250d47bde0fe194619f!} {!LANG-ee44f57158ccb676822b3fe960e11d88!} {!LANG-747b68bec571868f440e30387c17dd79!}

In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.


{!LANG-ef19d39717c778bd15202f6e55b48c7d!}  sewing

Sewing thread;





{!LANG-177e7b121417e04fc2ed753a8691d7cf!} {!LANG-4d15683dbeb218c03fb1d106a5bdb3fe!}


Physical fitness kit and

dynamic pauses.


In the middle of the class is a dynamic pause.



  1. {!LANG-5ce4d97eb388d3bf6c705607bedf6987!}
  2. {!LANG-af62231486af2ee3a570bf7d845bff2f!}
  3. {!LANG-5115b173bef022b502c681ad08105056!}
  4. {!LANG-755d03e9f79c9dbd2b860ee5e6702ef8!}








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  2. {!LANG-5a874cf7860c8d45170f764af4a53b28!}
  3. {!LANG-d3775faaab85c06d6fd06dee8f00ad71!}
  4. {!LANG-039c3b7843efcd4d88ed40f32c023b76!}
  5. {!LANG-7b3e16fb64891869df0e9c49cdf865ca!}
  6. {!LANG-65388fedcee7d2b8bdd6f8bcc731456f!}
  7. {!LANG-1cace84e8493413891cb4857475abe8c!}



















{!LANG-4f84bca69c6e462da1dff1e042a82aa7!} {!LANG-2980284ff966d1f70864a7583bc8d032!}{!LANG-ca4c68a26ebc410d6b524c8709e2191b!}








Theme {!LANG-597aa26a040fd4615fde2b701a6e1348!} {!LANG-7615f296f5b12775a351cf2fcf16cb76!} Total
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2 {!LANG-c095b0583150dba11867f1d41d477dee!} 2 2
3 {!LANG-995282875470fce4784b98b62d03b2ad!} 1 3 4
4 {!LANG-108baaefc49a51980041e6b539bd7a15!} 2
5 {!LANG-ae6c464c88c4134eb8a82c548a9bcbda!} 2 2 4
6 {!LANG-6b2ff61a378f2b7b2c2a2a80f2993770!} 4 30 34
7 {!LANG-3a9ada7bd150e8f9309f6c6ef4efbe3f!} 2 2
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10 {!LANG-01613b400fb3c42879431940998f170d!} 4 4
11 {!LANG-51c07db20705cf139dc0940f45f8012b!} 2 2 4
12 Total 15 49 64





















Theme {!LANG-597aa26a040fd4615fde2b701a6e1348!} {!LANG-7615f296f5b12775a351cf2fcf16cb76!} Total
1 {!LANG-61fa7d0ba247d5c3dab44da28244d5af!} 2 2
2 {!LANG-11d040976eb1afe58862270b38629a48!} 1 3 4
3 {!LANG-c12c9973e6ec8531ffe7bbb7e8e510d1!} 2 8 10
4 {!LANG-3cb15433d8a0dae53d6eeb7064b3c5d0!} 4 30 34
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6 {!LANG-3d51a869b7f2fb3016e19322f8b6f017!} 2 2
7 {!LANG-fa8209373d2d942944412a1c8a182ab1!} 4 4
8 {!LANG-aecbcb4d8bdcdb217615bceefff15667!} 2 2 2
9 Total 11 53 64




















Theme {!LANG-c65886879999863698de61b7f0fe4b17!} {!LANG-dfb08e65ac38a18e0314362339fe72f2!} {!LANG-0564cfef0add80026acfe6f040e3a8ed!}
1 {!LANG-7e733422cf217c04c00f3e06df065cb8!} 2 2
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3 {!LANG-5b6cbed10a9f57c5d5ead64704472f48!} 2 10 12
4 {!LANG-6b2ff61a378f2b7b2c2a2a80f2993770!} 14 14
5 {!LANG-9375a2f08f85afd672a486fd0940dd5b!} 10 10
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7 {!LANG-70502bafcb9fef8caa20a30e532c3291!} 1 1
8 {!LANG-e2034e78cc98a794dc292e80a31346ea!} 2 2
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10 {!LANG-7ab75249651533b1318b7a28a8a48767!} 2 2 4
{!LANG-d1207a66627a523e5935488392bfefdc!} 18 46 64



























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  1. {!LANG-920c6865f3f483e83416662fe78ba8a7!}
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  3. {!LANG-a357a3882c7a121c67ffe91eedd2b5d1!}






